/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

/** Visitors are an easy way to automating operations with nodes.
 * The available visitors are:
 * SmVisitor                                base class
 *      SmDefaultingVisitor                 default visitor
 *      SmDrawingVisitor                    draws formula
 *      SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor      position of the node inside starmath code
 *      SmCloningVisitor                    duplicate nodes
 *      SmNodeToTextVisitor                 create code from nodes

#pragma once

#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>

#include "node.hxx"
#include "caret.hxx"

/** Base class for visitors that visits a tree of SmNodes
 * @remarks all methods have been left abstract to ensure that implementers
 * don't forget to implement one.
class SmVisitor
    virtual void Visit( SmTableNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmBraceNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmBracebodyNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmOperNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmAlignNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmAttributeNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmFontNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmUnHorNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmBinHorNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmBinVerNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmBinDiagonalNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmSubSupNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmMatrixNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmPlaceNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmSpecialNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmGlyphSpecialNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmMathSymbolNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmBlankNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmErrorNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmLineNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmExpressionNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmPolyLineNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmRootNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmRootSymbolNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmRectangleNode* pNode ) = 0;
    virtual void Visit( SmVerticalBraceNode* pNode ) = 0;

    ~SmVisitor() {}

// SmDefaultingVisitor

/** Visitor that uses DefaultVisit for handling visits by default
 * This abstract baseclass is useful for visitors where many methods share the same
 * implementation.
class SmDefaultingVisitor : public SmVisitor
    void Visit( SmTableNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBracebodyNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmOperNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAlignNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAttributeNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmFontNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmUnHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinVerNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinDiagonalNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSubSupNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMatrixNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPlaceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmGlyphSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMathSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBlankNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmErrorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmExpressionNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPolyLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRectangleNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmVerticalBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    ~SmDefaultingVisitor() {}

    /** Method invoked by Visit methods by default */
    virtual void DefaultVisit( SmNode* pNode ) = 0;

// SmCaretLinesVisitor: ancestor of caret rectangle enumeration and drawing visitors

class SmCaretLinesVisitor : public SmDefaultingVisitor
    SmCaretLinesVisitor(OutputDevice& rDevice, SmCaretPos position, Point offset);
    virtual ~SmCaretLinesVisitor() = default;
    void Visit(SmTextNode* pNode) override;
    using SmDefaultingVisitor::Visit;

    void DoIt();

    OutputDevice& getDev() { return mrDev; }
    virtual void ProcessCaretLine(Point from, Point to) = 0;
    virtual void ProcessUnderline(Point from, Point to) = 0;

    /** Default method for drawing pNodes */
    void DefaultVisit(SmNode* pNode) override;

    OutputDevice& mrDev;
    SmCaretPos maPos;
    /** Offset to draw from */
    Point  maOffset;

// SmCaretRectanglesVisitor: obtains the set of rectangles to sent to lok

class SmCaretRectanglesVisitor final : public SmCaretLinesVisitor
    SmCaretRectanglesVisitor(OutputDevice& rDevice, SmCaretPos position);
    const tools::Rectangle& getCaret() const { return maCaret; }

    virtual void ProcessCaretLine(Point from, Point to) override;
    virtual void ProcessUnderline(Point from, Point to) override;

    tools::Rectangle maCaret;

// SmCaretDrawingVisitor

/** Visitor for drawing a caret position */
class SmCaretDrawingVisitor final : public SmCaretLinesVisitor
    /** Given position and device this constructor will draw the caret */
    SmCaretDrawingVisitor( OutputDevice& rDevice, SmCaretPos position, Point offset, bool caretVisible );

    virtual void ProcessCaretLine(Point from, Point to) override;
    virtual void ProcessUnderline(Point from, Point to) override;

    bool  mbCaretVisible;

// SmCaretPos2LineVisitor

/** Visitor getting a line from a caret position */
class SmCaretPos2LineVisitor final : public SmDefaultingVisitor
    /** Given position and device this constructor will compute a line for the caret */
    SmCaretPos2LineVisitor( OutputDevice *pDevice, SmCaretPos position )
        : mpDev( pDevice )
        , maPos( position )
        SAL_WARN_IF( !position.IsValid(), "starmath", "Cannot draw invalid position!" );

        maPos.pSelectedNode->Accept( this );
    virtual ~SmCaretPos2LineVisitor() {}
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    using SmDefaultingVisitor::Visit;
    const SmCaretLine& GetResult( ) const {
        return maLine;
    SmCaretLine maLine;
    VclPtr<OutputDevice> mpDev;
    SmCaretPos maPos;

    /** Default method for computing lines for pNodes */
    void DefaultVisit( SmNode* pNode ) override;

// SmDrawingVisitor

/** Visitor for drawing SmNodes to OutputDevice */
class SmDrawingVisitor final : public SmVisitor
    /** Create an instance of SmDrawingVisitor, and use it to draw a formula
     * @param rDevice   Device to draw on
     * @param position  Offset on device to draw the formula
     * @param pTree     Formula tree to draw
     * @remarks This constructor will do the drawing, no need to anything more.
    SmDrawingVisitor( OutputDevice &rDevice, Point position, SmNode* pTree )
        : mrDev( rDevice )
        , maPosition( position )
        pTree->Accept( this );
    virtual ~SmDrawingVisitor() {}
    void Visit( SmTableNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBracebodyNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmOperNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAlignNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAttributeNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmFontNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmUnHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinVerNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinDiagonalNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSubSupNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMatrixNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPlaceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmGlyphSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMathSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBlankNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmErrorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmExpressionNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPolyLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRectangleNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmVerticalBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    /** Draw the children of a pNode
     * This the default method, use by most pNodes
    void DrawChildren( SmStructureNode* pNode );

    /** Draw an SmTextNode or a subclass of this */
    void DrawTextNode( SmTextNode* pNode );
    /** Draw an SmSpecialNode or a subclass of this  */
    void DrawSpecialNode( SmSpecialNode* pNode );
    /** OutputDevice to draw on */
    OutputDevice& mrDev;
    /** Position to draw on the mrDev
     * @remarks This variable is used to pass parameters in DrawChildren( ), this means
                that after a call to DrawChildren( ) the contents of this method is undefined
                so if needed cache it locally on the stack.
    Point maPosition;

// SmSetSelectionVisitor

/** Set Selection Visitor
 * Sets the IsSelected( ) property on all SmNodes of the tree
class SmSetSelectionVisitor final : public SmDefaultingVisitor
    SmSetSelectionVisitor( SmCaretPos startPos, SmCaretPos endPos, SmNode* pNode);
    virtual ~SmSetSelectionVisitor() {}
    void Visit( SmBinHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmUnHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmFontNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmExpressionNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAlignNode* pNode ) override;
    using SmDefaultingVisitor::Visit;
    /** Set IsSelected on all pNodes of pSubTree */
    static void SetSelectedOnAll( SmNode* pSubTree, bool IsSelected = true );
    /** Visit a selectable pNode
     * Can be used to handle pNodes that can be selected, that doesn't have more SmCaretPos'
     * than 0 and 1 inside them. SmTextNode should be handle separately!
     * Also note that pNodes such as SmBinVerNode cannot be selected, don't this method for
     * it.
    void DefaultVisit( SmNode* pNode ) override;
    void VisitCompositionNode( SmStructureNode* pNode );
    /** Caret position where the selection starts */
    SmCaretPos maStartPos;
    /** Caret position where the selection ends */
    SmCaretPos maEndPos;
    /** The current state of this visitor
     * This property changes when the visitor meets either maStartPos
     * or maEndPos. This means that anything visited in between will be
     * selected.
    bool mbSelecting;

// SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor

/** A visitor for building a SmCaretPosGraph
 * Visit invariant:
 * Each pNode, except SmExpressionNode, SmBinHorNode and a few others, constitutes an entry
 * in a line. Consider the line entry "H", this entry creates one carat position, here
 * denoted by | in "H|".
 * Parameter variables:
 *  The following variables are used to transfer parameters into calls and results out
 *  of calls.
 *      pRightMost : SmCaretPosGraphEntry*
 * Prior to a Visit call:
 *  pRightMost: A pointer to right most position in front of the current line entry.
 * After a Visit call:
 *  pRightMost: A pointer to the right most position in the called line entry, if no there's
 *              no caret positions in called line entry don't change this variable.
class SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor final : public SmVisitor
    /** Builds a caret position graph for pRootNode */
    explicit SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor( SmNode* pRootNode );
    virtual ~SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor();
    void Visit( SmTableNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBracebodyNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmOperNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAlignNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAttributeNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmFontNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmUnHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinVerNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinDiagonalNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSubSupNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMatrixNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPlaceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmGlyphSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMathSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBlankNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmErrorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmExpressionNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPolyLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRectangleNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmVerticalBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    SmCaretPosGraph* takeGraph()
        return mpGraph.release();
    SmCaretPosGraphEntry* mpRightMost;
    std::unique_ptr<SmCaretPosGraph> mpGraph;

// SmCloningVisitor

/** Visitor for cloning a pNode
 * This visitor creates deep clones.
class SmCloningVisitor final : public SmVisitor
        : mpResult(nullptr)
    virtual ~SmCloningVisitor() {}
    void Visit( SmTableNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBracebodyNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmOperNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAlignNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAttributeNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmFontNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmUnHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinVerNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinDiagonalNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSubSupNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMatrixNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPlaceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmGlyphSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMathSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBlankNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmErrorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmExpressionNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPolyLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRectangleNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmVerticalBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    /** Clone a pNode */
    SmNode* Clone( SmNode* pNode );
    SmNode* mpResult;
    /** Clone children of pSource and give them to pTarget */
    void CloneKids( SmStructureNode* pSource, SmStructureNode* pTarget );
    /** Clone attributes on a pNode */
    static void CloneNodeAttr( SmNode const * pSource, SmNode* pTarget );

// SmSelectionRectanglesVisitor: collect selection

class SmSelectionRectanglesVisitor : public SmDefaultingVisitor
    SmSelectionRectanglesVisitor(OutputDevice& rDevice, SmNode* pTree);
    virtual ~SmSelectionRectanglesVisitor() = default;
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    using SmDefaultingVisitor::Visit;

    const tools::Rectangle& GetSelection() { return maSelectionArea; }

    /** Reference to drawing device */
    OutputDevice& mrDev;
    /** The current area that is selected */
    tools::Rectangle maSelectionArea;
    /** Extend the area that must be selected  */
    void ExtendSelectionArea(const tools::Rectangle& rArea) { maSelectionArea.Union(rArea); }
    /** Default visiting method */
    void DefaultVisit( SmNode* pNode ) override;
    /** Visit the children of a given pNode */
    void VisitChildren( SmNode* pNode );

// SmSelectionDrawingVisitor

class SmSelectionDrawingVisitor final : public SmSelectionRectanglesVisitor
    /** Draws a selection on rDevice for the selection on pTree */
    SmSelectionDrawingVisitor( OutputDevice& rDevice, SmNode* pTree, const Point& rOffset );

// SmNodeToTextVisitor

/** Extract command text from pNodes */
class SmNodeToTextVisitor final : public SmVisitor
    SmNodeToTextVisitor( SmNode* pNode, OUString &rText );
    virtual ~SmNodeToTextVisitor() {}

    void Visit( SmTableNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBraceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBracebodyNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmOperNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAlignNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmAttributeNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmFontNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmUnHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinHorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinVerNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBinDiagonalNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSubSupNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMatrixNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPlaceNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmTextNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmGlyphSpecialNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmMathSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmBlankNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmErrorNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmExpressionNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmPolyLineNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRootSymbolNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmRectangleNode* pNode ) override;
    void Visit( SmVerticalBraceNode* pNode ) override;

      * Extract text from a pNode that constitutes a line.
      * @param pNode
      * @return
    void LineToText( SmNode* pNode ) {
        Separate( );
        if( pNode ) pNode->Accept( this );
        Separate( );

      * Appends rText to the OUStringBuffer ( maCmdText ).
      * @param rText
      * @return
    void Append( std::u16string_view rText ) {
        maCmdText.append( rText );

     * Append a blank for separation, if needed.
     * It is needed if last char is not ' '.
     * @return
    void Separate( ){
        if( !maCmdText.isEmpty() && maCmdText[ maCmdText.getLength() - 1 ] != ' ' )
            maCmdText.append(' ');

    /** Output text generated from the pNodes */
    OUStringBuffer maCmdText;

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