/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#include <sal/types.h>
#include <config_libnumbertext.h>
#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
#include <cppunit/TestFixture.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
#include <cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h>

#include <sal/config.h>

#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiComponentFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>

#include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <svl/zformat.hxx>
#include <svl/sharedstringpool.hxx>
#include <svl/sharedstring.hxx>
#include <tools/color.hxx>
#include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>

#include <memory>
#include <unicode/timezone.h>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace svl;

static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& rStrm, const Color& rColor)
    rStrm << "Color: R:" << static_cast<int>(rColor.GetRed()) << " G:" << static_cast<int>(rColor.GetGreen()) << " B: " << static_cast<int>(rColor.GetBlue());
    return rStrm;

namespace {

class Test : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
    virtual ~Test() override;

    virtual void tearDown() override;

    void testNumberFormat();
    void testSharedString();
    void testSharedStringPool();
    void testSharedStringPoolPurge();
    void testFdo60915();
    void testI116701();
    void testTdf103060();
    void testDateInput();
    void testIsNumberFormat();
    void testIsNumberFormatSpecific();
    void testUserDefinedNumberFormats();
    void testNfEnglishKeywordsIntegrity();
    void testStandardColorIntegrity();
    void testColorNamesConversion();


    uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > m_xContext;
    void checkPreviewString(SvNumberFormatter& aFormatter,
                            const OUString& sCode,
                            double fPreviewNumber,
                            LanguageType eLang,
                            OUString const & sExpected);
    void checkDateInput( SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter, const char* pTimezone, const char* pIsoDate );
    std::unique_ptr<icu::TimeZone> m_pDefaultTimeZone;

    m_xContext = cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext();

    uno::Reference<lang::XMultiComponentFactory> xFactory(m_xContext->getServiceManager());
    uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xSM(xFactory, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);

    //Without this we're crashing because callees are using
    //getProcessServiceFactory.  In general those should be removed in favour
    //of retaining references to the root ServiceFactory as it's passed around

void Test::tearDown()

    uno::Reference< lang::XComponent >(m_xContext, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW)->dispose();

void Test::testNumberFormat()
    LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US;

    const char* pNumber[] = {

    const char* pScientific[] = {

    const char* pPercent[] = {

    const char* pFraction[] = {
        "# \?/\?",
        "# \?\?/\?\?",

// Following aren't in range of NF_FRACTION_START and NF_FRACTION_END
// see enum NfIndexTableOffset in svl/inc/svl/zforlist.hxx
    const char* pFractionExt[] = {
        "# \?\?\?/\?\?\?",
        "# \?/2",
        "# \?/4",
        "# \?/8",
        "# \?\?/16",
        "# \?\?/10",
        "# \?\?/100",

    const char* pCurrency[] = {
        "#,##0.00 CCC",

    const char* pDate[] = {
        "NNNNMMMM DD, YYYY",
        "MMM D, YY",
        "MMM D, YYYY",
        "D. MMM. YYYY",
        "MMMM D, YYYY",
        "D. MMMM YYYY",
        "NN, MMM D, YY",
        "NN DD/MMM YY",
        "NN, MMMM D, YYYY",
        "NNNNMMMM D, YYYY",
        "MMM DD",
        "QQ YY",

    const char* pTime[] = {
        "HH:MM AM/PM",
        "HH:MM:SS AM/PM",

    const char* pDateTime[] = {
        "MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM",
        "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS",

    const char* pBoolean[] = {

    const char* pText[] = {

    struct {
        NfIndexTableOffset const eStart;
        NfIndexTableOffset const eEnd;
        size_t const nSize;
        const char** pCodes;
    } aTests[] = {
        { NF_NUMBER_START, NF_NUMBER_END, 6, pNumber },
        { NF_SCIENTIFIC_START, NF_SCIENTIFIC_END, 2, pScientific },
        { NF_PERCENT_START, NF_PERCENT_END, 2, pPercent },
        { NF_FRACTION_START, NF_FRACTION_END, 2, pFraction },
        { NF_FRACTION_3D, NF_FRACTION_100, 7, pFractionExt },
        { NF_CURRENCY_START, NF_CURRENCY_END, 6, pCurrency },
        { NF_DATE_START, NF_DATE_END, 21, pDate },
        { NF_TIME_START, NF_TIME_END, 7, pTime },
        { NF_DATETIME_START, NF_DATETIME_END, 2, pDateTime },
        { NF_BOOLEAN, NF_BOOLEAN, 1, pBoolean },
        { NF_TEXT, NF_TEXT, 1, pText }

    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, eLang);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aTests); ++i)
        size_t nStart = aTests[i].eStart;
        size_t nEnd = aTests[i].eEnd;

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Unexpected number of formats for this category.",
                               aTests[i].nSize, (nEnd - nStart + 1));

        for (size_t j = nStart; j <= nEnd; ++j)
            sal_uInt32 nIndex =
            const SvNumberformat* p = aFormatter.GetEntry(nIndex);

            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Number format entry is expected, but doesn't exist.", p);
            OUString aCode = p->GetFormatstring();
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( aCode.toUtf8() , OString( aTests[i].pCodes[j-nStart] ) );

    sal_Int32 nPos;
    SvNumFormatType nType = SvNumFormatType::DEFINED;
    sal_uInt32 nKey;
    OUString aCode;
    // Thai date format (implicit locale).
    aCode = "[$-1070000]d/mm/yyyy;@";
    if (!aFormatter.PutEntry(aCode, nPos, nType, nKey))
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("failed to insert format code '[$-1070000]d/mm/yyyy;@'", false);

    // Thai date format (explicit locale)
    aCode = "[$-107041E]d/mm/yyyy;@";
    if (!aFormatter.PutEntry(aCode, nPos, nType, nKey))
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("failed to insert format code '[$-107041E]d/mm/yyyy;@'", false);

    // Thai date format (using buddhist calendar type).
    aCode = "[~buddhist]D MMMM YYYY";
    if (!aFormatter.PutEntry(aCode, nPos, nType, nKey))
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("failed to insert format code '[~buddhist]D MMMM YYYY'", false);

void Test::testSharedString()
    // Use shared string as normal, non-shared string, which is allowed.
    SharedString aSS1("Test"), aSS2("Test");
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Equality check should return true.", bool(aSS1 == aSS2));
    SharedString aSS3("test");
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Equality check is case sensitive.", aSS1 != aSS3);

void Test::testSharedStringPool()
    SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
    svl::SharedStringPool aPool(*aSysLocale.GetCharClassPtr());

    svl::SharedString p1, p2;
    p1 = aPool.intern("Andy");
    p2 = aPool.intern("Andy");
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(p1.getData(), p2.getData());

    p2 = aPool.intern("Bruce");
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("They must differ.", p1.getData() != p2.getData());

    OUString aAndy("Andy");
    p1 = aPool.intern("Andy");
    p2 = aPool.intern(aAndy);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Identifier shouldn't be NULL.", p1.getData());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Identifier shouldn't be NULL.", p2.getData());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(p1.getData(), p2.getData());

    // Test case insensitive string ID's.
    OUString const aAndyLower("andy"), aAndyUpper("ANDY");
    p1 = aPool.intern(aAndy);
    p2 = aPool.intern(aAndyLower);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Failed to intern strings.", p1.getData() && p2.getData());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("These two ID's should differ.", p1.getData() != p2.getData());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("These two ID's should be equal.", p2.getDataIgnoreCase(), p1.getDataIgnoreCase());
    p2 = aPool.intern(aAndyUpper);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Failed to intern string.", p2.getData());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("These two ID's should differ.", p1.getData() != p2.getData());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("These two ID's should be equal.", p2.getDataIgnoreCase(), p1.getDataIgnoreCase());

void Test::testSharedStringPoolPurge()
    SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
    svl::SharedStringPool aPool(*aSysLocale.GetCharClassPtr());

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Wrong string count.", static_cast<size_t>(3), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Wrong case insensitive string count.", static_cast<size_t>(1), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

    // Since no string objects referencing the pooled strings exist, purging
    // the pool should empty it.
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(0), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(0), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

    // Now, create string objects on the heap.
    std::unique_ptr<OUString> pStr1(new OUString("Andy"));
    std::unique_ptr<OUString> pStr2(new OUString("andy"));
    std::unique_ptr<OUString> pStr3(new OUString("ANDY"));
    std::unique_ptr<OUString> pStr4(new OUString("Bruce"));

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(4), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(2), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

    // This shouldn't purge anything.
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(4), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(2), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

    // Delete one heap string object, and purge. That should purge one string.
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(3), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(2), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

    // Ditto...
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(2), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(2), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

    // Again.
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

    // Delete 'Bruce' and purge.
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(0), aPool.getCount());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(0), aPool.getCountIgnoreCase());

void Test::checkPreviewString(SvNumberFormatter& aFormatter,
                              const OUString& sCode,
                              double fPreviewNumber,
                              LanguageType eLang,
                              OUString const & sExpected)
    OUString sStr;
    Color* pColor = nullptr;
    Color** ppColor = &pColor;
    if (!aFormatter.GetPreviewString(sCode, fPreviewNumber, sStr, ppColor, eLang))
        OString aMessage = "GetPreviewString( \"" +
            OUStringToOString( sCode, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) +
            "\", " +
            OString::number( fPreviewNumber ) +
            ", sStr, ppColor, ";
        aMessage += OString::number( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(eLang) );
        aMessage += " ) failed";
        CPPUNIT_FAIL( aMessage.getStr() );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sExpected, sStr);

void Test::testFdo60915()
    LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_THAI;
    OUString sCode, sExpected;
    double fPreviewNumber = 36486; // equals 1999-11-22 (2542 B.E.)
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, eLang);
        sCode = "[~buddhist]D/MM/YYYY";
        sExpected = "22/11/2542";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[~buddhist]D/MM/YY";
        sExpected = "22/11/42";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum1][$-41E][~buddhist]D/MM/YYYY";
        sal_Unicode sTemp[] =
            0x0E52, 0x0E52, 0x002F,
            0x0E51, 0x0E51, 0x002F,
            0x0E52, 0x0E55, 0x0E54, 0x0E52
        sExpected = OUString(sTemp, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(sTemp));
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum1][$-41E][~buddhist]D/MM/YY";
        sal_Unicode sTemp[] =
            0x0E52, 0x0E52, 0x002F,
            0x0E51, 0x0E51, 0x002F,
            0x0E54, 0x0E52
        sExpected = OUString(sTemp, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(sTemp));
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);

// https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=116701
void Test::testI116701()
    OUString sCode, sExpected;
    double fPreviewNumber = 40573; // equals 30/01/2011
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, eLang);
    // DateFormatskey25 in i18npool/source/localedata/data/zh_TW.xml
    sal_Unicode CODE1[] =
        0x0047, 0x0047, 0x0047, 0x0045, 0x0045, // GGGEE
        0x0022, 0x5E74, 0x0022,
        0x004D, // M
        0x0022, 0x6708, 0x0022,
        0x0044, // D
        0x0022, 0x65E5, 0x0022
    sCode = OUString(CODE1, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(CODE1));
    sal_Unicode EXPECTED[] =
        0x4E2D, 0x83EF, 0x6C11, 0x570B,
        0x0031, 0x0030, 0x0030, // 100
        0x0031, // 1
        0x0033, 0x0030, // 30
    checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);
    sal_Unicode CODE2[] =
        0x0047, 0x0047, 0x0047, 0x0045, // GGGE
        0x0022, 0x5E74, 0x0022,
        0x004D, // M
        0x0022, 0x6708, 0x0022,
        0x0044, // D
        0x0022, 0x65E5, 0x0022
    sCode = OUString(CODE2, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(CODE2));
    checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);

void Test::testTdf103060()
    LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_JAPANESE;
    OUString sCode, sExpected;
    double fPreviewNumber = 42655; // equals 2016-10-12
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, eLang);
    sCode = "G";
    sExpected = "H"; // Heisei era
    checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);
    sCode = "GG";
    const sal_Unicode EXPECTED_G2[] = {0x5E73};
    checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);
    sCode = "GGG";
    const sal_Unicode EXPECTED_G3[] = {0x5E73, 0x6210};
    checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, fPreviewNumber, eLang, sExpected);

void Test::testDateInput()
    const char* aData[][2] = {
        { "Europe/Paris", "1938-10-07" },      // i#76623
        { "Europe/Moscow", "1919-07-01" },     // i#86094
        { "America/St_Johns", "1935-03-30" },  // i#86094 i#90627
        { "Europe/Tallinn", "1790-03-01" },    // i#105864
        { "Australia/Perth", "2004-04-11" },   // i#17222
        { "America/Sao_Paulo", "1902-04-22" }, // tdf#44286
        { "Europe/Berlin", "1790-07-27" },
        { "US/Mountain", "1790-07-26" },
        { "Asia/Tehran", "1999-03-22" },

        // Data from https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63230
        // https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/attachment.cgi?id=79051
        // https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79663
        { "Africa/Accra", "1800-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Accra", "1800-04-10" },
        { "Africa/Addis_Ababa", "1870-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Addis_Ababa", "1936-05-05" },
        { "Africa/Algiers", "1956-01-29" },
        { "Africa/Algiers", "1981-05-01" },
        { "Africa/Asmara", "1936-05-05" },
        { "Africa/Asmera", "1936-05-05" },
        { "Africa/Bujumbura", "1890-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Casablanca", "1984-03-16" },
        { "Africa/Ceuta", "1984-03-16" },
        { "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam", "1931-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam", "1961-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Djibouti", "1911-07-01" },
        { "Africa/Douala", "1912-01-01" },
        { "Africa/El_Aaiun", "1934-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Freetown", "1913-06-01" },
        { "Africa/Gaborone", "1885-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Johannesburg", "1903-03-01" },
        { "Africa/Kampala", "1928-07-01" },
        { "Africa/Kampala", "1948-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Kampala", "1957-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Lagos", "1919-09-01" },
        { "Africa/Libreville", "1912-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Luanda", "1911-05-26" },
        { "Africa/Lubumbashi", "1897-11-09" },
        { "Africa/Lusaka", "1903-03-01" },
        { "Africa/Malabo", "1963-12-15" },
        { "Africa/Maseru", "1903-03-01" },
        { "Africa/Mogadishu", "1957-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Monrovia", "1919-03-01" },
        { "Africa/Nairobi", "1928-07-01" },
        { "Africa/Nairobi", "1940-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Nairobi", "1960-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Niamey", "1960-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Porto-Novo", "1934-02-26" },
        { "Africa/Tripoli", "1920-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Tripoli", "1959-01-01" },
        { "Africa/Tripoli", "1990-05-04" },
        { "Africa/Tunis", "1911-03-11" },
        { "Africa/Windhoek", "1892-02-08" },
        { "Africa/Windhoek", "1903-03-01" },
        { "America/Antigua", "1912-03-02" },
        { "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "1894-10-31" },
        { "America/Argentina/Catamarca", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Argentina/Catamarca", "2004-06-01" },
        { "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia", "2004-06-01" },
        { "America/Argentina/Cordoba", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Argentina/Jujuy", "1991-10-06" },
        { "America/Argentina/La_Rioja", "2004-06-01" },
        { "America/Argentina/Mendoza", "1992-10-18" },
        { "America/Argentina/Mendoza", "2004-05-23" },
        { "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos", "2004-06-01" },
        { "America/Argentina/Salta", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Argentina/San_Juan", "2004-05-31" },
        { "America/Argentina/San_Luis", "2004-05-31" },
        { "America/Argentina/San_Luis", "2008-01-21" },
        { "America/Argentina/Tucuman", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Argentina/Tucuman", "2004-06-01" },
        { "America/Argentina/Ushuaia", "2004-05-30" },
        { "America/Asuncion", "1931-10-10" },
        { "America/Asuncion", "1974-04-01" },
        { "America/Bahia", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Bahia_Banderas", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Bahia_Banderas", "1931-10-01" },
        { "America/Bahia_Banderas", "1942-04-24" },
        { "America/Bahia_Banderas", "1949-01-14" },
        { "America/Barbados", "1932-01-01" },
        { "America/Belize", "1912-04-01" },
        { "America/Blanc-Sablon", "1884-01-01" },
        { "America/Bogota", "1914-11-23" },
        { "America/Buenos_Aires", "1894-10-31" },
        { "America/Cambridge_Bay", "2000-11-05" },
        { "America/Campo_Grande", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Caracas", "1912-02-12" },
        { "America/Catamarca", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Catamarca", "2004-06-01" },
        { "America/Cayenne", "1911-07-01" },
        { "America/Chihuahua", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Chihuahua", "1931-10-01" },
        { "America/Cordoba", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Costa_Rica", "1921-01-15" },
        { "America/Cuiaba", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Danmarkshavn", "1916-07-28" },
        { "America/Detroit", "1905-01-01" },
        { "America/Eirunepe", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/El_Salvador", "1921-01-01" },
        { "America/Ensenada", "1924-01-01" },
        { "America/Ensenada", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Fortaleza", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Glace_Bay", "1902-06-15" },
        { "America/Grand_Turk", "1890-01-01" },
        { "America/Guyana", "1991-01-01" },
        { "America/Havana", "1890-01-01" },
        { "America/Hermosillo", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Hermosillo", "1931-10-01" },
        { "America/Hermosillo", "1942-04-24" },
        { "America/Hermosillo", "1949-01-14" },
        { "America/Jujuy", "1991-10-06" },
        { "America/Lima", "1890-01-01" },
        { "America/Maceio", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Managua", "1890-01-01" },
        { "America/Managua", "1934-06-23" },
        { "America/Managua", "1975-02-16" },
        { "America/Managua", "1992-09-24" },
        { "America/Managua", "1997-01-01" },
        { "America/Mazatlan", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Mazatlan", "1931-10-01" },
        { "America/Mazatlan", "1942-04-24" },
        { "America/Mazatlan", "1949-01-14" },
        { "America/Mendoza", "1992-10-18" },
        { "America/Mendoza", "2004-05-23" },
        { "America/Merida", "1982-12-02" },
        { "America/Mexico_City", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Mexico_City", "1931-10-01" },
        { "America/Miquelon", "1911-05-15" },
        { "America/Moncton", "1883-12-09" },
        { "America/Montevideo", "1942-12-14" },
        { "America/Montevideo", "1974-12-22" },
        { "America/Montreal", "1884-01-01" },
        { "America/Ojinaga", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Ojinaga", "1931-10-01" },
        { "America/Panama", "1890-01-01" },
        { "America/Paramaribo", "1911-01-01" },
        { "America/Porto_Acre", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Recife", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Regina", "1905-09-01" },
        { "America/Rio_Branco", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Rosario", "1991-10-20" },
        { "America/Santa_Isabel", "1924-01-01" },
        { "America/Santa_Isabel", "1930-11-15" },
        { "America/Santarem", "1914-01-01" },
        { "America/Santiago", "1910-01-01" },
        { "America/Santiago", "1919-07-01" },
        { "America/Santo_Domingo", "1890-01-01" },
        { "America/Scoresbysund", "1916-07-28" },
        { "America/Scoresbysund", "1981-03-29" },
        { "America/Tegucigalpa", "1921-04-01" },
        { "America/Thunder_Bay", "1895-01-01" },
        { "America/Tijuana", "1924-01-01" },
        { "America/Tijuana", "1930-11-15" },
        { "Antarctica/Casey", "1969-01-01" },
        { "Antarctica/Casey", "2009-10-18" },
        { "Antarctica/Davis", "1957-01-13" },
        { "Antarctica/Davis", "1969-02-01" },
        { "Antarctica/Davis", "2010-03-11" },
        { "Antarctica/DumontDUrville", "1947-01-01" },
        { "Antarctica/DumontDUrville", "1956-11-01" },
        { "Antarctica/Macquarie", "1911-01-01" },
        { "Antarctica/Mawson", "1954-02-13" },
        { "Antarctica/McMurdo", "1956-01-01" },
        { "Antarctica/Palmer", "1982-05-01" },
        { "Antarctica/South_Pole", "1956-01-01" },
        { "Antarctica/Syowa", "1957-01-29" },
        { "Antarctica/Vostok", "1957-12-16" },
        { "Arctic/Longyearbyen", "1895-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Almaty", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Anadyr", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Anadyr", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Anadyr", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Anadyr", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Aqtau", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Aqtau", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Aqtau", "1981-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Aqtau", "2005-03-15" },
        { "Asia/Aqtobe", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Aqtobe", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Ashgabat", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Ashgabat", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Ashgabat", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Ashkhabad", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Ashkhabad", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Ashkhabad", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Baghdad", "1918-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Bahrain", "1920-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Baku", "1957-03-01" },
        { "Asia/Bangkok", "1920-04-01" },
        { "Asia/Bishkek", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Bishkek", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Brunei", "1933-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Calcutta", "1941-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Choibalsan", "1978-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Chongqing", "1980-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Chungking", "1980-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Colombo", "1880-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Colombo", "1906-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Colombo", "1942-09-01" },
        { "Asia/Colombo", "1996-05-25" },
        { "Asia/Dacca", "1941-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Dacca", "1942-09-01" },
        { "Asia/Dhaka", "1941-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Dhaka", "1942-09-01" },
        { "Asia/Dili", "2000-09-17" },
        { "Asia/Dubai", "1920-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Dushanbe", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Dushanbe", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Harbin", "1928-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Harbin", "1940-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh", "1912-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Hong_Kong", "1904-10-30" },
        { "Asia/Hong_Kong", "1941-12-25" },
        { "Asia/Hovd", "1978-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Irkutsk", "1920-01-25" },
        { "Asia/Irkutsk", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Irkutsk", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Irkutsk", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Istanbul", "1880-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Istanbul", "1910-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Istanbul", "1978-10-15" },
        { "Asia/Jakarta", "1932-11-01" },
        { "Asia/Jakarta", "1942-03-23" },
        { "Asia/Jakarta", "1948-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Jayapura", "1944-09-01" },
        { "Asia/Kabul", "1945-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Kamchatka", "1922-11-10" },
        { "Asia/Kamchatka", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Kamchatka", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Kamchatka", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Karachi", "1907-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Kashgar", "1928-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Kashgar", "1980-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Kathmandu", "1986-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Katmandu", "1986-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Kolkata", "1941-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Krasnoyarsk", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Krasnoyarsk", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Krasnoyarsk", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "1905-06-01" },
        { "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "1941-09-01" },
        { "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "1942-02-16" },
        { "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "1982-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Kuching", "1926-03-01" },
        { "Asia/Kuching", "1933-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Kuching", "1942-02-16" },
        { "Asia/Macao", "1912-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Macau", "1912-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Magadan", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Magadan", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Magadan", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Makassar", "1932-11-01" },
        { "Asia/Makassar", "1942-02-09" },
        { "Asia/Manila", "1942-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Muscat", "1920-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Novokuznetsk", "1920-01-06" },
        { "Asia/Novokuznetsk", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Novokuznetsk", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Novokuznetsk", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Novosibirsk", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Novosibirsk", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Novosibirsk", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Omsk", "1919-11-14" },
        { "Asia/Omsk", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Omsk", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Omsk", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Oral", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Oral", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Oral", "2005-03-15" },
        { "Asia/Phnom_Penh", "1906-06-09" },
        { "Asia/Phnom_Penh", "1912-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Pontianak", "1932-11-01" },
        { "Asia/Pontianak", "1942-01-29" },
        { "Asia/Pontianak", "1948-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Pontianak", "1964-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Pyongyang", "1890-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Pyongyang", "1904-12-01" },
        { "Asia/Pyongyang", "1932-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Pyongyang", "1961-08-10" },
        { "Asia/Qatar", "1920-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Qyzylorda", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Qyzylorda", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Rangoon", "1920-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Rangoon", "1942-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Saigon", "1912-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Sakhalin", "1945-08-25" },
        { "Asia/Sakhalin", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Sakhalin", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Samarkand", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Seoul", "1890-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Seoul", "1904-12-01" },
        { "Asia/Seoul", "1932-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Seoul", "1961-08-10" },
        { "Asia/Seoul", "1968-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Singapore", "1905-06-01" },
        { "Asia/Singapore", "1941-09-01" },
        { "Asia/Singapore", "1942-02-16" },
        { "Asia/Singapore", "1982-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Tashkent", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Tashkent", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Tbilisi", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Tbilisi", "1957-03-01" },
        { "Asia/Tbilisi", "2005-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Tehran", "1946-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Tehran", "1977-11-01" },
        { "Asia/Thimbu", "1987-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Thimphu", "1987-10-01" },
        { "Asia/Ujung_Pandang", "1932-11-01" },
        { "Asia/Ujung_Pandang", "1942-02-09" },
        { "Asia/Ulaanbaatar", "1978-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Ulan_Bator", "1978-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Urumqi", "1928-01-01" },
        { "Asia/Urumqi", "1980-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Vientiane", "1906-06-09" },
        { "Asia/Vientiane", "1912-05-01" },
        { "Asia/Vladivostok", "1922-11-15" },
        { "Asia/Vladivostok", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Vladivostok", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Vladivostok", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Yakutsk", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Yakutsk", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Yakutsk", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Yekaterinburg", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Asia/Yekaterinburg", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Asia/Yekaterinburg", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Asia/Yerevan", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Asia/Yerevan", "1957-03-01" },
        { "Atlantic/Azores", "1884-01-01" },
        { "Atlantic/Azores", "1911-05-24" },
        { "Atlantic/Azores", "1942-04-25" },
        { "Atlantic/Azores", "1943-04-17" },
        { "Atlantic/Azores", "1944-04-22" },
        { "Atlantic/Azores", "1945-04-21" },
        { "Atlantic/Cape_Verde", "1907-01-01" },
        { "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen", "1895-01-01" },
        { "Atlantic/Madeira", "1942-04-25" },
        { "Atlantic/Madeira", "1943-04-17" },
        { "Atlantic/Madeira", "1944-04-22" },
        { "Atlantic/Madeira", "1945-04-21" },
        { "Atlantic/Reykjavik", "1837-01-01" },
        { "Atlantic/Stanley", "1912-03-12" },
        { "Australia/Adelaide", "1899-05-01" },
        { "Australia/Broken_Hill", "1895-02-01" },
        { "Australia/Broken_Hill", "1899-05-01" },
        { "Australia/Currie", "1895-09-01" },
        { "Australia/Darwin", "1895-02-01" },
        { "Australia/Darwin", "1899-05-01" },
        { "Australia/Eucla", "1895-12-01" },
        { "Australia/Hobart", "1895-09-01" },
        { "Australia/LHI", "1981-03-01" },
        { "Australia/Lindeman", "1895-01-01" },
        { "Australia/Lord_Howe", "1981-03-01" },
        { "Australia/Melbourne", "1895-02-01" },
        { "Australia/North", "1895-02-01" },
        { "Australia/North", "1899-05-01" },
        { "Australia/Perth", "1895-12-01" },
        { "Australia/South", "1899-05-01" },
        { "Australia/Tasmania", "1895-09-01" },
        { "Australia/Victoria", "1895-02-01" },
        { "Australia/West", "1895-12-01" },
        { "Australia/Yancowinna", "1895-02-01" },
        { "Australia/Yancowinna", "1899-05-01" },
        { "Brazil/Acre", "1914-01-01" },
        { "Canada/East-Saskatchewan", "1905-09-01" },
        { "Canada/Saskatchewan", "1905-09-01" },
        { "Chile/Continental", "1910-01-01" },
        { "Chile/Continental", "1919-07-01" },
        { "Chile/EasterIsland", "1932-09-01" },
        { "Cuba", "1890-01-01" },
        { "Eire", "1880-08-02" },
        { "Europe/Amsterdam", "1937-07-01" },
        { "Europe/Andorra", "1946-09-30" },
        { "Europe/Athens", "1916-07-28" },
        { "Europe/Athens", "1944-04-04" },
        { "Europe/Berlin", "1893-04-01" },
        { "Europe/Bratislava", "1891-10-01" },
        { "Europe/Brussels", "1914-11-08" },
        { "Europe/Bucharest", "1931-07-24" },
        { "Europe/Chisinau", "1931-07-24" },
        { "Europe/Copenhagen", "1894-01-01" },
        { "Europe/Dublin", "1880-08-02" },
        { "Europe/Gibraltar", "1941-05-04" },
        { "Europe/Gibraltar", "1942-04-05" },
        { "Europe/Gibraltar", "1943-04-04" },
        { "Europe/Gibraltar", "1944-04-02" },
        { "Europe/Gibraltar", "1945-04-02" },
        { "Europe/Gibraltar", "1947-04-13" },
        { "Europe/Helsinki", "1921-05-01" },
        { "Europe/Istanbul", "1880-01-01" },
        { "Europe/Istanbul", "1910-10-01" },
        { "Europe/Istanbul", "1978-10-15" },
        { "Europe/Kaliningrad", "1945-01-01" },
        { "Europe/Kaliningrad", "1946-01-01" },
        { "Europe/Kaliningrad", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Europe/Kiev", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Europe/Kiev", "1943-11-06" },
        { "Europe/Luxembourg", "1904-06-01" },
        { "Europe/Madrid", "1942-05-02" },
        { "Europe/Madrid", "1943-04-17" },
        { "Europe/Madrid", "1944-04-15" },
        { "Europe/Madrid", "1945-04-14" },
        { "Europe/Madrid", "1946-04-13" },
        { "Europe/Malta", "1893-11-02" },
        { "Europe/Mariehamn", "1921-05-01" },
        { "Europe/Minsk", "1924-05-02" },
        { "Europe/Minsk", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Europe/Minsk", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Europe/Monaco", "1941-05-05" },
        { "Europe/Monaco", "1942-03-09" },
        { "Europe/Monaco", "1943-03-29" },
        { "Europe/Monaco", "1944-04-03" },
        { "Europe/Monaco", "1945-04-02" },
        { "Europe/Moscow", "1916-07-03" },
        { "Europe/Moscow", "1919-05-31" },
        { "Europe/Moscow", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Europe/Moscow", "1992-01-19" },
        { "Europe/Moscow", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Europe/Oslo", "1895-01-01" },
        { "Europe/Paris", "1945-04-02" },
        { "Europe/Prague", "1891-10-01" },
        { "Europe/Riga", "1926-05-11" },
        { "Europe/Riga", "1940-08-05" },
        { "Europe/Riga", "1944-10-13" },
        { "Europe/Rome", "1893-11-01" },
        { "Europe/Samara", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Europe/Samara", "1991-10-20" },
        { "Europe/Samara", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Europe/San_Marino", "1893-11-01" },
        { "Europe/Simferopol", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Europe/Simferopol", "1994-05-01" },
        { "Europe/Sofia", "1880-01-01" },
        { "Europe/Sofia", "1894-11-30" },
        { "Europe/Tallinn", "1919-07-01" },
        { "Europe/Tallinn", "1921-05-01" },
        { "Europe/Tallinn", "1940-08-06" },
        { "Europe/Tiraspol", "1931-07-24" },
        { "Europe/Uzhgorod", "1945-06-29" },
        { "Europe/Vaduz", "1894-06-01" },
        { "Europe/Vatican", "1893-11-01" },
        { "Europe/Vilnius", "1917-01-01" },
        { "Europe/Vilnius", "1920-07-12" },
        { "Europe/Vilnius", "1940-08-03" },
        { "Europe/Volgograd", "1920-01-03" },
        { "Europe/Volgograd", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Europe/Volgograd", "1991-03-31" },
        { "Europe/Volgograd", "2011-03-27" },
        { "Europe/Zaporozhye", "1930-06-21" },
        { "Europe/Zaporozhye", "1943-10-25" },
        { "Europe/Zurich", "1894-06-01" },
        { "Hongkong", "1904-10-30" },
        { "Hongkong", "1941-12-25" },
        { "Iceland", "1837-01-01" },
        { "Indian/Chagos", "1907-01-01" },
        { "Indian/Chagos", "1996-01-01" },
        { "Indian/Cocos", "1900-01-01" },
        { "Indian/Comoro", "1911-07-01" },
        { "Indian/Kerguelen", "1950-01-01" },
        { "Indian/Mahe", "1906-06-01" },
        { "Indian/Maldives", "1960-01-01" },
        { "Indian/Mauritius", "1907-01-01" },
        { "Indian/Reunion", "1911-06-01" },
        { "Iran", "1946-01-01" },
        { "Iran", "1977-11-01" },
        { "Libya", "1920-01-01" },
        { "Libya", "1959-01-01" },
        { "Libya", "1990-05-04" },
        { "Mexico/BajaNorte", "1924-01-01" },
        { "Mexico/BajaNorte", "1930-11-15" },
        { "Mexico/BajaSur", "1930-11-15" },
        { "Mexico/BajaSur", "1931-10-01" },
        { "Mexico/BajaSur", "1942-04-24" },
        { "Mexico/BajaSur", "1949-01-14" },
        { "Mexico/General", "1930-11-15" },
        { "Mexico/General", "1931-10-01" },
        { "NZ-CHAT", "1957-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Apia", "1911-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Apia", "2011-12-30" },
        { "Pacific/Chatham", "1957-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Easter", "1932-09-01" },
        { "Pacific/Enderbury", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Enderbury", "1995-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Fakaofo", "2011-12-30" },
        { "Pacific/Fiji", "1915-10-26" },
        { "Pacific/Funafuti", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Galapagos", "1986-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Gambier", "1912-10-01" },
        { "Pacific/Guadalcanal", "1912-10-01" },
        { "Pacific/Guam", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Kiritimati", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Kiritimati", "1995-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Kosrae", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Kosrae", "1969-10-01" },
        { "Pacific/Kwajalein", "1993-08-20" },
        { "Pacific/Majuro", "1969-10-01" },
        { "Pacific/Marquesas", "1912-10-01" },
        { "Pacific/Nauru", "1921-01-15" },
        { "Pacific/Nauru", "1944-08-15" },
        { "Pacific/Nauru", "1979-05-01" },
        { "Pacific/Niue", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Niue", "1951-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Norfolk", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Norfolk", "1951-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Pago_Pago", "1911-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Palau", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Pohnpei", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Ponape", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Port_Moresby", "1895-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Rarotonga", "1978-11-12" },
        { "Pacific/Saipan", "1969-10-01" },
        { "Pacific/Samoa", "1911-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Tahiti", "1912-10-01" },
        { "Pacific/Tarawa", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Tongatapu", "1901-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Tongatapu", "1941-01-01" },
        { "Pacific/Wake", "1901-01-01" },
        { "ROK", "1890-01-01" },
        { "ROK", "1904-12-01" },
        { "ROK", "1932-01-01" },
        { "ROK", "1961-08-10" },
        { "ROK", "1968-10-01" },
        { "Singapore", "1905-06-01" },
        { "Singapore", "1941-09-01" },
        { "Singapore", "1942-02-16" },
        { "Singapore", "1982-01-01" },
        { "Turkey", "1880-01-01" },
        { "Turkey", "1910-10-01" },
        { "Turkey", "1978-10-15" },
        { "US/Michigan", "1905-01-01" },
        { "US/Samoa", "1911-01-01" },
        { "W-SU", "1916-07-03" },
        { "W-SU", "1930-06-21" },
        { "W-SU", "1992-01-19" },
        { "W-SU", "2011-03-27" }

    LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US;
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, eLang);

    for (size_t i=0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aData); ++i)
        checkDateInput( aFormatter, aData[i][0], aData[i][1]);

void Test::checkDateInput( SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter, const char* pTimezone, const char* pIsoDate )
    icu::TimeZone::adoptDefault( icu::TimeZone::createTimeZone( pTimezone));
    OUString aDate( OUString::createFromAscii(pIsoDate));
    sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
    double fVal = 0.0;
    bool bVal = rFormatter.IsNumberFormat( aDate, nIndex, fVal);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( OString("Date not recognized: " +
                OString(pTimezone) + " " + OString(pIsoDate)).getStr(), bVal);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Format parsed is not date.",
            (rFormatter.GetType(nIndex) & SvNumFormatType::DATE));
    OUString aOutString;
    Color *pColor;
    rFormatter.GetOutputString( fVal, nIndex, aOutString, &pColor);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( aDate, aOutString);

void Test::testIsNumberFormat()
    LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US;
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, eLang);

    static struct NumberFormatData
        const char* pFormat;
        bool const bIsNumber;
    } const aTests[] = {
        { "20.3", true },
        { "2", true },
        { "test", false },
        { "Jan1", false },
        { "Jan1 2000", true },
        { "Jan 1", true },
        { "Jan 1 2000", true },
        { "5-12-14", false },
        { "005-12-14", true },
        { "15-10-30", true },
        { "2015-10-30", true },
        { "1999-11-23T12:34:56", true },
        { "1999-11-23 12:34:56", true },
        { "1999-11-23T12:34:56.789", true },
        { "1999-11-23T12:34:56,789", true },    // ISO 8601 defines both dot and comma as fractional separator
        { "1999-11-23 12:34:56.789", true },
        { "1999-11-23 12:34:56,789", false },   // comma not in en-US if 'T' separator is not present,
                                                // debatable, 'T' "may be omitted by mutual consent of those
                                                // interchanging data, if ambiguity can be avoided."
        { "1999-11-23T12:34:56/789", false }

    for (size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aTests); ++i)
        sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
        double nNumber = 0;
        OUString aString = OUString::createFromAscii(aTests[i].pFormat);
        bool bIsNumber = aFormatter.IsNumberFormat(aString, nIndex, nNumber);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(aTests[i].pFormat, aTests[i].bIsNumber, bIsNumber);


struct FormatInputOutput
    const char*      mpInput;
    const bool       mbNumber;
    const char*      mpOutput;
    const sal_uInt32 mnOutputIndex;

void checkSpecificNumberFormats( SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter,
        const std::vector<FormatInputOutput>& rVec, const char* pName )

    for (size_t i = 0; i < rVec.size(); ++i)
        sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
        double fNumber = 0;
        OUString aString( OUString::fromUtf8( rVec[i].mpInput));
        const bool bIsNumber = rFormatter.IsNumberFormat( aString, nIndex, fNumber);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( OString( OString(pName) + " " + OString::number(i) +
                    (rVec[i].mbNumber ? " not recognized: " : " should not be recognized: ") +
                    OUStringToOString( aString, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)).getStr(), rVec[i].mbNumber, bIsNumber);
        if (bIsNumber)
            if (rVec[i].mnOutputIndex)
                nIndex = rVec[i].mnOutputIndex;
            Color* pColor;
            rFormatter.GetOutputString( fNumber, nIndex, aString, &pColor);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( OString( OString(pName) + " " + OString::number(i)  + " mismatch").getStr(),
                    OUString::fromUtf8( rVec[i].mpOutput), aString);

void Test::testIsNumberFormatSpecific()
        // en-US uses M/D/Y format, test that a-b-c input with a<=31 and b<=12
        // does not lead to a/b/c date output
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);

        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            {  "5-12-14", false, "", 0 },
            { "32-12-14",  true, "1932-12-14", 0 }

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[en-US] date");

        // de-DE uses D.M.Y format, test that a-b-c input with a<=31 and b<=12
        // does not lead to a.b.c date output
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_GERMAN);

        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            {  "5-12-14", false, "", 0 },
            { "32-12-14",  true, "1932-12-14", 0 }

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[de-DE] date");

        // nl-NL uses D-M-Y format, test that D-M-Y input leads to D-M-Y output
        // and ISO Y-M-D input leads to Y-M-D output.
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_DUTCH);

        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            { "22-11-1999", true, "22-11-99", 0 },      // if default YY changes to YYYY adapt this
            { "1999-11-22", true, "1999-11-22", 0 },
            { "1-2-11",     true, "01-02-11", 0 },      // if default YY changes to YYYY adapt this
            { "99-2-11",    true, "1999-02-11", 0 }

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[nl-NL] date");

        // en-ZA uses Y-M-D and Y/M/D format, test that either are accepted.
        // The default format changed from YY/MM/DD to YYYY-MM-DD.
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_SAFRICA);

        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            { "1999/11/22", true, "1999-11-22", 0 },
            { "1999-11-22", true, "1999-11-22", 0 },
            { "11/2/1",     true, "2011-02-01", 0 },
            { "99-2-11",    true, "1999-02-11", 0 },
            { "22-2-11",    true, "2022-02-11", 0 }

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[en-ZA] date");

        // fr-FR uses D/M/Y format with additional D.M.Y and D-M-Y date
        // acceptance patterns, test combinations.
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_FRENCH);

        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            { "22/11/1999", true, "22/11/99", 0 },      // if default YY changes to YYYY adapt this
            { "1999-11-22", true, "1999-11-22", 0 },
            { "1/2/11",     true, "01/02/11", 0 },      // if default YY changes to YYYY adapt this
            { "99-2-11",    true, "1999-02-11", 0 },
            { "22-2-11",    true, "22/02/11", 0 },      // if default YY changes to YYYY adapt this
            { "22.2.11",    true, "22/02/11", 0 }       // if default YY changes to YYYY adapt this

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[fr-FR] date");

        // Test Spanish "mar" short name ambiguity, day "martes" or month "marzo".
        // Day of week names are only parsed away, not evaluated if they actually
        // correspond to the date given.
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_SPANISH);

        const sal_uInt32 n = aFormatter.GetFormatIndex( NF_DATE_SYS_DDMMYYYY, LANGUAGE_SPANISH);
        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            { "22/11/1999", true, "22/11/1999", n },
            { "Lun 22/11/1999", true, "22/11/1999", n },
            { "Mar 22/11/1999", true, "22/11/1999", n },
            { "Abr 22/11/1999", false, "", n },             // month name AND numeric month don't go along
            { "Lun Mar 22/11/1999", false, "", n },         // month name AND numeric month don't go along
            { "Mar Mar 22/11/1999", false, "", n },         // month name AND numeric month don't go along
            { "Lun Mar 22 1999", true, "22/03/1999", n },
            { "Mar Mar 22 1999", true, "22/03/1999", n },
            { "Mar Lun 22 1999", false, "", n }             // day name only at the beginning (could change?)

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[es-ES] date");

        // Test that de-DE accepts Januar and Jänner.
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_GERMAN);

        const sal_uInt32 n = aFormatter.GetFormatIndex( NF_DATE_SYS_DDMMYYYY, LANGUAGE_GERMAN);
        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            { "23. Januar 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },
            { "23. J\xC3\xA4nner 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },
            { "23. Jan. 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },
            { "23. J\xC3\xA4n. 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[de-DE] date January month names");

        // Test that de-AT accepts Januar and Jänner.
        SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN);

        const sal_uInt32 n = aFormatter.GetFormatIndex( NF_DATE_SYS_DDMMYYYY, LANGUAGE_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN);
        std::vector<FormatInputOutput> aIO = {
            { "23. Januar 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },
            { "23. J\xC3\xA4nner 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },
            { "23. Jan. 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },
            { "23. J\xC3\xA4n. 1999", true, "23.01.1999", n },

        checkSpecificNumberFormats( aFormatter, aIO, "[de-AT] date January month names");

void Test::testUserDefinedNumberFormats()
    LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US;
    OUString sCode, sExpected;
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, eLang);
    {  // tdf#97835: suppress decimal separator
        sCode = "0.##\" m\"";
        sExpected = "12 m";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 12.0, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#61996: skip quoted text
        sCode = "0.00\" ;\"";
        sExpected = "-12.00 ;";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -12.0, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#95339: detect SSMM as second minute
        sCode =     "SS:MM:HH DD/MM/YY"; // Month not detected by Excel, but we do not follow that.
        sExpected = "53:23:03 02/01/00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#101147: detect SSMM as second month
        sCode =     "HH:MM:SS MM/DD";
        sExpected = "03:23:53 01/02";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#101096: different detection of month/minute with Excel
        sCode =     "HH DD MM"; // month detected because of previous DD
        sExpected = "03 02 01";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "HH:MM HH DD/MM"; // month detected because of previous DD
        sExpected = "03:23 03 02/01";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "SS:DD-MM-YY SS:MM"; // 1st is month, because of previous DD; 2nd is minute as SS has not minute
        sExpected = "53:02-01-00 53:23";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#99996: better algorithm for fraction representation
        sCode = "# ?/???";
        sExpected = "-575 540/697";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -575.774749601315, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#102507: left alignment of denominator
        sCode = "# ?/???";
        sExpected = "3 1/2  ";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 3.5, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#100594: forced denominator
        sCode = "# ?/100";
        sExpected = " 6/100";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 0.06, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#100754: forced denominator with text after fraction
        sCode = "# ?/16\" inch\"";
        sExpected = "2 6/16 inch";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 2.379, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#100842: text before/after fraction
        sCode = "\"before \"?/?\" after\"";
        sExpected = "before 11/9 after";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "\"before \"# ?/?\" after\"";
        sExpected = "before 1 2/9 after";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "\"before \"0.0\"inside\"0E+0\"middle\"0\" after\"";
        sExpected = "before 1.2inside3E+0middle4 after";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 12345.667, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#106190: text after fraction bar
        sCode = "?/ ?";
        sExpected = "11/ 9";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "?/ 12";
        sExpected = "15/ 12";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "# ?/\" divisor \"?";
        sExpected = "1 2/ divisor 9";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "# ?/\"divided by \"?";
        sExpected = "1 2/divided by 9";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "?/\" \"12";
        sExpected = "15/ 12";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "?/\\ 12";
        sExpected = "15/ 12";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.2345667, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "# ?/ ???";
        sExpected = "3 1/ 2  ";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 3.5, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // Display 1.96 as 2 and not 1 1/1
        sCode = "# ?/?";
        sExpected = "2    ";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.96, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "# ?/ ?";
        sExpected = "2     ";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.96, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "# #/#";
        sExpected = "2";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1.96, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#79399 tdf#101462 Native Number Formats
        sCode = "[NatNum5][$-0404]General\\ ";
        // Chinese upper case number characters for 120
        sExpected = OUStringLiteral1(22777) +
                    OUStringLiteral1(20336) +
                    OUStringLiteral1(36019) +
                    OUStringLiteral1(25342) +
                    " ";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 120, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[DBNum2][$-0404]General\\ ";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 120, eLang, sExpected);
        // tdf#115007 - cardinal/ordinal number names/indicators
        sCode = "[NatNum12]0";
        sExpected = "one hundred twenty-three";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 123, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12]0.00";
        sExpected = "one hundred twenty-three point four five";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 123.45, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 ordinal]0";
        sExpected = "one hundred twenty-third";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 123, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 ordinal-number]0";
        sExpected = "123rd";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 123, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 capitalize]0";
        sExpected = "One hundred twenty-three";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 123, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 title ordinal]0";
        sExpected = "One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Fourth";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1234, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 upper ordinal-number]0";
        sExpected = "12345TH";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 12345, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 D=ordinal-number]D\" of \"MMMM";
        sExpected = "2nd of January";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 D=ordinal-number,YYYY=year]D\" of \"MMMM\", \"YYYY";
        sExpected = "2nd of January, nineteen hundred";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode = "[NatNum12 YYYY=title year, D=capitalize ordinal]D\" of \"MMMM\", \"YYYY";
        sExpected = "Second of January, Nineteen Hundred";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
    {  // tdf#105968 engineering format with value rounded up to next magnitude
        sCode = "##0.00E+00";
        sExpected = "100.00E+00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 99.995, eLang, sExpected);
        // test '1'=='1' assumption
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 100.0, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "199.99E+00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 199.99, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "1.00E+03";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1000.0, eLang, sExpected);
        // and another just "normally" rounded value
        sExpected = "894.55E-06";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 0.000894549, eLang, sExpected);
        // not expecting rounding into another magnitude
        sExpected = "999.99E-06";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 0.000999991, eLang, sExpected);
        // expecting rounding into another magnitude
        sExpected = "1.00E-03";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 0.000999999, eLang, sExpected);

        // Now the same all negative values.
        sExpected = "-100.00E+00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -99.995, eLang, sExpected);
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -100.0, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "-199.99E+00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -199.99, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "-1.00E+03";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -1000.0, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "-894.55E-06";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -0.000894549, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "-999.99E-06";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -0.000999991, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "-1.00E-03";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, -0.000999999, eLang, sExpected);
    {   // tdf#112933 one decimal seconds fraction
        sCode =     "MM:SS.0";
        sExpected = "23:53.6";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        // Two decimals.
        sCode =     "MM:SS.00";
        sExpected = "23:53.61";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        // Three decimals.
        sCode =     "MM:SS.000";
        sExpected = "23:53.605";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);

        // Same with date+time.
        sCode =     "YYYY-MM-DD MM:SS.0";
        sExpected = "1900-01-02 23:53.6";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "YYYY-MM-DD MM:SS.00";
        sExpected = "1900-01-02 23:53.61";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "YYYY-MM-DD MM:SS.000";
        sExpected = "1900-01-02 23:53.605";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
    {   // tdf#33689 use English NfKeywords in non-English language
        eLang = LANGUAGE_DUTCH;
        sExpected = "Dutch: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"Dutch:\" JJJJ/MM/DD UU:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"Dutch: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        eLang = LANGUAGE_GERMAN;
        sExpected = "German: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"German: \"JJJJ/MM/TT HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"German: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        eLang = LANGUAGE_FRENCH;
        sExpected = "French: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"French: \"AAAA/MM/JJ HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"French: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        eLang = LANGUAGE_ITALIAN;
        sExpected = "Italian: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"Italian: \"AAAA/MM/GG HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"Italian: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "Portuguese: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"Portuguese: \"AAAA/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"Portuguese: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sExpected = "Spanish: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"Spanish: \"AAAA/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"Spanish: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        eLang = LANGUAGE_DANISH;
        sExpected = "Danish: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"Danish: \"YYYY/MM/DD TT:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"Danish: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        eLang = LANGUAGE_FINNISH;
        sExpected = "Finnish: 1900/01/02 03:23:53";
        sCode =     "\"Finnish: \"VVVV/KK/PP TT:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
        sCode =     "\"Finnish: \"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, eLang, sExpected);
    {   // tdf#117819 wrong separator positions when displaying integers with
        // more decimals than rtl::math::doubleToUString delivers.
        sCode = "#,##0.00000000000000000000";
        sExpected = "117,669,030,460,994.00000000000000000000";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 117669030460994.0, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, sExpected);
    {   // tdf#117575 treat thousand separator with '?' in integer part
        sCode = "\"Value= \"?,??0.00";
        sExpected = "Value=     3.14";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, M_PI, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, sExpected);
        sExpected = "Value=    12.00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 12, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, sExpected);
        sExpected = "Value=   123.00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 123, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, sExpected);
        sExpected = "Value= 1,234.00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 1234, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, sExpected);
        sExpected = "Value= 12,345.00";
        checkPreviewString(aFormatter, sCode, 12345, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, sExpected);

void Test::testNfEnglishKeywordsIntegrity()
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
    const NfKeywordTable& rEnglishKeywords = aFormatter.GetEnglishKeywords();
    const NfKeywordTable& sKeywords = aFormatter.GetKeywords(0);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( size_t(NF_KEYWORD_ENTRIES_COUNT), rEnglishKeywords.size() );
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(NF_KEYWORD_ENTRIES_COUNT); ++i)
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( sKeywords[i], rEnglishKeywords[i] );
    // Check the order of sEnglishKeyword
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("E"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_E] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("AM/PM"), rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_AMPM] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("A/P"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_AP] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("M"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_MI]  );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("MM"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_MMI] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("M"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_M] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("MM"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_MM] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("MMM"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_MMM] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("MMMM"),  rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_MMMM] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("H"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_H] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("HH"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_HH] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("S"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_S] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("SS"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_SS] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("Q"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_Q] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("QQ"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_QQ] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("D"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_D] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("DD"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_DD] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("DDD"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_DDD] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("DDDD"),  rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_DDDD] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("YY"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_YY] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("YYYY"),  rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_YYYY] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("NN"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_NN] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("NNNN"),  rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_NNNN] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("CCC"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_CCC] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("NNN"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_NNN] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("WW"),      rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_WW] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("MMMMM"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_MMMMM] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("TRUE"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_TRUE] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("FALSE"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_FALSE] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("COLOR"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_COLOR] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("BLACK"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_BLACK] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("BLUE"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_BLUE] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("GREEN"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_GREEN] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("CYAN"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_CYAN] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("RED"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_RED] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("BROWN"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_BROWN] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("GREY"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_GREY] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("YELLOW"),  rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_YELLOW] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("WHITE"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_WHITE] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("AAA"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_AAA]);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("AAAA"),  rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_AAAA] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("E"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_EC] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("EE"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_EEC] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("G"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_G] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("GG"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_GG] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("GGG"),   rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_GGG] );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("R"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_R]  );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("RR"),    rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_RR]  );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("t"),     rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_THAI_T] );

void Test::testStandardColorIntegrity()
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
    const ::std::vector<Color> & rStandardColors = aFormatter.GetStandardColors();
    const size_t nMaxDefaultColors = aFormatter.GetMaxDefaultColors();
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( size_t(NF_KEY_LASTCOLOR) - size_t(NF_KEY_FIRSTCOLOR) + 1, nMaxDefaultColors );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( nMaxDefaultColors, rStandardColors.size() );
    // Colors must follow same order as in sEnglishKeyword
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( rStandardColors[0], COL_BLACK );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( rStandardColors[6], COL_BROWN );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( rStandardColors[7], COL_GRAY );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( rStandardColors[8], COL_YELLOW );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( rStandardColors[9], COL_WHITE );

void Test::testColorNamesConversion()
    SvNumberFormatter aFormatter(m_xContext, LANGUAGE_GERMAN);
    const NfKeywordTable& rEnglishKeywords = aFormatter.GetEnglishKeywords();
    const NfKeywordTable& rKeywords = aFormatter.GetKeywords(0);

    // Holding a reference to the NfKeywordTable doesn't help if we switch
    // locales internally, so copy the relevant parts in advance.
    std::vector<OUString> aGermanKeywords(NF_KEYWORD_ENTRIES_COUNT);
    for (size_t i = NF_KEY_COLOR; i <= NF_KEY_WHITE; ++i)
        aGermanKeywords[i] = rKeywords[i];

    // Check that we actually have German and English keywords.
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("FARBE"), aGermanKeywords[NF_KEY_COLOR]);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("COLOR"), rEnglishKeywords[NF_KEY_COLOR]);

    // Test each color conversion.
    // [FARBE1] -> [COLOR1] can't be tested because we have no color table link
    // set, so the scanner returns nCheckPos error.
    sal_Int32 nCheckPos;
    SvNumFormatType nType;
    sal_uInt32 nKey;
    OUString aFormatCode;

    for (size_t i = NF_KEY_BLACK; i <= NF_KEY_WHITE; ++i)
        aFormatCode = "[" + aGermanKeywords[i] + "]0";
        aFormatter.PutandConvertEntry( aFormatCode, nCheckPos, nType, nKey, LANGUAGE_GERMAN, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, false);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("CheckPos should be 0.", sal_Int32(0), nCheckPos);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Type should be NUMBER.", SvNumFormatType::NUMBER, nType);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString("[" + rEnglishKeywords[i] + "]0"), aFormatCode);




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