/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include "node.hxx"
/** Representation of caret position with an equantion */
struct SmCaretPos{
SmCaretPos(SmNode* selectedNode = NULL, int iIndex = 0) {
pSelectedNode = selectedNode;
Index = iIndex;
/** Selected node */
SmNode* pSelectedNode;
/** Index within the selected node
* 0: Position in front of a node
* 1: Position after a node or after first char in SmTextNode
* n: Position after n char in SmTextNode
* Notice how there's special cases for SmTextNode.
//TODO: Special cases for SmBlankNode is needed
//TODO: Consider forgetting about the todo above... As it's really unpleasent.
int Index;
/** True, if this is a valid caret position */
bool IsValid() const { return pSelectedNode != NULL; }
bool operator!=(SmCaretPos pos) const {
return pos.pSelectedNode != pSelectedNode || Index != pos.Index;
bool operator==(SmCaretPos pos) const {
return pos.pSelectedNode == pSelectedNode && Index == pos.Index;
/** Get the caret position after pNode, regardless of pNode
* Gets the caret position following pNode, this is SmCaretPos(pNode, 1).
* Unless pNode is an instance of SmTextNode, then the index is the text length.
static SmCaretPos GetPosAfter(SmNode* pNode) {
if(pNode && pNode->GetType() == NTEXT)
return SmCaretPos(pNode, ((SmTextNode*)pNode)->GetText().getLength());
return SmCaretPos(pNode, 1);
/** A line that represents a caret */
class SmCaretLine{
SmCaretLine(long left = 0, long top = 0, long height = 0) {
_top = top;
_left = left;
_height = height;
long GetTop() const {return _top;}
long GetLeft() const {return _left;}
long GetHeight() const {return _height;}
long SquaredDistanceX(SmCaretLine line) const{
return (GetLeft() - line.GetLeft()) * (GetLeft() - line.GetLeft());
long SquaredDistanceX(Point pos) const{
return (GetLeft() - pos.X()) * (GetLeft() - pos.X());
long SquaredDistanceY(SmCaretLine line) const{
long d = GetTop() - line.GetTop();
if(d < 0)
d = (d * -1) - GetHeight();
d = d - line.GetHeight();
if(d < 0)
return 0;
return d * d;
long SquaredDistanceY(Point pos) const{
long d = GetTop() - pos.Y();
if(d < 0)
d = (d * -1) - GetHeight();
if(d < 0)
return 0;
return d * d;
long _top;
long _left;
long _height;
// SmCaretPosGraph
/** An entry in SmCaretPosGraph */
struct SmCaretPosGraphEntry{
SmCaretPosGraphEntry(SmCaretPos pos = SmCaretPos(),
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* left = NULL,
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* right = NULL){
CaretPos = pos;
Left = left;
Right = right;
/** Caret position */
SmCaretPos CaretPos;
/** Entry to the left visually */
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* Left;
/** Entry to the right visually */
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* Right;
void SetRight(SmCaretPosGraphEntry* right){
Right = right;
void SetLeft(SmCaretPosGraphEntry* left){
Left = left;
/** Define SmCaretPosGraph to be less than one page 4096 */
#define SmCaretPosGraphSize 255
class SmCaretPosGraph;
/** Iterator for SmCaretPosGraph */
class SmCaretPosGraphIterator{
SmCaretPosGraphIterator(SmCaretPosGraph* graph){
pGraph = graph;
nOffset = 0;
pEntry = NULL;
/** Get the next entry, NULL if none */
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* Next();
/** Get the current entry, NULL if none */
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* Current(){
return pEntry;
/** Get the current entry, NULL if none */
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* operator->(){
return pEntry;
/** Next entry to return */
int nOffset;
/** Current graph */
SmCaretPosGraph* pGraph;
/** Current entry */
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* pEntry;
/** A graph over all caret positions
* @remarks Graphs can only grow, entries cannot be removed!
class SmCaretPosGraph{
pNext = NULL;
nOffset = 0;
/** Add a caret position
* @remarks If Left and/or Right are set NULL, they will point back to the entry.
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* Add(SmCaretPosGraphEntry entry);
/** Add a caret position
* @remarks If left and/or right are set NULL, they will point back to the entry.
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* Add(SmCaretPos pos,
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* left = NULL,
SmCaretPosGraphEntry* right = NULL){
SAL_WARN_IF( pos.Index < 0, "starmath", "Index shouldn't be -1!" );
return Add(SmCaretPosGraphEntry(pos, left, right));
/** Get an iterator for this graph */
SmCaretPosGraphIterator GetIterator(){
return SmCaretPosGraphIterator(this);
friend class SmCaretPosGraphIterator;
/** Next graph, to be used when this graph is full */
SmCaretPosGraph* pNext;
/** Next free entry in graph */
int nOffset;
/** Entries in this graph segment */
SmCaretPosGraphEntry Graph[SmCaretPosGraphSize];
/** \page visual_formula_editing Visual Formula Editing
* A visual formula editor allows users to easily edit formulas without having to learn and
* use complicated commands. A visual formula editor is a WYSIWYG editor. For OpenOffice Math
* this essentially means that you can click on the formula image, to get a caret, which you
* can move with arrow keys, and use to modify the formula by entering text, clicking buttons
* or using shortcuts.
* \subsection formula_trees Formula Trees
* A formula in OpenOffice Math is a tree of nodes, take for instance the formula
* "A + {B cdot C} over D", it looks like this
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$. The tree for this formula
* looks like this:
* \dot
* digraph {
* labelloc = "t";
* label= "Equation: \"A + {B cdot C} over D\"";
* size = "9,9";
* n0 [label="SmTableNode (1)"];
* n0 -> n1 [label="0"];
* n1 [label="SmLineNode (2)"];
* n1 -> n2 [label="0"];
* n2 [label="SmExpressionNode (3)"];
* n2 -> n3 [label="0"];
* n3 [label="SmBinHorNode (4)"];
* n3 -> n4 [label="0"];
* n4 [label="SmTextNode: A (5)"];
* n3 -> n5 [label="1"];
* n5 [label="SmMathSymbolNode: (6)"];
* n3 -> n6 [label="2"];
* n6 [label="SmBinVerNode (7)"];
* n6 -> n7 [label="0"];
* n7 [label="SmExpressionNode (8)"];
* n7 -> n8 [label="0"];
* n8 [label="SmBinHorNode (9)"];
* n8 -> n9 [label="0"];
* n9 [label="SmTextNode: B (10)"];
* n8 -> n10 [label="1"];
* n10 [label="SmMathSymbolNode: ⋅ (11)"];
* n8 -> n11 [label="2"];
* n11 [label="SmTextNode: C (12)"];
* n6 -> n12 [label="1"];
* n12 [label="SmRectangleNode (13)"];
* n6 -> n13 [label="2"];
* n13 [label="SmTextNode: D (14)"];
* }
* \enddot
* The vertices are nodes, their label says what kind of node and the number in parentheses is
* the identifier of the node (In practices a pointer is used instead of the id). The direction
* of the edges tells which node is parent and which is child. The label of the edges are the
* child node index number, given to SmNode::GetSubNode() of the parent to get the child node.
* \subsection visual_lines Visual Lines
* Inorder to do caret movement in visual lines, we need a definition of caret position and
* visual line. In a tree such as the above there are three visual lines. There's the outer most
* line, with entries such as
* \f$\mbox{A}\f$, \f$ + \f$ and \f$ \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$. Then there's
* the numerator line of the fraction it has entries \f$ \mbox{B} \f$, \f$ \cdot \f$ and \f$ \mbox{C} \f$.
* And last by not least there's the denominator line of the fraction it's only entry is \f$ \mbox{D} \f$.
* For visual editing it should be possible to place a caret on both sides of any line entry,
* consider a line entry a character or construction that in a line is treated as a character.
* Imagine the caret is placed to the right of the plus sign (id: 6), now if user presses
* backspace this should delete the plus sign (id: 6), and if the user presses delete this
* should delete the entire fraction (id: 7). This is because the caret is in the outer most
* line where the fraction is considered a line entry.
* However, inorder to prevent users from accidentally deleting large subtrees, just because
* they logically placed there caret a in the wrong line, require that complex constructions
* such as a fraction is selected before it is deleted. Thus in this case it wouldn't be
* deleted, but only selected and then deleted if the user hit delete again. Anyway, this is
* slightly off topic for now.
* Important about visual lines is that they don't always have an SmExpressionNode as root
* and the entries in a visual line is all the nodes of a subtree ordered left to right that
* isn't either an SmExpressionNode, SmBinHorNode or SmUnHorNode.
* \subsection caret_positions Caret Positions
* A caret position in OpenOffice Math is representated by an instance of SmCaretPos.
* That is a caret position is a node and an index related to this node. For most nodes the
* index 0, means caret is in front of this node, the index 1 means caret is after this node.
* For SmTextNode the index is the caret position after the specified number of characters,
* imagine an SmTextNode with the number 1337. The index 3 in such SmTextNode would mean a
* caret placed right before 7, e.g. "133|7".
* For SmExpressionNode, SmBinHorNode and SmUnHorNode the only legal index is 0, which means
* in front of the node. Actually the index 0 may only because for the first caret position
* in a visual line. From the example above, consider the following subtree that constitutes
* a visual line:
* \dot
* digraph {
* labelloc = "t";
* label= "Subtree that constitutes a visual line";
* size = "7,5";
* n7 [label="SmExpressionNode (8)"];
* n7 -> n8 [label="0"];
* n8 [label="SmBinHorNode (9)"];
* n8 -> n9 [label="0"];
* n9 [label="SmTextNode: B (10)"];
* n8 -> n10 [label="1"];
* n10 [label="SmMathSymbolNode: ⋅ (11)"];
* n8 -> n11 [label="2"];
* n11 [label="SmTextNode: C (12)"];
* }
* \enddot
* Here the caret positions are:
* Caret position: | Example: |
* {id: 8, index: 0} |
* \f$ \mid \mbox{C} \cdot \mbox{C} \f$ |
* {id: 10, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{C} \mid \cdot \mbox{C} \f$ |
* {id: 11, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{C} \cdot \mid \mbox{C} \f$ |
* {id: 12, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{C} \cdot \mbox{C} \mid \f$ |
* Where \f$ \mid \f$ is used to denote caret position.
* With these exceptions included in the definition the id and index: {id: 11, index: 0} does
* \b not constitute a caret position in the given context. Note the method
* SmCaretPos::IsValid() does not check if this invariant holds true, but code in SmCaret,
* SmSetSelectionVisitor and other places depends on this invariant to hold.
* \subsection caret_movement Caret Movement
* As the placement of caret positions depends very much on the context within which a node
* appears it is not trivial to find all caret positions and determine which follows which.
* In OpenOffice Math this is done by the SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor. This visitor builds
* graph (an instnce of SmCaretPosGraph) over the caret positions. For details on how this
* graph is build, and how new methods should be implemented see SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor.
* The result of the SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor is a graph over the caret positions in a
* formula, representated by an instance of SmCaretPosGraph. Each entry (instances of SmCaretPosGraphEntry)
* has a pointer to the entry to the left and right of itself. This way we can easily find
* the caret position to a right or left of a given caret position. Note each caret position
* only appears once in this graph.
* When searching for a caret position after a left click on the formula this map is also used.
* We simply iterate over all entries, uses the SmCaretPos2LineVisitor to find a line for each
* caret position. Then the distance from the click to the line is computed and we choose the
* caret position closest to the click.
* For up and down movement, we also iterator over all caret positions and use SmCaretPos2LineVisitor
* to find a line for each caret position. Then we compute the distance from the current
* caret position to every other caret position and chooses the one closest that is either
* above or below the current caret position, depending on whether we're doing up or down movement.
* This result of this approach to caret movement is that we have logically predictable
* movement for left and right, whilst leftclick, up and down movement depends on the sizes
* and placement of all node and may be less logically predictable. This solution also means
* that we only have one complex visitor generating the graph, imagine the nightmare if we
* had a visitor for movement in each direction.
* Making up and down movement independent of node sizes and placement wouldn't necessarily
* be a good thing either. Consider the formula \f$ \frac{1+2+3+4+5}{6} \f$, if the caret is
* placed as displayed here: \f$ \frac{1+2+3+4+5}{6 \mid} \f$, up movement should move to right
* after "3": \f$ \frac{1+2+3|+4+5}{6} \f$. However, such a move depends on the sizes and placement
* of all nodes in the fraction.
* \subsubsection caretpos_graph_example Example of Caret Position Graph
* If we consider the formula
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$ from \ref formula_trees.
* It has the following caret positions:
* Caret position: |
* Example: |
* {id: 3, index: 0} |
* \f$ \mid\mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 5, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{A}\mid + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 6, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \mid \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 8, index: 0} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{ \mid \mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 10, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \mid \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 11, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mid \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 12, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C} \mid}{\mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 14, index: 0} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mid \mbox{D}} \f$ |
* {id: 14, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D} \mid} \f$ |
* {id: 7, index: 1} |
* \f$ \mbox{A} + \frac{\mbox{B} \cdot \mbox{C}}{\mbox{D}} \mid \f$ |
* Below is a directed graph over the caret postions and how you can move between them.
* \dot
* digraph {
* labelloc = "t";
* label= "Caret Position Graph";
* size = "4,6";
* p0 [label = "{id: 3, index: 0}"];
* p0 -> p1 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p1 [label = "{id: 5, index: 1}"];
* p1 -> p0 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p1 -> p2 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p2 [label = "{id: 6, index: 1}"];
* p2 -> p1 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p2 -> p3 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p3 [label = "{id: 8, index: 0}"];
* p3 -> p2 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p3 -> p4 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p4 [label = "{id: 10, index: 1}"];
* p4 -> p3 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p4 -> p5 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p5 [label = "{id: 11, index: 1}"];
* p5 -> p4 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p5 -> p6 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p6 [label = "{id: 12, index: 1}"];
* p6 -> p5 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p6 -> p9 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p7 [label = "{id: 14, index: 0}"];
* p7 -> p2 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p7 -> p8 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p8 [label = "{id: 14, index: 1}"];
* p8 -> p7 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* p8 -> p9 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "right"];
* p9 [label = "{id: 7, index: 1}"];
* p9 -> p6 [fontsize = 10.0, label = "left"];
* }
* \enddot
/* TODO: Write documentation about the following keywords:
* Visual Selections:
* - Show images
* - Talk about how the visitor does this
* Modifying a Visual Line:
* - Find top most non-compo of the line (e.g. The subtree that constitutes a line)
* - Make the line into a list
* - Edit the list, add/remove/modify nodes
* - Parse the list back into a subtree
* - Insert the new subtree where the old was taken
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