/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: view.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: tl $ $Date: 2001-05-02 16:58:48 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _SV_MENU_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_DECOVIEW_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_CLIP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_WHITER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _UNDO_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXPTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXPOOLITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXMSG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_PRINTER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXREQUEST_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_ZOOMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_ZOOM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _MyEDITENG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WRKWIN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef VIEW_HXX #include "view.hxx" #endif #ifndef DOCUMENT_HXX #include "document.hxx" #endif #ifndef CONFIG_HXX #include "config.hxx" #endif #ifndef TOOLBOX_HXX #include "toolbox.hxx" #endif #ifndef DIALOG_HXX #include "dialog.hxx" #endif #ifndef _STARMATH_HRC #include "starmath.hrc" #endif #define MINWIDTH 200 #define MINHEIGHT 200 #define MINSPLIT 40 #define SPLITTERWIDTH 2 #define MINZOOM 25 #define MAXZOOM 800 #define SmViewShell #include "smslots.hxx" SmGraphicWindow::SmGraphicWindow(SmViewShell* pShell): ScrollableWindow(&pShell->GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(), 0), pViewShell(pShell), nZoom(100), bIsCursorVisible(FALSE) { Hide(); const Fraction aFraction (1,1); SetMapMode( MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM, Point(), aFraction, aFraction)); SetBackground( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() ); SetTotalSize(); SetHelpId(HID_SMA_WIN_DOCUMENT); SetUniqueId(HID_SMA_WIN_DOCUMENT); } void SmGraphicWindow::StateChanged( StateChangedType eType ) { if ( eType == STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW ) Show(); ScrollableWindow::StateChanged( eType ); } void SmGraphicWindow::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rEvt ) { SetBackground( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() ); ScrollableWindow::DataChanged( rEvt ); } void SmGraphicWindow::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { // GrabFocus(); ScrollableWindow::MouseButtonDown(rMEvt); // // set formula-cursor and selection of edit window according to the // position clicked at // DBG_ASSERT(rMEvt.GetClicks() > 0, "Sm : 0 clicks"); if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() && pViewShell->GetEditWindow() ) { const SmNode *pTree = pViewShell->GetDoc()->GetFormulaTree(); //! kann NULL sein! ZB wenn bereits beim laden des Dokuments (bevor der //! Parser angeworfen wurde) ins Fenster geklickt wird. if (!pTree) return; // get click position relativ to formula Point aPos (PixelToLogic(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()) - GetFormulaDrawPos()); // if it was clicked inside the formula then get the appropriate node const SmNode *pNode = 0; if (pTree->OrientedDist(aPos) <= 0) pNode = pTree->FindRectClosestTo(aPos); if (pNode) { SmEditWindow *pEdit = pViewShell->GetEditWindow(); const SmToken aToken (pNode->GetToken()); #ifdef notnow // include introducing symbols of special char and text // (ie '%' and '"') USHORT nExtra = (aToken.eType == TSPECIAL || aToken.eType == TTEXT) ? 1 : 0; // set selection to the beginning of the token ESelection aSel (aToken.nRow - 1, aToken.nCol - 1 - nExtra); if (rMEvt.GetClicks() != 1) { // select whole token // for text include terminating symbol (ie '"') aSel.nEndPos += aToken.aText.Len() + nExtra + (aToken.eType == TTEXT ? 1 : 0); } #endif // set selection to the beginning of the token ESelection aSel (aToken.nRow - 1, aToken.nCol - 1); if (rMEvt.GetClicks() != 1) aSel.nEndPos += aToken.aText.Len(); pEdit->SetSelection(aSel); SetCursor(pNode); // allow for immediate editing and //! implicitly synchronize the cursor position mark in this window pEdit->GrabFocus(); } } } void SmGraphicWindow::ShowCursor(BOOL bShow) // shows or hides the formula-cursor depending on 'bShow' is TRUE or not { BOOL bInvert = bShow != IsCursorVisible(); if (bInvert) InvertTracking(aCursorRect, SHOWTRACK_SMALL | SHOWTRACK_WINDOW); SetIsCursorVisible(bShow); } void SmGraphicWindow::SetCursor(const SmNode *pNode) { const SmNode *pTree = pViewShell->GetDoc()->GetFormulaTree(); // get appropriate rectangle Point aOffset (pNode->GetTopLeft() - pTree->GetTopLeft()), aTLPos (GetFormulaDrawPos() + aOffset); aTLPos.X() -= pNode->GetItalicLeftSpace(); Size aSize (pNode->GetItalicSize()); Point aBRPos (aTLPos.X() + aSize.Width(), aTLPos.Y() + aSize.Height()); SetCursor(Rectangle(aTLPos, aSize)); } void SmGraphicWindow::SetCursor(const Rectangle &rRect) // sets cursor to new position (rectangle) 'rRect'. // The old cursor will be removed, and the new one will be shown if // that is activated in the ConfigItem { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); if (IsCursorVisible()) ShowCursor(FALSE); // clean up remainings of old cursor aCursorRect = rRect; if (pp->GetConfig()->IsShowFormulaCursor()) ShowCursor(TRUE); // draw new cursor } const SmNode * SmGraphicWindow::SetCursorPos(USHORT nRow, USHORT nCol) // looks for a VISIBLE node in the formula tree with it's token at // (or around) the position 'nRow', 'nCol' in the edit window // (row and column numbering starts with 1 there!). // If there is such a node the formula-cursor is set to cover that nodes // rectangle. If not the formula-cursor will be hidden. // In any case the search result is being returned. { // find visible node with token at nRow, nCol const SmNode *pTree = pViewShell->GetDoc()->GetFormulaTree(), *pNode = 0; if (pTree) pNode = pTree->FindTokenAt(nRow, nCol); if (pNode) SetCursor(pNode); else ShowCursor(FALSE); return pNode; } void SmGraphicWindow::Paint(const Rectangle&) { DBG_ASSERT(pViewShell, "Sm : NULL pointer"); SmDocShell &rDoc = *pViewShell->GetDoc(); Point aPoint; rDoc.Draw(*this, aPoint); //! modifies aPoint to be the topleft //! corner of the formula SetFormulaDrawPos(aPoint); SetIsCursorVisible(FALSE); // (old) cursor must be drawn again const SmEditWindow *pEdit = pViewShell->GetEditWindow(); if (pEdit) { // get new position for formula-cursor (for possible altered formula) USHORT nRow, nCol; SmGetLeftSelectionPart(pEdit->GetSelection(), nRow, nCol); nRow++; nCol++; const SmNode *pFound = SetCursorPos(nRow, nCol); SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); if (pFound && pp->GetConfig()->IsShowFormulaCursor()) ShowCursor(TRUE); } } void SmGraphicWindow::SetTotalSize () { SmDocShell &rDoc = *pViewShell->GetDoc(); const Size aTmp( PixelToLogic( LogicToPixel( rDoc.GetSize() ))); if ( aTmp != ScrollableWindow::GetTotalSize() ) ScrollableWindow::SetTotalSize( aTmp ); } void SmGraphicWindow::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt) { if (! (SfxViewShell::Current() && SfxViewShell::Current()->KeyInput(rKEvt))) ScrollableWindow::KeyInput(rKEvt); } void SmGraphicWindow::Command(const CommandEvent& rCEvt) { BOOL bCallBase = TRUE; if ( !pViewShell->GetDoc()->GetProtocol().IsInPlaceActive() ) { switch ( rCEvt.GetCommand() ) { case COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU: { GetParent()->ToTop(); PopupMenu* pPopupMenu = new PopupMenu(SmResId(RID_VIEWMENU)); pPopupMenu->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmGraphicWindow, MenuSelectHdl)); pPopupMenu->Execute( this, OutputToScreenPixel(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel()) ); delete pPopupMenu; bCallBase = FALSE; } break; case COMMAND_WHEEL: { const CommandWheelData* pWData = rCEvt.GetWheelData(); if ( pWData && COMMAND_WHEEL_ZOOM == pWData->GetMode() ) { USHORT nZoom = GetZoom(); if( 0L > pWData->GetDelta() ) nZoom -= 10; else nZoom += 10; SetZoom( nZoom ); bCallBase = FALSE; } } break; } } if ( bCallBase ) ScrollableWindow::Command (rCEvt); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmGraphicWindow, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu ) { SmViewShell *pViewSh = SmGetActiveView(); if (pViewSh) pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( pMenu->GetCurItemId() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmGraphicWindow, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu ) void SmGraphicWindow::SetZoom(USHORT Factor) { nZoom = Min(Max((USHORT) Factor, (USHORT) MINZOOM), (USHORT) MAXZOOM); Fraction aFraction (nZoom, 100); SetMapMode( MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM, Point(), aFraction, aFraction) ); SetTotalSize(); SmViewShell *pViewSh = SmGetActiveView(); if (pViewSh) pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate(SID_ATTR_ZOOM); Invalidate(); } void SmGraphicWindow::ZoomToFitInWindow() { SmDocShell &rDoc = *pViewShell->GetDoc(); // set defined mapmode before calling 'LogicToPixel' below SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)); Size aSize (LogicToPixel(rDoc.GetSize())); Size aWindowSize (GetSizePixel()); if (aSize.Width() > 0 && aSize.Height() > 0) SetZoom (Min ((85 * aWindowSize.Width()) / aSize.Width(), (85 * aWindowSize.Height()) / aSize.Height())); } /**************************************************************************/ SmGraphicController::SmGraphicController(SmGraphicWindow &rSmGraphic, USHORT nId, SfxBindings &rBindings) : rGraphic(rSmGraphic), SfxControllerItem(nId, rBindings) { } void SmGraphicController::StateChanged(USHORT nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState) { rGraphic.SetTotalSize(); rGraphic.Invalidate(); SfxControllerItem::StateChanged (nSID, eState, pState); } /**************************************************************************/ SmEditController::SmEditController(SmEditWindow &rSmEdit, USHORT nId, SfxBindings &rBindings) : rEdit(rSmEdit), SfxControllerItem(nId, rBindings) { } void SmEditController::StateChanged(USHORT nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState) { const SfxStringItem *pItem = PTR_CAST(SfxStringItem, pState); if ((pItem != NULL) && (rEdit.GetText() != pItem->GetValue())) rEdit.SetText(pItem->GetValue()); SfxControllerItem::StateChanged (nSID, eState, pState); } /**************************************************************************/ SmCmdBoxWindow::~SmCmdBoxWindow () { aGrabTimer.Stop (); } void SmCmdBoxWindow::Resize() { Rectangle aRect = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), GetOutputSizePixel()); if (! IsFloatingMode()) { switch (GetAlignment()) { case SFX_ALIGN_TOP: aRect.Bottom()--; break; case SFX_ALIGN_BOTTOM: aRect.Top()++; break; case SFX_ALIGN_LEFT: aRect.Right()--; break; case SFX_ALIGN_RIGHT: aRect.Left()++; break; } } DecorationView aView(this); aRect.Left() += 8; aRect.Top() += 8; aRect.Right()-= 8; aRect.Bottom()-= 8; aRect = aView.DrawFrame( aRect, FRAME_DRAW_DOUBLEIN ); aEdit.SetPosSizePixel(aRect.TopLeft(), aRect.GetSize()); SfxDockingWindow::Resize(); Invalidate(); } void SmCmdBoxWindow::Paint(const Rectangle& rRect) { Rectangle aRect = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), GetOutputSizePixel()); DecorationView aView(this); if (! IsFloatingMode()) { Point aFrom, aTo; switch (GetAlignment()) { case SFX_ALIGN_TOP: aFrom = aRect.BottomLeft(); aTo = aRect.BottomRight(); aRect.Bottom()--; break; case SFX_ALIGN_BOTTOM: aFrom = aRect.TopLeft(); aTo = aRect.TopRight(); aRect.Top()++; break; case SFX_ALIGN_LEFT: aFrom = aRect.TopRight(); aTo = aRect.BottomRight(); aRect.Right()--; break; case SFX_ALIGN_RIGHT: aFrom = aRect.TopLeft(); aTo = aRect.BottomLeft(); aRect.Left()++; break; } DrawLine( aFrom, aTo ); aView.DrawFrame(aRect, FRAME_DRAW_OUT); } aRect.Left() += 8; aRect.Top() += 8; aRect.Right()-= 8; aRect.Bottom()-= 8; aRect = aView.DrawFrame( aRect, FRAME_DRAW_DOUBLEIN ); } Size SmCmdBoxWindow::CalcDockingSize(SfxChildAlignment eAlign) { switch (eAlign) { case SFX_ALIGN_LEFT: case SFX_ALIGN_RIGHT: return Size(); /* case SFX_ALIGN_TOP: case SFX_ALIGN_BOTTOM: */ } return SfxDockingWindow::CalcDockingSize(eAlign); } IMPL_LINK(SmCmdBoxWindow, UpdateTimeoutHdl, Timer *, pTimer) { aGrabTimer.Stop (); Grab(); return 0; } void SmCmdBoxWindow::Grab () { GrabFocus (); aEdit.GrabFocus (); } SmCmdBoxWindow::SmCmdBoxWindow(SfxBindings *pBindings, SfxChildWindow *pChildWindow, Window *pParent) : SfxDockingWindow(pBindings, pChildWindow, pParent, SmResId(RID_CMDBOXWINDOW)), aEdit(this), aController(aEdit, SID_TEXT, *pBindings) { Hide (); aGrabTimer.SetTimeout (1000); aGrabTimer.SetTimeoutHdl (LINK (this, SmCmdBoxWindow, UpdateTimeoutHdl)); aGrabTimer.Start (); } SfxChildAlignment SmCmdBoxWindow::CheckAlignment(SfxChildAlignment eActual, SfxChildAlignment eWish) { switch (eWish) { case SFX_ALIGN_TOP: case SFX_ALIGN_BOTTOM: case SFX_ALIGN_NOALIGNMENT: return eWish; } return eActual; } void SmCmdBoxWindow::StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange ) { if (STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW == nStateChange) AdjustPosition(); else SfxDockingWindow::StateChanged( nStateChange ); } void SmCmdBoxWindow::AdjustPosition() { Point aPt; const Rectangle aRect( aPt, GetParent()->GetOutputSizePixel() ); Point aTopLeft( Point( aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom() - GetSizePixel().Height() ) ); Point aPos( GetParent()->OutputToScreenPixel( aTopLeft ) ); if (aPos.X() < 0) aPos.X() = 0; if (aPos.Y() < 0) aPos.Y() = 0; SetPosPixel( aPos ); } void SmCmdBoxWindow::ShowWindows () { Show (); Resize(); aEdit.Show (); } void SmCmdBoxWindow::ToggleFloatingMode() { SfxDockingWindow::ToggleFloatingMode(); if (GetFloatingWindow()) GetFloatingWindow()->SetMinOutputSizePixel(Size (200, 50)); } /**************************************************************************/ SFX_IMPL_DOCKINGWINDOW(SmCmdBoxWrapper, SID_CMDBOXWINDOW); SmCmdBoxWrapper::SmCmdBoxWrapper(Window *pParentWindow, USHORT nId, SfxBindings *pBindings, SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo) : SfxChildWindow(pParentWindow, nId) { pWindow = new SmCmdBoxWindow(pBindings, this, pParentWindow); if ( !pInfo->aPos.X() || !pInfo->aPos.Y() ) { ((SfxDockingWindow *)pWindow)->Initialize(pInfo); ((SmCmdBoxWindow *)pWindow)->AdjustPosition(); } else { pWindow->SetPosPixel(pInfo->aPos); ((SfxDockingWindow *)pWindow)->Initialize(pInfo); } ((SmCmdBoxWindow *)pWindow)->ShowWindows (); } void SmCmdBoxWrapper::Grab () { ((SmCmdBoxWindow *)pWindow)->Grab (); } /**************************************************************************/ TYPEINIT1( SmViewShell, SfxViewShell ); SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(SmViewShell, SfxViewShell, SmResId(0)) { SFX_OBJECTBAR_REGISTRATION( SFX_OBJECTBAR_TOOLS | SFX_VISIBILITY_STANDARD | SFX_VISIBILITY_FULLSCREEN | SFX_VISIBILITY_SERVER, SmResId(RID_MATH_TOOLBOX )); //Dummy-Objectbar, damit es bei aktivieren nicht staendig zuppelt. // Wegen #58705# entfernt (RID wurde nirgends verwendet) // SFX_OBJECTBAR_REGISTRATION( SFX_OBJECTBAR_OBJECT | SFX_VISIBILITY_SERVER, // SmResId(RID_DRAW_OBJECTBAR) ); SFX_CHILDWINDOW_REGISTRATION(SmToolBoxWrapper::GetChildWindowId()); SFX_CHILDWINDOW_REGISTRATION(SmCmdBoxWrapper::GetChildWindowId()); } SFX_IMPL_VIEWFACTORY(SmViewShell, SmResId(RID_VIEWNAME)) { SFX_VIEW_REGISTRATION(SmDocShell); } Size SmViewShell::GetOptimalSizePixel() const { return aGraphic.LogicToPixel( ((SmViewShell*)this)->GetDoc()->GetSize() ); } void SmViewShell::AdjustPosSizePixel(const Point &rPos, const Size &rSize) { aGraphic.SetPosSizePixel(rPos, rSize); } void SmViewShell::InnerResizePixel(const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize) { //Ein bischen muessen wir schon raten was die Basisklasse tun wird. //Die Scrollbars muessen einkalkuliert werden damit sie Aussen sitzen, //denn genau dafuer steht ja das InnerResize const Size aDocSz = aGraphic.LogicToPixel( GetDoc()->GetSize() ); Size aSize( rSize ); SvBorder aBorder; if ( aSize.Width() < aDocSz.Width() ) { if ( 1 == (aDocSz.Width() - aSize.Width()) ) { //Einen Pixel daneben, kann ja mal passieren. aSize.Width() += 1; } else { aBorder.Bottom() = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); aSize.Height() += aBorder.Bottom(); } } if ( aSize.Height() < aDocSz.Height() ) { if ( 1 == (aDocSz.Height() - aSize.Height()) ) { aSize.Height() += 1; } else { aBorder.Right() = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); aSize.Width() += aBorder.Right(); } } SetBorderPixel( aBorder ); GetGraphicWindow().SetPosSizePixel(rOfs, aSize); GetGraphicWindow().SetTotalSize(); } void SmViewShell::OuterResizePixel(const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize) { GetGraphicWindow().SetPosSizePixel(rOfs, rSize); GetGraphicWindow().Update(); } void SmViewShell::QueryObjAreaPixel( Rectangle& rRect ) const { rRect.SetSize( GetGraphicWindow().GetSizePixel() ); } void SmViewShell::SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rX, const Fraction &rY ) { const Fraction &rFrac = rX < rY ? rX : rY; GetGraphicWindow().SetZoom( (USHORT) long(rFrac * Fraction( 100, 1 )) ); //Um Rundungsfehler zu minimieren lassen wir von der Basisklasse ggf. //auch die krummen Werte einstellen SfxViewShell::SetZoomFactor( rX, rY ); } Size SmViewShell::GetTextLineSize(OutputDevice& rDevice, const String& rLine) { String aText; Size aSize(rDevice.GetTextWidth(rLine), rDevice.GetTextHeight()); USHORT nTabs = rLine.GetTokenCount('\t'); if (nTabs > 0) { long TabPos = rDevice.GetTextWidth('n') * 8; aSize.Width() = 0; for (USHORT i = 0; i < nTabs; i++) { if (i > 0) aSize.Width() = ((aSize.Width() / TabPos) + 1) * TabPos; aText = rLine.GetToken(i, '\t'); aText.EraseLeadingChars('\t'); aText.EraseTrailingChars('\t'); aSize.Width() += rDevice.GetTextWidth(aText); } } return aSize; } Size SmViewShell::GetTextSize(OutputDevice& rDevice, const String& rText, long MaxWidth) { Size aSize; String aLine; Size TextSize; String aText; USHORT nLines = rText.GetTokenCount('\n'); for (USHORT i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { aLine = rText.GetToken(i, '\n'); aLine.EraseAllChars('\r'); aLine.EraseLeadingChars('\n'); aLine.EraseTrailingChars('\n'); aSize = GetTextLineSize(rDevice, aLine); if (aSize.Width() > MaxWidth) { do { xub_StrLen m = aLine.Len(); xub_StrLen nLen = m; for (xub_StrLen n = 0; n < nLen; n++) { sal_Unicode cLineChar = aLine.GetChar(n); if ((cLineChar == ' ') || (cLineChar == '\t')) { aText = aLine.Copy(0, n); if (GetTextLineSize(rDevice, aText).Width() < MaxWidth) m = n; else break; } } aText = aLine.Copy(0, m); aLine.Erase(0, m); aSize = GetTextLineSize(rDevice, aText); TextSize.Height() += aSize.Height(); TextSize.Width() = Max(TextSize.Width(), Min(aSize.Width(), MaxWidth)); aLine.EraseLeadingChars(' '); aLine.EraseLeadingChars('\t'); aLine.EraseLeadingChars(' '); } while (aLine.Len() > 0); } else { TextSize.Height() += aSize.Height(); TextSize.Width() = Max(TextSize.Width(), aSize.Width()); } } return TextSize; } void SmViewShell::DrawTextLine(OutputDevice& rDevice, const Point& rPosition, const String& rLine) { String aText; Point aPoint (rPosition); USHORT nTabs = rLine.GetTokenCount('\t'); if (nTabs > 0) { long TabPos = rDevice.GetTextWidth('n') * 8; for (USHORT i = 0; i < nTabs; i++) { if (i > 0) aPoint.X() = ((aPoint.X() / TabPos) + 1) * TabPos; aText = rLine.GetToken(i, '\t'); aText.EraseLeadingChars('\t'); aText.EraseTrailingChars('\t'); rDevice.DrawText(aPoint, aText); aPoint.X() += rDevice.GetTextWidth(aText); } } else rDevice.DrawText(aPoint, rLine); } void SmViewShell::DrawText(OutputDevice& rDevice, const Point& rPosition, const String& rText, USHORT MaxWidth) { USHORT nLines = rText.GetTokenCount('\n'); Point aPoint (rPosition); Size aSize; String aLine; String aText; for (USHORT i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { aLine = rText.GetToken(i, '\n'); aLine.EraseAllChars('\r'); aLine.EraseLeadingChars('\n'); aLine.EraseTrailingChars('\n'); aSize = GetTextLineSize(rDevice, aLine); if (aSize.Width() > MaxWidth) { do { xub_StrLen m = aLine.Len(); xub_StrLen nLen = m; for (xub_StrLen n = 0; n < nLen; n++) { sal_Unicode cLineChar = aLine.GetChar(n); if ((cLineChar == ' ') || (cLineChar == '\t')) { aText = aLine.Copy(0, n); if (GetTextLineSize(rDevice, aText).Width() < MaxWidth) m = n; else break; } } aText = aLine.Copy(0, m); aLine.Erase(0, m); DrawTextLine(rDevice, aPoint, aText); aPoint.Y() += aSize.Height(); aLine.EraseLeadingChars(' '); aLine.EraseLeadingChars('\t'); aLine.EraseLeadingChars(' '); } while (GetTextLineSize(rDevice, aLine).Width() > MaxWidth); // print the remaining text if (aLine.Len() > 0) { DrawTextLine(rDevice, aPoint, aLine); aPoint.Y() += aSize.Height(); } } else { DrawTextLine(rDevice, aPoint, aLine); aPoint.Y() += aSize.Height(); } } } USHORT SmViewShell::Print(SfxProgress &rProgress, PrintDialog *pPrintDialog) { MapMode OutputMapMode; SmPrinterAccess aPrinterAccess( *GetDoc() ); Printer *pPrinter = aPrinterAccess.GetPrinter(); pPrinter->Push(); Point aZeroPoint; SfxViewShell::Print (rProgress, pPrintDialog); pPrinter->StartPage(); pPrinter->SetLineColor( Color(COL_BLACK) ); Rectangle OutputRect (aZeroPoint, pPrinter->GetOutputSize()); // set minimum top and bottom border if (pPrinter->GetPageOffset().Y() < 2000) OutputRect.Top() += 2000 - pPrinter->GetPageOffset().Y(); if ((pPrinter->GetPaperSize().Height() - (pPrinter->GetPageOffset().Y() + OutputRect.Bottom())) < 2000) OutputRect.Bottom() -= 2000 - (pPrinter->GetPaperSize().Height() - (pPrinter->GetPageOffset().Y() + OutputRect.Bottom())); // set minimum left and right border if (pPrinter->GetPageOffset().X() < 2500) OutputRect.Left() += 2500 - pPrinter->GetPageOffset().X(); if ((pPrinter->GetPaperSize().Width() - (pPrinter->GetPageOffset().X() + OutputRect.Right())) < 1500) OutputRect.Right() -= 1500 - (pPrinter->GetPaperSize().Width() - (pPrinter->GetPageOffset().X() + OutputRect.Right())); // output text on top SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); if (pp->GetConfig()->IsPrintTitle()) { Size aSize600 (0, 600); Size aSize650 (0, 650); Font aFont(FAMILY_DONTKNOW, aSize600); aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_TOP); aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_BOLD); aFont.SetSize(aSize650); pPrinter->SetFont(aFont); Size aTitleSize (GetTextSize(*pPrinter, GetDoc()->GetTitle(), OutputRect.GetWidth() - 200)); aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL); aFont.SetSize(aSize600); pPrinter->SetFont(aFont); Size aDescSize (GetTextSize(*pPrinter, GetDoc()->GetComment(), OutputRect.GetWidth() - 200)); // output rectangle SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); if (pp->GetConfig()->IsPrintFrame()) pPrinter->DrawRect(Rectangle(OutputRect.TopLeft(), Size(OutputRect.GetWidth(), 100 + aTitleSize.Height() + 200 + aDescSize.Height() + 100))); OutputRect.Top() += 200; // output title aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_BOLD); aFont.SetSize(aSize650); pPrinter->SetFont(aFont); DrawText(*pPrinter, Point (OutputRect.Left() + (OutputRect.GetWidth() - aTitleSize.Width()) / 2, OutputRect.Top()), GetDoc()->GetTitle(), OutputRect.GetWidth() - 200); OutputRect.Top() += aTitleSize.Height() + 200; // output description aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL); aFont.SetSize(aSize600); pPrinter->SetFont(aFont); DrawText(*pPrinter, Point (OutputRect.Left() + (OutputRect.GetWidth() - aDescSize.Width()) / 2, OutputRect.Top()), GetDoc()->GetComment(), OutputRect.GetWidth() - 200); OutputRect.Top() += aDescSize.Height() + 300; } // output text on bottom if (pp->GetConfig()->IsPrintFormulaText()) { // Font aFont(FAMILY_DONTKNOW, Size(0, 600)); Font aFont; aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_TOP); // get size pPrinter->SetFont(aFont); Size aSize (GetTextSize(*pPrinter, GetDoc()->GetText(), OutputRect.GetWidth() - 200)); OutputRect.Bottom() -= aSize.Height() + 600; // output rectangle SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); if (pp->GetConfig()->IsPrintFrame()) pPrinter->DrawRect(Rectangle(OutputRect.BottomLeft(), Size(OutputRect.GetWidth(), 200 + aSize.Height() + 200))); DrawText(*pPrinter, Point (OutputRect.Left() + (OutputRect.GetWidth() - aSize.Width()) / 2, OutputRect.Bottom() + 300), GetDoc()->GetText(), OutputRect.GetWidth() - 200); OutputRect.Bottom() -= 200; } if (pp->GetConfig()->IsPrintFrame()) pPrinter->DrawRect(OutputRect); OutputRect.Top() += 100; OutputRect.Left() += 100; OutputRect.Bottom() -= 100; OutputRect.Right() -= 100; Size aSize (GetDoc()->GetSize()); switch (pp->GetConfig()->GetPrintSize()) { case PRINT_SIZE_NORMAL: OutputMapMode = MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM); break; case PRINT_SIZE_SCALED: if ((aSize.Width() > 0) && (aSize.Height() > 0)) { Size OutputSize (pPrinter->LogicToPixel(Size(OutputRect.GetWidth(), OutputRect.GetHeight()), MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM))); Size GraphicSize (pPrinter->LogicToPixel(aSize, MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM))); USHORT nZ = (USHORT) Min((long)Fraction(OutputSize.Width() * 100L, GraphicSize.Width()), (long)Fraction(OutputSize.Height() * 100L, GraphicSize.Height())); Fraction aFraction ((USHORT) Max ((USHORT) MINZOOM, Min((USHORT) MAXZOOM, (USHORT) (nZ - 10))), (USHORT) 100); OutputMapMode = MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM, aZeroPoint, aFraction, aFraction); } else OutputMapMode = MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM); break; case PRINT_SIZE_ZOOMED: { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); Fraction aFraction (pp->GetConfig()->GetPrintZoomFactor(), 100); OutputMapMode = MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM, aZeroPoint, aFraction, aFraction); break; } } aSize = pPrinter->PixelToLogic(pPrinter->LogicToPixel(aSize, OutputMapMode), MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)); Point Position (OutputRect.Left() + (OutputRect.GetWidth() - aSize.Width()) / 2, OutputRect.Top() + (OutputRect.GetHeight() - aSize.Height()) / 2); Position = pPrinter->PixelToLogic(pPrinter->LogicToPixel(Position, MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)), OutputMapMode); OutputRect = pPrinter->PixelToLogic(pPrinter->LogicToPixel(OutputRect, MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)), OutputMapMode); pPrinter->SetMapMode(OutputMapMode); pPrinter->SetClipRegion(Region(OutputRect)); GetDoc()->Draw(*pPrinter, Position); pPrinter->SetClipRegion(); pPrinter->EndPage(); pPrinter->Pop(); return 0; } SfxPrinter* SmViewShell::GetPrinter(BOOL bCreate) { SmDocShell *pDoc = GetDoc(); if ( pDoc->HasPrinter() || bCreate ) return pDoc->GetPrinter(); return 0; } USHORT SmViewShell::SetPrinter(SfxPrinter *pNewPrinter, USHORT nDiffFlags) { if ((nDiffFlags & SFX_PRINTER_PRINTER) == SFX_PRINTER_PRINTER) GetDoc()->SetPrinter( pNewPrinter ); if ((nDiffFlags & SFX_PRINTER_OPTIONS) == SFX_PRINTER_OPTIONS) { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); pp->GetConfig()->ItemSetToConfig(pNewPrinter->GetOptions()); } return 0; } SfxTabPage* SmViewShell::CreatePrintOptionsPage(Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rOptions) { return SmPrintOptionsTabPage::Create(pParent, rOptions); } SmEditWindow *SmViewShell::GetEditWindow() { SmCmdBoxWrapper *pWrapper = (SmCmdBoxWrapper *) GetViewFrame()-> GetChildWindow( SmCmdBoxWrapper::GetChildWindowId() ); if (pWrapper != NULL) { SmEditWindow *pEditWin = pWrapper->GetEditWindow(); DBG_ASSERT( pEditWin, "SmEditWindow missing" ); return pEditWin; } return NULL; } void SmViewShell::SetStatusText(const String& Text) { StatusText = Text; GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate(SID_TEXTSTATUS); } void SmViewShell::ShowError( const SmErrorDesc *pErrorDesc ) { DBG_ASSERT(GetDoc(), "Sm : Document missing"); if (pErrorDesc || 0 != (pErrorDesc = GetDoc()->GetParser().GetError(0)) ) { SetStatusText( pErrorDesc->Text ); GetEditWindow()->MarkError( Point( pErrorDesc->pNode->GetColumn(), pErrorDesc->pNode->GetRow())); } } void SmViewShell::NextError() { DBG_ASSERT(GetDoc(), "Sm : Document missing"); const SmErrorDesc *pErrorDesc = GetDoc()->GetParser().NextError(); if (pErrorDesc) ShowError( pErrorDesc ); } void SmViewShell::PrevError() { DBG_ASSERT(GetDoc(), "Sm : Document missing"); const SmErrorDesc *pErrorDesc = GetDoc()->GetParser().PrevError(); if (pErrorDesc) ShowError( pErrorDesc ); } void SmViewShell::Execute(SfxRequest& rReq) { SmEditWindow *pWin = GetEditWindow(); switch (rReq.GetSlot()) { case SID_FORMULACURSOR: { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); const SfxItemSet *pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); const SfxPoolItem *pItem; BOOL bVal; if ( pArgs && SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState( SID_FORMULACURSOR, FALSE, &pItem)) bVal = ((SfxBoolItem *) pItem)->GetValue(); else bVal = !pp->GetConfig()->IsShowFormulaCursor(); pp->GetConfig()->SetShowFormulaCursor(bVal); GetGraphicWindow().ShowCursor(bVal); break; } case SID_DRAW: if (pWin) { GetDoc()->SetText( pWin->GetText() ); SetStatusText(String()); ShowError( 0 ); GetDoc()->Resize(); } break; case SID_ADJUST: case SID_FITINWINDOW: aGraphic.ZoomToFitInWindow(); break; case SID_VIEW050: aGraphic.SetZoom(50); break; case SID_VIEW100: aGraphic.SetZoom(100); break; case SID_VIEW200: aGraphic.SetZoom(200); break; case SID_ZOOMIN: aGraphic.SetZoom(aGraphic.GetZoom() + 25); break; case SID_ZOOMOUT: DBG_ASSERT(aGraphic.GetZoom() >= 25, "Sm: falsches USHORT Argument"); aGraphic.SetZoom(aGraphic.GetZoom() - 25); break; case SID_CUT: if (pWin) pWin->Cut(); break; case SID_COPY: if (pWin) { if (pWin->IsAllSelected()) { SmViewShell *pViewSh = SmGetActiveView(); if (pViewSh) pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_COPYOBJECT, SFX_CALLMODE_STANDARD, new SfxVoidItem(SID_COPYOBJECT), 0L); } else pWin->Copy(); } break; case SID_PASTE: if (pWin && Clipboard::HasFormat(FORMAT_STRING)) pWin->Paste(); else { SmViewShell *pViewSh = SmGetActiveView(); if (pViewSh) pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_PASTEOBJECT, SFX_CALLMODE_STANDARD, new SfxVoidItem(SID_PASTEOBJECT), 0L); } break; case SID_DELETE: if (pWin) pWin->Delete(); break; case SID_SELECT: if (pWin) pWin->SelectAll(); break; case SID_INSERTCOMMAND: { const SfxInt16Item& rItem = (const SfxInt16Item&)rReq.GetArgs()->Get(SID_INSERTCOMMAND); if (pWin) pWin->InsertCommand(rItem.GetValue()); break; } case SID_INSERTTEXT: { const SfxStringItem& rItem = (const SfxStringItem&)rReq.GetArgs()->Get(SID_INSERTTEXT); if (pWin) pWin->InsertText(rItem.GetValue()); break; } case SID_NEXTERR: NextError(); if (pWin) pWin->GrabFocus(); break; case SID_PREVERR: PrevError(); if (pWin) pWin->GrabFocus(); break; case SID_NEXTMARK: if (pWin) { pWin->SelNextMark(); pWin->GrabFocus(); } break; case SID_PREVMARK: if (pWin) { pWin->SelPrevMark(); pWin->GrabFocus(); } break; case SID_TEXTSTATUS: { if (rReq.GetArgs() != NULL) { const SfxStringItem& rItem = (const SfxStringItem&)rReq.GetArgs()->Get(SID_TEXTSTATUS); SetStatusText(rItem.GetValue()); } break; } case SID_GETEDITTEXT: if (pWin) if (pWin->GetText ().Len ()) GetDoc()->SetText( pWin->GetText() ); break; case SID_ATTR_ZOOM: { if ( !GetDoc()->GetProtocol().IsInPlaceActive() ) { SvxZoomDialog *pDlg = 0; const SfxItemSet *pSet = rReq.GetArgs(); if ( !pSet ) { SfxItemSet aSet( GetDoc()->GetPool(), SID_ATTR_ZOOM, SID_ATTR_ZOOM); aSet.Put( SvxZoomItem( SVX_ZOOM_PERCENT, aGraphic.GetZoom())); pDlg = new SvxZoomDialog( &GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(), aSet); pDlg->SetLimits( MINZOOM, MAXZOOM ); if( pDlg->Execute() != RET_CANCEL ) pSet = pDlg->GetOutputItemSet(); } if ( pSet ) { const SvxZoomItem &rZoom = (const SvxZoomItem &)pSet->Get(SID_ATTR_ZOOM); switch( rZoom.GetType() ) { case SVX_ZOOM_PERCENT: aGraphic.SetZoom((long)rZoom.GetValue ()); break; case SVX_ZOOM_OPTIMAL: aGraphic.ZoomToFitInWindow(); break; case SVX_ZOOM_PAGEWIDTH: case SVX_ZOOM_WHOLEPAGE: { const MapMode aMap( MAP_100TH_MM ); SfxPrinter *pPrinter = GetPrinter( TRUE ); Point aPoint; Rectangle OutputRect(aPoint, pPrinter->GetOutputSize()); Size OutputSize(pPrinter->LogicToPixel(Size(OutputRect.GetWidth(), OutputRect.GetHeight()), aMap)); Size GraphicSize(pPrinter->LogicToPixel(GetDoc()->GetSize(), aMap)); USHORT nZ = (USHORT) Min((long)Fraction(OutputSize.Width() * 100L, GraphicSize.Width()), (long)Fraction(OutputSize.Height() * 100L, GraphicSize.Height())); aGraphic.SetZoom (nZ); break; } } } delete pDlg; } } break; } rReq.Done(); } void SmViewShell::GetState(SfxItemSet &rSet) { SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet); for (USHORT nWh = aIter.FirstWhich(); nWh != 0; nWh = aIter.NextWhich()) { switch (nWh) { case SID_CUT: case SID_COPY: case SID_DELETE: if (! GetEditWindow() || ! GetEditWindow()->IsSelected()) rSet.DisableItem(nWh); break; case SID_PASTE: if (Clipboard::GetFormatCount() == 0) rSet.DisableItem( nWh ); break; case SID_ATTR_ZOOM: rSet.Put(SvxZoomItem( SVX_ZOOM_PERCENT, aGraphic.GetZoom())); /* no break here */ case SID_VIEW050: case SID_VIEW100: case SID_VIEW200: case SID_ADJUST: case SID_ZOOMIN: case SID_ZOOMOUT: case SID_FITINWINDOW: if ( GetDoc()->GetProtocol().IsInPlaceActive() ) rSet.DisableItem( nWh ); break; case SID_NEXTERR: case SID_PREVERR: case SID_NEXTMARK: case SID_PREVMARK: case SID_DRAW: case SID_SELECT: if (! GetEditWindow() || GetEditWindow()->IsEmpty()) rSet.DisableItem(nWh); break; case SID_TEXTSTATUS: { rSet.Put(SfxStringItem(nWh, StatusText)); break; } case SID_FORMULACURSOR: { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1(); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(nWh, pp->GetConfig()->IsShowFormulaCursor())); break; } } } } SmViewShell::SmViewShell(SfxViewFrame *pFrame, SfxViewShell *): SfxViewShell(pFrame, SFX_VIEW_DISABLE_ACCELS | SFX_VIEW_MAXIMIZE_FIRST | SFX_VIEW_HAS_PRINTOPTIONS | SFX_VIEW_CAN_PRINT), aGraphic(this), aGraphicController(aGraphic, SID_GRAPHIC, pFrame->GetBindings()) { pViewFrame = &pFrame->GetWindow(); SetStatusText(String()); SetWindow(&aGraphic); SfxShell::SetName(C2S("SmView")); SfxShell::SetUndoManager( &GetDoc()->GetEditEngine().GetUndoManager() ); SetHelpId( HID_SMA_VIEWSHELL_DOCUMENT ); } SmViewShell::~SmViewShell() { } void SmViewShell::Deactivate( BOOL bIsMDIActivate ) { SmEditWindow *pEdit = GetEditWindow(); if ( pEdit ) pEdit->Flush(); SfxViewShell::Deactivate( bIsMDIActivate ); } void SmViewShell::Activate( BOOL bIsMDIActivate ) { SfxViewShell::Activate( bIsMDIActivate ); SmEditWindow *pEdit = GetEditWindow(); if ( pEdit ) { //! Hier beim (synchronen) Aufruf zum Taskwechsel werden beim SmEditWindow //! auch implizit dessen Timer neu gestartet. //! siehe auch Kommentar zu SmEditWindow::CursorMoveTimerHdl pEdit->SetText( GetDoc()->GetText() ); if ( bIsMDIActivate ) pEdit->GrabFocus(); } }