/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include //============================================================================ // // class SfxFontItem // //============================================================================ TYPEINIT1(SfxFontItem, SfxPoolItem); //============================================================================ // virtual int SfxFontItem::operator ==(const SfxPoolItem & rItem) const { const SfxFontItem * pFontItem = PTR_CAST(SfxFontItem, &rItem); return pFontItem && m_bHasFont == pFontItem->m_bHasFont && m_bHasColor == pFontItem->m_bHasColor && m_bHasFillColor == pFontItem->m_bHasFillColor && (!m_bHasColor || m_aColor == pFontItem->m_aColor) && (!m_bHasFillColor || m_aFillColor == pFontItem->m_aFillColor) && (!m_bHasFont || (m_bKerning == pFontItem->m_bKerning && m_bShadow == pFontItem->m_bShadow && m_bOutline == pFontItem->m_bOutline && m_bWordLine == pFontItem->m_bWordLine && m_nOrientation == pFontItem->m_nOrientation && m_nStrikeout == pFontItem->m_nStrikeout && m_nUnderline == pFontItem->m_nUnderline && m_nItalic == pFontItem->m_nItalic && m_nWidthType == pFontItem->m_nWidthType && m_nWeight == pFontItem->m_nWeight && m_nPitch == pFontItem->m_nPitch && m_nFamily == pFontItem->m_nFamily && m_nLanguage == pFontItem->m_nLanguage && m_nCharSet == pFontItem->m_nCharSet && m_aFillColor == pFontItem->m_aFillColor && m_aColor == pFontItem->m_aColor && m_aSize == pFontItem->m_aSize && m_aStyleName == pFontItem->m_aStyleName && m_aName == pFontItem->m_aName)); } //============================================================================ // virtual SfxPoolItem * SfxFontItem::Create(SvStream & rStream, sal_uInt16) const { VersionCompat aItemCompat(rStream, STREAM_READ); SfxFontItem * pItem = new SfxFontItem(Which()); { VersionCompat aFontCompat(rStream, STREAM_READ); readByteString(rStream, pItem->m_aName); readByteString(rStream, pItem->m_aStyleName); rStream >> pItem->m_aSize; sal_Int16 nCharSet = 0; rStream >> nCharSet; pItem->m_nCharSet = rtl_TextEncoding(nCharSet); rStream >> pItem->m_nFamily >> pItem->m_nPitch >> pItem->m_nWeight >> pItem->m_nUnderline >> pItem->m_nStrikeout >> pItem->m_nItalic; sal_Int16 nLanguage = 0; rStream >> nLanguage; pItem->m_nLanguage = LanguageType(nLanguage); rStream >> pItem->m_nWidthType >> pItem->m_nOrientation; sal_Int8 nWordLine = 0; rStream >> nWordLine; pItem->m_bWordLine = nWordLine != 0; sal_Int8 nOutline = 0; rStream >> nOutline; pItem->m_bOutline = nOutline != 0; sal_Int8 nShadow = 0; rStream >> nShadow; pItem->m_bShadow = nShadow != 0; sal_Int8 nKerning = 0; rStream >> nKerning; pItem->m_bKerning = nKerning != 0; } pItem->m_aColor.Read(rStream, sal_True); pItem->m_aFillColor.Read(rStream, sal_True); sal_Int16 nFlags = 0; rStream >> nFlags; pItem->m_bHasFont = (nFlags & 4) != 0; pItem->m_bHasColor = (nFlags & 1) != 0; pItem->m_bHasFillColor = (nFlags & 2) != 0; return pItem; } //============================================================================ // virtual SvStream & SfxFontItem::Store(SvStream & rStream, sal_uInt16) const { VersionCompat aItemCompat(rStream, STREAM_WRITE, 1); { VersionCompat aFontCompat(rStream, STREAM_WRITE, 1); writeByteString(rStream, m_aName); writeByteString(rStream, m_aStyleName); rStream << m_aSize << sal_Int16(m_nCharSet) << m_nFamily << m_nPitch << m_nWeight << m_nUnderline << m_nStrikeout << m_nItalic << sal_Int16(m_nLanguage) << m_nWidthType << m_nOrientation << sal_Int8(m_bWordLine) << sal_Int8(m_bOutline) << sal_Int8(m_bShadow) << sal_Int8(m_bKerning); } SAL_CONST_CAST(Color &, m_aColor).Write(rStream, sal_True); SAL_CONST_CAST(Color &, m_aFillColor).Write(rStream, sal_True); rStream << sal_Int16(m_bHasFont << 2 | m_bHasColor | m_bHasFillColor << 1); return rStream; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */