/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svimpbox.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-09-14 14:48:09 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVIMPLBOX_HXX #define _SVIMPLBOX_HXX #ifndef _SELENG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SCRBAR_HXX #include #endif class SvTreeListBox; class Point; class DropEvent; class SvLBoxTreeList; class SvImpLBox; class SvLBoxEntry; class SvLBoxItem; class SvLBoxTab; class TabBar; class ImpLBSelEng : public FunctionSet { SvImpLBox* pImp; SelectionEngine* pSelEng; SvTreeListBox* pView; public: ImpLBSelEng( SvImpLBox* pImp, SelectionEngine* pSelEng, SvTreeListBox* pView ); ~ImpLBSelEng(); void BeginDrag(); void CreateAnchor(); void DestroyAnchor(); BOOL SetCursorAtPoint( const Point& rPoint, BOOL bDontSelectAtCursor=FALSE ); BOOL IsSelectionAtPoint( const Point& rPoint ); void DeselectAtPoint( const Point& rPoint ); void DeselectAll(); }; // Flags fuer nFlag #define F_VER_SBARSIZE_WITH_HBAR 0x0001 #define F_HOR_SBARSIZE_WITH_VBAR 0x0002 #define F_IGNORE_NEXT_MOUSEMOVE 0x0004 // OS/2 only #define F_IN_SCROLLING 0x0008 #define F_DESEL_ALL 0x0010 #define F_START_EDITTIMER 0x0020 // MAC only #define F_IGNORE_SELECT 0x0040 #define F_IN_RESIZE 0x0080 #define F_REMOVED_ENTRY_INVISIBLE 0x0100 #define F_REMOVED_RECALC_MOST_RIGHT 0x0200 #define F_IGNORE_CHANGED_TABS 0x0400 #define F_PAINTED 0x0800 #define F_IN_PAINT 0x1000 #define F_ENDSCROLL_SET_VIS_SIZE 0x2000 #define F_FILLING 0x4000 class SvImpLBox { friend class ImpLBSelEng; friend class SvTreeListBox; private: SvTreeListBox* pView; SvLBoxTreeList* pTree; SvLBoxEntry* pCursor; SvLBoxEntry* pStartEntry; SvLBoxEntry* pAnchor; SvLBoxEntry* pMostRightEntry; SvLBoxButton* pActiveButton; SvLBoxEntry* pActiveEntry; SvLBoxTab* pActiveTab; TabBar* pTabBar; ScrollBar aVerSBar; ScrollBar aHorSBar; ScrollBarBox aScrBarBox; // wg. kompat. hier Image aDontKnowNodeBmp; Image aExpNodeBmp, aCollNodeBmp; Size aOutputSize; SelectionEngine aSelEng; ImpLBSelEng aFctSet; Timer aAsyncBeginDragTimer; Point aAsyncBeginDragPos; long nYoffsNodeBmp; long nNodeBmpTabDistance; // typisch kleiner 0 long nNodeBmpWidth; long nNextVerVisSize; long nMostRight; ULONG nVisibleCount; // Anzahl Zeilen im Control ULONG nCurUserEvent; //-1 == kein Userevent amn Laufen short nHorSBarHeight, nVerSBarWidth; USHORT nFlags; WinBits nWinBits; BOOL bSimpleTravel : 1; // ist TRUE bei SINGLE_SELECTION BOOL bUpdateMode : 1; BOOL bInVScrollHdl : 1; BOOL bAsyncBeginDrag : 1; BOOL bSubLstOpRet : 1; // open/close sublist with return/enter, defaulted with FALSE BOOL bSubLstOpLR : 1; // open/close sublist with cursor left/right, defaulted with FALSE //#if defined (MAC) || defined(OV_DEBUG) Timer aEditTimer; DECL_LINK( EditTimerCall, Timer * ); //#endif DECL_LINK( BeginDragHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( MyUserEvent,void*); void StopUserEvent(); void InvalidateEntriesFrom( long nY ) const; void InvalidateEntry( long nY ) const; void ShowVerSBar(); // setzt Thumb auf FirstEntryToDraw void SyncVerThumb(); BOOL IsLineVisible( long nY ) const; long GetEntryLine( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const; void FillView(); void CursorDown(); void CursorUp(); void KeyLeftRight( long nDiff ); void PageDown( USHORT nDelta ); void PageUp( USHORT nDelta ); void SetCursor( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bForceNoSelect = FALSE ); void DrawNet(); // ScrollBar-Handler DECL_LINK( ScrollUpDownHdl, ScrollBar * ); DECL_LINK( ScrollLeftRightHdl, ScrollBar * ); DECL_LINK( EndScrollHdl, ScrollBar * ); void SetNodeBmpYOffset( const Image& ); void SetNodeBmpTabDistance(); // Selection-Engine SvLBoxEntry* MakePointVisible( const Point& rPoint, BOOL bNotifyScroll=TRUE ); void SetAnchorSelection( SvLBoxEntry* pOld, SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor ); void BeginDrag(); BOOL ButtonDownCheckCtrl( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, long nY ); BOOL MouseMoveCheckCtrl( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); BOOL ButtonUpCheckCtrl( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ); BOOL ButtonDownCheckExpand( const MouseEvent&, SvLBoxEntry*,long nY ); void PositionScrollBars( Size& rOSize, USHORT nMask ); USHORT AdjustScrollBars( Size& rSize ); void BeginScroll(); void EndScroll(); BOOL InScroll() const { return (BOOL)(nFlags & F_IN_SCROLLING)!=0;} Rectangle GetVisibleArea() const; BOOL EntryReallyHit(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,const Point& rPos,long nLine); void InitScrollBarBox(); SvLBoxTab* NextTab( SvLBoxTab* ); BOOL SetMostRight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void FindMostRight( SvLBoxEntry* EntryToIgnore ); void FindMostRight( SvLBoxEntry* pParent, SvLBoxEntry* EntryToIgnore ); void FindMostRight_Impl( SvLBoxEntry* pParent,SvLBoxEntry* EntryToIgnore ); void NotifyTabsChanged(); inline BOOL IsExpandable() const // if element at cursor can be expanded in general { return pCursor->HasChilds() || pCursor->HasChildsOnDemand(); } inline BOOL IsNowExpandable() const // if element at cursor can be expanded at this moment { return IsExpandable() && !pView->IsExpanded( pCursor ); } public: SvImpLBox( SvTreeListBox* pView, SvLBoxTreeList*, WinBits nWinStyle ); ~SvImpLBox(); void Clear(); void SetWindowBits( WinBits nWinStyle ); void SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* pModel ) { pTree = pModel;} void EntryInserted( SvLBoxEntry*); void RemovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void EntryRemoved(); void MovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void EntryMoved( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void TreeInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void IndentChanged( short nIndentPixel ); void EntryExpanded( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void EntryCollapsed( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void CollapsingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void EntrySelected( SvLBoxEntry*, BOOL bSelect ); void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ); void RepaintSelectionItems(); void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& ); void MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& ); void MouseMove( const MouseEvent&); BOOL KeyInput( const KeyEvent& ); void Resize(); void GetFocus(); void LoseFocus(); void UpdateAll( BOOL bInvalidateCompleteView= TRUE, BOOL bUpdateVerSBar = TRUE ); void SetEntryHeight( short nHeight ); void PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* ); void RecalcFocusRect(); inline void SelectEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect ); void SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode eDDMode ); void SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eSelMode ); void SetAddMode( BOOL bAdd ) { aSelEng.AddAlways(FALSE); } BOOL IsAddMode() const { return aSelEng.IsAlwaysAdding(); } SvLBoxEntry* GetCurrentEntry() const { return pCursor; } BOOL IsEntryInView( SvLBoxEntry* ) const; SvLBoxEntry* GetEntry( const Point& rPos ) const; // gibt letzten Eintrag zurueck, falls Pos unter letztem Eintrag SvLBoxEntry* GetClickedEntry( const Point& ) const; SvLBoxEntry* GetCurEntry() const { return pCursor; } void SetCurEntry( SvLBoxEntry* ); Point GetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* ) const; void MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bMoveToTop=FALSE ); void PaintDDCursor( SvLBoxEntry* ); void SetExpandedNodeBmp( const Image& ); void SetCollapsedNodeBmp( const Image& ); void SetDontKnowNodeBmp( const Image& rImg ) { aDontKnowNodeBmp = rImg; } const Image& GetExpandedNodeBmp() const { return aExpNodeBmp; } const Image& GetCollapsedNodeBmp() const { return aCollNodeBmp; } const Image& GetDontKnowNodeBmp() const { return aDontKnowNodeBmp; } const Size& GetOutputSize() const { return aOutputSize;} void KeyUp( BOOL bPageUp, BOOL bNotifyScroll = TRUE ); void KeyDown( BOOL bPageDown, BOOL bNotifyScroll = TRUE ); void Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ); void Invalidate(); void DestroyAnchor() { pAnchor=0; aSelEng.Reset(); } void SelAllDestrAnch( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bDestroyAnchor = TRUE, BOOL bSingleSelToo = FALSE ); void ShowCursor( BOOL bShow ); BOOL RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt ); void EndSelection(); BOOL IsNodeButton( const Point& rPosPixel, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const; void RepaintScrollBars(); void EnableAsyncDrag( BOOL b) { bAsyncBeginDrag = b; } void SetUpdateMode( BOOL ); void SetUpdateModeFast( BOOL ); BOOL GetUpdateMode() const { return bUpdateMode; } Rectangle GetClipRegionRect() const; BOOL HasHorScrollBar() const { return aHorSBar.IsVisible(); } void ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ); void SetTabBar( TabBar* pTabBar ); }; inline void SvImpLBox::SetExpandedNodeBmp( const Image& rBmp ) { aExpNodeBmp = rBmp; SetNodeBmpYOffset( rBmp ); } inline void SvImpLBox::SetCollapsedNodeBmp( const Image& rBmp ) { aCollNodeBmp = rBmp; SetNodeBmpYOffset( rBmp ); } inline Point SvImpLBox::GetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const { return Point( 0, GetEntryLine( pEntry ) ); } inline void SvImpLBox::PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) { long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry ); pView->PaintEntry( pEntry, nY ); } inline BOOL SvImpLBox::IsLineVisible( long nY ) const { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if ( nY < 0 || nY >= aOutputSize.Height() ) bRet = FALSE; return bRet; } inline void SvImpLBox::TreeInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pTree ) { EntryInserted( pTree ); } #endif