/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: reginfo.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:57 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef MAC #include "mac_start.h" #ifndef __TYPES__ #include <Types.h> #endif #ifndef __RESOURCES__ #include <Resources.h> #endif #ifndef __FILES__ #include <Files.h> #endif #ifndef __ERRORS__ #include <Errors.h> #endif #ifndef __FOLDERS__ #include <Folders.h> #endif #ifndef __SCRIPT__ #include <script.h> #endif #ifndef __FINDER__ #include <finder.h> #endif #include "mac_end.h" #endif #include "reginfo.hxx" #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX //autogen #include <tools/debug.hxx> #endif #ifndef _OSL_THREAD_H_ #include <osl/thread.h> #endif String aEmptyString; #define MAXREGVALUE 200 #if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT) #include <tools/svwin.h> #define DBG_HDL DBG_ASSERT(pImp->bValidGroup, "Keine Gruppe gesetzt"); \ if( !pImp->bValidGroup ) return struct RegInfo_Impl { HKEY aGroupHdl; BOOL bValidGroup; }; RegInfo::RegInfo() { pImp=new RegInfo_Impl; pImp->bValidGroup = FALSE; } RegInfo::~RegInfo() { if(pImp->bValidGroup) RegCloseKey( pImp->aGroupHdl ); delete pImp; } String RegInfo::GetKeyName( USHORT nKey ) const { DBG_HDL aEmptyString; char aBuffer[MAXREGVALUE]; RegEnumKey( pImp->aGroupHdl, nKey, aBuffer, MAXREGVALUE ); return String( UniString::CreateFromAscii(aBuffer) ); } USHORT RegInfo::GetKeyCount() const { DBG_HDL 0; #ifdef WNT DWORD nKeys; DWORD Dum1=10, Dum2, Dum3, Dum4, Dum5, Dum6, Dum7; char s[10]; FILETIME aDumFileTime; RegQueryInfoKey( pImp->aGroupHdl, s, &Dum1, 0, &nKeys, &Dum2, &Dum3, &Dum4, &Dum5, &Dum6, &Dum7, &aDumFileTime ); return (USHORT) nKeys; #else char aBuffer[MAXREGVALUE]; USHORT n=0; while(RegEnumKey( pImp->aGroupHdl, n, aBuffer, MAXREGVALUE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) n++; return n; #endif } inline String MakeAppGroupString_Impl( const String &rGroup ) { String aGroup( UniString::CreateFromAscii("SvAppGroups\\") ); aGroup+=rGroup; return aGroup; } void RegInfo::SetAppGroup( const String& rGroup ) { aCurrentGroup = MakeAppGroupString_Impl(rGroup); if( pImp->bValidGroup ) { RegCloseKey( pImp->aGroupHdl ); pImp->bValidGroup = FALSE; } ByteString aBStr( aCurrentGroup, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); RegCreateKey( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, aBStr.GetBuffer(), &pImp->aGroupHdl ); pImp->bValidGroup = TRUE; } void RegInfo::DeleteAppGroup( const String &rGroup ) { String aOldGroup = aCurrentGroup; SetAppGroup( rGroup ); DBG_HDL; USHORT nMax = GetKeyCount(); for( USHORT n = nMax; n--; ) { String aKey( GetKeyName( n )); DeleteKey( aKey ); } RegCloseKey( pImp->aGroupHdl ); ByteString aBStr( rGroup, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); RegDeleteKey( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, aBStr.GetBuffer() ); pImp->bValidGroup = FALSE; if( rGroup != aOldGroup ) SetAppGroup( aOldGroup ); } BOOL ReadKey_Impl( const String& rKey, HKEY aHdl, String& rResult ) { char s[MAXREGVALUE]; LONG aLen=MAXREGVALUE; ByteString aBStr( rKey, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); LONG nRes = RegQueryValue( aHdl, aBStr.GetBuffer(), s, &aLen); if(nRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rResult = UniString::CreateFromAscii(s); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey ) const { DBG_HDL aEmptyString; String aRes; if(ReadKey_Impl( rKey, pImp->aGroupHdl, aRes)) return aRes; else return aEmptyString; } String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey, const String &rDefault ) const { DBG_HDL aEmptyString; String aRes; if(ReadKey_Impl( rKey, pImp->aGroupHdl, aRes)) return aRes; else return rDefault; } void RegInfo::WriteKey( const String& rKey, const String& rValue ) { DBG_HDL; ByteString aBStr( rKey, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); ByteString aBStr1( rValue, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); RegSetValue( pImp->aGroupHdl, aBStr.GetBuffer(), REG_SZ, aBStr1.GetBuffer(), 0); } void RegInfo::DeleteKey( const String& rKey ) { DBG_HDL; ByteString aBStr( rKey, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); RegDeleteKey( pImp->aGroupHdl, aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } #elif defined(OS2) #define INCL_WINSHELLDATA #include <tools/svpm.h> struct RegInfo_Impl { char *pKeyList; String aCurrentApp; void BuildKeyList( const String &rGroup ); }; void RegInfo_Impl::BuildKeyList( const String &rGroup ) { USHORT nLen = 0; do { nLen+=1000; delete[] pKeyList; pKeyList = new char[nLen]; *(int *)pKeyList = 0; } while( PrfQueryProfileString( HINI_USERPROFILE, rGroup, 0, 0, pKeyList, nLen) == nLen); } RegInfo::RegInfo() { pImp=new RegInfo_Impl; pImp->pKeyList = 0; } RegInfo::~RegInfo() { delete[] pImp->pKeyList; delete pImp; } inline String MakeAppGroupString_Impl( const String &rGroup ) { String aGroup("SvAppGroups:"); aGroup+=rGroup; return aGroup; } String RegInfo::GetKeyName( USHORT nKey ) const { if( !pImp->pKeyList ) pImp->BuildKeyList(pImp->aCurrentApp); const char *pc=pImp->pKeyList; for( USHORT n=0; n<nKey; n++ ) while(*pc++); return String(pc); } USHORT RegInfo::GetKeyCount() const { if( !pImp->pKeyList ) pImp->BuildKeyList( pImp->aCurrentApp); const char *pc=pImp->pKeyList; USHORT nRet=0; while(*pc) { while(*pc++); nRet++; } return nRet; } void RegInfo::SetAppGroup( const String& rGroup ) { delete[] pImp->pKeyList; pImp->pKeyList = 0; aCurrentGroup = rGroup; pImp->aCurrentApp = MakeAppGroupString_Impl( rGroup ); } void RegInfo::DeleteAppGroup( const String &rGroup ) { PrfWriteProfileString( HINI_USERPROFILE, MakeAppGroupString_Impl( rGroup ), 0, 0); } String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey ) const { char *pBuffer= new char[MAXREGVALUE]; *pBuffer=0; PrfQueryProfileString( HINI_USERPROFILE, pImp->aCurrentApp, rKey, 0, pBuffer, MAXREGVALUE); String aRet(pBuffer); delete[] pBuffer; return aRet; } String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey, const String &rDefault ) const { char *pBuffer= new char[MAXREGVALUE]; *pBuffer=0; PrfQueryProfileString( HINI_USERPROFILE, pImp->aCurrentApp, rKey, rDefault, pBuffer, MAXREGVALUE); String aRet(pBuffer); delete[] pBuffer; return aRet; } void RegInfo::WriteKey( const String& rKey, const String& rValue ) { PrfWriteProfileString( HINI_USERPROFILE, pImp->aCurrentApp, rKey, rValue); } void RegInfo::DeleteKey( const String& rKey ) { PrfWriteProfileString( HINI_USERPROFILE, pImp->aCurrentApp, rKey, 0); } #elif defined(MAC) /* Idee: In eine Resource SV�� (SV<Apfel><Apfel>) sind die Resource IDs der Gruppen �ber den Namen der Resource zug�nglich. �ber die aktuelle Gruppe sind die Values �ber den Namen der Resource als Key zug�nglich ... */ // Wir tuen so, als w�ren es "normale" SV-Resourcen #define kAPPInfo 'SV��' //**************************************************** #pragma options align=mac68k typedef struct { OSType nResType; // kAPPInfo + k } SVGroupInfo, *SVGroupInfoPtr, **SVGroupInfoHdl; //**************************************************** typedef struct { USHORT nValueLen; char aValue[1]; // L�nge wie in nLen } SVKeyInfo, *SVKeyInfoPtr, **SVKeyInfoHdl; //**************************************************** #pragma options align=reset //**************************************************** struct RegInfo_Impl { short nResFile; OSType nCurrentGroup; String aCurrentName; SVGroupInfoHdl GetNamedInfo(const String& rName); BOOL FindInfoFile( const String& rName, FSSpec *pResult ); }; //**************************************************** SVGroupInfoHdl RegInfo_Impl::GetNamedInfo(const String& rName) { String aName(rName); short nOldRes = CurResFile(); UseResFile(nResFile); SVGroupInfoHdl hResult = (SVGroupInfoHdl) Get1NamedResource(kAPPInfo,rName.GetPascalStr()); UseResFile(nOldRes); return hResult; } //**************************************************** BOOL RegInfo_Impl::FindInfoFile( const String& rName, FSSpec *pResult ) { OSErr nErr; long nDirID; short nVRefNum; BOOL bResult = FALSE; nErr = FindFolder( kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kCreateFolder, &nVRefNum, &nDirID ); if ( nErr == noErr ) { nErr = FSMakeFSSpec( nVRefNum, nDirID, rName.GetPascalStr(), pResult ); if ( nErr == fnfErr ) { FSpCreateResFile( pResult, 'SDsv', 'DATA', smRoman ); nErr = FSMakeFSSpec( nVRefNum, nDirID, rName.GetPascalStr(), pResult ); } if ( nErr == noErr ) { FInfo aInfo; nErr = FSpGetFInfo( pResult, &aInfo ); if ( ( nErr == noErr ) && ! ( aInfo.fdFlags & kIsInvisible ) ) { aInfo.fdFlags |= kIsInvisible; nErr = FSpSetFInfo( pResult, &aInfo ); } bResult = TRUE; } } return bResult; } //**************************************************** RegInfo::RegInfo() { FSSpec aFile; if ( !pImp->FindInfoFile( "svdbt.dll", &aFile ) ) { pImp = NULL; return; } pImp=new RegInfo_Impl; short nOldRes = CurResFile(); pImp->nResFile = FSpOpenResFile( &aFile, fsRdWrPerm ); pImp->nCurrentGroup = 0L; UseResFile( nOldRes ); if ( pImp->nResFile < 0 ) { delete pImp; pImp = NULL; } } //**************************************************** RegInfo::~RegInfo() { if (pImp) { CloseResFile( pImp->nResFile ); delete pImp; } } //**************************************************** String RegInfo::GetKeyName( USHORT nKey ) const { String aResult; if (!pImp || !pImp -> nCurrentGroup) return aResult; short nOldRes = CurResFile(); UseResFile(pImp -> nResFile); SVKeyInfoHdl hKeyInfo = (SVKeyInfoHdl) Get1IndResource(pImp -> nCurrentGroup,nKey + 1); if (hKeyInfo) { Str255 aName; ResType nType; short nMacKey; GetResInfo((Handle) hKeyInfo,&nMacKey,&nType,aName); if (ResError() == noErr) aResult = String((char*) &aName[1], aName[0]); } UseResFile(nOldRes); return aResult; } //**************************************************** USHORT RegInfo::GetKeyCount() const { USHORT nResult = 0; if (pImp -> nCurrentGroup) { short nOldRes = CurResFile(); UseResFile(pImp -> nResFile); nResult = Count1Resources(pImp -> nCurrentGroup); UseResFile(nOldRes); } return nResult; } //**************************************************** void RegInfo::SetAppGroup( const String& rGroup ) { if (!pImp) return; pImp->aCurrentName = rGroup; SVGroupInfoHdl hGroup = pImp -> GetNamedInfo(rGroup); if (hGroup) { pImp->nCurrentGroup = (*hGroup)-> nResType; ReleaseResource((Handle) hGroup); } else pImp->nCurrentGroup = 0L; } //**************************************************** void RegInfo::DeleteAppGroup( const String &rGroup ) { SVGroupInfoHdl hToDelete = pImp -> GetNamedInfo(rGroup); if (hToDelete) { if ((*hToDelete)-> nResType == pImp->nCurrentGroup) { pImp->nCurrentGroup = 0L; pImp->aCurrentName.Erase(); } RemoveResource((Handle) hToDelete); } } //**************************************************** String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey ) const { String aResult; if (!pImp || !pImp -> nCurrentGroup) return aResult; short nOldRes = CurResFile(); UseResFile(pImp -> nResFile); SVKeyInfoHdl hKeyInfo = (SVKeyInfoHdl) Get1NamedResource(pImp->nCurrentGroup,rKey.GetPascalStr()); if (hKeyInfo) { HLock((Handle) hKeyInfo); aResult = String((*hKeyInfo)->aValue, (*hKeyInfo)->nValueLen); HUnlock((Handle) hKeyInfo); ReleaseResource((Handle) hKeyInfo); } UseResFile(nOldRes); return aResult; } //**************************************************** String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey, const String &rDefault ) const { String aResult = ReadKey(rKey); if (!aResult.Len()) return rDefault; else return aResult; } //**************************************************** void RegInfo::WriteKey( const String& rKey, const String& rValue ) { if (!pImp) return; short nOldRes = CurResFile(); UseResFile(pImp -> nResFile); // Wenn wir noch keine Resource zur aktuellen Gruppe haben ... if (!pImp -> nCurrentGroup) { // ... dann muessen wir hier eine Anlegen if (!pImp -> aCurrentName.Len()) return; // Kein aktueller Name ??? short nNewId = Unique1ID(kAPPInfo); SVGroupInfoHdl hNewInfo = (SVGroupInfoHdl) NewHandle(sizeof(SVGroupInfo)); // Die Neue Resource liegt im Bereich �ber "SV��" pImp -> nCurrentGroup = kAPPInfo + nNewId; (*(hNewInfo))-> nResType = pImp -> nCurrentGroup; DBG_ASSERT(CurResFile() == pImp -> nResFile,"wrong ResFile"); AddResource((Handle) hNewInfo ,kAPPInfo, nNewId, pImp -> aCurrentName.GetPascalStr()); ReleaseResource((Handle) hNewInfo); } SVKeyInfoHdl hKeyInfo = (SVKeyInfoHdl) Get1NamedResource(pImp -> nCurrentGroup,rKey.GetPascalStr()); int nNewSize = rValue.Len() + sizeof(USHORT); // Haben wir zu diesem Key schon eine Resource ? if (hKeyInfo) { int nSize = GetHandleSize((Handle) hKeyInfo); OSErr nMemErr = noErr; if (nSize < nNewSize) { SetHandleSize((Handle) hKeyInfo,nNewSize); nMemErr = MemError(); } if (nMemErr == noErr) { (*hKeyInfo)->nValueLen = rValue.Len(); BlockMoveData(rValue.GetStr(), (*hKeyInfo)->aValue, rValue.Len()); ChangedResource((Handle) hKeyInfo); } else // Handle konnte nicht groesser werden RemoveResource((Handle) hKeyInfo); } else { // Resource zu diesemm Key neu anlegen hKeyInfo = (SVKeyInfoHdl) NewHandle(nNewSize); if (hKeyInfo) { short nNewId = Unique1ID(pImp -> nCurrentGroup); (*hKeyInfo)->nValueLen = rValue.Len(); BlockMoveData(rValue.GetStr(), (*hKeyInfo)->aValue, rValue.Len()); AddResource((Handle) hKeyInfo ,pImp -> nCurrentGroup, nNewId, rKey.GetPascalStr()); } } UseResFile(nOldRes); } //**************************************************** void RegInfo::DeleteKey( const String& rKey ) { // Wenn wir noch keine aktuellen Gruppe haben ... if (!pImp -> nCurrentGroup) return; String aKey(rKey); short nOldRes = CurResFile(); UseResFile(pImp -> nResFile); SVKeyInfoHdl hKeyInfo = (SVKeyInfoHdl) Get1NamedResource(pImp -> nCurrentGroup,rKey.GetPascalStr()); if (hKeyInfo) RemoveResource((Handle) hKeyInfo); UseResFile(nOldRes); } //**************************************************** #else RegInfo::RegInfo() { } RegInfo::~RegInfo() { } String RegInfo::GetKeyName( USHORT nKey ) const { return aEmptyString; } USHORT RegInfo::GetKeyCount() const { return 0; } void RegInfo::SetAppGroup( const String& rGroup ) { return ; } void RegInfo::DeleteAppGroup( const String &rGroup ) { return; } String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey ) const { return aEmptyString; } String RegInfo::ReadKey( const String& rKey, const String &rDefault ) const { return aEmptyString; } void RegInfo::WriteKey( const String& rKey, const String& rValue ) { return; } void RegInfo::DeleteKey( const String& rKey ) { return; } #endif