 * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * $RCSfile: useroptions.cxx,v $
 * $Revision: 1.25 $
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svtools.hxx"

#include <svtools/useroptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/configmgr.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include <svtools/smplhint.hxx>
#include <vos/mutex.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <rtl/instance.hxx>
#include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
#include "itemholder2.hxx"

using namespace utl;
using namespace rtl;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;

// class SvtUserOptions_Impl ---------------------------------------------

class SvtUserOptions_Impl : public utl::ConfigItem, public SfxBroadcaster
    String          m_aCompany;
    String          m_aFirstName;
    String          m_aLastName;
    String          m_aID;
    String          m_aStreet;
    String          m_aCity;
    String          m_aState;
    String          m_aZip;
    String          m_aCountry;
    String          m_aPosition;
    String          m_aTitle;
    String          m_aTelephoneHome;
    String          m_aTelephoneWork;
    String          m_aFax;
    String          m_aEmail;
    String          m_aCustomerNumber;
    String          m_aFathersName;
    String          m_aApartment;

    String          m_aEmptyString;
    String          m_aFullName;
    String          m_aLocale;

    sal_Bool        m_bIsROCompany;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROFirstName;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROLastName;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROID;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROStreet;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROCity;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROState;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROZip;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROCountry;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROPosition;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROTitle;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROTelephoneHome;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROTelephoneWork;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROFax;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROEmail;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROCustomerNumber;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROFathersName;
    sal_Bool        m_bIsROApartment;

    typedef String SvtUserOptions_Impl:: *StrPtr;

    void            SetToken( StrPtr pPtr, const String& rNewToken );
    void            InitFullName();
    void            Load();

    static void     InitUserPropertyNames();

    virtual void    Notify( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& aPropertyNames );
    virtual void    Commit();

    // get the user token
    const String&   GetCompany() const { return m_aCompany; }
    const String&   GetFirstName() const { return m_aFirstName; }
    const String&   GetLastName() const { return m_aLastName; }
    const String&   GetID() const { return m_aID; }
    const String&   GetStreet() const { return m_aStreet; }
    const String&   GetCity() const { return m_aCity; }
    const String&   GetState() const { return m_aState; }
    const String&   GetZip() const { return m_aZip; }
    const String&   GetCountry() const { return m_aCountry; }
    const String&   GetPosition() const { return m_aPosition; }
    const String&   GetTitle() const { return m_aTitle; }
    const String&   GetTelephoneHome() const { return m_aTelephoneHome; }
    const String&   GetTelephoneWork() const { return m_aTelephoneWork; }
    const String&   GetFax() const { return m_aFax; }
    const String&   GetEmail() const { return m_aEmail; }
    const String&   GetCustomerNumber() const { return m_aCustomerNumber; }
    const String&   GetFathersName() const { return m_aFathersName; }
    const String&   GetApartment() const { return m_aApartment; }

    const String&   GetFullName();
    const String&   GetLocale() const { return m_aLocale; }

    // set the address token
    void            SetCompany( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aCompany, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetFirstName( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aFirstName, rNewToken ); InitFullName();}
    void            SetLastName( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aLastName, rNewToken ); InitFullName();}
    void            SetID( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aID, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetStreet( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aStreet, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetCity( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aCity, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetState( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aState, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetZip( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aZip, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetCountry( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aCountry, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetPosition( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aPosition, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetTitle( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aTitle, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetTelephoneHome( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aTelephoneHome, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetTelephoneWork( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aTelephoneWork, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetFax( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aFax, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetEmail( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aEmail, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetCustomerNumber( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aCustomerNumber, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetFathersName( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aFathersName, rNewToken ); }
    void            SetApartment( const String& rNewToken )
                        { SetToken( &SvtUserOptions_Impl::m_aApartment, rNewToken ); }

    sal_Bool        IsTokenReadonly( USHORT nToken ) const;
    const String&   GetToken(USHORT nToken) const;

// global ----------------------------------------------------------------

static SvtUserOptions_Impl* pOptions = NULL;
static sal_Int32            nRefCount = 0;

#define READONLY_DEFAULT    sal_False

// functions -------------------------------------------------------------

    struct PropertyNames
        : public rtl::Static< Sequence< rtl::OUString >, PropertyNames> {};

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions_Impl::InitUserPropertyNames()
    static const char* aPropNames[] =
        "Data/l",                       // USER_OPT_CITY
        "Data/o",                       // USER_OPT_COMPANY
        "Data/c",                       // USER_OPT_COUNTRY
        "Data/mail",                    // USER_OPT_EMAIL
        "Data/facsimiletelephonenumber",// USER_OPT_FAX
        "Data/givenname",               // USER_OPT_FIRSTNAME
        "Data/sn",                      // USER_OPT_LASTNAME
        "Data/position",                // USER_OPT_POSITION
        "Data/st",                      // USER_OPT_STATE
        "Data/street",                  // USER_OPT_STREET
        "Data/homephone",               // USER_OPT_TELEPHONEHOME
        "Data/telephonenumber",         // USER_OPT_TELEPHONEWORK
        "Data/title",                   // USER_OPT_TITLE
        "Data/initials",                // USER_OPT_ID
        "Data/postalcode",              // USER_OPT_ZIP
        "Data/fathersname",             // USER_OPT_FATHERSNAME
        "Data/apartment"                // USER_OPT_APARTMENT
    const int nCount = sizeof( aPropNames ) / sizeof( const char* );
    Sequence< rtl::OUString > &rPropertyNames = PropertyNames::get();
    OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getArray();
    for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
        pNames[i] = OUString::createFromAscii( aPropNames[i] );

// class SvtUserOptions_Impl ---------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions_Impl::SetToken( StrPtr pPtr, const String& rNewToken )
    this->*pPtr = rNewToken;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions_Impl::InitFullName()
    m_aFullName = GetFirstName();
    if ( m_aFullName.Len() )
        m_aFullName += ' ';
    m_aFullName += GetLastName();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SvtUserOptions_Impl::SvtUserOptions_Impl() :

    ConfigItem( OUString::createFromAscii("UserProfile") ),

    m_bIsROCompany( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROFirstName( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROLastName( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROStreet( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROCountry( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROPosition( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROTelephoneHome( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROTelephoneWork( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROCustomerNumber( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROFathersName( READONLY_DEFAULT ),
    m_bIsROApartment( READONLY_DEFAULT )
    EnableNotification( PropertyNames::get() );
    Any aAny = ConfigManager::GetConfigManager()->GetDirectConfigProperty( ConfigManager::LOCALE );
    OUString aLocale;
    if ( aAny >>= aLocale )
        m_aLocale = String( aLocale );
        DBG_ERRORFILE( "SvtUserOptions_Impl::SvtUserOptions_Impl(): no locale found" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvtUserOptions_Impl::Load()
    Sequence< rtl::OUString > &rPropertyNames = PropertyNames::get();
    Sequence< Any > seqValues = GetProperties( rPropertyNames );
    Sequence< sal_Bool > seqRO = GetReadOnlyStates( rPropertyNames );
    const Any* pValues = seqValues.getConstArray();
    DBG_ASSERT( seqValues.getLength() == rPropertyNames.getLength(), "GetProperties failed" );
    if ( seqValues.getLength() == rPropertyNames.getLength() )
        OUString aTempStr;

        for ( int nProp = 0; nProp < rPropertyNames.getLength(); nProp++ )
            if ( pValues[nProp].hasValue() )
                if ( pValues[nProp] >>= aTempStr )
                    String* pToken = NULL;
                    sal_Bool* pBool = NULL;

                    switch ( nProp )
                        case USER_OPT_COMPANY:
                            pToken = &m_aCompany; pBool = &m_bIsROCompany; break;
                        case USER_OPT_FIRSTNAME:
                            pToken = &m_aFirstName; pBool = &m_bIsROFirstName; break;
                        case USER_OPT_LASTNAME:
                            pToken = &m_aLastName; pBool = &m_bIsROLastName; break;
                        case USER_OPT_ID:
                            pToken = &m_aID; pBool = &m_bIsROID; break;
                        case USER_OPT_STREET:
                            pToken = &m_aStreet; pBool = &m_bIsROStreet; break;
                        case USER_OPT_CITY:
                            pToken = &m_aCity; pBool = &m_bIsROCity; break;
                        case USER_OPT_STATE:
                            pToken = &m_aState; pBool = &m_bIsROState; break;
                        case USER_OPT_ZIP:
                            pToken = &m_aZip; pBool = &m_bIsROZip; break;
                        case USER_OPT_COUNTRY:
                            pToken = &m_aCountry; pBool = &m_bIsROCountry; break;
                        case USER_OPT_POSITION:
                            pToken = &m_aPosition; pBool = &m_bIsROPosition; break;
                        case USER_OPT_TITLE:
                            pToken = &m_aTitle; pBool = &m_bIsROTitle; break;
                        case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEHOME:
                            pToken = &m_aTelephoneHome; pBool = &m_bIsROTelephoneHome; break;
                        case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEWORK:
                            pToken = &m_aTelephoneWork; pBool = &m_bIsROTelephoneWork; break;
                        case USER_OPT_FAX:
                            pToken = &m_aFax; pBool = &m_bIsROFax; break;
                        case USER_OPT_EMAIL:
                            pToken = &m_aEmail; pBool = &m_bIsROEmail; break;
                        case USER_OPT_FATHERSNAME:
                            pToken = &m_aFathersName; pBool = &m_bIsROFathersName;  break;
                        case USER_OPT_APARTMENT:
                            pToken = &m_aApartment; pBool = &m_bIsROApartment;    break;
                            DBG_ERRORFILE( "invalid index to load a user token" );

                    if ( pToken )
                        *pToken = String( aTempStr );
                    if ( pBool )
                        *pBool = seqRO[nProp];
                    DBG_ERRORFILE( "Wrong any type" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions_Impl::Commit()
    Sequence< rtl::OUString > &rPropertyNames = PropertyNames::get();
    sal_Int32 nOrgCount = rPropertyNames.getLength();

    Sequence< OUString > seqNames( nOrgCount );
    Sequence< Any > seqValues( nOrgCount );
    sal_Int32 nRealCount = 0;

    OUString aTempStr;

    for ( int nProp = 0; nProp < nOrgCount; nProp++ )
        sal_Bool* pbReadonly = NULL;

        switch ( nProp )
            case USER_OPT_COMPANY:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aCompany ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROCompany; break;
            case USER_OPT_FIRSTNAME:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aFirstName ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROFirstName; break;
            case USER_OPT_LASTNAME:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aLastName ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROLastName; break;
            case USER_OPT_ID:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aID ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROID; break;
            case USER_OPT_STREET:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aStreet ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROStreet; break;
            case USER_OPT_CITY:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aCity ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROCity; break;
            case USER_OPT_STATE:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aState ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROState; break;
            case USER_OPT_ZIP:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aZip ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROZip; break;
            case USER_OPT_COUNTRY:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aCountry ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROCountry; break;
            case USER_OPT_POSITION:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aPosition ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROPosition; break;
            case USER_OPT_TITLE:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aTitle ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROTitle; break;
            case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEHOME:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aTelephoneHome ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROTelephoneHome; break;
            case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEWORK:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aTelephoneWork ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROTelephoneWork; break;
            case USER_OPT_FAX:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aFax ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROFax; break;
            case USER_OPT_EMAIL:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aEmail ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROEmail; break;
            case USER_OPT_FATHERSNAME:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aFathersName ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROFathersName;  break;
            case USER_OPT_APARTMENT:
                aTempStr = OUString( m_aApartment ); pbReadonly = &m_bIsROApartment;    break;
                DBG_ERRORFILE( "invalid index to save a user token" );

        if ( pbReadonly && !(*pbReadonly) )
            seqValues[nRealCount] <<= aTempStr;
            seqNames[nRealCount] = rPropertyNames[nProp];

    // Set properties in configuration.
    seqNames.realloc( nRealCount );
    seqValues.realloc( nRealCount );
    PutProperties( seqNames, seqValues );
    //broadcast changes

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions_Impl::GetFullName()
    if ( IsModified() )
    return m_aFullName;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions_Impl::Notify( const Sequence<rtl::OUString>& )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool SvtUserOptions_Impl::IsTokenReadonly( USHORT nToken ) const
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    switch ( nToken )
        case USER_OPT_COMPANY:          bRet = m_bIsROCompany;          break;
        case USER_OPT_FIRSTNAME:        bRet = m_bIsROFirstName;        break;
        case USER_OPT_LASTNAME:         bRet = m_bIsROLastName;         break;
        case USER_OPT_ID:               bRet = m_bIsROID;               break;
        case USER_OPT_STREET:           bRet = m_bIsROStreet;           break;
        case USER_OPT_CITY:             bRet = m_bIsROCity;             break;
        case USER_OPT_STATE:            bRet = m_bIsROState;            break;
        case USER_OPT_ZIP:              bRet = m_bIsROZip;              break;
        case USER_OPT_COUNTRY:          bRet = m_bIsROCountry;          break;
        case USER_OPT_POSITION:         bRet = m_bIsROPosition;         break;
        case USER_OPT_TITLE:            bRet = m_bIsROTitle;            break;
        case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEHOME:    bRet = m_bIsROTelephoneHome;    break;
        case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEWORK:    bRet = m_bIsROTelephoneWork;    break;
        case USER_OPT_FAX:              bRet = m_bIsROFax;              break;
        case USER_OPT_EMAIL:            bRet = m_bIsROEmail;            break;
            DBG_ERRORFILE( "SvtUserOptions_Impl::IsTokenReadonly(): invalid token" );

    return bRet;

const String&   SvtUserOptions_Impl::GetToken(USHORT nToken) const
    const String* pRet = 0;
        case USER_OPT_COMPANY:        pRet = &m_aCompany;     break;
        case USER_OPT_FIRSTNAME:      pRet = &m_aFirstName;   break;
        case USER_OPT_LASTNAME:       pRet = &m_aLastName;    break;
        case USER_OPT_ID:             pRet = &m_aID;          break;
        case USER_OPT_STREET:         pRet = &m_aStreet;      break;
        case USER_OPT_CITY:           pRet = &m_aCity;        break;
        case USER_OPT_STATE:          pRet = &m_aState;       break;
        case USER_OPT_ZIP:            pRet = &m_aZip;         break;
        case USER_OPT_COUNTRY:        pRet = &m_aCountry;     break;
        case USER_OPT_POSITION:       pRet = &m_aPosition;    break;
        case USER_OPT_TITLE:          pRet = &m_aTitle;       break;
        case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEHOME:  pRet = &m_aTelephoneHome; break;
        case USER_OPT_TELEPHONEWORK:  pRet = &m_aTelephoneWork; break;
        case USER_OPT_FAX:            pRet = &m_aFax;           break;
        case USER_OPT_EMAIL:          pRet = &m_aEmail;         break;
        case USER_OPT_FATHERSNAME:    pRet = &m_aFathersName;   break;
        case USER_OPT_APARTMENT:      pRet = &m_aApartment;     break;
            DBG_ERRORFILE( "SvtUserOptions_Impl::GetToken(): invalid token" );
    return *pRet;

// class SvtUserOptions --------------------------------------------------

    // Global access, must be guarded (multithreading)
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );

    if ( !pOptions )
        RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT(aLog, "svtools ( ??? ) ::SvtUserOptions_Impl::ctor()");
        pOptions = new SvtUserOptions_Impl;

    pImp = pOptions;
    StartListening( *pImp);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Global access, must be guarded (multithreading)
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );

    if ( !--nRefCount )
        if ( pOptions->IsModified() )
        DELETEZ( pOptions );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

::osl::Mutex& SvtUserOptions::GetInitMutex()
    // Initialize static mutex only for one time!
    static ::osl::Mutex* pMutex = NULL;
    // If these method first called (Mutex not already exist!) ...
    if ( pMutex == NULL )
        // ... we must create a new one. Protect follow code with the global mutex -
        // It must be - we create a static variable!
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
        // We must check our pointer again -
        // because another instance of our class will be faster then this instance!
        if ( pMutex == NULL )
            // Create the new mutex and set it for return on static variable.
            static ::osl::Mutex aMutex;
            pMutex = &aMutex;
    // Return new created or already existing mutex object.
    return *pMutex;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetCompany() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetCompany();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetFirstName() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetFirstName();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetLastName() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetLastName();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetID() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetID();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetStreet() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetStreet();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetCity() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetCity();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetState() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetState();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetZip() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetZip();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetCountry() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetCountry();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetPosition() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetPosition();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetTitle() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetTitle();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetTelephoneHome() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetTelephoneHome();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetTelephoneWork() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetTelephoneWork();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetFax() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetFax();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetEmail() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetEmail();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetCustomerNumber() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetCustomerNumber();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetFathersName() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetFathersName() ;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetApartment() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetApartment();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetFullName() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetFullName();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const String& SvtUserOptions::GetLocale() const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetLocale();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetCompany( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetCompany( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetFirstName( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetFirstName( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetLastName( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetLastName( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetID( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetID( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetStreet( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetStreet( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetCity( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetCity( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetState( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetState( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetZip( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetZip( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetCountry( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetCountry( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetPosition( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetPosition( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetTitle( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetTitle( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetTelephoneHome( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetTelephoneHome( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetTelephoneWork( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetTelephoneWork( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetFax( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetFax( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetEmail( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetEmail( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetCustomerNumber( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetCustomerNumber( rNewToken );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetFathersName( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetFathersName( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvtUserOptions::SetApartment( const String& rNewToken )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    pImp->SetApartment( rNewToken );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool SvtUserOptions::IsTokenReadonly( USHORT nToken ) const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->IsTokenReadonly( nToken );
const String&   SvtUserOptions::GetToken(USHORT nToken) const
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetInitMutex() );
    return pImp->GetToken( nToken );
/* -----------------07.07.2003 09:30-----------------

void SvtUserOptions::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    vos::OGuard aVclGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
    Broadcast( rHint );