/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: calendar.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: nf $ $Date: 2000-10-18 11:23:17 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _APP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABLE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _HELP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _MENU_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DECOVIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FLOATWIN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _BUTTON_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FIXED_HXX #include #endif #define _SV_CALENDAR_CXX #include #include #include // ======================================================================= #define DAY_OFFX 4 #define DAY_OFFY 2 #define MONTH_BORDERX 4 #define MONTH_OFFY 3 #define WEEKNUMBER_OFFX 4 #define WEEKDAY_OFFY 3 #define TITLE_OFFY 3 #define TITLE_BORDERY 2 #define SPIN_OFFX 4 #define SPIN_OFFY TITLE_BORDERY #define WEEKNUMBER_HEIGHT 85 #define CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY ((USHORT)0x0001) #define CALENDAR_HITTEST_WEEK ((USHORT)0x0002) #define CALENDAR_HITTEST_MONTHTITLE ((USHORT)0x0004) #define CALENDAR_HITTEST_PREV ((USHORT)0x0008) #define CALENDAR_HITTEST_NEXT ((USHORT)0x0010) #define CALENDAR_HITTEST_OUTSIDE ((USHORT)0x1000) #define MENU_YEAR_COUNT 3 #define TABLE_DATE_SELECTED ((void*)0x00000001) // ======================================================================= struct ImplDateInfo { XubString maText; Color* mpTextColor; Color* mpFrameColor; USHORT mnFlags; ImplDateInfo( const XubString& rText ) : maText( rText ) { mpTextColor = mpFrameColor = NULL; mnFlags = 0; } ~ImplDateInfo() { delete mpTextColor; delete mpFrameColor; } }; DECLARE_TABLE( ImplDateTable, ImplDateInfo* ); // ======================================================================= static void ImplCalendarSelectDate( Table* pTable, const Date& rDate, BOOL bSelect ) { if ( bSelect ) pTable->Insert( rDate.GetDate(), TABLE_DATE_SELECTED ); else pTable->Remove( rDate.GetDate() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( Table* pTable, const Date& rStartDate, const Date& rEndDate, BOOL bSelect ) { Date aStartDate = rStartDate; Date aEndDate = rEndDate; if ( aStartDate > aEndDate ) { Date aTempDate = aStartDate; aStartDate = aEndDate; aEndDate = aTempDate; } if ( bSelect ) { while ( aStartDate <= aEndDate ) { pTable->Insert( aStartDate.GetDate(), TABLE_DATE_SELECTED ); aStartDate++; } } else { void* p = pTable->First(); while ( p ) { Date aDate( pTable->GetCurKey() ); if ( aDate > aEndDate ) break; if ( aDate >= aStartDate ) pTable->Remove( aDate.GetDate() ); else p = pTable->Next(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ImplCalendarUnSelectDateRange( Table* pTable, Table* pOldTable, const Date& rStartDate, const Date& rEndDate ) { Date aStartDate = rStartDate; Date aEndDate = rEndDate; if ( aStartDate > aEndDate ) { Date aTempDate = aStartDate; aStartDate = aEndDate; aEndDate = aTempDate; } void* p = pTable->First(); while ( p ) { Date aDate( pTable->GetCurKey() ); if ( aDate > aEndDate ) break; if ( aDate >= aStartDate ) pTable->Remove( aDate.GetDate() ); else p = pTable->Next(); } p = pOldTable->First(); while ( p ) { Date aDate( pOldTable->GetCurKey() ); if ( aDate > aEndDate ) break; if ( aDate >= aStartDate ) pTable->Insert( aDate.GetDate(), TABLE_DATE_SELECTED ); p = pOldTable->Next(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void ImplCalendarClearSelectDate( Table* pTable ) { pTable->Clear(); } // ======================================================================= void Calendar::ImplInit( WinBits nWinStyle ) { mpDateTable = NULL; mpSelectTable = new Table; mpOldSelectTable = NULL; mpRestoreSelectTable = NULL; mpStandardColor = NULL; mpSaturdayColor = NULL; mpSundayColor = NULL; mnDayCount = 0; mnWinStyle = nWinStyle; mnFirstYear = 0; mnLastYear = 0; mnRequestYear = 0; mbCalc = TRUE; mbFormat = TRUE; mbDrag = FALSE; mbSelection = FALSE; mbMultiSelection = FALSE; mbWeekSel = FALSE; mbUnSel = FALSE; mbMenuDown = FALSE; mbSpinDown = FALSE; mbPrevIn = FALSE; mbNextIn = FALSE; mbDirect = FALSE; mbInSelChange = FALSE; mbTravelSelect = FALSE; mbScrollDateRange = FALSE; mbSelLeft = FALSE; mbAllSel = FALSE; mbDropPos = FALSE; SetFirstDate( maCurDate ); ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, maCurDate, TRUE ); // Sonstige Strings erzeugen maDayText = XubString( SvtResId( STR_SVT_CALENDAR_DAY ) ); maWeekText = XubString( SvtResId( STR_SVT_CALENDAR_WEEK ) ); // Tagestexte anlegen for ( USHORT i = 0; i < 31; i++ ) mpDayText[i] = new UniString( UniString::CreateFromInt32( i+1 ) ); maDragScrollTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( STATIC_LINK( this, Calendar, ScrollHdl ) ); maDragScrollTimer.SetTimeout( GetSettings().GetMouseSettings().GetScrollRepeat() ); mnDragScrollHitTest = 0; ImplInitSettings(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplInitSettings() { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); maSelColor = rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor(); SetPointFont( rStyleSettings.GetToolFont() ); SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor() ); SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar::Calendar( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : Control( pParent, nWinStyle & (WB_TABSTOP | WB_GROUP | WB_BORDER | WB_3DLOOK | WB_RANGESELECT | WB_MULTISELECT) ), maIntn( Application::GetAppInternational() ), maOldFormatFirstDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maOldFormatLastDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maFirstDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maOldFirstDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maOldCurDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maAnchorDate( maCurDate ), maDropDate( 0, 0, 1900 ) { ImplInit( nWinStyle ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar::Calendar( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : Control( pParent, rResId ), maIntn( Application::GetAppInternational() ), maOldFormatFirstDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maOldFormatLastDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maFirstDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maOldFirstDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maOldCurDate( 0, 0, 1900 ), maAnchorDate( maCurDate ), maDropDate( 0, 0, 1900 ) { ImplInit( rResId.aWinBits ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar::~Calendar() { delete mpStandardColor; delete mpSaturdayColor; delete mpSundayColor; if ( mpDateTable ) { ImplDateInfo* pDateInfo = mpDateTable->First(); while ( pDateInfo ) { delete pDateInfo; pDateInfo = mpDateTable->Next(); } delete mpDateTable; } delete mpSelectTable; if ( mpOldSelectTable ) delete mpOldSelectTable; if ( mpRestoreSelectTable ) delete mpRestoreSelectTable; for ( USHORT i = 0; i < 31; i++ ) delete mpDayText[i]; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplGetWeekFont( Font& rFont ) const { // Wochennummer geben wir in WEEKNUMBER_HEIGHT%-Fonthoehe aus Size aFontSize = rFont.GetSize(); aFontSize.Height() *= WEEKNUMBER_HEIGHT; aFontSize.Height() /= 100; rFont.SetSize( aFontSize ); rFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplFormat() { if ( !mbFormat ) return; DayOfWeek eStartDay = maIntn.GetWeekStart(); if ( mbCalc ) { Size aOutSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( (aOutSize.Width() <= 1) || (aOutSize.Height() <= 1) ) return; XubString a99Text( XubString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "99" ) ) ); Font aOldFont = GetFont(); // Wochenanzeige beruecksichtigen if ( mnWinStyle & WB_WEEKNUMBER ) { Font aTempFont = aOldFont; ImplGetWeekFont( aTempFont ); SetFont( aTempFont ); mnWeekWidth = GetTextWidth( a99Text )+WEEKNUMBER_OFFX; SetFont( aOldFont ); } else mnWeekWidth = 0; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_BOLDTEXT ) { Font aFont = aOldFont; if ( aFont.GetWeight() < WEIGHT_BOLD ) aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD ); else aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL ); SetFont( aFont ); } long n99TextWidth = GetTextWidth( a99Text ); long nTextHeight = GetTextHeight(); // Breiten und X-Positionen berechnen mnDayWidth = n99TextWidth+DAY_OFFX; mnMonthWidth = mnDayWidth*7; mnMonthWidth += mnWeekWidth; mnMonthWidth += MONTH_BORDERX*2; mnMonthPerLine = aOutSize.Width() / mnMonthWidth; if ( !mnMonthPerLine ) mnMonthPerLine = 1; long nOver = ((aOutSize.Width()-(mnMonthPerLine*mnMonthWidth)) / mnMonthPerLine); mnMonthWidth += nOver; mnDaysOffX = MONTH_BORDERX; mnDaysOffX += nOver/2; mnDaysOffX += mnWeekWidth; // Hoehen und Y-Positionen berechnen mnDayHeight = nTextHeight + DAY_OFFY; mnWeekDayOffY = nTextHeight + TITLE_OFFY + (TITLE_BORDERY*2); mnDaysOffY = mnWeekDayOffY + nTextHeight + WEEKDAY_OFFY; mnMonthHeight = (mnDayHeight*6) + mnDaysOffY; mnMonthHeight += MONTH_OFFY; mnLines = aOutSize.Height() / mnMonthHeight; if ( !mnLines ) mnLines = 1; mnMonthHeight += (aOutSize.Height()-(mnLines*mnMonthHeight)) / mnLines; // Spinfelder berechnen long nSpinSize = nTextHeight+TITLE_BORDERY-SPIN_OFFY; maPrevRect.Left() = SPIN_OFFX; maPrevRect.Top() = SPIN_OFFY; maPrevRect.Right() = maPrevRect.Left()+nSpinSize; maPrevRect.Bottom() = maPrevRect.Top()+nSpinSize; maNextRect.Left() = aOutSize.Width()-SPIN_OFFX-nSpinSize-1; maNextRect.Top() = SPIN_OFFY; maNextRect.Right() = maNextRect.Left()+nSpinSize; maNextRect.Bottom() = maNextRect.Top()+nSpinSize; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_BOLDTEXT ) SetFont( aOldFont ); // DayOffWeekText berechnen (werden im schmalen Font ausgegeben) maDayOfWeekText.Erase(); long nStartOffX = 0; USHORT eDay = (USHORT)eStartDay; for ( USHORT nDayOfWeek = 0; nDayOfWeek < 7; nDayOfWeek++ ) { String aDayOfWeek( maIntn.GetAbbrevDayText( (DayOfWeek)eDay ).GetChar( 0 ) ); long nOffX = (mnDayWidth-GetTextWidth( aDayOfWeek ))/2; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_BOLDTEXT ) nOffX++; if ( !nDayOfWeek ) nStartOffX = nOffX; else nOffX -= nStartOffX; nOffX += nDayOfWeek * mnDayWidth; mnDayOfWeekAry[nDayOfWeek] = nOffX; maDayOfWeekText += aDayOfWeek; eDay++; eDay %= 7; } mbCalc = FALSE; } // Anzahl Tage berechnen USHORT nWeekDay; Date aTempDate = GetFirstMonth(); maFirstDate = aTempDate; nWeekDay = (USHORT)aTempDate.GetDayOfWeek(); nWeekDay = (nWeekDay+(7-(USHORT)eStartDay)) % 7; maFirstDate -= (ULONG)nWeekDay; mnDayCount = nWeekDay; USHORT nDaysInMonth; USHORT nMonthCount = (USHORT)(mnMonthPerLine*mnLines); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nMonthCount; i++ ) { nDaysInMonth = aTempDate.GetDaysInMonth(); mnDayCount += nDaysInMonth; aTempDate += nDaysInMonth; } Date aTempDate2 = aTempDate; aTempDate2--; nDaysInMonth = aTempDate2.GetDaysInMonth(); aTempDate2 -= nDaysInMonth-1; nWeekDay = (USHORT)aTempDate2.GetDayOfWeek(); nWeekDay = (nWeekDay+(7-(USHORT)eStartDay)) % 7; mnDayCount += 42-nDaysInMonth-nWeekDay; // Farben festlegen maOtherColor = Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ); if ( maOtherColor.IsRGBEqual( GetBackground().GetColor() ) ) maOtherColor.SetColor( COL_GRAY ); Date aLastDate = GetLastDate(); if ( (maOldFormatLastDate != aLastDate) || (maOldFormatFirstDate != maFirstDate) ) { maOldFormatFirstDate = maFirstDate; maOldFormatLastDate = aLastDate; DateRangeChanged(); } // DateInfo besorgen USHORT nNewFirstYear = maFirstDate.GetYear(); USHORT nNewLastYear = GetLastDate().GetYear(); if ( mnFirstYear ) { if ( nNewFirstYear < mnFirstYear ) { for ( mnRequestYear = nNewFirstYear; mnRequestYear < mnFirstYear; mnRequestYear++ ) RequestDateInfo(); mnFirstYear = nNewFirstYear; } if ( nNewLastYear > mnLastYear ) { for ( mnRequestYear = mnLastYear; mnRequestYear < nNewLastYear; mnRequestYear++ ) RequestDateInfo(); mnLastYear = nNewLastYear; } } else { for ( mnRequestYear = nNewFirstYear; mnRequestYear < nNewLastYear; mnRequestYear++ ) RequestDateInfo(); mnFirstYear = nNewFirstYear; mnLastYear = nNewLastYear; } mnRequestYear = 0; mbFormat = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT Calendar::ImplHitTest( const Point& rPos, Date& rDate ) const { if ( mbFormat ) return 0; if ( maPrevRect.IsInside( rPos ) ) return CALENDAR_HITTEST_PREV; else if ( maNextRect.IsInside( rPos ) ) return CALENDAR_HITTEST_NEXT; long nX; long nY; long nOffX; long nYMonth; USHORT nDay; DayOfWeek eStartDay = maIntn.GetWeekStart(); rDate = GetFirstMonth(); nY = 0; for ( long i = 0; i < mnLines; i++ ) { if ( rPos.Y() < nY ) return 0; nX = 0; nYMonth = nY+mnMonthHeight; for ( long j = 0; j < mnMonthPerLine; j++ ) { if ( (rPos.X() < nX) && (rPos.Y() < nYMonth) ) return 0; USHORT nDaysInMonth = rDate.GetDaysInMonth(); // Entsprechender Monat gefunden if ( (rPos.X() > nX) && (rPos.Y() < nYMonth) && (rPos.X() < nX+mnMonthWidth) ) { if ( rPos.Y() < (nY+(TITLE_BORDERY*2)+mnDayHeight)) return CALENDAR_HITTEST_MONTHTITLE; else { long nDayX = nX+mnDaysOffX; long nDayY = nY+mnDaysOffY; if ( rPos.Y() < nDayY ) return 0; USHORT nDayIndex = (USHORT)rDate.GetDayOfWeek(); nDayIndex = (nDayIndex+(7-(USHORT)eStartDay)) % 7; if ( (i == 0) && (j == 0) ) { Date aTempDate = rDate; aTempDate -= nDayIndex; for ( nDay = 0; nDay < nDayIndex; nDay++ ) { nOffX = nDayX + (nDay*mnDayWidth); if ( (rPos.Y() >= nDayY) && (rPos.Y() < nDayY+mnDayHeight) && (rPos.X() >= nOffX) && (rPos.X() < nOffX+mnDayWidth) ) { rDate = aTempDate; rDate += nDay; return CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY; } } } for ( nDay = 1; nDay <= nDaysInMonth; nDay++ ) { if ( rPos.Y() < nDayY ) { rDate += nDayIndex; return 0; } nOffX = nDayX + (nDayIndex*mnDayWidth); if ( (rPos.Y() >= nDayY) && (rPos.Y() < nDayY+mnDayHeight) && (rPos.X() >= nOffX) && (rPos.X() < nOffX+mnDayWidth) ) { rDate += nDay-1; return CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY; } if ( nDayIndex == 6 ) { nDayIndex = 0; nDayY += mnDayHeight; } else nDayIndex++; } if ( (i == mnLines-1) && (j == mnMonthPerLine-1) ) { USHORT nWeekDay = (USHORT)rDate.GetDayOfWeek(); nWeekDay = (nWeekDay+(7-(USHORT)eStartDay)) % 7; USHORT nDayCount = 42-nDaysInMonth-nWeekDay; Date aTempDate = rDate; aTempDate += nDaysInMonth; for ( nDay = 1; nDay <= nDayCount; nDay++ ) { if ( rPos.Y() < nDayY ) { rDate += nDayIndex; return 0; } nOffX = nDayX + (nDayIndex*mnDayWidth); if ( (rPos.Y() >= nDayY) && (rPos.Y() < nDayY+mnDayHeight) && (rPos.X() >= nOffX) && (rPos.X() < nOffX+mnDayWidth) ) { rDate = aTempDate; rDate += nDay-1; return CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY; } if ( nDayIndex == 6 ) { nDayIndex = 0; nDayY += mnDayHeight; } else nDayIndex++; } } } } rDate += nDaysInMonth; nX += mnMonthWidth; } nY += mnMonthHeight; } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ImplDrawSpinArrow( OutputDevice* pDev, const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bPrev ) { long i; long n; long nLines; long nHeight = rRect.GetHeight(); long nWidth = rRect.GetWidth(); if ( nWidth < nHeight ) n = nWidth; else n = nHeight; if ( !(n & 0x01) ) n--; nLines = n/2; Rectangle aRect( Point( rRect.Left()+(nWidth/2)-(nLines/2), rRect.Top()+(nHeight/2) ), Size( 1, 1 ) ); if ( !bPrev ) { aRect.Left() += nLines; aRect.Right() += nLines; } pDev->DrawRect( aRect ); for ( i = 0; i < nLines; i++ ) { if ( bPrev ) { aRect.Left()++; aRect.Right()++; } else { aRect.Left()--; aRect.Right()--; } aRect.Top()--; aRect.Bottom()++; pDev->DrawRect( aRect ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplDrawSpin( BOOL bDrawPrev, BOOL bDrawNext ) { if ( !bDrawPrev && !bDrawNext ) return; SetLineColor(); SetFillColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetButtonTextColor() ); if ( bDrawPrev ) { Rectangle aOutRect = maPrevRect; aOutRect.Left() += 3; aOutRect.Top() += 3; aOutRect.Right() -= 3; aOutRect.Bottom() -= 3; ImplDrawSpinArrow( this, aOutRect, TRUE ); } if ( bDrawNext ) { Rectangle aOutRect = maNextRect; aOutRect.Left() += 3; aOutRect.Top() += 3; aOutRect.Right() -= 3; aOutRect.Bottom() -= 3; ImplDrawSpinArrow( this, aOutRect, FALSE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplDrawDate( long nX, long nY, USHORT nDay, USHORT nMonth, USHORT nYear, DayOfWeek eDayOfWeek, BOOL bBack, BOOL bOther, ULONG nToday ) { ImplDateInfo* pDateInfo; Color* pTextColor = NULL; const String& rDay = *(mpDayText[nDay-1]); Rectangle aDateRect( nX, nY, nX+mnDayWidth-1, nY+mnDayHeight-1 ); BOOL bSel = FALSE; BOOL bFocus = FALSE; // Aktueller Tag if ( (nDay == maCurDate.GetDay()) && (nMonth == maCurDate.GetMonth()) && (nYear == maCurDate.GetYear()) ) bFocus = TRUE; if ( mpSelectTable ) { if ( mpSelectTable->IsKeyValid( Date( nDay, nMonth, nYear ).GetDate() ) ) bSel = TRUE; } // Dateinfo ermitteln if ( mpDateTable ) { pDateInfo = mpDateTable->Get( Date( nDay, nMonth, nYear ).GetDate() ); if ( !pDateInfo ) pDateInfo = mpDateTable->Get( Date( nDay, nMonth, 0 ).GetDate() ); } else pDateInfo = NULL; // Textfarbe ermitteln if ( bSel ) pTextColor = &maSelColor; else if ( bOther ) pTextColor = &maOtherColor; else { if ( pDateInfo && pDateInfo->mpTextColor ) pTextColor = pDateInfo->mpTextColor; else { if ( eDayOfWeek == SATURDAY ) pTextColor = mpSaturdayColor; else if ( eDayOfWeek == SUNDAY ) pTextColor = mpSundayColor; if ( !pTextColor ) pTextColor = mpStandardColor; } } if ( bFocus ) HideFocus(); // Font ermitteln Font aOldFont = GetFont(); BOOL bBoldFont = FALSE; if ( (mnWinStyle & WB_BOLDTEXT) && pDateInfo && (pDateInfo->mnFlags & DIB_BOLD) ) { bBoldFont = TRUE; Font aFont = aOldFont; if ( aFont.GetWeight() < WEIGHT_BOLD ) aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD ); else aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL ); SetFont( aFont ); } // Hintergrund ausgeben const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( bSel || bBack ) { if ( bSel ) { SetLineColor(); SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor() ); DrawRect( aDateRect ); } else Erase( aDateRect ); } // Text ausgeben long nTextX = nX+(mnDayWidth-GetTextWidth( rDay ))-(DAY_OFFX/2); long nTextY = nY+(mnDayHeight-GetTextHeight())/2; if ( pTextColor ) { Color aOldColor = GetTextColor(); SetTextColor( *pTextColor ); DrawText( Point( nTextX, nTextY ), rDay ); SetTextColor( aOldColor ); } else DrawText( Point( nTextX, nTextY ), rDay ); // Heute Date aTodayDate( maCurDate ); if ( nToday ) aTodayDate.SetDate( nToday ); else aTodayDate = Date(); if ( (nDay == aTodayDate.GetDay()) && (nMonth == aTodayDate.GetMonth()) && (nYear == aTodayDate.GetYear()) ) { SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor() ); SetFillColor(); DrawRect( aDateRect ); } // Evt. DateInfo ausgeben if ( (mnWinStyle & WB_FRAMEINFO) && pDateInfo && pDateInfo->mpFrameColor ) { SetLineColor( *(pDateInfo->mpFrameColor) ); SetFillColor(); Rectangle aFrameRect( aDateRect ); aFrameRect.Left()++; aFrameRect.Top()++; long nFrameWidth = aFrameRect.GetWidth(); long nFrameHeight = aFrameRect.GetHeight(); long nFrameOff; if ( nFrameWidth < nFrameHeight ) { nFrameOff = nFrameHeight-nFrameWidth; aFrameRect.Top() += nFrameOff/2; nFrameOff %= 2; aFrameRect.Bottom() -= nFrameOff; } else if ( nFrameWidth > nFrameHeight ) { nFrameOff = nFrameWidth-nFrameHeight; aFrameRect.Left() += nFrameOff/2; nFrameOff %= 2; aFrameRect.Right() -= nFrameOff; } DrawEllipse( aFrameRect ); } // Evt. noch FocusRect if ( bFocus && HasFocus() ) ShowFocus( aDateRect ); if( mbDropPos && maDropDate == Date( nDay, nMonth, nYear ) ) ImplInvertDropPos(); if ( bBoldFont ) SetFont( aOldFont ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplDraw( BOOL bPaint ) { ImplFormat(); const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Size aOutSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); long i; long j; long nX; long nY; long nOffX; long nOffY; long nDayX; long nDayY; ULONG nToday = Date().GetDate(); USHORT nDay; USHORT nMonth; USHORT nYear; Date aDate = GetFirstMonth(); DayOfWeek eStartDay = maIntn.GetWeekStart(); HideFocus(); nY = 0; for ( i = 0; i < mnLines; i++ ) { // Titleleiste ausgeben SetLineColor(); SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor() ); Rectangle aTitleRect( 0, nY, aOutSize.Width()-1, nY+mnDayHeight-DAY_OFFY+TITLE_BORDERY*2 ); if ( !bPaint ) { Rectangle aTempRect( 1, aTitleRect.Top()+TITLE_BORDERY, aOutSize.Width()-2, aTitleRect.Bottom()-TITLE_BORDERY ); if ( !i ) { aTempRect.Left() = maPrevRect.Right()+1; aTempRect.Right() = maNextRect.Left()-1; } DrawRect( aTempRect ); } else { DrawRect( aTitleRect ); Point aTopLeft1( aTitleRect.Left(), aTitleRect.Top() ); Point aTopLeft2( aTitleRect.Left(), aTitleRect.Top()+1 ); Point aBottomRight1( aTitleRect.Right(), aTitleRect.Bottom() ); Point aBottomRight2( aTitleRect.Right(), aTitleRect.Bottom()-1 ); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() ); DrawLine( aTopLeft1, Point( aBottomRight1.X(), aTopLeft1.Y() ) ); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); DrawLine( aTopLeft2, Point( aBottomRight2.X(), aTopLeft2.Y() ) ); DrawLine( aTopLeft2, Point( aTopLeft2.X(), aBottomRight2.Y() ) ); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); DrawLine( Point( aTopLeft2.X(), aBottomRight2.Y() ), aBottomRight2 ); DrawLine( Point( aBottomRight2.X(), aTopLeft2.Y() ), aBottomRight2 ); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() ); DrawLine( Point( aTopLeft1.X(), aBottomRight1.Y() ), aBottomRight1 ); } Point aSepPos1( 0, aTitleRect.Top()+TITLE_BORDERY ); Point aSepPos2( 0, aTitleRect.Bottom()-TITLE_BORDERY ); for ( j = 0; j < mnMonthPerLine-1; j++ ) { aSepPos1.X() += mnMonthWidth-1; aSepPos2.X() = aSepPos1.X(); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); DrawLine( aSepPos1, aSepPos2 ); aSepPos1.X()++; aSepPos2.X() = aSepPos1.X(); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); DrawLine( aSepPos1, aSepPos2 ); } nX = 0; for ( j = 0; j < mnMonthPerLine; j++ ) { nMonth = aDate.GetMonth(); nYear = aDate.GetYear(); // Monat in der Titleleiste ausgeben nOffX = nX; nOffY = nY+TITLE_BORDERY; String aMonthText( maIntn.GetMonthText( nMonth ) ); aMonthText += ' '; aMonthText += String::CreateFromInt64( nYear ); long nMonthTextWidth = GetTextWidth( aMonthText ); long nMonthOffX1 = 0; long nMonthOffX2 = 0; if ( i == 0 ) { if ( j == 0 ) nMonthOffX1 = maPrevRect.Right()+1; if ( j == mnMonthPerLine-1 ) nMonthOffX2 = aOutSize.Width()-maNextRect.Left()+1; } long nMaxMonthWidth = mnMonthWidth-nMonthOffX1-nMonthOffX2-4; if ( nMonthTextWidth > nMaxMonthWidth ) { aMonthText = maIntn.GetAbbrevMonthText( nMonth ); aMonthText += ' '; aMonthText += String::CreateFromInt64( nYear ); nMonthTextWidth = GetTextWidth( aMonthText ); } long nTempOff = (mnMonthWidth-nMonthTextWidth+1)/2; if ( nTempOff < nMonthOffX1 ) nOffX += nMonthOffX1+1; else { if ( nTempOff+nMonthTextWidth > mnMonthWidth-nMonthOffX2 ) nOffX += mnMonthWidth-nMonthOffX2-nMonthTextWidth; else nOffX += nTempOff; } SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor() ); DrawText( Point( nOffX, nOffY ), aMonthText ); SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor() ); // Weekleiste ausgeben if ( bPaint ) { nDayX = nX+mnDaysOffX; nDayY = nY+mnWeekDayOffY; nOffY = nDayY + mnDayHeight; SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor() ); Point aStartPos( nDayX, nOffY ); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_WEEKNUMBER ) aStartPos.X() -= WEEKNUMBER_OFFX-2; DrawLine( aStartPos, Point( nDayX+(7*mnDayWidth), nOffY ) ); DrawTextArray( Point( nDayX+mnDayOfWeekAry[0], nDayY ), maDayOfWeekText, &(mnDayOfWeekAry[1]) ); } // Week-Numbers ausgeben if ( mnWinStyle & WB_WEEKNUMBER ) { nDayX = nX+mnDaysOffX; nDayY = nY+mnWeekDayOffY; nOffY = nDayY + mnDayHeight; long nMonthHeight = mnDayHeight*6; if ( bPaint ) DrawLine( Point( nDayX-WEEKNUMBER_OFFX+2, nOffY ), Point( nDayX-WEEKNUMBER_OFFX+2, nOffY+nMonthHeight ) ); else Erase( Rectangle( nDayX-mnWeekWidth-WEEKNUMBER_OFFX, nOffY, nDayX-WEEKNUMBER_OFFX-1, nOffY+nMonthHeight ) ); Font aOldFont = GetFont(); Font aTempFont = aOldFont; ImplGetWeekFont( aTempFont ); SetFont( aTempFont ); nDayX -= mnWeekWidth; nDayY = nY+mnDaysOffY; Date aTempDate = aDate; for ( USHORT nWeekCount = 0; nWeekCount < 6; nWeekCount++ ) { String aWeekText( aTempDate.GetWeekOfYear( eStartDay, maIntn.GetWeekCountStart() ) ); long nOffX = (mnWeekWidth-WEEKNUMBER_OFFX)-GetTextWidth( aWeekText ); long nOffY = (mnDayHeight-GetTextHeight())/2; DrawText( Point( nDayX+nOffX, nDayY+nOffY ), aWeekText ); nDayY += mnDayHeight; aTempDate += 7; } SetFont( aOldFont ); } // Tage ausgeben USHORT nDaysInMonth = aDate.GetDaysInMonth(); nDayX = nX+mnDaysOffX; nDayY = nY+mnDaysOffY; if ( !bPaint ) { Rectangle aClearRect( nDayX, nDayY, nDayX+(7*mnDayWidth)-1, nDayY+(6*mnDayHeight)-1 ); Erase( aClearRect ); } USHORT nDayIndex = (USHORT)aDate.GetDayOfWeek(); nDayIndex = (nDayIndex+(7-(USHORT)eStartDay)) % 7; if ( (i == 0) && (j == 0) ) { Date aTempDate = aDate; aTempDate -= nDayIndex; for ( nDay = 0; nDay < nDayIndex; nDay++ ) { nOffX = nDayX + (nDay*mnDayWidth); ImplDrawDate( nOffX, nDayY, nDay+aTempDate.GetDay(), aTempDate.GetMonth(), aTempDate.GetYear(), (DayOfWeek)((nDay+(USHORT)eStartDay)%7), FALSE, TRUE, nToday ); } } for ( nDay = 1; nDay <= nDaysInMonth; nDay++ ) { nOffX = nDayX + (nDayIndex*mnDayWidth); ImplDrawDate( nOffX, nDayY, nDay, nMonth, nYear, (DayOfWeek)((nDayIndex+(USHORT)eStartDay)%7), FALSE, FALSE, nToday ); if ( nDayIndex == 6 ) { nDayIndex = 0; nDayY += mnDayHeight; } else nDayIndex++; } if ( (i == mnLines-1) && (j == mnMonthPerLine-1) ) { USHORT nWeekDay = (USHORT)aDate.GetDayOfWeek(); nWeekDay = (nWeekDay+(7-(USHORT)eStartDay)) % 7; USHORT nDayCount = 42-nDaysInMonth-nWeekDay; Date aTempDate = aDate; aTempDate += nDaysInMonth; for ( nDay = 1; nDay <= nDayCount; nDay++ ) { nOffX = nDayX + (nDayIndex*mnDayWidth); ImplDrawDate( nOffX, nDayY, nDay, aTempDate.GetMonth(), aTempDate.GetYear(), (DayOfWeek)((nDayIndex+(USHORT)eStartDay)%7), FALSE, TRUE, nToday ); if ( nDayIndex == 6 ) { nDayIndex = 0; nDayY += mnDayHeight; } else nDayIndex++; } } aDate += nDaysInMonth; nX += mnMonthWidth; } nY += mnMonthHeight; } // Spin-Buttons zeichnen if ( bPaint ) ImplDrawSpin(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplUpdateDate( const Date& rDate ) { if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) { Rectangle aDateRect( GetDateRect( rDate ) ); if ( !aDateRect.IsEmpty() ) { BOOL bOther = (rDate < GetFirstMonth()) || (rDate > GetLastMonth()); ImplDrawDate( aDateRect.Left(), aDateRect.Top(), rDate.GetDay(), rDate.GetMonth(), rDate.GetYear(), rDate.GetDayOfWeek(), TRUE, bOther ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplUpdateSelection( Table* pOld ) { Table* pNew = mpSelectTable; void* p; ULONG nKey; p = pOld->First(); while ( p ) { nKey = pOld->GetCurKey(); if ( !pNew->Get( nKey ) ) { Date aTempDate( nKey ); ImplUpdateDate( aTempDate ); } p = pOld->Next(); } p = pNew->First(); while ( p ) { nKey = pNew->GetCurKey(); if ( !pOld->Get( nKey ) ) { Date aTempDate( nKey ); ImplUpdateDate( aTempDate ); } p = pNew->Next(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplMouseSelect( const Date& rDate, USHORT nHitTest, BOOL bMove, BOOL bExpand, BOOL bExtended ) { Table* pOldSel = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); Date aOldDate = maCurDate; Date aTempDate = rDate; if ( !(nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY) ) aTempDate--; if ( mbMultiSelection ) { maCurDate = aTempDate; mbSelLeft = aTempDate < maAnchorDate; if ( bMove ) { if ( mbSelLeft ) { ImplCalendarUnSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, mpRestoreSelectTable, Date( 1, 1, 0 ), aTempDate ); ImplCalendarUnSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, mpRestoreSelectTable, maAnchorDate, Date( 31, 12, 9999 ) ); } else { ImplCalendarUnSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, mpRestoreSelectTable, Date( 1, 1, 0 ), maAnchorDate ); ImplCalendarUnSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, mpRestoreSelectTable, aTempDate, Date( 31, 12, 9999 ) ); } ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, aTempDate, maAnchorDate, !mbUnSel ); } else { if ( bExpand ) { if ( !bExtended ) { if ( mbSelLeft ) { ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, Date( 1, 1, 0 ), aTempDate, FALSE ); ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, maAnchorDate, Date( 31, 12, 9999 ), FALSE ); } else { ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, Date( 1, 1, 0 ), maAnchorDate, FALSE ); ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, aTempDate, Date( 31, 12, 9999 ), FALSE ); } } ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, aTempDate, maAnchorDate, TRUE ); } else if ( bExtended && !(mnWinStyle & WB_RANGESELECT) ) { maAnchorDate = aTempDate; if ( IsDateSelected( aTempDate ) ) { mbUnSel = TRUE; ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, aTempDate, FALSE ); } else { ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, aTempDate, TRUE ); } } else { maAnchorDate = aTempDate; ImplCalendarClearSelectDate( mpSelectTable ); ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, aTempDate, TRUE ); } mpRestoreSelectTable = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); } } else { if ( aTempDate < maCurDate ) mbSelLeft = TRUE; else mbSelLeft = FALSE; if ( !(nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY) ) aTempDate = maOldCurDate; if ( !bMove ) maAnchorDate = aTempDate; if ( aTempDate != maCurDate ) { maCurDate = aTempDate; ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, aOldDate, FALSE ); ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, maCurDate, TRUE ); } } BOOL bNewSel = *pOldSel != *mpSelectTable; if ( (maCurDate != aOldDate) || bNewSel ) { if ( bNewSel ) { mbInSelChange = TRUE; SelectionChanging(); mbInSelChange = FALSE; } HideFocus(); if ( bNewSel ) ImplUpdateSelection( pOldSel ); if ( !bNewSel || !pOldSel->Get( aOldDate.GetDate() ) ) ImplUpdateDate( aOldDate ); // Damit Focus-Rechteck auch wieder neu ausgegeben wird if ( HasFocus() || !bNewSel || !mpSelectTable->Get( maCurDate.GetDate() ) ) ImplUpdateDate( maCurDate ); } delete pOldSel; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplUpdate( BOOL bCalcNew ) { if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) { if ( bCalcNew && !mbCalc ) Invalidate(); else if ( !mbFormat && !mbCalc ) { if ( mbDirect ) { mbFormat = TRUE; ImplDraw( FALSE ); return; } else Invalidate(); } } if ( bCalcNew ) mbCalc = TRUE; mbFormat = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplInvertDropPos() { Rectangle aRect = GetDateRect( maDropDate );//this is one Pixel to width and one to heigh aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top()+mnDayHeight-1; aRect.Right() = aRect.Left()+mnDayWidth-1; Invert( aRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplScroll( BOOL bPrev ) { Date aNewFirstMonth = GetFirstMonth(); if ( bPrev ) { aNewFirstMonth--; aNewFirstMonth -= aNewFirstMonth.GetDaysInMonth()-1; } else aNewFirstMonth += aNewFirstMonth.GetDaysInMonth(); mbDirect = TRUE; SetFirstDate( aNewFirstMonth ); mbDirect = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplShowMenu( const Point& rPos, const Date& rDate ) { EndSelection(); Date aOldFirstDate = GetFirstMonth(); PopupMenu aPopupMenu; PopupMenu* pYearPopupMenus[MENU_YEAR_COUNT]; USHORT nMonthOff; USHORT nCurItemId; USHORT nYear = rDate.GetYear()-1; USHORT i; USHORT j; USHORT nYearIdCount = 1000; nMonthOff = (rDate.GetYear()-aOldFirstDate.GetYear())*12; if ( aOldFirstDate.GetMonth() < rDate.GetMonth() ) nMonthOff += rDate.GetMonth()-aOldFirstDate.GetMonth(); else nMonthOff -= aOldFirstDate.GetMonth()-rDate.GetMonth(); // Menu aufbauen (Jahre mit verschiedenen Monaten aufnehmen) for ( i = 0; i < MENU_YEAR_COUNT; i++ ) { pYearPopupMenus[i] = new PopupMenu; for ( j = 1; j <= 12; j++ ) pYearPopupMenus[i]->InsertItem( nYearIdCount+j, maIntn.GetMonthText( j ) ); aPopupMenu.InsertItem( 10+i, UniString::CreateFromInt32( nYear+i ) ); aPopupMenu.SetPopupMenu( 10+i, pYearPopupMenus[i] ); nYearIdCount += 1000; } mbMenuDown = TRUE; nCurItemId = aPopupMenu.Execute( this, rPos ); mbMenuDown = FALSE; // Menu zerstoeren aPopupMenu.SetPopupMenu( 2, NULL ); for ( i = 0; i < MENU_YEAR_COUNT; i++ ) { aPopupMenu.SetPopupMenu( 10+i, NULL ); delete pYearPopupMenus[i]; } if ( nCurItemId ) { USHORT nTempMonthOff = nMonthOff % 12; USHORT nTempYearOff = nMonthOff / 12; USHORT nNewMonth = nCurItemId % 1000; USHORT nNewYear = nYear+((nCurItemId-1000)/1000); if ( nTempMonthOff < nNewMonth ) nNewMonth -= nTempMonthOff; else { nNewYear--; nNewMonth = 12-(nTempMonthOff-nNewMonth); } nNewYear -= nTempYearOff; SetFirstDate( Date( 1, nNewMonth, nNewYear ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplTracking( const Point& rPos, BOOL bRepeat ) { Date aTempDate = maCurDate; USHORT nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rPos, aTempDate ); if ( mbSpinDown ) { mbPrevIn = (nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_PREV) != 0; mbNextIn = (nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_NEXT) != 0; if ( bRepeat && (mbPrevIn || mbNextIn) ) { mbScrollDateRange = TRUE; ImplScroll( mbPrevIn ); mbScrollDateRange = FALSE; } } else ImplMouseSelect( aTempDate, nHitTest, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ImplEndTracking( const Point& rPos, BOOL bCancel ) { BOOL bSelection = mbSelection; BOOL bSpinDown = mbSpinDown; mbDrag = FALSE; mbSelection = FALSE; mbMultiSelection = FALSE; mbUnSel = FALSE; mbSpinDown = FALSE; mbPrevIn = FALSE; mbNextIn = FALSE; if ( bCancel ) { if ( maOldFirstDate != maFirstDate ) SetFirstDate( maOldFirstDate ); if ( !bSpinDown ) { Table* pOldSel = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); Date aOldDate = maCurDate; maCurDate = maOldCurDate; *mpSelectTable = *mpOldSelectTable; HideFocus(); ImplUpdateSelection( pOldSel ); if ( !pOldSel->Get( aOldDate.GetDate() ) ) ImplUpdateDate( aOldDate ); // Damit Focus-Rechteck auch wieder neu ausgegeben wird if ( HasFocus() || !mpSelectTable->Get( maCurDate.GetDate() ) ) ImplUpdateDate( maCurDate ); delete pOldSel; } } if ( !bSpinDown ) { if ( !bCancel ) { // Feststellen, ob wir sichtbaren Bereich scrollen sollen ULONG nSelCount = mpSelectTable->Count(); if ( nSelCount ) { Date aFirstSelDate( mpSelectTable->GetObjectKey( 0 ) ); Date aLastSelDate( mpSelectTable->GetObjectKey( nSelCount-1 ) ); if ( aLastSelDate < GetFirstMonth() ) ImplScroll( TRUE ); else if ( GetLastMonth() < aFirstSelDate ) ImplScroll( FALSE ); } } if ( mbAllSel || (!bCancel && ((maCurDate != maOldCurDate) || (*mpOldSelectTable != *mpSelectTable))) ) Select(); if ( !bSelection && (mnWinStyle & WB_TABSTOP) && !bCancel ) GrabFocus(); delete mpOldSelectTable; mpOldSelectTable = NULL; delete mpRestoreSelectTable; mpRestoreSelectTable = NULL; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_STATIC_LINK( Calendar, ScrollHdl, Timer*, pTimer ) { BOOL bPrevIn = (pThis->mnDragScrollHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_PREV) != 0; BOOL bNextIn = (pThis->mnDragScrollHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_NEXT) != 0; if( bNextIn || bPrevIn ) { pThis->mbScrollDateRange = TRUE; pThis->ImplScroll( bPrevIn ); pThis->mbScrollDateRange = FALSE; } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() && !mbMenuDown ) { Date aTempDate = maCurDate; USHORT nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), aTempDate ); if ( nHitTest ) { if ( nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_MONTHTITLE ) ImplShowMenu( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), aTempDate ); else { maOldFirstDate = maFirstDate; mbPrevIn = (nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_PREV) != 0; mbNextIn = (nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_NEXT) != 0; if ( mbPrevIn || mbNextIn ) { mbSpinDown = TRUE; mbScrollDateRange = TRUE; ImplScroll( mbPrevIn ); mbScrollDateRange = FALSE; // Hier muss BUTTONREPEAT stehen, also nicht wieder // auf SCROLLREPEAT aendern, sondern mit TH abklaeren, // warum es evtl. anders sein sollte (71775) StartTracking( STARTTRACK_BUTTONREPEAT ); } else { if ( (rMEvt.GetClicks() == 2) && (nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY) ) DoubleClick(); else { if ( mpOldSelectTable ) delete mpOldSelectTable; maOldCurDate = maCurDate; mpOldSelectTable = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); if ( !mbSelection ) { mbDrag = TRUE; StartTracking(); } mbMultiSelection = (mnWinStyle & (WB_MULTISELECT | WB_RANGESELECT)) != 0; if ( (nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY) && mbMultiSelection ) mbWeekSel = TRUE; else mbWeekSel = FALSE; ImplMouseSelect( aTempDate, nHitTest, FALSE, rMEvt.IsShift(), rMEvt.IsMod1() ); } } } } return; } Control::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() && mbSelection ) ImplEndTracking( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), FALSE ); else Control::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( mbSelection && rMEvt.GetButtons() ) ImplTracking( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), FALSE ); else Control::MouseMove( rMEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt ) { Point aMousePos = rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel(); if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() ) ImplEndTracking( aMousePos, rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() ); else ImplTracking( aMousePos, rTEvt.IsTrackingRepeat() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { Date aNewDate = maCurDate; BOOL bMultiSel = (mnWinStyle & (WB_RANGESELECT | WB_MULTISELECT)) != 0; BOOL bExpand = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift(); BOOL bExtended = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1(); switch ( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_HOME: aNewDate.SetDay( 1 ); break; case KEY_END: aNewDate.SetDay( aNewDate.GetDaysInMonth() ); break; case KEY_LEFT: aNewDate--; break; case KEY_RIGHT: aNewDate++; break; case KEY_UP: aNewDate -= 7; break; case KEY_DOWN: aNewDate += 7; break; case KEY_PAGEUP: { Date aTempDate = aNewDate; aTempDate -= aNewDate.GetDay()+1; aNewDate -= aTempDate.GetDaysInMonth(); } break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: aNewDate += aNewDate.GetDaysInMonth(); break; case KEY_SPACE: if ( bMultiSel && !(mnWinStyle & WB_RANGESELECT) ) { if ( !bExpand ) { BOOL bDateSel = IsDateSelected( maCurDate ); SelectDate( maCurDate, !bDateSel ); mbSelLeft = FALSE; SelectionChanging(); mbTravelSelect = TRUE; Select(); mbTravelSelect = FALSE; } } else Control::KeyInput( rKEvt ); break; default: Control::KeyInput( rKEvt ); break; } if ( aNewDate != maCurDate ) { if ( bMultiSel && bExpand ) { Table* pOldSel = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); Date aOldAnchorDate = maAnchorDate; mbSelLeft = aNewDate < maAnchorDate; if ( !bExtended ) { if ( mbSelLeft ) { ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, Date( 1, 1, 0 ), aNewDate, FALSE ); ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, maAnchorDate, Date( 31, 12, 9999 ), FALSE ); } else { ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, Date( 1, 1, 0 ), maAnchorDate, FALSE ); ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, aNewDate, Date( 31, 12, 9999 ), FALSE ); } } ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, aNewDate, maAnchorDate, TRUE ); mbDirect = TRUE; SetCurDate( aNewDate ); mbDirect = FALSE; maAnchorDate = aOldAnchorDate; mbInSelChange = TRUE; SelectionChanging(); mbInSelChange = FALSE; ImplUpdateSelection( pOldSel ); } else { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_RANGESELECT ) { SetNoSelection(); SelectDate( aNewDate, TRUE ); } mbDirect = TRUE; SetCurDate( aNewDate ); mbDirect = FALSE; } mbTravelSelect = TRUE; Select(); mbTravelSelect = FALSE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { ImplDraw( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::GetFocus() { ImplUpdateDate( maCurDate ); Control::GetFocus(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::LoseFocus() { HideFocus(); Control::LoseFocus(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::Resize() { ImplUpdate( TRUE ); Control::Resize(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt ) { if ( rHEvt.GetMode() & (HELPMODE_QUICK | HELPMODE_BALLOON) ) { Date aDate = maCurDate; if ( GetDate( ScreenToOutputPixel( rHEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ), aDate ) ) { Rectangle aDateRect = GetDateRect( aDate ); Point aPt = OutputToScreenPixel( aDateRect.TopLeft() ); aDateRect.Left() = aPt.X(); aDateRect.Top() = aPt.Y(); aPt = OutputToScreenPixel( aDateRect.BottomRight() ); aDateRect.Right() = aPt.X(); aDateRect.Bottom() = aPt.Y(); if ( (rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_BALLOON) || (mnWinStyle & WB_QUICKHELPSHOWSDATEINFO) ) { ImplDateInfo* pInfo; if ( mpDateTable ) { pInfo = mpDateTable->Get( aDate.GetDate() ); if ( !pInfo ) pInfo = mpDateTable->Get( Date( aDate.GetDay(), aDate.GetMonth(), 0 ).GetDate() ); } else pInfo = NULL; if ( pInfo ) { XubString aStr = pInfo->maText; if ( aStr.Len() ) { Help::ShowBalloon( this, rHEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), aDateRect, aStr ); return; } } } if ( rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_QUICK ) { USHORT nWeek = aDate.GetWeekOfYear( maIntn.GetWeekStart(), maIntn.GetWeekCountStart() ); USHORT nMonth = aDate.GetMonth(); XubString aStr( maDayText ); aStr.AppendAscii( ": " ); aStr.Append( XubString::CreateFromInt32( aDate.GetDayOfYear() ) ); aStr.AppendAscii( " / " ); aStr.Append( maWeekText ); aStr.AppendAscii( ": " ); aStr.Append( XubString::CreateFromInt32( nWeek ) ); // Evt. noch Jahr hinzufuegen, wenn es nicht das gleiche ist if ( (nMonth == 12) && (nWeek == 1) ) { aStr.AppendAscii( ", " ); aStr.Append( XubString::CreateFromInt32( aDate.GetYear()+1 ) ); } else if ( (nMonth == 1) && (nWeek > 50) ) { aStr.AppendAscii( ", " ); aStr.Append( XubString::CreateFromInt32( aDate.GetYear()-1 ) ); } Help::ShowQuickHelp( this, aDateRect, aStr ); return; } } } Control::RequestHelp( rHEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { if ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU ) { if ( !mbSelection && rCEvt.IsMouseEvent() ) { Date aTempDate = maCurDate; USHORT nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), aTempDate ); if ( nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_MONTHTITLE ) { ImplShowMenu( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), aTempDate ); return; } } } else if ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL ) { const CommandWheelData* pData = rCEvt.GetWheelData(); if ( pData->GetMode() == COMMAND_WHEEL_SCROLL ) { long nNotchDelta = pData->GetNotchDelta(); if ( nNotchDelta < 0 ) { while ( nNotchDelta < 0 ) { ImplScroll( TRUE ); nNotchDelta++; } } else { while ( nNotchDelta > 0 ) { ImplScroll( FALSE ); nNotchDelta--; } } return; } } Control::Command( rCEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { Control::StateChanged( nType ); if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW ) ImplFormat(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTS) || (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTSUBSTITUTION) || ((rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE)) ) { ImplInitSettings(); Invalidate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SelectionChanging() { maSelectionChangingHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::DateRangeChanged() { maDateRangeChangedHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::RequestDateInfo() { maRequestDateInfoHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::DoubleClick() { maDoubleClickHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::Select() { maSelectHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SetInternational( const International& rIntn ) { ImplUpdate( TRUE ); maIntn = rIntn; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SelectDate( const Date& rDate, BOOL bSelect ) { if ( !rDate.IsValid() ) return; Table* pOldSel; if ( !mbInSelChange ) pOldSel = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); else pOldSel = NULL; ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, rDate, bSelect ); if ( pOldSel ) { ImplUpdateSelection( pOldSel ); delete pOldSel; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SelectDateRange( const Date& rStartDate, const Date& rEndDate, BOOL bSelect ) { if ( !rStartDate.IsValid() || !rEndDate.IsValid() ) return; Table* pOldSel; if ( !mbInSelChange ) pOldSel = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); else pOldSel = NULL; ImplCalendarSelectDateRange( mpSelectTable, rStartDate, rEndDate, bSelect ); if ( pOldSel ) { ImplUpdateSelection( pOldSel ); delete pOldSel; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SetNoSelection() { Table* pOldSel; if ( !mbInSelChange ) pOldSel = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); else pOldSel = NULL; ImplCalendarClearSelectDate( mpSelectTable ); if ( pOldSel ) { ImplUpdateSelection( pOldSel ); delete pOldSel; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Calendar::IsDateSelected( const Date& rDate ) const { return mpSelectTable->IsKeyValid( rDate.GetDate() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG Calendar::GetSelectDateCount() const { return mpSelectTable->Count(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Calendar::GetSelectDate( ULONG nIndex ) const { if ( nIndex < mpSelectTable->Count() ) return Date( mpSelectTable->GetObjectKey( nIndex ) ); else { Date aDate( 0, 0, 0 ); return aDate; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SetCurDate( const Date& rNewDate ) { if ( !rNewDate.IsValid() ) return; if ( maCurDate != rNewDate ) { BOOL bUpdate = IsVisible() && IsUpdateMode(); Date aOldDate = maCurDate; maCurDate = rNewDate; maAnchorDate = maCurDate; if ( !(mnWinStyle & (WB_RANGESELECT | WB_MULTISELECT)) ) { ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, aOldDate, FALSE ); ImplCalendarSelectDate( mpSelectTable, maCurDate, TRUE ); } else if ( !HasFocus() ) bUpdate = FALSE; // Aktuelles Datum noch in den sichtbaren Bereich verschieben if ( mbFormat || (maCurDate < GetFirstMonth()) ) SetFirstDate( maCurDate ); else if ( maCurDate > GetLastMonth() ) { Date aTempDate = GetLastMonth(); long nDateOff = maCurDate-aTempDate; if ( nDateOff < 365 ) { Date maFirstDate = GetFirstMonth(); maFirstDate += maFirstDate.GetDaysInMonth(); aTempDate++; while ( nDateOff > aTempDate.GetDaysInMonth() ) { maFirstDate += maFirstDate.GetDaysInMonth(); long nDaysInMonth = aTempDate.GetDaysInMonth(); aTempDate += nDaysInMonth; nDateOff -= nDaysInMonth; } SetFirstDate( maFirstDate ); } else SetFirstDate( maCurDate ); } else { if ( bUpdate ) { HideFocus(); ImplUpdateDate( aOldDate ); ImplUpdateDate( maCurDate ); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SetFirstDate( const Date& rNewFirstDate ) { if ( maFirstDate != rNewFirstDate ) { maFirstDate = Date( 1, rNewFirstDate.GetMonth(), rNewFirstDate.GetYear() ); mbDropPos = FALSE; ImplUpdate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Calendar::GetFirstMonth() const { if ( maFirstDate.GetDay() > 1 ) { if ( maFirstDate.GetMonth() == 12 ) return Date( 1, 1, maFirstDate.GetYear()+1 ); else return Date( 1, maFirstDate.GetMonth()+1, maFirstDate.GetYear() ); } else return maFirstDate; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Calendar::GetLastMonth() const { Date aDate = GetFirstMonth(); USHORT nMonthCount = GetMonthCount(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nMonthCount; i++ ) aDate += aDate.GetDaysInMonth(); aDate--; return aDate; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT Calendar::GetMonthCount() const { if ( mbFormat ) return 1; else return (USHORT)(mnMonthPerLine*mnLines); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Calendar::GetDropDate( Date& rDate ) const { if( mbDropPos ) { rDate = maDropDate; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Calendar::GetDate( const Point& rPos, Date& rDate ) const { Date aDate = maCurDate; USHORT nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rPos, aDate ); if ( nHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY ) { rDate = aDate; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle Calendar::GetDateRect( const Date& rDate ) const { Rectangle aRect; if ( mbFormat || (rDate < maFirstDate) || (rDate > (maFirstDate+mnDayCount)) ) return aRect; long nX; long nY; ULONG nDaysOff; USHORT nDayIndex; Date aDate = GetFirstMonth(); if ( rDate < aDate ) { aRect = GetDateRect( aDate ); nDaysOff = aDate-rDate; nX = (long)(nDaysOff*mnDayWidth); aRect.Left() -= nX; aRect.Right() -= nX; return aRect; } else { Date aLastDate = GetLastMonth(); if ( rDate > aLastDate ) { USHORT nWeekDay = (USHORT)aLastDate.GetDayOfWeek(); nWeekDay = (nWeekDay+(7-(USHORT)maIntn.GetWeekStart())) % 7; aLastDate -= nWeekDay; aRect = GetDateRect( aLastDate ); nDaysOff = rDate-aLastDate; nDayIndex = 0; for ( USHORT i = 0; i <= nDaysOff; i++ ) { if ( aLastDate == rDate ) { aRect.Left() += nDayIndex*mnDayWidth; aRect.Right() = aRect.Left()+mnDayWidth; return aRect; } if ( nDayIndex == 6 ) { nDayIndex = 0; aRect.Top() += mnDayHeight; aRect.Bottom() += mnDayHeight; } else nDayIndex++; aLastDate++; } } } nY = 0; for ( long i = 0; i < mnLines; i++ ) { nX = 0; for ( long j = 0; j < mnMonthPerLine; j++ ) { USHORT nDaysInMonth = aDate.GetDaysInMonth(); // Monat gerufen if ( (aDate.GetMonth() == rDate.GetMonth()) && (aDate.GetYear() == rDate.GetYear()) ) { long nDayX = nX+mnDaysOffX; long nDayY = nY+mnDaysOffY; nDayIndex = (USHORT)aDate.GetDayOfWeek(); nDayIndex = (nDayIndex+(7-(USHORT)maIntn.GetWeekStart())) % 7; for ( USHORT nDay = 1; nDay <= nDaysInMonth; nDay++ ) { if ( nDay == rDate.GetDay() ) { aRect.Left() = nDayX + (nDayIndex*mnDayWidth); aRect.Top() = nDayY; aRect.Right() = aRect.Left()+mnDayWidth; aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top()+mnDayHeight; break; } if ( nDayIndex == 6 ) { nDayIndex = 0; nDayY += mnDayHeight; } else nDayIndex++; } } aDate += nDaysInMonth; nX += mnMonthWidth; } nY += mnMonthHeight; } return aRect; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SetStandardColor( const Color& rColor ) { if ( mpStandardColor ) *mpStandardColor = rColor; else mpStandardColor = new Color( rColor ); ImplUpdate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SetSaturdayColor( const Color& rColor ) { if ( mpSaturdayColor ) *mpSaturdayColor = rColor; else mpSaturdayColor = new Color( rColor ); ImplUpdate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::SetSundayColor( const Color& rColor ) { if ( mpSundayColor ) *mpSundayColor = rColor; else mpSundayColor = new Color( rColor ); ImplUpdate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::AddDateInfo( const Date& rDate, const String& rText, const Color* pTextColor, const Color* pFrameColor, USHORT nFlags ) { if ( !mpDateTable ) mpDateTable = new ImplDateTable( 256, 256 ); BOOL bChanged = FALSE; ULONG nKey = rDate.GetDate(); ImplDateInfo* pDateInfo = mpDateTable->Get( nKey ); if ( pDateInfo ) pDateInfo->maText = rText; else { pDateInfo = new ImplDateInfo( rText ); mpDateTable->Insert( nKey, pDateInfo ); } if ( pTextColor ) { if ( pDateInfo->mpTextColor ) { if ( *(pDateInfo->mpTextColor) != *pTextColor ) { *(pDateInfo->mpTextColor) = *pTextColor; bChanged = TRUE; } } else { pDateInfo->mpTextColor = new Color( *pTextColor ); bChanged = TRUE; } } else { if ( pDateInfo->mpTextColor ) { delete pDateInfo->mpTextColor; pDateInfo->mpTextColor = NULL; bChanged = TRUE; } } if ( pFrameColor ) { if ( pDateInfo->mpFrameColor ) { if ( *(pDateInfo->mpFrameColor) != *pFrameColor ) { *(pDateInfo->mpFrameColor) = *pFrameColor; bChanged = TRUE; } } else { pDateInfo->mpFrameColor = new Color( *pFrameColor ); bChanged = TRUE; } } else { if ( pDateInfo->mpFrameColor ) { delete pDateInfo->mpFrameColor; pDateInfo->mpFrameColor = NULL; bChanged = TRUE; } } if ( pDateInfo->mnFlags != nFlags ) { pDateInfo->mnFlags = nFlags; bChanged = TRUE; } if ( bChanged ) ImplUpdateDate( rDate ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::RemoveDateInfo( const Date& rDate ) { if ( mpDateTable ) { ImplDateInfo* pDateInfo = mpDateTable->Remove( rDate.GetDate() ); if ( pDateInfo ) { delete pDateInfo; ImplUpdateDate( rDate ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::ClearDateInfo() { if ( mpDateTable ) { ImplDateInfo* pDateInfo = mpDateTable->First(); while ( pDateInfo ) { ULONG nKey = mpDateTable->GetCurKey(); mpDateTable->Remove( nKey ); Date aDate( nKey ); ImplUpdateDate( aDate ); delete pDateInfo; pDateInfo = mpDateTable->First(); } delete mpDateTable; mpDateTable = NULL; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString Calendar::GetDateInfoText( const Date& rDate ) { XubString aRet; if ( mpDateTable ) { ULONG nKey = rDate.GetDate(); ImplDateInfo* pDateInfo = mpDateTable->Get( nKey ); if ( pDateInfo ) aRet = pDateInfo->maText; } return aRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Calendar::ShowDropPos( const Point& rPos, Date& rDate ) { Date aTempDate = maCurDate; mnDragScrollHitTest = ImplHitTest( rPos, aTempDate ); if ( mnDragScrollHitTest ) { if ( mnDragScrollHitTest & (CALENDAR_HITTEST_PREV | CALENDAR_HITTEST_NEXT) ) { if ( !maDragScrollTimer.IsActive() ) maDragScrollTimer.Start(); } else { maDragScrollTimer.Stop(); if ( mnDragScrollHitTest & CALENDAR_HITTEST_DAY ) { if ( !mbDropPos || (aTempDate != maDropDate) ) { if( mbDropPos ) ImplInvertDropPos(); maDropDate = aTempDate; mbDropPos = TRUE; ImplInvertDropPos(); } rDate = maDropDate; return TRUE; } } } else maDragScrollTimer.Stop(); HideDropPos(); return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::HideDropPos() { if ( mbDropPos ) { ImplInvertDropPos(); mbDropPos = FALSE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::StartSelection() { if ( mpOldSelectTable ) delete mpOldSelectTable; maOldCurDate = maCurDate; mpOldSelectTable = new Table( *mpSelectTable ); mbSelection = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calendar::EndSelection() { if ( mbDrag || mbSpinDown || mbSelection ) { if ( !mbSelection ) ReleaseMouse(); mbDrag = FALSE; mbSelection = FALSE; mbMultiSelection = FALSE; mbSpinDown = FALSE; mbPrevIn = FALSE; mbNextIn = FALSE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size Calendar::CalcWindowSizePixel( long nCalcMonthPerLine, long nCalcLines ) const { XubString a99Text( XubString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "99" ) ) ); Font aOldFont = GetFont(); // Wochenanzeige beruecksichtigen long nWeekWidth; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_WEEKNUMBER ) { Font aTempFont = aOldFont; ImplGetWeekFont( aTempFont ); ((Calendar*)this)->SetFont( aTempFont ); nWeekWidth = GetTextWidth( a99Text )+WEEKNUMBER_OFFX; ((Calendar*)this)->SetFont( aOldFont ); } else nWeekWidth = 0; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_BOLDTEXT ) { Font aFont = aOldFont; if ( aFont.GetWeight() < WEIGHT_BOLD ) aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD ); else aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL ); ((Calendar*)this)->SetFont( aFont ); } Size aSize; long n99TextWidth = GetTextWidth( a99Text ); long nTextHeight = GetTextHeight(); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_BOLDTEXT ) ((Calendar*)this)->SetFont( aOldFont ); aSize.Width() += ((n99TextWidth+DAY_OFFX)*7) + nWeekWidth; aSize.Width() += MONTH_BORDERX*2; aSize.Width() *= nCalcMonthPerLine; aSize.Height() = nTextHeight + TITLE_OFFY + (TITLE_BORDERY*2); aSize.Height() += nTextHeight + WEEKDAY_OFFY; aSize.Height() += ((nTextHeight+DAY_OFFY)*6); aSize.Height() += MONTH_OFFY; aSize.Height() *= nCalcLines; return aSize; } // ======================================================================= #define CALFIELD_EXTRA_BUTTON_WIDTH 14 #define CALFIELD_EXTRA_BUTTON_HEIGHT 8 #define CALFIELD_SEP_X 6 #define CALFIELD_BORDERLINE_X 5 #define CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP 4 #define CALFIELD_BORDER_Y 5 // ======================================================================= class ImplCFieldFloatWin : public FloatingWindow { private: Calendar* mpCalendar; PushButton* mpTodayBtn; PushButton* mpNoneBtn; FixedLine* mpFixedLine; public: ImplCFieldFloatWin( Window* pParent ); ~ImplCFieldFloatWin(); void SetCalendar( Calendar* pCalendar ) { mpCalendar = pCalendar; } PushButton* EnableTodayBtn( BOOL bEnable ); PushButton* EnableNoneBtn( BOOL bEnable ); void ArrangeButtons(); long Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplCFieldFloatWin::ImplCFieldFloatWin( Window* pParent ) : FloatingWindow( pParent ) { mpCalendar = NULL; mpTodayBtn = NULL; mpNoneBtn = NULL; mpFixedLine = NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplCFieldFloatWin::~ImplCFieldFloatWin() { delete mpTodayBtn; delete mpNoneBtn; delete mpFixedLine; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PushButton* ImplCFieldFloatWin::EnableTodayBtn( BOOL bEnable ) { if ( bEnable ) { if ( !mpTodayBtn ) { mpTodayBtn = new PushButton( this, WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS ); XubString aTodayText( SvtResId( STR_SVT_CALENDAR_TODAY ) ); mpTodayBtn->SetText( aTodayText ); Size aSize; aSize.Width() = mpTodayBtn->GetCtrlTextWidth( mpTodayBtn->GetText() ); aSize.Height() = mpTodayBtn->GetTextHeight(); aSize.Width() += CALFIELD_EXTRA_BUTTON_WIDTH; aSize.Height() += CALFIELD_EXTRA_BUTTON_HEIGHT; mpTodayBtn->SetSizePixel( aSize ); mpTodayBtn->Show(); } } else { if ( mpTodayBtn ) { delete mpTodayBtn; mpTodayBtn = NULL; } } return mpTodayBtn; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PushButton* ImplCFieldFloatWin::EnableNoneBtn( BOOL bEnable ) { if ( bEnable ) { if ( !mpNoneBtn ) { mpNoneBtn = new PushButton( this, WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS ); XubString aNoneText( SvtResId( STR_SVT_CALENDAR_NONE ) ); mpNoneBtn->SetText( aNoneText ); Size aSize; aSize.Width() = mpNoneBtn->GetCtrlTextWidth( mpNoneBtn->GetText() ); aSize.Height() = mpNoneBtn->GetTextHeight(); aSize.Width() += CALFIELD_EXTRA_BUTTON_WIDTH; aSize.Height() += CALFIELD_EXTRA_BUTTON_HEIGHT; mpNoneBtn->SetSizePixel( aSize ); mpNoneBtn->Show(); } } else { if ( mpNoneBtn ) { delete mpNoneBtn; mpNoneBtn = NULL; } } return mpNoneBtn; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplCFieldFloatWin::ArrangeButtons() { long nBtnHeight = 0; long nBtnWidth = 0; Size aOutSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( mpTodayBtn && mpNoneBtn ) { Size aTodayBtnSize = mpTodayBtn->GetSizePixel(); Size aNoneBtnSize = mpNoneBtn->GetSizePixel(); if ( aTodayBtnSize.Width() < aNoneBtnSize.Width() ) aTodayBtnSize.Width() = aNoneBtnSize.Width(); else aNoneBtnSize.Width() = aTodayBtnSize.Width(); if ( aTodayBtnSize.Height() < aNoneBtnSize.Height() ) aTodayBtnSize.Height() = aNoneBtnSize.Height(); else aNoneBtnSize.Height() = aTodayBtnSize.Height(); nBtnWidth = aTodayBtnSize.Width() + aNoneBtnSize.Width() + CALFIELD_SEP_X; nBtnHeight = aTodayBtnSize.Height(); long nX = (aOutSize.Width()-nBtnWidth)/2; long nY = aOutSize.Height()+CALFIELD_BORDER_Y+CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP; mpTodayBtn->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nX, nY ), aTodayBtnSize ); nX += aTodayBtnSize.Width() + CALFIELD_SEP_X; mpNoneBtn->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nX, nY ), aNoneBtnSize ); } else if ( mpTodayBtn ) { Size aTodayBtnSize = mpTodayBtn->GetSizePixel(); nBtnWidth = aTodayBtnSize.Width(); nBtnHeight = aTodayBtnSize.Height(); mpTodayBtn->SetPosPixel( Point( (aOutSize.Width()-nBtnWidth)/2, aOutSize.Height()+CALFIELD_BORDER_Y+CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP ) ); } else if ( mpNoneBtn ) { Size aNoneBtnSize = mpNoneBtn->GetSizePixel(); nBtnWidth = aNoneBtnSize.Width(); nBtnHeight = aNoneBtnSize.Height(); mpNoneBtn->SetPosPixel( Point( (aOutSize.Width()-nBtnWidth)/2, aOutSize.Height()+CALFIELD_BORDER_Y+CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP ) ); } if ( nBtnHeight ) { if ( !mpFixedLine ) { mpFixedLine = new FixedLine( this ); mpFixedLine->Show(); } long nLineWidth = aOutSize.Width()-(CALFIELD_BORDERLINE_X*2); mpFixedLine->SetPosSizePixel( (aOutSize.Width()-nLineWidth)/2, aOutSize.Height()+((CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP-2)/2), nLineWidth, 2, WINDOW_POSSIZE_POSSIZE ); aOutSize.Height() += nBtnHeight + (CALFIELD_BORDER_Y*2) + CALFIELD_BORDER_YTOP; SetOutputSizePixel( aOutSize ); } else { if ( mpFixedLine ) { delete mpFixedLine; mpFixedLine = NULL; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long ImplCFieldFloatWin::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) { const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); if ( pKEvt->GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_RETURN ) mpCalendar->Select(); } return FloatingWindow::Notify( rNEvt ); } // ======================================================================= CalendarField::CalendarField( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : DateField( pParent, nWinStyle ), maDefaultDate( 0, 0, 0 ) { mpFloatWin = NULL; mpCalendar = NULL; mnCalendarStyle = 0; mbToday = FALSE; mbNone = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CalendarField::CalendarField( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : DateField( pParent, rResId ), maDefaultDate( 0, 0, 0 ) { mpFloatWin = NULL; mpCalendar = NULL; mnCalendarStyle = 0; mbToday = FALSE; mbNone = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CalendarField::~CalendarField() { if ( mpFloatWin ) { delete mpCalendar; delete mpFloatWin; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( CalendarField, ImplSelectHdl, Calendar*, pCalendar ) { if ( !pCalendar->IsTravelSelect() ) { mpFloatWin->EndPopupMode(); EndDropDown(); GrabFocus(); Date aNewDate = mpCalendar->GetSelectDate( 0 ); if ( IsEmptyDate() || ( aNewDate != GetDate() ) ) { SetDate( aNewDate ); SetModifyFlag(); Modify(); } Select(); } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( CalendarField, ImplClickHdl, PushButton*, pBtn ) { mpFloatWin->EndPopupMode(); EndDropDown(); GrabFocus(); if ( pBtn == mpTodayBtn ) { Date aToday; if ( (aToday != GetDate()) || IsEmptyDate() ) { SetDate( aToday ); SetModifyFlag(); Modify(); } } else if ( pBtn == mpNoneBtn ) { if ( !IsEmptyDate() ) { SetEmptyDate(); SetModifyFlag(); Modify(); } } Select(); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( CalendarField, ImplPopupModeEndHdl, FloatingWindow*, EMPTYARG ) { EndDropDown(); GrabFocus(); mpCalendar->EndSelection(); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CalendarField::Select() { maSelectHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CalendarField::ShowDropDown( BOOL bShow ) { if ( bShow ) { Calendar* pCalendar = GetCalendar(); Date aDate = GetDate(); if ( IsEmptyDate() || !aDate.IsValid() ) { if ( maDefaultDate.IsValid() ) aDate = maDefaultDate; else aDate = Date(); } if ( pCalendar->GetStyle() & (WB_RANGESELECT | WB_MULTISELECT) ) { pCalendar->SetNoSelection(); pCalendar->SelectDate( aDate ); } pCalendar->SetCurDate( aDate ); Point aPos( GetParent()->OutputToScreenPixel( GetPosPixel() ) ); Rectangle aRect( aPos, GetSizePixel() ); aRect.Bottom() -= 1; mpCalendar->SetOutputSizePixel( mpCalendar->CalcWindowSizePixel() ); mpFloatWin->SetOutputSizePixel( mpCalendar->GetSizePixel() ); mpFloatWin->SetCalendar( mpCalendar ); mpTodayBtn = mpFloatWin->EnableTodayBtn( mbToday ); mpNoneBtn = mpFloatWin->EnableNoneBtn( mbNone ); if ( mpTodayBtn ) mpTodayBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplClickHdl ) ); if ( mpNoneBtn ) mpNoneBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplClickHdl ) ); mpFloatWin->ArrangeButtons(); mpCalendar->EnableCallEverySelect(); mpCalendar->StartSelection(); mpCalendar->GrabFocus(); mpCalendar->Show(); mpFloatWin->StartPopupMode( aRect, FLOATWIN_POPUPMODE_DOWN ); } else { mpFloatWin->EndPopupMode( FLOATWIN_POPUPMODEEND_CANCEL ); mpCalendar->EndSelection(); EndDropDown(); } return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar* CalendarField::CreateCalendar( Window* pParent ) { return new Calendar( pParent, mnCalendarStyle | WB_TABSTOP ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar* CalendarField::GetCalendar() { if ( !mpFloatWin ) { mpFloatWin = new ImplCFieldFloatWin( this ); mpFloatWin->SetPopupModeEndHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplPopupModeEndHdl ) ); mpCalendar = CreateCalendar( mpFloatWin ); mpCalendar->SetPosPixel( Point() ); mpCalendar->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, CalendarField, ImplSelectHdl ) ); } return mpCalendar; }