/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#include "svgnode.hxx"

namespace drawinglayer { namespace primitive2d { class TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D; }}

namespace svgio
    namespace svgreader
        class SvgTextPositions
            SvgNumberVector         maX;
            SvgNumberVector         maY;
            SvgNumberVector         maDx;
            SvgNumberVector         maDy;
            SvgNumberVector         maRotate;
            SvgNumber               maTextLength;

            bool                    mbLengthAdjust : 1; // true = spacing, false = spacingAndGlyphs


            void parseTextPositionAttributes(SVGToken aSVGToken, const OUString& aContent);

            /// X content
            const SvgNumberVector& getX() const { return maX; }
            void setX(const SvgNumberVector& aX) { maX = aX; }

            /// Y content
            const SvgNumberVector& getY() const { return maY; }
            void setY(const SvgNumberVector& aY) { maY = aY; }

            /// Dx content
            const SvgNumberVector& getDx() const { return maDx; }
            void setDx(const SvgNumberVector& aDx) { maDx = aDx; }

            /// Dy content
            const SvgNumberVector& getDy() const { return maDy; }
            void setDy(const SvgNumberVector& aDy) { maDy = aDy; }

            /// Rotate content
            const SvgNumberVector& getRotate() const { return maRotate; }
            void setRotate(const SvgNumberVector& aRotate) { maRotate = aRotate; }

            /// TextLength content
            const SvgNumber& getTextLength() const { return maTextLength; }
            void setTextLength(const SvgNumber& rTextLength) { maTextLength = rTextLength; }

            /// LengthAdjust content
            bool getLengthAdjust() const { return mbLengthAdjust; }
            void setLengthAdjust(bool bNew) { mbLengthAdjust = bNew; }
    } // end of namespace svgreader
} // end of namespace svgio

namespace svgio
    namespace svgreader
        class SvgTextPosition
            SvgTextPosition*            mpParent;
            ::std::vector< double >     maX;
            ::std::vector< double >     maY;
            ::std::vector< double >     maRotate;
            double                      mfTextLength;

            // absolute, current, advancing position
            basegfx::B2DPoint           maPosition;

            // advancing rotation index
            sal_uInt32                  mnRotationIndex;

            bool                        mbLengthAdjust : 1; // true = spacing, false = spacingAndGlyphs
            bool                        mbAbsoluteX : 1;

                SvgTextPosition* pParent,
                const InfoProvider& rInfoProvider,
                const SvgTextPositions& rSvgTextPositions);

            // data read access
            const SvgTextPosition* getParent() const { return mpParent; }
            const ::std::vector< double >& getX() const { return maX; }
            double getTextLength() const { return mfTextLength; }
            bool getLengthAdjust() const { return mbLengthAdjust; }
            bool getAbsoluteX() const { return mbAbsoluteX; }

            // get/set absolute, current, advancing position
            const basegfx::B2DPoint& getPosition() const { return maPosition; }
            void setPosition(const basegfx::B2DPoint& rNew) { maPosition = rNew; }

            // rotation handling
            bool isRotated() const;
            double consumeRotation();
    } // end of namespace svgreader
} // end of namespace svgio

namespace svgio
    namespace svgreader
        class SvgCharacterNode final : public SvgNode
            /// the string data
            OUString           maText;

            /// local helpers
            drawinglayer::primitive2d::TextSimplePortionPrimitive2D* createSimpleTextPrimitive(
                SvgTextPosition& rSvgTextPosition,
                const SvgStyleAttributes& rSvgStyleAttributes) const;
            void decomposeTextWithStyle(
                drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& rTarget,
                SvgTextPosition& rSvgTextPosition,
                const SvgStyleAttributes& rSvgStyleAttributes) const;

                SvgDocument& rDocument,
                SvgNode* pParent,
                const OUString& rText);
            virtual ~SvgCharacterNode() override;

            virtual const SvgStyleAttributes* getSvgStyleAttributes() const override;
            void decomposeText(drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& rTarget, SvgTextPosition& rSvgTextPosition) const;
            void whiteSpaceHandling();
            void addGap();
            void concatenate(const OUString& rText);

            /// Text content
            const OUString& getText() const { return maText; }
    } // end of namespace svgreader
} // end of namespace svgio


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