/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include <string.h> #include <tools/debug.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <tools/poly.hxx> #include <vcl/i18nhelp.hxx> #include <vcl/settings.hxx> #include <svtools/ruler.hxx> #include <svtools/svtresid.hxx> #include <svtools/svtools.hrc> #include <boost/scoped_array.hpp> #include <vector> using namespace std; using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility; #define RULER_OFF 3 #define RULER_TEXTOFF 5 #define RULER_RESIZE_OFF 4 #define RULER_MIN_SIZE 3 #define RULER_VAR_SIZE 8 #define RULER_TAB_HEIGHT2 2 #define RULER_TAB_WIDTH2 2 #define RULER_TAB_CWIDTH 8 #define RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 4 #define RULER_TAB_CWIDTH3 4 #define RULER_TAB_CWIDTH4 2 #define RULER_TAB_DHEIGHT 4 #define RULER_TAB_DHEIGHT2 1 #define RULER_TAB_DWIDTH 5 #define RULER_TAB_DWIDTH2 3 #define RULER_TAB_DWIDTH3 3 #define RULER_TAB_DWIDTH4 1 #define RULER_UPDATE_LINES 0x01 #define RULER_UPDATE_DRAW 0x02 #define RULER_CLIP 150 #define RULER_UNIT_MM 0 #define RULER_UNIT_CM 1 #define RULER_UNIT_M 2 #define RULER_UNIT_KM 3 #define RULER_UNIT_INCH 4 #define RULER_UNIT_FOOT 5 #define RULER_UNIT_MILE 6 #define RULER_UNIT_POINT 7 #define RULER_UNIT_PICA 8 #define RULER_UNIT_CHAR 9 #define RULER_UNIT_LINE 10 #define RULER_UNIT_COUNT 11 class ImplRulerData { friend class Ruler; private: vector<RulerLine> pLines; vector<RulerBorder> pBorders; vector<RulerIndent> pIndents; vector<RulerTab> pTabs; long nNullVirOff; long nRulVirOff; long nRulWidth; long nPageOff; long nPageWidth; long nNullOff; long nMargin1; long nMargin2; long nLeftFrameMargin; long nRightFrameMargin; sal_uInt16 nMargin1Style; sal_uInt16 nMargin2Style; bool bAutoPageWidth; bool bTextRTL; public: ImplRulerData(); ~ImplRulerData(); ImplRulerData& operator=( const ImplRulerData& rData ); }; ImplRulerData::ImplRulerData() : nNullVirOff (0), nRulVirOff (0), nRulWidth (0), nPageOff (0), nPageWidth (0), nNullOff (0), nMargin1 (0), nMargin2 (0), nLeftFrameMargin (0), nRightFrameMargin (0), nMargin1Style (0), nMargin2Style (0), bAutoPageWidth (true), // Page width == EditWin width bTextRTL (false) { } ImplRulerData::~ImplRulerData() {} ImplRulerData& ImplRulerData::operator=( const ImplRulerData& rData ) { if( this == &rData ) return *this; nNullVirOff = rData.nNullVirOff; nRulVirOff = rData.nRulVirOff; nRulWidth = rData.nRulWidth; nPageOff = rData.nPageOff; nPageWidth = rData.nPageWidth; nNullOff = rData.nNullOff; nMargin1 = rData.nMargin1; nMargin2 = rData.nMargin2; nLeftFrameMargin = rData.nLeftFrameMargin; nRightFrameMargin = rData.nRightFrameMargin; nMargin1Style = rData.nMargin1Style; nMargin2Style = rData.nMargin2Style; bAutoPageWidth = rData.bAutoPageWidth; bTextRTL = rData.bTextRTL; if ( !rData.pLines.empty() ) { pLines.resize(rData.pLines.size()); std::copy(rData.pLines.begin(), rData.pLines.end(), pLines.begin()); } else { pLines.clear(); } if ( !rData.pBorders.empty() ) { pBorders.resize(rData.pBorders.size()); std::copy(rData.pBorders.begin(), rData.pBorders.end(), pBorders.begin()); } else { pBorders.clear(); } if ( !rData.pIndents.empty() ) { pIndents.resize(rData.pIndents.size()); std::copy(rData.pIndents.begin(), rData.pIndents.end(), pIndents.begin()); } else { pIndents.clear(); } if ( !rData.pTabs.empty() ) { pTabs.resize(rData.pTabs.size()); std::copy(rData.pTabs.begin(), rData.pTabs.end(), pTabs.begin()); } else { pTabs.clear(); } return *this; } static const RulerUnitData aImplRulerUnitTab[RULER_UNIT_COUNT] = { { MAP_100TH_MM, 100, 25.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 100, 3, " mm" }, // MM { MAP_100TH_MM, 1000, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000, 3, " cm" }, // CM { MAP_MM, 1000, 10.0, 250.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 10000, 4, " m" }, // M { MAP_CM, 100000, 12500.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 100000.0, 100000, 6, " km" }, // KM { MAP_1000TH_INCH, 1000, 62.5, 125.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 25400, 3, "\"" }, // INCH { MAP_100TH_INCH, 1200, 120.0, 120.0, 600.0, 1200.0, 30480, 3, "'" }, // FOOT { MAP_10TH_INCH, 633600, 63360.0, 63360.0, 316800.0, 633600.0, 1609344, 4, " miles" }, // MILE { MAP_POINT, 1, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 36.0, 353, 2, " pt" }, // POINT { MAP_100TH_MM, 423, 423.0, 423.0, 423.0, 846.0, 423, 3, " pi" }, // PICA { MAP_100TH_MM, 371, 371.0, 371.0, 371.0, 743.0, 371, 3, " ch" }, // CHAR { MAP_100TH_MM, 551, 551.0, 551.0, 551.0, 1102.0, 551, 3, " li" } // LINE }; void Ruler::ImplInit( WinBits nWinBits ) { // Default WinBits setzen if ( !(nWinBits & WB_VERT) ) { nWinBits |= WB_HORZ; // --- RTL --- no UI mirroring for horizontal rulers, because // the document is also not mirrored EnableRTL( false ); } // Variablen initialisieren mnWinStyle = nWinBits; // Window-Style mnBorderOff = 0; // Border-Offset mnWinOff = 0; // EditWinOffset mnWinWidth = 0; // EditWinWidth mnWidth = 0; // Window width mnHeight = 0; // Window height mnVirOff = 0; // Offset of VirtualDevice from top-left corner mnVirWidth = 0; // width or height from VirtualDevice mnVirHeight = 0; // height of width from VirtualDevice mnDragPos = 0; // Drag-Position (Null point) mnUpdateEvtId = 0; // Update event was not sent yet mnDragAryPos = 0; // Drag-Array-Index mnDragSize = 0; // Did size change at dragging mnDragScroll = 0; // Should scroll when dragging mnDragModifier = 0; // Modifier key at dragging mnExtraStyle = 0; // Style of Extra field mnExtraClicks = 0; // No. of clicks for Extra field mnExtraModifier = 0; // Modifier key at click in extra field mnCharWidth = 371; mnLineHeight = 551; mbCalc = true; // Should recalculate page width mbFormat = true; // Should redraw mbDrag = false; // Currently at dragging mbDragDelete = false; // Has mouse left the dragging area mbDragCanceled = false; // Dragging cancelled? mbAutoWinWidth = true; // EditWinWidth == RulerWidth mbActive = true; // Is ruler active mnUpdateFlags = 0; // What needs to be updated mpData = mpSaveData; // Pointer to normal data meExtraType = RULER_EXTRA_DONTKNOW; // What is in extra field meDragType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; // Which element is dragged // Initialize Units mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_CM; meUnit = FUNIT_CM; maZoom = Fraction( 1, 1 ); meSourceUnit = MAP_100TH_MM; // Recalculate border widths if ( nWinBits & WB_BORDER ) mnBorderWidth = 1; else mnBorderWidth = 0; // Settings ImplInitSettings( true, true, true ); // Setup the default size Rectangle aRect; GetTextBoundRect( aRect, OUString( "0123456789" ) ); long nDefHeight = aRect.GetHeight() + RULER_OFF * 2 + RULER_TEXTOFF * 2 + mnBorderWidth; Size aDefSize; if ( nWinBits & WB_HORZ ) aDefSize.Height() = nDefHeight; else aDefSize.Width() = nDefHeight; SetOutputSizePixel( aDefSize ); SetType(WINDOW_RULER); pAccContext = NULL; } Ruler::Ruler( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : Window( pParent, nWinStyle & WB_3DLOOK ), maVirDev( *this ), maMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ), mpSaveData(new ImplRulerData), mpData(NULL), mpDragData(new ImplRulerData) { ImplInit( nWinStyle ); } Ruler::~Ruler() { if ( mnUpdateEvtId ) Application::RemoveUserEvent( mnUpdateEvtId ); delete mpSaveData; delete mpDragData; if( pAccContext ) pAccContext->release(); } void Ruler::ImplVDrawLine( long nX1, long nY1, long nX2, long nY2 ) { if ( nX1 < -RULER_CLIP ) { nX1 = -RULER_CLIP; if ( nX2 < -RULER_CLIP ) return; } long nClip = mnVirWidth + RULER_CLIP; if ( nX2 > nClip ) { nX2 = nClip; if ( nX1 > nClip ) return; } if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) maVirDev.DrawLine( Point( nX1, nY1 ), Point( nX2, nY2 ) ); else maVirDev.DrawLine( Point( nY1, nX1 ), Point( nY2, nX2 ) ); } void Ruler::ImplVDrawRect( long nX1, long nY1, long nX2, long nY2 ) { if ( nX1 < -RULER_CLIP ) { nX1 = -RULER_CLIP; if ( nX2 < -RULER_CLIP ) return; } long nClip = mnVirWidth + RULER_CLIP; if ( nX2 > nClip ) { nX2 = nClip; if ( nX1 > nClip ) return; } if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) maVirDev.DrawRect( Rectangle( nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2 ) ); else maVirDev.DrawRect( Rectangle( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2 ) ); } void Ruler::ImplVDrawText( long nX, long nY, const OUString& rText, long nMin, long nMax ) { Rectangle aRect; maVirDev.GetTextBoundRect( aRect, rText ); long nShiftX = ( aRect.GetWidth() / 2 ) + aRect.Left(); long nShiftY = ( aRect.GetHeight() / 2 ) + aRect.Top(); if ( (nX > -RULER_CLIP) && (nX < mnVirWidth + RULER_CLIP) && ( nX < nMax - nShiftX ) && ( nX > nMin + nShiftX ) ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) maVirDev.DrawText( Point( nX - nShiftX, nY - nShiftY ), rText ); else maVirDev.DrawText( Point( nY - nShiftX, nX - nShiftY ), rText ); } } void Ruler::ImplInvertLines( bool bErase ) { // Position lines if ( !mpData->pLines.empty() && mbActive && !mbDrag && !mbFormat && !(mnUpdateFlags & RULER_UPDATE_LINES) ) { long n; long nNullWinOff = mpData->nNullVirOff + mnVirOff; long nRulX1 = mpData->nRulVirOff + mnVirOff; long nRulX2 = nRulX1 + mpData->nRulWidth; long nY = (RULER_OFF * 2) + mnVirHeight - 1; // Calculate rectangle Rectangle aRect; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aRect.Bottom() = nY; else aRect.Right() = nY; // Draw lines for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mpData->pLines.size(); i++ ) { n = mpData->pLines[i].nPos + nNullWinOff; if ( (n >= nRulX1) && (n < nRulX2) ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { aRect.Left() = n; aRect.Right() = n; } else { aRect.Top() = n; aRect.Bottom() = n; } if ( bErase ) { Rectangle aTempRect = aRect; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aTempRect.Bottom() = RULER_OFF - 1; else aTempRect.Right() = RULER_OFF - 1; Erase( aTempRect ); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { aTempRect.Bottom() = aRect.Bottom(); aTempRect.Top() = aTempRect.Bottom() - RULER_OFF + 1; } else { aTempRect.Right() = aRect.Right(); aTempRect.Left() = aTempRect.Right() - RULER_OFF + 1; } Erase( aTempRect ); } Invert( aRect ); } } } } void Ruler::ImplDrawTicks( long nMin, long nMax, long nStart, long nTop, long nBottom ) { double nCenter = nTop + ((nBottom - nTop) / 2); long nTickLength3 = (nBottom - nTop) * 0.5; long nTickLength2 = nTickLength3 * 0.66; long nTickLength1 = nTickLength2 * 0.66; long n = 0; double nTick4 = aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex].nTick4; double nTick3 = 0; double nTick2 = 0; double nTickCount = aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex].nTick1; double nTickUnit = 0; long nTickWidth; long nTickLength; bool bNoTicks = false; double nAcceptanceDelta = 0.0001; Size aPixSize = maVirDev.LogicToPixel( Size( nTick4, nTick4 ), maMapMode ); if ( mnUnitIndex == RULER_UNIT_CHAR ) { if ( mnCharWidth == 0 ) mnCharWidth = 371; nTick4 = mnCharWidth * 2; nTick2 = mnCharWidth; nTickCount = mnCharWidth; nTickUnit = mnCharWidth; } else if ( mnUnitIndex == RULER_UNIT_LINE ) { if ( mnLineHeight == 0 ) mnLineHeight = 551; nTick4 = mnLineHeight * 2; nTick2 = mnLineHeight; nTickUnit = mnLineHeight; nTickCount = mnLineHeight; } if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { nTickWidth = aPixSize.Width(); } else { Font aFont = GetFont(); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_RIGHT_ALIGNED ) aFont.SetOrientation( 2700 ); else aFont.SetOrientation( 900 ); maVirDev.SetFont( aFont ); nTickWidth = aPixSize.Height(); } long nMaxWidth = maVirDev.PixelToLogic( Size( mpData->nPageWidth, 0 ), maMapMode ).Width(); if ( nMaxWidth < 0 ) nMaxWidth = -nMaxWidth; if (( mnUnitIndex == RULER_UNIT_CHAR ) || ( mnUnitIndex == RULER_UNIT_LINE )) nMaxWidth /= nTickUnit; else nMaxWidth /= aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex].nTickUnit; OUString aNumString = OUString::number(nMaxWidth); long nTxtWidth = GetTextWidth( aNumString ); const long nTextOff = 4; // Determine the number divider for ruler drawn numbers - means which numbers // should be shown on the ruler and which should be skipped because the ruller // is not big enough to draw them if ( nTickWidth < nTxtWidth + nTextOff ) { // Calculate the scale of the ruler long nMulti = 1; long nOrgTick4 = nTick4; while ( nTickWidth < nTxtWidth + nTextOff ) { long nOldMulti = nMulti; if ( nTickWidth == 0 ) nMulti *= 10; else if ( nMulti < 10 ) nMulti++; else if ( nMulti < 100 ) nMulti += 10; else if ( nMulti < 1000 ) nMulti += 100; else nMulti += 1000; // Overeflow - in this case don't draw ticks and exit if ( nMulti < nOldMulti ) { bNoTicks = true; break; } nTick4 = nOrgTick4 * nMulti; aPixSize = maVirDev.LogicToPixel( Size( nTick4, nTick4 ), maMapMode ); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) nTickWidth = aPixSize.Width(); else nTickWidth = aPixSize.Height(); } nTickCount = nTick4; } else { maVirDev.SetLineColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetShadowColor() ); } if ( !bNoTicks ) { double nTick = 0.0; if ( ( mnUnitIndex != RULER_UNIT_CHAR ) && ( mnUnitIndex != RULER_UNIT_LINE ) ) { nTick2 = aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex].nTick2; nTick3 = aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex].nTick3; } Size nTickGapSize; nTickGapSize = maVirDev.LogicToPixel( Size( nTickCount, nTickCount ), maMapMode ); long nTickGap1 = mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ? nTickGapSize.Width() : nTickGapSize.Height(); nTickGapSize = maVirDev.LogicToPixel( Size( nTick2, nTick2 ), maMapMode ); long nTickGap2 = mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ? nTickGapSize.Width() : nTickGapSize.Height(); nTickGapSize = maVirDev.LogicToPixel( Size( nTick3, nTick3 ), maMapMode ); long nTickGap3 = mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ? nTickGapSize.Width() : nTickGapSize.Height(); while ( ((nStart - n) >= nMin) || ((nStart + n) <= nMax) ) { // Null point if ( nTick == 0.0 ) { if ( nStart > nMin ) { // 0 is only painted when Margin1 is not equal to zero if ( (mpData->nMargin1Style & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) || (mpData->nMargin1 != 0) ) { aNumString = "0"; ImplVDrawText( nStart, nCenter, aNumString ); } } } else { aPixSize = maVirDev.LogicToPixel( Size( nTick, nTick ), maMapMode ); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) n = aPixSize.Width(); else n = aPixSize.Height(); // Tick4 - Output (Text) double aStep = (nTick / nTick4); double aRest = std::abs(aStep - std::floor(aStep)); if ( aRest < nAcceptanceDelta ) { if ( ( mnUnitIndex == RULER_UNIT_CHAR ) || ( mnUnitIndex == RULER_UNIT_LINE ) ) aNumString = OUString::number( nTick / nTickUnit ); else aNumString = OUString::number( nTick / aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex].nTickUnit ); long nHorizontalLocation = nStart + n; ImplVDrawText(nHorizontalLocation, nCenter, aNumString, nMin, nMax); if(nMin < nHorizontalLocation && nHorizontalLocation < nMax) { ImplVDrawLine(nHorizontalLocation, nBottom, nHorizontalLocation, nBottom - 1); ImplVDrawLine(nHorizontalLocation, nTop, nHorizontalLocation, nTop + 1); } nHorizontalLocation = nStart - n; ImplVDrawText(nHorizontalLocation, nCenter, aNumString, nMin, nMax); if(nMin < nHorizontalLocation && nHorizontalLocation < nMax) { ImplVDrawLine( nHorizontalLocation, nBottom, nHorizontalLocation, nBottom - 1 ); ImplVDrawLine( nHorizontalLocation, nTop, nHorizontalLocation, nTop + 1 ); } } // Tick/Tick2 - Output (Strokes) else { nTickLength = nTickLength1; aStep = (nTick / nTick2); aRest = std::abs(aStep - std::floor(aStep)); if ( aRest < nAcceptanceDelta ) nTickLength = nTickLength2; aStep = (nTick / nTick3); aRest = std::abs(aStep - std::floor(aStep)); if ( aRest < nAcceptanceDelta ) nTickLength = nTickLength3; if ( (nTickLength == nTickLength1 && nTickGap1 > 6) || (nTickLength == nTickLength2 && nTickGap2 > 6) || (nTickLength == nTickLength3 && nTickGap3 > 6) ) { long nT1 = nCenter - (nTickLength / 2.0); long nT2 = nT1 + nTickLength - 1; long nT; nT = nStart + n; if ( nT < nMax ) ImplVDrawLine( nT, nT1, nT, nT2 ); nT = nStart - n; if ( nT > nMin ) ImplVDrawLine( nT, nT1, nT, nT2 ); } } } nTick += nTickCount; } } } void Ruler::ImplDrawBorders( long nMin, long nMax, long nVirTop, long nVirBottom ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); long n; long n1; long n2; long nTemp1; long nTemp2; sal_uInt32 i; for ( i = 0; i < mpData->pBorders.size(); i++ ) { if ( mpData->pBorders[i].nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE ) continue; n1 = mpData->pBorders[i].nPos + mpData->nNullVirOff; n2 = n1 + mpData->pBorders[i].nWidth; if ( ((n1 >= nMin) && (n1 <= nMax)) || ((n2 >= nMin) && (n2 <= nMax)) ) { if ( (n2-n1) > 3 ) { maVirDev.SetLineColor(); maVirDev.SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor() ); ImplVDrawRect( n1, nVirTop, n2, nVirBottom ); maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); ImplVDrawLine( n1 + 1, nVirTop, n1 + 1, nVirBottom ); ImplVDrawLine( n1, nVirTop, n2, nVirTop ); maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); ImplVDrawLine( n1, nVirTop, n1, nVirBottom ); ImplVDrawLine( n1, nVirBottom, n2, nVirBottom ); ImplVDrawLine( n2 - 1, nVirTop, n2 - 1, nVirBottom ); maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() ); ImplVDrawLine( n2, nVirTop, n2, nVirBottom ); if ( mpData->pBorders[i].nStyle & RULER_BORDER_VARIABLE ) { if ( n2 - n1 > RULER_VAR_SIZE + 4 ) { nTemp1 = n1 + (((n2 - n1 + 1) - RULER_VAR_SIZE) / 2); nTemp2 = nVirTop + (((nVirBottom - nVirTop + 1) - RULER_VAR_SIZE) / 2); long nTemp3 = nTemp1 + RULER_VAR_SIZE - 1; long nTemp4 = nTemp2 + RULER_VAR_SIZE - 1; long nTempY = nTemp2; maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); while ( nTempY <= nTemp4 ) { ImplVDrawLine( nTemp1, nTempY, nTemp3, nTempY ); nTempY += 2; } nTempY = nTemp2 + 1; maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); while ( nTempY <= nTemp4 ) { ImplVDrawLine( nTemp1, nTempY, nTemp3, nTempY ); nTempY += 2; } } } if ( mpData->pBorders[i].nStyle & RULER_BORDER_SIZEABLE ) { if ( n2-n1 > RULER_VAR_SIZE+10 ) { maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); ImplVDrawLine( n1 + 4, nVirTop + 3, n1 + 4, nVirBottom - 3 ); ImplVDrawLine( n2 - 5, nVirTop + 3, n2 - 5, nVirBottom - 3 ); maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); ImplVDrawLine( n1 + 5, nVirTop + 3, n1 + 5, nVirBottom - 3 ); ImplVDrawLine( n2 - 4, nVirTop + 3, n2 - 4, nVirBottom - 3 ); } } } else { n = n1 + ((n2 - n1) / 2); maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); if ( mpData->pBorders[i].nStyle & RULER_BORDER_SNAP ) ImplVDrawLine( n, nVirTop, n, nVirBottom ); else if ( mpData->pBorders[i].nStyle & RULER_BORDER_MARGIN ) ImplVDrawLine( n, nVirTop, n, nVirBottom ); else { ImplVDrawLine( n - 1, nVirTop, n - 1, nVirBottom ); ImplVDrawLine( n + 1, nVirTop, n + 1, nVirBottom ); maVirDev.SetLineColor(); maVirDev.SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ); ImplVDrawRect( n, nVirTop, n, nVirBottom ); } } } } } void Ruler::ImplDrawIndent( const Polygon& rPoly, sal_uInt16 nStyle, bool bIsHit ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE ) return; maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() ); maVirDev.SetFillColor( bIsHit ? rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() : rStyleSettings.GetWorkspaceColor() ); maVirDev.DrawPolygon( rPoly ); } void Ruler::ImplDrawIndents( long nMin, long nMax, long nVirTop, long nVirBottom ) { sal_uInt32 j; long n; long nIndentHeight = (mnVirHeight / 2) - 1; long nIndentWidth2 = nIndentHeight-3; Polygon aPoly( 5 ); for ( j = 0; j < mpData->pIndents.size(); j++ ) { if ( mpData->pIndents[j].nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE ) continue; sal_uInt16 nStyle = mpData->pIndents[j].nStyle; sal_uInt16 nIndentStyle = nStyle & RULER_INDENT_STYLE; n = mpData->pIndents[j].nPos+mpData->nNullVirOff; if ( (n >= nMin) && (n <= nMax) ) { if (nIndentStyle == RULER_INDENT_BORDER) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); ImplVDrawLine( n, nVirTop + 1, n, nVirBottom - 1 ); } else if ( nIndentStyle == RULER_INDENT_BOTTOM ) { aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n + 0, nVirBottom - nIndentHeight ), 0 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n - nIndentWidth2, nVirBottom - 3 ), 1 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n - nIndentWidth2, nVirBottom ), 2 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n + nIndentWidth2, nVirBottom ), 3 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n + nIndentWidth2, nVirBottom - 3 ), 4 ); } else { aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n + 0, nVirTop+nIndentHeight ), 0 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n - nIndentWidth2, nVirTop + 3 ), 1 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n - nIndentWidth2, nVirTop ), 2 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n + nIndentWidth2, nVirTop ), 3 ); aPoly.SetPoint( Point( n + nIndentWidth2, nVirTop + 3 ), 4 ); } if (0 == (mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ)) { Point aTmp; for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 5; i++) { aTmp = aPoly[i]; Point aSet(nVirBottom - aTmp.Y(), aTmp.X()); aPoly[i] = aSet; } } if (RULER_INDENT_BORDER != nIndentStyle) { bool bIsHit = false; if(mpCurrentHitTest.get() != NULL && mpCurrentHitTest->eType == RULER_TYPE_INDENT) { bIsHit = mpCurrentHitTest->nAryPos == j; } else if(mbDrag && meDragType == RULER_TYPE_INDENT) { bIsHit = mnDragAryPos == j; } ImplDrawIndent( aPoly, nStyle, bIsHit ); } } } } static void ImplCenterTabPos( Point& rPos, sal_uInt16 nTabStyle ) { bool bRTL = 0 != (nTabStyle & RULER_TAB_RTL); nTabStyle &= RULER_TAB_STYLE; rPos.Y() += RULER_TAB_HEIGHT/2; if ( (!bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_LEFT) || ( bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_RIGHT) ) { rPos.X() -= RULER_TAB_WIDTH / 2; } else if ( (!bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_RIGHT) || ( bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_LEFT) ) { rPos.X() += RULER_TAB_WIDTH / 2; } } static void lcl_RotateRect_Impl(Rectangle& rRect, const long nReference, bool bRightAligned) { if (!rRect.IsEmpty()) { Rectangle aTmp(rRect); rRect.Top() = aTmp.Left(); rRect.Bottom() = aTmp.Right(); rRect.Left() = aTmp.Top(); rRect.Right() = aTmp.Bottom(); if (bRightAligned) { long nRef = 2 * nReference; rRect.Left() = nRef - rRect.Left(); rRect.Right() = nRef - rRect.Right(); } } } static void ImplDrawRulerTab( OutputDevice* pDevice, const Point& rPos, sal_uInt16 nStyle, WinBits nWinBits ) { if ( nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE ) return; sal_uInt16 nTabStyle = nStyle & RULER_TAB_STYLE; bool bRTL = 0 != (nStyle & RULER_TAB_RTL); Rectangle aRect1; Rectangle aRect2; Rectangle aRect3; aRect3.SetEmpty(); if ( nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_DEFAULT ) { aRect1.Left() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_DWIDTH2 + 1; aRect1.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_DHEIGHT2 + 1; aRect1.Right() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_DWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_DWIDTH; aRect1.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); aRect2.Left() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_DWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_DWIDTH3; aRect2.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_DHEIGHT + 1; aRect2.Right() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_DWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_DWIDTH3 + RULER_TAB_DWIDTH4 - 1; aRect2.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); } else if ( (!bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_LEFT) || ( bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_RIGHT)) { aRect1.Left() = rPos.X(); aRect1.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT2 + 1; aRect1.Right() = rPos.X() + RULER_TAB_WIDTH - 1; aRect1.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); aRect2.Left() = rPos.X(); aRect2.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT + 1; aRect2.Right() = rPos.X() + RULER_TAB_WIDTH2 - 1; aRect2.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); } else if ( (!bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_RIGHT) ||( bRTL && nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_LEFT)) { aRect1.Left() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_WIDTH + 1; aRect1.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT2 + 1; aRect1.Right() = rPos.X(); aRect1.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); aRect2.Left() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_WIDTH2 + 1; aRect2.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT + 1; aRect2.Right() = rPos.X(); aRect2.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); } else { aRect1.Left() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + 1; aRect1.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT2 + 1; aRect1.Right() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH; aRect1.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); aRect2.Left() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH3; aRect2.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT + 1; aRect2.Right() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH3 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH4 - 1; aRect2.Bottom() = rPos.Y(); if ( nTabStyle == RULER_TAB_DECIMAL ) { aRect3.Left() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH - 1; aRect3.Top() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT + 1 + 1; aRect3.Right() = rPos.X() - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH; aRect3.Bottom() = rPos.Y() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT + 1 + 2 ; } } if( 0 == (nWinBits & WB_HORZ) ) { bool bRightAligned = 0 != (nWinBits & WB_RIGHT_ALIGNED); lcl_RotateRect_Impl(aRect1, rPos.Y(), bRightAligned); lcl_RotateRect_Impl(aRect2, rPos.Y(), bRightAligned); lcl_RotateRect_Impl(aRect3, rPos.Y(), bRightAligned); } pDevice->DrawRect( aRect1 ); pDevice->DrawRect( aRect2 ); if(!aRect3.IsEmpty()) pDevice->DrawRect( aRect3 ); } void Ruler::ImplDrawTab( OutputDevice* pDevice, const Point& rPos, sal_uInt16 nStyle ) { if ( nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE ) return; pDevice->SetLineColor(); if ( nStyle & RULER_STYLE_DONTKNOW ) pDevice->SetFillColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFaceColor() ); else pDevice->SetFillColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDarkShadowColor() ); if(mpData->bTextRTL) nStyle |= RULER_TAB_RTL; ImplDrawRulerTab( pDevice, rPos, nStyle, GetStyle()); } void Ruler::ImplDrawTabs( long nMin, long nMax, long nVirTop, long nVirBottom ) { for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mpData->pTabs.size(); i++ ) { if ( mpData->pTabs[i].nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE ) continue; long aPosition; aPosition = mpData->pTabs[i].nPos; aPosition += +mpData->nNullVirOff; long nTopBottom = (GetStyle() & WB_RIGHT_ALIGNED) ? nVirTop : nVirBottom; if (nMin <= aPosition && aPosition <= nMax) ImplDrawTab( &maVirDev, Point( aPosition, nTopBottom ), mpData->pTabs[i].nStyle ); } } void Ruler::ImplInitSettings( bool bFont, bool bForeground, bool bBackground ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( bFont ) { Font aFont; aFont = rStyleSettings.GetToolFont(); if ( IsControlFont() ) aFont.Merge( GetControlFont() ); SetZoomedPointFont( aFont ); } if ( bForeground || bFont ) { Color aColor; if ( IsControlForeground() ) aColor = GetControlForeground(); else aColor = rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor(); SetTextColor( aColor ); SetTextFillColor(); } if ( bBackground ) { Color aColor; if ( IsControlBackground() ) aColor = GetControlBackground(); else aColor = rStyleSettings.GetDialogColor(); SetBackground( aColor ); } maVirDev.SetSettings( GetSettings() ); maVirDev.SetBackground( GetBackground() ); Font aFont = GetFont(); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_VERT ) aFont.SetOrientation( 900 ); maVirDev.SetFont( aFont ); maVirDev.SetTextColor( GetTextColor() ); maVirDev.SetTextFillColor( GetTextFillColor() ); } void Ruler::ImplCalc() { // calculate offset mpData->nRulVirOff = mnWinOff + mpData->nPageOff; if ( mpData->nRulVirOff > mnVirOff ) mpData->nRulVirOff -= mnVirOff; else mpData->nRulVirOff = 0; long nRulWinOff = mpData->nRulVirOff+mnVirOff; // calculate non-visual part of the page long nNotVisPageWidth; if ( mpData->nPageOff < 0 ) { nNotVisPageWidth = -(mpData->nPageOff); if ( nRulWinOff < mnWinOff ) nNotVisPageWidth -= mnWinOff-nRulWinOff; } else nNotVisPageWidth = 0; // calculate width if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { if ( mbAutoWinWidth ) mnWinWidth = mnWidth - mnVirOff; if ( mpData->bAutoPageWidth ) mpData->nPageWidth = mnWinWidth; mpData->nRulWidth = std::min( mnWinWidth, mpData->nPageWidth-nNotVisPageWidth ); if ( nRulWinOff+mpData->nRulWidth > mnWidth ) mpData->nRulWidth = mnWidth-nRulWinOff; } else { if ( mbAutoWinWidth ) mnWinWidth = mnHeight - mnVirOff; if ( mpData->bAutoPageWidth ) mpData->nPageWidth = mnWinWidth; mpData->nRulWidth = std::min( mnWinWidth, mpData->nPageWidth-nNotVisPageWidth ); if ( nRulWinOff+mpData->nRulWidth > mnHeight ) mpData->nRulWidth = mnHeight-nRulWinOff; } mbCalc = false; } void Ruler::ImplFormat() { // if already formatted, don't do it again if ( !mbFormat ) return; // don't do anything if the window still has no size if ( !mnVirWidth ) return; const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); long nP1; // pixel position of Page1 long nP2; // pixel position of Page2 long nM1; // pixel position of Margin1 long nM2; // pixel position of Margin2 long nVirTop; // top/left corner long nVirBottom; // bottom/right corner long nVirLeft; // left/top corner long nVirRight; // right/bottom corner long nNullVirOff; // for faster calculation // calculate values if ( mbCalc ) ImplCalc(); mpData->nNullVirOff = mnWinOff+mpData->nPageOff+mpData->nNullOff-mnVirOff; nNullVirOff = mpData->nNullVirOff; nVirLeft = mpData->nRulVirOff; nVirRight = nVirLeft + mpData->nRulWidth - 1; nVirTop = 0; nVirBottom = mnVirHeight - 1; if ( !IsReallyVisible() ) return; Size aVirDevSize; // initialize VirtualDevice if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { aVirDevSize.Width() = mnVirWidth; aVirDevSize.Height() = mnVirHeight; } else { aVirDevSize.Height() = mnVirWidth; aVirDevSize.Width() = mnVirHeight; } if ( aVirDevSize != maVirDev.GetOutputSizePixel() ) maVirDev.SetOutputSizePixel( aVirDevSize, true ); else maVirDev.Erase(); // calculate margins if ( !(mpData->nMargin1Style & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) ) { nM1 = mpData->nMargin1+nNullVirOff; if ( mpData->bAutoPageWidth ) { nP1 = nVirLeft; if ( nM1 < nVirLeft ) nP1--; } else nP1 = nNullVirOff-mpData->nNullOff; } else { nM1 = nVirLeft-1; nP1 = nM1; } if ( !(mpData->nMargin2Style & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) ) { nM2 = mpData->nMargin2+nNullVirOff; if ( mpData->bAutoPageWidth ) { nP2 = nVirRight; if ( nM2 > nVirRight ) nP2++; } else nP2 = nNullVirOff-mpData->nNullOff+mpData->nPageWidth; if ( nM2 > nP2 ) nM2 = nP2; } else { nM2 = nVirRight+1; nP2 = nM2; } // top/bottom border maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); ImplVDrawLine( nVirLeft, nVirTop + 1, nM1, nVirTop + 1 ); //top left line ImplVDrawLine( nM2, nVirTop + 1, nP2 - 1, nVirTop + 1 ); //top right line nVirTop++; nVirBottom--; // draw margin1, margin2 and in-between maVirDev.SetLineColor(); maVirDev.SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetDialogColor() ); if ( nM1 > nVirLeft ) ImplVDrawRect( nP1, nVirTop+1, nM1, nVirBottom ); //left gray rectangle if ( nM2 < nP2 ) ImplVDrawRect( nM2, nVirTop+1, nP2, nVirBottom ); //right gray rectangle if ( nM2-nM1 > 0 ) { maVirDev.SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ); ImplVDrawRect( nM1 + 1, nVirTop, nM2 - 1, nVirBottom ); //center rectangle } maVirDev.SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); if ( nM1 > nVirLeft ) { ImplVDrawLine( nM1, nVirTop + 1, nM1, nVirBottom ); //right line of the left rectangle ImplVDrawLine( nP1, nVirBottom, nM1, nVirBottom ); //bottom line of the left rectangle if ( nP1 >= nVirLeft ) { ImplVDrawLine( nP1, nVirTop + 1, nP1, nVirBottom ); //left line of the left rectangle ImplVDrawLine( nP1, nVirBottom, nP1 + 1, nVirBottom ); //? } } if ( nM2 < nP2 ) { ImplVDrawLine( nM2, nVirBottom, nP2 - 1, nVirBottom ); //bottom line of the right rectangle ImplVDrawLine( nM2, nVirTop + 1, nM2, nVirBottom ); //left line of the right rectangle if ( nP2 <= nVirRight + 1 ) ImplVDrawLine( nP2 - 1, nVirTop + 1, nP2 - 1, nVirBottom ); //right line of the right rectangle } long nMin = nVirLeft; long nMax = nP2; long nStart = 0; if (mpData->bTextRTL) nStart = mpData->nRightFrameMargin + nNullVirOff; else nStart = mpData->nLeftFrameMargin + nNullVirOff; if ( nP1 > nVirLeft ) nMin++; if ( nP2 < nVirRight ) nMax--; // Draw captions ImplDrawTicks( nMin, nMax, nStart, nVirTop, nVirBottom ); // Draw borders if ( !mpData->pBorders.empty() ) ImplDrawBorders( nVirLeft, nP2, nVirTop, nVirBottom ); // Draw indents if ( !mpData->pIndents.empty() ) ImplDrawIndents( nVirLeft, nP2, nVirTop - 1, nVirBottom + 1 ); // Tabs if ( !mpData->pTabs.empty() ) ImplDrawTabs( nVirLeft, nP2, nVirTop-1, nVirBottom+1 ); mbFormat = false; } void Ruler::ImplInitExtraField( bool bUpdate ) { Size aWinSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); // extra field evaluate if ( mnWinStyle & WB_EXTRAFIELD ) { maExtraRect.Left() = RULER_OFF; maExtraRect.Top() = RULER_OFF; maExtraRect.Right() = RULER_OFF + mnVirHeight - 1; maExtraRect.Bottom() = RULER_OFF + mnVirHeight - 1; if(mpData->bTextRTL) { if(mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ) maExtraRect.Move(aWinSize.Width() - maExtraRect.GetWidth() - maExtraRect.Left(), 0); else maExtraRect.Move(0, aWinSize.Height() - maExtraRect.GetHeight() - maExtraRect.Top()); mnVirOff = 0; } else mnVirOff = maExtraRect.Right()+1; } else { maExtraRect.SetEmpty(); mnVirOff = 0; } // mnVirWidth depends on mnVirOff if ( (mnVirWidth > RULER_MIN_SIZE) || ((aWinSize.Width() > RULER_MIN_SIZE) && (aWinSize.Height() > RULER_MIN_SIZE)) ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) mnVirWidth = aWinSize.Width()-mnVirOff; else mnVirWidth = aWinSize.Height()-mnVirOff; if ( mnVirWidth < RULER_MIN_SIZE ) mnVirWidth = 0; } if ( bUpdate ) { mbCalc = true; mbFormat = true; Invalidate(); } } void Ruler::ImplDraw() { if ( mbFormat ) ImplFormat(); if ( IsReallyVisible() ) { // output the ruler to the virtual device Point aOffPos; Size aVirDevSize = maVirDev.GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { aOffPos.X() = mnVirOff; if(mpData->bTextRTL) aVirDevSize.Width() -= maExtraRect.GetWidth(); aOffPos.Y() = RULER_OFF; } else { aOffPos.X() = RULER_OFF; aOffPos.Y() = mnVirOff; } DrawOutDev( aOffPos, aVirDevSize, Point(), aVirDevSize, maVirDev ); // redraw positionlines ImplInvertLines( true ); } } void Ruler::ImplDrawExtra( bool bPaint ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Rectangle aRect = maExtraRect; bool bEraseRect = false; aRect.Left() += 2; aRect.Top() += 2; aRect.Right() -= 2; aRect.Bottom() -= 2; if ( !bPaint && !(mnExtraStyle & RULER_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT) ) { SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetWorkspaceColor() ); bEraseRect = true; } else { if ( mnExtraStyle & RULER_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT ) { SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetCheckedColor() ); bEraseRect = true; } } if ( bEraseRect ) { SetLineColor(); DrawRect( aRect ); } // output content if ( meExtraType == RULER_EXTRA_NULLOFFSET ) { SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor() ); DrawLine( Point( aRect.Left()+1, aRect.Top()+4 ), Point( aRect.Right()-1, aRect.Top()+4 ) ); DrawLine( Point( aRect.Left()+4, aRect.Top()+1 ), Point( aRect.Left()+4, aRect.Bottom()-1 ) ); } else if ( meExtraType == RULER_EXTRA_TAB ) { sal_uInt16 nTabStyle = mnExtraStyle & RULER_TAB_STYLE; if(mpData->bTextRTL) nTabStyle |= RULER_TAB_RTL; Point aCenter = aRect.Center(); Point aDraw(aCenter); ImplCenterTabPos( aDraw, nTabStyle ); WinBits nWinBits = GetStyle(); if(0 == (nWinBits&WB_HORZ) ) { if((nWinBits & WB_RIGHT_ALIGNED) != 0) aDraw.Y() = 2 * aCenter.Y() - aDraw.Y(); if(mpData->bTextRTL) { long nTemp = aDraw.X(); aDraw.X() = aDraw.Y(); aDraw.Y() = nTemp; } } ImplDrawTab( this, aDraw, nTabStyle ); } } void Ruler::ImplUpdate( bool bMustCalc ) { // clear lines in this place so they aren't considered at recalculation if ( !mbFormat ) ImplInvertLines(); // set flags if ( bMustCalc ) mbCalc = true; mbFormat = true; // abort if we are dragging as drag-handler will update the ruler after drag is finished if ( mbDrag ) return; // otherwise trigger update if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) { mnUpdateFlags |= RULER_UPDATE_DRAW; if ( !mnUpdateEvtId ) mnUpdateEvtId = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, Ruler, ImplUpdateHdl ), NULL ); } } bool Ruler::ImplHitTest( const Point& rPos, RulerSelection* pHitTest, bool bRequireStyle, sal_uInt16 nRequiredStyle ) const { sal_Int32 i; sal_uInt16 nStyle; long nHitBottom; long nX; long nY; long n1; long n2; if ( !mbActive ) return false; // determine positions bool bIsHori = 0 != (mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ); if ( bIsHori ) { nX = rPos.X(); nY = rPos.Y(); } else { nX = rPos.Y(); nY = rPos.X(); } nHitBottom = mnVirHeight + (RULER_OFF * 2); // #i32608# pHitTest->nAryPos = 0; pHitTest->mnDragSize = 0; pHitTest->bSize = false; pHitTest->bSizeBar = false; // so that leftover tabs and indents are taken into account long nXExtraOff; if ( !mpData->pTabs.empty() || !mpData->pIndents.empty() ) nXExtraOff = (mnVirHeight/2) - 4; else nXExtraOff = 0; // test if outside nX -= mnVirOff; long nXTemp = nX; if ( (nX < mpData->nRulVirOff - nXExtraOff) || (nX > mpData->nRulVirOff + mpData->nRulWidth + nXExtraOff) || (nY < 0) || (nY > nHitBottom) ) { pHitTest->nPos = 0; pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_OUTSIDE; return false; } nX -= mpData->nNullVirOff; pHitTest->nPos = nX; pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; // first test the tabs Rectangle aRect; if ( !mpData->pTabs.empty() ) { aRect.Bottom() = nHitBottom; aRect.Top() = aRect.Bottom() - RULER_TAB_HEIGHT-RULER_OFF; for ( i = mpData->pTabs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { nStyle = mpData->pTabs[i].nStyle; if ( !(nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) ) { nStyle &= RULER_TAB_STYLE; // default tabs are only shown (no action) if ( nStyle != RULER_TAB_DEFAULT ) { n1 = mpData->pTabs[i].nPos; if ( nStyle == RULER_TAB_LEFT ) { aRect.Left() = n1; aRect.Right() = n1 + RULER_TAB_WIDTH - 1; } else if ( nStyle == RULER_TAB_RIGHT ) { aRect.Right() = n1; aRect.Left() = n1 - RULER_TAB_WIDTH - 1; } else { aRect.Left() = n1 - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + 1; aRect.Right() = n1 - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH; } if ( aRect.IsInside( Point( nX, nY ) ) ) { pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_TAB; pHitTest->nAryPos = i; return true; } } } } } // Indents if ( !mpData->pIndents.empty() ) { long nIndentHeight = (mnVirHeight/2) - 1; long nIndentWidth2 = nIndentHeight-3; for ( i = mpData->pIndents.size(); i; i-- ) { nStyle = mpData->pIndents[i-1].nStyle; if ( (! bRequireStyle || nStyle == nRequiredStyle) && !(nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) ) { nStyle &= RULER_INDENT_STYLE; n1 = mpData->pIndents[i-1].nPos; if ( (nStyle == RULER_INDENT_BOTTOM) != !bIsHori ) { aRect.Left() = n1-nIndentWidth2; aRect.Right() = n1+nIndentWidth2; aRect.Top() = nHitBottom-nIndentHeight-RULER_OFF+1; aRect.Bottom() = nHitBottom; } else { aRect.Left() = n1-nIndentWidth2; aRect.Right() = n1+nIndentWidth2; aRect.Top() = 0; aRect.Bottom() = nIndentHeight+RULER_OFF-1; } if ( aRect.IsInside( Point( nX, nY ) ) ) { pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_INDENT; pHitTest->nAryPos = i-1; return true; } } } } // everything left and right is outside and don't take this into account if ( (nXTemp < mpData->nRulVirOff) || (nXTemp > mpData->nRulVirOff+mpData->nRulWidth) ) { pHitTest->nPos = 0; pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_OUTSIDE; return false; } // test the borders int nBorderTolerance = 1; if(pHitTest->bExpandTest) { nBorderTolerance++; } for ( i = mpData->pBorders.size(); i; i-- ) { n1 = mpData->pBorders[i-1].nPos; n2 = n1 + mpData->pBorders[i-1].nWidth; // borders have at least 3 pixel padding if ( !mpData->pBorders[i-1].nWidth ) { n1 -= nBorderTolerance; n2 += nBorderTolerance; } if ( (nX >= n1) && (nX <= n2) ) { nStyle = mpData->pBorders[i-1].nStyle; if ( !(nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) ) { pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_BORDER; pHitTest->nAryPos = i-1; if ( !(nStyle & RULER_BORDER_SIZEABLE) ) { if ( nStyle & RULER_BORDER_MOVEABLE ) { pHitTest->bSizeBar = true; pHitTest->mnDragSize = RULER_DRAGSIZE_MOVE; } } else { long nMOff = RULER_MOUSE_BORDERWIDTH; while ( nMOff*2 >= (n2-n1-RULER_MOUSE_BORDERMOVE) ) { if ( nMOff < 2 ) { nMOff = 0; break; } else nMOff--; } if ( nX <= n1+nMOff ) { pHitTest->bSize = true; pHitTest->mnDragSize = RULER_DRAGSIZE_1; } else if ( nX >= n2-nMOff ) { pHitTest->bSize = true; pHitTest->mnDragSize = RULER_DRAGSIZE_2; } else { if ( nStyle & RULER_BORDER_MOVEABLE ) { pHitTest->bSizeBar = true; pHitTest->mnDragSize = RULER_DRAGSIZE_MOVE; } } } return true; } } } // Margins int nMarginTolerance = pHitTest->bExpandTest ? nBorderTolerance : RULER_MOUSE_MARGINWIDTH; if ( (mpData->nMargin1Style & (RULER_MARGIN_SIZEABLE | RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE)) == RULER_MARGIN_SIZEABLE ) { n1 = mpData->nMargin1; if ( (nX >= n1 - nMarginTolerance) && (nX <= n1 + nMarginTolerance) ) { pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_MARGIN1; pHitTest->bSize = true; return true; } } if ( (mpData->nMargin2Style & (RULER_MARGIN_SIZEABLE | RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE)) == RULER_MARGIN_SIZEABLE ) { n1 = mpData->nMargin2; if ( (nX >= n1 - nMarginTolerance) && (nX <= n1 + nMarginTolerance) ) { pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_MARGIN2; pHitTest->bSize = true; return true; } } // test tabs again if ( !mpData->pTabs.empty() ) { aRect.Top() = RULER_OFF; aRect.Bottom() = nHitBottom; for ( i = mpData->pTabs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { nStyle = mpData->pTabs[i].nStyle; if ( !(nStyle & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) ) { nStyle &= RULER_TAB_STYLE; // default tabs are only shown (no action) if ( nStyle != RULER_TAB_DEFAULT ) { n1 = mpData->pTabs[i].nPos; if ( nStyle == RULER_TAB_LEFT ) { aRect.Left() = n1; aRect.Right() = n1 + RULER_TAB_WIDTH - 1; } else if ( nStyle == RULER_TAB_RIGHT ) { aRect.Right() = n1; aRect.Left() = n1 - RULER_TAB_WIDTH - 1; } else { aRect.Left() = n1 - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + 1; aRect.Right() = n1 - RULER_TAB_CWIDTH2 + RULER_TAB_CWIDTH; } aRect.Left()--; aRect.Right()++; if ( aRect.IsInside( Point( nX, nY ) ) ) { pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_TAB; pHitTest->nAryPos = i; return true; } } } } } return false; } bool Ruler::ImplDocHitTest( const Point& rPos, RulerType eDragType, RulerSelection* pHitTest ) const { Point aPos = rPos; bool bRequiredStyle = false; sal_uInt16 nRequiredStyle = 0; if (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_INDENT) { bRequiredStyle = true; nRequiredStyle = RULER_INDENT_BOTTOM; } if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aPos.X() += mnWinOff; else aPos.Y() += mnWinOff; if ( (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_INDENT) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW) ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aPos.Y() = RULER_OFF + 1; else aPos.X() = RULER_OFF + 1; if ( ImplHitTest( aPos, pHitTest, bRequiredStyle, nRequiredStyle ) ) { if ( (pHitTest->eType == eDragType) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW) ) return true; } } if ( (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_INDENT) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_TAB) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW) ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aPos.Y() = mnHeight - RULER_OFF - 1; else aPos.X() = mnWidth - RULER_OFF - 1; if ( ImplHitTest( aPos, pHitTest, bRequiredStyle, nRequiredStyle ) ) { if ( (pHitTest->eType == eDragType) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW) ) return true; } } if ( (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_MARGIN1) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_MARGIN2) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_BORDER) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW) ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aPos.Y() = RULER_OFF + (mnVirHeight / 2); else aPos.X() = RULER_OFF + (mnVirHeight / 2); if ( ImplHitTest( aPos, pHitTest ) ) { if ( (pHitTest->eType == eDragType) || (eDragType == RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW) ) return true; } } pHitTest->eType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; return false; } bool Ruler::ImplStartDrag( RulerSelection* pHitTest, sal_uInt16 nModifier ) { // don't trigger drag if a border that was clicked can not be changed if ( (pHitTest->eType == RULER_TYPE_BORDER) && !pHitTest->bSize && !pHitTest->bSizeBar ) return false; // Set drag data meDragType = pHitTest->eType; mnDragPos = pHitTest->nPos; mnDragAryPos = pHitTest->nAryPos; mnDragSize = pHitTest->mnDragSize; mnDragModifier = nModifier; *mpDragData = *mpSaveData; mpData = mpDragData; // call handler if ( StartDrag() ) { // if the handler allows dragging, initialize dragging ImplInvertLines(); mbDrag = true; mnStartDragPos = mnDragPos; StartTracking(); return true; } else { // otherwise reset the data meDragType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; mnDragPos = 0; mnDragAryPos = 0; mnDragSize = 0; mnDragModifier = 0; mpData = mpSaveData; } return false; } void Ruler::ImplDrag( const Point& rPos ) { long nX; long nY; long nOutHeight; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { nX = rPos.X(); nY = rPos.Y(); nOutHeight = mnHeight; } else { nX = rPos.Y(); nY = rPos.X(); nOutHeight = mnWidth; } // calculate and fit X nX -= mnVirOff; if ( nX < mpData->nRulVirOff ) { nX = mpData->nRulVirOff; mnDragScroll = RULER_SCROLL_1; } else if ( nX > mpData->nRulVirOff+mpData->nRulWidth ) { nX = mpData->nRulVirOff+mpData->nRulWidth; mnDragScroll = RULER_SCROLL_2; } nX -= mpData->nNullVirOff; // if upper or left from ruler, then consider old values mbDragDelete = false; if ( nY < 0 ) { if ( !mbDragCanceled ) { // reset the data mbDragCanceled = true; ImplRulerData aTempData; aTempData = *mpDragData; *mpDragData = *mpSaveData; mbCalc = true; mbFormat = true; // call handler mnDragPos = mnStartDragPos; Drag(); // and redraw Paint(Rectangle()); // reset the data as before cancel *mpDragData = aTempData; } } else { mbDragCanceled = false; // +2, so the tabs are not cleared too quickly if ( nY > nOutHeight + 2 ) mbDragDelete = true; mnDragPos = nX; // call handler Drag(); // redraw if ( mbFormat ) Paint(Rectangle()); } mnDragScroll = 0; } void Ruler::ImplEndDrag() { // get values if ( mbDragCanceled ) *mpDragData = *mpSaveData; else *mpSaveData = *mpDragData; mpData = mpSaveData; mbDrag = false; // call handler EndDrag(); // reset drag values meDragType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; mnDragPos = 0; mnDragAryPos = 0; mnDragSize = 0; mbDragCanceled = false; mbDragDelete = false; mnDragModifier = 0; mnDragScroll = 0; mnStartDragPos = 0; // redraw Paint(Rectangle()); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(Ruler, ImplUpdateHdl) { mnUpdateEvtId = 0; // what should be updated if ( mnUpdateFlags & RULER_UPDATE_DRAW ) { mnUpdateFlags = 0; Paint(Rectangle()); } else if ( mnUpdateFlags & RULER_UPDATE_LINES ) { mnUpdateFlags = 0; ImplInvertLines(); } return 0; } void Ruler::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() && !IsTracking() ) { Point aMousePos = rMEvt.GetPosPixel(); sal_uInt16 nMouseClicks = rMEvt.GetClicks(); sal_uInt16 nMouseModifier = rMEvt.GetModifier(); // update ruler if ( mbFormat ) { Paint(Rectangle()); mnUpdateFlags &= ~RULER_UPDATE_DRAW; } if ( maExtraRect.IsInside( aMousePos ) ) { mnExtraClicks = nMouseClicks; mnExtraModifier = nMouseModifier; ExtraDown(); mnExtraClicks = 0; mnExtraModifier = 0; } else { boost::scoped_ptr<RulerSelection> pHitTest(new RulerSelection); bool bHitTestResult = ImplHitTest(aMousePos, pHitTest.get()); if ( nMouseClicks == 1 ) { if ( bHitTestResult ) { ImplStartDrag( pHitTest.get(), nMouseModifier ); } else { // calculate position inside of ruler area if ( pHitTest->eType == RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW ) { mnDragPos = pHitTest->nPos; Click(); mnDragPos = 0; // call HitTest again as a click, for example, could set a new tab if ( ImplHitTest(aMousePos, pHitTest.get()) ) ImplStartDrag(pHitTest.get(), nMouseModifier); } } } else { if (bHitTestResult) { mnDragPos = pHitTest->nPos; mnDragAryPos = pHitTest->nAryPos; } meDragType = pHitTest->eType; DoubleClick(); meDragType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; mnDragPos = 0; mnDragAryPos = 0; } } } } void Ruler::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { PointerStyle ePtrStyle = POINTER_ARROW; mpCurrentHitTest.reset(new RulerSelection); maHoverSelection.eType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; if (ImplHitTest( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), mpCurrentHitTest.get() )) { maHoverSelection = *mpCurrentHitTest.get(); if (mpCurrentHitTest->bSize) { if (mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ) { if (mpCurrentHitTest->mnDragSize == RULER_DRAGSIZE_1) ePtrStyle = POINTER_TAB_SELECT_W; else if (mpCurrentHitTest->mnDragSize == RULER_DRAGSIZE_2) ePtrStyle = POINTER_TAB_SELECT_E; else ePtrStyle = POINTER_ESIZE; } else { if (mpCurrentHitTest->mnDragSize == RULER_DRAGSIZE_1) ePtrStyle = POINTER_WINDOW_NSIZE; else if (mpCurrentHitTest->mnDragSize == RULER_DRAGSIZE_2) ePtrStyle = POINTER_WINDOW_SSIZE; else ePtrStyle = POINTER_SSIZE; } } else if (mpCurrentHitTest->bSizeBar) { if (mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ) ePtrStyle = POINTER_HSIZEBAR; else ePtrStyle = POINTER_VSIZEBAR; } } if(mpPreviousHitTest.get() != NULL && mpPreviousHitTest->eType != mpCurrentHitTest->eType) { mbFormat = true; } SetPointer( Pointer(ePtrStyle) ); if ( mbFormat ) { Paint(Rectangle()); mnUpdateFlags &= ~RULER_UPDATE_DRAW; } mpPreviousHitTest.swap(mpCurrentHitTest); } void Ruler::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt ) { if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() ) { // reset the old state at cancel if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() ) { mbDragCanceled = true; mbFormat = true; } ImplEndDrag(); } else ImplDrag( rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel() ); } void Ruler::Paint( const Rectangle& ) { ImplDraw(); // consider extra field if ( mnWinStyle & WB_EXTRAFIELD ) ImplDrawExtra( true ); } void Ruler::Resize() { Size aWinSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); long nNewHeight; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { if ( aWinSize.Height() != mnHeight ) nNewHeight = aWinSize.Height(); else nNewHeight = 0; } else { if ( aWinSize.Width() != mnWidth ) nNewHeight = aWinSize.Width(); else nNewHeight = 0; } // clear lines bool bVisible = IsReallyVisible(); if ( bVisible && !mpData->pLines.empty() ) { ImplInvertLines(); mnUpdateFlags |= RULER_UPDATE_LINES; if ( !mnUpdateEvtId ) mnUpdateEvtId = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, Ruler, ImplUpdateHdl ), NULL ); } mbFormat = true; // recalculate some values if the height/width changes // extra field should always be updated ImplInitExtraField( mpData->bTextRTL ); if ( nNewHeight ) { mbCalc = true; mnVirHeight = nNewHeight - mnBorderWidth - (RULER_OFF*2); } else { if ( mpData->bAutoPageWidth ) ImplUpdate( true ); else if ( mbAutoWinWidth ) mbCalc = true; } // clear part of the border if ( bVisible ) { if ( nNewHeight ) Invalidate(); else if ( mpData->bAutoPageWidth ) { // only at AutoPageWidth muss we redraw Rectangle aRect; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { if ( mnWidth < aWinSize.Width() ) aRect.Left() = mnWidth - RULER_RESIZE_OFF; else aRect.Left() = aWinSize.Width() - RULER_RESIZE_OFF; aRect.Right() = aRect.Left() + RULER_RESIZE_OFF; aRect.Top() = RULER_OFF; aRect.Bottom() = RULER_OFF + mnVirHeight; } else { if ( mnHeight < aWinSize.Height() ) aRect.Top() = mnHeight-RULER_RESIZE_OFF; else aRect.Top() = aWinSize.Height()-RULER_RESIZE_OFF; aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top()+RULER_RESIZE_OFF; aRect.Left() = RULER_OFF; aRect.Right() = RULER_OFF+mnVirHeight; } Invalidate( aRect ); } } mnWidth = aWinSize.Width(); mnHeight = aWinSize.Height(); } void Ruler::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { Window::StateChanged( nType ); if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW ) ImplFormat(); else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_UPDATEMODE ) { if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) Paint(Rectangle()); } else if ( (nType == STATE_CHANGE_ZOOM) || (nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFONT) ) { ImplInitSettings( true, false, false ); Invalidate(); } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) { ImplInitSettings( false, true, false ); Invalidate(); } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) { ImplInitSettings( false, false, true ); Invalidate(); } } void Ruler::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTS) || (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_DISPLAY) || (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTSUBSTITUTION) || ((rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE)) ) { mbFormat = true; ImplInitSettings( true, true, true ); Invalidate(); } } long Ruler::StartDrag() { if ( maStartDragHdl.IsSet() ) return maStartDragHdl.Call( this ); else return sal_False; } void Ruler::Drag() { maDragHdl.Call( this ); } void Ruler::EndDrag() { maEndDragHdl.Call( this ); } void Ruler::Click() { maClickHdl.Call( this ); } void Ruler::DoubleClick() { maDoubleClickHdl.Call( this ); } void Ruler::ExtraDown() { maExtraDownHdl.Call( this ); } void Ruler::Activate() { mbActive = true; // update positionlies - draw is delayed mnUpdateFlags |= RULER_UPDATE_LINES; if ( !mnUpdateEvtId ) mnUpdateEvtId = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, Ruler, ImplUpdateHdl ), NULL ); } void Ruler::Deactivate() { // clear positionlines ImplInvertLines(); mbActive = false; } bool Ruler::StartDocDrag( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, RulerType eDragType ) { if ( !mbDrag ) { Point aMousePos = rMEvt.GetPosPixel(); sal_uInt16 nMouseClicks = rMEvt.GetClicks(); sal_uInt16 nMouseModifier = rMEvt.GetModifier(); RulerSelection aHitTest; if(eDragType != RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW) aHitTest.bExpandTest = true; // update ruler if ( mbFormat ) { Paint(Rectangle()); mnUpdateFlags &= ~RULER_UPDATE_DRAW; } if ( nMouseClicks == 1 ) { if ( ImplDocHitTest( aMousePos, eDragType, &aHitTest ) ) { Pointer aPtr; if ( aHitTest.bSize ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aPtr = Pointer( POINTER_ESIZE ); else aPtr = Pointer( POINTER_SSIZE ); } else if ( aHitTest.bSizeBar ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) aPtr = Pointer( POINTER_HSIZEBAR ); else aPtr = Pointer( POINTER_VSIZEBAR ); } SetPointer( aPtr ); return ImplStartDrag( &aHitTest, nMouseModifier ); } } else if ( nMouseClicks == 2 ) { if ( ImplDocHitTest( aMousePos, eDragType, &aHitTest ) ) { mnDragPos = aHitTest.nPos; mnDragAryPos = aHitTest.nAryPos; } eDragType = aHitTest.eType; DoubleClick(); eDragType = RULER_TYPE_DONTKNOW; mnDragPos = 0; mnDragAryPos = 0; return true; } } return false; } void Ruler::CancelDrag() { if ( mbDrag ) { ImplDrag( Point( -1, -1 ) ); ImplEndDrag(); } } RulerType Ruler::GetType( const Point& rPos, sal_uInt16* pAryPos ) { RulerSelection aHitTest; // update ruler if ( IsReallyVisible() && mbFormat ) { Paint(Rectangle()); mnUpdateFlags &= ~RULER_UPDATE_DRAW; } ImplHitTest( rPos, &aHitTest ); // return values if ( pAryPos ) *pAryPos = aHitTest.nAryPos; return aHitTest.eType; } void Ruler::SetWinPos( long nNewOff, long nNewWidth ) { // should widths be automatically calculated if ( !nNewWidth ) mbAutoWinWidth = true; else mbAutoWinWidth = false; mnWinOff = nNewOff; mnWinWidth = nNewWidth; ImplUpdate( true ); } void Ruler::SetPagePos( long nNewOff, long nNewWidth ) { // should we do anything? if ( (mpData->nPageOff == nNewOff) && (mpData->nPageWidth == nNewWidth) ) return; // should widths be automatically calculated if ( !nNewWidth ) mpData->bAutoPageWidth = true; else mpData->bAutoPageWidth = false; mpData->nPageOff = nNewOff; mpData->nPageWidth = nNewWidth; ImplUpdate( true ); } void Ruler::SetBorderPos( long nOff ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_BORDER ) { if ( mnBorderOff != nOff ) { mnBorderOff = nOff; if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) Invalidate(); } } } void Ruler::SetUnit( FieldUnit eNewUnit ) { if ( meUnit != eNewUnit ) { meUnit = eNewUnit; switch ( meUnit ) { case FUNIT_MM: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_MM; break; case FUNIT_CM: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_CM; break; case FUNIT_M: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_M; break; case FUNIT_KM: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_KM; break; case FUNIT_INCH: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_INCH; break; case FUNIT_FOOT: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_FOOT; break; case FUNIT_MILE: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_MILE; break; case FUNIT_POINT: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_POINT; break; case FUNIT_PICA: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_PICA; break; case FUNIT_CHAR: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_CHAR; break; case FUNIT_LINE: mnUnitIndex = RULER_UNIT_LINE; break; default: SAL_WARN( "svtools.control", "Ruler::SetUnit() - Wrong Unit" ); break; } maMapMode.SetMapUnit( aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex].eMapUnit ); ImplUpdate(); } } void Ruler::SetZoom( const Fraction& rNewZoom ) { DBG_ASSERT( rNewZoom.GetNumerator(), "Ruler::SetZoom() with scale 0 is not allowed" ); if ( maZoom != rNewZoom ) { maZoom = rNewZoom; maMapMode.SetScaleX( maZoom ); maMapMode.SetScaleY( maZoom ); ImplUpdate(); } } void Ruler::SetExtraType( RulerExtra eNewExtraType, sal_uInt16 nStyle ) { if ( mnWinStyle & WB_EXTRAFIELD ) { meExtraType = eNewExtraType; mnExtraStyle = nStyle; if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) ImplDrawExtra( false ); } } void Ruler::SetNullOffset( long nPos ) { if ( mpData->nNullOff != nPos ) { mpData->nNullOff = nPos; ImplUpdate(); } } void Ruler::SetLeftFrameMargin( long nPos ) { if ( (mpData->nLeftFrameMargin != nPos) ) { mpData->nLeftFrameMargin = nPos; ImplUpdate(); } } void Ruler::SetRightFrameMargin( long nPos ) { if ( (mpData->nRightFrameMargin != nPos) ) { mpData->nRightFrameMargin = nPos; ImplUpdate(); } } void Ruler::SetMargin1( long nPos, sal_uInt16 nMarginStyle ) { if ( (mpData->nMargin1 != nPos) || (mpData->nMargin1Style != nMarginStyle) ) { mpData->nMargin1 = nPos; mpData->nMargin1Style = nMarginStyle; ImplUpdate(); } } void Ruler::SetMargin2( long nPos, sal_uInt16 nMarginStyle ) { DBG_ASSERT( (nPos >= mpData->nMargin1) || (mpData->nMargin1Style & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE) || (mpData->nMargin2Style & RULER_STYLE_INVISIBLE), "Ruler::SetMargin2() - Margin2 < Margin1" ); if ( (mpData->nMargin2 != nPos) || (mpData->nMargin2Style != nMarginStyle) ) { mpData->nMargin2 = nPos; mpData->nMargin2Style = nMarginStyle; ImplUpdate(); } } void Ruler::SetLines( sal_uInt32 aLineArraySize, const RulerLine* pLineArray ) { // To determine if what has changed if ( mpData->pLines.size() == aLineArraySize ) { sal_uInt32 i = aLineArraySize; vector<RulerLine>::const_iterator aItr1 = mpData->pLines.begin(); const RulerLine* pAry2 = pLineArray; while ( i ) { if ( (aItr1->nPos != pAry2->nPos) || (aItr1->nStyle != pAry2->nStyle) ) break; ++aItr1; ++pAry2; i--; } if ( !i ) return; } // New values and new share issue bool bMustUpdate; if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) bMustUpdate = true; else bMustUpdate = false; // Delete old lines if ( bMustUpdate ) ImplInvertLines(); // New data set if ( !aLineArraySize || !pLineArray ) { if ( mpData->pLines.empty() ) return; mpData->pLines.clear(); } else { if ( mpData->pLines.size() != aLineArraySize ) { mpData->pLines.resize(aLineArraySize); } std::copy( pLineArray, pLineArray + aLineArraySize, mpData->pLines.begin() ); if ( bMustUpdate ) ImplInvertLines(); } } void Ruler::SetBorders( sal_uInt32 aBorderArraySize, const RulerBorder* pBorderArray ) { if ( !aBorderArraySize || !pBorderArray ) { if ( mpData->pBorders.empty() ) return; mpData->pBorders.clear(); } else { if ( mpData->pBorders.size() != aBorderArraySize ) { mpData->pBorders.resize(aBorderArraySize); } else { sal_uInt32 i = aBorderArraySize; const RulerBorder* pAry1 = &mpData->pBorders[0]; const RulerBorder* pAry2 = pBorderArray; while ( i ) { if ( (pAry1->nPos != pAry2->nPos) || (pAry1->nWidth != pAry2->nWidth) || (pAry1->nStyle != pAry2->nStyle) ) break; pAry1++; pAry2++; i--; } if ( !i ) return; } std::copy( pBorderArray, pBorderArray + aBorderArraySize, mpData->pBorders.begin() ); } ImplUpdate(); } void Ruler::SetIndents( sal_uInt32 aIndentArraySize, const RulerIndent* pIndentArray ) { if ( !aIndentArraySize || !pIndentArray ) { if ( mpData->pIndents.empty() ) return; mpData->pIndents.clear(); } else { if ( mpData->pIndents.size() != aIndentArraySize ) { mpData->pIndents.resize(aIndentArraySize); } else { sal_uInt32 i = aIndentArraySize; const RulerIndent* pAry1 = &mpData->pIndents[0]; const RulerIndent* pAry2 = pIndentArray; while ( i ) { if ( (pAry1->nPos != pAry2->nPos) || (pAry1->nStyle != pAry2->nStyle) ) break; pAry1++; pAry2++; i--; } if ( !i ) return; } std::copy( pIndentArray, pIndentArray + aIndentArraySize, mpData->pIndents.begin() ); } ImplUpdate(); } void Ruler::SetTabs( sal_uInt32 aTabArraySize, const RulerTab* pTabArray ) { if ( aTabArraySize == 0 || pTabArray == NULL ) { if ( mpData->pTabs.empty() ) return; mpData->pTabs.clear(); } else { if ( mpData->pTabs.size() != aTabArraySize ) { mpData->pTabs.resize(aTabArraySize); } else { sal_uInt32 i = aTabArraySize; vector<RulerTab>::iterator aTabIterator = mpData->pTabs.begin(); const RulerTab* pInputArray = pTabArray; while ( i ) { RulerTab& aCurrent = *aTabIterator; if ( aCurrent.nPos != pInputArray->nPos || aCurrent.nStyle != pInputArray->nStyle ) { break; } ++aTabIterator; pInputArray++; i--; } if ( !i ) return; } std::copy(pTabArray, pTabArray + aTabArraySize, mpData->pTabs.begin()); } ImplUpdate(); } void Ruler::SetStyle( WinBits nStyle ) { if ( mnWinStyle != nStyle ) { mnWinStyle = nStyle; ImplInitExtraField( true ); } } void Ruler::DrawTab( OutputDevice* pDevice, const Color &rFillColor, const Point& rPos, sal_uInt16 nStyle ) { Point aPos( rPos ); sal_uInt16 nTabStyle = nStyle & (RULER_TAB_STYLE | RULER_TAB_RTL); pDevice->Push( PUSH_LINECOLOR | PUSH_FILLCOLOR ); pDevice->SetLineColor(); pDevice->SetFillColor(rFillColor); ImplCenterTabPos( aPos, nTabStyle ); ImplDrawRulerTab( pDevice, aPos, nTabStyle, nStyle ); pDevice->Pop(); } void Ruler::SetTextRTL(bool bRTL) { if(mpData->bTextRTL != (bool) bRTL) { mpData->bTextRTL = bRTL; if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) ImplInitExtraField( true ); } } long Ruler::GetPageOffset() const { return mpData->nPageOff; } long Ruler::GetNullOffset() const { return mpData->nNullOff; } long Ruler::GetMargin1() const { return mpData->nMargin1; } long Ruler::GetMargin2() const { return mpData->nMargin2; } bool Ruler::GetTextRTL() { return mpData->bTextRTL; } RulerUnitData Ruler::GetCurrentRulerUnit() const { return aImplRulerUnitTab[mnUnitIndex]; } void Ruler::DrawTicks() { mbFormat = true; Paint(Rectangle()); } uno::Reference< XAccessible > Ruler::CreateAccessible() { Window* pParent = GetAccessibleParentWindow(); OSL_ENSURE( pParent, "-SvxRuler::CreateAccessible(): No Parent!" ); uno::Reference< XAccessible > xAccParent = pParent->GetAccessible(); if( xAccParent.is() ) { // MT: Fixed compiler issue because the address from a temporary object was used. // BUT: Shoudl it really be a Pointer, instead of const&??? OUString aStr; if ( mnWinStyle & WB_HORZ ) { aStr = SvtResId(STR_SVT_ACC_RULER_HORZ_NAME); } else { aStr = SvtResId(STR_SVT_ACC_RULER_VERT_NAME); } pAccContext = new SvtRulerAccessible( xAccParent, *this, aStr ); pAccContext->acquire(); this->SetAccessible(pAccContext); return pAccContext; } else return uno::Reference< XAccessible >(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */