/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: edit.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: jp $ $Date: 2001-07-05 10:58:51 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #include "starmath.hrc" #define ITEMID_FONT 1 #define ITEMID_FONTHEIGHT 2 #define ITEMID_LRSPACE 3 #define ITEMID_WEIGHT 4 #ifndef _SV_MENU_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _MyEDITVIEW_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _MyEDITENG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _EDITSTAT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _EEITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMPOOL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FHGTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_WGHTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_LRSPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FONTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "edit.hxx" #include "view.hxx" #include "document.hxx" #include "config.hxx" #define SCROLL_LINE 24 #define MINWIDTH 200 #define MINHEIGHT 200 #define MINSPLIT 40 #define SPLITTERWIDTH 2 //////////////////////////////////////// void SmGetLeftSelectionPart(const ESelection aSel, USHORT &nPara, USHORT &nPos) // returns paragraph number and position of the selections left part { // compare start and end of selection and use the one that comes first if ( aSel.nStartPara < aSel.nEndPara || aSel.nStartPara == aSel.nEndPara && aSel.nStartPos < aSel.nEndPos) { nPara = aSel.nStartPara; nPos = aSel.nStartPos; } else { nPara = aSel.nEndPara; nPos = aSel.nEndPos; } } //////////////////////////////////////// SmEditWindow::SmEditWindow( Window* pParent ) : Window (pParent), DropTargetHelper( this ), pEditView (0), pHScrollBar (0), pVScrollBar (0), pScrollBox (0) { SetHelpId(HID_SMA_COMMAND_WIN_EDIT); SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL); SetBackground( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() ); aModifyTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, SmEditWindow, ModifyTimerHdl)); aModifyTimer.SetTimeout(2000); aModifyTimer.Start(); aCursorMoveTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, SmEditWindow, CursorMoveTimerHdl)); aCursorMoveTimer.SetTimeout(500); } SmEditWindow::~SmEditWindow() { aCursorMoveTimer.Stop(); aModifyTimer.Stop(); if (pEditView) { EditEngine *pEditEngine = pEditView->GetEditEngine(); if (pEditEngine) { pEditEngine->SetStatusEventHdl( Link() ); pEditEngine->RemoveView( pEditView ); } } delete pEditView; delete pHScrollBar; delete pVScrollBar; delete pScrollBox; } SmDocShell * SmEditWindow::GetDoc() { SmViewShell *pView = SmGetActiveView(); return pView ? pView->GetDoc() : 0; } EditEngine * SmEditWindow::GetEditEngine() { EditEngine *pEditEng = 0; if (pEditView) pEditEng = pEditView->GetEditEngine(); else { SmDocShell *pDoc = GetDoc(); if (pDoc) pEditEng = &pDoc->GetEditEngine(); } return pEditEng; } SfxItemPool * SmEditWindow::GetEditEngineItemPool() { SmDocShell *pDoc = GetDoc(); return pDoc ? &pDoc->GetEditEngineItemPool() : 0; } void SmEditWindow::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& ) { SetBackground( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() ); SetPointFont( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetAppFont() ); SmDocShell *pDoc = GetDoc(); EditEngine *pEditEngine = pDoc ? &pDoc->GetEditEngine() : 0; SfxItemPool *pEditEngineItemPool = pDoc ? &pDoc->GetEditEngineItemPool() : 0; if (pEditEngine && pEditEngineItemPool) { Font aFont = GetFont(); pEditEngine->SetDefTab( USHORT( GetTextWidth( C2S("XXXX") ) ) ); long nFntHeight = aFont.GetSize().Height(); pEditEngineItemPool->SetPoolDefaultItem( SvxFontItem( aFont.GetFamily(), aFont.GetName(), aFont.GetStyleName(), aFont.GetPitch(), aFont.GetCharSet(), EE_CHAR_FONTINFO ) ); pEditEngineItemPool->SetPoolDefaultItem( SvxFontHeightItem( nFntHeight, 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ) ); pEditEngineItemPool->SetPoolDefaultItem( SvxFontHeightItem( nFntHeight, 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK ) ); pEditEngineItemPool->SetPoolDefaultItem( SvxFontHeightItem( nFntHeight, 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL ) ); // forces new settings to be used pEditEngine->Clear(); //#77957 incorrect font size } AdjustScrollBars(); Resize(); } IMPL_LINK( SmEditWindow, ModifyTimerHdl, Timer *, pTimer ) { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); if (pp->GetConfig()->IsAutoRedraw()) Flush(); aModifyTimer.Start(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK(SmEditWindow, CursorMoveTimerHdl, Timer *, pTimer) // every once in a while check cursor position (selection) of edit // window and if it has changed (try to) set the formula-cursor // according to that. { ESelection aNewSelection (GetSelection()); if (!aNewSelection.IsEqual(aOldSelection)) { SmViewShell *pView = SmGetActiveView(); if (pView) { // get row and column to look for USHORT nRow, nCol; SmGetLeftSelectionPart(aNewSelection, nRow, nCol); nRow++; nCol++; pView->GetGraphicWindow().SetCursorPos(nRow, nCol); aOldSelection = aNewSelection; } } return 0; } void SmEditWindow::Resize() { if (!pEditView) CreateEditView(); if (pEditView) { pEditView->SetOutputArea(AdjustScrollBars()); pEditView->ShowCursor(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditView->GetEditEngine(), "EditEngine missing" ); const long nMaxVisAreaStart = pEditView->GetEditEngine()->GetTextHeight() - pEditView->GetOutputArea().GetHeight(); if (pEditView->GetVisArea().Top() > nMaxVisAreaStart) { Rectangle aVisArea(pEditView->GetVisArea() ); aVisArea.Top() = (nMaxVisAreaStart > 0 ) ? nMaxVisAreaStart : 0; aVisArea.SetSize(pEditView->GetOutputArea().GetSize()); pEditView->SetVisArea(aVisArea); pEditView->ShowCursor(); } InitScrollBars(); } Invalidate(); } void SmEditWindow::MouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent &rEvt) { if (pEditView) pEditView->MouseButtonUp(rEvt); else Window::MouseButtonUp (rEvt); // ggf FormulaCursor neu positionieren CursorMoveTimerHdl(&aCursorMoveTimer); } void SmEditWindow::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent &rEvt) { if (pEditView) pEditView->MouseButtonDown(rEvt); else Window::MouseButtonDown (rEvt); GrabFocus(); } void SmEditWindow::Command(const CommandEvent& rCEvt) { if (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU) { GetParent()->ToTop(); PopupMenu* pPopupMenu = new PopupMenu(SmResId(RID_COMMANDMENU)); pPopupMenu->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmEditWindow, MenuSelectHdl)); pPopupMenu->Execute( this, OutputToScreenPixel( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ) ); delete pPopupMenu; } else if (pEditView) pEditView->Command( rCEvt ); else Window::Command (rCEvt); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmEditWindow, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu ) { SmViewShell *pViewSh = SmGetActiveView(); if (pViewSh) pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_INSERTCOMMAND, SFX_CALLMODE_STANDARD, new SfxInt16Item(SID_INSERTCOMMAND, pMenu->GetCurItemId()), 0L); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmEditWindow, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu ) void SmEditWindow::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt) { if (rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_ESCAPE) { BOOL bCallBase = TRUE; SfxViewShell* pViewShell = SfxViewShell::Current(); if ( pViewShell && pViewShell->ISA(SmViewShell) ) { SmDocShell* pDocSh = (SmDocShell*) pViewShell->GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell(); if (pDocSh) { /* fuert zum (sofortigen) Zerstoeren von this! */ pDocSh->DoInPlaceActivate( FALSE ); bCallBase = FALSE; } } if ( bCallBase ) Window::KeyInput( rKEvt ); } else { SmViewShell *pView = SmGetActiveView(); SmDocShell *pDocShell = pView ? pView->GetDoc() : 0; if (pDocShell) pDocShell->SetModified( TRUE ); // Timer neu starten, um den Handler (auch bei längeren Eingaben) // möglichst nur einmal am Ende aufzurufen. aCursorMoveTimer.Start(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing (NULL pointer)" ); if ( !pEditView->PostKeyEvent(rKEvt) ) { if ( !SfxViewShell::Current()->KeyInput(rKEvt) ) { /* fuert bei F1 (Hilfe) zum Zerstoeren von this! */ Flush(); if ( aModifyTimer.IsActive() ) aModifyTimer.Stop(); Window::KeyInput(rKEvt); } else { //SFX hat evtl. Slot an der View gecallt und dabei (wg. Hack //im SFX) den Focus auf die View gesetzt SfxViewShell* pVShell = SfxViewShell::Current(); if ( pVShell && pVShell->ISA(SmViewShell) && ((SmViewShell*)pVShell)->GetGraphicWindow().HasFocus() ) { GrabFocus(); } } } else aModifyTimer.Start(); } } void SmEditWindow::Paint(const Rectangle& rRect) { if (!pEditView) CreateEditView(); pEditView->Paint(rRect); } void SmEditWindow::CreateEditView() { EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine, "EditEngine missing" ); if (!pEditView && pEditEngine) { pEditView = new EditView( pEditEngine, this ); pEditEngine->InsertView( pEditView ); if (!pVScrollBar) pVScrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, WinBits(WB_VSCROLL)); if (!pHScrollBar) pHScrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, WinBits(WB_HSCROLL)); if (!pScrollBox) pScrollBox = new ScrollBarBox(this); pVScrollBar->SetScrollHdl(LINK(this, SmEditWindow, ScrollHdl)); pHScrollBar->SetScrollHdl(LINK(this, SmEditWindow, ScrollHdl)); pEditView->SetOutputArea(AdjustScrollBars()); ESelection eSelection; pEditView->SetSelection(eSelection); Update(); pEditView->ShowCursor(TRUE, TRUE); pEditEngine->SetStatusEventHdl( LINK(this, SmEditWindow, EditStatusHdl) ); SetPointer(pEditView->GetPointer()); SetScrollBarRanges(); } } IMPL_LINK( SmEditWindow, EditStatusHdl, EditStatus *, pStat ) { if (!pEditView) return 1; else { SetScrollBarRanges(); return 0; } } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmEditWindow, ScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEditView, "EditView missing"); if (pEditView) { pEditView->SetVisArea(Rectangle(Point(pHScrollBar->GetThumbPos(), pVScrollBar->GetThumbPos()), pEditView->GetVisArea().GetSize())); pEditView->Invalidate(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmEditWindow, ScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar ) Rectangle SmEditWindow::AdjustScrollBars() { const Size aOut( GetOutputSizePixel() ); Point aPoint; Rectangle aRect( aPoint, aOut ); if (pVScrollBar && pHScrollBar && pScrollBox) { const long nTmp = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); Point aPt( aRect.TopRight() ); aPt.X() -= nTmp -1L; pVScrollBar->SetPosSizePixel( aPt, Size(nTmp, aOut.Height() - nTmp)); aPt = aRect.BottomLeft(); aPt.Y() -= nTmp - 1L; pHScrollBar->SetPosSizePixel( aPt, Size(aOut.Width() - nTmp, nTmp)); aPt.X() = pHScrollBar->GetSizePixel().Width(); aPt.Y() = pVScrollBar->GetSizePixel().Height(); pScrollBox->SetPosSizePixel(aPt, Size(nTmp, nTmp )); aRect.Right() = aPt.X() - 2; aRect.Bottom() = aPt.Y() - 2; } return aRect; } void SmEditWindow::SetScrollBarRanges() { // Extra-Methode, nicht InitScrollBars, da auch fuer EditEngine-Events. EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); if (pVScrollBar && pHScrollBar && pEditEngine && pEditView) { long nTmp = pEditEngine->GetTextHeight(); pVScrollBar->SetRange(Range(0, nTmp)); pVScrollBar->SetThumbPos(pEditView->GetVisArea().Top()); nTmp = pEditEngine->GetPaperSize().Width(); pHScrollBar->SetRange(Range(0,nTmp)); pHScrollBar->SetThumbPos(pEditView->GetVisArea().Left()); } } void SmEditWindow::InitScrollBars() { if (pVScrollBar && pHScrollBar && pScrollBox && pEditView) { const Size aOut( pEditView->GetOutputArea().GetSize() ); pVScrollBar->SetVisibleSize(aOut.Height()); pVScrollBar->SetPageSize(aOut.Height() * 8 / 10); pVScrollBar->SetLineSize(aOut.Height() * 2 / 10); pHScrollBar->SetVisibleSize(aOut.Width()); pHScrollBar->SetPageSize(aOut.Width() * 8 / 10); pHScrollBar->SetLineSize(SCROLL_LINE ); SetScrollBarRanges(); pVScrollBar->Show(); pHScrollBar->Show(); pScrollBox->Show(); } } XubString SmEditWindow::GetText() { String aText; EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine, "EditEngine missing" ); if (pEditEngine) aText = pEditEngine->GetText( LINEEND_LF ); return aText; } void SmEditWindow::SetText(const XubString& rText) { EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine, "EditEngine missing" ); if (pEditEngine && !pEditEngine->IsModified()) { if (!pEditView) CreateEditView(); ESelection eSelection = pEditView->GetSelection(); pEditEngine->SetText(rText); pEditEngine->ClearModifyFlag(); //! Hier die Timer neu zu starten verhindert, dass die Handler für andere //! (im Augenblick nicht mehr aktive) Math Tasks aufgerufen werden. aModifyTimer.Start(); aCursorMoveTimer.Start(); pEditView->SetSelection(eSelection); } } void SmEditWindow::GetFocus() { Window::GetFocus(); EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); if (pEditView) pEditView->SetSelection( aActiveSelection ); if (pEditEngine) pEditEngine->SetStatusEventHdl( LINK(this, SmEditWindow, EditStatusHdl) ); } void SmEditWindow::LoseFocus() { EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); if (pEditView) aActiveSelection = pEditView->GetSelection(); if (pEditEngine) pEditEngine->SetStatusEventHdl( Link() ); Window::LoseFocus(); } BOOL SmEditWindow::IsAllSelected() const { BOOL bRes = FALSE; EditEngine *pEditEngine = ((SmEditWindow *) this)->GetEditEngine(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "NULL pointer" ); DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine, "NULL pointer" ); if (pEditEngine && pEditView) { ESelection eSelection( pEditView->GetSelection() ); INT32 nParaCnt = pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount(); if (!(nParaCnt - 1)) { String Text( pEditEngine->GetText( LINEEND_LF ) ); bRes = !eSelection.nStartPos && (eSelection.nEndPos == Text.Len () - 1); } else { bRes = !eSelection.nStartPara && (eSelection.nEndPara == nParaCnt - 1); } } return bRes; } void SmEditWindow::SelectAll() { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "NULL pointer" ); if (pEditView) { // 0xFFFF as last two parameters refers to the end of the text pEditView->SetSelection( ESelection( 0, 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF ) ); } } void SmEditWindow::InsertCommand(USHORT Command) { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing" ); if (pEditView) { //Anfang der Selektion merken und hinterher den Cursor daraufsetzen. Nur so //macht das SelNextMark() Sinn. ESelection aSelection = pEditView->GetSelection(); aSelection.nEndPos = aSelection.nStartPos; aSelection.nEndPara = aSelection.nStartPara; DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "NULL pointer" ); String aText = String(SmResId(Command)); pEditView->InsertText(aText); if (HasMark(aText)) { // set selection to next mark pEditView->SetSelection(aSelection); SelNextMark(); } else { // set selection after inserted text aSelection.nStartPos = aSelection.nEndPos += aText.Len(); pEditView->SetSelection(aSelection); } GrabFocus(); } } void SmEditWindow::MarkError(const Point &rPos) { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing" ); if (pEditView) { const int Col = rPos.X(); const int Row = rPos.Y() - 1; pEditView->SetSelection(ESelection (Row, Col - 1, Row, Col)); GrabFocus(); } } void SmEditWindow::SelNextMark() { EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "NULL pointer" ); DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine, "NULL pointer" ); if (pEditEngine && pEditView) { ESelection eSelection = pEditView->GetSelection(); USHORT Pos = eSelection.nEndPos; String aMark (C2S("")); String aText; USHORT nCounts = pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount(); while (eSelection.nEndPara < nCounts) { aText = pEditEngine->GetText( eSelection.nEndPara ); Pos = aText.Search(aMark, Pos); if (Pos != STRING_NOTFOUND) { pEditView->SetSelection(ESelection (eSelection.nEndPara, Pos, eSelection.nEndPara, Pos + 3)); break; } Pos = 0; eSelection.nEndPara++; } } } void SmEditWindow::SelPrevMark() { EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine, "NULL pointer" ); DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "NULL pointer" ); if (pEditEngine && pEditView) { ESelection eSelection = pEditView->GetSelection(); USHORT Pos = STRING_NOTFOUND; xub_StrLen Max = eSelection.nStartPos; String Text( pEditEngine->GetText( eSelection.nStartPara ) ); String aMark (C2S("")); USHORT nCounts = pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount(); do { USHORT Fnd = Text.Search(aMark, 0); while ((Fnd < Max) && (Fnd != STRING_NOTFOUND)) { Pos = Fnd; Fnd = Text.Search(aMark, Fnd + 1); } if (Pos == STRING_NOTFOUND) { eSelection.nStartPara--; Text = pEditEngine->GetText( eSelection.nStartPara ); Max = Text.Len(); } } while ((eSelection.nStartPara < nCounts) && (Pos == STRING_NOTFOUND)); if (Pos != STRING_NOTFOUND) { pEditView->SetSelection(ESelection (eSelection.nStartPara, Pos, eSelection.nStartPara, Pos + 3)); } } } BOOL SmEditWindow::HasMark(const String& rText) const // returns true iff 'rText' contains a mark { return rText.SearchAscii("", 0) != STRING_NOTFOUND; } void SmEditWindow::MouseMove(const MouseEvent &rEvt) { if (pEditView) pEditView->MouseMove(rEvt); } sal_Int8 SmEditWindow::AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt ) { return pEditView ? /*pEditView->QueryDrop( rEvt )*/DND_ACTION_NONE: DND_ACTION_NONE; } sal_Int8 SmEditWindow::ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ) { return pEditView ? /*pEditView->Drop( rEvt )*/DND_ACTION_NONE : DND_ACTION_NONE; } ESelection SmEditWindow::GetSelection() const { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "NULL pointer" ); ESelection eSel; if (pEditView) eSel = pEditView->GetSelection(); return eSel; } void SmEditWindow::SetSelection(const ESelection &rSel) { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "NULL pointer" ); if (pEditView) pEditView->SetSelection(rSel); } BOOL SmEditWindow::IsEmpty() const { EditEngine *pEditEngine = ((SmEditWindow *) this)->GetEditEngine(); return pEditEngine ? pEditEngine->GetTextLen() == 0 : FALSE; } BOOL SmEditWindow::IsSelected() const { return pEditView ? pEditView->HasSelection() : FALSE; } void SmEditWindow::Cut() { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing" ); if (pEditView) pEditView->Cut(); } void SmEditWindow::Copy() { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing" ); if (pEditView) pEditView->Copy(); } void SmEditWindow::Paste() { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing" ); if (pEditView) pEditView->Paste(); } void SmEditWindow::Delete() { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing" ); if (pEditView) pEditView->DeleteSelected(); } void SmEditWindow::InsertText(const String& Text) { DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "EditView missing" ); if (pEditView) pEditView->InsertText(Text); } void SmEditWindow::Flush() { EditEngine *pEditEngine = GetEditEngine(); if (pEditEngine && pEditEngine->IsModified()) { pEditEngine->ClearModifyFlag(); SmViewShell *pViewSh = SmGetActiveView(); if (pViewSh) pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_TEXT, SFX_CALLMODE_STANDARD, new SfxStringItem(SID_TEXT, GetText()), 0L); } if (aCursorMoveTimer.IsActive()) { aCursorMoveTimer.Stop(); // ggf noch die (neue) FormulaCursor Position setzen CursorMoveTimerHdl(&aCursorMoveTimer); } } void SmEditWindow::DeleteEditView( SmViewShell &rView ) { if (pEditView) { EditEngine *pEditEngine = pEditView->GetEditEngine(); if (pEditEngine) { pEditEngine->SetStatusEventHdl( Link() ); pEditEngine->RemoveView( pEditView ); } delete pEditView; pEditView = 0; } }