 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


#define SMDLL   1

#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <sfx2/docfac.hxx>
#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
#include <sot/sotref.hxx>
#include <sot/storage.hxx>
#include <svl/lstner.hxx>
#include <vcl/jobset.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>

#include <set>

#include "format.hxx"
#include "parse.hxx"
#include "smmod.hxx"

class SmNode;
class SfxMenuBarManager;
class SfxPrinter;
class Printer;

#define HINT_DATACHANGED    1004

#define SM30BIDENT   ((sal_uLong)0x534D3033L)
#define SM30IDENT    ((sal_uLong)0x30334d53L)
#define SM304AIDENT  ((sal_uLong)0x34303330L)
#define SM30VERSION  ((sal_uLong)0x00010000L)
#define SM50VERSION  ((sal_uLong)0x00010001L)   //Unterschied zur SM30VERSION ist
                                            //der neue Border im Format.

#define FRMIDENT    ((sal_uLong)0x03031963L)
#define FRMVERSION  ((sal_uLong)0x00010001L)

#define STAROFFICE_XML  "StarOffice XML (Math)"
#define MATHML_XML      "MathML XML (Math)"

/* Zugriff auf den Drucker sollte ausschliesslich ueber diese Klasse erfolgen
 * ==========================================================================
 * Der Drucker kann dem Dokument oder auch dem OLE-Container gehoeren. Wenn
 * das Dokument also eine OLE-Dokument ist, so gehoert der Drucker auch
 * grundsaetzlich dem Container. Der Container arbeitet aber eventuell mit
 * einer anderen MapUnit als der Server. Der Drucker wird bezueglich des MapMode
 * im Konstruktor entsprechend eingestellt und im Destruktor wieder restauriert.
 * Das bedingt natuerlich, das diese Klasse immer nur kurze Zeit existieren darf
 * (etwa waehrend des Paints).
 * Die Kontrolle darueber ob der Drucker selbst angelegt, vom Server besorgt
 * oder dann auch NULL ist, uebernimmt die DocShell in der Methode GetPrt(),
 * fuer die der Access auch Friend der DocShell ist.

class SmDocShell;
class EditEngine;


class SmPrinterAccess
    Printer* pPrinter;
    OutputDevice* pRefDev;
    SmPrinterAccess( SmDocShell &rDocShell );
    Printer* GetPrinter()  { return pPrinter; }
    OutputDevice* GetRefDev()  { return pRefDev; }


void SetEditEngineDefaultFonts(
        EditEngine &rEditEngine,
        SfxItemPool &rEditEngineItemPool );


class SmDocShell : public SfxObjectShell, public SfxListener
    friend class SmPrinterAccess;
    friend class SmModel;

    String              aText;
    SmFormat            aFormat;
    SmParser            aInterpreter;
    String              aAccText;
    SmNode             *pTree;
    SfxMenuBarManager  *pMenuMgr;
    SfxItemPool        *pEditEngineItemPool;
    EditEngine         *pEditEngine;
    SfxPrinter         *pPrinter;       //Siehe Kommentar zum SmPrinter Access!
    Printer            *pTmpPrinter;    //ebenfalls
    long                nLeftBorder,
    sal_uInt16          nModifyCount;
    sal_Bool            bIsFormulaArranged;

    std::set< rtl::OUString >    aUsedSymbols;   // to export used symbols only when saving

    virtual void SFX_NOTIFY(SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
                        const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rHintType);

    sal_Bool        WriteAsMathType3( SfxMedium& );

    virtual void        Draw(OutputDevice *pDevice,
                             const JobSetup & rSetup,
                             sal_uInt16 nAspect = ASPECT_CONTENT);

    virtual void        FillClass(SvGlobalName* pClassName,
                                  sal_uInt32*  pFormat,
                                  String* pAppName,
                                  String* pFullTypeName,
                                  String* pShortTypeName,
                                  sal_Int32 nFileFormat,
                                  sal_Bool bTemplate = sal_False ) const;

    virtual sal_Bool        SetData( const String& rData );
    virtual sal_uLong       GetMiscStatus() const;
    virtual void        OnDocumentPrinterChanged( Printer * );
    virtual sal_Bool    InitNew( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& xStorage );
    virtual sal_Bool        Load( SfxMedium& rMedium );
            void        ImplSave(  SvStorageStreamRef xStrm  );
    virtual sal_Bool        Save();
    virtual sal_Bool        SaveAs( SfxMedium& rMedium );
    virtual sal_Bool        ConvertTo( SfxMedium &rMedium );
    virtual sal_Bool        SaveCompleted( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& xStorage );

    Printer             *GetPrt();
    OutputDevice*       GetRefDev();

    sal_Bool                IsFormulaArranged() const { return bIsFormulaArranged; }
    void                SetFormulaArranged(sal_Bool bVal) { bIsFormulaArranged = bVal; }

    virtual sal_Bool        ConvertFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium);

    using SotObject::GetInterface;

                SmDocShell( const sal_uInt64 i_nSfxCreationFlags );
    virtual     ~SmDocShell();

    void        LoadSymbols();
    void        SaveSymbols();

    void        ArrangeFormula();

    //Zugriff fuer die View. Diese Zugriffe sind nur fuer den nicht OLE-Fall!
    //und fuer die Kommunikation mit dem SFX!
    //Alle internen Verwendungen des Printers sollten ausschlieslich uber
    //den SmPrinterAccess funktionieren.
    sal_Bool        HasPrinter()    { return 0 != pPrinter; }
    SfxPrinter *GetPrinter()    { GetPrt(); return pPrinter; }
    void        SetPrinter( SfxPrinter * );

    const String GetComment() const;

    // to replace chars that can not be saved with the document...
    sal_Bool    ReplaceBadChars();

    void        UpdateText();
    void        SetText(const String& rBuffer);
    String&     GetText() { return (aText); }
    void        SetFormat(SmFormat& rFormat);
    const SmFormat&  GetFormat() { return (aFormat); }

    void            Parse();
    SmParser &      GetParser() { return aInterpreter; }
    const SmNode *  GetFormulaTree() const  { return pTree; }
    void            SetFormulaTree(SmNode *&rTree) { pTree = rTree; }

    const std::set< rtl::OUString > &    GetUsedSymbols() const  { return aUsedSymbols; }

    String          GetAccessibleText();

    EditEngine &    GetEditEngine();
    SfxItemPool &   GetEditEngineItemPool();

    void        Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, Point &rPosition);
    Size        GetSize();

    void        Repaint();

    virtual     ::svl::IUndoManager *GetUndoManager ();

    virtual     SfxItemPool& GetPool() const;

    void        Execute( SfxRequest& rReq );
    void        GetState(SfxItemSet &);

    virtual void SetVisArea (const Rectangle & rVisArea);
    virtual void SetModified(sal_Bool bModified);
