/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: imivctl1.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.22 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-09-09 09:06:19 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WALL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_HELP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_DECOVIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TL_POLY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_LINEINFO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VCL_I18NHELP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MNEMONIC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VCL_CONTROLLAYOUT_HXX #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "ivctrl.hxx" #include "imivctl.hxx" #include "svmedit.hxx" #include #define DD_SCROLL_PIXEL 24 #define IMPICNVIEW_ACC_RETURN 1 #define IMPICNVIEW_ACC_ESCAPE 2 #define DRAWTEXT_FLAGS_ICON \ ( TEXT_DRAW_CENTER | TEXT_DRAW_TOP | TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS | \ TEXT_DRAW_CLIP | TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE | TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK | TEXT_DRAW_MNEMONIC ) #define DRAWTEXT_FLAGS_SMALLICON (TEXT_DRAW_LEFT|TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS|TEXT_DRAW_CLIP) #define EVENTID_SHOW_CURSOR ((void*)1) #define EVENTID_ADJUST_SCROLLBARS ((void*)2) struct SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry_Impl { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* _pEntry; Point _aPos; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry_Impl( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Rectangle& rBoundRect ) : _pEntry( pEntry), _aPos( rBoundRect.TopLeft()) {} }; static BOOL bEndScrollInvalidate = TRUE; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IcnViewEdit_Impl : public MultiLineEdit { Link aCallBackHdl; Accelerator aAccReturn; Accelerator aAccEscape; Timer aTimer; BOOL bCanceled; BOOL bAlreadyInCallback; BOOL bGrabFocus; void CallCallBackHdl_Impl(); DECL_LINK( Timeout_Impl, Timer * ); DECL_LINK( ReturnHdl_Impl, Accelerator * ); DECL_LINK( EscapeHdl_Impl, Accelerator * ); public: IcnViewEdit_Impl( SvtIconChoiceCtrl* pParent, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, const XubString& rData, const Link& rNotifyEditEnd ); ~IcnViewEdit_Impl(); virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ); virtual long PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ); BOOL EditingCanceled() const { return bCanceled; } void StopEditing( BOOL bCancel = FALSE ); BOOL IsGrabFocus() const { return bGrabFocus; } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl( SvtIconChoiceCtrl* pCurView, WinBits nWinStyle ) : aVerSBar( pCurView, WB_DRAG | WB_VSCROLL ), aHorSBar( pCurView, WB_DRAG | WB_HSCROLL ), aScrBarBox( pCurView ), aImageSize( 32, 32 ), aEntries( this ), pColumns( 0 ) { bChooseWithCursor=FALSE; pEntryPaintDev = 0; pCurEditedEntry = 0; pCurHighlightFrame = 0; pEdit = 0; pAnchor = 0; pDraggedSelection = 0; pPrevDropTarget = 0; pHdlEntry = 0; pHead = NULL; pCursor = NULL; bUpdateMode = TRUE; bInDragDrop = FALSE; bHighlightFramePressed = FALSE; eSelectionMode = MULTIPLE_SELECTION; pView = pCurView; pZOrderList = new List; //SvPtrarr; ePositionMode = IcnViewPositionModeFree; SetStyle( nWinStyle ); nFlags = 0; nUserEventAdjustScrBars = 0; nUserEventShowCursor = 0; nMaxVirtWidth = DEFAULT_MAX_VIRT_WIDTH; nMaxVirtHeight = DEFAULT_MAX_VIRT_HEIGHT; pDDRefEntry = 0; pDDDev = 0; pDDBufDev = 0; pDDTempDev = 0; eTextMode = IcnShowTextShort; pImpCursor = new IcnCursor_Impl( this ); pGridMap = new IcnGridMap_Impl( this ); aVerSBar.SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, ScrollUpDownHdl ) ); aHorSBar.SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, ScrollLeftRightHdl ) ); Link aEndScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, EndScrollHdl ) ); aVerSBar.SetEndScrollHdl( aEndScrollHdl ); aHorSBar.SetEndScrollHdl( aEndScrollHdl ); nHorSBarHeight = aHorSBar.GetSizePixel().Height(); nVerSBarWidth = aVerSBar.GetSizePixel().Width(); aEditTimer.SetTimeout( 800 ); aEditTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl,EditTimeoutHdl)); aAutoArrangeTimer.SetTimeout( 100 ); aAutoArrangeTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl,AutoArrangeHdl)); aCallSelectHdlTimer.SetTimeout( 500 ); aCallSelectHdlTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK(this,SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl,CallSelectHdlHdl)); aDocRectChangedTimer.SetTimeout( 50 ); aDocRectChangedTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl,DocRectChangedHdl)); aVisRectChangedTimer.SetTimeout( 50 ); aVisRectChangedTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl,VisRectChangedHdl)); Clear( TRUE ); SetGrid( Size(100, 70) ); } SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::~SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl() { pCurEditedEntry = 0; DELETEZ(pEdit); Clear(); StopEditTimer(); CancelUserEvents(); delete pZOrderList; delete pImpCursor; delete pGridMap; delete pDDDev; delete pDDBufDev; delete pDDTempDev; delete pDraggedSelection; delete pEntryPaintDev; ClearSelectedRectList(); ClearColumnList(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Clear( BOOL bInCtor ) { StopEntryEditing( TRUE ); nSelectionCount = 0; DELETEZ(pDraggedSelection); bInDragDrop = FALSE; pCurHighlightFrame = 0; StopEditTimer(); CancelUserEvents(); ShowCursor( FALSE ); bBoundRectsDirty = FALSE; nMaxBoundHeight = 0; nFlags &= ~(F_PAINTED | F_MOVED_ENTRIES); pCursor = 0; if( !bInCtor ) { pImpCursor->Clear(); pGridMap->Clear(); aVirtOutputSize.Width() = 0; aVirtOutputSize.Height() = 0; Size aSize( pView->GetOutputSizePixel() ); nMaxVirtWidth = aSize.Width() - nVerSBarWidth; if( nMaxVirtWidth <= 0 ) nMaxVirtWidth = DEFAULT_MAX_VIRT_WIDTH; nMaxVirtHeight = aSize.Height() - nHorSBarHeight; if( nMaxVirtHeight <= 0 ) nMaxVirtHeight = DEFAULT_MAX_VIRT_HEIGHT; pZOrderList->Clear(); //Remove(0,pZOrderList->Count()); SetOrigin( Point() ); if( bUpdateMode ) pView->Invalidate(INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN); } AdjustScrollBars(); ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCur = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); delete pCur; } aEntries.Clear(); DocRectChanged(); VisRectChanged(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetStyle( WinBits nWinStyle ) { nWinBits = nWinStyle; nCurTextDrawFlags = DRAWTEXT_FLAGS_ICON; if( nWinBits & (WB_SMALLICON | WB_DETAILS) ) nCurTextDrawFlags = DRAWTEXT_FLAGS_SMALLICON; if( nWinBits & WB_NOSELECTION ) eSelectionMode = NO_SELECTION; if( !(nWinStyle & (WB_ALIGN_TOP | WB_ALIGN_LEFT))) nWinBits |= WB_ALIGN_LEFT; if( (nWinStyle & WB_DETAILS)) { if( !pColumns ) SetColumn( 0, SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo( 0, 100, IcnViewAlignLeft )); } } IMPL_LINK( SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, ScrollUpDownHdl, ScrollBar*, pScrollBar ) { StopEntryEditing( TRUE ); // Pfeil hoch: delta=-1; Pfeil runter: delta=+1 Scroll( 0, pScrollBar->GetDelta(), TRUE ); bEndScrollInvalidate = TRUE; return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, ScrollLeftRightHdl, ScrollBar*, pScrollBar ) { StopEntryEditing( TRUE ); // Pfeil links: delta=-1; Pfeil rechts: delta=+1 Scroll( pScrollBar->GetDelta(), 0, TRUE ); bEndScrollInvalidate = TRUE; return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, EndScrollHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { if( pView->HasBackground() && !pView->GetBackground().IsScrollable() && bEndScrollInvalidate ) { pView->Invalidate(INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN); } return 0; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::FontModified() { StopEditTimer(); DELETEZ(pDDDev); DELETEZ(pDDBufDev); DELETEZ(pDDTempDev); DELETEZ(pEntryPaintDev); SetDefaultTextSize(); ShowCursor( FALSE ); ShowCursor( TRUE ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InsertEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, ULONG nPos, const Point* pPos ) { StopEditTimer(); aEntries.Insert( pEntry, nPos ); if( (nFlags & F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID) && nPos >= aEntries.Count() - 1 ) pEntry->nPos = aEntries.Count() - 1; else nFlags &= ~F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID; pZOrderList->Insert( (void*)pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); //pZOrderList->Count() ); pImpCursor->Clear(); // pGridMap->Clear(); if( pPos ) { Size aSize( CalcBoundingSize( pEntry ) ); SetBoundingRect_Impl( pEntry, *pPos, aSize ); SetEntryPos( pEntry, *pPos, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE /*keep grid map*/ ); pEntry->nFlags |= ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_MOVED; SetEntriesMoved( TRUE ); } else { // wenn der UpdateMode TRUE ist, wollen wir nicht pauschal alle // BoundRects auf 'zu ueberpruefen' setzen, sondern nur das des // neuen Eintrags. Deshalb kein InvalidateBoundingRect aufrufen! pEntry->aRect.Right() = LONG_MAX; if( bUpdateMode ) { FindBoundingRect( pEntry ); Rectangle aOutputArea( GetOutputRect() ); pGridMap->OccupyGrids( pEntry ); if( !aOutputArea.IsOver( pEntry->aRect ) ) return; // ist nicht sichtbar pView->Invalidate( pEntry->aRect ); } else InvalidateBoundingRect( pEntry->aRect ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CreateAutoMnemonics( void ) { MnemonicGenerator aMnemonicGenerator; ULONG nEntryCount = GetEntryCount(); ULONG i; // insert texts in generator for( i = 0; i < nEntryCount; ++i ) { DBG_ASSERT( GetEntry( i ), "-SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CreateAutoMnemonics(): more expected than provided!" ); aMnemonicGenerator.RegisterMnemonic( GetEntry( i )->GetText() ); } // exchange texts with generated mnemonics for( i = 0; i < nEntryCount; ++i ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( i ); String aTxt = pEntry->GetText(); if( aMnemonicGenerator.CreateMnemonic( aTxt ) ) pEntry->SetText( aTxt ); } } Rectangle SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetOutputRect() const { Point aOrigin( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() ); aOrigin *= -1; return Rectangle( aOrigin, aOutputSize ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetListPositions() { if( nFlags & F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID ) return; ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); pEntry->nPos = nCur; } nFlags |= F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RemoveEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { BOOL bSyncSingleSelection; // bei Single-Selection wird die Selektion beim Umsetzen des Cursors // mitgefuehrt. Das soll aber nur erfolgen, wenn ueberhaupt ein // Eintrag selektiert ist. if( GetSelectionCount() ) bSyncSingleSelection = TRUE; else bSyncSingleSelection = FALSE; if( pEntry == pCurHighlightFrame ) pCurHighlightFrame = 0; if( bInDragDrop ) { DELETEZ(pDraggedSelection); bInDragDrop = FALSE; } if( pEntry->IsSelected() ) CallSelectHandler( 0 ); if( aEntries.Count() == 1 && aEntries.GetObject(0) == pEntry ) { Clear(); return; } StopEditTimer(); if( pEntry == pAnchor ) pAnchor = 0; if( pEntry->IsSelected() ) nSelectionCount--; BOOL bEntryBoundValid = IsBoundingRectValid( pEntry->aRect ); if( bEntryBoundValid ) pView->Invalidate( pEntry->aRect ); BOOL bSetNewCursor = FALSE; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pNewCursor; if( pEntry == pCursor ) { bSetNewCursor = TRUE; pNewCursor = FindNewCursor(); ShowCursor( FALSE ); pCursor = 0; } BOOL bCurEntryPosValid = (nFlags & F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID) ? TRUE : FALSE; if( bCurEntryPosValid && aEntries.GetObject(aEntries.Count()-1) != pEntry ) nFlags &= ~F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID; ULONG nPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pEntry ); pZOrderList->Remove( nPos ); if( bCurEntryPosValid ) { DBG_ASSERT(aEntries.GetObject(pEntry->nPos)==pEntry,"RemoveEntry: Wrong nPos in entry"); aEntries.Remove( pEntry->nPos ); } else aEntries.Remove( pEntry ); pImpCursor->Clear(); pGridMap->Clear(); delete pEntry; if( IsAutoArrange() && aEntries.Count() ) aAutoArrangeTimer.Start(); if( bSetNewCursor ) { // Fokusrechteck asynchron einblenden, um das Loeschen einer // Multiselektion zu beschleunigen. SetCursor( pNewCursor, bSyncSingleSelection, TRUE ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect, BOOL bCallHdl, BOOL bAdd, BOOL bSyncPaint ) { if( eSelectionMode == NO_SELECTION ) return; if( !bAdd ) { if ( 0 == ( nFlags & F_CLEARING_SELECTION ) ) { nFlags |= F_CLEARING_SELECTION; DeselectAllBut( pEntry, sal_True ); nFlags &= ~F_CLEARING_SELECTION; } } if( pEntry->IsSelected() != bSelect ) { pHdlEntry = pEntry; USHORT nFlags = pEntry->GetFlags(); if( bSelect ) { nFlags |= ICNVIEW_FLAG_SELECTED; pEntry->AssignFlags( nFlags ); nSelectionCount++; if( bCallHdl ) CallSelectHandler( pEntry ); } else { nFlags &= ~( ICNVIEW_FLAG_SELECTED); pEntry->AssignFlags( nFlags ); nSelectionCount--; if( bCallHdl ) CallSelectHandler( 0 ); } EntrySelected( pEntry, bSelect, bSyncPaint ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::EntrySelected( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect, BOOL bSyncPaint ) { // bei SingleSelection dafuer sorgen, dass der Cursor immer // auf dem (einzigen) selektierten Eintrag steht. Aber nur, // wenn es bereits einen Cursor gibt if( bSelect && pCursor && eSelectionMode == SINGLE_SELECTION && pEntry != pCursor ) { SetCursor( pEntry ); //DBG_ASSERT(pView->GetSelectionCount()==1,"selection count?") } // beim Aufziehen nicht, da sonst die Schleife in SelectRect // nicht richtig funktioniert! if( !(nFlags & F_SELECTING_RECT) ) ToTop( pEntry ); if( bUpdateMode ) { if( pEntry == pCursor ) ShowCursor( FALSE ); if( pView->IsTracking() && (bSelect || !pView->HasBackground()) ) // beim Tracken immer synchron PaintEntry( pEntry ); else if( bSyncPaint ) // synchron & mit virtuellem OutDev! PaintEntryVirtOutDev( pEntry ); else { pView->Invalidate( CalcFocusRect( pEntry ) ); } if( pEntry == pCursor ) ShowCursor( TRUE ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ResetVirtSize() { StopEditTimer(); aVirtOutputSize.Width() = 0; aVirtOutputSize.Height() = 0; BOOL bLockedEntryFound = FALSE; const ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCur = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); pCur->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_MOVED ); if( pCur->IsPosLocked() ) { // VirtSize u.a. anpassen if( !IsBoundingRectValid( pCur->aRect ) ) FindBoundingRect( pCur ); else AdjustVirtSize( pCur->aRect ); bLockedEntryFound = TRUE; } else InvalidateBoundingRect( pCur->aRect ); } if( !(nWinBits & (WB_NOVSCROLL | WB_NOHSCROLL)) ) { Size aRealOutputSize( pView->GetOutputSizePixel() ); if( aVirtOutputSize.Width() < aRealOutputSize.Width() || aVirtOutputSize.Height() < aRealOutputSize.Height() ) { ULONG nGridCount = IcnGridMap_Impl::GetGridCount( aRealOutputSize, (USHORT)nGridDX, (USHORT)nGridDY ); if( nGridCount < nCount ) { if( nWinBits & WB_ALIGN_TOP ) nMaxVirtWidth = aRealOutputSize.Width() - nVerSBarWidth; else // WB_ALIGN_LEFT nMaxVirtHeight = aRealOutputSize.Height() - nHorSBarHeight; } } } pImpCursor->Clear(); pGridMap->Clear(); VisRectChanged(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::AdjustVirtSize( const Rectangle& rRect ) { long nHeightOffs = 0; long nWidthOffs = 0; if( aVirtOutputSize.Width() < (rRect.Right()+LROFFS_WINBORDER) ) nWidthOffs = (rRect.Right()+LROFFS_WINBORDER) - aVirtOutputSize.Width(); if( aVirtOutputSize.Height() < (rRect.Bottom()+TBOFFS_WINBORDER) ) nHeightOffs = (rRect.Bottom()+TBOFFS_WINBORDER) - aVirtOutputSize.Height(); if( nWidthOffs || nHeightOffs ) { Range aRange; aVirtOutputSize.Width() += nWidthOffs; aRange.Max() = aVirtOutputSize.Width(); aHorSBar.SetRange( aRange ); aVirtOutputSize.Height() += nHeightOffs; aRange.Max() = aVirtOutputSize.Height(); aVerSBar.SetRange( aRange ); pImpCursor->Clear(); pGridMap->OutputSizeChanged(); AdjustScrollBars(); DocRectChanged(); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InitPredecessors() { DBG_ASSERT(!pHead,"SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InitPredecessors() >> Already initialized"); ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); if( nCount ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pPrev = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( 0 ); for( ULONG nCur = 1; nCur <= nCount; nCur++ ) { pPrev->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_LOCKED | ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_MOVED | ICNVIEW_FLAG_PRED_SET); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pNext; if( nCur == nCount ) pNext = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( 0 ); else pNext = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); pPrev->pflink = pNext; pNext->pblink = pPrev; pPrev = pNext; } pHead = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( 0 ); } else pHead = 0; nFlags &= ~F_MOVED_ENTRIES; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ClearPredecessors() { if( pHead ) { ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCur = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); pCur->pflink = 0; pCur->pblink = 0; pCur->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_PRED_SET ); } pHead = 0; } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Arrange( BOOL bKeepPredecessors, long nSetMaxVirtWidth, long nSetMaxVirtHeight ) { if ( nSetMaxVirtWidth != 0 ) nMaxVirtWidth = nSetMaxVirtWidth; else nMaxVirtWidth = aOutputSize.Width(); if ( nSetMaxVirtHeight != 0 ) nMaxVirtHeight = nSetMaxVirtHeight; else nMaxVirtHeight = aOutputSize.Height(); ImpArrange( bKeepPredecessors ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ImpArrange( BOOL bKeepPredecessors ) { static Point aEmptyPoint; BOOL bOldUpdate = bUpdateMode; Rectangle aCurOutputArea( GetOutputRect() ); if( (nWinBits & WB_SMART_ARRANGE) && aCurOutputArea.TopLeft() != aEmptyPoint ) bUpdateMode = FALSE; aAutoArrangeTimer.Stop(); nFlags &= ~F_MOVED_ENTRIES; nFlags |= F_ARRANGING; StopEditTimer(); ShowCursor( FALSE ); ResetVirtSize(); if( !bKeepPredecessors ) ClearPredecessors(); bBoundRectsDirty = FALSE; SetOrigin( Point() ); VisRectChanged(); RecalcAllBoundingRectsSmart(); // in der Detailsview muss das Invalidieren intelligenter erfolgen //if( !(nWinBits & WB_DETAILS )) pView->Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN ); nFlags &= ~F_ARRANGING; if( (nWinBits & WB_SMART_ARRANGE) && aCurOutputArea.TopLeft() != aEmptyPoint ) { MakeVisible( aCurOutputArea ); SetUpdateMode( bOldUpdate ); } ShowCursor( TRUE ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { bEndScrollInvalidate = FALSE; #if defined(OV_DRAWGRID) Color aOldColor ( pView->GetLineColor() ); Color aColor( COL_BLACK ); pView->SetLineColor( aColor ); Point aOffs( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin()); Size aXSize( pView->GetOutputSizePixel() ); { Point aStart( LROFFS_WINBORDER, 0 ); Point aEnd( LROFFS_WINBORDER, aXSize.Height()); aStart -= aOffs; aEnd -= aOffs; pView->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); } { Point aStart( 0, TBOFFS_WINBORDER ); Point aEnd( aXSize.Width(), TBOFFS_WINBORDER ); aStart -= aOffs; aEnd -= aOffs; pView->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); } for( long nDX = nGridDX; nDX <= aXSize.Width(); nDX += nGridDX ) { Point aStart( nDX+LROFFS_WINBORDER, 0 ); Point aEnd( nDX+LROFFS_WINBORDER, aXSize.Height()); aStart -= aOffs; aEnd -= aOffs; pView->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); } for( long nDY = nGridDY; nDY <= aXSize.Height(); nDY += nGridDY ) { Point aStart( 0, nDY+TBOFFS_WINBORDER ); Point aEnd( aXSize.Width(), nDY+TBOFFS_WINBORDER ); aStart -= aOffs; aEnd -= aOffs; pView->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd ); } pView->SetLineColor( aOldColor ); #endif nFlags |= F_PAINTED; if( !aEntries.Count() ) return; if( !pCursor ) { // set cursor to item with focus-flag BOOL bfound = FALSE; for ( ULONG i = 0; i < pView->GetEntryCount() && !bfound; i++) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = pView->GetEntry ( i ); if( pEntry->IsFocused() ) { pCursor = pEntry; bfound=TRUE; } } if( !bfound ) pCursor = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.First(); } // Show Focus at Init-Time if ( pView->HasFocus() ) GetFocus(); ULONG nCount = pZOrderList->Count(); if( !nCount ) return; BOOL bResetClipRegion = FALSE; if( !pView->IsClipRegion() ) { Rectangle aOutputArea( GetOutputRect() ); bResetClipRegion = TRUE; pView->SetClipRegion( aOutputArea ); } const USHORT nListInitSize = aEntries.Count() > USHRT_MAX ? USHRT_MAX : (USHORT)aEntries.Count(); List* pNewZOrderList = new List( nListInitSize ); List* pPaintedEntries = new List( nListInitSize ); ULONG nPos = 0; while( nCount ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nPos )); const Rectangle& rBoundRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ); if( rRect.IsOver( rBoundRect ) ) { PaintEntry( pEntry, rBoundRect.TopLeft(), pView, TRUE ); // Eintraege, die neu gezeichnet werden, auf Top setzen pPaintedEntries->Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); } else pNewZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); nCount--; nPos++; } delete pZOrderList; pZOrderList = pNewZOrderList; nCount = pPaintedEntries->Count(); if( nCount ) { for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) pZOrderList->Insert( pPaintedEntries->GetObject(nCur), LIST_APPEND); } delete pPaintedEntries; if( bResetClipRegion ) pView->SetClipRegion(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RepaintEntries( USHORT nEntryFlagsMask ) { const ULONG nCount = pZOrderList->Count(); if( !nCount ) return; BOOL bResetClipRegion = FALSE; Rectangle aOutRect( GetOutputRect() ); if( !pView->IsClipRegion() ) { bResetClipRegion = TRUE; pView->SetClipRegion( aOutRect ); } for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nCur)); if( pEntry->GetFlags() & nEntryFlagsMask ) { const Rectangle& rBoundRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ); if( aOutRect.IsOver( rBoundRect ) ) PaintEntry( pEntry, rBoundRect.TopLeft() ); } } if( bResetClipRegion ) pView->SetClipRegion(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InitScrollBarBox() { aScrBarBox.SetSizePixel( Size(nVerSBarWidth-1, nHorSBarHeight-1) ); Size aSize( pView->GetOutputSizePixel() ); aScrBarBox.SetPosPixel( Point(aSize.Width()-nVerSBarWidth+1, aSize.Height()-nHorSBarHeight+1)); } IcnViewFieldType SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetItem( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point& rAbsPos ) { Rectangle aRect( CalcTextRect( pEntry ) ); if( aRect.IsInside( rAbsPos ) ) return IcnViewFieldTypeText; aRect = CalcBmpRect( pEntry ); if( aRect.IsInside( rAbsPos ) ) return IcnViewFieldTypeImage; return IcnViewFieldTypeDontknow; } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { BOOL bHandled = TRUE; bHighlightFramePressed = FALSE; StopEditTimer(); BOOL bGotFocus = (BOOL)(!pView->HasFocus() && !(nWinBits & WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS)); if( !(nWinBits & WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS) ) pView->GrabFocus(); Point aDocPos( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); if(aDocPos.X()>=aOutputSize.Width() || aDocPos.Y()>=aOutputSize.Height()) return FALSE; ToDocPos( aDocPos ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aDocPos, TRUE ); if( pEntry ) MakeEntryVisible( pEntry, FALSE ); if( rMEvt.IsShift() && eSelectionMode != SINGLE_SELECTION ) { if( pEntry ) SetCursor_Impl( pCursor, pEntry, rMEvt.IsMod1(), rMEvt.IsShift(), TRUE); return TRUE; } if( pAnchor && (rMEvt.IsShift() || rMEvt.IsMod1())) // Tastaturselektion? { DBG_ASSERT(eSelectionMode != SINGLE_SELECTION,"Invalid selection mode"); if( rMEvt.IsMod1() ) nFlags |= F_ADD_MODE; if( rMEvt.IsShift() ) { Rectangle aRect( GetEntryBoundRect( pAnchor )); if( pEntry ) aRect.Union( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ) ); else { Rectangle aTempRect( aDocPos, Size(1,1)); aRect.Union( aTempRect ); } aCurSelectionRect = aRect; SelectRect( aRect, (nFlags & F_ADD_MODE)!=0, &aSelectedRectList ); } else if( rMEvt.IsMod1() ) { AddSelectedRect( aCurSelectionRect ); pAnchor = 0; aCurSelectionRect.SetPos( aDocPos ); } if( !pEntry && !(nWinBits & WB_NODRAGSELECTION)) pView->StartTracking( STARTTRACK_SCROLLREPEAT ); return TRUE; } else { if( !pEntry ) { if( eSelectionMode == MULTIPLE_SELECTION ) { if( !rMEvt.IsMod1() ) // Ctrl { if( !bGotFocus ) { SetNoSelection(); ClearSelectedRectList(); } } else nFlags |= F_ADD_MODE; aCurSelectionRect.SetPos( aDocPos ); pView->StartTracking( STARTTRACK_SCROLLREPEAT ); } else bHandled = FALSE; return bHandled; } } BOOL bSelected = pEntry->IsSelected(); BOOL bEditingEnabled = IsEntryEditingEnabled(); if( rMEvt.GetClicks() == 2 ) { DeselectAllBut( pEntry ); SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE ); pHdlEntry = pEntry; pView->ClickIcon(); } else { // Inplace-Editing ? if( rMEvt.IsMod2() ) // Alt? { if( bEntryEditingEnabled && pEntry && pEntry->IsSelected()) { if( pView->EditingEntry( pEntry )) EditEntry( pEntry ); } } else if( eSelectionMode == SINGLE_SELECTION ) { DeselectAllBut( pEntry ); SetCursor( pEntry ); if( bEditingEnabled && bSelected && !rMEvt.GetModifier() && rMEvt.IsLeft() && IsTextHit( pEntry, aDocPos ) ) { nFlags |= F_START_EDITTIMER_IN_MOUSEUP; } } else if( eSelectionMode == NO_SELECTION ) { if( rMEvt.IsLeft() && (nWinBits & WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME) ) { pCurHighlightFrame = 0; // Neues painten des Frames erzwingen bHighlightFramePressed = TRUE; SetEntryHighlightFrame( pEntry, TRUE ); } } else { if( !rMEvt.GetModifier() && rMEvt.IsLeft() ) { if( !bSelected ) { DeselectAllBut( pEntry, TRUE /* Synchron painten */ ); SetCursor( pEntry ); SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE ); } else { // erst im Up deselektieren, falls Move per D&D! nFlags |= F_DOWN_DESELECT; if( bEditingEnabled && IsTextHit( pEntry, aDocPos ) && rMEvt.IsLeft()) { nFlags |= F_START_EDITTIMER_IN_MOUSEUP; } } } else if( rMEvt.IsMod1() ) nFlags |= F_DOWN_CTRL; } } return bHandled; } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { BOOL bHandled = FALSE; if( rMEvt.IsRight() && (nFlags & (F_DOWN_CTRL | F_DOWN_DESELECT) )) { nFlags &= ~(F_DOWN_CTRL | F_DOWN_DESELECT); bHandled = TRUE; } Point aDocPos( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); ToDocPos( aDocPos ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aDocPos ); if( pEntry ) { if( nFlags & F_DOWN_CTRL ) { // Ctrl & MultiSelection ToggleSelection( pEntry ); SetCursor( pEntry ); bHandled = TRUE; } else if( nFlags & F_DOWN_DESELECT ) { DeselectAllBut( pEntry ); SetCursor( pEntry ); SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE ); bHandled = TRUE; } } nFlags &= ~(F_DOWN_CTRL | F_DOWN_DESELECT); if( nFlags & F_START_EDITTIMER_IN_MOUSEUP ) { bHandled = TRUE; StartEditTimer(); nFlags &= ~F_START_EDITTIMER_IN_MOUSEUP; } if((nWinBits & WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME) && bHighlightFramePressed && pCurHighlightFrame) { bHandled = TRUE; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = pCurHighlightFrame; pCurHighlightFrame = 0; // Neues painten des Frames erzwingen bHighlightFramePressed = FALSE; SetEntryHighlightFrame( pEntry, TRUE ); #if 0 CallSelectHandler( pCurHighlightFrame ); #else pHdlEntry = pCurHighlightFrame; pView->ClickIcon(); // set focus on Icon SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pOldCursor = pCursor; SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pHdlEntry, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ); #endif pHdlEntry = 0; } return bHandled; } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { const Point aDocPos( pView->PixelToLogic(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()) ); if( pView->IsTracking() ) return FALSE; else if( nWinBits & WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aDocPos, TRUE ); SetEntryHighlightFrame( pEntry ); } else return FALSE; return TRUE; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt ) { if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() ) { // Das Rechteck darf nicht "justified" sein, da seine // TopLeft-Position u.U. zur Berechnung eines Ankers // benutzt wird. AddSelectedRect( aCurSelectionRect ); pView->HideTracking(); nFlags &= ~(F_ADD_MODE); if( rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() ) SetNoSelection(); } else { Point aPosPixel = rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel(); Point aDocPos( aPosPixel ); ToDocPos( aDocPos ); long nScrollDX, nScrollDY; CalcScrollOffsets( aPosPixel, nScrollDX, nScrollDY, FALSE ); if( nScrollDX || nScrollDY ) { pView->HideTracking(); pView->Scroll( nScrollDX, nScrollDY ); } Rectangle aRect( aCurSelectionRect.TopLeft(), aDocPos ); if( aRect != aCurSelectionRect ) { pView->HideTracking(); BOOL bAdd = (nFlags & F_ADD_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE; SelectRect( aRect, bAdd, &aSelectedRectList ); } pView->ShowTracking( aRect, SHOWTRACK_SMALL | SHOWTRACK_CLIP ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetCursor_Impl( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pOldCursor, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pNewCursor, BOOL bMod1, BOOL bShift, BOOL bPaintSync ) { if( pNewCursor ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pFilterEntry = 0; BOOL bDeselectAll = FALSE; if( eSelectionMode != SINGLE_SELECTION ) { if( !bMod1 && !bShift ) bDeselectAll = TRUE; else if( bShift && !bMod1 && !pAnchor ) { bDeselectAll = TRUE; pFilterEntry = pOldCursor; } } if( bDeselectAll ) DeselectAllBut( pFilterEntry, bPaintSync ); ShowCursor( FALSE ); MakeEntryVisible( pNewCursor ); SetCursor( pNewCursor ); if( bMod1 && !bShift ) { if( pAnchor ) { AddSelectedRect( pAnchor, pOldCursor ); pAnchor = 0; } } else if( bShift ) { if( !pAnchor ) pAnchor = pOldCursor; if ( nWinBits & WB_ALIGN_LEFT ) SelectRange( pAnchor, pNewCursor, (nFlags & F_ADD_MODE)!=0 ); else SelectRect(pAnchor,pNewCursor,(nFlags & F_ADD_MODE)!=0,&aSelectedRectList); } else { SelectEntry( pCursor, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, bPaintSync ); aCurSelectionRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pCursor ); } } } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { StopEditTimer(); BOOL bMod2 = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2(); sal_Unicode cChar = rKEvt.GetCharCode(); ULONG nPos = (ULONG)-1; if ( bMod2 && cChar && IsMnemonicChar( cChar, nPos ) ) { // shortcut is clicked SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pNewCursor = GetEntry( nPos ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pOldCursor = pCursor; if ( pNewCursor != pOldCursor ) SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ); return TRUE; } if ( bMod2 ) // no actions with return FALSE; BOOL bKeyUsed = TRUE; BOOL bMod1 = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1(); BOOL bShift = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift(); if( eSelectionMode == SINGLE_SELECTION || eSelectionMode == NO_SELECTION) { bShift = FALSE; bMod1 = FALSE; } if( bMod1 ) nFlags |= F_ADD_MODE; BOOL bInAddMode = (BOOL)((nFlags & F_ADD_MODE) != 0); BOOL bDeselectAll = FALSE; if( eSelectionMode != SINGLE_SELECTION ) { if( !bMod1 && !bShift ) bDeselectAll = TRUE; if( bShift && !bMod1 && !pAnchor ) bDeselectAll = TRUE; } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pNewCursor; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pOldCursor = pCursor; USHORT nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode(); switch( nCode ) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_PAGEUP: if( pCursor ) { MakeEntryVisible( pCursor ); if( nCode == KEY_UP ) pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoUpDown(pCursor,FALSE); else pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoPageUpDown(pCursor,FALSE); SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, bMod1, bShift, TRUE ); if( !pNewCursor ) { Rectangle aRect( GetEntryBoundRect( pCursor ) ); if( aRect.Top()) { aRect.Bottom() -= aRect.Top(); aRect.Top() = 0; MakeVisible( aRect ); } } if ( bChooseWithCursor && pNewCursor != NULL ) { pHdlEntry = pNewCursor;//GetCurEntry(); pCurHighlightFrame = pHdlEntry; pView->ClickIcon(); pCurHighlightFrame = NULL; } } break; case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_PAGEDOWN: if( pCursor ) { if( nCode == KEY_DOWN ) pNewCursor=pImpCursor->GoUpDown( pCursor,TRUE ); else pNewCursor=pImpCursor->GoPageUpDown( pCursor,TRUE ); SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, bMod1, bShift, TRUE ); if ( bChooseWithCursor && pNewCursor != NULL) { pHdlEntry = pNewCursor;//GetCurEntry(); pCurHighlightFrame = pHdlEntry; pView->ClickIcon(); pCurHighlightFrame = NULL; } } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if( pCursor ) { pNewCursor=pImpCursor->GoLeftRight(pCursor,TRUE ); SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, bMod1, bShift, TRUE ); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if( pCursor ) { MakeEntryVisible( pCursor ); pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoLeftRight(pCursor,FALSE ); SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, bMod1, bShift, TRUE ); if( !pNewCursor ) { Rectangle aRect( GetEntryBoundRect(pCursor)); if( aRect.Left() ) { aRect.Right() -= aRect.Left(); aRect.Left() = 0; MakeVisible( aRect ); } } } break; // wird vom VCL-Tracking gesteuert #if 0 case KEY_ESCAPE: if( pView->IsTracking() ) { HideSelectionRect(); //SelectAll( FALSE ); SetNoSelection(); ClearSelectedRectList(); nFlags &= ~F_TRACKING; } else bKeyUsed = FALSE; break; #endif case KEY_F2: if( !bMod1 && !bShift ) EditTimeoutHdl( 0 ); else bKeyUsed = FALSE; break; case KEY_F8: if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) { if( nFlags & F_ADD_MODE ) nFlags &= (~F_ADD_MODE); else nFlags |= F_ADD_MODE; } else bKeyUsed = FALSE; break; #ifdef OS2 case KEY_F9: if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) { if( pCursor && bEntryEditingEnabled ) pView->EditEntry( pCursor ); } else bKeyUsed = FALSE; break; #endif case KEY_SPACE: if( pCursor && eSelectionMode != SINGLE_SELECTION ) { if( !bMod1 ) { //SelectAll( FALSE ); SetNoSelection(); ClearSelectedRectList(); // click Icon with spacebar SetEntryHighlightFrame( GetCurEntry(), TRUE ); pView->ClickIcon(); pHdlEntry = pCurHighlightFrame; pCurHighlightFrame=0; } else ToggleSelection( pCursor ); } break; #ifdef DBG_UTIL case KEY_F10: if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) { if( pCursor ) pView->SetEntryTextMode( IcnShowTextFull, pCursor ); } if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() ) { if( pCursor ) pView->SetEntryTextMode( IcnShowTextShort, pCursor ); } break; #endif case KEY_ADD: case KEY_DIVIDE : case KEY_A: if( bMod1 && (eSelectionMode != SINGLE_SELECTION)) SelectAll( TRUE ); else bKeyUsed = FALSE; break; case KEY_SUBTRACT: case KEY_COMMA : if( bMod1 ) SetNoSelection(); else bKeyUsed = FALSE; break; case KEY_RETURN: if( bMod1 ) { if( pCursor && bEntryEditingEnabled ) /*pView->*/EditEntry( pCursor ); } else bKeyUsed = FALSE; break; case KEY_END: if( pCursor ) { pNewCursor = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( aEntries.Count() - 1 ); SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, bMod1, bShift, TRUE ); } break; case KEY_HOME: if( pCursor ) { pNewCursor = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( 0 ); SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, bMod1, bShift, TRUE ); } break; default: bKeyUsed = FALSE; } return bKeyUsed; } // Berechnet TopLeft der Scrollbars (nicht ihre Groessen!) void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PositionScrollBars( long nRealWidth, long nRealHeight ) { // hor scrollbar Point aPos( 0, nRealHeight ); aPos.Y() -= nHorSBarHeight; if( aHorSBar.GetPosPixel() != aPos ) aHorSBar.SetPosPixel( aPos ); // ver scrollbar aPos.X() = nRealWidth; aPos.Y() = 0; aPos.X() -= nVerSBarWidth; aPos.X()++; aPos.Y()--; if( aVerSBar.GetPosPixel() != aPos ) aVerSBar.SetPosPixel( aPos ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::AdjustScrollBars( BOOL bVirtSizeGrowedOnly ) { Rectangle aOldOutRect( GetOutputRect() ); long nVirtHeight = aVirtOutputSize.Height(); long nVirtWidth = aVirtOutputSize.Width(); Size aOSize( pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel() ); long nRealHeight = aOSize.Height(); long nRealWidth = aOSize.Width(); PositionScrollBars( nRealWidth, nRealHeight ); const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode(); Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() ); long nVisibleWidth; if( nRealWidth > nVirtWidth ) nVisibleWidth = nVirtWidth + aOrigin.X(); else nVisibleWidth = nRealWidth; long nVisibleHeight; if( nRealHeight > nVirtHeight ) nVisibleHeight = nVirtHeight + aOrigin.Y(); else nVisibleHeight = nRealHeight; sal_Bool bVerSBar = ( nWinBits & WB_VSCROLL ) != 0; sal_Bool bHorSBar = ( nWinBits & WB_HSCROLL ) != 0; sal_Bool bNoVerSBar = ( nWinBits & WB_NOVSCROLL ) != 0; sal_Bool bNoHorSBar = ( nWinBits & WB_NOHSCROLL ) != 0; USHORT nResult = 0; if( nVirtHeight ) { // activate ver scrollbar ? if( !bNoVerSBar && (bVerSBar || ( nVirtHeight > nVisibleHeight)) ) { nResult = 0x0001; nRealWidth -= nVerSBarWidth; if( nRealWidth > nVirtWidth ) nVisibleWidth = nVirtWidth + aOrigin.X(); else nVisibleWidth = nRealWidth; nFlags |= F_HOR_SBARSIZE_WITH_VBAR; } // activate hor scrollbar ? if( !bNoHorSBar && (bHorSBar || (nVirtWidth > nVisibleWidth)) ) { nResult |= 0x0002; nRealHeight -= nHorSBarHeight; if( nRealHeight > nVirtHeight ) nVisibleHeight = nVirtHeight + aOrigin.Y(); else nVisibleHeight = nRealHeight; // brauchen wir jetzt doch eine senkrechte Scrollbar ? if( !(nResult & 0x0001) && // nur wenn nicht schon da ( !bNoVerSBar && ((nVirtHeight > nVisibleHeight) || bVerSBar)) ) { nResult = 3; // beide sind an nRealWidth -= nVerSBarWidth; if( nRealWidth > nVirtWidth ) nVisibleWidth = nVirtWidth + aOrigin.X(); else nVisibleWidth = nRealWidth; nFlags |= F_VER_SBARSIZE_WITH_HBAR; } } } // size ver scrollbar long nThumb = aVerSBar.GetThumbPos(); Size aSize( nVerSBarWidth, nRealHeight ); aSize.Height() += 2; if( aSize != aVerSBar.GetSizePixel() ) aVerSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize ); aVerSBar.SetVisibleSize( nVisibleHeight ); aVerSBar.SetPageSize( GetScrollBarPageSize( nVisibleHeight )); if( nResult & 0x0001 ) { aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumb ); aVerSBar.Show(); } else { aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 ); aVerSBar.Hide(); } // size hor scrollbar nThumb = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos(); aSize.Width() = nRealWidth; aSize.Height() = nHorSBarHeight; aSize.Width()++; if( nResult & 0x0001 ) // vertikale Scrollbar ? { aSize.Width()++; nRealWidth++; } if( aSize != aHorSBar.GetSizePixel() ) aHorSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize ); aHorSBar.SetVisibleSize( nVisibleWidth ); aHorSBar.SetPageSize( GetScrollBarPageSize(nVisibleWidth )); if( nResult & 0x0002 ) { aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumb ); aHorSBar.Show(); } else { aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 ); aHorSBar.Hide(); } aOutputSize.Width() = nRealWidth; if( nResult & 0x0002 ) // hor scrollbar ? nRealHeight++; // weil unterer Rand geclippt wird aOutputSize.Height() = nRealHeight; Rectangle aNewOutRect( GetOutputRect() ); if( aNewOutRect != aOldOutRect && pView->HasBackground() ) { Wallpaper aPaper( pView->GetBackground() ); aPaper.SetRect( aNewOutRect ); pView->SetBackground( aPaper ); } if( (nResult & (0x0001|0x0002)) == (0x0001|0x0002) ) aScrBarBox.Show(); else aScrBarBox.Hide(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Resize() { StopEditTimer(); InitScrollBarBox(); aOutputSize = pView->GetOutputSizePixel(); pImpCursor->Clear(); pGridMap->OutputSizeChanged(); const Size& rSize = pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel(); PositionScrollBars( rSize.Width(), rSize.Height() ); // Die ScrollBars werden asynchron ein/ausgeblendet, damit abgeleitete // Klassen im Resize ein Arrange durchfuehren koennen, ohne dass // die ScrollBars aufblitzen // Wenn schon ein Event unterwegs ist, dann braucht kein neues verschickt werden, // zumindest, solange es nur einen EventTypen gibt if ( ! nUserEventAdjustScrBars ) nUserEventAdjustScrBars = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, UserEventHdl), EVENTID_ADJUST_SCROLLBARS); if( pView->HasBackground() && !pView->GetBackground().IsScrollable() ) { Rectangle aRect( GetOutputRect()); Wallpaper aPaper( pView->GetBackground() ); aPaper.SetRect( aRect ); pView->SetBackground( aPaper ); } VisRectChanged(); } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CheckHorScrollBar() { if( !pZOrderList || !aHorSBar.IsVisible() ) return FALSE; const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode(); Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() ); if(!( nWinBits & WB_HSCROLL) && !aOrigin.X() ) { long nWidth = aOutputSize.Width(); const ULONG nCount = pZOrderList->Count(); long nMostRight = 0; for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)pZOrderList->GetObject(nCur); long nRight = GetEntryBoundRect(pEntry).Right(); if( nRight > nWidth ) return FALSE; if( nRight > nMostRight ) nMostRight = nRight; } aHorSBar.Hide(); aOutputSize.Height() += nHorSBarHeight; aVirtOutputSize.Width() = nMostRight; aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 ); Range aRange; aRange.Max() = nMostRight - 1; aHorSBar.SetRange( aRange ); if( aVerSBar.IsVisible() ) { Size aSize( aVerSBar.GetSizePixel()); aSize.Height() += nHorSBarHeight; aVerSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize ); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CheckVerScrollBar() { if( !pZOrderList || !aVerSBar.IsVisible() ) return FALSE; const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode(); Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() ); if(!( nWinBits & WB_VSCROLL) && !aOrigin.Y() ) { long nDeepest = 0; long nHeight = aOutputSize.Height(); const ULONG nCount = pZOrderList->Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)pZOrderList->GetObject(nCur); long nBottom = GetEntryBoundRect(pEntry).Bottom(); if( nBottom > nHeight ) return FALSE; if( nBottom > nDeepest ) nDeepest = nBottom; } aVerSBar.Hide(); aOutputSize.Width() += nVerSBarWidth; aVirtOutputSize.Height() = nDeepest; aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 ); Range aRange; aRange.Max() = nDeepest - 1; aVerSBar.SetRange( aRange ); if( aHorSBar.IsVisible() ) { Size aSize( aHorSBar.GetSizePixel()); aSize.Width() += nVerSBarWidth; aHorSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize ); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // blendet Scrollbars aus, wenn sie nicht mehr benoetigt werden void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CheckScrollBars() { CheckVerScrollBar(); if( CheckHorScrollBar() ) CheckVerScrollBar(); if( aVerSBar.IsVisible() && aHorSBar.IsVisible() ) aScrBarBox.Show(); else aScrBarBox.Hide(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetFocus() { RepaintEntries( ICNVIEW_FLAG_SELECTED ); if( pCursor ) { pCursor->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_FOCUSED ); ShowCursor( TRUE ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::LoseFocus() { StopEditTimer(); if( pCursor ) pCursor->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_FOCUSED ); ShowCursor( FALSE ); // HideFocus (); // pView->Invalidate ( aFocus.aRect ); RepaintEntries( ICNVIEW_FLAG_SELECTED ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetUpdateMode( BOOL bUpdate ) { if( bUpdate != bUpdateMode ) { bUpdateMode = bUpdate; if( bUpdate ) { AdjustScrollBars(); pImpCursor->Clear(); pGridMap->Clear(); pView->Invalidate(INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN); } } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PaintEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, BOOL bIsBackgroundPainted ) { Point aPos( GetEntryPos( pEntry ) ); PaintEntry( pEntry, aPos, 0, bIsBackgroundPainted ); } // Prios der Emphasis: bDropTarget => bCursored => bSelected void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PaintEmphasis( const Rectangle& rTextRect, const Rectangle& rImageRect, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bDropTarget, BOOL bCursored, OutputDevice* pOut, BOOL bIsBackgroundPainted ) { static Color aTransparent( COL_TRANSPARENT ); if( !pOut ) pOut = pView; #ifdef OV_CHECK_EMPH_RECTS { Color aXOld( pOut->GetFillColor() ); pOut->SetFillColor( Color( COL_GREEN )); pOut->DrawRect( rTextRect ); pOut->DrawRect( rImageRect ); pOut->SetFillColor( aXOld ); } #endif const StyleSettings& rSettings = pOut->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Color aOldFillColor( pOut->GetFillColor() ); BOOL bSolidTextRect = FALSE; BOOL bSolidImageRect = FALSE; if( bDropTarget && ( eSelectionMode != NO_SELECTION ) ) { pOut->SetFillColor( rSettings.GetHighlightColor() ); bSolidTextRect = TRUE; bSolidImageRect = TRUE; } else { if ( !bSelected || bCursored ) { if( !pView->HasFontFillColor() ) pOut->SetFillColor( pOut->GetBackground().GetColor() ); else { const Color& rFillColor = pView->GetFont().GetFillColor(); pOut->SetFillColor( rFillColor ); if( rFillColor != aTransparent ) bSolidTextRect = TRUE; } } } // Textrechteck zeichnen if( !bSolidTextRect ) { if( !bIsBackgroundPainted ) pOut->Erase( rTextRect ); } else { Color aOldLineColor; if( bCursored ) { aOldLineColor = pOut->GetLineColor(); pOut->SetLineColor( Color( COL_GRAY ) ); } pOut->DrawRect( rTextRect ); if( bCursored ) pOut->SetLineColor( aOldLineColor ); } // Bildrechteck zeichnen if( !bSolidImageRect ) { if( !bIsBackgroundPainted ) pOut->Erase( rImageRect ); } // die Emphasis des Images muss von der abgeleiteten Klasse gezeichnet werden // (in der virtuellen Funktion DrawEntryImage) // else // pOut->DrawRect( rImageRect ); pOut->SetFillColor( aOldFillColor ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PaintItem( const Rectangle& rRect, IcnViewFieldType eItem, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPaintFlags, OutputDevice* pOut, const String* pStr, ::vcl::ControlLayoutData* _pLayoutData ) { if( eItem == IcnViewFieldTypeText ) { String aText; if( !pStr ) aText = pView->GetEntryText( pEntry, FALSE ); else aText = *pStr; if ( _pLayoutData ) { pOut->DrawText( rRect, aText, nCurTextDrawFlags, &_pLayoutData->m_aUnicodeBoundRects, &_pLayoutData->m_aDisplayText ); } else { if ( pView->AutoFontColor() ) { Color aBkgColor( pOut->GetBackground().GetColor() ); Color aFontColor; USHORT nColor = ( aBkgColor.GetRed() + aBkgColor.GetGreen() + aBkgColor.GetBlue() ) / 3; if ( nColor > 128 ) aFontColor.SetColor ( COL_BLACK ); else aFontColor.SetColor( COL_WHITE ); pOut->SetTextColor( aFontColor ); } pOut->DrawText( rRect, aText, nCurTextDrawFlags ); if( pEntry->IsFocused() ) { Rectangle aRect ( CalcFocusRect( (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)pEntry ) ); /*pView->*/ShowFocus( aRect ); DrawFocusRect( pOut ); } } } else { Point aPos( rRect.TopLeft() ); if( nPaintFlags & PAINTFLAG_HOR_CENTERED ) aPos.X() += (rRect.GetWidth() - aImageSize.Width() ) / 2; if( nPaintFlags & PAINTFLAG_VER_CENTERED ) aPos.Y() += (rRect.GetHeight() - aImageSize.Height() ) / 2; pView->DrawEntryImage( pEntry, aPos, *pOut ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PaintEntryVirtOutDev( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { #ifdef OV_NO_VIRT_OUTDEV PaintEntry( pEntry ); #else if( !pEntryPaintDev ) { pEntryPaintDev = new VirtualDevice( *pView ); pEntryPaintDev->SetFont( pView->GetFont() ); pEntryPaintDev->SetLineColor(); //pEntryPaintDev->SetBackground( pView->GetBackground() ); } const Rectangle& rRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ); Rectangle aOutRect( GetOutputRect() ); if( !rRect.IsOver( aOutRect ) ) return; Wallpaper aPaper( pView->GetBackground() ); Rectangle aRect( aPaper.GetRect() ); // Rechteck verschieben, so dass das Boundrect des Entries im // VirtOut-Dev bei 0,0 liegt. aRect.Move( -rRect.Left(), -rRect.Top() ); aPaper.SetRect( aRect ); pEntryPaintDev->SetBackground( aPaper ); pEntryPaintDev->SetFont( pView->GetFont() ); Rectangle aPix ( pEntryPaintDev->LogicToPixel(aRect) ); Size aSize( rRect.GetSize() ); pEntryPaintDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); pEntryPaintDev->DrawOutDev( Point(), aSize, rRect.TopLeft(), aSize, *pView ); PaintEntry( pEntry, Point(), pEntryPaintDev ); pView->DrawOutDev( rRect.TopLeft(), aSize, Point(), aSize, *pEntryPaintDev ); #endif } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PaintEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos, OutputDevice* pOut, BOOL bIsBackgroundPainted ) { if( !pOut ) pOut = pView; BOOL bSelected = FALSE; if( eSelectionMode != NO_SELECTION ) bSelected = pEntry->IsSelected(); BOOL bCursored = pEntry->IsCursored(); BOOL bInUse = pEntry->IsInUse(); BOOL bDropTarget = pEntry->IsDropTarget(); BOOL bNoEmphasis = pEntry->IsBlockingEmphasis(); Font aTempFont( pOut->GetFont() ); // AutoFontColor /* if ( pView->AutoFontColor() ) { aTempFont.SetColor ( aFontColor ); } */ String aEntryText( pView->GetEntryText( pEntry, FALSE ) ); Rectangle aTextRect( CalcTextRect(pEntry,&rPos,FALSE,&aEntryText)); Rectangle aBmpRect( CalcBmpRect(pEntry, &rPos ) ); sal_Bool bShowSelection = ( ( ( bSelected && !bCursored ) || bDropTarget ) && !bNoEmphasis && ( eSelectionMode != NO_SELECTION ) ); sal_Bool bActiveSelection = ( 0 != ( nWinBits & WB_NOHIDESELECTION ) ) || pView->HasFocus(); if ( bShowSelection ) { const StyleSettings& rSettings = pOut->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Font aNewFont( aTempFont ); // bei hart attributierter Font-Fuellcolor muessen wir diese // hart auf die Highlight-Color setzen if( pView->HasFontFillColor() ) { if( (nWinBits & WB_NOHIDESELECTION) || pView->HasFocus() ) aNewFont.SetFillColor( rSettings.GetHighlightColor() ); else aNewFont.SetFillColor( rSettings.GetDeactiveColor() ); } Color aWinCol = rSettings.GetWindowTextColor(); if ( !bActiveSelection && rSettings.GetFaceColor().IsBright() == aWinCol.IsBright() ) aNewFont.SetColor( rSettings.GetWindowTextColor() ); else aNewFont.SetColor( rSettings.GetHighlightTextColor() ); pOut->SetFont( aNewFont ); pOut->SetFillColor( pOut->GetBackground().GetColor() ); pOut->DrawRect( CalcFocusRect( pEntry ) ); pOut->SetFillColor( ); } BOOL bResetClipRegion = FALSE; if( !pView->IsClipRegion() && (aVerSBar.IsVisible() || aHorSBar.IsVisible()) ) { Rectangle aOutputArea( GetOutputRect() ); if( aOutputArea.IsOver(aTextRect) || aOutputArea.IsOver(aBmpRect) ) { pView->SetClipRegion( aOutputArea ); bResetClipRegion = TRUE; } } #ifdef OV_DRAWBOUNDRECT { Color aXOldColor = pOut->GetLineColor(); pOut->SetLineColor( Color( COL_LIGHTRED ) ); Rectangle aXRect( pEntry->aRect ); aXRect.SetPos( rPos ); pOut->DrawRect( aXRect ); pOut->SetLineColor( aXOldColor ); } #endif sal_Bool bLargeIconMode = WB_ICON == ( nWinBits & (VIEWMODE_MASK) ); USHORT nBmpPaintFlags = PAINTFLAG_VER_CENTERED; if ( bLargeIconMode ) nBmpPaintFlags |= PAINTFLAG_HOR_CENTERED; USHORT nTextPaintFlags = bLargeIconMode ? PAINTFLAG_HOR_CENTERED : PAINTFLAG_VER_CENTERED; if( !bNoEmphasis ) PaintEmphasis(aTextRect,aBmpRect,bSelected,bDropTarget,bCursored,pOut,bIsBackgroundPainted); if ( bShowSelection ) pView->DrawSelectionBackground( CalcFocusRect( pEntry ), bActiveSelection ? 1 : 2 /* highlight */, sal_False /* check */, sal_True /* border */, sal_False /* ext border only */ ); PaintItem( aBmpRect, IcnViewFieldTypeImage, pEntry, nBmpPaintFlags, pOut ); PaintItem( aTextRect, IcnViewFieldTypeText, pEntry, nTextPaintFlags, pOut ); // Highlight-Frame zeichnen if( pEntry == pCurHighlightFrame && !bNoEmphasis ) DrawHighlightFrame( pOut, CalcFocusRect( pEntry ), FALSE ); pOut->SetFont( aTempFont ); if( bResetClipRegion ) pView->SetClipRegion(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryPos( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos, BOOL bAdjustAtGrid, BOOL bCheckScrollBars, BOOL bKeepGridMap ) { ShowCursor( FALSE ); Rectangle aBoundRect( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry )); pView->Invalidate( aBoundRect ); ToTop( pEntry ); if( !IsAutoArrange() ) { BOOL bAdjustVirtSize = FALSE; if( rPos != aBoundRect.TopLeft() ) { Point aGridOffs( pEntry->aGridRect.TopLeft() - pEntry->aRect.TopLeft() ); pImpCursor->Clear(); if( !bKeepGridMap ) pGridMap->Clear(); aBoundRect.SetPos( rPos ); pEntry->aRect = aBoundRect; pEntry->aGridRect.SetPos( rPos + aGridOffs ); bAdjustVirtSize = TRUE; } if( bAdjustAtGrid ) { if( bAdjustVirtSize ) { // Durch das Ausrichten des (ggf. gerade neu positionierten) Eintrags, // kann er wieder komplett // in den sichtbaren Bereich rutschen, so dass u.U. doch keine Scrollbar // eingeblendet werden muss. Um deshalb ein 'Aufblitzen' der // Scrollbar(s) zu vermeiden, wird zum Aufplustern der virtuellen // Ausgabegroesse bereits das ausgerichtete Boundrect des // Eintrags genommen. Die virtuelle Groesse muss angepasst werden, // da AdjustEntryAtGrid von ihr abhaengt. const Rectangle& rBoundRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ); Rectangle aCenterRect( CalcBmpRect( pEntry, 0 )); Point aNewPos( AdjustAtGrid( aCenterRect, rBoundRect ) ); Rectangle aNewBoundRect( aNewPos, pEntry->aRect.GetSize()); AdjustVirtSize( aNewBoundRect ); bAdjustVirtSize = FALSE; } AdjustEntryAtGrid( pEntry ); ToTop( pEntry ); } if( bAdjustVirtSize ) AdjustVirtSize( pEntry->aRect ); if( bCheckScrollBars && bUpdateMode ) CheckScrollBars(); pView->Invalidate( pEntry->aRect ); pGridMap->OccupyGrids( pEntry ); } else { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pPrev = FindEntryPredecessor( pEntry, rPos ); SetEntryPredecessor( pEntry, pPrev ); aAutoArrangeTimer.Start(); } ShowCursor( TRUE ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetNoSelection() { // rekursive Aufrufe ueber SelectEntry abblocken if( !(nFlags & F_CLEARING_SELECTION )) { nFlags |= F_CLEARING_SELECTION; DeselectAllBut( 0, TRUE ); nFlags &= ~F_CLEARING_SELECTION; } } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetEntry( const Point& rDocPos, BOOL bHit ) { CheckBoundingRects(); // Z-Order-Liste vom Ende her absuchen ULONG nCount = pZOrderList->Count(); while( nCount ) { nCount--; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nCount)); if( pEntry->aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) ) { if( bHit ) { Rectangle aRect = CalcBmpRect( pEntry ); aRect.Top() -= 3; aRect.Bottom() += 3; aRect.Left() -= 3; aRect.Right() += 3; if( aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) ) return pEntry; aRect = CalcTextRect( pEntry ); if( aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) ) return pEntry; } else return pEntry; } } return 0; } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetNextEntry( const Point& rDocPos, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCurEntry ) { CheckBoundingRects(); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pTarget = 0; const ULONG nStartPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pCurEntry ); if( nStartPos != LIST_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { const ULONG nCount = pZOrderList->Count(); for( ULONG nCur = nStartPos+1; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nCur)); if( pEntry->aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) ) { pTarget = pEntry; break; } } } return pTarget; } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetPrevEntry( const Point& rDocPos, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCurEntry ) { CheckBoundingRects(); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pTarget = 0; ULONG nStartPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pCurEntry ); if( nStartPos != LIST_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && nStartPos != 0 ) { nStartPos--; do { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nStartPos)); if( pEntry->aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) ) { pTarget = pEntry; break; } } while( nStartPos > 0 ); } return pTarget; } Point SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetEntryPos( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { return pEntry->aRect.TopLeft(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::MakeEntryVisible( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, BOOL bBound ) { if ( bBound ) { const Rectangle& rRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ); MakeVisible( rRect ); } else { Rectangle aRect = CalcBmpRect( pEntry ); aRect.Union( CalcTextRect( pEntry ) ); aRect.Top() += TBOFFS_BOUND; aRect.Bottom() += TBOFFS_BOUND; aRect.Left() += LROFFS_BOUND; aRect.Right() += LROFFS_BOUND; MakeVisible( aRect ); } } const Rectangle& SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetEntryBoundRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { if( !IsBoundingRectValid( pEntry->aRect )) FindBoundingRect( pEntry ); return pEntry->aRect; } Rectangle SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcBmpRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point* pPos ) { Rectangle aBound = GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ); if( pPos ) aBound.SetPos( *pPos ); Point aPos( aBound.TopLeft() ); switch( nWinBits & (VIEWMODE_MASK) ) { case WB_ICON: { aPos.X() += ( aBound.GetWidth() - aImageSize.Width() ) / 2; return Rectangle( aPos, aImageSize ); } case WB_SMALLICON: case WB_DETAILS: aPos.Y() += ( aBound.GetHeight() - aImageSize.Height() ) / 2; //todo: hor. Abstand zum BoundRect? return Rectangle( aPos, aImageSize ); default: DBG_ERROR("IconView: Viewmode not set"); return aBound; } } Rectangle SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcTextRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point* pEntryPos, BOOL bEdit, const String* pStr ) { String aEntryText; if( !pStr ) aEntryText = pView->GetEntryText( pEntry, bEdit ); else aEntryText = *pStr; const Rectangle aMaxTextRect( CalcMaxTextRect( pEntry ) ); Rectangle aBound( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ) ); if( pEntryPos ) aBound.SetPos( *pEntryPos ); Rectangle aTextRect( aMaxTextRect ); if( !bEdit ) aTextRect = pView->GetTextRect( aTextRect, aEntryText, nCurTextDrawFlags ); Size aTextSize( aTextRect.GetSize() ); Point aPos( aBound.TopLeft() ); long nBoundWidth = aBound.GetWidth(); long nBoundHeight = aBound.GetHeight(); switch( nWinBits & (VIEWMODE_MASK) ) { case WB_ICON: aPos.Y() += aImageSize.Height(); aPos.Y() += VER_DIST_BMP_STRING; // beim Editieren etwas mehr Platz if( bEdit ) { // 20% rauf long nMinWidth = (( (aImageSize.Width()*10) / 100 ) * 2 ) + aImageSize.Width(); if( nMinWidth > nBoundWidth ) nMinWidth = nBoundWidth; if( aTextSize.Width() < nMinWidth ) aTextSize.Width() = nMinWidth; // beim Editieren ist Ueberlappung nach unten erlaubt Size aOptSize = aMaxTextRect.GetSize(); if( aOptSize.Height() > aTextSize.Height() ) aTextSize.Height() = aOptSize.Height(); } aPos.X() += (nBoundWidth - aTextSize.Width()) / 2; break; case WB_SMALLICON: case WB_DETAILS: aPos.X() += aImageSize.Width(); aPos.X() += HOR_DIST_BMP_STRING; aPos.Y() += (nBoundHeight - aTextSize.Height()) / 2; break; } return Rectangle( aPos, aTextSize ); } long SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcBoundingWidth( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { long nStringWidth = GetItemSize( pEntry, IcnViewFieldTypeText ).Width(); // nStringWidth += 2*LROFFS_TEXT; long nWidth = 0; switch( nWinBits & (VIEWMODE_MASK) ) { case WB_ICON: nWidth = Max( nStringWidth, aImageSize.Width() ); break; case WB_SMALLICON: case WB_DETAILS: nWidth = aImageSize.Width(); nWidth += HOR_DIST_BMP_STRING; nWidth += nStringWidth; break; } return nWidth; } long SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcBoundingHeight( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { long nStringHeight = GetItemSize( pEntry, IcnViewFieldTypeText).Height(); long nHeight = 0; switch( nWinBits & (VIEWMODE_MASK) ) { case WB_ICON: nHeight = aImageSize.Height(); nHeight += VER_DIST_BMP_STRING; nHeight += nStringHeight; break; case WB_SMALLICON: case WB_DETAILS: nHeight = Max( aImageSize.Height(), nStringHeight ); break; } if( nHeight > nMaxBoundHeight ) { ((SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl*)this)->nMaxBoundHeight = nHeight; ((SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl*)this)->aHorSBar.SetLineSize( GetScrollBarLineSize() ); ((SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl*)this)->aVerSBar.SetLineSize( GetScrollBarLineSize() ); } return nHeight; } Size SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcBoundingSize( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { return Size( CalcBoundingWidth( pEntry ), CalcBoundingHeight( pEntry ) ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RecalcAllBoundingRects() { nMaxBoundHeight = 0; pZOrderList->Clear(); ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); ULONG nCur; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry; if( !IsAutoArrange() || !pHead ) { for( nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); FindBoundingRect( pEntry ); pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); } } else { nCur = 0; pEntry = pHead; while( nCur != nCount ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->pflink&&pEntry->pblink,"SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RecalcAllBoundingRect > Bad link(s)"); FindBoundingRect( pEntry ); pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pZOrderList->Count() ); pEntry = pEntry->pflink; nCur++; } } bBoundRectsDirty = FALSE; AdjustScrollBars(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RecalcAllBoundingRectsSmart() { nMaxBoundHeight = 0; pZOrderList->Clear(); ULONG nCur; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry; const ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); if( !IsAutoArrange() || !pHead ) { for( nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); if( IsBoundingRectValid( pEntry->aRect )) { Size aBoundSize( pEntry->aRect.GetSize() ); if( aBoundSize.Height() > nMaxBoundHeight ) nMaxBoundHeight = aBoundSize.Height(); } else FindBoundingRect( pEntry ); pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); } } else { nCur = 0; pEntry = pHead; while( nCur != nCount ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->pflink&&pEntry->pblink,"SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RecalcAllBoundingRect > Bad link(s)"); if( IsBoundingRectValid( pEntry->aRect )) { Size aBoundSize( pEntry->aRect.GetSize() ); if( aBoundSize.Height() > nMaxBoundHeight ) nMaxBoundHeight = aBoundSize.Height(); } else FindBoundingRect( pEntry ); pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); pEntry = pEntry->pflink; nCur++; } } AdjustScrollBars(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::UpdateBoundingRects() { const ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::FindBoundingRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { DBG_ASSERT(!pEntry->IsPosLocked(),"Locked entry pos in FindBoundingRect"); if( pEntry->IsPosLocked() && IsBoundingRectValid( pEntry->aRect) ) { AdjustVirtSize( pEntry->aRect ); return; } Size aSize( CalcBoundingSize( pEntry ) ); Point aPos(pGridMap->GetGridRect(pGridMap->GetUnoccupiedGrid(TRUE)).TopLeft()); SetBoundingRect_Impl( pEntry, aPos, aSize ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetBoundingRect_Impl( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos, const Size& rBoundingSize ) { Rectangle aGridRect( rPos, Size(nGridDX, nGridDY) ); pEntry->aGridRect = aGridRect; Center( pEntry ); AdjustVirtSize( pEntry->aRect ); pGridMap->OccupyGrids( pEntry ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetCursor( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSyncSingleSelection, BOOL bShowFocusAsync ) { if( pEntry == pCursor ) { if( pCursor && eSelectionMode == SINGLE_SELECTION && bSyncSingleSelection && !pCursor->IsSelected() ) SelectEntry( pCursor, TRUE, TRUE ); return; } ShowCursor( FALSE ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pOldCursor = pCursor; pCursor = pEntry; if( pOldCursor ) { pOldCursor->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_FOCUSED ); if( eSelectionMode == SINGLE_SELECTION && bSyncSingleSelection ) SelectEntry( pOldCursor, FALSE, TRUE ); // alten Cursor deselektieren } if( pCursor ) { ToTop( pCursor ); pCursor->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_FOCUSED ); if( eSelectionMode == SINGLE_SELECTION && bSyncSingleSelection ) SelectEntry( pCursor, TRUE, TRUE ); if( !bShowFocusAsync ) ShowCursor( TRUE ); else { if( !nUserEventShowCursor ) nUserEventShowCursor = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, UserEventHdl), EVENTID_SHOW_CURSOR ); } } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ShowCursor( BOOL bShow ) { if( !pCursor || !bShow || !pView->HasFocus() ) { pView->HideFocus(); return; } Rectangle aRect ( CalcFocusRect( pCursor ) ); /*pView->*/ShowFocus( aRect ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HideDDIcon() { pView->Update(); ImpHideDDIcon(); pDDBufDev = pDDDev; pDDDev = 0; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ImpHideDDIcon() { if( pDDDev ) { Size aSize( pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel() ); // pView restaurieren pView->DrawOutDev( aDDLastRectPos, aSize, Point(), aSize, *pDDDev ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ShowDDIcon( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPosPix ) { pView->Update(); if( pRefEntry != pDDRefEntry ) { DELETEZ(pDDDev); DELETEZ(pDDBufDev); } BOOL bSelected = pRefEntry->IsSelected(); pRefEntry->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_SELECTED ); if( !pDDDev ) { if( pDDBufDev ) { // nicht bei jedem Move ein Device anlegen, da dies besonders // auf Remote-Clients zu langsam ist pDDDev = pDDBufDev; pDDBufDev = 0; } else { pDDDev = new VirtualDevice( *pView ); pDDDev->SetFont( pView->GetFont() ); } } else { ImpHideDDIcon(); } const Rectangle& rRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pRefEntry ); pDDDev->SetOutputSizePixel( rRect.GetSize() ); Point aPos( rPosPix ); ToDocPos( aPos ); Size aSize( pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel() ); pDDRefEntry = pRefEntry; aDDLastEntryPos = aPos; aDDLastRectPos = aPos; // Hintergrund sichern pDDDev->DrawOutDev( Point(), aSize, aPos, aSize, *pView ); // Icon in pView malen pRefEntry->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_BLOCK_EMPHASIS ); PaintEntry( pRefEntry, aPos ); pRefEntry->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_BLOCK_EMPHASIS ); if( bSelected ) pRefEntry->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_SELECTED ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HideShowDDIcon( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPosPix ) { /* In Notfaellen folgenden flackernden Code aktivieren: HideDDIcon(); ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix ); return; */ if( !pDDDev ) { ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix ); return; } if( pRefEntry != pDDRefEntry ) { HideDDIcon(); ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix ); return; } Point aEmptyPoint; Point aCurEntryPos( rPosPix ); ToDocPos( aCurEntryPos ); const Rectangle& rRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pRefEntry ); Size aEntrySize( rRect.GetSize() ); Rectangle aPrevEntryRect( aDDLastEntryPos, aEntrySize ); Rectangle aCurEntryRect( aCurEntryPos, aEntrySize ); if( !aPrevEntryRect.IsOver( aCurEntryRect ) ) { HideDDIcon(); ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix ); return; } // Ueberlappung des neuen und alten D&D-Pointers! Rectangle aFullRect( aPrevEntryRect.Union( aCurEntryRect ) ); if( !pDDTempDev ) { pDDTempDev = new VirtualDevice( *pView ); pDDTempDev->SetFont( pView->GetFont() ); } Size aFullSize( aFullRect.GetSize() ); Point aFullPos( aFullRect.TopLeft() ); pDDTempDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aFullSize ); // Hintergrund (mit dem alten D&D-Pointer!) sichern pDDTempDev->DrawOutDev( aEmptyPoint, aFullSize, aFullPos, aFullSize, *pView ); // den alten Buffer in den neuen Buffer pasten aDDLastRectPos = aDDLastRectPos - aFullPos; pDDTempDev->DrawOutDev( aDDLastRectPos, pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(), aEmptyPoint, pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(), *pDDDev ); // Swap VirtualDevice* pTemp = pDDDev; pDDDev = pDDTempDev; pDDTempDev = pTemp; // in den restaurierten Hintergrund den neuen D&D-Pointer zeichnen pDDTempDev->SetOutputSizePixel( pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel() ); pDDTempDev->DrawOutDev( aEmptyPoint, aFullSize, aEmptyPoint, aFullSize, *pDDDev ); Point aRelPos = aCurEntryPos - aFullPos; pRefEntry->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_BLOCK_EMPHASIS ); PaintEntry( pRefEntry, aRelPos, pDDTempDev ); pRefEntry->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_BLOCK_EMPHASIS ); aDDLastRectPos = aFullPos; aDDLastEntryPos = aCurEntryPos; pView->DrawOutDev( aDDLastRectPos, pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(), aEmptyPoint, pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(), *pDDTempDev ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InvalidateBoundingRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { InvalidateBoundingRect( pEntry->aRect ); } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HandleScrollCommand( const CommandEvent& rCmd ) { Rectangle aDocRect( GetDocumentRect() ); Rectangle aVisRect( GetVisibleRect() ); if( aVisRect.IsInside( aDocRect )) return FALSE; Size aDocSize( aDocRect.GetSize() ); Size aVisSize( aVisRect.GetSize() ); BOOL bHor = aDocSize.Width() > aVisSize.Width(); BOOL bVer = aDocSize.Height() > aVisSize.Height(); long nScrollDX = 0, nScrollDY = 0; switch( rCmd.GetCommand() ) { case COMMAND_STARTAUTOSCROLL: { pView->EndTracking(); USHORT nFlags = 0; if( bHor ) nFlags |= AUTOSCROLL_HORZ; if( bVer ) nFlags |= AUTOSCROLL_VERT; if( nFlags ) { pView->StartAutoScroll( nFlags ); return TRUE; } } break; case COMMAND_WHEEL: { const CommandWheelData* pData = rCmd.GetWheelData(); if( pData && (COMMAND_WHEEL_SCROLL == pData->GetMode()) && !pData->IsHorz() ) { ULONG nScrollLines = pData->GetScrollLines(); if( nScrollLines == COMMAND_WHEEL_PAGESCROLL ) { nScrollDY = GetScrollBarPageSize( aVisSize.Width() ); if( pData->GetDelta() < 0 ) nScrollDY *= -1; } else { nScrollDY = pData->GetNotchDelta() * (long)nScrollLines; nScrollDY *= GetScrollBarLineSize(); } } } break; case COMMAND_AUTOSCROLL: { const CommandScrollData* pData = rCmd.GetAutoScrollData(); if( pData ) { nScrollDX = pData->GetDeltaX() * GetScrollBarLineSize(); nScrollDY = pData->GetDeltaY() * GetScrollBarLineSize(); } } break; } if( nScrollDX || nScrollDY ) { aVisRect.Top() -= nScrollDY; aVisRect.Bottom() -= nScrollDY; aVisRect.Left() -= nScrollDX; aVisRect.Right() -= nScrollDX; MakeVisible( aVisRect ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { // Rollmaus-Event? if( (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL) || (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_STARTAUTOSCROLL) || (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_AUTOSCROLL) ) { #if 1 if( HandleScrollCommand( rCEvt ) ) return; #else ScrollBar* pHor = aHorSBar.IsVisible() ? &aHorSBar : 0; ScrollBar* pVer = aVerSBar.IsVisible() ? &aVerSBar : 0; if( pView->HandleScrollCommand( rCEvt, pHor, pVer ) ) return; #endif } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ToTop( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { if( pZOrderList->GetObject( pZOrderList->Count() - 1 ) != pEntry ) { ULONG nPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pEntry ); pZOrderList->Remove( nPos ); pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ClipAtVirtOutRect( Rectangle& rRect ) const { if( rRect.Bottom() >= aVirtOutputSize.Height() ) rRect.Bottom() = aVirtOutputSize.Height() - 1; if( rRect.Right() >= aVirtOutputSize.Width() ) rRect.Right() = aVirtOutputSize.Width() - 1; if( rRect.Top() < 0 ) rRect.Top() = 0; if( rRect.Left() < 0 ) rRect.Left() = 0; } // rRect: Bereich des Dokumentes (in Dokumentkoordinaten), der // sichtbar gemacht werden soll. // bScrBar == TRUE: Das Rect wurde aufgrund eines ScrollBar-Events berechnet void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::MakeVisible( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bScrBar, BOOL bCallRectChangedHdl ) { Rectangle aRect( rRect ); ClipAtVirtOutRect( aRect ); Point aOrigin( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() ); // in Dokumentkoordinate umwandeln aOrigin *= -1; Rectangle aOutputArea( GetOutputRect() ); if( aOutputArea.IsInside( aRect ) ) return; // ist schon sichtbar long nDy; if( aRect.Top() < aOutputArea.Top() ) { // nach oben scrollen (nDy < 0) nDy = aRect.Top() - aOutputArea.Top(); } else if( aRect.Bottom() > aOutputArea.Bottom() ) { // nach unten scrollen (nDy > 0) nDy = aRect.Bottom() - aOutputArea.Bottom(); } else nDy = 0; long nDx; if( aRect.Left() < aOutputArea.Left() ) { // nach links scrollen (nDx < 0) nDx = aRect.Left() - aOutputArea.Left(); } else if( aRect.Right() > aOutputArea.Right() ) { // nach rechts scrollen (nDx > 0) nDx = aRect.Right() - aOutputArea.Right(); } else nDx = 0; aOrigin.X() += nDx; aOrigin.Y() += nDy; aOutputArea.SetPos( aOrigin ); if( GetUpdateMode() ) { HideDDIcon(); pView->Update(); ShowCursor( FALSE ); } // Origin fuer SV invertieren (damit wir in // Dokumentkoordinaten scrollen/painten koennen) aOrigin *= -1; SetOrigin( aOrigin ); BOOL bScrollable = pView->GetBackground().IsScrollable(); if( pView->HasBackground() && !bScrollable ) { Rectangle aRect( GetOutputRect()); Wallpaper aPaper( pView->GetBackground() ); aPaper.SetRect( aRect ); pView->SetBackground( aPaper ); } if( bScrollable && GetUpdateMode() ) { // in umgekehrte Richtung scrollen! pView->Control::Scroll( -nDx, -nDy, aOutputArea, SCROLL_NOCHILDREN | SCROLL_USECLIPREGION | SCROLL_CLIP ); } else pView->Invalidate(INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN); if( aHorSBar.IsVisible() || aVerSBar.IsVisible() ) { if( !bScrBar ) { aOrigin *= -1; // Thumbs korrigieren if(aHorSBar.IsVisible() && aHorSBar.GetThumbPos() != aOrigin.X()) aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( aOrigin.X() ); if(aVerSBar.IsVisible() && aVerSBar.GetThumbPos() != aOrigin.Y()) aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( aOrigin.Y() ); } } if( GetUpdateMode() ) ShowCursor( TRUE ); // pruefen, ob ScrollBars noch benoetigt werden CheckScrollBars(); if( bScrollable && GetUpdateMode() ) pView->Update(); // kann der angeforderte Bereich nicht komplett sichtbar gemacht werden, // wird auf jeden Fall der Vis-Rect-Changed-Handler gerufen. Eintreten kann der // Fall z.B. wenn nur wenige Pixel des unteren Randes nicht sichtbar sind, // eine ScrollBar aber eine groessere Line-Size eingestellt hat. if( bCallRectChangedHdl || GetOutputRect() != rRect ) VisRectChanged(); } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::FindNewCursor() { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pNewCursor; if( pCursor ) { pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoLeftRight( pCursor, FALSE ); if( !pNewCursor ) { pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoLeftRight( pCursor, TRUE ); if( !pNewCursor ) { pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoUpDown( pCursor, FALSE ); if( !pNewCursor ) pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoUpDown( pCursor, TRUE ); } } } else pNewCursor = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.First(); DBG_ASSERT(!pNewCursor|| (pCursor&&pCursor!=pNewCursor),"FindNewCursor failed"); return pNewCursor; } ULONG SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetSelectionCount() const { if( (nWinBits & WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME) && pCurHighlightFrame ) return 1; return nSelectionCount; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ToggleSelection( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { BOOL bSel; if( pEntry->IsSelected() ) bSel = FALSE; else bSel = TRUE; SelectEntry( pEntry, bSel, TRUE, TRUE ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::DeselectAllBut( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pThisEntryNot, BOOL bPaintSync ) { ClearSelectedRectList(); // // !!!!!!! Todo: Evtl. Z-Orderlist abarbeiten !!!!!!! // ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); if( pEntry != pThisEntryNot && pEntry->IsSelected() ) SelectEntry( pEntry, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, bPaintSync ); } pAnchor = 0; nFlags &= (~F_ADD_MODE); } Size SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetMinGrid() const { Size aMinSize( aImageSize ); aMinSize.Width() += 2 * LROFFS_BOUND; aMinSize.Height() += TBOFFS_BOUND; // PB: einmal Offset reicht (FileDlg) String aStrDummy( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "XXX" ) ); Size aTextSize( pView->GetTextWidth( aStrDummy ), pView->GetTextHeight() ); if( nWinBits & WB_ICON ) { aMinSize.Height() += VER_DIST_BMP_STRING; aMinSize.Height() += aTextSize.Height(); } else { aMinSize.Width() += HOR_DIST_BMP_STRING; aMinSize.Width() += aTextSize.Width(); } return aMinSize; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetGrid( const Size& rSize ) { Size aSize( rSize ); Size aMinSize( GetMinGrid() ); if( aSize.Width() < aMinSize.Width() ) aSize.Width() = aMinSize.Width(); if( aSize.Height() < aMinSize.Height() ) aSize.Height() = aMinSize.Height(); nGridDX = aSize.Width(); // HACK(Detail-Modus ist noch nicht vollstaendig implementiert!) // dieses Workaround bringts mit einer Spalte zum Fliegen if( nWinBits & WB_DETAILS ) { const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo* pCol = GetColumn( 0 ); if( pCol ) ((SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo*)pCol)->SetWidth( nGridDX ); } nGridDY = aSize.Height(); SetDefaultTextSize(); } // berechnet die maximale Groesse, die das Textrechteck innerhalb des // umschliessenden Rechtecks einnehmen kann. Im Modus WB_ICON und // IcnShowTextFull wird Bottom auf LONG_MAX gesetzt Rectangle SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcMaxTextRect( const SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { Rectangle aBoundRect; // keine Endlosrekursion! deshalb das Bound-Rect hier nicht berechnen if( IsBoundingRectValid( pEntry->aRect ) ) aBoundRect = pEntry->aRect; else aBoundRect = pEntry->aGridRect; Rectangle aBmpRect( ((SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl*)this)->CalcBmpRect( (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)pEntry ) ); if( nWinBits & WB_ICON ) { aBoundRect.Top() = aBmpRect.Bottom(); aBoundRect.Top() += VER_DIST_BMP_STRING; if( aBoundRect.Top() > aBoundRect.Bottom()) aBoundRect.Top() = aBoundRect.Bottom(); aBoundRect.Left() += LROFFS_BOUND; aBoundRect.Left()++; aBoundRect.Right() -= LROFFS_BOUND; aBoundRect.Right()--; if( aBoundRect.Left() > aBoundRect.Right()) aBoundRect.Left() = aBoundRect.Right(); if( GetEntryTextModeSmart( pEntry ) == IcnShowTextFull ) aBoundRect.Bottom() = LONG_MAX; } else { aBoundRect.Left() = aBmpRect.Right(); aBoundRect.Left() += HOR_DIST_BMP_STRING; aBoundRect.Right() -= LROFFS_BOUND; if( aBoundRect.Left() > aBoundRect.Right() ) aBoundRect.Left() = aBoundRect.Right(); long nHeight = aBoundRect.GetSize().Height(); nHeight = nHeight - aDefaultTextSize.Height(); nHeight /= 2; aBoundRect.Top() += nHeight; aBoundRect.Bottom() -= nHeight; } return aBoundRect; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetDefaultTextSize() { long nDY = nGridDY; nDY -= aImageSize.Height(); nDY -= VER_DIST_BMP_STRING; nDY -= 2*TBOFFS_BOUND; if( nDY <= 0 ) nDY = 2; long nDX = nGridDX; nDX -= 2*LROFFS_BOUND; nDX -= 2; if( nDX <= 0 ) nDX = 2; String aStrDummy( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "X" ) ); long nHeight = pView->GetTextHeight(); if( nDY < nHeight ) nDY = nHeight; aDefaultTextSize = Size( nDX, nDY ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Center( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { pEntry->aRect = pEntry->aGridRect; Size aSize( CalcBoundingSize( pEntry ) ); if( nWinBits & WB_ICON ) { // horizontal zentrieren long nBorder = pEntry->aGridRect.GetWidth() - aSize.Width(); pEntry->aRect.Left() += nBorder / 2; pEntry->aRect.Right() -= nBorder / 2; } // vertikal zentrieren pEntry->aRect.Bottom() = pEntry->aRect.Top() + aSize.Height(); } // Die Deltas entsprechen Offsets, um die die View auf dem Doc verschoben wird // links, hoch: Offsets < 0 // rechts, runter: Offsets > 0 void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Scroll( long nDeltaX, long nDeltaY, BOOL bScrollBar ) { const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode(); Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() ); // in Dokumentkoordinate umwandeln aOrigin *= -1; aOrigin.Y() += nDeltaY; aOrigin.X() += nDeltaX; Rectangle aRect( aOrigin, aOutputSize ); MakeVisible( aRect, bScrollBar ); } const Size& SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetItemSize( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, IcnViewFieldType eItem ) const { if( eItem == IcnViewFieldTypeText ) return aDefaultTextSize; return aImageSize; } Rectangle SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcFocusRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { Rectangle aBmpRect( CalcBmpRect( pEntry ) ); Rectangle aTextRect( CalcTextRect( pEntry ) ); Rectangle aBoundRect( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ) ); Rectangle aFocusRect( aBoundRect.Left(), aBmpRect.Top() - 1, aBoundRect.Right() - 4, aTextRect.Bottom() + 1 ); // Das Fokusrechteck soll nicht den Text beruehren if( aFocusRect.Left() - 1 >= pEntry->aRect.Left() ) aFocusRect.Left()--; if( aFocusRect.Right() + 1 <= pEntry->aRect.Right() ) aFocusRect.Right()++; return aFocusRect; } // Der 'Hot Spot' sind die inneren 50% der Rechteckflaeche static Rectangle GetHotSpot( const Rectangle& rRect ) { Rectangle aResult( rRect ); aResult.Justify(); Size aSize( rRect.GetSize() ); long nDelta = aSize.Width() / 4; aResult.Left() += nDelta; aResult.Right() -= nDelta; nDelta = aSize.Height() / 4; aResult.Top() += nDelta; aResult.Bottom() -= nDelta; return aResult; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry1, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry2, BOOL bAdd, SvPtrarr* pOtherRects ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEntry1 && pEntry2,"SelectEntry: Invalid Entry-Ptr"); Rectangle aRect( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry1 ) ); aRect.Union( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry2 ) ); SelectRect( aRect, bAdd, pOtherRects ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectRect( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bAdd, SvPtrarr* pOtherRects ) { aCurSelectionRect = rRect; if( !pZOrderList || !pZOrderList->Count() ) return; // Flag setzen, damit im Select kein ToTop gerufen wird BOOL bAlreadySelectingRect = nFlags & F_SELECTING_RECT ? TRUE : FALSE; nFlags |= F_SELECTING_RECT; CheckBoundingRects(); pView->Update(); const ULONG nCount = pZOrderList->Count(); Rectangle aRect( rRect ); aRect.Justify(); BOOL bCalcOverlap = (bAdd && pOtherRects && pOtherRects->Count()) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL bResetClipRegion = FALSE; if( !pView->IsClipRegion() ) { bResetClipRegion = TRUE; pView->SetClipRegion( GetOutputRect() ); } for( ULONG nPos = 0; nPos < nCount; nPos++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nPos )); if( !IsBoundingRectValid( pEntry->aRect )) FindBoundingRect( pEntry ); Rectangle aBoundRect( GetHotSpot( pEntry->aRect ) ); BOOL bSelected = pEntry->IsSelected(); BOOL bOverlaps; if( bCalcOverlap ) bOverlaps = IsOver( pOtherRects, aBoundRect ); else bOverlaps = FALSE; BOOL bOver = aRect.IsOver( aBoundRect ); if( bOver && !bOverlaps ) { // Ist im neuen Selektionsrechteck und in keinem alten // => selektieren if( !bSelected ) SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); } else if( !bAdd ) { // ist ausserhalb des Selektionsrechtecks // => Selektion entfernen if( bSelected ) SelectEntry( pEntry, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE ); } else if( bAdd && bOverlaps ) { // Der Eintrag befindet sich in einem alten (=>Aufspannen // mehrerer Rechtecke mit Ctrl!) Selektionsrechteck // Hier ist noch ein Bug! Der Selektionsstatus eines Eintrags // in einem vorherigen Rechteck, muss restauriert werden, wenn // er vom aktuellen Selektionsrechteck beruehrt wurde, jetzt aber // nicht mehr in ihm liegt. Ich gehe hier der Einfachheit halber // pauschal davon aus, dass die Eintraege in den alten Rechtecken // alle selektiert sind. Ebenso ist es falsch, die Schnittmenge // nur zu deselektieren. // Loesungsmoeglichkeit: Snapshot der Selektion vor dem Auf- // spannen des Rechtecks merken if( aBoundRect.IsOver( rRect)) { // Schnittmenge zwischen alten Rects & aktuellem Rect desel. if( bSelected ) SelectEntry( pEntry, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE ); } else { // Eintrag eines alten Rects selektieren if( !bSelected ) SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); } } else if( !bOver && bSelected ) { // Der Eintrag liegt voellig ausserhalb und wird deshalb desel. SelectEntry( pEntry, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE ); } } if( !bAlreadySelectingRect ) nFlags &= ~F_SELECTING_RECT; pView->Update(); if( bResetClipRegion ) pView->SetClipRegion(); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectRange( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pStart, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEnd, BOOL bAdd ) { ULONG nStart = GetEntryListPos( pStart ); ULONG nEnd = GetEntryListPos( pEnd ); ULONG nFirst = std::min( nStart, nEnd ); ULONG nLast = std::max( nStart, nEnd ); ULONG i; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry; if ( ! bAdd ) { // deselect everything before the first entry if not in // adding mode for ( i=0; iIsSelected() ) SelectEntry( pEntry, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); } } // select everything between nFirst and nLast for ( i=nFirst; i<=nLast; i++ ) { pEntry = GetEntry( i ); if( ! pEntry->IsSelected() ) SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); } if ( ! bAdd ) { // deselect everything behind the last entry if not in // adding mode ULONG nEnd = GetEntryCount(); for ( ; iIsSelected() ) SelectEntry( pEntry, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); } } } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::IsOver( SvPtrarr* pRectList, const Rectangle& rBoundRect ) const { const USHORT nCount = pRectList->Count(); for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { Rectangle* pRect = (Rectangle*)pRectList->GetObject( nCur ); if( rBoundRect.IsOver( *pRect )) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::AddSelectedRect( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry1, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry2 ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEntry1 && pEntry2,"SelectEntry: Invalid Entry-Ptr"); Rectangle aRect( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry1 ) ); aRect.Union( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry2 ) ); AddSelectedRect( aRect ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::AddSelectedRect( const Rectangle& rRect ) { Rectangle* pRect = new Rectangle( rRect ); pRect->Justify(); aSelectedRectList.Insert( (void*)pRect, aSelectedRectList.Count() ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ClearSelectedRectList() { const USHORT nCount = aSelectedRectList.Count(); for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { Rectangle* pRect = (Rectangle*)aSelectedRectList.GetObject( nCur ); delete pRect; } aSelectedRectList.Remove( 0, aSelectedRectList.Count() ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CalcScrollOffsets( const Point& rPosPixel, long& rX, long& rY, BOOL bInDragDrop, USHORT nBorderWidth) { // Scrolling der View, falls sich der Mauszeiger im Grenzbereich des // Fensters befindet long nPixelToScrollX = 0; long nPixelToScrollY = 0; Size aWndSize = aOutputSize; nBorderWidth = (USHORT)(Min( (long)(aWndSize.Height()-1), (long)nBorderWidth )); nBorderWidth = (USHORT)(Min( (long)(aWndSize.Width()-1), (long)nBorderWidth )); if ( rPosPixel.X() < nBorderWidth ) { if( bInDragDrop ) nPixelToScrollX = -DD_SCROLL_PIXEL; else nPixelToScrollX = rPosPixel.X()- nBorderWidth; } else if ( rPosPixel.X() > aWndSize.Width() - nBorderWidth ) { if( bInDragDrop ) nPixelToScrollX = DD_SCROLL_PIXEL; else nPixelToScrollX = rPosPixel.X() - (aWndSize.Width() - nBorderWidth); } if ( rPosPixel.Y() < nBorderWidth ) { if( bInDragDrop ) nPixelToScrollY = -DD_SCROLL_PIXEL; else nPixelToScrollY = rPosPixel.Y() - nBorderWidth; } else if ( rPosPixel.Y() > aWndSize.Height() - nBorderWidth ) { if( bInDragDrop ) nPixelToScrollY = DD_SCROLL_PIXEL; else nPixelToScrollY = rPosPixel.Y() - (aWndSize.Height() - nBorderWidth); } rX = nPixelToScrollX; rY = nPixelToScrollY; } IMPL_LINK(SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, AutoArrangeHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { aAutoArrangeTimer.Stop(); Arrange( IsAutoArrange() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK(SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, VisRectChangedHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { aVisRectChangedTimer.Stop(); pView->VisibleRectChanged(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK(SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, DocRectChangedHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { aDocRectChangedTimer.Stop(); pView->DocumentRectChanged(); return 0; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::PrepareCommandEvent( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { StopEditTimer(); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = pView->GetEntry( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ); if( (nFlags & F_DOWN_CTRL) && pEntry && !pEntry->IsSelected() ) SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE, TRUE ); nFlags &= ~(F_DOWN_CTRL | F_DOWN_DESELECT); } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::IsTextHit( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point& rDocPos ) { Rectangle aRect( CalcTextRect( pEntry )); if( aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } IMPL_LINK(SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, EditTimeoutHdl, Timer*, pTimer ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry(); if( bEntryEditingEnabled && pEntry && pEntry->IsSelected()) { if( pView->EditingEntry( pEntry )) EditEntry( pEntry ); } return 0; } // // Funktionen zum Ausrichten der Eintraege am Grid // // pStart == 0: Alle Eintraege werden ausgerichtet // sonst: Alle Eintraege der Zeile ab einschliesslich pStart werden ausgerichtet void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::AdjustEntryAtGrid( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pStart ) { SvPtrarr aLists; pImpCursor->CreateGridAjustData( aLists, pStart ); const USHORT nCount = aLists.Count(); for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) AdjustAtGrid( *(SvPtrarr*)aLists[ nCur ], pStart ); IcnCursor_Impl::DestroyGridAdjustData( aLists ); CheckScrollBars(); } // Richtet eine Zeile aus, erweitert ggf. die Breite; Bricht die Zeile nicht um void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::AdjustAtGrid( const SvPtrarr& rRow, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pStart ) { if( !rRow.Count() ) return; BOOL bGo; if( !pStart ) bGo = TRUE; else bGo = FALSE; long nCurRight = 0; for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < rRow.Count(); nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCur = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)rRow[ nCur ]; if( !bGo && pCur == pStart ) bGo = TRUE; //SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pCur); // Massgebend (fuer unser Auge) ist die Bitmap, da sonst // durch lange Texte der Eintrag stark springen kann const Rectangle& rBoundRect = GetEntryBoundRect( pCur ); Rectangle aCenterRect( CalcBmpRect( pCur, 0 )); if( bGo && !pCur->IsPosLocked() ) { long nWidth = aCenterRect.GetSize().Width(); Point aNewPos( AdjustAtGrid( aCenterRect, rBoundRect ) ); while( aNewPos.X() < nCurRight ) aNewPos.X() += nGridDX; if( aNewPos != rBoundRect.TopLeft() ) { SetEntryPos( pCur, aNewPos ); pCur->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_MOVED ); nFlags |= F_MOVED_ENTRIES; } nCurRight = aNewPos.X() + nWidth; } else { nCurRight = rBoundRect.Right(); } } } // Richtet Rect am Grid aus, garantiert jedoch nicht, dass die // neue Pos. frei ist. Die Pos. kann fuer SetEntryPos verwendet werden. // Das CenterRect beschreibt den Teil des BoundRects, der fuer // die Berechnung des Ziel-Rechtecks verwendet wird. Point SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::AdjustAtGrid( const Rectangle& rCenterRect, const Rectangle& rBoundRect ) const { Point aPos( rCenterRect.TopLeft() ); Size aSize( rCenterRect.GetSize() ); aPos.X() -= LROFFS_WINBORDER; aPos.Y() -= TBOFFS_WINBORDER; // align (ref ist mitte des rects) short nGridX = (short)((aPos.X()+(aSize.Width()/2)) / nGridDX); short nGridY = (short)((aPos.Y()+(aSize.Height()/2)) / nGridDY); aPos.X() = nGridX * nGridDX; aPos.Y() = nGridY * nGridDY; // hor. center aPos.X() += (nGridDX - rBoundRect.GetSize().Width() ) / 2; aPos.X() += LROFFS_WINBORDER; aPos.Y() += TBOFFS_WINBORDER; return aPos; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryTextMode( SvxIconChoiceCtrlTextMode eMode, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { if( !pEntry ) { if( eTextMode != eMode ) { if( eTextMode == IcnShowTextDontKnow ) eTextMode = IcnShowTextShort; eTextMode = eMode; Arrange( TRUE ); } } else { if( pEntry->eTextMode != eMode ) { pEntry->eTextMode = eMode; InvalidateEntry( pEntry ); pView->Invalidate( GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry ) ); AdjustVirtSize( pEntry->aRect ); } } } SvxIconChoiceCtrlTextMode SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetTextMode( const SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { if( !pEntry ) return eTextMode; return pEntry->GetTextMode(); } SvxIconChoiceCtrlTextMode SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetEntryTextModeSmart( const SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"GetEntryTextModeSmart: Entry not set"); SvxIconChoiceCtrlTextMode eMode = pEntry->GetTextMode(); if( eMode == IcnShowTextDontKnow ) return eTextMode; return eMode; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ShowEntryFocusRect( const SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { if( !pEntry ) { pView->HideFocus(); } else { Rectangle aRect ( CalcFocusRect( (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)pEntry ) ); /*pView->*/ShowFocus( aRect ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Draw my own focusrect, because the focusrect of the outputdevice has got the inverted color // of the background. But what will we see, if the the backgroundcolor is gray ? - We will see // a gray focusrect on a gray background !!! // void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ShowFocus ( Rectangle& rRect ) { Color aBkgColor ( pView->GetBackground().GetColor() ); Color aPenColor; USHORT nColor = ( aBkgColor.GetRed() + aBkgColor.GetGreen() + aBkgColor.GetBlue() ) / 3; if ( nColor > 128 ) aPenColor.SetColor ( COL_BLACK ); else aPenColor.SetColor( COL_WHITE ); aFocus.bOn = TRUE; aFocus.aPenColor = aPenColor; aFocus.aRect = rRect; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HideFocus () { aFocus.bOn = FALSE; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::DrawFocusRect ( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->SetLineColor( aFocus.aPenColor ); pOut->SetFillColor(); Polygon aPolygon ( aFocus.aRect ); LineInfo aLineInfo ( LINE_DASH ); aLineInfo.SetDashLen ( 1 ); aLineInfo.SetDotLen ( 1L ); aLineInfo.SetDistance ( 1L ); aLineInfo.SetDotCount ( 1 ); pOut->DrawPolyLine ( aPolygon, aLineInfo ); } sal_Bool SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::IsMnemonicChar( sal_Unicode cChar, ULONG& rPos ) const { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; const vcl::I18nHelper& rI18nHelper = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocaleI18nHelper(); ULONG nEntryCount = GetEntryCount(); for ( ULONG i = 0; i < nEntryCount; ++i ) { if ( rI18nHelper.MatchMnemonic( GetEntry( i )->GetText(), cChar ) ) { bRet = sal_True; rPos = i; break; } } return bRet; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPL_LINK(SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, UserEventHdl, void*, nId ) { if( nId == EVENTID_ADJUST_SCROLLBARS ) { nUserEventAdjustScrBars = 0; AdjustScrollBars(); } else if( nId == EVENTID_SHOW_CURSOR ) { nUserEventShowCursor = 0; ShowCursor( TRUE ); } return 0; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CancelUserEvents() { if( nUserEventAdjustScrBars ) { Application::RemoveUserEvent( nUserEventAdjustScrBars ); nUserEventAdjustScrBars = 0; } if( nUserEventShowCursor ) { Application::RemoveUserEvent( nUserEventShowCursor ); nUserEventShowCursor = 0; } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InvalidateEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { if( pEntry == pCursor ) ShowCursor( FALSE ); pView->Invalidate( pEntry->aRect ); Center( pEntry ); pView->Invalidate( pEntry->aRect ); if( pEntry == pCursor ) ShowCursor( TRUE ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::EditEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"EditEntry: Entry not set"); if( !pEntry ) return; StopEntryEditing( TRUE ); DELETEZ(pEdit); SetNoSelection(); pCurEditedEntry = pEntry; String aEntryText( pView->GetEntryText( pEntry, TRUE ) ); Rectangle aRect( CalcTextRect( pEntry, 0, TRUE, &aEntryText ) ); MakeVisible( aRect ); Point aPos( aRect.TopLeft() ); aPos = pView->GetPixelPos( aPos ); aRect.SetPos( aPos ); pView->HideFocus(); pEdit = new IcnViewEdit_Impl( pView, aRect.TopLeft(), aRect.GetSize(), aEntryText, LINK( this, SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, TextEditEndedHdl ) ); } IMPL_LINK( SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, TextEditEndedHdl, IcnViewEdit_Impl*, EMPTYARG ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEdit,"TextEditEnded: pEdit not set"); if( !pEdit ) { pCurEditedEntry = 0; return 0; } DBG_ASSERT(pCurEditedEntry,"TextEditEnded: pCurEditedEntry not set"); if( !pCurEditedEntry ) { pEdit->Hide(); if( pEdit->IsGrabFocus() ) pView->GrabFocus(); return 0; } String aText; if ( !pEdit->EditingCanceled() ) aText = pEdit->GetText(); else aText = pEdit->GetSavedValue(); if( pView->EditedEntry( pCurEditedEntry, aText, pEdit->EditingCanceled() ) ) InvalidateEntry( pCurEditedEntry ); if( !GetSelectionCount() ) SelectEntry( pCurEditedEntry, TRUE ); pEdit->Hide(); if( pEdit->IsGrabFocus() ) pView->GrabFocus(); // Das Edit kann nicht hier geloescht werden, weil es noch in einem // Handler steht. Es wird im Dtor oder im naechsten EditEntry geloescht. pCurEditedEntry = 0; return 0; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::StopEntryEditing( BOOL bCancel ) { if( pEdit ) pEdit->StopEditing( bCancel ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::LockEntryPos( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, BOOL bLock ) { if( bLock ) pEntry->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_LOCKED ); else pEntry->ClearFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_LOCKED ); } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetFirstSelectedEntry( ULONG& rPos ) const { if( !GetSelectionCount() ) return 0; if( (nWinBits & WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME) && (eSelectionMode == NO_SELECTION) ) { rPos = pView->GetEntryListPos( pCurHighlightFrame ); return pCurHighlightFrame; } ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); if( !pHead ) { for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); if( pEntry->IsSelected() ) { rPos = nCur; return pEntry; } } } else { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = pHead; while( nCount-- ) { if( pEntry->IsSelected() ) { rPos = GetEntryListPos( pEntry ); return pEntry; } pEntry = pEntry->pflink; if( nCount && pEntry == pHead ) { DBG_ERROR("SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetFirstSelectedEntry > Endlosschleife!"); return 0; } } } return 0; } // kein Round Robin! SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetNextSelectedEntry( ULONG& rStartPos ) const { ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); if( rStartPos > nCount || !GetSelectionCount() ) return 0; if( !pHead ) { for( ULONG nCur = rStartPos+1; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); if( pEntry->IsSelected() ) { rStartPos = nCur; return pEntry; } } } else { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( rStartPos ); pEntry = pEntry->pflink; while( pEntry != pHead ) { if( pEntry->IsSelected() ) { rStartPos = GetEntryListPos( pEntry ); return pEntry; } pEntry = pEntry->pflink; } } rStartPos = 0xffffffff; return 0; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SelectAll( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bPaint ) { bPaint = TRUE; ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount && (bSelect || GetSelectionCount() ); nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); SelectEntry( pEntry, bSelect, TRUE, TRUE, bPaint ); } nFlags &= (~F_ADD_MODE); pAnchor = 0; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SaveSelection( List** ppList ) { if( !*ppList ) *ppList = new List; ULONG nPos; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetFirstSelectedEntry( nPos ); while( pEntry && GetSelectionCount() != (*ppList)->Count() ) { (*ppList)->Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); pEntry = GetNextSelectedEntry( nPos ); } } IcnViewEdit_Impl::IcnViewEdit_Impl( SvtIconChoiceCtrl* pParent, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, const XubString& rData, const Link& rNotifyEditEnd ) : MultiLineEdit( pParent, (pParent->GetStyle() & WB_ICON) ? WB_CENTER : WB_LEFT), aCallBackHdl( rNotifyEditEnd ), bCanceled( FALSE ), bAlreadyInCallback( FALSE ), bGrabFocus( FALSE ) { Font aFont( pParent->GetPointFont() ); aFont.SetTransparent( FALSE ); SetControlFont( aFont ); if( !pParent->HasFontFillColor() ) { Color aColor( pParent->GetBackground().GetColor() ); SetControlBackground( aColor ); } else SetControlBackground( aFont.GetFillColor() ); SetControlForeground( aFont.GetColor() ); SetPosPixel( rPos ); SetSizePixel( CalcAdjustedSize(rSize) ); SetText( rData ); SaveValue(); aAccReturn.InsertItem( IMPICNVIEW_ACC_RETURN, KeyCode(KEY_RETURN) ); aAccEscape.InsertItem( IMPICNVIEW_ACC_ESCAPE, KeyCode(KEY_ESCAPE) ); aAccReturn.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, IcnViewEdit_Impl, ReturnHdl_Impl) ); aAccEscape.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, IcnViewEdit_Impl, EscapeHdl_Impl) ); GetpApp()->InsertAccel( &aAccReturn);//, ACCEL_ALWAYS ); GetpApp()->InsertAccel( &aAccEscape);//, ACCEL_ALWAYS ); Show(); GrabFocus(); } IcnViewEdit_Impl::~IcnViewEdit_Impl() { if( !bAlreadyInCallback ) { GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccReturn ); GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccEscape ); } } void IcnViewEdit_Impl::CallCallBackHdl_Impl() { aTimer.Stop(); if ( !bAlreadyInCallback ) { bAlreadyInCallback = TRUE; GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccReturn ); GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccEscape ); Hide(); aCallBackHdl.Call( this ); } } IMPL_LINK( IcnViewEdit_Impl, Timeout_Impl, Timer*, EMPTYARG ) { CallCallBackHdl_Impl(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( IcnViewEdit_Impl, ReturnHdl_Impl, Accelerator*, EMPTYARG ) { bCanceled = FALSE; bGrabFocus = TRUE; CallCallBackHdl_Impl(); return 1; } IMPL_LINK( IcnViewEdit_Impl, EscapeHdl_Impl, Accelerator*, EMPTYARG ) { bCanceled = TRUE; bGrabFocus = TRUE; CallCallBackHdl_Impl(); return 1; } void IcnViewEdit_Impl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { KeyCode aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); USHORT nCode = aCode.GetCode(); switch ( nCode ) { case KEY_ESCAPE: bCanceled = TRUE; bGrabFocus = TRUE; CallCallBackHdl_Impl(); break; case KEY_RETURN: bCanceled = FALSE; bGrabFocus = TRUE; CallCallBackHdl_Impl(); break; default: MultiLineEdit::KeyInput( rKEvt ); } } long IcnViewEdit_Impl::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_LOSEFOCUS ) { if ( !bAlreadyInCallback && ((!Application::GetFocusWindow()) || !IsChild(Application::GetFocusWindow()))) { bCanceled = FALSE; aTimer.SetTimeout(10); aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,IcnViewEdit_Impl,Timeout_Impl)); aTimer.Start(); } } return 0; } void IcnViewEdit_Impl::StopEditing( BOOL bCancel ) { if ( !bAlreadyInCallback ) { bCanceled = bCancel; CallCallBackHdl_Impl(); } } ULONG SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetEntryListPos( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const { if( !(nFlags & F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID )) ((SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl*)this)->SetListPositions(); return pEntry->nPos; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryListPos( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, ULONG nNewPos ) { #if 1 // zu langsam? ULONG nCurPos = GetEntryListPos( pEntry ); if( nCurPos == nNewPos ) return; aEntries.List::Remove( nCurPos ); aEntries.List::Insert( (void*)pEntry, nNewPos ); // Eintragspositionen anpassen ULONG nStart, nEnd; if( nNewPos < nCurPos ) { nStart = nNewPos; nEnd = nCurPos; } else { nStart = nCurPos; nEnd = nNewPos; } for( ; nStart <= nEnd; nStart++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nStart ); pEntry->nPos = nStart; } #else const ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCurEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject(nCur); if( pEntry == pCurEntry ) { aEntries.List::Remove( nCur ); aEntries.List::Insert( (void*)pEntry, nNewPos ); nFlags &= ~(F_ENTRYLISTPOS_VALID); return; } } #endif } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryFlags( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, USHORT nEntryFlags ) { pEntry->nFlags = nEntryFlags; if( nEntryFlags & ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_MOVED ) nFlags |= F_MOVED_ENTRIES; } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GoLeftRight( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pStart, BOOL bRight ) { return pImpCursor->GoLeftRight( pStart, bRight ); } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GoUpDown( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pStart, BOOL bDown ) { return pImpCursor->GoUpDown( pStart, bDown ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::InitSettings() { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pView->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if( !pView->HasFont() ) { // Unit aus den Settings ist Point Font aFont( rStyleSettings.GetFieldFont() ); const Font& rFont = pView->GetFont(); if( pView->HasFontTextColor() ) aFont.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor() ); if( pView->HasFontFillColor() ) aFont.SetFillColor( rFont.GetFillColor() ); pView->SetPointFont( aFont ); SetDefaultTextSize(); } if( !pView->HasFontTextColor() ) pView->SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor() ); if( !pView->HasFontFillColor() ) pView->SetTextFillColor(); if( !pView->HasBackground() ) pView->SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor()); long nScrBarSize = rStyleSettings.GetScrollBarSize(); if( nScrBarSize != nHorSBarHeight || nScrBarSize != nVerSBarWidth ) { nHorSBarHeight = nScrBarSize; Size aSize( aHorSBar.GetSizePixel() ); aSize.Height() = nScrBarSize; aHorSBar.Hide(); aHorSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize ); nVerSBarWidth = nScrBarSize; aSize = aVerSBar.GetSizePixel(); aSize.Width() = nScrBarSize; aVerSBar.Hide(); aVerSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize ); Size aOSize( pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel() ); PositionScrollBars( aOSize.Width(), aOSize.Height() ); AdjustScrollBars(); } } EntryList_Impl::EntryList_Impl( SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl* pOwner, USHORT _nInitSize , USHORT _nReSize ) : List( _nInitSize, _nReSize ), _pOwner( pOwner ) { _pOwner->pHead = 0; } EntryList_Impl::EntryList_Impl( SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl* pOwner, USHORT _nBlockSize, USHORT _nInitSize, USHORT _nReSize ) : List( _nBlockSize, _nInitSize, _nReSize ), _pOwner( pOwner ) { _pOwner->pHead = 0; } EntryList_Impl::~EntryList_Impl() { _pOwner->pHead = 0; } void EntryList_Impl::Clear() { _pOwner->pHead = 0; List::Clear(); } void EntryList_Impl::Insert( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, ULONG nPos ) { List::Insert( pEntry, nPos ); if( _pOwner->pHead ) pEntry->SetBacklink( _pOwner->pHead->pblink ); } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* EntryList_Impl::Remove( ULONG nPos ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)List::Remove( nPos ); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"EntryList_Impl::Remove > Entry not found"); Removed_Impl( pEntry ); return pEntry; } void EntryList_Impl::Remove( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { List::Remove( (void*)pEntry ); Removed_Impl( pEntry ); } void EntryList_Impl::Removed_Impl( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { if( _pOwner->pHead ) { if( _pOwner->pHead == pEntry ) { if( _pOwner->pHead != pEntry->pflink ) _pOwner->pHead = pEntry->pflink; else { DBG_ASSERT(!Count(),"EntryList_Impl::Remove > Invalid predecessor" ); _pOwner->pHead = 0; } } pEntry->Unlink(); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetPositionMode( SvxIconChoiceCtrlPositionMode eMode ) { ULONG nCur; if( eMode == ePositionMode ) return; SvxIconChoiceCtrlPositionMode eOldMode = ePositionMode; ePositionMode = eMode; ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); if( eOldMode == IcnViewPositionModeAutoArrange ) { // positionieren wir verschobene Eintraege 'hart' gibts noch Probleme // mit ungewollten Ueberlappungen, da diese Eintrage im Arrange // nicht beruecksichtigt werden. #if 1 if( aEntries.Count() ) aAutoArrangeTimer.Start(); #else if( pHead ) { // verschobene Eintraege 'hart' auf ihre Position setzen nCur = nCount; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = pHead; while( nCur ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pPred; if( GetEntryPredecessor( pEntry, &pPred )) SetEntryFlags( pEntry, ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_MOVED ); pEntry = pEntry->pflink; nCur--; } ClearPredecessors(); } #endif return; } if( ePositionMode == IcnViewPositionModeAutoArrange ) { List aMovedEntries; for( nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nCur ); if( pEntry->GetFlags() & (ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_LOCKED | ICNVIEW_FLAG_POS_MOVED)) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry_Impl* pE = new SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry_Impl( pEntry, GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry )); aMovedEntries.Insert( pE, LIST_APPEND ); } } nCount = aMovedEntries.Count(); for( nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry_Impl* pE = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry_Impl*)aMovedEntries.GetObject(nCur); SetEntryPos( pE->_pEntry, pE->_aPos ); } for( nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) delete (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry_Impl*)aMovedEntries.GetObject( nCur ); if( aEntries.Count() ) aAutoArrangeTimer.Start(); } else if( ePositionMode == IcnViewPositionModeAutoAdjust ) { AdjustEntryAtGrid( 0 ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryPredecessor( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pPredecessor ) { if( !IsAutoArrange() ) return; if( pEntry == pPredecessor ) return; ULONG nPos1 = GetEntryListPos( pEntry ); if( !pHead ) { if( pPredecessor ) { ULONG nPos2 = GetEntryListPos( pPredecessor ); if( nPos1 == (nPos2 + 1) ) return; // ist schon Vorgaenger } else if( !nPos1 ) return; } if( !pHead ) InitPredecessors(); if( !pPredecessor && pHead == pEntry ) return; // ist schon der Erste BOOL bSetHead = FALSE; if( !pPredecessor ) { bSetHead = TRUE; pPredecessor = pHead->pblink; } if( pEntry == pHead ) { pHead = pHead->pflink; bSetHead = FALSE; } if( pEntry != pPredecessor ) { pEntry->Unlink(); pEntry->SetBacklink( pPredecessor ); } if( bSetHead ) pHead = pEntry; pEntry->SetFlags( ICNVIEW_FLAG_PRED_SET ); aAutoArrangeTimer.Start(); } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetEntryPredecessor( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry** ppPredecessor ) { *ppPredecessor = 0; if( !pHead ) return FALSE; DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->pblink,"GetEntryPredecessor: Backward link not set"); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->pflink,"GetEntryPredecessor: Forward link not set"); if( pEntry == pHead ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pFirst = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject(0); if( pFirst != pEntry ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } *ppPredecessor = pEntry->pblink; if( !(pEntry->nFlags & ICNVIEW_FLAG_PRED_SET) && (GetEntryListPos( *ppPredecessor ) + 1) == GetEntryListPos( pEntry )) return FALSE; return TRUE; } SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::FindEntryPredecessor( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPosTopLeft ) { Point aPos( rPosTopLeft ); //TopLeft Rectangle aCenterRect( CalcBmpRect( pEntry, &aPos )); Point aNewPos( aCenterRect.Center() ); ULONG nGrid = GetPredecessorGrid( aNewPos ); ULONG nCount = aEntries.Count(); if( nGrid == ULONG_MAX ) return 0; if( nGrid >= nCount ) nGrid = nCount - 1; if( !pHead ) return (SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry*)aEntries.GetObject( nGrid ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pCur = pHead; // Grid 0 // todo: Liste von hinten aufrollen wenn nGrid > nCount/2 for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nGrid; nCur++ ) pCur = pCur->pflink; return pCur; } ULONG SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetPredecessorGrid( const Point& rPos) const { Point aPos( rPos ); aPos.X() -= LROFFS_WINBORDER; aPos.Y() -= TBOFFS_WINBORDER; USHORT nMaxCol = (USHORT)(aVirtOutputSize.Width() / nGridDX); if( nMaxCol ) nMaxCol--; USHORT nGridX = (USHORT)(aPos.X() / nGridDX); if( nGridX > nMaxCol ) nGridX = nMaxCol; USHORT nGridY = (USHORT)(aPos.Y() / nGridDY); USHORT nGridsX = (USHORT)(aOutputSize.Width() / nGridDX); ULONG nGrid = (nGridY * nGridsX) + nGridX; long nMiddle = (nGridX * nGridDX) + (nGridDX / 2); if( rPos.X() < nMiddle ) { if( !nGrid ) nGrid = ULONG_MAX; else nGrid--; } return nGrid; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::Flush() { if( aAutoArrangeTimer.IsActive() ) { AutoArrangeHdl( 0 ); } } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt ) { if ( !(rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_QUICK ) ) return FALSE; Point aPos( pView->ScreenToOutputPixel(rHEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ) ); aPos -= pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin(); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aPos, TRUE ); if ( !pEntry ) return FALSE; String sQuickHelpText = pEntry->GetQuickHelpText(); String aEntryText( pView->GetEntryText( pEntry, FALSE ) ); Rectangle aTextRect( CalcTextRect( pEntry, 0, FALSE, &aEntryText ) ); if ( ( !aTextRect.IsInside( aPos ) || !aEntryText.Len() ) && !sQuickHelpText.Len() ) return FALSE; Rectangle aOptTextRect( aTextRect ); aOptTextRect.Bottom() = LONG_MAX; USHORT nNewFlags = nCurTextDrawFlags; nNewFlags &= ~( TEXT_DRAW_CLIP | TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS ); aOptTextRect = pView->GetTextRect( aOptTextRect, aEntryText, nNewFlags ); if ( aOptTextRect != aTextRect || sQuickHelpText.Len() > 0 ) { //aTextRect.Right() = aTextRect.Left() + aRealSize.Width() + 4; Point aPt( aOptTextRect.TopLeft() ); aPt += pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin(); aPt = pView->OutputToScreenPixel( aPt ); // Border der Tiphilfe abziehen aPt.Y() -= 1; aPt.X() -= 3; aOptTextRect.SetPos( aPt ); String sHelpText; if ( sQuickHelpText.Len() > 0 ) sHelpText = sQuickHelpText; else sHelpText = aEntryText; Help::ShowQuickHelp( (Window*)pView, aOptTextRect, sHelpText, QUICKHELP_LEFT | QUICKHELP_VCENTER ); } return TRUE; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::ClearColumnList() { if( !pColumns ) return; const USHORT nCount = pColumns->Count(); for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo* pInfo = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo*) pColumns->GetObject( nCur ); delete pInfo; } DELETEZ(pColumns); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetColumn( USHORT nIndex, const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo& rInfo) { if( !pColumns ) pColumns = new SvPtrarr; while( pColumns->Count() < nIndex + 1 ) pColumns->Insert( (void*)0, pColumns->Count() ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo* pInfo = (SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo*)pColumns->GetObject(nIndex); if( !pInfo ) { pInfo = new SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo( rInfo ); pColumns->Insert( (void*)pInfo, nIndex ); } else { delete pInfo; pInfo = new SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo( rInfo ); pColumns->Replace( pInfo, nIndex ); } // HACK(Detail-Modus ist noch nicht vollstaendig implementiert!) // dieses Workaround bringts mit einer Spalte zum Fliegen if( !nIndex && (nWinBits & WB_DETAILS) ) nGridDX = pInfo->GetWidth(); if( GetUpdateMode() ) Arrange( IsAutoArrange() ); } const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetColumn( USHORT nIndex ) const { if( !pColumns || nIndex >= pColumns->Count() ) return 0; return (const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo*)pColumns->GetObject( nIndex ); } const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo* SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetItemColumn( USHORT nSubItem, long& rLeft ) const { rLeft = 0; if( !pColumns ) return 0; const USHORT nCount = pColumns->Count(); const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo* pCol = 0; for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ ) { pCol = (const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo*)pColumns->GetObject( nCur ); if( !pCol || pCol->GetSubItem() == nSubItem ) return pCol; rLeft += pCol->GetWidth(); } return pCol; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::DrawHighlightFrame( OutputDevice* pOut, const Rectangle& rBmpRect, BOOL bHide ) { Rectangle aBmpRect( rBmpRect ); long nBorder = 2; if( aImageSize.Width() < 32 ) nBorder = 1; aBmpRect.Right() += nBorder; aBmpRect.Left() -= nBorder; aBmpRect.Bottom() += nBorder; aBmpRect.Top() -= nBorder; if ( bHide ) pView->Invalidate( aBmpRect ); else { DecorationView aDecoView( pOut ); USHORT nFlags; if ( bHighlightFramePressed ) nFlags = FRAME_HIGHLIGHT_TESTBACKGROUND | FRAME_HIGHLIGHT_IN; else nFlags = FRAME_HIGHLIGHT_TESTBACKGROUND | FRAME_HIGHLIGHT_OUT; aDecoView.DrawHighlightFrame( aBmpRect, nFlags ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetEntryHighlightFrame( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, BOOL bKeepHighlightFlags ) { if( pEntry == pCurHighlightFrame ) return; if( !bKeepHighlightFlags ) bHighlightFramePressed = FALSE; HideEntryHighlightFrame(); pCurHighlightFrame = pEntry; if( pEntry ) { Rectangle aBmpRect( CalcFocusRect(pEntry) ); DrawHighlightFrame( pView, aBmpRect, FALSE ); } } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HideEntryHighlightFrame() { if( !pCurHighlightFrame ) return; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = pCurHighlightFrame; pCurHighlightFrame = 0; Rectangle aBmpRect( CalcFocusRect(pEntry) ); DrawHighlightFrame( pView, aBmpRect, TRUE ); } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CallSelectHandler( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) { // Bei aktiviertem Single-Click-Modus sollte der Selektionshandler // synchron gerufen werden, weil die Selektion automatisch // weggenommen wird, wenn der Mauszeiger nicht mehr das Objekt // beruehrt. Es kann sonst zu fehlenden Select-Aufrufen kommen, // wenn das Objekt aus einer Mausbewegung heraus selektiert wird, // weil beim Ausloesen des Timers der Mauszeiger das Objekt u.U. // schon verlassen hat. // Fuer spezielle Faelle (=>SfxFileDialog!) koennen synchrone // Aufrufe auch per WB_NOASYNCSELECTHDL erzwungen werden. if( nWinBits & (WB_NOASYNCSELECTHDL | WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME) ) { pHdlEntry = 0; pView->ClickIcon(); //pView->Select(); } else aCallSelectHdlTimer.Start(); } IMPL_LINK( SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, CallSelectHdlHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { pHdlEntry = 0; pView->ClickIcon(); //pView->Select(); return 0; } Point SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetPopupMenuPosPixel() const { Point aResult; if( !GetSelectionCount() ) return aResult; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry(); if( !pEntry || !pEntry->IsSelected() ) { ULONG nNext; pEntry = GetFirstSelectedEntry( nNext ); } if( pEntry ) { Rectangle aRect( ((SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl*)this)->CalcBmpRect( pEntry ) ); aResult = aRect.Center(); aResult = pView->GetPixelPos( aResult ); } return aResult; } void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SetOrigin( const Point& rPos, BOOL bDoNotUpdateWallpaper ) { MapMode aMapMode( pView->GetMapMode() ); aMapMode.SetOrigin( rPos ); pView->SetMapMode( aMapMode ); if( !bDoNotUpdateWallpaper ) { BOOL bScrollable = pView->GetBackground().IsScrollable(); if( pView->HasBackground() && !bScrollable ) { Rectangle aRect( GetOutputRect()); Wallpaper aPaper( pView->GetBackground() ); aPaper.SetRect( aRect ); pView->SetBackground( aPaper ); } } } ULONG SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::GetGridCount( const Size& rSize, BOOL bCheckScrBars, BOOL bSmartScrBar ) const { Size aSize( rSize ); if( bCheckScrBars && aHorSBar.IsVisible() ) aSize.Height() -= nHorSBarHeight; else if( bSmartScrBar && (nWinBits & WB_ALIGN_LEFT) ) aSize.Height() -= nHorSBarHeight; if( bCheckScrBars && aVerSBar.IsVisible() ) aSize.Width() -= nVerSBarWidth; else if( bSmartScrBar && (nWinBits & WB_ALIGN_TOP) ) aSize.Width() -= nVerSBarWidth; if( aSize.Width() < 0 ) aSize.Width() = 0; if( aSize.Height() < 0 ) aSize.Height() = 0; return IcnGridMap_Impl::GetGridCount( aSize, (USHORT)nGridDX, (USHORT)nGridDY ); } BOOL SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HandleShortCutKey( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { StopEditTimer(); BOOL bRet = FALSE; DBG_ASSERT( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2(), "*SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::HandleShortCutKey(): no pressed!?" ); sal_Unicode cChar = rKEvt.GetCharCode(); ULONG nPos = (ULONG)-1; if( cChar && IsMnemonicChar( cChar, nPos ) ) { // shortcut is clicked SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pNewCursor = GetEntry( nPos ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pOldCursor = pCursor; if( pNewCursor != pOldCursor ) { SetCursor_Impl( pOldCursor, pNewCursor, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ); if( pNewCursor != NULL ) { pHdlEntry = pNewCursor; pCurHighlightFrame = pHdlEntry; pView->ClickIcon(); pCurHighlightFrame = NULL; } } bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::CallEventListeners( ULONG nEvent, void* pData ) { pView->CallImplEventListeners( nEvent, pData ); }