/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <svtools/ivctrl.hxx>
#include "imivctl.hxx"
#include <vcl/bitmapex.hxx>
#include <vcl/controllayout.hxx>
#include <vcl/mnemonic.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>

using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;

| class : SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry

SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry::SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry( const OUString& rText,
                                                const Image& rImage,
                                                SvxIconViewFlags _nFlags )
    : aImage(rImage)
    , aText(rText)
    , pUserData(NULL)
    , nPos(0)
    , pblink(0)
    , pflink(0)
    , eTextMode(IcnShowTextShort)
    , nX(0)
    , nY(0)
    , nFlags(_nFlags)

OUString SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry::GetDisplayText() const
    return MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars( aText );

SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo::SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo( const SvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo& rInfo )
    : aColText( rInfo.aColText ), aColImage( rInfo.aColImage )
    nWidth = rInfo.nWidth;
    eAlignment = rInfo.eAlignment;
    nSubItem = rInfo.nSubItem;

| class : SvtIconChoiceCtrl

SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SvtIconChoiceCtrl( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :

     // WB_CLIPCHILDREN on, as ScrollBars lie on the window!
    Control( pParent, nWinStyle | WB_CLIPCHILDREN ),

    _pCurKeyEvent   ( NULL ),
    _pImp           ( new SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl( this, nWinStyle ) ),
    _bAutoFontColor ( false )

    _pImp->SetGrid( Size( 100, 70 ) );
    _pImp->SetPositionMode( IcnViewPositionModeAutoArrange );


void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::dispose()
    if (_pImp)
        _pImp->CallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_OBJECT_DYING );
        delete _pImp;
        _pImp = NULL;

SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvtIconChoiceCtrl::InsertEntry( const OUString& rText, const Image& rImage, sal_uLong nPos, const Point* pPos, SvxIconViewFlags nFlags  )
    SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = new SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry( rText, rImage, nFlags);

    _pImp->InsertEntry( pEntry, nPos, pPos );

    return pEntry;

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::DrawEntryImage( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos, OutputDevice& rDev )
    rDev.DrawImage( rPos, pEntry->GetImage() );

OUString SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetEntryText( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry, bool )
    return pEntry->GetText();

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::Paint(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const Rectangle& rRect)
    _pImp->Paint(rRenderContext, rRect);

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    if( !_pImp->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ) )
        Control::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    if( !_pImp->MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ) )
        Control::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    if( !_pImp->MouseMove( rMEvt ) )
        Control::MouseMove( rMEvt );
void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::ArrangeIcons()
    if ( GetStyle() & WB_ALIGN_TOP )
        Size aFullSize;
        Rectangle aEntryRect;

        for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < GetEntryCount(); i++ )
            SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetEntry ( i );
            aEntryRect = _pImp->GetEntryBoundRect ( pEntry );

            aFullSize.setWidth ( aFullSize.getWidth()+aEntryRect.GetWidth() );

        _pImp->Arrange ( false, aFullSize.getWidth() );
    else if ( GetStyle() & WB_ALIGN_LEFT )
        Size aFullSize;
        Rectangle aEntryRect;

        for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < GetEntryCount(); i++ )
            SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = GetEntry ( i );
            aEntryRect = _pImp->GetEntryBoundRect ( pEntry );

            aFullSize.setHeight ( aFullSize.getHeight()+aEntryRect.GetHeight() );

        _pImp->Arrange ( false, 0, aFullSize.getHeight() );
    _pImp->Arrange( false, 0, 1000 );
void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::Resize()

Point SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetPixelPos( const Point& rPosLogic ) const
    Point aPos( rPosLogic );
    aPos += GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
    return aPos;

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::DocumentRectChanged()
    _aDocRectChangedHdl.Call( this );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::VisibleRectChanged()
    _aVisRectChangedHdl.Call( this );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetFocus()
    sal_uLong nPos;
    SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pSelectedEntry = GetSelectedEntry ( nPos );
    if ( pSelectedEntry )
        _pImp->CallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_LISTBOX_SELECT, pSelectedEntry );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::LoseFocus()
    if (_pImp)

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetFont(const vcl::Font& rFont)
    if (rFont != GetFont())

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetPointFont(const vcl::Font& rFont)
    if (rFont != GetPointFont(*this)) //FIXME
        Control::SetPointFont(*this, rFont); //FIXME

SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetEntry( const Point& rPixPos, bool bHit ) const
    Point aPos( rPixPos );
    aPos -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
    return const_cast<SvtIconChoiceCtrl*>(this)->_pImp->GetEntry( aPos, bHit );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetStyle( WinBits nWinStyle )
    _pImp->SetStyle( nWinStyle );

WinBits SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetStyle() const
    return _pImp->GetStyle();
void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
    _pImp->Command( rCEvt );

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetEntryTextMode( SvxIconChoiceCtrlTextMode eMode, SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry )
    _pImp->SetEntryTextMode( eMode, pEntry );

sal_uLong SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetEntryCount() const
    return _pImp ? _pImp->GetEntryCount() : 0;

SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetEntry( sal_uLong nPos ) const
    return _pImp ? _pImp->GetEntry( nPos ) : NULL;

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::CreateAutoMnemonics( MnemonicGenerator& _rUsedMnemonics )
    _pImp->CreateAutoMnemonics( &_rUsedMnemonics );

SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetSelectedEntry( sal_uLong& rPos ) const
    return _pImp ? _pImp->GetFirstSelectedEntry( rPos ) : NULL;

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::ClickIcon()
    sal_uLong nPos;
    GetSelectedEntry ( nPos );
    _aClickIconHdl.Call( this );
bool SvtIconChoiceCtrl::IsEntryEditing() const
    return _pImp->IsEntryEditing();

bool SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetChoiceWithCursor ( bool bDo )
    return _pImp->SetChoiceWithCursor (bDo);

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
    bool bKeyUsed = DoKeyInput( rKEvt );
    if ( !bKeyUsed )
        _pCurKeyEvent = const_cast<KeyEvent*>(&rKEvt);
        Control::KeyInput( rKEvt );
        _pCurKeyEvent = NULL;
bool SvtIconChoiceCtrl::DoKeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
    // under OS/2, we get key up/down even while editing
    if( IsEntryEditing() )
        return true;
    _pCurKeyEvent = const_cast<KeyEvent*>(&rKEvt);
    bool bHandled = _pImp->KeyInput( rKEvt );
    _pCurKeyEvent = NULL;
    return bHandled;
sal_uLong SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetEntryListPos( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const
    return _pImp->GetEntryListPos( pEntry );
SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetCursor( ) const
    return _pImp->GetCurEntry( );
void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetCursor( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry )
    _pImp->SetCursor( pEntry );
void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::InvalidateEntry( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry )
    _pImp->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType )
    Control::StateChanged( nType );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
    if ( ((rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) ||
         (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::FONTSUBSTITUTION) ||
         (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::FONTS) ) &&
         (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE) )
        Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetBackground( const Wallpaper& rPaper )
    if( rPaper != GetBackground() )
        const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
        Wallpaper aEmpty;
        if( rPaper == aEmpty )
            Control::SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() );
            Wallpaper aBackground( rPaper );
            // HACK, as background might be transparent!
            if( !aBackground.IsBitmap() )
                aBackground.SetStyle( WALLPAPER_TILE );

            WallpaperStyle eStyle = aBackground.GetStyle();
            Color aBack( aBackground.GetColor());
            Color aTrans( COL_TRANSPARENT );
            if( aBack == aTrans  && (
                (!aBackground.IsBitmap() ||
                    aBackground.GetBitmap().IsTransparent() ||
                    (eStyle != WALLPAPER_TILE && eStyle != WALLPAPER_SCALE))))
                aBackground.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() );
            if( aBackground.IsScrollable() )
                Rectangle aRect;
                aRect.SetSize( Size(32765, 32765) );
                aBackground.SetRect( aRect );
                Rectangle aRect( _pImp->GetOutputRect() );
                aBackground.SetRect( aRect );
            Control::SetBackground( aBackground );

        // If text colors are attributed "hard," don't use automatism to select
        // a readable text color.
        vcl::Font aFont( GetFont() );
        aFont.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor() );
        SetFont( aFont );


void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
    if ( !_pImp->RequestHelp( rHEvt ) )
        Control::RequestHelp( rHEvt );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eMode )
    _pImp->SetSelectionMode( eMode );

Rectangle SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetBoundingBox( SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry ) const
    return _pImp->GetEntryBoundRect( pEntry );

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::FillLayoutData() const

Rectangle SvtIconChoiceCtrl::GetEntryCharacterBounds( const sal_Int32 _nEntryPos, const sal_Int32 _nCharacterIndex ) const
    Rectangle aRect;

    Pair aEntryCharacterRange = GetLineStartEnd( _nEntryPos );
    if ( aEntryCharacterRange.A() + _nCharacterIndex < aEntryCharacterRange.B() )
        aRect = GetCharacterBounds( aEntryCharacterRange.A() + _nCharacterIndex );

    return aRect;

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::SetNoSelection()

void SvtIconChoiceCtrl::CallImplEventListeners(sal_uLong nEvent, void* pData)
    CallEventListeners(nEvent, pData);
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XAccessible > SvtIconChoiceCtrl::CreateAccessible()
    vcl::Window* pParent = GetAccessibleParentWindow();
    DBG_ASSERT( pParent, "SvTreeListBox::CreateAccessible - accessible parent not found" );

    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XAccessible > xAccessible;
    if ( pParent )
        ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XAccessible > xAccParent = pParent->GetAccessible();
        if ( xAccParent.is() )
            ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer > xTemp(GetComponentInterface());
            xAccessible = _pImp->GetAccessibleFactory().createAccessibleIconChoiceCtrl( *this, xAccParent );
    return xAccessible;

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