/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#define UNICODE
#include "ddeimp.hxx"
#include <algorithm>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <svl/svdde.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <o3tl/sorted_vector.hxx>

enum DdeItemType

struct DdeItemImpData
    sal_uLong nHCnv;
    sal_uInt16 nCnt;

    DdeItemImpData( sal_uLong nH ) : nHCnv( nH ), nCnt( 1 ) {}

class DdeItemImp : public std::vector<DdeItemImpData> {};

// --- DdeInternat::SvrCallback() ----------------------------------

HDDEDATA CALLBACK DdeInternal::SvrCallback(
            WORD nCode, WORD nCbType, HCONV hConv, HSZ hText1, HSZ hText2,
            HDDEDATA hData, DWORD, DWORD )
    DdeServices&    rAll = DdeService::GetServices();
    DdeService*     pService;
    DdeTopic*       pTopic;
    DdeItem*        pItem;
    DdeData*        pData;
    Conversation*   pC;

    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");

    switch( nCode )
        case XTYP_WILDCONNECT:
            int nTopics = 0;

            TCHAR chTopicBuf[250];
            if( hText1 )
                DdeQueryString( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, hText1, chTopicBuf,
                                sizeof(chTopicBuf)/sizeof(TCHAR), CP_WINUNICODE );

            for (DdeServices::iterator aI = rAll.begin(); aI != rAll.end(); ++aI)
                pService = *aI;
                if ( !hText2 || ( *pService->pName == hText2 ) )
                    OUString sTopics( pService->Topics() );
                    if (!sTopics.isEmpty())
                        if( hText1 )
                            sal_Int32 n = 0;
                            while( -1 != n )
                                OUString s( sTopics.getToken( 0, '\t', n ));
                                if( s == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(chTopicBuf) )
                            nTopics += comphelper::string::getTokenCount(sTopics, '\t');

            if( !nTopics )
                return (HDDEDATA)NULL;

            HSZPAIR* pPairs = new HSZPAIR [nTopics + 1];
            if ( !pPairs )
                return (HDDEDATA)NULL;

            HSZPAIR* q = pPairs;
            for (DdeServices::iterator aI = rAll.begin(); aI != rAll.end(); ++aI)
                pService = *aI;
                if ( !hText2 || (*pService->pName == hText2 ) )
                    OUString sTopics( pService->Topics() );
                    sal_Int32 n = 0;
                    while( -1 != n )
                        OUString s( sTopics.getToken( 0, '\t', n ));
                        s = comphelper::string::remove(s, '\n');
                        s = comphelper::string::remove(s, '\r');
                        if( !hText1 || s == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(chTopicBuf) )
                            DdeString aDStr( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, s );
                            pTopic = FindTopic( *pService, (HSZ)aDStr );
                            if( pTopic )
                                q->hszSvc   = *pService->pName;
                                q->hszTopic = *pTopic->pName;

            q->hszSvc   = NULL;
            q->hszTopic = NULL;
            HDDEDATA h = DdeCreateDataHandle(
                            pInst->hDdeInstSvr, (LPBYTE) pPairs,
                            sizeof(HSZPAIR) * (nTopics+1),
                            0, NULL, nCbType, 0);
            delete [] pPairs;
            return h;

        case XTYP_CONNECT:
            pService = FindService( hText2 );
            if ( pService)
                pTopic = FindTopic( *pService, hText1 );
                pTopic = NULL;
            if ( pTopic )
                return (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK;
                return (HDDEDATA) NULL;

            pService = FindService( hText2 );
            if ( pService )
                pTopic = FindTopic( *pService, hText1 );
                if ( pTopic )
                    pTopic->Connect( (sal_IntPtr) hConv );
                    pC = new Conversation;
                    pC->hConv = hConv;
                    pC->pTopic = pTopic;
                    pService->pConv->push_back( pC );
            return (HDDEDATA)NULL;

    for (DdeServices::iterator aI = rAll.begin(); aI != rAll.end(); ++aI)
        pService = *aI;
        for ( size_t i = 0, n = pService->pConv->size(); i < n; ++i )
            pC = (*pService->pConv)[ i ];
            if ( pC->hConv == hConv )
                goto found;


    if ( nCode == XTYP_DISCONNECT)
        pC->pTopic->_Disconnect( (sal_IntPtr) hConv );
        for ( ConvList::iterator it = pService->pConv->begin();
              it != pService->pConv->end();
        ) {
            if ( *it == pC )
                delete *it;
                pService->pConv->erase( it );
        return (HDDEDATA)NULL;

    bool bExec = nCode == XTYP_EXECUTE;
    pTopic = pC->pTopic;
    if ( pTopic && !bExec )
        pItem = FindItem( *pTopic, hText2 );
        pItem = NULL;

    if ( !bExec && !pService->HasCbFormat( nCbType ) )
        pItem = NULL;
    if ( !pItem && !bExec )
    if ( pItem )
        pTopic->aItem = pItem->GetName();
        pTopic->aItem = OUString();

    bool bRes = false;
    pInst->hCurConvSvr = (sal_IntPtr)hConv;
    switch( nCode )
    case XTYP_REQUEST:
    case XTYP_ADVREQ:
            OUString aRes;          // darf erst am Ende freigegeben werden!!
            if ( pTopic->IsSystemTopic() )
                if ( pTopic->aItem == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_TOPICS) )
                    aRes = pService->Topics();
                else if ( pTopic->aItem == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_SYSITEMS) )
                    aRes = pService->SysItems();
                else if ( pTopic->aItem == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_STATUS) )
                    aRes = pService->Status();
                else if ( pTopic->aItem == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_FORMATS) )
                    aRes = pService->Formats();
                else if ( pTopic->aItem ==  reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_HELP) )
                    aRes = pService->GetHelp();
                    aRes = pService->SysTopicGet( pTopic->aItem );

                if ( !aRes.isEmpty() )
                    pData = new DdeData( aRes );
                    pData = NULL;
            else if( DDEGETPUTITEM == pItem->nType )
                pData = ((DdeGetPutItem*)pItem)->Get( DdeData::GetInternalFormat( nCbType ) );
                pData = pTopic->Get( DdeData::GetInternalFormat( nCbType ));

            if ( pData )
                return DdeCreateDataHandle( pInst->hDdeInstSvr,
                                            0, hText2,
                                                pData->pImp->nFmt ),
                                            0 );

    case XTYP_POKE:
        if ( !pTopic->IsSystemTopic() )
            DdeData d;
            d.pImp->hData = hData;
            d.pImp->nFmt  = DdeData::GetInternalFormat( nCbType );
            if( DDEGETPUTITEM == pItem->nType )
                bRes = ((DdeGetPutItem*)pItem)->Put( &d );
                bRes = pTopic->Put( &d );
        pInst->hCurConvSvr = 0;
        if ( bRes )
            return (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK;
            return (HDDEDATA) DDE_FNOTPROCESSED;

            // wird das Item zum erstenmal ein HotLink ?
            if( !pItem->pImpData && pTopic->StartAdviseLoop() )
                // dann wurde das Item ausgewechselt
                std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator it(std::find(pTopic->aItems.begin(),
                if (it != pTopic->aItems.end())

                std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator iter;
                for( iter = pTopic->aItems.begin();
                     iter != pTopic->aItems.end();
                     ++iter )
                    if( *(*iter)->pName == hText2 )
                        // es wurde tatsaechlich ausgewechselt
                        delete pItem;
                        pItem = 0;

                if( pItem )
                    // es wurde doch nicht ausgewechselt, also wieder rein
                    pItem = iter != pTopic->aItems.end() ? *iter : NULL;

            if (pItem)
                pItem->IncMonitor( (sal_IntPtr)hConv );
                pInst->hCurConvSvr = 0;
        return (HDDEDATA)sal_True;

    case XTYP_ADVSTOP:
        pItem->DecMonitor( (sal_IntPtr)hConv );
        if( !pItem->pImpData )
        pInst->hCurConvSvr = 0;
        return (HDDEDATA)sal_True;

    case XTYP_EXECUTE:
            DdeData aExec;
            aExec.pImp->hData = hData;
            aExec.pImp->nFmt  = DdeData::GetInternalFormat( nCbType );
            OUString aName;

            aName = (const sal_Unicode *)aExec.pImp->pData;

            if( pTopic->IsSystemTopic() )
                bRes = pService->SysTopicExecute( &aName );
                bRes = pTopic->Execute( &aName );
        pInst->hCurConvSvr = 0;
        if ( bRes )
            return (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK;

    return (HDDEDATA)NULL;

// --- DdeInternat::FindService() ----------------------------------

DdeService* DdeInternal::FindService( HSZ hService )
    DdeService*  s;
    DdeServices& rSvc = DdeService::GetServices();
    for (DdeServices::iterator aI = rSvc.begin(); aI != rSvc.end(); ++aI)
        s = *aI;
        if ( *s->pName == hService )
            return s;

    return NULL;

// --- DdeInternat::FindTopic() ------------------------------------

DdeTopic* DdeInternal::FindTopic( DdeService& rService, HSZ hTopic )
    std::vector<DdeTopic*>::iterator iter;
    std::vector<DdeTopic*> &rTopics = rService.aTopics;
    bool bContinue = false;
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");

    {            // middle check loop
        for ( iter = rTopics.begin(); iter != rTopics.end(); ++iter )
            if ( *(*iter)->pName == hTopic )
                return *iter;

        bContinue = !bContinue;
        if( !bContinue )

        // dann befragen wir doch mal unsere Ableitung:
        TCHAR chBuf[250];
        DdeQueryString(pInst->hDdeInstSvr,hTopic,chBuf,sizeof(chBuf)/sizeof(TCHAR),CP_WINUNICODE );
        bContinue = rService.MakeTopic( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(chBuf) );
        // dann muessen wir noch mal suchen
    while( bContinue );

    return 0;

// --- DdeInternal::FindItem() -------------------------------------

DdeItem* DdeInternal::FindItem( DdeTopic& rTopic, HSZ hItem )
    std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator iter;
    std::vector<DdeItem*> &rItems = rTopic.aItems;
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    bool bContinue = false;

    {            // middle check loop

        for ( iter = rItems.begin(); iter != rItems.end(); ++iter )
            if ( *(*iter)->pName == hItem )
                return *iter;
        bContinue = !bContinue;
        if( !bContinue )

        // dann befragen wir doch mal unsere Ableitung:
        TCHAR chBuf[250];
        DdeQueryString(pInst->hDdeInstSvr,hItem,chBuf,sizeof(chBuf)/sizeof(TCHAR),CP_WINUNICODE );
        bContinue = rTopic.MakeItem( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(chBuf) );
        // dann muessen wir noch mal suchen
    while( bContinue );

    return 0;

// --- DdeService::DdeService() ------------------------------------

DdeService::DdeService( const OUString& rService )
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    if( !pInst )
        pInst = ImpInitInstData();

    if ( !pInst->hDdeInstSvr )
        nStatus = sal::static_int_cast< short >(
            DdeInitialize( &pInst->hDdeInstSvr,
                           APPCLASS_STANDARD |
                           CBF_SKIP_REGISTRATIONS |
                           CBF_SKIP_UNREGISTRATIONS, 0L ) );
        pInst->pServicesSvr = new DdeServices;
        nStatus = DMLERR_NO_ERROR;

    pConv = new ConvList;

    if ( pInst->pServicesSvr )
        pInst->pServicesSvr->push_back( this );

    pName = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, rService );
    if ( nStatus == DMLERR_NO_ERROR )
        if ( !DdeNameService( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, *pName, NULL,
                              DNS_REGISTER | DNS_FILTEROFF ) )
            nStatus = DMLERR_SYS_ERROR;
    AddFormat( FORMAT_STRING );
    pSysTopic = new DdeTopic( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_TOPIC) );
    pSysTopic->AddItem( DdeItem( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_TOPICS) ) );
    pSysTopic->AddItem( DdeItem( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_SYSITEMS) ) );
    pSysTopic->AddItem( DdeItem( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_STATUS) ) );
    pSysTopic->AddItem( DdeItem( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_FORMATS) ) );
    pSysTopic->AddItem( DdeItem( reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_ITEM_HELP) ) );
    AddTopic( *pSysTopic );

// --- DdeService::~DdeService() -----------------------------------

    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    if ( pInst->pServicesSvr )
        pInst->pServicesSvr->erase(std::remove(pInst->pServicesSvr->begin(), pInst->pServicesSvr->end(), this), pInst->pServicesSvr->end());

    // MT: Im Auftrage des Herrn (AM) auskommentiert...
    // Grund:
    // Bei Client/Server werden die Server nicht beendet, wenn mehr
    // als einer gestartet.
    // Weil keine System-Messagequeue ?!

    delete pSysTopic;
    delete pName;

    if ( !pInst->nInstanceSvr && pInst->hDdeInstSvr )
        if( DdeUninitialize( pInst->hDdeInstSvr ) )
            pInst->hDdeInstSvr = 0;
            delete pInst->pServicesSvr;
            pInst->pServicesSvr = NULL;
            if( pInst->nRefCount == 0)
    delete pConv;

// --- DdeService::GetName() ---------------------------------------

const OUString DdeService::GetName() const
    return pName->toOUString();

// --- DdeService::GetServices() -----------------------------------

DdeServices& DdeService::GetServices()
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    return *(pInst->pServicesSvr);

// --- DdeService::AddTopic() --------------------------------------

void DdeService::AddTopic( const DdeTopic& rTopic )
    RemoveTopic( rTopic );
    aTopics.push_back((DdeTopic *) &rTopic);

// --- DdeService::RemoveTopic() -----------------------------------

void DdeService::RemoveTopic( const DdeTopic& rTopic )
    std::vector<DdeTopic*>::iterator iter;
    for ( iter = aTopics.begin(); iter != aTopics.end(); ++iter )
        if ( !DdeCmpStringHandles (*(*iter)->pName, *rTopic.pName ) )
            // JP 27.07.95: und alle Conversions loeschen !!!
            //              (sonst wird auf geloeschten Topics gearbeitet!!)
            for( size_t n = pConv->size(); n; )
                Conversation* pC = (*pConv)[ --n ];
                if( pC->pTopic == &rTopic )
                    ConvList::iterator it = pConv->begin();
                    ::std::advance( it, n );
                    delete *it;
                    pConv->erase( it );

// --- DdeService::HasCbFormat() -----------------------------------

bool DdeService::HasCbFormat( sal_uInt16 nFmt )
    for ( size_t i = 0, n = aFormats.size(); i < n; ++i )
        if ( aFormats[ i ] == nFmt )
            return true;
    return false;

// --- DdeService::HasFormat() -------------------------------------

bool DdeService::HasFormat( sal_uLong nFmt )
    return HasCbFormat( (sal_uInt16)DdeData::GetExternalFormat( nFmt ));

// --- DdeService::AddFormat() -------------------------------------

void DdeService::AddFormat( sal_uLong nFmt )
    nFmt = DdeData::GetExternalFormat( nFmt );
    for ( size_t i = 0, n = aFormats.size(); i < n; ++i )
        if ( (sal_uLong) aFormats[ i ] == nFmt )
    aFormats.push_back( nFmt );

// --- DdeService::RemoveFormat() ----------------------------------

void DdeService::RemoveFormat( sal_uLong nFmt )
    nFmt = DdeData::GetExternalFormat( nFmt );
    for ( DdeFormats::iterator it = aFormats.begin(); it != aFormats.end(); ++it )
        if ( (sal_uLong) *it == nFmt )
            aFormats.erase( it );

// --- DdeTopic::DdeTopic() ----------------------------------------

DdeTopic::DdeTopic( const OUString& rName )
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    pName = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, rName );

// --- DdeTopic::~DdeTopic() ---------------------------------------

    std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = aItems.begin(); iter != aItems.end(); ++iter)
        (*iter)->pMyTopic = 0;
        delete *iter;

    delete pName;

// --- DdeTopic::GetName() -----------------------------------------

const OUString DdeTopic::GetName() const
    return pName->toOUString();

// --- DdeTopic::IsSystemTopic() -----------------------------------

bool DdeTopic::IsSystemTopic()
    return GetName() == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_TOPIC);

// --- DdeTopic::AddItem() -----------------------------------------

DdeItem* DdeTopic::AddItem( const DdeItem& r )
    DdeItem* s;
    if( DDEGETPUTITEM == r.nType )
        s = new DdeGetPutItem( r );
        s = new DdeItem( r );

    if ( s )
        aItems.push_back( s );
        s->pMyTopic = this;
    return s;

// --- DdeTopic::InsertItem() -----------------------------------------

void DdeTopic::InsertItem( DdeItem* pNew )
    if( pNew )
        aItems.push_back( pNew );
        pNew->pMyTopic = this;

// --- DdeTopic::RemoveItem() --------------------------------------

void DdeTopic::RemoveItem( const DdeItem& r )
    std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = aItems.begin(); iter != aItems.end(); ++iter)
        if ( !DdeCmpStringHandles (*(*iter)->pName, *r.pName ) )

    if ( iter != aItems.end() )
        (*iter)->pMyTopic = 0;
        delete *iter;

// --- DdeTopic::NotifyClient() ------------------------------------

void DdeTopic::NotifyClient( const OUString& rItem )
    std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator iter;
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    for ( iter = aItems.begin(); iter != aItems.end(); ++iter)
        if ( (*iter)->GetName().equals(rItem) && (*iter)->pImpData)
            DdePostAdvise( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, *pName, *(*iter)->pName );

// --- DdeTopic::Connect() -----------------------------------------

void DdeTopic::Connect( sal_IntPtr nId )
    aConnectLink.Call( (void*)nId );

// --- DdeTopic::Disconnect() --------------------------------------

void DdeTopic::Disconnect( sal_IntPtr nId )
    aDisconnectLink.Call( (void*)nId );

// --- DdeTopic::_Disconnect() --------------------------------------

void DdeTopic::_Disconnect( sal_IntPtr nId )
    std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = aItems.begin(); iter != aItems.end(); ++iter)
        (*iter)->DecMonitor( nId );

    Disconnect( nId );

// --- DdeTopic::Get() ---------------------------------------------

DdeData* DdeTopic::Get( sal_uIntPtr nFmt )
    if ( aGetLink.IsSet() )
        return (DdeData*)aGetLink.Call( (void*)nFmt );
        return NULL;

// --- DdeTopic::Put() ---------------------------------------------

bool DdeTopic::Put( const DdeData* r )
    if ( aPutLink.IsSet() )
        return aPutLink.Call( (void*) r );
        return false;

// --- DdeTopic::Execute() -----------------------------------------

bool DdeTopic::Execute( const OUString* r )
    if ( aExecLink.IsSet() )
        return aExecLink.Call( (void*)r );
        return false;

// --- DdeTopic::GetConvId() ---------------------------------------

long DdeTopic::GetConvId()
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    return pInst->hCurConvSvr;

// --- DdeTopic::StartAdviseLoop() ---------------------------------

bool DdeTopic::StartAdviseLoop()
    return false;

// --- DdeTopic::StopAdviseLoop() ----------------------------------

bool DdeTopic::StopAdviseLoop()
    return false;

// --- DdeItem::DdeItem() ------------------------------------------

DdeItem::DdeItem( const sal_Unicode* p )
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    pName = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, p );
    nType = DDEITEM;
    pMyTopic = 0;
    pImpData = 0;

// --- DdeItem::DdeItem() ------------------------------------------

DdeItem::DdeItem( const OUString& r)
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    pName = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, r );
    nType = DDEITEM;
    pMyTopic = 0;
    pImpData = 0;

// --- DdeItem::DdeItem() ------------------------------------------

DdeItem::DdeItem( const DdeItem& r)
    DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
    DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
    pName = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, r.pName->toOUString() );
    nType = DDEITEM;
    pMyTopic = 0;
    pImpData = 0;

// --- DdeItem::~DdeItem() -----------------------------------------

    if( pMyTopic )
    delete pName;
    delete pImpData;

// --- DdeItem::GetName() ------------------------------------------

const OUString DdeItem::GetName() const
    return pName->toOUString();

// --- DdeItem::NotifyClient() ------------------------------------------

void DdeItem::NotifyClient()
    if( pMyTopic && pImpData )
        DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData();
        DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data");
        DdePostAdvise( pInst->hDdeInstSvr, *pMyTopic->pName, *pName );

// --- DdeItem::IncMonitor() ------------------------------------------

void DdeItem::IncMonitor( sal_uLong nHCnv )
    if( !pImpData )
        pImpData = new DdeItemImp;
        if( DDEGETPUTITEM == nType )
            ((DdeGetPutItem*)this)->AdviseLoop( true );
        for( sal_uInt16 n = pImpData->size(); n; )
            if( (*pImpData)[ --n ].nHCnv == nHCnv )
                ++(*pImpData)[ n ].nHCnv;
                return ;

    pImpData->push_back( DdeItemImpData( nHCnv ) );

// --- DdeItem::DecMonitor() ------------------------------------------

void DdeItem::DecMonitor( sal_uLong nHCnv )
    if( pImpData )
        for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < pImpData->size(); ++n )
            DdeItemImpData* pData = &(*pImpData)[n];
            if( pData->nHCnv == nHCnv )
                if( !pData->nCnt || !--pData->nCnt )
                    if( 1 < pImpData->size() )
                        pImpData->erase(pImpData->begin() + n);
                        delete pImpData, pImpData = 0;
                        if( DDEGETPUTITEM == nType )
                            ((DdeGetPutItem*)this)->AdviseLoop( false );
                return ;

// --- DdeItem::GetLinks() ------------------------------------------

short DdeItem::GetLinks()
    short nCnt = 0;
    if( pImpData )
        for( sal_uInt16 n = pImpData->size(); n; )
            nCnt = nCnt + (*pImpData)[ --n ].nCnt;
    return nCnt;

// --- DdeGetPutItem::DdeGetPutItem() ------------------------------

DdeGetPutItem::DdeGetPutItem( const sal_Unicode* p )
    : DdeItem( p )

// --- DdeGetPutItem::DdeGetPutItem() ------------------------------

DdeGetPutItem::DdeGetPutItem( const OUString& rStr )
    : DdeItem( rStr )

// --- DdeGetPutItem::DdeGetPutItem() ------------------------------

DdeGetPutItem::DdeGetPutItem( const DdeItem& rItem )
    : DdeItem( rItem )

// --- DdeGetPutData::Get() ----------------------------------------

DdeData* DdeGetPutItem::Get( sal_uLong )
    return 0;

// --- DdeGetPutData::Put() ----------------------------------------

bool DdeGetPutItem::Put( const DdeData* )
    return false;

// --- DdeGetPutData::AdviseLoop() ---------------------------------

void DdeGetPutItem::AdviseLoop( bool )

// --- DdeService::SysItems() --------------------------------------

OUString DdeService::SysItems()
    OUString s;
    std::vector<DdeTopic*>::iterator iter;
    std::vector<DdeItem*>::iterator iterItem;
    for ( iter = aTopics.begin(); iter != aTopics.end(); ++iter )
        if ( (*iter)->GetName() == reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(SZDDESYS_TOPIC) )
            short n = 0;
            for ( iterItem = (*iter)->aItems.begin(); iterItem != (*iter)->aItems.end(); ++iterItem, n++ )
                if ( n )
                    s += "\t";
                s += (*iterItem)->GetName();
            s += "\r\n";

    return s;

// --- DdeService::Topics() ----------------------------------------

OUString DdeService::Topics()
    OUString    s;
    std::vector<DdeTopic*>::iterator iter;
    short       n = 0;

    for ( iter = aTopics.begin(); iter != aTopics.end(); ++iter, n++ )
        if ( n )
            s += "\t";
        s += (*iter)->GetName();
    s += "\r\n";

    return s;

// --- DdeService::Formats() ---------------------------------------

OUString DdeService::Formats()
    OUString    s;
    long        f;
    short       n = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < aFormats.size(); ++i, ++n)
        f = aFormats[ i ];
        if ( n )
            s += "\t";

        switch( (sal_uInt16)f )
        case CF_TEXT:
            s += "TEXT";
        case CF_BITMAP:
            s += "BITMAP";
                TCHAR buf[128];
                GetClipboardFormatName( (UINT)f, buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
                s += OUString(reinterpret_cast<sal_Unicode*>(buf));

    s += "\r\n";

    return s;

// --- DdeService::Status() ----------------------------------------

OUString DdeService::Status()
    return IsBusy() ? OUString("Busy\r\n") : OUString("Ready\r\n");

// --- DdeService::IsBusy() ----------------------------------------

bool DdeService::IsBusy()
    return false;

// --- DdeService::GetHelp() ----------------------------------------

OUString DdeService::GetHelp()
    return OUString();

bool DdeTopic::MakeItem( const OUString& )
    return false;

bool DdeService::MakeTopic( const OUString& )
    return false;

OUString DdeService::SysTopicGet( const OUString& )
    return OUString();

bool DdeService::SysTopicExecute( const OUString* )
    return false;

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