/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <svl/zformat.hxx>
#include <svtools/fmtfield.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/SearchOptions.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/SearchAlgorithms.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/SearchResult.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/SearchFlags.hpp>
#include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>
#include <map>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>

using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;

// hmm. No support for regular expression. Well, I always (not really :) wanted to write a finite automat
// so here comes a finite automat ...

namespace validation
    // the states of our automat.
    enum State
        START,              // at the very start of the string
        NUM_START,          // the very start of the number

        DIGIT_PRE_COMMA,    // some pre-comma digits are read, perhaps including some thousand separators

        DIGIT_POST_COMMA,   // reading digits after the comma
        EXPONENT_START,     // at the very start of the exponent value
                            //    (means: not including the "e" which denotes the exponent)
        EXPONENT_DIGIT,     // currently reading the digits of the exponent

        END                 // reached the end of the string

    // a row in the transition table (means the set of states to be reached from a given state)
    typedef ::std::map< sal_Unicode, State >        StateTransitions;

    // a single transition
    typedef StateTransitions::value_type            Transition;

    // the complete transition table
    typedef ::std::map< State, StateTransitions >   TransitionTable;

    // the validator class
    class NumberValidator
        TransitionTable     m_aTransitions;
        const sal_Unicode   m_cThSep;
        const sal_Unicode   m_cDecSep;

        NumberValidator( const sal_Unicode _cThSep, const sal_Unicode _cDecSep );

        sal_Bool isValidNumericFragment( const String& _rText );

        sal_Bool implValidateNormalized( const String& _rText );

    static void lcl_insertStopTransition( StateTransitions& _rRow )
        _rRow.insert( Transition( '_', END ) );

    static void lcl_insertStartExponentTransition( StateTransitions& _rRow )
        _rRow.insert( Transition( 'e', EXPONENT_START ) );

    static void lcl_insertSignTransitions( StateTransitions& _rRow, const State eNextState )
        _rRow.insert( Transition( '-', eNextState ) );
        _rRow.insert( Transition( '+', eNextState ) );

    static void lcl_insertDigitTransitions( StateTransitions& _rRow, const State eNextState )
        for ( sal_Unicode aChar = '0'; aChar <= '9'; ++aChar )
            _rRow.insert( Transition( aChar, eNextState ) );

    static void lcl_insertCommonPreCommaTransitions( StateTransitions& _rRow, const sal_Unicode _cThSep, const sal_Unicode _cDecSep )
        // digits are allowed
        lcl_insertDigitTransitions( _rRow, DIGIT_PRE_COMMA );

        // the thousand separator is allowed
        _rRow.insert( Transition( _cThSep, DIGIT_PRE_COMMA ) );

        // a comma is allowed
        _rRow.insert( Transition( _cDecSep, DIGIT_POST_COMMA ) );

    NumberValidator::NumberValidator( const sal_Unicode _cThSep, const sal_Unicode _cDecSep )
        :m_cThSep( _cThSep )
        ,m_cDecSep( _cDecSep )
        // build up our transition table

        // how to procede from START
            StateTransitions& rRow = m_aTransitions[ START ];
            rRow.insert( Transition( '_', NUM_START ) );
                // if we encounter the normalizing character, we want to procede with the number

        // how to procede from NUM_START
            StateTransitions& rRow = m_aTransitions[ NUM_START ];

            // a sign is allowed
            lcl_insertSignTransitions( rRow, DIGIT_PRE_COMMA );

            // common transitions for the two pre-comma states
            lcl_insertCommonPreCommaTransitions( rRow, m_cThSep, m_cDecSep );

            // the exponent may start here
            // (this would mean string like "_+e10_", but this is a valid fragment, though no valid number)
            lcl_insertStartExponentTransition( rRow );

        // how to procede from DIGIT_PRE_COMMA
            StateTransitions& rRow = m_aTransitions[ DIGIT_PRE_COMMA ];

            // common transitions for the two pre-comma states
            lcl_insertCommonPreCommaTransitions( rRow, m_cThSep, m_cDecSep );

            // the exponent may start here
            lcl_insertStartExponentTransition( rRow );

            // the final transition indicating the end of the string
            // (if there is no comma and no post-comma, then the string may end here)
            lcl_insertStopTransition( rRow );

        // how to procede from DIGIT_POST_COMMA
            StateTransitions& rRow = m_aTransitions[ DIGIT_POST_COMMA ];

            // there might be digits, which would keep the state at DIGIT_POST_COMMA
            lcl_insertDigitTransitions( rRow, DIGIT_POST_COMMA );

            // the exponent may start here
            lcl_insertStartExponentTransition( rRow );

            // the string may end here
            lcl_insertStopTransition( rRow );

        // how to procede from EXPONENT_START
            StateTransitions& rRow = m_aTransitions[ EXPONENT_START ];

            // there may be a sign
            lcl_insertSignTransitions( rRow, EXPONENT_DIGIT );

            // there may be digits
            lcl_insertDigitTransitions( rRow, EXPONENT_DIGIT );

            // the string may end here
            lcl_insertStopTransition( rRow );

        // how to procede from EXPONENT_DIGIT
            StateTransitions& rRow = m_aTransitions[ EXPONENT_DIGIT ];

            // there may be digits
            lcl_insertDigitTransitions( rRow, EXPONENT_DIGIT );

            // the string may end here
            lcl_insertStopTransition( rRow );

        // how to procede from END
            /*StateTransitions& rRow =*/ m_aTransitions[ EXPONENT_DIGIT ];
            // no valid transition to leave this state
            // (note that we, for consistency, nevertheless want to have a row in the table)

    sal_Bool NumberValidator::implValidateNormalized( const String& _rText )
        const sal_Unicode* pCheckPos = _rText.GetBuffer();
        State eCurrentState = START;

        while ( END != eCurrentState )
            // look up the transition row for the current state
            TransitionTable::const_iterator aRow = m_aTransitions.find( eCurrentState );
            DBG_ASSERT( m_aTransitions.end() != aRow,
                "NumberValidator::implValidateNormalized: invalid transition table (row not found)!" );

            if ( m_aTransitions.end() != aRow )
                // look up the current character in this row
                StateTransitions::const_iterator aTransition = aRow->second.find( *pCheckPos );
                if ( aRow->second.end() != aTransition )
                    // there is a valid transition for this character
                    eCurrentState = aTransition->second;

            // if we're here, there is no valid transition

        DBG_ASSERT( ( END != eCurrentState ) || ( 0 == *pCheckPos ),
            "NumberValidator::implValidateNormalized: inconsistency!" );
            // if we're at END, then the string should be done, too - the string should be normalized, means ending
            // a "_" and not containing any other "_" (except at the start), and "_" is the only possibility
            // to reach the END state

        // the string is valid if and only if we reached the final state
        return ( END == eCurrentState );

    sal_Bool NumberValidator::isValidNumericFragment( const String& _rText )
        if ( !_rText.Len() )
            // empty strings are always allowed
            return sal_True;

        // normalize the string
        String sNormalized( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("_") );
        sNormalized.Append( _rText );
        sNormalized.AppendAscii( "_" );

        return implValidateNormalized( sNormalized );

SvNumberFormatter* FormattedField::StaticFormatter::s_cFormatter = NULL;
sal_uLong FormattedField::StaticFormatter::s_nReferences = 0;

SvNumberFormatter* FormattedField::StaticFormatter::GetFormatter()
    if (!s_cFormatter)
        // get the Office's locale and translate
        LanguageType eSysLanguage = SvtSysLocale().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType( false);
        s_cFormatter = new SvNumberFormatter(
    return s_cFormatter;


    if (--s_nReferences == 0)
        delete s_cFormatter;
        s_cFormatter = NULL;


#define INIT_MEMBERS()              \
     m_aLastSelection(0,0)          \
    ,m_dMinValue(0)                 \
    ,m_dMaxValue(0)                 \
    ,m_bHasMin(sal_False)               \
    ,m_bHasMax(sal_False)               \
    ,m_bStrictFormat(sal_True)          \
    ,m_bValueDirty(sal_True)            \
    ,m_bEnableEmptyField(sal_True)      \
    ,m_bAutoColor(sal_False)            \
    ,m_bEnableNaN(sal_False)            \
    ,m_dCurrentValue(0)             \
    ,m_dDefaultValue(0)             \
    ,m_nFormatKey(0)                \
    ,m_pFormatter(NULL)             \
    ,m_dSpinSize(1)                 \
    ,m_dSpinFirst(-1000000)         \
    ,m_dSpinLast(1000000)           \
    ,m_bTreatAsNumber(sal_True)         \
    ,m_pLastOutputColor(NULL)       \

FormattedField::FormattedField(Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, SvNumberFormatter* pInitialFormatter, sal_Int32 nFormatKey)
    :SpinField(pParent, nStyle)
    DBG_CTOR(FormattedField, NULL);

    if (pInitialFormatter)
        m_pFormatter = pInitialFormatter;
        m_nFormatKey = nFormatKey;

FormattedField::FormattedField(Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, SvNumberFormatter* pInitialFormatter, sal_Int32 nFormatKey)
    :SpinField(pParent, rResId)
    DBG_CTOR(FormattedField, NULL);

    if (pInitialFormatter)
        m_pFormatter = pInitialFormatter;
        m_nFormatKey = nFormatKey;

    DBG_DTOR(FormattedField, NULL);

void FormattedField::SetText(const OUString& rStr)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    m_bValueDirty = sal_True;

void FormattedField::SetText( const OUString& rStr, const Selection& rNewSelection )
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    SpinField::SetText( rStr, rNewSelection );
    m_bValueDirty = sal_True;

void FormattedField::SetTextFormatted(const OUString& rStr)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

#if defined DBG_UTIL
    if (ImplGetFormatter()->IsTextFormat(m_nFormatKey))
         DBG_WARNING("FormattedField::SetTextFormatted : valid only with text formats !");

    m_sCurrentTextValue = rStr;

    OUString sFormatted;
    double dNumber = 0.0;
    // IsNumberFormat changes the format key parameter
    sal_uInt32 nTempFormatKey = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( m_nFormatKey );
    if( IsUsingInputStringForFormatting() &&
        ImplGetFormatter()->IsNumberFormat(m_sCurrentTextValue, nTempFormatKey, dNumber) )
        ImplGetFormatter()->GetInputLineString(dNumber, m_nFormatKey, sFormatted);
        OUString sTempIn(m_sCurrentTextValue);
        OUString sTempOut(sFormatted);
        ImplGetFormatter()->GetOutputString(sTempIn, m_nFormatKey, sTempOut, &m_pLastOutputColor);
        m_sCurrentTextValue = sTempIn;
        sFormatted = sTempOut;

    // calculate the new selection
    Selection aSel(GetSelection());
    Selection aNewSel(aSel);
    sal_Int32 nNewLen = sFormatted.getLength();
    sal_Int32 nCurrentLen = GetText().getLength();
    if ((nNewLen > nCurrentLen) && (aNewSel.Max() == nCurrentLen))
    {   // the new text is longer and the cursor was behind the last char (of the old text)
        if (aNewSel.Min() == 0)
        {   // the whole text was selected -> select the new text on the whole, too
            aNewSel.Max() = nNewLen;
            if (!nCurrentLen)
            {   // there wasn't really a previous selection (as there was no previous text), we're setting a new one -> check the selection options
                sal_uLong nSelOptions = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetSelectionOptions();
                if (nSelOptions & SELECTION_OPTION_SHOWFIRST)
                {   // selection should be from right to left -> swap min and max
                    aNewSel.Min() = aNewSel.Max();
                    aNewSel.Max() = 0;
        else if (aNewSel.Max() == aNewSel.Min())
        {   // there was no selection -> set the cursor behind the new last char
            aNewSel.Max() = nNewLen;
            aNewSel.Min() = nNewLen;
    else if (aNewSel.Max() > nNewLen)
        aNewSel.Max() = nNewLen;
        aNewSel = aSel; // don't use the justified version
    SpinField::SetText(sFormatted, aNewSel);
    m_bValueDirty = sal_False;

String FormattedField::GetTextValue() const
    if (m_bValueDirty)
        ((FormattedField*)this)->m_sCurrentTextValue = GetText();
        ((FormattedField*)this)->m_bValueDirty = sal_False;
    return m_sCurrentTextValue;

void FormattedField::EnableNotANumber( sal_Bool _bEnable )
    if ( m_bEnableNaN == _bEnable )

    m_bEnableNaN = _bEnable;

void FormattedField::SetAutoColor(sal_Bool _bAutomatic)
    if (_bAutomatic == m_bAutoColor)

    m_bAutoColor = _bAutomatic;
    if (m_bAutoColor)
    {   // if auto color is switched on, adjust the current text color, too
        if (m_pLastOutputColor)

void FormattedField::impl_Modify(bool makeValueDirty)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    if (!IsStrictFormat())
            m_bValueDirty = sal_True;

    String sCheck = GetText();
    if (CheckText(sCheck))
        m_sLastValidText = sCheck;
        m_aLastSelection = GetSelection();
            m_bValueDirty = sal_True;
        ImplSetTextImpl(m_sLastValidText, &m_aLastSelection);


void FormattedField::Modify()
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);


void FormattedField::ImplSetTextImpl(const OUString& rNew, Selection* pNewSel)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    if (m_bAutoColor)
        if (m_pLastOutputColor)

    if (pNewSel)
        SpinField::SetText(rNew, *pNewSel);
        Selection aSel(GetSelection());

        sal_Int32 nNewLen = rNew.getLength();
        sal_Int32 nCurrentLen = GetText().getLength();

        if ((nNewLen > nCurrentLen) && (aSel.Max() == nCurrentLen))
        {   // new new text is longer and the cursor is behind the last char
            if (aSel.Min() == 0)
            {   // the whole text was selected -> select the new text on the whole, too
                aSel.Max() = nNewLen;
                if (!nCurrentLen)
                {   // there wasn't really a previous selection (as there was no previous text), we're setting a new one -> check the selection options
                    sal_uLong nSelOptions = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetSelectionOptions();
                    if (nSelOptions & SELECTION_OPTION_SHOWFIRST)
                    {   // selection should be from right to left -> swap min and max
                        aSel.Min() = aSel.Max();
                        aSel.Max() = 0;
            else if (aSel.Max() == aSel.Min())
            {   // there was no selection -> set the cursor behind the new last char
                aSel.Max() = nNewLen;
                aSel.Min() = nNewLen;
        else if (aSel.Max() > nNewLen)
            aSel.Max() = nNewLen;
        SpinField::SetText(rNew, aSel);

    m_bValueDirty = sal_True;
        // muss nicht stimmen, aber sicherheitshalber ...

long FormattedField::PreNotify(NotifyEvent& rNEvt)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    if (rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT)
        m_aLastSelection = GetSelection();
    return SpinField::PreNotify(rNEvt);

void FormattedField::ImplSetFormatKey(sal_uLong nFormatKey)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    m_nFormatKey = nFormatKey;
    sal_Bool bNeedFormatter = (m_pFormatter == NULL) && (nFormatKey != 0);
    if (bNeedFormatter)
        ImplGetFormatter();     // damit wird ein Standard-Formatter angelegt

        m_nFormatKey = nFormatKey;
            // kann sein, dass das in dem Standard-Formatter keinen Sinn macht, aber der nimmt dann ein Default-Format an.
            // Auf diese Weise kann ich einfach einen der - formatteruebergreifended gleichen - Standard-Keys setzen.
        DBG_ASSERT(m_pFormatter->GetEntry(nFormatKey) != NULL, "FormattedField::ImplSetFormatKey : invalid format key !");
            // Wenn SetFormatKey aufgerufen wird, ohne dass ein Formatter existiert, muss der Key einer der Standard-Werte
            // sein, der in allen Formattern (also auch in meinem neu angelegten) vorhanden ist.

void FormattedField::SetFormatKey(sal_uLong nFormatKey)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    sal_Bool bNoFormatter = (m_pFormatter == NULL);
    FormatChanged((bNoFormatter && (m_pFormatter != NULL)) ? FCT_FORMATTER : FCT_KEYONLY);

void FormattedField::SetFormatter(SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter, sal_Bool bResetFormat)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    if (bResetFormat)
        m_pFormatter = pFormatter;

        // calc the default format key from the Office's UI locale
        if ( m_pFormatter )
            // get the Office's locale and translate
            LanguageType eSysLanguage = SvtSysLocale().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType( false);
            // get the standard numeric format for this language
            m_nFormatKey = m_pFormatter->GetStandardFormat( NUMBERFORMAT_NUMBER, eSysLanguage );
            m_nFormatKey = 0;
        LanguageType aOldLang;
        OUString sOldFormat = GetFormat(aOldLang);

        sal_uInt32 nDestKey = pFormatter->TestNewString(sOldFormat);
            // die Sprache des neuen Formatters
            const SvNumberformat* pDefaultEntry = pFormatter->GetEntry(0);
            LanguageType aNewLang = pDefaultEntry ? pDefaultEntry->GetLanguage() : LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW;

            // den alten Format-String in die neue Sprache konvertieren
            sal_Int32 nCheckPos;
            short nType;
            pFormatter->PutandConvertEntry(sOldFormat, nCheckPos, nType, nDestKey, aOldLang, aNewLang);
            m_nFormatKey = nDestKey;
        m_pFormatter = pFormatter;


OUString FormattedField::GetFormat(LanguageType& eLang) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    const SvNumberformat* pFormatEntry = ImplGetFormatter()->GetEntry(m_nFormatKey);
    DBG_ASSERT(pFormatEntry != NULL, "FormattedField::GetFormat: no number format for the given format key.");
    OUString sFormatString = pFormatEntry ? pFormatEntry->GetFormatstring() : OUString();
    eLang = pFormatEntry ? pFormatEntry->GetLanguage() : LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW;

    return sFormatString;

sal_Bool FormattedField::SetFormat(const OUString& rFormatString, LanguageType eLang)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    sal_uInt32 nNewKey = ImplGetFormatter()->TestNewString(rFormatString, eLang);
        sal_Int32 nCheckPos;
        short nType;
        OUString rFormat(rFormatString);
        if (!ImplGetFormatter()->PutEntry(rFormat, nCheckPos, nType, nNewKey, eLang))
            return sal_False;
        DBG_ASSERT(nNewKey != NUMBERFORMAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND, "FormattedField::SetFormatString : PutEntry returned an invalid key !");

    if (nNewKey != m_nFormatKey)
    return sal_True;

sal_Bool FormattedField::GetThousandsSep() const
        "FormattedField::GetThousandsSep : your'e sure what your'e doing when setting the precision of a text format ?");

    bool bThousand, IsRed;
    sal_uInt16 nPrecision, nAnzLeading;
    ImplGetFormatter()->GetFormatSpecialInfo(m_nFormatKey, bThousand, IsRed, nPrecision, nAnzLeading);

    return bThousand;

void FormattedField::SetThousandsSep(sal_Bool _bUseSeparator)
        "FormattedField::SetThousandsSep : your'e sure what your'e doing when setting the precision of a text format ?");

    // get the current settings
    bool bThousand, IsRed;
    sal_uInt16 nPrecision, nAnzLeading;
    ImplGetFormatter()->GetFormatSpecialInfo(m_nFormatKey, bThousand, IsRed, nPrecision, nAnzLeading);
    if (bThousand == (bool)_bUseSeparator)

    // we need the language for the following
    LanguageType eLang;

    // generate a new format ...
    OUString sFmtDescription = ImplGetFormatter()->GenerateFormat(m_nFormatKey, eLang, _bUseSeparator, IsRed, nPrecision, nAnzLeading);
    // ... and introduce it to the formatter
    sal_Int32 nCheckPos = 0;
    sal_uInt32 nNewKey;
    short nType;
    ImplGetFormatter()->PutEntry(sFmtDescription, nCheckPos, nType, nNewKey, eLang);

    // set the new key

sal_uInt16 FormattedField::GetDecimalDigits() const
        "FormattedField::GetDecimalDigits : your'e sure what your'e doing when setting the precision of a text format ?");

    bool bThousand, IsRed;
    sal_uInt16 nPrecision, nAnzLeading;
    ImplGetFormatter()->GetFormatSpecialInfo(m_nFormatKey, bThousand, IsRed, nPrecision, nAnzLeading);

    return nPrecision;

void FormattedField::SetDecimalDigits(sal_uInt16 _nPrecision)
        "FormattedField::SetDecimalDigits : your'e sure what your'e doing when setting the precision of a text format ?");

    // get the current settings
    bool bThousand, IsRed;
    sal_uInt16 nPrecision, nAnzLeading;
    ImplGetFormatter()->GetFormatSpecialInfo(m_nFormatKey, bThousand, IsRed, nPrecision, nAnzLeading);
    if (nPrecision == _nPrecision)

    // we need the language for the following
    LanguageType eLang;

    // generate a new format ...
    OUString sFmtDescription = ImplGetFormatter()->GenerateFormat(m_nFormatKey, eLang, bThousand, IsRed, _nPrecision, nAnzLeading);
    // ... and introduce it to the formatter
    sal_Int32 nCheckPos = 0;
    sal_uInt32 nNewKey;
    short nType;
    ImplGetFormatter()->PutEntry(sFmtDescription, nCheckPos, nType, nNewKey, eLang);

    // set the new key

void FormattedField::FormatChanged( FORMAT_CHANGE_TYPE _nWhat )
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    m_pLastOutputColor = NULL;

    if ( ( 0 != ( _nWhat & FCT_FORMATTER ) ) && m_pFormatter )
        m_pFormatter->SetEvalDateFormat( NF_EVALDATEFORMAT_INTL_FORMAT );


void FormattedField::Commit()
    // remember the old text
    OUString sOld( GetText() );

    // do the reformat

    // did the text change?
    if ( GetText() != sOld )
    {   // consider the field as modified,
        // but we already have the most recent value;
        // don't reparse it from the text
        // (can lead to data loss when the format is lossy,
        //  as is e.g. our default date format: 2-digit year!)

void FormattedField::ReFormat()
    if (!IsEmptyFieldEnabled() || !GetText().isEmpty())
        if (TreatingAsNumber())
            double dValue = GetValue();
            if ( m_bEnableNaN && ::rtl::math::isNan( dValue ) )
            ImplSetValue( dValue, sal_True );

long FormattedField::Notify(NotifyEvent& rNEvt)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    if ((rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT) && !IsReadOnly())
        const KeyEvent& rKEvt = *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent();
        sal_uInt16 nMod = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetModifier();
        switch ( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() )
            case KEY_UP:
            case KEY_DOWN:
            case KEY_PAGEUP:
            case KEY_PAGEDOWN:
                if (!nMod && ImplGetFormatter()->IsTextFormat(m_nFormatKey))
                    // the base class would translate this into calls to Up/Down/First/Last,
                    // but we don't want this if we are text-formatted
                    return 1;

    if ((rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_COMMAND) && !IsReadOnly())
        const CommandEvent* pCommand = rNEvt.GetCommandEvent();
        if (pCommand->GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL)
            const CommandWheelData* pData = rNEvt.GetCommandEvent()->GetWheelData();
            if ((pData->GetMode() == COMMAND_WHEEL_SCROLL) && ImplGetFormatter()->IsTextFormat(m_nFormatKey))
                // same as above : prevent the base class from doing Up/Down-calls
                // (normally I should put this test into the Up/Down methods itself, shouldn't I ?)
                // FS - 71553 - 19.01.00
                return 1;

    if (rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_LOSEFOCUS)
        // Sonderbehandlung fuer leere Texte
        if (GetText().isEmpty())
            if (!IsEmptyFieldEnabled())
                if (TreatingAsNumber())
                    ImplSetValue(m_dCurrentValue, sal_True);
                    String sNew = GetTextValue();
                    if (sNew.Len())
                m_bValueDirty = sal_False;

    return SpinField::Notify( rNEvt );

void FormattedField::SetMinValue(double dMin)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    DBG_ASSERT(m_bTreatAsNumber, "FormattedField::SetMinValue : only to be used in numeric mode !");

    m_dMinValue = dMin;
    m_bHasMin = sal_True;
    // fuer die Ueberpruefung des aktuellen Wertes an der neuen Grenze -> ImplSetValue

void FormattedField::SetMaxValue(double dMax)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    DBG_ASSERT(m_bTreatAsNumber, "FormattedField::SetMaxValue : only to be used in numeric mode !");

    m_dMaxValue = dMax;
    m_bHasMax = sal_True;
    // fuer die Ueberpruefung des aktuellen Wertes an der neuen Grenze -> ImplSetValue

void FormattedField::SetTextValue(const OUString& rText)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

void FormattedField::EnableEmptyField(sal_Bool bEnable)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    if (bEnable == m_bEnableEmptyField)

    m_bEnableEmptyField = bEnable;
    if (!m_bEnableEmptyField && GetText().isEmpty())
        ImplSetValue(m_dCurrentValue, sal_True);

void FormattedField::ImplSetValue(double dVal, sal_Bool bForce)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    if (m_bHasMin && (dVal<m_dMinValue))
        dVal = m_dMinValue;
    if (m_bHasMax && (dVal>m_dMaxValue))
        dVal = m_dMaxValue;
    if (!bForce && (dVal == GetValue()))

    DBG_ASSERT(ImplGetFormatter() != NULL, "FormattedField::ImplSetValue : can't set a value without a formatter !");

    m_bValueDirty = sal_False;
    m_dCurrentValue = dVal;

    OUString sNewText;
    if (ImplGetFormatter()->IsTextFormat(m_nFormatKey))
        // zuerst die Zahl als String im Standard-Format
        OUString sTemp;
        ImplGetFormatter()->GetOutputString(dVal, 0, sTemp, &m_pLastOutputColor);
        // dann den String entsprechend dem Text-Format
            ImplGetFormatter()->GetOutputString(sTemp, m_nFormatKey, sNewText, &m_pLastOutputColor);
        if( IsUsingInputStringForFormatting())
            ImplGetFormatter()->GetInputLineString(dVal, m_nFormatKey, sNewText);
            ImplGetFormatter()->GetOutputString(dVal, m_nFormatKey, sNewText, &m_pLastOutputColor);

    ImplSetTextImpl(sNewText, NULL);
    m_bValueDirty = sal_False;
    DBG_ASSERT(CheckText(sNewText), "FormattedField::ImplSetValue : formatted string doesn't match the criteria !");

sal_Bool FormattedField::ImplGetValue(double& dNewVal)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    dNewVal = m_dCurrentValue;
    if (!m_bValueDirty)
        return sal_True;

    dNewVal = m_dDefaultValue;
    String sText(GetText());
    if (!sText.Len())
        return sal_True;

    DBG_ASSERT(ImplGetFormatter() != NULL, "FormattedField::ImplGetValue : can't give you a current value without a formatter !");

    sal_uInt32 nFormatKey = m_nFormatKey;   // IsNumberFormat veraendert den FormatKey ...

    if (ImplGetFormatter()->IsTextFormat(nFormatKey) && m_bTreatAsNumber)
        // damit wir in einem als Text formatierten Feld trotzdem eine Eingabe wie '1,1' erkennen ...
        nFormatKey = 0;

    // Sonderbehandlung fuer %-Formatierung
    if (ImplGetFormatter()->GetType(m_nFormatKey) == NUMBERFORMAT_PERCENT)
        // the language of our format
        LanguageType eLanguage = m_pFormatter->GetEntry(m_nFormatKey)->GetLanguage();
        // the default number format for this language
        sal_uLong nStandardNumericFormat = m_pFormatter->GetStandardFormat(NUMBERFORMAT_NUMBER, eLanguage);

        sal_uInt32 nTempFormat = nStandardNumericFormat;
        double dTemp;
        if (m_pFormatter->IsNumberFormat(sText, nTempFormat, dTemp) &&
            NUMBERFORMAT_NUMBER == m_pFormatter->GetType(nTempFormat))
            // der String entspricht einer Number-Formatierung, hat also nur kein %
            // -> append it
            sText += '%';
        // (with this, a input of '3' becomes '3%', which then by the formatter is translated
        // into 0.03. Without this, the formatter would give us the double 3 for an input '3',
        // which equals 300 percent.
    if (!ImplGetFormatter()->IsNumberFormat(sText, nFormatKey, dNewVal))
        return sal_False;

    if (m_bHasMin && (dNewVal<m_dMinValue))
        dNewVal = m_dMinValue;
    if (m_bHasMax && (dNewVal>m_dMaxValue))
        dNewVal = m_dMaxValue;
    return sal_True;

void FormattedField::SetValue(double dVal)
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    ImplSetValue(dVal, m_bValueDirty);

double FormattedField::GetValue()
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);

    if ( !ImplGetValue( m_dCurrentValue ) )
        if ( m_bEnableNaN )
            ::rtl::math::setNan( &m_dCurrentValue );
            m_dCurrentValue = m_dDefaultValue;

    m_bValueDirty = sal_False;
    return m_dCurrentValue;

void FormattedField::Up()
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    SetValue(GetValue() + m_dSpinSize);
        // das setValue handelt Bereichsueberschreitungen (min/max) automatisch


void FormattedField::Down()
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    SetValue(GetValue() - m_dSpinSize);


void FormattedField::First()
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    if (m_bHasMin)


void FormattedField::Last()
    DBG_CHKTHIS(FormattedField, NULL);
    if (m_bHasMax)


void FormattedField::UseInputStringForFormatting( bool bUseInputStr /* = true */ )
    m_bUseInputStringForFormatting = bUseInputStr;

bool FormattedField::IsUsingInputStringForFormatting() const
    return m_bUseInputStringForFormatting;

    delete m_pNumberValidator;

void DoubleNumericField::FormatChanged(FORMAT_CHANGE_TYPE nWhat)

sal_Bool DoubleNumericField::CheckText(const OUString& sText) const
    // We'd like to implement this using the NumberFormatter::IsNumberFormat, but unfortunately, this doesn't
    // recognize fragments of numbers (like, for instance "1e", which happens during entering e.g. "1e10")
    // Thus, the roundabout way via a regular expression
    return m_pNumberValidator->isValidNumericFragment( sText );

void DoubleNumericField::ResetConformanceTester()
    // the thousands and the decimal separator are language dependent
    const SvNumberformat* pFormatEntry = ImplGetFormatter()->GetEntry(m_nFormatKey);

    sal_Unicode cSeparatorThousand = ',';
    sal_Unicode cSeparatorDecimal = '.';
    if (pFormatEntry)
        LocaleDataWrapper aLocaleInfo( LanguageTag( pFormatEntry->GetLanguage()) );

        String sSeparator = aLocaleInfo.getNumThousandSep();
        if (sSeparator.Len())
            cSeparatorThousand = sSeparator.GetBuffer()[0];

        sSeparator = aLocaleInfo.getNumDecimalSep();
        if (sSeparator.Len())
            cSeparatorDecimal = sSeparator.GetBuffer()[0];

    delete m_pNumberValidator;
    m_pNumberValidator = new validation::NumberValidator( cSeparatorThousand, cSeparatorDecimal );


DoubleCurrencyField::DoubleCurrencyField(Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle)
    :FormattedField(pParent, nStyle)
    m_bPrependCurrSym = sal_False;

    // initialize with a system currency format
    m_sCurrencySymbol = SvtSysLocale().GetLocaleData().getCurrSymbol();

void DoubleCurrencyField::FormatChanged(FORMAT_CHANGE_TYPE nWhat)
    if (m_bChangingFormat)

    switch (nWhat)
        case FCT_FORMATTER:
        case FCT_PRECISION:
        case FCT_THOUSANDSSEP:
            // the aspects which changed don't take our currency settings into account (in fact, they most probably
            // destroyed them)
        case FCT_KEYONLY:
            OSL_FAIL("DoubleCurrencyField::FormatChanged : somebody modified my key !");
            // We always build our own format from the settings we get via special methods (setCurrencySymbol etc.).
            // Nobody but ourself should modifiy the format key directly !


void DoubleCurrencyField::setCurrencySymbol(const OUString& rSymbol)
    if (m_sCurrencySymbol == rSymbol)

    m_sCurrencySymbol = rSymbol;

void DoubleCurrencyField::setPrependCurrSym(sal_Bool _bPrepend)
    if (m_bPrependCurrSym == _bPrepend)

    m_bPrependCurrSym = _bPrepend;

void DoubleCurrencyField::UpdateCurrencyFormat()
    // the old settings
    LanguageType eLanguage;
    sal_Bool bThSep = GetThousandsSep();
    sal_uInt16 nDigits = GetDecimalDigits();

    // build a new format string with the base class' and my own settings

    /* Strangely with gcc 4.6.3 this needs a temporary LanguageTag, otherwise
     * there's
     * error: request for member ‘getNumThousandSep’ in ‘aLocaleInfo’, which is
     * of non-class type ‘LocaleDataWrapper(LanguageTag)’ */
    LanguageTag aLanguageTag( eLanguage);
    LocaleDataWrapper aLocaleInfo( aLanguageTag );

    OUStringBuffer sNewFormat;
    if (bThSep)

    if (nDigits)

        OUStringBuffer sTemp;
        comphelper::string::padToLength(sTemp, nDigits, '0');

    if (getPrependCurrSym())
        OUString sSymbol = getCurrencySymbol();
        sSymbol = comphelper::string::stripStart(sSymbol, ' ');
        sSymbol = comphelper::string::stripEnd(sSymbol, ' ');

        OUStringBuffer sTemp("[$");
        sTemp.append("] ");

        // for negative values : $ -0.00, not -$ 0.00 ...
        // (the real solution would be a possibility to choose a "positive currency format" and a "negative currency format" ...
        // But not now ... (and hey, you could take a formatted field for this ....))
        // FS - 31.03.00 74642
        sTemp.append("] -");

        sNewFormat = sTemp;
        OUString sTemp = getCurrencySymbol();
        sTemp = comphelper::string::stripStart(sTemp, ' ');
        sTemp = comphelper::string::stripEnd(sTemp, ' ');

        sNewFormat.append(" [$");

    // set this new basic format
    m_bChangingFormat = sal_True;
    SetFormat(sNewFormat.makeStringAndClear(), eLanguage);
    m_bChangingFormat = sal_False;

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