/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: cntnrsrt.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:49 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CNTRSRT_HXX #define _CNTRSRT_HXX #if 0 *********************************************************************** * * Hier folgt die Beschreibung fuer die exportierten Makros: * * DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type ) * IMPL_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type, SortFunc ) * * Definiert eine von Container abgeleitete Klasse "ClassName", * in der die Elemente des Typs "Type" sortiert enthalten sind. * Dazu muss einer Funktion "SortFunc" definiert sein, die als * Paramter zwei "const Type&" erwartet und 0 zurueckgibt, wenn * beide gleich sind, -1 wenn der erste Paramter kleiner ist als * der zweite und +1 wenn der erste Paramter groesser ist als * der zweite. * * Die Zugriffs-Methoden entsprechen in etwa denen der Container- * Klasse, mit Ausnahme von Insert, DeleteAndDestroy und Seek_Entry, * der den SV-Pointer-Arrays entsprechen. * * DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_DEL( ClassName, Type ) * IMPL_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type, SortFunc ) * * Wie DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT, nur dass beim Aufruf des Destruktors * alle im Conatiner vorhandenen Objekte geloescht werden. * #endif #ifndef _CONTNR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type ) \ ClassName( const ClassName& ); \ ClassName& operator =( const ClassName& ); \ public: \ Container::Count; \ \ ClassName( USHORT nInitSize, USHORT nReSize ) : \ Container( CONTAINER_MAXBLOCKSIZE, nInitSize, nReSize ) {} \ \ BOOL Insert( Type* pObj ); \ \ Type *Remove( ULONG nPos ) \ { return (Type *)Container::Remove( nPos ); } \ \ Type *Remove( Type* pObj ); \ \ void DeleteAndDestroy( ULONG nPos ) \ { \ Type *pObj = Remove( nPos ); \ if( pObj ) \ delete pObj; \ } \ \ void DeleteAndDestroy() \ { while( Count() ) DeleteAndDestroy( 0 ); } \ \ Type* GetObject( ULONG nPos ) const \ { return (Type *)Container::GetObject( nPos ); } \ \ Type* operator[]( ULONG nPos ) const \ { return GetObject(nPos); } \ \ BOOL Seek_Entry( const Type *pObj, ULONG* pPos ) const; \ \ ULONG GetPos( const Type* pObj ) const; \ #define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type ) \ class ClassName : private Container \ { \ DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type ) \ ~ClassName() {} \ }; \ #define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_DEL( ClassName, Type ) \ class ClassName : private Container \ { \ DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type ) \ ~ClassName() { DeleteAndDestroy(); } \ }; \ #define IMPL_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type, SortFunc ) \ BOOL ClassName::Insert( Type *pObj ) \ { \ ULONG nPos; \ BOOL bExist; \ if( ! ( bExist = Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) ) ) \ Container::Insert( pObj, nPos ); \ return !bExist; \ } \ \ Type *ClassName::Remove( Type* pObj ) \ { \ ULONG nPos; \ if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) ) \ return Remove( nPos ); \ else \ return 0; \ } \ \ ULONG ClassName::GetPos( const Type* pObj ) const \ { \ ULONG nPos; \ if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) ) \ return nPos; \ else \ return CONTAINER_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; \ } \ \ BOOL ClassName::Seek_Entry( const Type* pObj, ULONG* pPos ) const \ { \ register ULONG nO = Count(), \ nM, \ nU = 0; \ if( nO > 0 ) \ { \ nO--; \ while( nU <= nO ) \ { \ nM = nU + ( nO - nU ) / 2; \ int nCmp = SortFunc( *GetObject(nM), *pObj ); \ \ if( 0 == nCmp ) \ { \ if( pPos ) *pPos = nM; \ return TRUE; \ } \ else if( nCmp < 0 ) \ nU = nM + 1; \ else if( nM == 0 ) \ { \ if( pPos ) *pPos = nU; \ return FALSE; \ } \ else \ nO = nM - 1; \ } \ } \ if( pPos ) *pPos = nU; \ return FALSE; \ } \ #endif