/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined ( UNX ) #include #define _MAX_PATH PATH_MAX #endif using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::registry; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace osl; namespace stoc_impreg { void SAL_CALL mergeKeys( Reference< registry::XRegistryKey > const & xDest, Reference< registry::XRegistryKey > const & xSource ) SAL_THROW( (registry::InvalidRegistryException, registry::MergeConflictException) ); } static void mergeKeys( Reference< registry::XSimpleRegistry > const & xDest, OUString const & rBaseNode, OUString const & rURL ) SAL_THROW( (registry::InvalidRegistryException, registry::MergeConflictException) ) { Reference< registry::XRegistryKey > xDestRoot( xDest->getRootKey() ); Reference< registry::XRegistryKey > xDestKey; if (rBaseNode.getLength()) { xDestKey = xDestRoot->createKey( rBaseNode ); xDestRoot->closeKey(); } else { xDestKey = xDestRoot; } Reference< registry::XSimpleRegistry > xSimReg( ::cppu::createSimpleRegistry() ); xSimReg->open( rURL, sal_True, sal_False ); OSL_ASSERT( xSimReg->isValid() ); Reference< registry::XRegistryKey > xSourceKey( xSimReg->getRootKey() ); ::stoc_impreg::mergeKeys( xDestKey, xSourceKey ); xSourceKey->closeKey(); xSimReg->close(); xDestKey->closeKey(); } OString userRegEnv("STAR_USER_REGISTRY="); OUString getExePath() { OUString exe; OSL_VERIFY( osl_getExecutableFile( &exe.pData ) == osl_Process_E_None); #if defined(WIN32) || defined(WNT) exe = exe.copy(0, exe.getLength() - 16); #else exe = exe.copy(0, exe.getLength() - 12); #endif return exe; } void setStarUserRegistry() { Registry *myRegistry = new Registry(); RegistryKey rootKey, rKey, rKey2; OUString userReg = getExePath(); userReg += "user.rdb"; if(myRegistry->open(userReg, REG_READWRITE)) { OSL_VERIFY(!myRegistry->create(userReg)); } OSL_VERIFY(!myRegistry->close()); delete myRegistry; userRegEnv += OUStringToOString(userReg, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); putenv((char *)userRegEnv.getStr()); } void setLinkInDefaultRegistry(const OUString& linkName, const OUString& linkTarget) { Registry *myRegistry = new Registry(); RegistryKey rootKey; OUString appReg = getExePath(); appReg += "stoctest.rdb"; OSL_VERIFY(!myRegistry->open(appReg, REG_READWRITE)); OSL_VERIFY(!myRegistry->openRootKey(rootKey)); OSL_VERIFY(!rootKey.createLink(linkName, linkTarget)); OSL_VERIFY(!rootKey.closeKey()); OSL_VERIFY(!myRegistry->close()); delete myRegistry; } void test_SimpleRegistry( OUString const & testreg, OUString const & testreg2, bool bMergeDifferently = true ) { Reference xIFace; Module module; OUString dllName( "simplereg.uno" SAL_DLLEXTENSION ); if (module.load(dllName)) { // try to get provider from module component_getFactoryFunc pCompFactoryFunc = (component_getFactoryFunc) module.getFunctionSymbol( OUString(COMPONENT_GETFACTORY) ); if (pCompFactoryFunc) { XSingleServiceFactory * pRet = (XSingleServiceFactory *) (*pCompFactoryFunc)( "com.sun.star.comp.stoc.SimpleRegistry", 0, 0 ); if (pRet) { xIFace = pRet; pRet->release(); } } } OSL_ENSURE( xIFace.is(), "test_SimpleRegistry error1"); Reference xFactory( Reference::query(xIFace) ); xIFace.clear(); OSL_ENSURE( xFactory.is(), "testloader error11"); Reference xIFace2 = xFactory->createInstance(); xFactory.clear(); OSL_ENSURE( xIFace2.is(), "testloader error12"); Reference xServInfo( Reference::query(xIFace2) ); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo.is(), "test_SimpleRegistry error2"); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo->getImplementationName() == "com.sun.star.comp.stoc.SimpleRegistry", "test_SimpleRegistry error3"); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo->supportsService("com.sun.star.registry.SimpleRegistry"), "test_SimpleRegistry error4"); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo->getSupportedServiceNames().getLength() == 1, "test_SimpleRegistry error5"); xServInfo.clear(); Reference xReg( Reference::query(xIFace2) ); xIFace2.clear(); OSL_ENSURE( xReg.is(), "test_SimpleRegistry error6"); try { xReg->open(testreg, sal_False, sal_True); OSL_ENSURE( xReg->isValid() != sal_False, "test_SimpleRegistry error 7" ); OSL_ENSURE( xReg->isReadOnly() == sal_False, "test_SimpleRegistry error 8" ); Reference xRootKey(xReg->getRootKey()); OSL_ENSURE( xRootKey->isValid(), "test_SimpleRegistry error 9" ); Reference xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "FirstKey" )); Reference xSubKey = xKey->createKey(OUString( "FirstSubKey" )); xSubKey->setLongValue(123456789); xSubKey = xKey->createKey(OUString( "SecondSubKey" )); xSubKey->setAsciiValue(OUString( "ich bin ein acsii value" )); xSubKey = xKey->createKey(OUString( "ThirdSubKey" )); xSubKey->setStringValue(OUString( "ich bin ein unicode value" )); xSubKey = xKey->createKey(OUString( "FourthSubKey" )); Sequence aSeq((sal_Int8*)"ich bin ein binary value", 25); xSubKey->setBinaryValue(aSeq); Sequence seqNames = xKey->getKeyNames(); Sequence< Reference > seqKeys = xKey->openKeys(); OUString name; for (sal_Int32 i=0; i < seqNames.getLength(); i++) { name = seqNames.getArray()[i]; xSubKey = seqKeys.getArray()[i]; if (name == OUString( "/FirstKey/FirstSubKey" )) { OSL_ENSURE( xSubKey->getLongValue() == 123456789, "test_SimpleRegistry error 10" ); } else if (name == OUString( "/FirstKey/SecondSubKey" )) { OSL_ENSURE( xSubKey->getAsciiValue() == OUString( "ich bin ein acsii value" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 11" ); } else if (name == OUString( "/FirstKey/ThirdSubKey" )) { OSL_ENSURE( xSubKey->getStringValue() == OUString( "ich bin ein unicode value" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 12" ); } else if (name == OUString( "/FirstKey/FourthSubKey" )) { Sequence seqByte = xSubKey->getBinaryValue(); OSL_ENSURE(!strcmp(((const char*)seqByte.getArray()), "ich bin ein binary value"), "test_SimpleRegistry error 13" ); } seqKeys.getArray()[i]->closeKey(); } xKey->closeKey(); xRootKey->deleteKey(OUString( "FirstKey" )); xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "SecondFirstKey" )); xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "SecondKey" )); sal_Int32 pLongs[3] = {123, 456, 789}; Sequence seqLongs(pLongs, 3); xKey->setLongListValue(seqLongs); Sequence seqLongs2; seqLongs2 = xKey->getLongListValue(); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongs.getLength() == 3, "test_SimpleRegistry error 14" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongs.getArray()[0] == 123, "test_SimpleRegistry error 15" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongs.getArray()[1] == 456, "test_SimpleRegistry error 16" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongs.getArray()[2] == 789, "test_SimpleRegistry error 17" ); xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "ThirdKey" )); OUString pAscii[3]; pAscii[0] = OUString( "Hallo" ); pAscii[1] = OUString( "jetzt komm" ); pAscii[2] = OUString( "ich" ); Sequence seqAscii(pAscii, 3); xKey->setAsciiListValue(seqAscii); Sequence seqAscii2; seqAscii2 = xKey->getAsciiListValue(); OSL_ENSURE( seqAscii2.getLength() == 3, "test_SimpleRegistry error 18" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqAscii2.getArray()[0] == OUString( "Hallo" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 19"); OSL_ENSURE( seqAscii2.getArray()[1] == OUString( "jetzt komm" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 20"); OSL_ENSURE( seqAscii2.getArray()[2] == OUString( "ich" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 21"); xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "FourthKey" )); OUString pUnicode[3]; pUnicode[0] = OUString( "Hallo" ); pUnicode[1] = OUString( "jetzt komm" ); pUnicode[2] = OUString( "ich als unicode" ); Sequence seqUnicode(pUnicode, 3); xKey->setStringListValue(seqUnicode); Sequence seqUnicode2; seqUnicode2 = xKey->getStringListValue(); OSL_ENSURE( seqUnicode2.getLength() == 3, "test_SimpleRegistry error 22" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqUnicode2.getArray()[0] == OUString( "Hallo" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 23"); OSL_ENSURE( seqUnicode2.getArray()[1] == OUString( "jetzt komm" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 24"); OSL_ENSURE( seqUnicode2.getArray()[2] == OUString( "ich als unicode" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 25"); xReg->open(testreg2, sal_False, sal_True); OSL_ENSURE( xReg->isValid() != sal_False, "test_SimpleRegistry error 25" ); xRootKey = xReg->getRootKey(); xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/WithSubSubKey" )); xKey->closeKey(); OSL_VERIFY( xRootKey->createLink( OUString( "LinkTest" ), OUString( "/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/WithSubSubKey" )) ); xRootKey->closeKey(); xReg->close(); xReg->open(testreg, sal_False, sal_False); OSL_ENSURE( xReg->isValid() != sal_False, "test_SimpleRegistry error 26" ); if (bMergeDifferently) { mergeKeys( xReg, OUString(), testreg2 ); } else { xReg->mergeKey(OUString(), testreg2); } xRootKey = xReg->getRootKey(); xKey = xRootKey->openKey("LinkTest"); OSL_ENSURE( xKey.is() && xKey->isValid() && xKey->getKeyName() == "/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/WithSubSubKey", "test_SimpleRegistry error 1213" ); xKey->closeKey(); OSL_ENSURE( xRootKey->getKeyType( OUString( "LinkTest" ) ) == registry::RegistryKeyType_LINK, "test_SimpleRegistry error 1214" ); xKey = xRootKey->openKey("FirstKey/SecondSubKey"); OSL_ENSURE( !xKey.is(), "test_SimpleRegistry error 27" ); // Test Links xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "FifthKey" )); xKey->createLink(OUString( "MyFirstLink" ), OUString( "/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey" )); xKey = xRootKey->openKey("/FifthKey/MyFirstLink"); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->isValid(), "test_SimpleRegistry error 27" ); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getKeyName() == OUString( "/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 28" ); xKey->createLink(OUString( "/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" ), OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink" )); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getLinkTarget(OUString( "/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" )) == OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 29" ); try { OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getResolvedName(OUString( "/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink/BlaBlaBla" )) == OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink/BlaBlaBla" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 30" ); } catch(InvalidRegistryException&) { } xRootKey->createLink(OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink" ), OUString( "/SixthKey/MyThirdLink" )); xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "SixthKey" )); xKey->createLink(OUString( "MyThirdLink" ), OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink" )); xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "/SixthKey/SixthSubKey" )); try { xRootKey->openKey("/FifthKey/MyFirstLink/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink"); } catch(InvalidRegistryException&) { } OSL_ENSURE( xRootKey->getLinkTarget(OUString( "/FifthKey/MyFirstLink/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" )) == OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 31" ); xRootKey->deleteLink(OUString( "/FifthKey/MyFirstLink/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" )); xRootKey->createLink(OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink" ), OUString( "/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/WithSubSubKey" )); xKey = xRootKey->openKey("SixthKey"); seqNames = xKey->getKeyNames(); seqKeys = xKey->openKeys(); OSL_ENSURE( seqNames.getArray()[0] == OUString( "/SixthKey/SixthSubKey" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 32" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqNames.getArray()[1] == OUString( "/SixthKey/MyThirdLink" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 33" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqKeys.getArray()[0]->getKeyName() == OUString( "/SixthKey/SixthSubKey" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 34" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqKeys.getArray()[1]->getKeyName() == OUString( "/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/WithSubSubKey" ), "test_SimpleRegistry error 35" ); xRootKey->deleteLink(OUString( "/FourthKey/MySecondLink" )); xRootKey->closeKey(); } catch(InvalidRegistryException&) { OSL_ENSURE(0, "exception InvalidRegistryExcption raised while doing test_SimpleRegistry"); } catch(InvalidValueException&) { OSL_ENSURE(0, "exception InvalidValueExcption raised while doing test_SimpleRegistry()"); } xReg.clear(); printf("Test SimpleRegistry, OK!\n"); } void test_DefaultRegistry( OUString const & testreg, OUString const & testreg2, bool bMergeDifferently = false ) { // Test NestedRegistry OUString exePath( getExePath() ); OUString userRdb(exePath); OUString applicatRdb(exePath); userRdb += "user.rdb"; applicatRdb += "stoctest.rdb"; Reference < XMultiServiceFactory > rSMgr = ::cppu::createRegistryServiceFactory( userRdb, applicatRdb, sal_False, OUString()); //OUString("//./e:/src596/stoc/wntmsci3/bin") ); Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rSMgr, UNO_QUERY); OSL_ENSURE( xPropSet.is(), "test_DefaultRegistry error0"); Any aPropertyAny( xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Registry") ); OSL_ENSURE( aPropertyAny.hasValue(), "test_DefaultRegistry error1"); Reference xReg; aPropertyAny >>= xReg; OSL_ENSURE( xReg.is(), "test_DefaultRegistry error1a"); Reference xServInfo( Reference::query(xReg) ); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo.is(), "test_DefaultRegistry error2"); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo->getImplementationName() == OUString( "com.sun.star.comp.stoc.NestedRegistry" ), "test_DefualtRegistry error3"); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo->supportsService("com.sun.star.registry.NestedRegistry"), "test_DefaultRegistry error4"); OSL_ENSURE( xServInfo->getSupportedServiceNames().getLength() == 1, "test_DefaultRegistry error5"); xServInfo.clear(); OSL_ENSURE( xReg.is(), "test_DefaultRegistry error6"); try { Reference xRootKey(xReg->getRootKey()); Reference xKey = xRootKey->openKey("/UCR/com/sun/star/registry/XSimpleRegistry"); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getKeyName() == OUString( "/UCR/com/sun/star/registry/XSimpleRegistry" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 7" ); if (bMergeDifferently) { mergeKeys( xReg, OUString( "Test" ), testreg ); } else { xReg->mergeKey(OUString( "Test" ), testreg ); } xKey = xRootKey->openKey("Test/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/WithSubSubKey"); if (xKey.is()) xKey->setLongValue(123456789); xKey = xRootKey->openKey("Test/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey"); if (xKey.is()) { xKey->createKey(OUString( "SecondSubSubKey" )); Sequence seqNames = xKey->getKeyNames(); OSL_ENSURE( seqNames.getLength() == 2, "test_DefaultRegistry error 8" ); } xKey = xRootKey->openKey("/Test/ThirdKey"); if (xKey.is()) { RegistryValueType valueType = xKey->getValueType(); OSL_ENSURE( valueType == RegistryValueType_ASCIILIST, "test_DefaultRegistry error 9" ); Sequence seqValue = xKey->getAsciiListValue(); OSL_ENSURE( seqValue.getLength() == 3, "test_DefaultRegistry error 10" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqValue.getArray()[0] == OUString( "Hallo" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 11" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqValue.getArray()[1] == OUString( "jetzt komm" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 12" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqValue.getArray()[2] == OUString( "ich" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 13" ); Sequence seqLong(3); seqLong.getArray()[0] = 1234; seqLong.getArray()[1] = 4567; seqLong.getArray()[2] = 7890; xKey->setLongListValue(seqLong); Sequence seqLongValue = xKey->getLongListValue(); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongValue.getLength() == 3, "test_DefaultRegistry error 14" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongValue.getArray()[0] == 1234, "test_DefaultRegistry error 15" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongValue.getArray()[1] == 4567, "test_DefaultRegistry error 16" ); OSL_ENSURE( seqLongValue.getArray()[2] == 7890, "test_DefaultRegistry error 17" ); } // Test Links xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "/Test/FifthKey" )); xKey->createLink(OUString( "MyFirstLink" ), OUString( "/Test/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey" )); xKey = xRootKey->openKey("/Test/FifthKey/MyFirstLink"); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->isValid(), "test_DefaultRegistry error 18" ); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getKeyName() == OUString( "/Test/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 19" ); xKey->createLink(OUString( "/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" ), OUString( "/Test/FourthKey/MySecondLink" )); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getLinkTarget(OUString( "/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" )) == OUString( "/Test/FourthKey/MySecondLink" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 20" ); try { OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getResolvedName(OUString( "/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink/BlaBlaBla" )) == OUString( "/Test/FourthKey/MySecondLink/BlaBlaBla" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 21" ); } catch(InvalidRegistryException&) { } xRootKey->createLink(OUString( "/Test/FourthKey/MySecondLink" ), OUString( "/Test/SixthKey/MyThirdLink" )); xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "/Test/SixthKey" )); xKey->createLink(OUString( "MyThirdLink" ), OUString( "/Test/FourthKey/MySecondLink" )); try { xRootKey->openKey("/Test/FifthKey/MyFirstLink/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink"); } catch(InvalidRegistryException&) { printf("test InvalidRegistryExcption OK!\n"); } OSL_ENSURE( xRootKey->getLinkTarget(OUString( "/Test/FifthKey/MyFirstLink/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" )) == OUString( "/Test/FourthKey/MySecondLink" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 22" ); xRootKey->deleteLink(OUString( "/Test/FifthKey/MyFirstLink/WithSubSubKey/MyFourthLink" )); xKey = xRootKey->openKey("/Test/DefaultLink/SecondSubSubKey"); if (xKey.is()) { OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getKeyName() == OUString( "/Test/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/SecondSubSubKey" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 23" ); } xKey = xRootKey->createKey(OUString( "/Test/DefaultLink/ThirdSubSubKey" )); if (xKey.is()) { OSL_ENSURE( xKey->getKeyName() == OUString( "/Test/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey/ThirdSubSubKey" ), "test_DefaultRegistry error 24" ); } xKey = xRootKey->openKey("Test"); OSL_ENSURE( xKey->isValid(), "test_DefaultRegistry error 25" ); xRootKey->deleteKey(OUString( "Test" )); if (bMergeDifferently) { mergeKeys( xReg, OUString( "AllFromTestreg2" ), testreg2); } else { xReg->mergeKey(OUString( "AllFromTestreg2" ), testreg2); } xKey = xRootKey->openKey("/AllFromTestreg2/ThirdKey/FirstSubKey"); if (xKey.is()) { xRootKey->deleteKey(OUString( "/AllFromTestreg2" )); } } catch(InvalidRegistryException&) { OSL_ENSURE(0, "exception InvalidRegistryExcption raised while doing test_DefaultRegistry"); } catch(InvalidValueException&) { OSL_ENSURE(0, "exception InvalidValueExcption raised while doing test_DefaultRegistry()"); } try { xReg->close(); } catch(const InvalidRegistryException& e) { (void)e; OSL_ENSURE(0, OUStringToOString(e.Message,RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US).getStr()); } xReg.clear(); // shutdown Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent > xComp( rSMgr, UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ENSURE( xComp.is(), "### serivce manager has to implement XComponent!" ); xComp->dispose(); printf("Test DefaultRegistry, OK!\n"); } SAL_IMPLEMENT_MAIN() { // setStarUserRegistry(); setLinkInDefaultRegistry(OUString("/Test/DefaultLink"), OUString("/Test/FifthKey/MyFirstLink")); OUString reg1( "testreg1.rdb" ); OUString reg2( "testreg2.rdb" ); OUString areg1( "atestreg1.rdb" ); OUString areg2( "atestreg2.rdb" ); test_SimpleRegistry( reg1, reg2 ); test_DefaultRegistry( reg1, reg2 ); test_SimpleRegistry( areg1, areg2, true ); // use different merge test_DefaultRegistry( areg1, areg2, true ); Reference< XSimpleRegistry > xSimReg( ::cppu::createSimpleRegistry() ); xSimReg->open( reg1, sal_False, sal_True ); xSimReg->destroy(); xSimReg->open( reg2, sal_False, sal_True ); xSimReg->destroy(); xSimReg->open( areg1, sal_False, sal_True ); xSimReg->destroy(); xSimReg->open( areg2, sal_False, sal_True ); xSimReg->destroy(); return(0); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */