/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#pragma once

#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>

class SmFormat;

inline tools::Long SmFromTo(tools::Long nFrom, tools::Long nTo, double fRelDist)
    return nFrom + static_cast<tools::Long>(fRelDist * (nTo - nFrom));

// SmRect
// ... (to be done)
// This Implementation assumes that the x-axis points to the right and the
// y-axis to the bottom.
// Note: however, italic spaces can be negative!

// possible positions and alignments for the 'AlignTo' function
enum class RectPos
    Left, // align the current object to the left of the argument

enum class RectHorAlign

enum class RectVerAlign

// different methods of copying baselines and mid's in 'ExtendBy' function
enum class RectCopyMBL
    This,   // keep baseline of current object even if it has none
    Arg,    // as above but for the argument
    None,   // result will have no baseline
    Xor     // if current object has a baseline keep it else copy
            //   the arguments baseline (even if it has none)

class SmRect
    Point   aTopLeft;
    Size    aSize;
    tools::Long    nBaseline,
    sal_uInt16  nBorderWidth;
    bool    bHasBaseline,

    inline  void CopyMBL(const SmRect& rRect);
            void CopyAlignInfo(const SmRect& rRect);

            void Union(const SmRect &rRect);

            SmRect(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat *pFormat,
                   const OUString &rText, sal_uInt16 nBorderWidth);
            SmRect(tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight);

            sal_uInt16  GetBorderWidth() const  { return nBorderWidth; }

            void SetItalicSpaces(tools::Long nLeftSpace, tools::Long nRightSpace);

            void SetWidth(sal_uLong nWidth)     { aSize.setWidth(nWidth); }

            void SetLeft(tools::Long nLeft);
            void SetRight(tools::Long nRight);
            void SetBottom(tools::Long nBottom);
            void SetTop(tools::Long nTop);

            const Point & GetTopLeft() const { return aTopLeft; }

            tools::Long GetTop()     const { return GetTopLeft().Y(); }
            tools::Long GetLeft()    const { return GetTopLeft().X(); }
            tools::Long GetBottom()  const { return GetTop() + GetHeight() - 1; }
            tools::Long GetRight()   const { return GetLeft() + GetWidth() - 1; }
            tools::Long GetCenterY() const { return (GetTop() + GetBottom()) / 2; }
            tools::Long GetWidth()   const { return GetSize().Width(); }
            tools::Long GetHeight()  const { return GetSize().Height(); }

            tools::Long GetItalicLeftSpace()  const { return nItalicLeftSpace; }
            tools::Long GetItalicRightSpace() const { return nItalicRightSpace; }

            tools::Long GetHiAttrFence() const     { return nHiAttrFence; }
            tools::Long GetLoAttrFence() const     { return nLoAttrFence; }

            tools::Long GetItalicLeft() const      { return GetLeft() - GetItalicLeftSpace(); }
            tools::Long GetItalicCenterX() const   { return (GetItalicLeft() + GetItalicRight()) / 2; }
            tools::Long GetItalicRight() const     { return GetRight() + GetItalicRightSpace(); }
            tools::Long GetItalicWidth() const     { return GetWidth() + GetItalicLeftSpace() + GetItalicRightSpace(); }

            bool HasBaseline() const        { return bHasBaseline; }
    inline  tools::Long GetBaseline() const;
            tools::Long GetBaselineOffset() const  { return GetBaseline() - GetTop(); }

            tools::Long GetAlignT() const  { return nAlignT; }
            tools::Long GetAlignM() const  { return nAlignM; }
            tools::Long GetAlignB() const  { return nAlignB; }

            const Size & GetSize() const    { return aSize; }

            Size  GetItalicSize() const
            {   return Size(GetItalicWidth(), GetHeight()); }

            void Move  (const Point &rPosition);
            void MoveTo(const Point &rPosition) { Move(rPosition - GetTopLeft()); }

            bool IsEmpty() const
                return GetWidth() == 0  ||  GetHeight() == 0;

            bool HasAlignInfo() const { return bHasAlignInfo; }

            Point AlignTo(const SmRect &rRect, RectPos ePos,
                                RectHorAlign eHor, RectVerAlign eVer) const;

            SmRect & ExtendBy(const SmRect &rRect, RectCopyMBL eCopyMode);
            void     ExtendBy(const SmRect &rRect, RectCopyMBL eCopyMode,
                              tools::Long nNewAlignM);
            SmRect & ExtendBy(const SmRect &rRect, RectCopyMBL eCopyMode,
                      bool bKeepVerAlignParams);

            tools::Long    OrientedDist(const Point &rPoint) const;
            bool    IsInsideRect(const Point &rPoint) const;
            bool    IsInsideItalicRect(const Point &rPoint) const;

    inline  tools::Rectangle   AsRectangle() const;
            SmRect      AsGlyphRect() const;

inline void SmRect::SetItalicSpaces(tools::Long nLeftSpace, tools::Long nRightSpace)
    // set extra spacing to the left and right for (italic)
    // letters/text
    nItalicLeftSpace  = nLeftSpace;
    nItalicRightSpace = nRightSpace;

inline void SmRect::CopyMBL(const SmRect &rRect)
    // copy AlignM baseline and value of 'rRect'
    nBaseline    = rRect.nBaseline;
    bHasBaseline = rRect.bHasBaseline;
    nAlignM      = rRect.nAlignM;

inline tools::Long SmRect::GetBaseline() const
    SAL_WARN_IF( !HasBaseline(), "starmath", "Baseline does not exist" );
    return nBaseline;

inline tools::Rectangle SmRect::AsRectangle() const
    return tools::Rectangle(Point(GetItalicLeft(), GetTop()), GetItalicSize());

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