 *  $RCSfile: ctrltool.src,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.24 $
 *  last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-11-16 22:11:30 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
 *  either of the following licenses
 *         - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *         - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *  =============================================
 *  Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *  MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  =================================================
 *  The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
 *  Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
 *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
 *  License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
 *  Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
 *  See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
 *  obligations concerning the Software.
 *  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 *  Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include "svtools.hrc"

    Text = "Light" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Ljus" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Light" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Claro" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Light";
    Text[ japanese ] = "細字";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "细";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "細";
    Text[ arabic ] = "����";
    Text[ greek ] = "�����";
    Text[ korean ] = "얇게";
    Text[ turkish ] = "�nce";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Light";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Vaalea";

    Text = "Light Kursiv" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Light Italic" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Light Italic" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Corsivo Light" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Cursiva light" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Italique Light" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Light Cursief" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Ljus kursiv" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Light kursiv" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Light Italic" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "It�lico claro" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "������ ������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Kursywa light";
    Text[ japanese ] = "細字 斜体";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "细斜体";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "細斜體";
    Text[ arabic ] = "���� ����";
    Text[ greek ] = "������ �����";
    Text[ korean ] = "가는 이탤릭체";
    Text[ turkish ] = "�nce italik";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Cursiva light";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Kevyt kursivointi";

    Text = "Standard" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Regular" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Regular" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Standard" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Predeterminado" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Normal" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Normaal" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Standard" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Normal" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Normal" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Padr�o" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "��������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Domy�lnie";
    Text[ japanese ] = "標準";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标准";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標準";
    Text[ arabic ] = "�����";
    Text[ greek ] = "����������";
    Text[ korean ] = "보통";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Normal";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Predeterminado";
    Text[ finnish ] = "S??nn?linen";

    Text = "Kursiv" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Italic" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Italic" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Corsivo" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Cursiva" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Italique" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Cursief" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Kursiv" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Kursiv" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Italic" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "It�lico" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Kursywa";
    Text[ japanese ] = "斜体";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "斜体";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "斜體";
    Text[ arabic ] = "����";
    Text[ greek ] = "������";
    Text[ korean ] = "이탤릭체";
    Text[ turkish ] = "�talik";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Cursiva";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Kursivointi";

    Text = "Fett" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Bold" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Bold" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Grassetto" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Negrita" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Gras" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Vet" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Fet" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Fed" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bold" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Negrito" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Pogrubienie";
    Text[ japanese ] = "太字";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "粗体";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "粗體";
    Text[ arabic ] = "����";
    Text[ greek ] = "������";
    Text[ korean ] = "굵게";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Kal�n";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Negrita";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Lihavointi";

    Text = "Fett Kursiv" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Bold Italic" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Bold Italic" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Corsivo Grassetto" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Negrita cursiva" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Italique gras" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Vet Cursief" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Fet kursiv" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Fed kursiv" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bold Italic" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "It�lico negrito" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "������ ������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Pogrubiona kursywa";
    Text[ japanese ] = "太字斜体";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "粗斜体";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "粗斜體";
    Text[ arabic ] = "���� ����";
    Text[ greek ] = "������ ������";
    Text[ korean ] = "굵은 이탤릭체";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Kal�n italik";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Cursiva negrita";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Lihavointi ja kursivointi";

    Text = "Black" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Black" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Black" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Black" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Black" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Extra gras" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Black" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Svart" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Black" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Black" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Preto" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Czarny";
    Text[ japanese ] = "黒";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "黑体";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "黑體";
    Text[ arabic ] = "����";
    Text[ greek ] = "�����";
    Text[ korean ] = "검게";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Siyah";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Black";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Musta";

    Text = "Black Kursiv" ;
    Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Black Italic" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Black Italic" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Corsivo Black" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Cursiva black" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Italique extra gras" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Black Cursief" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Svart kursiv" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Black kursiv" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Black Italic" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Preto it�lico" ;
    Text[ russian ] = "������ ������";
    Text[ polish ] = "Czarna kursywa";
    Text[ japanese ] = "黒の斜体";
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "黑斜体";
    Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "黑斜體";
    Text[ arabic ] = "���� ����";
    Text[ greek ] = "������ �����";
    Text[ korean ] = "검게, 이탤릭체";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Siyah italik";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Cursiva black";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Musta kursivointi";

Finnische Texte:
    "Light Kursivoitu",
    "Lihavoitu Kursivoitu",
    "Black Kursivoitu"

    TEXT = "F�r Ausdruck und Anzeige am Bildschirm wird die gleiche Schriftart verwendet." ;
    TEXT [ English ] = "The same font will be used on both your printer and your screen." ;
    TEXT [ norwegian ] = "The same font will be used on both your printer and your screen." ;
    TEXT [ italian ] = "Questo tipo di carattere verr� utilizzato sia per lo schermo che per la stampante." ;
    TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Esta mesma fonte ser  utilizada na impressora e na tela." ;
    TEXT [ portuguese ] = "O tipo de letra utilizado para a impressora e para o ecr� � o mesmo." ;
    TEXT [ finnish ] = "Samaa fonttia k?ytet??n sek? tulostimessa ett? n?yt?s?." ;
    TEXT [ danish ] = "Denne skrifttype vil blive brugt b�de p� sk�rmen og p� printeren." ;
    TEXT [ french ] = "La m�me police est utilis�e pour l'impression et l'affichage � l'�cran." ;
    TEXT [ swedish ] = "Samma teckensnitt anv�nds f�r b�de skrivare och bildsk�rm." ;
    TEXT [ dutch ] = "Dit lettertype wordt voor zowel de printer als het scherm gebruikt." ;
    TEXT [ spanish ] = "Se usar� la misma fuente en la impresora y en pantalla" ;
    TEXT [ english_us ] = "The same font will be used on both your printer and your screen." ;
    TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "屏幕显示和打印使用同一种字体。";
    TEXT[ russian ] = "��� ������ � ������ �� ����� ������������ ���� � ��� �� �����";
    TEXT[ polish ] = "U�yj tej samej czcionki dla wydruku i ekranu";
    TEXT[ japanese ] = "印刷と画面表示には同じフォントが使用されます。";
    TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "螢幕顯示和列印使用統一的字型";
    TEXT[ arabic ] = "��� ��� ������� ��� ���� ������� �������.";
    TEXT[ greek ] = "� ������������� ���� �� �������������� ��� ��� ����� ��� ��� ��� ��������.";
    TEXT[ korean ] = "프린터와 화면에는 같은 글꼴이 사용될 것 입니다.";
    TEXT[ turkish ] = "Yazd�rma ve ekranda g�r�nt�leme i�in ayn� yaz�tipi kullan�lacak.";
    TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    TEXT[ catalan ] = "Se usar� la misma fuente en la impresora y en pantalla";

    TEXT = "Druckerschrift. Die Bildschirmanzeige kann etwas abweichen." ;
    TEXT [ English ] = "This is a printer font. The screen image may not exactly match." ;
    TEXT [ norwegian ] = "This is a printer font. The screen image may not exactly match." ;
    TEXT [ italian ] = "Il tipo di carattere visualizzato differisce da quello stampato." ;
    TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Esta ? uma fonte de impressora. A imagem na tela pode n?o corresponder exatamente." ;
    TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Letra de impressora. A letra vista no ecr� pode apresentar um pequeno desvio." ;
    TEXT [ finnish ] = "T?m? on tulostinfontti. N?ytt?uva saattaa olla erilainen." ;
    TEXT [ danish ] = "Dette er en printerskrifttype. Sk�rmbilledet svarer muligvis ikke helt til printerskrifttypen." ;
    TEXT [ french ] = "Police d'imprimante. L'affichage et l'impression ne seront pas toujours identiques." ;
    TEXT [ swedish ] = "Detta �r ett skrivarteckensnitt. Visningen p� sk�rmbilden kan avvika n�got." ;
    TEXT [ dutch ] = "Dit is een printerlettertype. De weergave op het scherm kan iets afwijken." ;
    TEXT [ spanish ] = "Fuente de impresora. La imagen en pantalla podr�a ser diferente." ;
    TEXT [ english_us ] = "This is a printer font. The screen image may differ." ;
    TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "这是打印字体。屏幕显示的字体与其可能会有些偏差。";
    TEXT[ russian ] = "����� ������. �� ������ ����� ������� ����������.";
    TEXT[ polish ] = "Czcionka drukarkowa. Obraz czcionek na ekranie mo�e si� troch� r�ni�.";
    TEXT[ japanese ] = "プリンタ用のフォントです。画面表示とは少し異なります。";
    TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "列印字型。螢幕顯示字型可能略微有些偏差。";
    TEXT[ arabic ] = "��� �� �������. �� ����� ������ ��� ������ ��� ����.";
    TEXT[ greek ] = "������������� ��������. � �������� ��� ���� ����� ����� ������� �� ��������.";
    TEXT[ korean ] = "이것은 프린터 글꼴입니다. 화면 이미지는 일부 다를 수 있습니다.";
    TEXT[ turkish ] = "Yaz�c� yaz�tipi. Ekrandaki g�r�nt� biraz farkl� olabilir.";
    TEXT[ catalan ] = "Fuente de impresora. La imagen en pantalla podr�a ser diferente.";

    TEXT = "Bildschirmschrift. Der Ausdruck kann etwas abweichen." ;
    TEXT [ English ] = "This is a screen font. The printer image may not exactly match." ;
    TEXT [ norwegian ] = "This is a screen font. The printer image may not exactly match." ;
    TEXT [ italian ] = "Questo � un carattere per lo schermo. La stampa pu� essere leggermente diversa." ;
    TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Esta ? uma fonte de tela. A imagem impressa pode n?o corresponder exatamente." ;
    TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Letra de ecr�. A letra impressa pode apresentar um pequeno desvio." ;
    TEXT [ finnish ] = "T?m? on n?ytt?ontti. Tulostinkuva saattaa olla erilainen." ;
    TEXT [ danish ] = "Dette er en sk�rmskrifttype. Udskriften kan muligvis afvige lidt." ;
    TEXT [ french ] = "Police d'�cran. L'impression et l'affichage ne seront pas toujours identiques." ;
    TEXT [ swedish ] = "Detta �r ett sk�rmteckensnitt. Utskriften kan vara l�tt avvikande." ;
    TEXT [ dutch ] = "Dit is een schermlettertype. De afdruk kan iets afwijken." ;
    TEXT [ spanish ] = "Fuente de pantalla. La imagen en la impresora podr�a ser diferente." ;
    TEXT [ english_us ] = "This is a screen font. The printer image may differ." ;
    TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "这是屏幕字体。打印出来的字体与其可能会有一些偏差。";
    TEXT[ russian ] = "����� ������. � ������ ����� ���� ����������.";
    TEXT[ polish ] = "To jest czcionka ekranowa. Wydruk b�dzie si� troch� r�ni�.";
    TEXT[ japanese ] = "画面用のフォントです。印刷イメージとは少し異なります。";
    TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "螢幕字型。列印出可能會有一些偏差。";
    TEXT[ arabic ] = "��� �� ����. �� ����� ������ ��� ����� ������� ��� ����.";
    TEXT[ greek ] = "������������� ������. � �������� ��� ���� �������� ����� ������� �� ��������.";
    TEXT[ korean ] = "이것은 화면 글꼴 입니다. 프린터 이미지는 일부 다를 수 있습니다.";
    TEXT[ turkish ] = "Ekran yaz�tipi. Yazd�rma biraz farkl� olabilir.";
    TEXT[ catalan ] = "Fuente de pantalla. La imagen en la impresora podr�a ser diferente.";

    TEXT = "Diese Schriftgr��e ist nicht installiert. Die am besten passende vorhandene Gr��e wird benutzt." ;
    TEXT [ English ] = "This font size is not installed. The closest available size will be used." ;
    TEXT[ english_us ] = "This font size has not been installed. The closest available size will be used.";
    TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Este tamanho de letra n�o est� instalado. Ser� utilizado o tamanho dispon�vel mais adequado.";
    TEXT[ russian ] = "����� ������ ������ �� �������������. ������� ����� ����������� �������� ���������� ������.";
    TEXT[ greek ] = "�� ������� ��� �������������� ��� ���� ������������. ��������������� �� ����������� �������.";
    TEXT[ dutch ] = "Deze schriftgrootte is niet ge�nstalleerd. De meest passende voorhanden zijnde grootte wordt toegepast.";
    TEXT[ french ] = "Cette taille de police n'a pas �t� install�e. La taille disponible la plus appropri�e va �tre utilis�e.";
    TEXT[ spanish ] = "Este tama�o de fuente no est� instalado. Se usar� el tama�o disponible m�s adecuado.";
    TEXT[ italian ] = "Il font delle dimensioni indicate non � installato. Il programma utilizzer� le dimensioni disponibili.";
    TEXT[ danish ] = "Denne skriftst�rrelse er ikke installeret. Den tilg�ngelige st�rrelse, som passer bedst, vil blive brugt i stedet.";
    TEXT[ swedish ] = "Den h�r teckenstorleken �r inte installerad. Den tillg�ngliga storlek som passar b�st anv�nds.";
    TEXT[ polish ] = "Dany rozmiar czcionki nie jest zaistalowany. U�yty zostanie najbardziej pasuj�cy, ju� istniej�ca rozmiar.";
    TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "This font size is not installed. The closest available size will be used.";
    TEXT[ japanese ] = "このフォントサイズはインストールされていません。最も適切なサイズが選ばれます。";
    TEXT[ korean ] = "이 글꼴의 크기는 설치되지 않았습니다. 기존의 가장 적합한 크기가 사용됩니다.";
    TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装这种字体大小。使用的是现有的最接近的字体大小。";
    TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有安裝這個字型。採用最近似的字型。";
    TEXT[ arabic ] = "��� ���� ��� ��� ����. ��� ��� ������� ���� ������� �������� ����� ��.";
    TEXT[ turkish ] = "Bu yaz�tipi boyu y�klenmedi. Mevcut boylardan en uygun olan� kullan�lacak.";
    TEXT[ catalan ] = "Este tama�o de fuente no est� instalado. Se usar� el tama�o disponible m�s adecuado.";
    TEXT[ finnish ] = "T?t? fonttikokoa ei ole asennettu. L?hint? k?ytett?viss? olevaa kokoa k?ytet??n.";

    TEXT = "Dieser Schriftstil wird nachgebildet oder der am besten passende Stil wird verwendet." ;
    TEXT [ English ] = "This font style will be generated or the closest matching style will be used." ;
    TEXT[ english_us ] = "This font style will be simulated or the closest matching style will be used.";
    TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Este estilo de letra ser� simulado ou ser� utilizado o estilo dispon�vel mais adequado.";
    TEXT[ russian ] = "����� ������ ���� ����� ����� ������, ���� ����� ����������� �������� �������.";
    TEXT[ greek ] = "�� ���� ���� �������������� �� ���������� � �� �������������� �� ����������� ����..";
    TEXT[ dutch ] = "Dit lettertype wordt nagebootst of het meest overeenkomende voorhanden zijnde type wordt gebruikt.";
    TEXT[ french ] = "Ce style de police sera imit� ou le style le plus appropri� sera utilis�.";
    TEXT[ spanish ] = "Se imitar� este estilo de fuente o se usar� el m�s adecuado.";
    TEXT[ italian ] = "Verr� riprodotto lo stile di questo font oppure verr� utilizzato quello che gli � pi� simile.";
    TEXT[ danish ] = "Denne skrifttype bliver reproduceret eller den type, som passer bedst, vil blive brugt istedet.";
    TEXT[ swedish ] = "Det h�r teckensnittet efterbildas eller n�rmast motsvarande teckensnitt anv�nds.";
    TEXT[ polish ] = "Dany styl czcionki zostanie skopiowany lub zostanie u�yty najlepiej pasuj�cy styl.";
    TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "This font style will be generated or the closest matching style will be used.";
    TEXT[ japanese ] = "このフォントスタイルは修正されるか、または最も適切なスタイルが使用されます。";
    TEXT[ korean ] = "이 글꼴체에 가장 적합한 글꼴체가 사용됩니다.";
    TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成这种字体或使用最接近的字体。";
    TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "模仿這個字型或採用最近似的字型。";
    TEXT[ arabic ] = "��� ��� ����� ��� ���� ��ǡ �� ��� ��� ������� ���� ���� ��.";
    TEXT[ turkish ] = "Bu yaz�tipi taklit edilecek ya da en uygun olan bi�im kullan�lacak.";
    TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " ";
    TEXT[ catalan ] = "Se imitar� este estilo de fuente o se usar� el m�s adecuado.";
    TEXT[ finnish ] = "T?m? fonttityyli simuloidaan tai l?hint? vastaavaa tyyli? k?ytet??n.";

    TEXT = "Diese Schriftart ist nicht installiert. Die am besten passende vorhandene Schriftart wird benutzt." ;
    TEXT [ English ] = "This font is not installed. The closest available font will be used." ;
    TEXT[ english_us ] = "This font has not been installed. The closest available font will be used.";
    TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Este tipo de letra n�o est� instalado. Ser� utilizado o tipo de letra dispon�vel mais adequado.";
    TEXT[ russian ] = "���� ��� ������ �� �������������. ������� ����� ����������� ���� �� �������� ����������.";
    TEXT[ greek ] = "� ������������� ��� ���� ������������. ��������������� � ����������� (��� ����� ���������������) �������������.";
    TEXT[ dutch ] = "Dit lettertype is niet ge�nstalleerd. Het meest overeenkomende voorhanden zijnde type wordt gebruikt.";
    TEXT[ french ] = "Ce type de police n'a pas �t� install�. Le type de police le plus appropri� va �tre utilis�.";
    TEXT[ spanish ] = "Esta fuente no est� instalada. Se usar� la fuente existente m�s adecuada.";
    TEXT[ italian ] = "Questo font non � installato. Il programma utilizzer� il font che gli � pi� simile.";
    TEXT[ danish ] = "Denne skrifttype er ikke installeret. Den tilg�ngelige skrifttype, som passer bedst, vil blive brugt i stedet.";
    TEXT[ swedish ] = "Det h�r teckensnittet �r inte installerat. Det tillg�ngliga teckensnitt som passar b�st anv�nds.";
    TEXT[ polish ] = "Dana czcionka nie jest zainstalowana.U�yta zostanie najbardziej pasuj�ca, ju� istniej�ca czcionka.";
    TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "This font is not installed. The closest available font will be used.";
    TEXT[ japanese ] = "このフォントはインストールされていません。最も適切なフォントが選ばれます。";
    TEXT[ korean ] = "이 글꼴은 설치되지 않았습니다. 기존의 가장 적합한 글꼴이 사용됩니다.";
    TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装这种字体。使用的是现有的最接近的字体。";
    TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有安裝這個字型。採用最近似的字型。";
    TEXT[ arabic ] = "��� ���� ��� ����. ��� ��� ������� ���� ������ �������� ����� ��.";
    TEXT[ turkish ] = "Bu yaz�tipi y�klenmedi. Mevcut yaz�tiplerinden en uygun olan� kullan�lacak.";
    TEXT[ catalan ] = "Esta fuente no est� instalada. Se usar� la fuente existente m�s adecuada.";
    TEXT[ finnish ] = "T?t? fonttia ei ole asennettu. L?hint? k?ytett?viss? olevaa fonttia k?ytet??n.";