 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#ifndef FORMAT_HXX
#define FORMAT_HXX

#include <svl/smplhint.hxx>
#include <svl/brdcst.hxx>
#include "utility.hxx"
#include <types.hxx>

#define SM_FMT_VERSION_51   ((sal_uInt8) 0x01)

#define FNTNAME_TIMES   "Times New Roman"
#define FNTNAME_HELV    "Helvetica"
#define FNTNAME_COUR    "Courier"

// symbolic names used as array indices
#define SIZ_BEGIN       0
#define SIZ_TEXT        0
#define SIZ_INDEX       1
#define SIZ_FUNCTION    2
#define SIZ_OPERATOR    3
#define SIZ_LIMITS      4
#define SIZ_END         4

// symbolic names used as array indices
#define FNT_BEGIN       0
#define FNT_VARIABLE    0
#define FNT_FUNCTION    1
#define FNT_NUMBER      2
#define FNT_TEXT        3
#define FNT_SERIF       4
#define FNT_SANS        5
#define FNT_FIXED       6
#define FNT_MATH        7
#define FNT_END         7

// symbolic names used as array indices
#define DIS_BEGIN                0
#define DIS_HORIZONTAL           0
#define DIS_VERTICAL             1
#define DIS_ROOT                 2
#define DIS_SUPERSCRIPT          3
#define DIS_SUBSCRIPT            4
#define DIS_NUMERATOR            5
#define DIS_DENOMINATOR          6
#define DIS_FRACTION             7
#define DIS_STROKEWIDTH          8
#define DIS_UPPERLIMIT           9
#define DIS_LOWERLIMIT          10
#define DIS_BRACKETSIZE         11
#define DIS_BRACKETSPACE        12
#define DIS_MATRIXROW           13
#define DIS_MATRIXCOL           14
#define DIS_ORNAMENTSIZE        15
#define DIS_ORNAMENTSPACE       16
#define DIS_OPERATORSIZE        17
#define DIS_OPERATORSPACE       18
#define DIS_LEFTSPACE           19
#define DIS_RIGHTSPACE          20
#define DIS_TOPSPACE            21
#define DIS_BOTTOMSPACE         22
#define DIS_END                 23

// to be broadcastet on format changes:

enum SmHorAlign { AlignLeft, AlignCenter, AlignRight };

String GetDefaultFontName( LanguageType nLang, sal_uInt16 nIdent );

class SmFormat : public SfxBroadcaster
    SmFace      vFont[FNT_END + 1];
    sal_Bool        bDefaultFont[FNT_END + 1];
    Size        aBaseSize;
    long        nVersion;
    sal_uInt16      vSize[SIZ_END + 1];
    sal_uInt16      vDist[DIS_END + 1];
    SmHorAlign  eHorAlign;
    sal_Int16       nGreekCharStyle;
    sal_Bool        bIsTextmode,

    SmFormat(const SmFormat &rFormat) : SfxBroadcaster() { *this = rFormat; }

    const Size &    GetBaseSize() const             { return aBaseSize; }
    void            SetBaseSize(const Size &rSize)  { aBaseSize = rSize; }

    const SmFace &  GetFont(sal_uInt16 nIdent) const { return vFont[nIdent]; }
    void            SetFont(sal_uInt16 nIdent, const SmFace &rFont, sal_Bool bDefault = sal_False);
    void            SetFontSize(sal_uInt16 nIdent, const Size &rSize)   { vFont[nIdent].SetSize( rSize ); }

    void            SetDefaultFont(sal_uInt16 nIdent, sal_Bool bVal)    { bDefaultFont[nIdent] = bVal; }
    sal_Bool            IsDefaultFont(sal_uInt16 nIdent) const   { return bDefaultFont[nIdent]; }

    sal_uInt16          GetRelSize(sal_uInt16 nIdent) const         { return vSize[nIdent]; }
    void            SetRelSize(sal_uInt16 nIdent, sal_uInt16 nVal)  { vSize[nIdent] = nVal;}

    sal_uInt16          GetDistance(sal_uInt16 nIdent) const            { return vDist[nIdent]; }
    void            SetDistance(sal_uInt16 nIdent, sal_uInt16 nVal) { vDist[nIdent] = nVal; }

    SmHorAlign      GetHorAlign() const             { return eHorAlign; }
    void            SetHorAlign(SmHorAlign eAlign)  { eHorAlign = eAlign; }

    sal_Bool            IsTextmode() const     { return bIsTextmode; }
    void            SetTextmode(sal_Bool bVal) { bIsTextmode = bVal; }

    sal_Int16           GetGreekCharStyle() const     { return nGreekCharStyle; }
    void            SetGreekCharStyle(sal_Int16 nVal) { nGreekCharStyle = nVal; }

    sal_Bool            IsScaleNormalBrackets() const     { return bScaleNormalBrackets; }
    void            SetScaleNormalBrackets(sal_Bool bVal) { bScaleNormalBrackets = bVal; }

    long            GetVersion() const { return nVersion; }

    //! at time (5.1) use only the lower byte!!!
    void            SetVersion(long nVer) { nVersion = nVer; }

    SmFormat &      operator = (const SmFormat &rFormat);

    sal_Bool            operator == (const SmFormat &rFormat) const;
    inline sal_Bool     operator != (const SmFormat &rFormat) const;

    void RequestApplyChanges() const
        ((SmFormat *) this)->Broadcast(SfxSimpleHint(HINT_FORMATCHANGED));


inline sal_Bool    SmFormat::operator != (const SmFormat &rFormat) const
    return !(*this == rFormat);
