/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include <svtools/headbar.hxx> #include <tools/debug.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/help.hxx> #include <vcl/image.hxx> #include <vcl/salnativewidgets.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessible.hpp> // ======================================================================= class ImplHeadItem { public: sal_uInt16 mnId; HeaderBarItemBits mnBits; long mnSize; OString maHelpId; Image maImage; XubString maOutText; XubString maText; XubString maHelpText; }; // ======================================================================= #define HEAD_ARROWSIZE1 4 #define HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 7 #define HEADERBAR_TEXTOFF 2 #define HEADERBAR_ARROWOFF 5 #define HEADERBAR_SPLITOFF 3 #define HEADERBAR_DRAGOUTOFF 15 #define HEAD_HITTEST_ITEM ((sal_uInt16)0x0001) #define HEAD_HITTEST_DIVIDER ((sal_uInt16)0x0002) // ======================================================================= void HeaderBar::ImplInit( WinBits nWinStyle ) { mpItemList = new ImplHeadItemList; mnBorderOff1 = 0; mnBorderOff2 = 0; mnOffset = 0; mnDX = 0; mnDY = 0; mnDragSize = 0; mnStartPos = 0; mnDragPos = 0; mnMouseOff = 0; mnCurItemId = 0; mnItemDragPos = HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND; mbDrag = sal_False; mbItemDrag = sal_False; mbOutDrag = sal_False; mbItemMode = sal_False; // StyleBits auswerten if ( nWinStyle & WB_DRAG ) mbDragable = sal_True; else mbDragable = sal_False; if ( nWinStyle & WB_BUTTONSTYLE ) mbButtonStyle = sal_True; else mbButtonStyle = sal_False; if ( nWinStyle & WB_BORDER ) { mnBorderOff1 = 1; mnBorderOff2 = 1; } else { if ( nWinStyle & WB_BOTTOMBORDER ) mnBorderOff2 = 1; } ImplInitSettings( sal_True, sal_True, sal_True ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HeaderBar::HeaderBar( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : Window( pParent, nWinStyle & WB_3DLOOK ) { ImplInit( nWinStyle ); SetSizePixel( CalcWindowSizePixel() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HeaderBar::HeaderBar( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : Window( pParent, rResId ) { ImplInit( rResId.GetWinBits() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HeaderBar::~HeaderBar() { // Alle Items loeschen for ( size_t i = 0, n = mpItemList->size(); i < n; ++i ) { delete (*mpItemList)[ i ]; } mpItemList->clear(); delete mpItemList; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplInitSettings( sal_Bool bFont, sal_Bool bForeground, sal_Bool bBackground ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( bFont ) { Font aFont; aFont = rStyleSettings.GetToolFont(); if ( IsControlFont() ) aFont.Merge( GetControlFont() ); SetZoomedPointFont( aFont ); } if ( bForeground || bFont ) { Color aColor; if ( IsControlForeground() ) aColor = GetControlForeground(); else aColor = rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor(); SetTextColor( aColor ); SetTextFillColor(); } if ( bBackground ) { Color aColor; if ( IsControlBackground() ) aColor = GetControlBackground(); else aColor = rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor(); SetBackground( aColor ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long HeaderBar::ImplGetItemPos( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const { long nX = -mnOffset; for ( size_t i = 0; i < nPos; i++ ) nX += (*mpItemList)[ i ]->mnSize; return nX; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle HeaderBar::ImplGetItemRect( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const { Rectangle aRect( ImplGetItemPos( nPos ), 0, 0, mnDY-1 ); aRect.Right() = aRect.Left() + (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]->mnSize - 1; // Gegen Ueberlauf auf einigen Systemen testen if ( aRect.Right() > 16000 ) aRect.Right() = 16000; return aRect; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 HeaderBar::ImplHitTest( const Point& rPos, long& nMouseOff, sal_uInt16& nPos ) const { ImplHeadItem* pItem; size_t nCount = (sal_uInt16)mpItemList->size(); sal_Bool bLastFixed = sal_True; long nX = -mnOffset; for ( size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pItem = (*mpItemList)[ i ]; if ( rPos.X() < (nX+pItem->mnSize) ) { sal_uInt16 nMode; if ( !bLastFixed && (rPos.X() < (nX+HEADERBAR_SPLITOFF)) ) { nMode = HEAD_HITTEST_DIVIDER; nPos = i-1; nMouseOff = rPos.X()-nX+1; } else { nPos = i; if ( !(pItem->mnBits & HIB_FIXED) && (rPos.X() >= (nX+pItem->mnSize-HEADERBAR_SPLITOFF)) ) { nMode = HEAD_HITTEST_DIVIDER; nMouseOff = rPos.X()-(nX+pItem->mnSize); } else { nMode = HEAD_HITTEST_ITEM; nMouseOff = rPos.X()-nX; } } return nMode; } if ( pItem->mnBits & HIB_FIXED ) bLastFixed = sal_True; else bLastFixed = sal_False; nX += pItem->mnSize; } if ( !bLastFixed ) { pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nCount-1 ]; if ( (pItem->mnSize < 4) && (rPos.X() < (nX+HEADERBAR_SPLITOFF)) ) { nPos = nCount-1; nMouseOff = rPos.X()-nX+1; return HEAD_HITTEST_DIVIDER; } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplInvertDrag( sal_uInt16 nStartPos, sal_uInt16 nEndPos ) { Rectangle aRect1 = ImplGetItemRect( nStartPos ); Rectangle aRect2 = ImplGetItemRect( nEndPos ); Point aStartPos = aRect1.Center(); Point aEndPos = aStartPos; Rectangle aStartRect( aStartPos.X()-2, aStartPos.Y()-2, aStartPos.X()+2, aStartPos.Y()+2 ); if ( nEndPos > nStartPos ) { aStartPos.X() += 3; aEndPos.X() = aRect2.Right()-6; } else { aStartPos.X() -= 3; aEndPos.X() = aRect2.Left()+6; } SetRasterOp( ROP_INVERT ); DrawRect( aStartRect ); DrawLine( aStartPos, aEndPos ); if ( nEndPos > nStartPos ) { DrawLine( Point( aEndPos.X()+1, aEndPos.Y()-3 ), Point( aEndPos.X()+1, aEndPos.Y()+3 ) ); DrawLine( Point( aEndPos.X()+2, aEndPos.Y()-2 ), Point( aEndPos.X()+2, aEndPos.Y()+2 ) ); DrawLine( Point( aEndPos.X()+3, aEndPos.Y()-1 ), Point( aEndPos.X()+3, aEndPos.Y()+1 ) ); DrawPixel( Point( aEndPos.X()+4, aEndPos.Y() ) ); } else { DrawLine( Point( aEndPos.X()-1, aEndPos.Y()-3 ), Point( aEndPos.X()-1, aEndPos.Y()+3 ) ); DrawLine( Point( aEndPos.X()-2, aEndPos.Y()-2 ), Point( aEndPos.X()-2, aEndPos.Y()+2 ) ); DrawLine( Point( aEndPos.X()-3, aEndPos.Y()-1 ), Point( aEndPos.X()-3, aEndPos.Y()+1 ) ); DrawPixel( Point( aEndPos.X()-4, aEndPos.Y() ) ); } SetRasterOp( ROP_OVERPAINT ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplDrawItem( OutputDevice* pDev, sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_Bool bHigh, sal_Bool bDrag, const Rectangle& rItemRect, const Rectangle* pRect, sal_uLong ) { Window *const pWin = (pDev->GetOutDevType()==OUTDEV_WINDOW) ? (Window*) pDev : NULL; ImplControlValue aControlValue(0); Rectangle aCtrlRegion; ControlState nState(0); Rectangle aRect = rItemRect; // Wenn kein Platz, dann brauchen wir auch nichts ausgeben if ( aRect.GetWidth() <= 1 ) return; // Feststellen, ob Rectangle ueberhaupt sichtbar if ( pRect ) { if ( aRect.Right() < pRect->Left() ) return; else if ( aRect.Left() > pRect->Right() ) return; } else { if ( aRect.Right() < 0 ) return; else if ( aRect.Left() > mnDX ) return; } ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]; HeaderBarItemBits nBits = pItem->mnBits; const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if( pWin && pWin->IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_WINDOW_BACKGROUND, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) ) { aCtrlRegion=aRect; pWin->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_WINDOW_BACKGROUND, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL, aCtrlRegion, nState, aControlValue, OUString() ); } else { // Border muss nicht gemalt werden aRect.Top() += mnBorderOff1; aRect.Bottom() -= mnBorderOff2; // Hintergrund loeschen if ( !pRect || bDrag ) { if ( bDrag ) { pDev->SetLineColor(); pDev->SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetCheckedColor() ); pDev->DrawRect( aRect ); } else pDev->DrawWallpaper( aRect, GetBackground() ); } } Color aSelectionTextColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ); if( pWin && pWin->IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_LISTHEADER, PART_BUTTON) ) { aCtrlRegion=aRect; aControlValue.setTristateVal(BUTTONVALUE_ON); nState|=CTRL_STATE_ENABLED; if(bHigh) nState|=CTRL_STATE_PRESSED; pWin->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_LISTHEADER, PART_BUTTON, aCtrlRegion, nState, aControlValue, OUString() ); } else { // Trennlinie malen pDev->SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Top() ), Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Bottom() ) ); // ButtonStyle malen // avoid 3D borders if( bHigh ) DrawSelectionBackground( aRect, 1, sal_True, sal_False, sal_False, &aSelectionTextColor ); else if ( !mbButtonStyle || (nBits & HIB_FLAT) ) DrawSelectionBackground( aRect, 0, sal_True, sal_False, sal_False, &aSelectionTextColor ); } // Wenn kein Platz, dann brauchen wir auch nichts ausgeben if ( aRect.GetWidth() < 1 ) return; // Positionen und Groessen berechnen und Inhalt ausgeben pItem->maOutText = pItem->maText; Size aImageSize = pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel(); Size aTxtSize( pDev->GetTextWidth( pItem->maOutText ), 0 ); if ( pItem->maOutText.Len() ) aTxtSize.Height() = pDev->GetTextHeight(); long nArrowWidth = 0; if ( nBits & (HIB_UPARROW | HIB_DOWNARROW) ) nArrowWidth = HEAD_ARROWSIZE2+HEADERBAR_ARROWOFF; // Wenn kein Platz fuer Image, dann nicht ausgeben long nTestHeight = aImageSize.Height(); if ( !(nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) ) nTestHeight += aTxtSize.Height(); if ( (aImageSize.Width() > aRect.GetWidth()) || (nTestHeight > aRect.GetHeight()) ) { aImageSize.Width() = 0; aImageSize.Height() = 0; } // Text auf entsprechende Laenge kuerzen sal_Bool bLeftText = sal_False; long nMaxTxtWidth = aRect.GetWidth()-(HEADERBAR_TEXTOFF*2)-nArrowWidth; if ( nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE) ) nMaxTxtWidth -= aImageSize.Width(); long nTxtWidth = aTxtSize.Width(); if ( nTxtWidth > nMaxTxtWidth ) { bLeftText = sal_True; // 3 == Len of "..." pItem->maOutText.AppendAscii( "..." ); do { pItem->maOutText.Erase( pItem->maOutText.Len()-3-1, 1 ); nTxtWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth( pItem->maOutText ); } while ( (nTxtWidth > nMaxTxtWidth) && (pItem->maOutText.Len() > 3) ); if ( pItem->maOutText.Len() == 3 ) { nTxtWidth = 0; pItem->maOutText.Erase(); } } // Text/Imageposition berechnen long nTxtPos; if ( !bLeftText && (nBits & HIB_RIGHT) ) { nTxtPos = aRect.Right()-nTxtWidth-HEADERBAR_TEXTOFF; if ( nBits & HIB_RIGHTIMAGE ) nTxtPos -= aImageSize.Width(); } else if ( !bLeftText && (nBits & HIB_CENTER) ) { long nTempWidth = nTxtWidth; if ( nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE) ) nTempWidth += aImageSize.Width(); nTxtPos = aRect.Left()+(aRect.GetWidth()-nTempWidth)/2; if ( nBits & HIB_LEFTIMAGE ) nTxtPos += aImageSize.Width(); if ( nArrowWidth ) { if ( nTxtPos+nTxtWidth+nArrowWidth >= aRect.Right() ) { nTxtPos = aRect.Left()+HEADERBAR_TEXTOFF; if ( nBits & HIB_LEFTIMAGE ) nTxtPos += aImageSize.Width(); } } } else { nTxtPos = aRect.Left()+HEADERBAR_TEXTOFF; if ( nBits & HIB_LEFTIMAGE ) nTxtPos += aImageSize.Width(); if ( nBits & HIB_RIGHT ) nTxtPos += nArrowWidth; } // TextPosition berechnen long nTxtPosY = 0; if ( pItem->maOutText.Len() || (nArrowWidth && aTxtSize.Height()) ) { if ( nBits & HIB_TOP ) { nTxtPosY = aRect.Top(); if ( !(nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) ) nTxtPosY += aImageSize.Height(); } else if ( nBits & HIB_BOTTOM ) nTxtPosY = aRect.Bottom()-aTxtSize.Height(); else { long nTempHeight = aTxtSize.Height(); if ( !(nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) ) nTempHeight += aImageSize.Height(); nTxtPosY = aRect.Top()+((aRect.GetHeight()-nTempHeight)/2); if ( !(nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) ) nTxtPosY += aImageSize.Height(); } } // Text ausgebeben if ( pItem->maOutText.Len() ) { if( aSelectionTextColor != Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ) { pDev->Push( PUSH_TEXTCOLOR ); pDev->SetTextColor( aSelectionTextColor ); } if ( IsEnabled() ) pDev->DrawText( Point( nTxtPos, nTxtPosY ), pItem->maOutText ); else pDev->DrawCtrlText( Point( nTxtPos, nTxtPosY ), pItem->maOutText, 0, STRING_LEN, TEXT_DRAW_DISABLE ); if( aSelectionTextColor != Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ) pDev->Pop(); } // Wenn Image vorhanden, Position berechnen und ausgeben long nImagePosY = 0; if ( aImageSize.Width() && aImageSize.Height() ) { long nImagePos = nTxtPos; if ( nBits & HIB_LEFTIMAGE ) { nImagePos -= aImageSize.Width(); if ( nBits & HIB_RIGHT ) nImagePos -= nArrowWidth; } else if ( nBits & HIB_RIGHTIMAGE ) { nImagePos += nTxtWidth; if ( !(nBits & HIB_RIGHT) ) nImagePos += nArrowWidth; } else { if ( nBits & HIB_RIGHT ) nImagePos = aRect.Right()-aImageSize.Width(); else if ( nBits & HIB_CENTER ) nImagePos = aRect.Left()+(aRect.GetWidth()-aImageSize.Width())/2; else nImagePos = aRect.Left()+HEADERBAR_TEXTOFF; } if ( nBits & HIB_TOP ) nImagePosY = aRect.Top(); else if ( nBits & HIB_BOTTOM ) { nImagePosY = aRect.Bottom()-aImageSize.Height(); if ( !(nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) ) nImagePosY -= aTxtSize.Height(); } else { long nTempHeight = aImageSize.Height(); if ( !(nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) ) nTempHeight += aTxtSize.Height(); nImagePosY = aRect.Top()+((aRect.GetHeight()-nTempHeight)/2); } if ( nImagePos+aImageSize.Width() <= aRect.Right() ) { sal_uInt16 nStyle = 0; if ( !IsEnabled() ) nStyle |= IMAGE_DRAW_DISABLE; pDev->DrawImage( Point( nImagePos, nImagePosY ), pItem->maImage, nStyle ); } } if ( nBits & (HIB_UPARROW | HIB_DOWNARROW) ) { long nArrowX = nTxtPos; if ( nBits & HIB_RIGHT ) nArrowX -= nArrowWidth; else nArrowX += nTxtWidth+HEADERBAR_ARROWOFF; if ( !(nBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) && !pItem->maText.Len() ) { if ( nBits & HIB_RIGHT ) nArrowX -= aImageSize.Width(); else nArrowX += aImageSize.Width(); } // Feststellen, ob Platz genug ist, das Item zu malen sal_Bool bDraw = sal_True; if ( nArrowX < aRect.Left()+HEADERBAR_TEXTOFF ) bDraw = sal_False; else if ( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 > aRect.Right() ) bDraw = sal_False; if ( bDraw ) { if( pWin && pWin->IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_LISTHEADER, PART_ARROW) ) { aCtrlRegion=Rectangle(Point(nArrowX,aRect.Top()),Size(nArrowWidth,aRect.GetHeight())); // control value passes 1 if arrow points down, 0 otherwise aControlValue.setNumericVal((nBits&HIB_DOWNARROW)?1:0); nState|=CTRL_STATE_ENABLED; if(bHigh) nState|=CTRL_STATE_PRESSED; pWin->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_LISTHEADER, PART_ARROW, aCtrlRegion, nState, aControlValue, OUString() ); } else { long nArrowY; if ( aTxtSize.Height() ) nArrowY = nTxtPosY+(aTxtSize.Height()/2); else if ( aImageSize.Width() && aImageSize.Height() ) nArrowY = nImagePosY+(aImageSize.Height()/2); else { if ( nBits & HIB_TOP ) nArrowY = aRect.Top()+1; else if ( nBits & HIB_BOTTOM ) nArrowY = aRect.Bottom()-HEAD_ARROWSIZE2-1; else nArrowY = aRect.Top()+((aRect.GetHeight()-HEAD_ARROWSIZE2)/2); } nArrowY -= HEAD_ARROWSIZE1-1; if ( nBits & HIB_DOWNARROW ) { pDev->SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( nArrowX, nArrowY ), Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2, nArrowY ) ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( nArrowX, nArrowY ), Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE1, nArrowY+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 ) ); pDev->SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE1, nArrowY+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 ), Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2, nArrowY ) ); } else { pDev->SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( nArrowX, nArrowY+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 ), Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE1, nArrowY ) ); pDev->SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( nArrowX, nArrowY+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 ), Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2, nArrowY+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 ) ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2, nArrowY+HEAD_ARROWSIZE2 ), Point( nArrowX+HEAD_ARROWSIZE1, nArrowY ) ); } } } } // Gegebenenfalls auch UserDraw aufrufen if ( nBits & HIB_USERDRAW ) { Region aRegion( aRect ); if ( pRect ) aRegion.Intersect( *pRect ); pDev->SetClipRegion( aRegion ); UserDrawEvent aODEvt( pDev, aRect, pItem->mnId ); UserDraw( aODEvt ); pDev->SetClipRegion(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplDrawItem( sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_Bool bHigh, sal_Bool bDrag, const Rectangle* pRect ) { Rectangle aRect = ImplGetItemRect( nPos ); ImplDrawItem( this, nPos, bHigh, bDrag, aRect, pRect, 0 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplUpdate( sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_Bool bEnd, sal_Bool bDirect ) { if ( IsVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) { if ( !bDirect ) { Rectangle aRect; size_t nItemCount = mpItemList->size(); if ( nPos < nItemCount ) aRect = ImplGetItemRect( nPos ); else { aRect.Bottom() = mnDY-1; if ( nItemCount ) aRect.Left() = ImplGetItemRect( nItemCount-1 ).Right(); } if ( bEnd ) aRect.Right() = mnDX-1; aRect.Top() += mnBorderOff1; aRect.Bottom() -= mnBorderOff2; Invalidate( aRect ); } else { for ( size_t i = nPos; i < mpItemList->size(); i++ ) ImplDrawItem( i ); if ( bEnd ) { Rectangle aRect = ImplGetItemRect( (sal_uInt16)mpItemList->size() ); aRect.Left() = aRect.Right(); aRect.Right() = mnDX-1; if ( aRect.Left() < aRect.Right() ) { aRect.Top() += mnBorderOff1; aRect.Bottom() -= mnBorderOff2; Erase( aRect ); } } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplStartDrag( const Point& rMousePos, sal_Bool bCommand ) { sal_uInt16 nPos; sal_uInt16 nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rMousePos, mnMouseOff, nPos ); if ( nHitTest ) { mbDrag = sal_False; ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]; if ( nHitTest & HEAD_HITTEST_DIVIDER ) mbDrag = sal_True; else { if ( ((pItem->mnBits & HIB_CLICKABLE) && !(pItem->mnBits & HIB_FLAT)) || (mbDragable && !(pItem->mnBits & HIB_FIXEDPOS)) ) { mbItemMode = sal_True; mbDrag = sal_True; if ( bCommand ) { if ( mbDragable ) mbItemDrag = sal_True; else { mbItemMode = sal_False; mbDrag = sal_False; } } } else { if ( !bCommand ) { mnCurItemId = pItem->mnId; Select(); mnCurItemId = 0; } } } if ( mbDrag ) { mbOutDrag = sal_False; mnCurItemId = pItem->mnId; mnItemDragPos = nPos; StartTracking(); mnStartPos = rMousePos.X()-mnMouseOff; mnDragPos = mnStartPos; StartDrag(); if ( mbItemMode ) ImplDrawItem( nPos, sal_True, mbItemDrag ); else { Rectangle aSizeRect( mnDragPos, 0, mnDragPos, mnDragSize+mnDY ); ShowTracking( aSizeRect, SHOWTRACK_SPLIT ); } } else mnMouseOff = 0; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplDrag( const Point& rMousePos ) { sal_Bool bNewOutDrag; sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( mnCurItemId ); mnDragPos = rMousePos.X()-mnMouseOff; if ( mbItemMode ) { Rectangle aItemRect = ImplGetItemRect( nPos ); if ( aItemRect.IsInside( rMousePos ) ) bNewOutDrag = sal_False; else bNewOutDrag = sal_True; // Evt. ItemDrag anschalten if ( bNewOutDrag && mbDragable && !mbItemDrag && !((*mpItemList)[ nPos ]->mnBits & HIB_FIXEDPOS) ) { if ( (rMousePos.Y() >= aItemRect.Top()) && (rMousePos.Y() <= aItemRect.Bottom()) ) { mbItemDrag = sal_True; ImplDrawItem( nPos, sal_True, mbItemDrag ); } } sal_uInt16 nOldItemDragPos = mnItemDragPos; if ( mbItemDrag ) { if ( (rMousePos.Y() < -HEADERBAR_DRAGOUTOFF) || (rMousePos.Y() > mnDY+HEADERBAR_DRAGOUTOFF) ) bNewOutDrag = sal_True; else bNewOutDrag = sal_False; if ( bNewOutDrag ) mnItemDragPos = HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND; else { sal_uInt16 nTempId = GetItemId( Point( rMousePos.X(), 2 ) ); if ( nTempId ) mnItemDragPos = GetItemPos( nTempId ); else { if ( rMousePos.X() <= 0 ) mnItemDragPos = 0; else mnItemDragPos = GetItemCount()-1; } // Nicht verschiebbare Items aussparen if ( mnItemDragPos < nPos ) { while ( ((*mpItemList)[ mnItemDragPos ]->mnBits & HIB_FIXEDPOS) && (mnItemDragPos < nPos) ) mnItemDragPos++; } else if ( mnItemDragPos > nPos ) { while ( ((*mpItemList)[ mnItemDragPos ]->mnBits & HIB_FIXEDPOS) && (mnItemDragPos > nPos) ) mnItemDragPos--; } } if ( (mnItemDragPos != nOldItemDragPos) && (nOldItemDragPos != nPos) && (nOldItemDragPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND) ) { ImplInvertDrag( nPos, nOldItemDragPos ); ImplDrawItem( nOldItemDragPos ); } } if ( bNewOutDrag != mbOutDrag ) ImplDrawItem( nPos, !bNewOutDrag, mbItemDrag ); if ( mbItemDrag ) { if ( (mnItemDragPos != nOldItemDragPos) && (mnItemDragPos != nPos) && (mnItemDragPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND) ) { ImplDrawItem( mnItemDragPos, sal_False, sal_True ); ImplInvertDrag( nPos, mnItemDragPos ); } } mbOutDrag = bNewOutDrag; } else { Rectangle aItemRect = ImplGetItemRect( nPos ); if ( mnDragPos < aItemRect.Left() ) mnDragPos = aItemRect.Left(); if ( (mnDragPos < 0) || (mnDragPos > mnDX-1) ) HideTracking(); else { Rectangle aSizeRect( mnDragPos, 0, mnDragPos, mnDragSize+mnDY ); ShowTracking( aSizeRect, SHOWTRACK_SPLIT ); } } Drag(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::ImplEndDrag( sal_Bool bCancel ) { HideTracking(); if ( bCancel || mbOutDrag ) { if ( mbItemMode && (!mbOutDrag || mbItemDrag) ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( mnCurItemId ); ImplDrawItem( nPos ); } mnCurItemId = 0; } else { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( mnCurItemId ); if ( mbItemMode ) { if ( mbItemDrag ) { Pointer aPointer( POINTER_ARROW ); SetPointer( aPointer ); if ( (mnItemDragPos != nPos) && (mnItemDragPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND) ) { ImplInvertDrag( nPos, mnItemDragPos ); MoveItem( mnCurItemId, mnItemDragPos ); } else ImplDrawItem( nPos ); } else { Select(); ImplUpdate( nPos ); } } else { long nDelta = mnDragPos - mnStartPos; if ( nDelta ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]; pItem->mnSize += nDelta; ImplUpdate( nPos, sal_True ); } } } mbDrag = sal_False; EndDrag(); mnCurItemId = 0; mnItemDragPos = HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND; mbOutDrag = sal_False; mbItemMode = sal_False; mbItemDrag = sal_False; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() ) { if ( rMEvt.GetClicks() == 2 ) { long nTemp; sal_uInt16 nPos; sal_uInt16 nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), nTemp, nPos ); if ( nHitTest ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]; if ( nHitTest & HEAD_HITTEST_DIVIDER ) mbItemMode = sal_False; else mbItemMode = sal_True; mnCurItemId = pItem->mnId; DoubleClick(); mbItemMode = sal_False; mnCurItemId = 0; } } else ImplStartDrag( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), sal_False ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { long nTemp1; sal_uInt16 nTemp2; PointerStyle eStyle = POINTER_ARROW; sal_uInt16 nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), nTemp1, nTemp2 ); if ( nHitTest & HEAD_HITTEST_DIVIDER ) eStyle = POINTER_HSIZEBAR; Pointer aPtr( eStyle ); SetPointer( aPtr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt ) { Point aMousePos = rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel(); if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() ) ImplEndDrag( rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() ); else ImplDrag( aMousePos ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { if ( mnBorderOff1 || mnBorderOff2 ) { SetLineColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDarkShadowColor() ); if ( mnBorderOff1 ) DrawLine( Point( 0, 0 ), Point( mnDX-1, 0 ) ); if ( mnBorderOff2 ) DrawLine( Point( 0, mnDY-1 ), Point( mnDX-1, mnDY-1 ) ); // #i40393# draw left and right border, if WB_BORDER was set in ImplInit() if ( mnBorderOff1 && mnBorderOff2 ) { DrawLine( Point( 0, 0 ), Point( 0, mnDY-1 ) ); DrawLine( Point( mnDX-1, 0 ), Point( mnDX-1, mnDY-1 ) ); } } sal_uInt16 nCurItemPos; if ( mbDrag ) nCurItemPos = GetItemPos( mnCurItemId ); else nCurItemPos = HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND; sal_uInt16 nItemCount = (sal_uInt16)mpItemList->size(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nItemCount; i++ ) ImplDrawItem( i, (i == nCurItemPos) ? sal_True : sal_False, sal_False, &rRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Draw( OutputDevice* pDev, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, sal_uLong nFlags ) { Point aPos = pDev->LogicToPixel( rPos ); Size aSize = pDev->LogicToPixel( rSize ); Rectangle aRect( aPos, aSize ); Font aFont = GetDrawPixelFont( pDev ); pDev->Push(); pDev->SetMapMode(); pDev->SetFont( aFont ); if ( nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_MONO ) pDev->SetTextColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); else pDev->SetTextColor( GetTextColor() ); pDev->SetTextFillColor(); if ( !(nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NOBACKGROUND) ) { pDev->DrawWallpaper( aRect, GetBackground() ); if ( mnBorderOff1 || mnBorderOff2 ) { pDev->SetLineColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDarkShadowColor() ); if ( mnBorderOff1 ) pDev->DrawLine( aRect.TopLeft(), Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Top() ) ); if ( mnBorderOff2 ) pDev->DrawLine( Point( aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom() ), Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Bottom() ) ); // #i40393# draw left and right border, if WB_BORDER was set in ImplInit() if ( mnBorderOff1 && mnBorderOff2 ) { pDev->DrawLine( aRect.TopLeft(), Point( aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom() ) ); pDev->DrawLine( Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Top() ), Point( aRect.Right(), aRect.Bottom() ) ); } } } Rectangle aItemRect( aRect ); size_t nItemCount = mpItemList->size(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < nItemCount; i++ ) { aItemRect.Left() = aRect.Left()+ImplGetItemPos( i ); aItemRect.Right() = aItemRect.Left() + (*mpItemList)[ i ]->mnSize - 1; // Gegen Ueberlauf auf einigen Systemen testen if ( aItemRect.Right() > 16000 ) aItemRect.Right() = 16000; Region aRegion( aRect ); pDev->SetClipRegion( aRegion ); ImplDrawItem( pDev, i, sal_False, sal_False, aItemRect, &aRect, nFlags ); pDev->SetClipRegion(); } pDev->Pop(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Resize() { Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( IsVisible() && (mnDY != aSize.Height()) ) Invalidate(); mnDX = aSize.Width(); mnDY = aSize.Height(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { if ( rCEvt.IsMouseEvent() && (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_STARTDRAG) && !mbDrag ) { ImplStartDrag( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), sal_True ); return; } Window::Command( rCEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt ) { sal_uInt16 nItemId = GetItemId( ScreenToOutputPixel( rHEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ) ); if ( nItemId ) { if ( rHEvt.GetMode() & (HELPMODE_QUICK | HELPMODE_BALLOON) ) { Rectangle aItemRect = GetItemRect( nItemId ); Point aPt = OutputToScreenPixel( aItemRect.TopLeft() ); aItemRect.Left() = aPt.X(); aItemRect.Top() = aPt.Y(); aPt = OutputToScreenPixel( aItemRect.BottomRight() ); aItemRect.Right() = aPt.X(); aItemRect.Bottom() = aPt.Y(); XubString aStr = GetHelpText( nItemId ); if ( !aStr.Len() || !(rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_BALLOON) ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ GetItemPos( nItemId ) ]; // Wir zeigen die Quick-Hilfe nur an, wenn Text nicht // vollstaendig sichtbar, ansonsten zeigen wir den Hilfetext // an, wenn das Item keinen Text besitzt if ( pItem->maOutText != pItem->maText ) aStr = pItem->maText; else if ( pItem->maText.Len() ) aStr.Erase(); } if ( aStr.Len() ) { if ( rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_BALLOON ) Help::ShowBalloon( this, aItemRect.Center(), aItemRect, aStr ); else Help::ShowQuickHelp( this, aItemRect, aStr ); return; } } else if ( rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_EXTENDED ) { OUString aHelpId( OStringToOUString( GetHelpId( nItemId ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); if ( !aHelpId.isEmpty() ) { // Wenn eine Hilfe existiert, dann ausloesen Help* pHelp = Application::GetHelp(); if ( pHelp ) pHelp->Start( aHelpId, this ); return; } } } Window::RequestHelp( rHEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { Window::StateChanged( nType ); if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_ENABLE ) Invalidate(); else if ( (nType == STATE_CHANGE_ZOOM) || (nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFONT) ) { ImplInitSettings( sal_True, sal_False, sal_False ); Invalidate(); } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) { ImplInitSettings( sal_False, sal_True, sal_False ); Invalidate(); } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) { ImplInitSettings( sal_False, sal_False, sal_True ); Invalidate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTS) || (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTSUBSTITUTION) || ((rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE)) ) { ImplInitSettings( sal_True, sal_True, sal_True ); Invalidate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::StartDrag() { maStartDragHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Drag() { maDragHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::EndDrag() { maEndDragHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Select() { maSelectHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::DoubleClick() { maDoubleClickHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::InsertItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const XubString& rText, long nSize, HeaderBarItemBits nBits, sal_uInt16 nPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( nItemId, "HeaderBar::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetItemPos( nItemId ) == HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND, "HeaderBar::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" ); // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen ImplHeadItem* pItem = new ImplHeadItem; pItem->mnId = nItemId; pItem->mnBits = nBits; pItem->mnSize = nSize; pItem->maText = rText; if ( nPos < mpItemList->size() ) { ImplHeadItemList::iterator it = mpItemList->begin(); ::std::advance( it, nPos ); mpItemList->insert( it, pItem ); } else { mpItemList->push_back( pItem ); } // Ausgabe updaten ImplUpdate( nPos, sal_True ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::RemoveItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { if ( nPos < mpItemList->size() ) { ImplHeadItemList::iterator it = mpItemList->begin(); ::std::advance( it, nPos ); delete *it; mpItemList->erase( it ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::MoveItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, sal_uInt16 nNewPos ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { if ( nPos != nNewPos ) { ImplHeadItemList::iterator it = mpItemList->begin(); ::std::advance( it, nPos ); ImplHeadItem* pItem = *it; mpItemList->erase( it ); if ( nNewPos < nPos ) nPos = nNewPos; it = mpItemList->begin(); ::std::advance( it, nPos ); mpItemList->insert( it, pItem ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::Clear() { // Alle Items loeschen for ( size_t i = 0, n = mpItemList->size(); i < n; ++i ) { delete (*mpItemList)[ i ]; } mpItemList->clear(); ImplUpdate( 0, sal_True ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::SetOffset( long nNewOffset ) { // Bereich verschieben Rectangle aRect( 0, mnBorderOff1, mnDX-1, mnDY-mnBorderOff1-mnBorderOff2-1 ); long nDelta = mnOffset-nNewOffset; mnOffset = nNewOffset; Scroll( nDelta, 0, aRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 HeaderBar::GetItemCount() const { return (sal_uInt16)mpItemList->size(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 HeaderBar::GetItemPos( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const { for ( size_t i = 0, n = mpItemList->size(); i < n; ++i ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ i ]; if ( pItem->mnId == nItemId ) return (sal_uInt16)i; } return HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 HeaderBar::GetItemId( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (nPos < mpItemList->size() ) ? (*mpItemList)[ nPos ] : NULL; if ( pItem ) return pItem->mnId; else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 HeaderBar::GetItemId( const Point& rPos ) const { for ( size_t i = 0, n = mpItemList->size(); i < n; ++i ) { if ( ImplGetItemRect( i ).IsInside( rPos ) ) { return GetItemId( i ); } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle HeaderBar::GetItemRect( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const { Rectangle aRect; sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) aRect = ImplGetItemRect( nPos ); return aRect; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::SetItemSize( sal_uInt16 nItemId, long nNewSize ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]; if ( pItem->mnSize != nNewSize ) { pItem->mnSize = nNewSize; ImplUpdate( nPos, sal_True ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long HeaderBar::GetItemSize( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) return (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]->mnSize; else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::SetItemBits( sal_uInt16 nItemId, HeaderBarItemBits nNewBits ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]; if ( pItem->mnBits != nNewBits ) { pItem->mnBits = nNewBits; ImplUpdate( nPos ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HeaderBarItemBits HeaderBar::GetItemBits( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) return (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]->mnBits; else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderBar::SetItemText( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const XubString& rText ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]->maText = rText; ImplUpdate( nPos ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString HeaderBar::GetItemText( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) return (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]->maText; else return String(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString HeaderBar::GetHelpText( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]; if ( !pItem->maHelpText.Len() && !pItem->maHelpId.isEmpty() ) { Help* pHelp = Application::GetHelp(); if ( pHelp ) pItem->maHelpText = pHelp->GetHelpText( OStringToOUString( pItem->maHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ), this ); } return pItem->maHelpText; } else return XubString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OString HeaderBar::GetHelpId( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const { sal_uInt16 nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); OString aRet; if ( nPos != HEADERBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) return (*mpItemList)[ nPos ]->maHelpId; return aRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size HeaderBar::CalcWindowSizePixel() const { long nMaxImageSize = 0; Size aSize( 0, GetTextHeight() ); for ( size_t i = 0, n = mpItemList->size(); i < n; ++i ) { ImplHeadItem* pItem = (*mpItemList)[ i ]; // Image-Groessen beruecksichtigen long nImageHeight = pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel().Height(); if ( !(pItem->mnBits & (HIB_LEFTIMAGE | HIB_RIGHTIMAGE)) && pItem->maText.Len() ) nImageHeight += aSize.Height(); if ( nImageHeight > nMaxImageSize ) nMaxImageSize = nImageHeight; // Breite aufaddieren aSize.Width() += pItem->mnSize; } if ( nMaxImageSize > aSize.Height() ) aSize.Height() = nMaxImageSize; // Border aufaddieren if ( mbButtonStyle ) aSize.Height() += 4; else aSize.Height() += 2; aSize.Height() += mnBorderOff1+mnBorderOff2; return aSize; } ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > HeaderBar::CreateAccessible() { if ( !mxAccessible.is() ) { if ( maCreateAccessibleHdl.IsSet() ) maCreateAccessibleHdl.Call( this ); if ( !mxAccessible.is() ) mxAccessible = Window::CreateAccessible(); } return mxAccessible; } void HeaderBar::SetAccessible( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > _xAccessible ) { mxAccessible = _xAccessible; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */