/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRole.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleTextType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessibleEventListener.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/FocusEvent.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XFocusListener.hpp>
#include <unotools/accessiblerelationsethelper.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/clipboard/XClipboard.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/clipboard/XFlushableClipboard.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/WordType.hpp>
#include <unotools/accessiblestatesethelper.hxx>
#include <comphelper/accessibleeventnotifier.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <vcl/unohelp2.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>

#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>

#include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
#include <editeng/editdata.hxx>
#include <editeng/editview.hxx>
#include <editeng/eeitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/outliner.hxx>
#include <editeng/unoedhlp.hxx>

#include "accessibility.hxx"
#include <unomodel.hxx>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <view.hxx>

using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::accessibility;

static awt::Rectangle lcl_GetBounds( Window *pWin )
    // !! see VCLXAccessibleComponent::implGetBounds()

    //! the coordinates returned are relativ to the parent window !
    //! Thus the top-left point may be different from (0, 0) !

    awt::Rectangle aBounds;
    if (pWin)
        Rectangle aRect = pWin->GetWindowExtentsRelative( NULL );
        aBounds.X       = aRect.Left();
        aBounds.Y       = aRect.Top();
        aBounds.Width   = aRect.GetWidth();
        aBounds.Height  = aRect.GetHeight();
        Window* pParent = pWin->GetAccessibleParentWindow();
        if (pParent)
            Rectangle aParentRect = pParent->GetWindowExtentsRelative( NULL );
            awt::Point aParentScreenLoc( aParentRect.Left(), aParentRect.Top() );
            aBounds.X -= aParentScreenLoc.X;
            aBounds.Y -= aParentScreenLoc.Y;
    return aBounds;

static awt::Point lcl_GetLocationOnScreen( Window *pWin )
    // !! see VCLXAccessibleComponent::getLocationOnScreen()

    awt::Point aPos;
    if (pWin)
        Rectangle aRect = pWin->GetWindowExtentsRelative( NULL );
        aPos.X = aRect.Left();
        aPos.Y = aRect.Top();
    return aPos;

SmGraphicAccessible::SmGraphicAccessible( SmGraphicWindow *pGraphicWin ) :
    aAccName            (SM_RESSTR(RID_DOCUMENTSTR)),
    nClientId           (0),
    pWin                (pGraphicWin)
    OSL_ENSURE( pWin, "SmGraphicAccessible: window missing" );

SmGraphicAccessible::SmGraphicAccessible( const SmGraphicAccessible &rSmAcc ) :
    aAccName            (SM_RESSTR(RID_DOCUMENTSTR)),
    nClientId           (0)
    pWin = rSmAcc.pWin;
    OSL_ENSURE( pWin, "SmGraphicAccessible: window missing" );


SmDocShell * SmGraphicAccessible::GetDoc_Impl()
    SmViewShell *pView = pWin ? pWin->GetView() : 0;
    return pView ? pView->GetDoc() : 0;

OUString SmGraphicAccessible::GetAccessibleText_Impl()
    OUString aTxt;
    SmDocShell *pDoc = GetDoc_Impl();
    if (pDoc)
        aTxt = pDoc->GetAccessibleText();
    return aTxt;

void SmGraphicAccessible::ClearWin()
    pWin = 0;   // implicitly results in AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC set

    if ( nClientId )
        comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::revokeClientNotifyDisposing( nClientId, *this );
        nClientId =  0;

void SmGraphicAccessible::LaunchEvent(
        const sal_Int16 nAccesibleEventId,
        const uno::Any &rOldVal,
        const uno::Any &rNewVal)
    AccessibleEventObject aEvt;
    aEvt.Source     = (XAccessible *) this;
    aEvt.EventId    = nAccesibleEventId;
    aEvt.OldValue   = rOldVal;
    aEvt.NewValue   = rNewVal ;

    // pass event on to event-listener's
    if (nClientId)
        comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::addEvent( nClientId, aEvt );

uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleContext()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return this;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::containsPoint( const awt::Point& aPoint )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    //! the arguments coordinates are relativ to the current window !
    //! Thus the top-left point is (0, 0)

    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();

    Size aSz( pWin->GetSizePixel() );
    return  aPoint.X >= 0  &&  aPoint.Y >= 0  &&
            aPoint.X < aSz.Width()  &&  aPoint.Y < aSz.Height();

uno::Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleAtPoint(
        const awt::Point& aPoint )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    XAccessible *pRes = 0;
    if (containsPoint( aPoint ))
        pRes = this;
    return pRes;

awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getBounds()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );
    return lcl_GetBounds( pWin );

awt::Point SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getLocation()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );
    awt::Rectangle aRect( lcl_GetBounds( pWin ) );
    return awt::Point( aRect.X, aRect.Y );

awt::Point SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getLocationOnScreen()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );
    return lcl_GetLocationOnScreen( pWin );

awt::Size SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getSize()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );

    Size aSz( pWin->GetSizePixel() );
    awt::Rectangle aRect( lcl_GetBounds( pWin ) );
    Size aSz2( aRect.Width, aRect.Height );
    OSL_ENSURE( aSz == aSz2, "mismatch in width" );
    return awt::Size( aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() );

void SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::grabFocus()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();


sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getForeground()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;

    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    return (sal_Int32) pWin->GetTextColor().GetColor();

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getBackground()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;

    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    Wallpaper aWall( pWin->GetDisplayBackground() );
    ColorData nCol;
    if (aWall.IsBitmap() || aWall.IsGradient())
        nCol = pWin->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor().GetColor();
        nCol = aWall.GetColor().GetColor();
    return (sal_Int32) nCol;

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleChildCount()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return 0;

Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleChild(
        sal_Int32 /*i*/ )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();  // there is no child...

Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleParent()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();

    Window *pAccParent = pWin->GetAccessibleParentWindow();
    OSL_ENSURE( pAccParent, "accessible parent missing" );
    return pAccParent ? pAccParent->GetAccessible() : Reference< XAccessible >();

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleIndexInParent()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nIdx = -1;
    Window *pAccParent = pWin ? pWin->GetAccessibleParentWindow() : 0;
    if (pAccParent)
        sal_uInt16 nCnt = pAccParent->GetAccessibleChildWindowCount();
        for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nCnt  &&  nIdx == -1;  ++i)
            if (pAccParent->GetAccessibleChildWindow( i ) == pWin)
                nIdx = i;
    return nIdx;

sal_Int16 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleRole()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return AccessibleRole::DOCUMENT;

OUString SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleDescription()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    SmDocShell *pDoc = GetDoc_Impl();
    return pDoc ? OUString(pDoc->GetText()) : OUString();

OUString SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleName()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return aAccName;

Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleRelationSet()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > xRelSet = new utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper();
    return xRelSet;   // empty relation set

Reference< XAccessibleStateSet > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getAccessibleStateSet()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper *pStateSet =
            new ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper;

    Reference<XAccessibleStateSet> xStateSet( pStateSet );

    if (!pWin)
        pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC );
        pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::ENABLED );
        pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE );
        if (pWin->HasFocus())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );
        if (pWin->IsActive())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE );
        if (pWin->IsVisible())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::SHOWING );
        if (pWin->IsReallyVisible())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE );
        if (COL_TRANSPARENT != pWin->GetBackground().GetColor().GetColor())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::OPAQUE );

    return xStateSet;

Locale SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getLocale()
    throw (IllegalAccessibleComponentStateException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    // should be the document language...
    // We use the language of the localized symbol names here.
    return Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLocale();

void SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::addAccessibleEventListener(
        const Reference< XAccessibleEventListener >& xListener )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    if (xListener.is())
        SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
        if (pWin)
            if (!nClientId)
                nClientId = comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::registerClient( );
            comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::addEventListener( nClientId, xListener );

void SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::removeAccessibleEventListener(
        const Reference< XAccessibleEventListener >& xListener )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    if (xListener.is())
        SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
        sal_Int32 nListenerCount = comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::removeEventListener( nClientId, xListener );
        if ( !nListenerCount )
            // no listeners anymore
            // -> revoke ourself. This may lead to the notifier thread dying (if we were the last client),
            // and at least to us not firing any events anymore, in case somebody calls
            // NotifyAccessibleEvent, again
            comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::revokeClient( nClientId );
            nClientId = 0;

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getCaretPosition()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return 0;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::setCaretPosition( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aTxt( GetAccessibleText_Impl() );
    if (!(nIndex < aTxt.getLength()))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return sal_False;

sal_Unicode SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getCharacter( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aTxt( GetAccessibleText_Impl() );
    if (!(nIndex < aTxt.getLength()))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return aTxt[nIndex];

Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getCharacterAttributes(
        sal_Int32 nIndex,
        const uno::Sequence< OUString > & /*rRequestedAttributes*/ )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nLen = GetAccessibleText_Impl().getLength();
    if (!(0 <= nIndex  &&  nIndex < nLen))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >();

awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getCharacterBounds( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;

    awt::Rectangle aRes;

    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
        // get accessible text
        SmViewShell *pView = pWin->GetView();
        SmDocShell  *pDoc  = pView ? pView->GetDoc() : 0;
        if (!pDoc)
            throw RuntimeException();
        OUString aTxt( GetAccessibleText_Impl() );
        if (!(0 <= nIndex  &&  nIndex <= aTxt.getLength()))   // aTxt.getLength() is valid
            throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

        // find a reasonable rectangle for position aTxt.getLength().
        bool bWasBehindText = (nIndex == aTxt.getLength());
        if (bWasBehindText && nIndex)

        const SmNode *pTree = pDoc->GetFormulaTree();
        const SmNode *pNode = pTree->FindNodeWithAccessibleIndex( nIndex );
        //! pNode may be 0 if the index belongs to a char that was inserted
        //! only for the accessible text!
        if (pNode)
            sal_Int32 nAccIndex = pNode->GetAccessibleIndex();
            OSL_ENSURE( nAccIndex >= 0, "invalid accessible index" );
            OSL_ENSURE( nIndex >= nAccIndex, "index out of range" );

            OUStringBuffer aBuf;
            OUString aNodeText = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
            sal_Int32 nNodeIndex = nIndex - nAccIndex;
            if (0 <= nNodeIndex  &&  nNodeIndex < aNodeText.getLength())
                // get appropriate rectangle
                Point aOffset(pNode->GetTopLeft() - pTree->GetTopLeft());
                Point aTLPos (pWin->GetFormulaDrawPos() + aOffset);
                aTLPos.X() -= 0;
                Size  aSize (pNode->GetSize());

                sal_Int32 *pXAry = new sal_Int32[ aNodeText.getLength() ];
                pWin->SetFont( pNode->GetFont() );
                pWin->GetTextArray( aNodeText, pXAry, 0, aNodeText.getLength() );
                aTLPos.X()    += nNodeIndex > 0 ? pXAry[nNodeIndex - 1] : 0;
                aSize.Width()  = nNodeIndex > 0 ? pXAry[nNodeIndex] - pXAry[nNodeIndex - 1] : pXAry[nNodeIndex];
                delete[] pXAry;

                aTLPos = pWin->LogicToPixel( aTLPos );
                aSize  = pWin->LogicToPixel( aSize );
                aRes.X = aTLPos.X();
                aRes.Y = aTLPos.Y();
                aRes.Width  = aSize.Width();
                aRes.Height = aSize.Height();

        // take rectangle from last character and move it to the right
        if (bWasBehindText)
            aRes.X += aRes.Width;

    return aRes;

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getCharacterCount()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetAccessibleText_Impl().getLength();

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getIndexAtPoint( const awt::Point& aPoint )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;

    sal_Int32 nRes = -1;
    if (pWin)
        const SmNode *pTree = pWin->GetView()->GetDoc()->GetFormulaTree();
        // can be NULL! e.g. if one clicks within the window already during loading of the
        // document (before the parser even started)
        if (!pTree)
            return nRes;

        // get position relative to formula draw position
        Point  aPos( aPoint.X, aPoint.Y );
        aPos = pWin->PixelToLogic( aPos );
        aPos -= pWin->GetFormulaDrawPos();

        // if it was inside the formula then get the appropriate node
        const SmNode *pNode = 0;
        if (pTree->OrientedDist(aPos) <= 0)
            pNode = pTree->FindRectClosestTo(aPos);

        if (pNode)
            // get appropriate rectangle
            Point   aOffset( pNode->GetTopLeft() - pTree->GetTopLeft() );
            Point   aTLPos ( aOffset );
            aTLPos.X() -= 0;
            Size  aSize( pNode->GetSize() );

            Rectangle aRect( aTLPos, aSize );
            if (aRect.IsInside( aPos ))
                OSL_ENSURE( pNode->IsVisible(), "node is not a leaf" );
                OUStringBuffer aBuf;
                OUString aTxt = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
                OSL_ENSURE( !aTxt.isEmpty(), "no accessible text available" );

                long nNodeX = pNode->GetLeft();

                sal_Int32 *pXAry = new sal_Int32[ aTxt.getLength() ];
                pWin->SetFont( pNode->GetFont() );
                pWin->GetTextArray( aTxt, pXAry, 0, aTxt.getLength() );
                for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < aTxt.getLength()  &&  nRes == -1;  ++i)
                    if (pXAry[i] + nNodeX > aPos.X())
                        nRes = i;
                delete[] pXAry;
                OSL_ENSURE( nRes >= 0  &&  nRes < aTxt.getLength(), "index out of range" );
                OSL_ENSURE( pNode->GetAccessibleIndex() >= 0,
                        "invalid accessible index" );

                nRes = pNode->GetAccessibleIndex() + nRes;
    return nRes;

OUString SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getSelectedText()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return OUString();

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getSelectionStart()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return -1;

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getSelectionEnd()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return -1;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::setSelection(
        sal_Int32 nStartIndex,
        sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nLen = GetAccessibleText_Impl().getLength();
    if (!(0 <= nStartIndex  &&  nStartIndex < nLen) ||
        !(0 <= nEndIndex    &&  nEndIndex   < nLen))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return sal_False;

OUString SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getText()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetAccessibleText_Impl();

OUString SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getTextRange(
        sal_Int32 nStartIndex,
        sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    //!! nEndIndex may be the string length per definition of the interface !!
    //!! text should be copied exclusive that end index though. And arguments
    //!! may be switched.

    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aTxt( GetAccessibleText_Impl() );
    sal_Int32 nStart = std::min(nStartIndex, nEndIndex);
    sal_Int32 nEnd   = std::max(nStartIndex, nEndIndex);
    if (!(nStart <= aTxt.getLength()) ||
        !(nEnd   <= aTxt.getLength()))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return aTxt.copy( nStart, nEnd - nStart );

::com::sun::star::accessibility::TextSegment SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getTextAtIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 aTextType ) throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aTxt( GetAccessibleText_Impl() );
    //!! nIndex is allowed to be the string length
    if (!(nIndex <= aTxt.getLength()))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    ::com::sun::star::accessibility::TextSegment aResult;
    aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
    aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;
    if ( (AccessibleTextType::CHARACTER == aTextType)  &&  (nIndex < aTxt.getLength()) )
        aResult.SegmentText = aTxt.copy(nIndex, 1);
        aResult.SegmentStart = nIndex;
        aResult.SegmentEnd = nIndex+1;
    return aResult;

::com::sun::star::accessibility::TextSegment SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getTextBeforeIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 aTextType ) throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aTxt( GetAccessibleText_Impl() );
    //!! nIndex is allowed to be the string length
    if (!(nIndex <= aTxt.getLength()))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    ::com::sun::star::accessibility::TextSegment aResult;
    aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
    aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;

    if ( (AccessibleTextType::CHARACTER == aTextType)  && nIndex )
        aResult.SegmentText = aTxt.copy(nIndex-1, 1);
        aResult.SegmentStart = nIndex-1;
        aResult.SegmentEnd = nIndex;
    return aResult;

::com::sun::star::accessibility::TextSegment SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getTextBehindIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 aTextType ) throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aTxt( GetAccessibleText_Impl() );
    //!! nIndex is allowed to be the string length
    if (!(nIndex <= aTxt.getLength()))
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    ::com::sun::star::accessibility::TextSegment aResult;
    aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
    aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;

    nIndex++; // text *behind*
    if ( (AccessibleTextType::CHARACTER == aTextType)  &&  (nIndex < aTxt.getLength()) )
        aResult.SegmentText = aTxt.copy(nIndex, 1);
        aResult.SegmentStart = nIndex;
        aResult.SegmentEnd = nIndex+1;
    return aResult;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::copyText(
        sal_Int32 nStartIndex,
        sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bReturn = false;

    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
        Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > xClipboard = pWin->GetClipboard();
        if ( xClipboard.is() )
            OUString sText( getTextRange(nStartIndex, nEndIndex) );

            ::vcl::unohelper::TextDataObject* pDataObj = new ::vcl::unohelper::TextDataObject( sText );
            const sal_uInt32 nRef = Application::ReleaseSolarMutex();
            xClipboard->setContents( pDataObj, NULL );

            Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XFlushableClipboard > xFlushableClipboard( xClipboard, uno::UNO_QUERY );
            if( xFlushableClipboard.is() )

            Application::AcquireSolarMutex( nRef );

            bReturn = true;

    return bReturn;

OUString SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getImplementationName()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    return OUString("SmGraphicAccessible");

sal_Bool SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::supportsService(
        const OUString& rServiceName )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    return  cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);

Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SmGraphicAccessible::getSupportedServiceNames()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    Sequence< OUString > aNames(4);
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    pNames[0] = "com::sun::star::accessibility::Accessible";
    pNames[1] = "com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleComponent";
    pNames[2] = "com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleContext";
    pNames[3] = "com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleText";
    return aNames;

SmEditSource::SmEditSource( SmEditWindow * /*pWin*/, SmEditAccessible &rAcc ) :
    aViewFwd    (rAcc),
    aTextFwd    (rAcc, *this),
    rEditAcc (rAcc)

SmEditSource::SmEditSource( const SmEditSource &rSrc ) :
    aViewFwd    (rSrc.rEditAcc),
    aTextFwd    (rSrc.rEditAcc, *this),
    rEditAcc    (rSrc.rEditAcc)


SvxEditSource* SmEditSource::Clone() const
    return new SmEditSource( *this );

SvxTextForwarder* SmEditSource::GetTextForwarder()
    return &aTextFwd;

SvxViewForwarder* SmEditSource::GetViewForwarder()
    return &aViewFwd;

SvxEditViewForwarder* SmEditSource::GetEditViewForwarder( bool /*bCreate*/ )
    return &aEditViewFwd;

void SmEditSource::UpdateData()
    // would possibly only by needed if the XText interface is implemented
    // and its text needs to be updated.

SfxBroadcaster & SmEditSource::GetBroadcaster() const
    return ((SmEditSource *) this)->aBroadCaster;

SmViewForwarder::SmViewForwarder( SmEditAccessible &rAcc ) :


bool SmViewForwarder::IsValid() const
    return rEditAcc.GetEditView() != 0;

Rectangle SmViewForwarder::GetVisArea() const
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    OutputDevice* pOutDev = pEditView ? pEditView->GetWindow() : 0;

    if( pOutDev && pEditView)
        Rectangle aVisArea = pEditView->GetVisArea();

        // figure out map mode from edit engine
        EditEngine* pEditEngine = pEditView->GetEditEngine();

        if( pEditEngine )
            MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode());
            aVisArea = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aVisArea,
                                                   aMapMode.GetMapUnit() );
            return pOutDev->LogicToPixel( aVisArea, aMapMode );

    return Rectangle();

Point SmViewForwarder::LogicToPixel( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    OutputDevice* pOutDev = pEditView ? pEditView->GetWindow() : 0;

    if( pOutDev )
        MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode());
        Point aPoint( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rPoint, rMapMode,
                                                  aMapMode.GetMapUnit() ) );
        return pOutDev->LogicToPixel( aPoint, aMapMode );

    return Point();

Point SmViewForwarder::PixelToLogic( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    OutputDevice* pOutDev = pEditView ? pEditView->GetWindow() : 0;

    if( pOutDev )
        MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode());
        Point aPoint( pOutDev->PixelToLogic( rPoint, aMapMode ) );
        return OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aPoint,
                                           rMapMode );

    return Point();

SmTextForwarder::SmTextForwarder( SmEditAccessible& rAcc, SmEditSource & rSource) :
    rEditAcc ( rAcc ),
    rEditSource (rSource)
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->SetNotifyHdl( LINK(this, SmTextForwarder, NotifyHdl) );

    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->SetNotifyHdl( Link() );

IMPL_LINK(SmTextForwarder, NotifyHdl, EENotify*, aNotify)
    if (aNotify)
        ::std::auto_ptr< SfxHint > aHint = SvxEditSourceHelper::EENotification2Hint( aNotify );
        if (aHint.get())
            rEditSource.GetBroadcaster().Broadcast( *aHint.get() );

    return 0;

sal_Int32 SmTextForwarder::GetParagraphCount() const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount() : 0;

sal_Int32 SmTextForwarder::GetTextLen( sal_Int32 nParagraph ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetTextLen( nParagraph ) : 0;

OUString SmTextForwarder::GetText( const ESelection& rSel ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    OUString aRet;
    if (pEditEngine)
        aRet = pEditEngine->GetText( rSel, LINEEND_LF );
    return convertLineEnd(aRet, GetSystemLineEnd());

SfxItemSet SmTextForwarder::GetAttribs( const ESelection& rSel, EditEngineAttribs nOnlyHardAttrib ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    OSL_ENSURE( pEditEngine, "EditEngine missing" );
    if( rSel.nStartPara == rSel.nEndPara )
        sal_uInt8 nFlags = 0;
        switch( nOnlyHardAttrib )
        case EditEngineAttribs_All:
            nFlags = GETATTRIBS_ALL;
        case EditEngineAttribs_HardAndPara:
        case EditEngineAttribs_OnlyHard:
            nFlags = GETATTRIBS_CHARATTRIBS;
            SAL_WARN("starmath", "unknown flags for SmTextForwarder::GetAttribs");

        return pEditEngine->GetAttribs( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, rSel.nEndPos, nFlags );
        return pEditEngine->GetAttribs( rSel, nOnlyHardAttrib );

SfxItemSet SmTextForwarder::GetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    OSL_ENSURE( pEditEngine, "EditEngine missing" );

    SfxItemSet aSet( pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPara ) );

    sal_uInt16 nWhich = EE_PARA_START;
    while( nWhich <= EE_PARA_END )
        if( aSet.GetItemState( nWhich, true ) != SFX_ITEM_ON )
            if( pEditEngine->HasParaAttrib( nPara, nWhich ) )
                aSet.Put( pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, nWhich ) );

    return aSet;

void SmTextForwarder::SetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, const SfxItemSet& rSet )
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( nPara, rSet );

SfxItemPool* SmTextForwarder::GetPool() const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetEmptyItemSet().GetPool() : 0;

void SmTextForwarder::RemoveAttribs( const ESelection& rSelection, bool bRemoveParaAttribs, sal_uInt16 nWhich )
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->RemoveAttribs( rSelection, bRemoveParaAttribs, nWhich );

void SmTextForwarder::GetPortions( sal_Int32 nPara, std::vector<sal_Int32>& rList ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->GetPortions( nPara, rList );

void SmTextForwarder::QuickInsertText( const OUString& rText, const ESelection& rSel )
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->QuickInsertText( rText, rSel );

void SmTextForwarder::QuickInsertLineBreak( const ESelection& rSel )
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->QuickInsertLineBreak( rSel );

void SmTextForwarder::QuickInsertField( const SvxFieldItem& rFld, const ESelection& rSel )
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->QuickInsertField( rFld, rSel );

void SmTextForwarder::QuickSetAttribs( const SfxItemSet& rSet, const ESelection& rSel )
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->QuickSetAttribs( rSet, rSel );

bool SmTextForwarder::IsValid() const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    // cannot reliably query EditEngine state
    // while in the middle of an update
    return pEditEngine && pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode();

OUString SmTextForwarder::CalcFieldValue( const SvxFieldItem& rField, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nPos, Color*& rpTxtColor, Color*& rpFldColor )
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->CalcFieldValue(rField, nPara, nPos, rpTxtColor, rpFldColor) : OUString();

void SmTextForwarder::FieldClicked(const SvxFieldItem&, sal_Int32, sal_Int32)

static sal_uInt16 GetSvxEditEngineItemState( EditEngine& rEditEngine, const ESelection& rSel, sal_uInt16 nWhich )
    std::vector<EECharAttrib> aAttribs;

    const SfxPoolItem*  pLastItem = NULL;

    SfxItemState eState = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT;

    // check all paragraphs inside the selection
    for( sal_Int32 nPara = rSel.nStartPara; nPara <= rSel.nEndPara; nPara++ )
        SfxItemState eParaState = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT;

        // calculate start and endpos for this paragraph
        sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
        if( rSel.nStartPara == nPara )
            nPos = rSel.nStartPos;

        sal_Int32 nEndPos = rSel.nEndPos;
        if( rSel.nEndPara != nPara )
            nEndPos = rEditEngine.GetTextLen( nPara );

        // get list of char attribs
        rEditEngine.GetCharAttribs( nPara, aAttribs );

        bool bEmpty = true;     // we found no item inside the selection of this paragraph
        bool bGaps  = false;    // we found items but theire gaps between them
        sal_Int32 nLastEnd = nPos;

        const SfxPoolItem* pParaItem = NULL;

        for(std::vector<EECharAttrib>::const_iterator i = aAttribs.begin(); i < aAttribs.end(); ++i)
            OSL_ENSURE( i->pAttr, "GetCharAttribs gives corrupt data" );

            const bool bEmptyPortion = (i->nStart == i->nEnd);
            if( (!bEmptyPortion && (i->nStart >= nEndPos)) || (bEmptyPortion && (i->nStart > nEndPos)) )
                break;  // break if we are already behind our selection

            if( (!bEmptyPortion && (i->nEnd <= nPos)) || (bEmptyPortion && (i->nEnd < nPos)) )
                continue;   // or if the attribute ends before our selection

            if( i->pAttr->Which() != nWhich )
                continue; // skip if is not the searched item

            // if we already found an item
            if( pParaItem )
                // ... and its different to this one than the state is dont care
                if( *pParaItem != *(i->pAttr) )
                    return SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE;
                pParaItem = i->pAttr;

            if( bEmpty )
                bEmpty = false;

            if( !bGaps && i->nStart > nLastEnd )
                bGaps = true;

            nLastEnd = i->nEnd;

        if( !bEmpty && !bGaps && nLastEnd < ( nEndPos - 1 ) )
            bGaps = true;
        if( bEmpty )
            eParaState = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT;
        else if( bGaps )
            eParaState = SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE;
            eParaState = SFX_ITEM_SET;

        // if we already found an item check if we found the same
        if( pLastItem )
            if( (pParaItem == NULL) || (*pLastItem != *pParaItem) )
                return SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE;
            pLastItem = pParaItem;
            eState = eParaState;

    return eState;

sal_uInt16 SmTextForwarder::GetItemState( const ESelection& rSel, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
    sal_uInt16 nState = SFX_ITEM_DISABLED;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        nState = GetSvxEditEngineItemState( *pEditEngine, rSel, nWhich );
    return nState;

sal_uInt16 SmTextForwarder::GetItemState( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
    sal_uInt16 nState = SFX_ITEM_DISABLED;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        const SfxItemSet& rSet = pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPara );
        nState = rSet.GetItemState( nWhich );
    return nState;

LanguageType SmTextForwarder::GetLanguage( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetLanguage(nPara, nIndex) : LANGUAGE_NONE;

sal_Int32 SmTextForwarder::GetFieldCount( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetFieldCount(nPara) : 0;

EFieldInfo SmTextForwarder::GetFieldInfo( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt16 nField ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetFieldInfo( nPara, nField ) : EFieldInfo();

EBulletInfo SmTextForwarder::GetBulletInfo( sal_Int32 /*nPara*/ ) const
    return EBulletInfo();

Rectangle SmTextForwarder::GetCharBounds( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex ) const
    Rectangle aRect(0,0,0,0);
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();

    if (pEditEngine)
        // Handle virtual position one-past-the end of the string
        if( nIndex >= pEditEngine->GetTextLen(nPara) )
            if( nIndex )
                aRect = pEditEngine->GetCharacterBounds( EPosition(nPara, nIndex-1) );

            aRect.Move( aRect.Right() - aRect.Left(), 0 );
            aRect.SetSize( Size(1, pEditEngine->GetTextHeight()) );
            aRect = pEditEngine->GetCharacterBounds( EPosition(nPara, nIndex) );
    return aRect;

Rectangle SmTextForwarder::GetParaBounds( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
    Rectangle aRect(0,0,0,0);
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();

    if (pEditEngine)
        const Point aPnt = pEditEngine->GetDocPosTopLeft( nPara );
        const sal_uLong nWidth = pEditEngine->CalcTextWidth();
        const sal_uLong nHeight = pEditEngine->GetTextHeight( nPara );
        aRect = Rectangle( aPnt.X(), aPnt.Y(), aPnt.X() + nWidth, aPnt.Y() + nHeight );

    return aRect;

MapMode SmTextForwarder::GetMapMode() const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetRefMapMode() : MapMode( MAP_100TH_MM );

OutputDevice* SmTextForwarder::GetRefDevice() const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetRefDevice() : 0;

bool SmTextForwarder::GetIndexAtPoint( const Point& rPos, sal_Int32& nPara, sal_Int32& nIndex ) const
    bool bRes = false;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        EPosition aDocPos = pEditEngine->FindDocPosition( rPos );
        nPara   = aDocPos.nPara;
        nIndex  = aDocPos.nIndex;
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

bool SmTextForwarder::GetWordIndices( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32& nStart, sal_Int32& nEnd ) const
    bool bRes = false;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        ESelection aRes = pEditEngine->GetWord( ESelection(nPara, nIndex, nPara, nIndex), com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD );

        if( aRes.nStartPara == nPara &&
            aRes.nStartPara == aRes.nEndPara )
            nStart = aRes.nStartPos;
            nEnd = aRes.nEndPos;

            bRes = true;

    return bRes;

bool SmTextForwarder::GetAttributeRun( sal_Int32& nStartIndex, sal_Int32& nEndIndex, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex, bool bInCell ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine &&
           SvxEditSourceHelper::GetAttributeRun( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, *pEditEngine, nPara, nIndex, bInCell );

sal_Int32 SmTextForwarder::GetLineCount( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetLineCount(nPara) : 0;

sal_Int32 SmTextForwarder::GetLineLen( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nLine ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetLineLen(nPara, nLine) : 0;

void SmTextForwarder::GetLineBoundaries( /*out*/sal_Int32 &rStart, /*out*/sal_Int32 &rEnd, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nLine ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->GetLineBoundaries(rStart, rEnd, nPara, nLine);
        rStart = rEnd = 0;

sal_Int32 SmTextForwarder::GetLineNumberAtIndex( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex ) const
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetLineNumberAtIndex(nPara, nIndex) : 0;

bool SmTextForwarder::QuickFormatDoc( bool /*bFull*/ )
    bool bRes = false;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

sal_Int16 SmTextForwarder::GetDepth( sal_Int32 /*nPara*/ ) const
    // math has no outliner...
    return -1;

bool SmTextForwarder::SetDepth( sal_Int32 /*nPara*/, sal_Int16 nNewDepth )
    // math has no outliner...
    return -1 == nNewDepth;  // is it the value from 'GetDepth' ?

bool SmTextForwarder::Delete( const ESelection& rSelection )
    bool bRes = false;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->QuickDelete( rSelection );
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

bool SmTextForwarder::InsertText( const OUString& rStr, const ESelection& rSelection )
    bool bRes = false;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->QuickInsertText( rStr, rSelection );
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

const SfxItemSet*   SmTextForwarder::GetEmptyItemSetPtr()
    const SfxItemSet *pItemSet = 0;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pItemSet = &pEditEngine->GetEmptyItemSet();
    return pItemSet;

void SmTextForwarder::AppendParagraph()
    // append an empty paragraph
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        sal_Int32 nParaCount = pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount();
        pEditEngine->InsertParagraph( nParaCount, OUString() );

sal_Int32 SmTextForwarder::AppendTextPortion( sal_Int32 nPara, const OUString &rText, const SfxItemSet &rSet )
    sal_uInt16 nRes = 0;
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine && nPara < pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount())
        // append text
        ESelection aSel( nPara, pEditEngine->GetTextLen( nPara ) );
        pEditEngine->QuickInsertText( rText, aSel );

        // set attributes for new appended text
        nRes = aSel.nEndPos = pEditEngine->GetTextLen( nPara );
        pEditEngine->QuickSetAttribs( rSet, aSel );
    return nRes;

void SmTextForwarder::CopyText(const SvxTextForwarder& rSource)

    const SmTextForwarder* pSourceForwarder = dynamic_cast< const SmTextForwarder* >( &rSource );
    if( !pSourceForwarder )
    EditEngine* pSourceEditEngine = pSourceForwarder->rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = rEditAcc.GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine && pSourceEditEngine )
        EditTextObject* pNewTextObject = pSourceEditEngine->CreateTextObject();
        pEditEngine->SetText( *pNewTextObject );
        delete pNewTextObject;

SmEditViewForwarder::SmEditViewForwarder( SmEditAccessible& rAcc ) :
    rEditAcc( rAcc )


bool SmEditViewForwarder::IsValid() const
    return rEditAcc.GetEditView() != 0;

Rectangle SmEditViewForwarder::GetVisArea() const
    Rectangle aRect(0,0,0,0);

    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    OutputDevice* pOutDev = pEditView ? pEditView->GetWindow() : 0;

    if( pOutDev && pEditView)
        Rectangle aVisArea = pEditView->GetVisArea();

        // figure out map mode from edit engine
        EditEngine* pEditEngine = pEditView->GetEditEngine();

        if( pEditEngine )
            MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode());
            aVisArea = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aVisArea,
                                                   aMapMode.GetMapUnit() );
            aRect = pOutDev->LogicToPixel( aVisArea, aMapMode );

    return aRect;

Point SmEditViewForwarder::LogicToPixel( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    OutputDevice* pOutDev = pEditView ? pEditView->GetWindow() : 0;

    if( pOutDev )
        MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode());
        Point aPoint( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rPoint, rMapMode,
                                                  aMapMode.GetMapUnit() ) );
        return pOutDev->LogicToPixel( aPoint, aMapMode );

    return Point();

Point SmEditViewForwarder::PixelToLogic( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    OutputDevice* pOutDev = pEditView ? pEditView->GetWindow() : 0;

    if( pOutDev )
        MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode());
        Point aPoint( pOutDev->PixelToLogic( rPoint, aMapMode ) );
        return OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aPoint,
                                           rMapMode );

    return Point();

bool SmEditViewForwarder::GetSelection( ESelection& rSelection ) const
    bool bRes = false;
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    if (pEditView)
        rSelection = pEditView->GetSelection();
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

bool SmEditViewForwarder::SetSelection( const ESelection& rSelection )
    bool bRes = false;
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    if (pEditView)
        pEditView->SetSelection( rSelection );
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

bool SmEditViewForwarder::Copy()
    bool bRes = false;
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    if (pEditView)
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

bool SmEditViewForwarder::Cut()
    bool bRes = false;
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    if (pEditView)
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

bool SmEditViewForwarder::Paste()
    bool bRes = false;
    EditView *pEditView = rEditAcc.GetEditView();
    if (pEditView)
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;

SmEditAccessible::SmEditAccessible( SmEditWindow *pEditWin ) :
    aAccName            (SM_RESSTR(STR_CMDBOXWINDOW)),
    pTextHelper         (0),
    pWin                (pEditWin)
    OSL_ENSURE( pWin, "SmEditAccessible: window missing" );

SmEditAccessible::SmEditAccessible( const SmEditAccessible &rSmAcc )
    : SmEditAccessibleBaseClass()
    , pTextHelper(NULL)
    pWin = rSmAcc.pWin;
    OSL_ENSURE( pWin, "SmEditAccessible: window missing" );

    delete pTextHelper;

void SmEditAccessible::Init()
    OSL_ENSURE( pWin, "SmEditAccessible: window missing" );
    if (pWin)
        EditEngine *pEditEngine = pWin->GetEditEngine();
        EditView   *pEditView   = pWin->GetEditView();
        if (pEditEngine && pEditView)
            ::std::auto_ptr< SvxEditSource > pEditSource(
                    new SmEditSource( pWin, *this ) );
            pTextHelper = new ::accessibility::AccessibleTextHelper( pEditSource );
            pTextHelper->SetEventSource( this );

void SmEditAccessible::ClearWin()
    // remove handler before current object gets destroyed
    // (avoid handler being called for already dead object)
    EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine();
    if (pEditEngine)
        pEditEngine->SetNotifyHdl( Link() );

    pWin = 0;   // implicitly results in AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC set

    //! make TextHelper implicitly release C++ references to some core objects
    pTextHelper->SetEditSource( ::std::auto_ptr<SvxEditSource>(NULL) );
    //! make TextHelper release references
    //! (e.g. the one set by the 'SetEventSource' call)
    delete pTextHelper;     pTextHelper = 0;

// XAccessible
uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleContext(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return this;

// XAccessibleComponent
sal_Bool SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::containsPoint( const awt::Point& aPoint )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    //! the arguments coordinates are relativ to the current window !
    //! Thus the top left-point is (0, 0)

    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();

    Size aSz( pWin->GetSizePixel() );
    return  aPoint.X >= 0  &&  aPoint.Y >= 0  &&
            aPoint.X < aSz.Width()  &&  aPoint.Y < aSz.Height();

uno::Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleAtPoint( const awt::Point& aPoint )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pTextHelper)
        throw RuntimeException();
    return pTextHelper->GetAt( aPoint );

awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getBounds(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );
    return lcl_GetBounds( pWin );

awt::Point SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getLocation(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );
    awt::Rectangle aRect( lcl_GetBounds( pWin ) );
    return awt::Point( aRect.X, aRect.Y );

awt::Point SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getLocationOnScreen(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );
    return lcl_GetLocationOnScreen( pWin );

awt::Size SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getSize(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    OSL_ENSURE(pWin->GetParent()->GetAccessible() == getAccessibleParent(),
            "mismatch of window parent and accessible parent" );

    Size aSz( pWin->GetSizePixel() );
    awt::Rectangle aRect( lcl_GetBounds( pWin ) );
    Size aSz2( aRect.Width, aRect.Height );
    OSL_ENSURE( aSz == aSz2, "mismatch in width" );
    return awt::Size( aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() );

void SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::grabFocus(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();


sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getForeground()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;

    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    return (sal_Int32) pWin->GetTextColor().GetColor();

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getBackground()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;

    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();
    Wallpaper aWall( pWin->GetDisplayBackground() );
    ColorData nCol;
    if (aWall.IsBitmap() || aWall.IsGradient())
        nCol = pWin->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor().GetColor();
        nCol = aWall.GetColor().GetColor();
    return (sal_Int32) nCol;

// XAccessibleContext
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleChildCount(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pTextHelper)
        throw RuntimeException();
    return pTextHelper->GetChildCount();

uno::Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 i )
    throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pTextHelper)
        throw RuntimeException();
    return pTextHelper->GetChild( i );

uno::Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleParent(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!pWin)
        throw RuntimeException();

    Window *pAccParent = pWin->GetAccessibleParentWindow();
    OSL_ENSURE( pAccParent, "accessible parent missing" );
    return pAccParent ? pAccParent->GetAccessible() : Reference< XAccessible >();

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleIndexInParent(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nIdx = -1;
    Window *pAccParent = pWin ? pWin->GetAccessibleParentWindow() : 0;
    if (pAccParent)
        sal_uInt16 nCnt = pAccParent->GetAccessibleChildWindowCount();
        for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nCnt  &&  nIdx == -1;  ++i)
            if (pAccParent->GetAccessibleChildWindow( i ) == pWin)
                nIdx = i;
    return nIdx;

sal_Int16 SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleRole(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return AccessibleRole::PANEL /*TEXT ?*/;

OUString SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleDescription(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return OUString();  // empty as agreed with product-management

OUString SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleName(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    // same name as displayed by the window when not docked
    return aAccName;

uno::Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleRelationSet(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > xRelSet = new utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper();
    return xRelSet;   // empty relation set

uno::Reference< XAccessibleStateSet > SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getAccessibleStateSet(  )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper *pStateSet =
            new ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper;

    Reference<XAccessibleStateSet> xStateSet( pStateSet );

    if (!pWin || !pTextHelper)
        pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC );
        pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::MULTI_LINE );
        pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::ENABLED );
        pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE );
        if (pWin->HasFocus())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );
        if (pWin->IsActive())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE );
        if (pWin->IsVisible())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::SHOWING );
        if (pWin->IsReallyVisible())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE );
        if (COL_TRANSPARENT != pWin->GetBackground().GetColor().GetColor())
            pStateSet->AddState( AccessibleStateType::OPAQUE );

    return xStateSet;

Locale SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getLocale(  )
    throw (IllegalAccessibleComponentStateException, RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    // should be the document language...
    // We use the language of the localized symbol names here.
    return Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLocale();

// XAccessibleEventBroadcaster
void SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::addAccessibleEventListener( const uno::Reference< XAccessibleEventListener >& xListener )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    if (pTextHelper)   // not disposing (about to destroy view shell)
        pTextHelper->AddEventListener( xListener );

void SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::removeAccessibleEventListener( const uno::Reference< XAccessibleEventListener >& xListener )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
   if (pTextHelper)   // not disposing (about to destroy view shell)
        pTextHelper->RemoveEventListener( xListener );

OUString SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getImplementationName()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    return OUString("SmEditAccessible");

sal_Bool SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::supportsService(
        const OUString& rServiceName )
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    return  cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);

Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SmEditAccessible::getSupportedServiceNames()
    throw (RuntimeException, std::exception)
    Sequence< OUString > aNames(3);
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    pNames[0] = "com::sun::star::accessibility::Accessible";
    pNames[1] = "com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleComponent";
    pNames[2] = "com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleContext";
    return aNames;

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