/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>

#include <vcl/dockwin.hxx>
#include <vcl/decoview.hxx>
#include <vcl/image.hxx>
#include <vcl/taskpanelist.hxx>
#include <vcl/toolbox.hxx>

#include "svtools/valueset.hxx"
#include "svtools/toolbarmenu.hxx"
#include "toolbarmenuimp.hxx"

using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;

namespace svtools {

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

static Window* GetTopMostParentSystemWindow( Window* pWindow )
    OSL_ASSERT( pWindow );
    if ( pWindow )
        // ->manually search topmost system window
        // required because their might be another system window between this and the top window
        pWindow = pWindow->GetParent();
        SystemWindow* pTopMostSysWin = NULL;
        while ( pWindow )
            if ( pWindow->IsSystemWindow() )
                pTopMostSysWin = (SystemWindow*)pWindow;
            pWindow = pWindow->GetParent();
        pWindow = pTopMostSysWin;
        OSL_ASSERT( pWindow );
        return pWindow;

    return NULL;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenuEntry::init( int nEntryId, MenuItemBits nBits )
    mnEntryId = nEntryId;
    mnBits = nBits;

    mbHasText = false;
    mbHasImage = false;
    mbChecked = false;
    mbEnabled = true;

    mpControl = NULL;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenuEntry::ToolbarMenuEntry( ToolbarMenu& rMenu, int nEntryId, const String& rText, MenuItemBits nBits )
: mrMenu( rMenu )
    init( nEntryId, nBits );

    maText = rText;
    mbHasText = true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenuEntry::ToolbarMenuEntry( ToolbarMenu& rMenu, int nEntryId, const Image& rImage, const String& rText, MenuItemBits nBits )
: mrMenu( rMenu )
    init( nEntryId, nBits );

    maText = rText;
    mbHasText = true;

    maImage = rImage;
    mbHasImage = true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenuEntry::ToolbarMenuEntry( ToolbarMenu& rMenu, int nEntryId, Control* pControl, MenuItemBits nBits )
: mrMenu( rMenu )
    init( nEntryId, nBits );

    if( pControl )
        mpControl = pControl;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

    if( mxAccContext.is() )
        Reference< XComponent > xComponent( mxAccContext, UNO_QUERY );
        if( xComponent.is() )
    delete mpControl;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

const Reference< XAccessibleContext >& ToolbarMenuEntry::GetAccessible( bool bCreate /* = false */ )
    if( !mxAccContext.is() && bCreate )
        if( mpControl )
            mxAccContext = Reference< XAccessibleContext >( mpControl->GetAccessible( sal_True ), UNO_QUERY );
            mxAccContext = Reference< XAccessibleContext >( new ToolbarMenuEntryAcc( this ) );

    return mxAccContext;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Int32 ToolbarMenuEntry::getAccessibleChildCount() throw (RuntimeException)
    if( mpControl )
        const Reference< XAccessibleContext >& xContext = GetAccessible( true );
        if( xContext.is() )
            return xContext->getAccessibleChildCount();
    return 1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

Reference< XAccessible > ToolbarMenuEntry::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 index ) throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
    const Reference< XAccessibleContext >& xContext = GetAccessible( true );
    if( mpControl )
        if( xContext.is() )
            return xContext->getAccessibleChild(index);
    else if( index == 0 )
        Reference< XAccessible > xRet( xContext, UNO_QUERY );
        if( xRet.is() )
            return xRet;

    throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenu_Impl::ToolbarMenu_Impl( ToolbarMenu& rMenu, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& xFrame )
: mrMenu( rMenu )
, mxFrame( xFrame )
, mnCheckPos(0)
, mnImagePos(0)
, mnTextPos(0)
, mnHighlightedEntry(-1)
, mnSelectedEntry(-1)
, mnLastColumn(0)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

    setAccessible( 0 );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu_Impl::setAccessible( ToolbarMenuAcc* pAccessible )
    if( mxAccessible.get() != pAccessible )
        if( mxAccessible.is() )

        mxAccessible.set( pAccessible );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu_Impl::fireAccessibleEvent( short nEventId, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rOldValue, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rNewValue )
    if( mxAccessible.is() )
        mxAccessible->FireAccessibleEvent( nEventId, rOldValue, rNewValue );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

bool ToolbarMenu_Impl::hasAccessibleListeners()
    return( mxAccessible.is() && mxAccessible->HasAccessibleListeners() );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Int32 ToolbarMenu_Impl::getAccessibleChildCount() throw (RuntimeException)
    sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
    const int nEntryCount = maEntryVector.size();
    for( int nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = maEntryVector[nEntry];
        if( pEntry )
            if( pEntry->mpControl )
                nCount += pEntry->getAccessibleChildCount();
                nCount += 1;

    return nCount;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

Reference< XAccessible > ToolbarMenu_Impl::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 index ) throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
    const int nEntryCount = maEntryVector.size();
    for( int nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = maEntryVector[nEntry];
        if( pEntry )
            const sal_Int32 nCount = pEntry->getAccessibleChildCount();
            if( index < nCount )
                return pEntry->getAccessibleChild( index );
            index -= nCount;

    throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

Reference< XAccessible > ToolbarMenu_Impl::getAccessibleChild( Control* pControl, sal_Int32 childIndex ) throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
    const int nEntryCount = maEntryVector.size();
    for( int nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = maEntryVector[nEntry];
        if( pEntry && (pEntry->mpControl == pControl) )
            return pEntry->getAccessibleChild( childIndex );

    throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu_Impl::selectAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 nChildIndex ) throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
    const int nEntryCount = maEntryVector.size();
    for( int nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = maEntryVector[nEntry];
        if( pEntry )
            const sal_Int32 nCount = pEntry->getAccessibleChildCount();
            if( nChildIndex < nCount )
                if( pEntry->mpControl )
                    Reference< XAccessibleSelection > xSel( pEntry->GetAccessible(true), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                else if( pEntry->mnEntryId != TITLE_ID )
                    mrMenu.implSelectEntry( nEntry );
            nChildIndex -= nCount;

    throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool ToolbarMenu_Impl::isAccessibleChildSelected( sal_Int32 nChildIndex ) throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
    const int nEntryCount = maEntryVector.size();
    for( int nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = maEntryVector[nEntry];
        if( pEntry )
            const sal_Int32 nCount = pEntry->getAccessibleChildCount();
            if( nChildIndex < nCount )
                if( mnHighlightedEntry == nEntry )
                    if( pEntry->mpControl )
                        Reference< XAccessibleSelection > xSel( pEntry->GetAccessible(true), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                    return true;
                    return false;
            nChildIndex -= nCount;

    throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu_Impl::clearAccessibleSelection()
    if( mnHighlightedEntry != -1 )
        mrMenu.implHighlightEntry( mnHighlightedEntry, false );
        mnHighlightedEntry = -1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu_Impl::notifyHighlightedEntry()
    if( hasAccessibleListeners() )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implGetEntry( mnHighlightedEntry );
        if( pEntry && pEntry->mbEnabled && (pEntry->mnEntryId != TITLE_ID) )
            Any aNew;
            Any aOld( mxOldSelection );
            if( pEntry->mpControl )
                sal_Int32 nChildIndex = 0;
                // todo: if other controls than ValueSet are allowed, addapt this code
                ValueSet* pValueSet = dynamic_cast< ValueSet* >( pEntry->mpControl );
                if( pValueSet )
                    nChildIndex = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( pValueSet->GetItemPos( pValueSet->GetSelectItemId() ) );

                if( nChildIndex >= pEntry->getAccessibleChildCount() )

                aNew <<= getAccessibleChild( pEntry->mpControl, nChildIndex );
                aNew <<= pEntry->GetAccessible(true);

            fireAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED, aOld, aNew );
            fireAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED, aOld, aNew );
            fireAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, Any(), Any( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED ) );
            aNew >>= mxOldSelection;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenuEntry* ToolbarMenu_Impl::implGetEntry( int nEntry ) const
    if( (nEntry < 0) || (nEntry >= (int)maEntryVector.size() ) )
        return NULL;

    return maEntryVector[nEntry];

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

IMPL_LINK( ToolbarMenu, HighlightHdl, Control *, pControl )
    return 0;

// ====================================================================

ToolbarMenu::ToolbarMenu( const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame, Window* pParentWindow, WinBits nBits )
: DockingWindow(pParentWindow, nBits)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenu::ToolbarMenu( const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame, Window* pParentWindow, const ResId& rResId )
: DockingWindow(pParentWindow, rResId)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::implInit(const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame)
    mpImpl = new ToolbarMenu_Impl( *this, rFrame );

    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    SetControlBackground( rStyleSettings.GetMenuColor() );


    Window* pWindow = GetTopMostParentSystemWindow( this );
    if ( pWindow )
        ((SystemWindow *)pWindow)->GetTaskPaneList()->AddWindow( this );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

    Window* pWindow = GetTopMostParentSystemWindow( this );
    if ( pWindow )
        ((SystemWindow *)pWindow)->GetTaskPaneList()->RemoveWindow( this );

    if ( mpImpl->mxStatusListener.is() )

    // delete all menu entries
    const int nEntryCount = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size();
    int nEntry;
    for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        delete mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];

    delete mpImpl;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

int ToolbarMenu::getSelectedEntryId() const
    ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implGetEntry( mpImpl->mnSelectedEntry );
    return pEntry ? pEntry->mnEntryId : -1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

int ToolbarMenu::getHighlightedEntryId() const
    ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implGetEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry );
    return pEntry ? pEntry->mnEntryId : -1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::checkEntry( int nEntryId, bool bChecked )
    ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implSearchEntry( nEntryId );
    if( pEntry && pEntry->mbChecked != bChecked )
        pEntry->mbChecked = bChecked;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::enableEntry( int nEntryId, bool bEnable )
    ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implSearchEntry( nEntryId );
    if( pEntry && pEntry->mbEnabled != bEnable )
        pEntry->mbEnabled = bEnable;
        if( pEntry->mpControl )
            pEntry->mpControl->Enable( bEnable );

            // hack for the valueset to make it paint itself anew

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::setEntryText( int nEntryId, const String& rStr )
    ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implSearchEntry( nEntryId );
    if( pEntry && pEntry->maText != rStr )
        pEntry->maText = rStr;
        mpImpl->maSize = implCalcSize();
        if( IsVisible() )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::setEntryImage( int nEntryId, const Image& rImage )
    ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implSearchEntry( nEntryId );
    if( pEntry && pEntry->maImage != rImage )
        pEntry->maImage = rImage;
        mpImpl->maSize = implCalcSize();
        if( IsVisible() )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::initWindow()
    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();

    SetPointFont( rStyleSettings.GetMenuFont() );
    SetBackground( Wallpaper( GetControlBackground() ) );
    SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetMenuTextColor() );

    mpImpl->maSize = implCalcSize();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

static long ImplGetNativeCheckAndRadioSize( Window* pWin, long& rCheckHeight, long& rRadioHeight, long &rMaxWidth )
    rMaxWidth = rCheckHeight = rRadioHeight = 0;

    ImplControlValue aVal;
    Rectangle aNativeBounds;
    Rectangle aNativeContent;
    Point tmp( 0, 0 );
    Rectangle aCtrlRegion( tmp, Size( 100, 15 ) );
    if( pWin->IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_MENU_POPUP, PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK ) )
        if( pWin->GetNativeControlRegion( ControlType(CTRL_MENU_POPUP),
                                          aNativeContent )
            rCheckHeight = aNativeBounds.GetHeight();
            rMaxWidth = aNativeContent.GetWidth();
    if( pWin->IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_MENU_POPUP, PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK ) )
        if( pWin->GetNativeControlRegion( ControlType(CTRL_MENU_POPUP),
                                          aNativeContent )
            rRadioHeight = aNativeBounds.GetHeight();
            rMaxWidth = std::max (rMaxWidth, aNativeContent.GetWidth());
    return (rCheckHeight > rRadioHeight) ? rCheckHeight : rRadioHeight;

#define gfxExtra 7

Size ToolbarMenu::implCalcSize()
    const long nFontHeight = GetTextHeight();
    long nExtra = nFontHeight/4;

    Size aSz;
    Size aMaxImgSz;
    long nMaxTextWidth = 0;
    long nMinMenuItemHeight = nFontHeight+2;
    sal_Bool bCheckable = sal_False;

    const int nEntryCount = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size();
    int nEntry;

    const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    const bool bUseImages = rSettings.GetUseImagesInMenus();

    // get maximum image size
    if( bUseImages )
        for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
            ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];
            if( pEntry && pEntry->mbHasImage )
                Size aImgSz( pEntry->maImage.GetSizePixel() );
                nMinMenuItemHeight = std::max( nMinMenuItemHeight, aImgSz.Height() + 6 );
                aMaxImgSz.Width() = std::max( aMaxImgSz.Width(), aImgSz.Width() );

    mpImpl->mnCheckPos = nExtra;
    mpImpl->mnImagePos = nExtra;
    mpImpl->mnTextPos = mpImpl->mnImagePos + aMaxImgSz.Width();

    if ( aMaxImgSz.Width() )
        mpImpl->mnTextPos += std::max( nExtra, 7L );
    if ( bCheckable )
        mpImpl->mnTextPos += 16;

    // set heights, calc maximum width
    for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];

        if( pEntry )
            if ( ( pEntry->mnBits ) & ( MIB_RADIOCHECK | MIB_CHECKABLE ) )
                bCheckable = sal_True;

            // Text:
            if( pEntry->mbHasText || pEntry->mbHasImage )
                pEntry->maSize.Height() = nMinMenuItemHeight;

                if( pEntry->mbHasText )
                    long nTextWidth = GetCtrlTextWidth( pEntry->maText ) + mpImpl->mnTextPos + nExtra;
                    nMaxTextWidth = std::max( nTextWidth, nMaxTextWidth );
            // Control:
            else if( pEntry->mpControl )
                Size aControlSize( pEntry->mpControl->GetOutputSizePixel() );

                nMaxTextWidth = std::max( aControlSize.Width(), nMaxTextWidth );
                pEntry->maSize.Height() = aControlSize.Height() + 1;

            if( pEntry->HasCheck() && !pEntry->mbHasImage )
                if( this->IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_MENU_POPUP,
                                                     (pEntry->mnBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK)
                                                     ? PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK
                                                     : PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK ) )
                    long nCheckHeight = 0, nRadioHeight = 0, nMaxCheckWidth = 0;
                    ImplGetNativeCheckAndRadioSize( this, nCheckHeight, nRadioHeight, nMaxCheckWidth );

                    long nCtrlHeight = (pEntry->mnBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK) ? nCheckHeight : nRadioHeight;
                    nMaxTextWidth += nCtrlHeight + gfxExtra;
                else if( pEntry->mbChecked )
                    long nSymbolWidth = (nFontHeight*25)/40;
                    if ( pEntry->mnBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK )
                        nSymbolWidth = nFontHeight/2;

                    nMaxTextWidth += nSymbolWidth;

    aSz.Width() = nMaxTextWidth + (BORDER_X<<1);

    // positionate controls
    int nY = BORDER_Y;
    for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];

        if( pEntry )
            pEntry->maSize.Width() = nMaxTextWidth;

            if( pEntry->mpControl )
                Size aControlSize( pEntry->mpControl->GetOutputSizePixel() );
                Point aControlPos( (aSz.Width() - aControlSize.Width())>>1, nY);

                pEntry->mpControl->SetPosPixel( aControlPos );

                pEntry->maRect = Rectangle( aControlPos, aControlSize );
                pEntry->maRect = Rectangle( Point( 0, nY ), pEntry->maSize );

            nY += pEntry->maSize.Height();
            nY += SEPARATOR_HEIGHT;

    aSz.Height() += nY + BORDER_Y;

    return aSz;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::highlightFirstEntry()
    implChangeHighlightEntry( 0 );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::GetFocus()
    if( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry == -1 )
        implChangeHighlightEntry( 0 );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::LoseFocus()
    if( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry != -1 )
        implChangeHighlightEntry( -1 );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::appendEntry( int nEntryId, const String& rStr, MenuItemBits nItemBits )
    appendEntry( new ToolbarMenuEntry( *this, nEntryId, rStr, nItemBits ) );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::appendEntry( int nEntryId, const String& rStr, const Image& rImage, MenuItemBits nItemBits )
    appendEntry( new ToolbarMenuEntry( *this, nEntryId, rImage, rStr, nItemBits ) );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::appendEntry( int nEntryId, Control* pControl, MenuItemBits nItemBits )
    appendEntry( new ToolbarMenuEntry( *this, nEntryId, pControl, nItemBits ) );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::appendEntry( ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry )
    mpImpl->maEntryVector.push_back( pEntry );
    mpImpl->maSize = implCalcSize();
    if( IsVisible() )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::appendSeparator()
    appendEntry( 0 );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

/** creates an empty ValueSet that is initialized and can be inserted with appendEntry. */
ValueSet* ToolbarMenu::createEmptyValueSetControl()
    pSet->EnableFullItemMode( sal_False );
    pSet->SetColor( GetControlBackground() );
    pSet->SetHighlightHdl( LINK( this, ToolbarMenu, HighlightHdl ) );
    return pSet;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenuEntry* ToolbarMenu::implGetEntry( int nEntry ) const
    return mpImpl->implGetEntry( nEntry );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenuEntry* ToolbarMenu::implSearchEntry( int nEntryId ) const
    const int nEntryCount = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size();
    int nEntry;
    for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* p = mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];
        if( p && p->mnEntryId == nEntryId )
            return p;

    return NULL;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::implHighlightEntry( int nHighlightEntry, bool bHighlight )
    Size    aSz( GetOutputSizePixel() );
    long    nX = 0, nY = 0;

    const int nEntryCount = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size();
    int nEntry;
    for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];
        if( pEntry && (nEntry == nHighlightEntry) )
            // no highlights for controls only items
            if( pEntry->mpControl )
                if( !bHighlight )
                    ValueSet* pValueSet = dynamic_cast< ValueSet* >( pEntry->mpControl );
                    if( pValueSet )

            bool bRestoreLineColor = false;
            Color oldLineColor;
            bool bDrawItemRect = true;

            Rectangle aItemRect( Point( nX, nY ), Size( aSz.Width(), pEntry->maSize.Height() ) );
            if ( pEntry->mnBits & MIB_POPUPSELECT )
                long nFontHeight = GetTextHeight();
                aItemRect.Right() -= nFontHeight + nFontHeight/4;

            if( IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_MENU_POPUP, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL ) )
                Size aPxSize( GetOutputSizePixel() );
                Push( PUSH_CLIPREGION );
                IntersectClipRegion( Rectangle( Point( nX, nY ), Size( aSz.Width(), pEntry->maSize.Height() ) ) );
                Rectangle aCtrlRect( Point( nX, 0 ), Size( aPxSize.Width()-nX, aPxSize.Height() ) );
                DrawNativeControl( CTRL_MENU_POPUP, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL,
                                   OUString() );
                if( bHighlight && IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_MENU_POPUP, PART_MENU_ITEM ) )
                    bDrawItemRect = false;
                    if( sal_False == DrawNativeControl( CTRL_MENU_POPUP, PART_MENU_ITEM,
                                                    CTRL_STATE_SELECTED | ( pEntry->mbEnabled? CTRL_STATE_ENABLED: 0 ),
                                                    OUString() ) )
                        bDrawItemRect = bHighlight;
                    bDrawItemRect = bHighlight;
            if( bDrawItemRect )
                if ( bHighlight )
                    if( pEntry->mbEnabled )
                        SetFillColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuHighlightColor() );
                        oldLineColor = GetLineColor();
                        SetLineColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuHighlightColor() );
                        bRestoreLineColor = true;
                    SetFillColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuColor() );

                DrawRect( aItemRect );
            implPaint( pEntry, bHighlight );
            if( bRestoreLineColor )
                SetLineColor( oldLineColor );

        nY += pEntry ? pEntry->maSize.Height() : SEPARATOR_HEIGHT;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::implSelectEntry( int nSelectedEntry )
    mpImpl->mnSelectedEntry = nSelectedEntry;

    ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = NULL;
    if( nSelectedEntry != -1 )
        pEntry = mpImpl->maEntryVector[ nSelectedEntry ];

    if( pEntry )
        mpImpl->maSelectHdl.Call( this );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    implHighlightEntry( rMEvt, true );

    implSelectEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    if ( !IsVisible() )

    implHighlightEntry( rMEvt, false );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::implHighlightEntry( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, bool /*bMBDown*/ )
    long nY = 0;
    long nMouseY = rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y();
    Size aOutSz = GetOutputSizePixel();
    if ( ( nMouseY >= 0 ) && ( nMouseY < aOutSz.Height() ) )
        bool bHighlighted = sal_False;

        const int nEntryCount = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size();
        int nEntry;
        for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
            ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];
            if( pEntry )
                long nOldY = nY;
                nY += pEntry->maSize.Height();

                if( pEntry->mnEntryId != TITLE_ID )
                    if ( ( nOldY <= nMouseY ) && ( nY > nMouseY ) )
                        if( nEntry != mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry )
                            implChangeHighlightEntry( nEntry );
                        bHighlighted = true;
                nY += SEPARATOR_HEIGHT;
        if ( !bHighlighted )
            implChangeHighlightEntry( -1 );
        implChangeHighlightEntry( -1 );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::implChangeHighlightEntry( int nEntry )
    if( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry != -1 )
        implHighlightEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry, false );

    mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry = nEntry;

    if( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry != -1 )
        implHighlightEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry, true );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

static bool implCheckSubControlCursorMove( Control* pControl, bool bUp, int& nLastColumn )
    ValueSet* pValueSet = dynamic_cast< ValueSet* >( pControl );
    if( pValueSet )
        sal_uInt16 nItemPos = pValueSet->GetItemPos( pValueSet->GetSelectItemId() );
        if( nItemPos != VALUESET_ITEM_NOTFOUND )
            const sal_uInt16 nColCount = pValueSet->GetColCount();
            const sal_uInt16 nLine = nItemPos / nColCount;

            nLastColumn = nItemPos - (nLine * nColCount);

            if( bUp )
                return nLine > 0;
                const sal_uInt16 nLineCount = (pValueSet->GetItemCount() + nColCount - 1) / nColCount;
                return (nLine+1) < nLineCount;

    return false;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

ToolbarMenuEntry* ToolbarMenu::implCursorUpDown( bool bUp, bool bHomeEnd )
    int n = 0, nLoop = 0;
    if( !bHomeEnd )
        n = mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry;
        if( n == -1 )
            if( bUp )
                n = 0;
                n = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size()-1;
            // if we have a currently selected entry and
            // cursor keys are used than check if this entry
            // has a control that can use those cursor keys
            ToolbarMenuEntry* pData = mpImpl->maEntryVector[n];
            if( pData && pData->mpControl && !pData->mbHasText )
                if( implCheckSubControlCursorMove( pData->mpControl, bUp, mpImpl->mnLastColumn ) )
                    return pData;
        nLoop = n;
        // absolute positioning
        if( bUp )
            n = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size();
            nLoop = n-1;
            n = -1;
            nLoop = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size()-1;

        if( bUp )
            if ( n )
                if( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry == -1 )
                    n = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size()-1;
            if( n < ((int)mpImpl->maEntryVector.size()-1) )
                if( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry == -1 )
                    n = 0;

        ToolbarMenuEntry* pData = mpImpl->maEntryVector[n];
        if( pData && (pData->mnEntryId != TITLE_ID) )
            implChangeHighlightEntry( n );
            return pData;
    } while ( n != nLoop );

    return 0;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu_Impl::implHighlightControl( sal_uInt16 nCode, Control* pControl )
    ValueSet* pValueSet = dynamic_cast< ValueSet* >( pControl );
    if( pValueSet )
        const sal_uInt16 nItemCount = pValueSet->GetItemCount();
        sal_uInt16 nItemPos = VALUESET_ITEM_NOTFOUND;
        switch( nCode )
        case KEY_UP:
            const sal_uInt16 nColCount = pValueSet->GetColCount();
            const sal_uInt16 nLastLine = nItemCount / nColCount;
            nItemPos = std::min( ((nLastLine-1) * nColCount) + mnLastColumn, nItemCount-1 );
        case KEY_DOWN:
            nItemPos = std::min( mnLastColumn, nItemCount-1 );
        case KEY_END:
            nItemPos = nItemCount -1;
        case KEY_HOME:
            nItemPos = 0;
        pValueSet->SelectItem( pValueSet->GetItemId( nItemPos ) );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvent )
    Control* pForwardControl = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nCode = rKEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
    switch ( nCode )
        case KEY_UP:
        case KEY_DOWN:
            int nOldEntry = mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry;
            ToolbarMenuEntry*p = implCursorUpDown( nCode == KEY_UP, false );
            if( p && p->mpControl )
                if( nOldEntry != mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry )
                    mpImpl->implHighlightControl( nCode, p->mpControl );
                    // in case we are in a system floating window, GrabFocus does not work :-/
                    pForwardControl = p->mpControl;
        case KEY_END:
        case KEY_HOME:
            ToolbarMenuEntry* p = implCursorUpDown( nCode == KEY_END, true );
            if( p && p->mpControl )
                mpImpl->implHighlightControl( nCode, p->mpControl );
        case KEY_F6:
        case KEY_ESCAPE:
            // Ctrl-F6 acts like ESC here, the menu bar however will then put the focus in the document
            if( nCode == KEY_F6 && !rKEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() )

            implSelectEntry( -1 );

        case KEY_RETURN:
            ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implGetEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry );
            if ( pEntry && pEntry->mbEnabled && (pEntry->mnEntryId != TITLE_ID) )
                if( pEntry->mpControl )
                    pForwardControl = pEntry->mpControl;
                    implSelectEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry );
            ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = implGetEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry );
            if ( pEntry && pEntry->mbEnabled && pEntry->mpControl && !pEntry->mbHasText )
                pForwardControl = pEntry->mpControl;

    if( pForwardControl )
        pForwardControl->KeyInput( rKEvent );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------
static void ImplPaintCheckBackground( Window* i_pWindow, const Rectangle& i_rRect, bool i_bHighlight )
    sal_Bool bNativeOk = sal_False;
    if( i_pWindow->IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_TOOLBAR, PART_BUTTON ) )
        ImplControlValue    aControlValue;
        ControlState        nState = CTRL_STATE_PRESSED | CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;

        aControlValue.setTristateVal( BUTTONVALUE_ON );

        bNativeOk = i_pWindow->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_TOOLBAR, PART_BUTTON,
                                                  i_rRect, nState, aControlValue,
                                                  OUString() );

    if( ! bNativeOk )
        const StyleSettings& rSettings = i_pWindow->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
        Color aColor( i_bHighlight ? rSettings.GetMenuHighlightTextColor() : rSettings.GetHighlightColor() );
        i_pWindow->DrawSelectionBackground( i_rRect, 0, i_bHighlight, sal_True, sal_False, 2, NULL, &aColor );

void ToolbarMenu::implPaint( ToolbarMenuEntry* pThisOnly, bool bHighlighted )
    sal_uInt16 nBorder = 0; long nStartY = 0; // from Menu implementations, needed when we support native menu background & scrollable menu

    long nFontHeight = GetTextHeight();
//    long nExtra = nFontHeight/4;

    long nCheckHeight = 0, nRadioHeight = 0, nMaxCheckWidth = 0;
    ImplGetNativeCheckAndRadioSize( this, nCheckHeight, nRadioHeight, nMaxCheckWidth );

    DecorationView aDecoView( this );
    const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    const bool bUseImages = rSettings.GetUseImagesInMenus();

    int nOuterSpace = 0; // ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mnMenuFormatExtraBorder;
    Point aTopLeft( nOuterSpace, nOuterSpace ), aTmpPos;

    Size aOutSz( GetOutputSizePixel() );
    const int nEntryCount = mpImpl->maEntryVector.size();
    int nEntry;
    for( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; nEntry++ )
        ToolbarMenuEntry* pEntry = mpImpl->maEntryVector[nEntry];

        Point aPos( aTopLeft );
        aPos.Y() += nBorder;
        aPos.Y() += nStartY;

        if( (pEntry == 0) && !pThisOnly )
            // Separator
            aTmpPos.Y() = aPos.Y() + ((SEPARATOR_HEIGHT-2)/2);
            aTmpPos.X() = aPos.X() + 2 + nOuterSpace;
            SetLineColor( rSettings.GetShadowColor() );
            DrawLine( aTmpPos, Point( aOutSz.Width() - 3 - 2*nOuterSpace, aTmpPos.Y() ) );
            SetLineColor( rSettings.GetLightColor() );
            DrawLine( aTmpPos, Point( aOutSz.Width() - 3 - 2*nOuterSpace, aTmpPos.Y() ) );
        else if( !pThisOnly || ( pEntry == pThisOnly ) )
            const bool bTitle = pEntry->mnEntryId == TITLE_ID;

            if ( pThisOnly && bHighlighted )
                SetTextColor( rSettings.GetMenuHighlightTextColor() );

            if( aPos.Y() >= 0 )
                long nTextOffsetY = ((pEntry->maSize.Height()-nFontHeight)/2);

                sal_uInt16  nTextStyle   = 0;
                sal_uInt16  nSymbolStyle = 0;
                sal_uInt16  nImageStyle  = 0;

                if( !pEntry->mbEnabled )
                    nTextStyle   |= TEXT_DRAW_DISABLE;
                    nSymbolStyle |= SYMBOL_DRAW_DISABLE;
                    nImageStyle  |= IMAGE_DRAW_DISABLE;

                Rectangle aOuterCheckRect( Point( aPos.X()+mpImpl->mnCheckPos, aPos.Y() ), Size( pEntry->maSize.Height(), pEntry->maSize.Height() ) );
                aOuterCheckRect.Left()      += 1;
                aOuterCheckRect.Right()     -= 1;
                aOuterCheckRect.Top()       += 1;
                aOuterCheckRect.Bottom()    -= 1;

                if( bTitle )
                    // fill the background
                    Rectangle aRect( aTopLeft, Size( aOutSz.Width(), pEntry->maSize.Height() ) );
                    SetLineColor( rSettings.GetLightColor() );
                    DrawLine( aRect.TopLeft(), aRect.TopRight() );
                    SetLineColor( rSettings.GetShadowColor() );
                    DrawLine( aRect.BottomLeft(), aRect.BottomRight() );

                // CheckMark
                if ( pEntry->HasCheck() )
                    // draw selection transparent marker if checked
                    // onto that either a checkmark or the item image
                    // will be painted
                    // however do not do this if native checks will be painted since
                    // the selection color too often does not fit the theme's check and/or radio

                    if( !pEntry->mbHasImage )
                        if( this->IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_MENU_POPUP,
                                                             (pEntry->mnBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK)
                                                             ? PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK
                                                             : PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK ) )
                            ControlPart nPart = ((pEntry->mnBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK)
                                                 ? PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK
                                                 : PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK);

                            ControlState nState = 0;

                            if ( pEntry->mbChecked )
                                nState |= CTRL_STATE_PRESSED;

                            if ( pEntry->mbEnabled )
                                nState |= CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;

                            if ( bHighlighted )
                                nState |= CTRL_STATE_SELECTED;

                            long nCtrlHeight = (pEntry->mnBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK) ? nCheckHeight : nRadioHeight;
                            aTmpPos.X() = aOuterCheckRect.Left() + (aOuterCheckRect.GetWidth() - nCtrlHeight)/2;
                            aTmpPos.Y() = aOuterCheckRect.Top() + (aOuterCheckRect.GetHeight() - nCtrlHeight)/2;

                            Rectangle aCheckRect( aTmpPos, Size( nCtrlHeight, nCtrlHeight ) );
                            DrawNativeControl( CTRL_MENU_POPUP, nPart, aCheckRect, nState, ImplControlValue(), OUString() );
                            aPos.setX( aPos.getX() + nCtrlHeight + gfxExtra );
                        else if ( pEntry->mbChecked ) // by default do nothing for unchecked items
                            ImplPaintCheckBackground( this, aOuterCheckRect, pThisOnly && bHighlighted );

                            SymbolType eSymbol;
                            Size aSymbolSize;
                            if ( pEntry->mnBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK )
                                eSymbol = SYMBOL_RADIOCHECKMARK;
                                aSymbolSize = Size( nFontHeight/2, nFontHeight/2 );
                                eSymbol = SYMBOL_CHECKMARK;
                                aSymbolSize = Size( (nFontHeight*25)/40, nFontHeight/2 );
                            aTmpPos.X() = aOuterCheckRect.Left() + (aOuterCheckRect.GetWidth() - aSymbolSize.Width())/2;
                            aTmpPos.Y() = aOuterCheckRect.Top() + (aOuterCheckRect.GetHeight() - aSymbolSize.Height())/2;
                            Rectangle aRect( aTmpPos, aSymbolSize );
                            aDecoView.DrawSymbol( aRect, eSymbol, GetTextColor(), nSymbolStyle );
                            aPos.setX( aPos.getX() + aSymbolSize.getWidth( ) + gfxExtra );

                // Image:
                if( pEntry->mbHasImage && bUseImages )
                    if( pEntry->mbChecked )
                        ImplPaintCheckBackground( this, aOuterCheckRect, pThisOnly && bHighlighted );
                    aTmpPos = aOuterCheckRect.TopLeft();
                    aTmpPos.X() += (aOuterCheckRect.GetWidth()-pEntry->maImage.GetSizePixel().Width())/2;
                    aTmpPos.Y() += (aOuterCheckRect.GetHeight()-pEntry->maImage.GetSizePixel().Height())/2;
                    DrawImage( aTmpPos, pEntry->maImage, nImageStyle );

                // Text:
                if( pEntry->mbHasText )
                    aTmpPos.X() = aPos.X() + (bTitle ? 4 : mpImpl->mnTextPos);
                    aTmpPos.Y() = aPos.Y();
                    aTmpPos.Y() += nTextOffsetY;
                    sal_uInt16 nStyle = nTextStyle|TEXT_DRAW_MNEMONIC;

                    DrawCtrlText( aTmpPos, pEntry->maText, 0, pEntry->maText.Len(), nStyle, NULL, NULL ); // pVector, pDisplayText );

                if ( pThisOnly && bHighlighted )
                    // This restores the normal menu or menu bar text
                    // color for when it is no longer highlighted.
                    SetTextColor( rSettings.GetMenuTextColor() );

        aTopLeft.Y() += pEntry ? pEntry->maSize.Height() : SEPARATOR_HEIGHT;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::Paint( const Rectangle& )
    SetFillColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuColor() );


    if( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry != -1 )
        implHighlightEntry( mpImpl->mnHighlightedEntry, true );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
    DockingWindow::RequestHelp( rHEvt );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType )
    DockingWindow::StateChanged( nType );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
    DockingWindow::DataChanged( rDCEvt );

    if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_FONTS) ||
         ((rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) &&
          (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE)) )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
    if ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL )
        const CommandWheelData* pData = rCEvt.GetWheelData();
        if( !pData->GetModifier() && ( pData->GetMode() == COMMAND_WHEEL_SCROLL ) )
            implCursorUpDown( pData->GetDelta() > 0L, false );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > ToolbarMenu::CreateAccessible()
    mpImpl->setAccessible( new ToolbarMenuAcc( *mpImpl ) );
    return Reference< XAccessible >( mpImpl->mxAccessible.get() );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

// todo: move to new base class that will replace SfxPopupWindo
void ToolbarMenu::AddStatusListener( const OUString& rCommandURL )
    mpImpl->mxStatusListener->addStatusListener( rCommandURL );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

// XStatusListener (subclasses must override this one to get the status updates
void SAL_CALL ToolbarMenu::statusChanged( const ::com::sun::star::frame::FeatureStateEvent& /*Event*/ ) throw ( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

class ToolbarMenuStatusListener : public svt::FrameStatusListener
    ToolbarMenuStatusListener( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& xFrame,
                               ToolbarMenu& rToolbarMenu );

    virtual void SAL_CALL dispose() throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
    virtual void SAL_CALL statusChanged( const ::com::sun::star::frame::FeatureStateEvent& Event ) throw ( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException );

    ToolbarMenu* mpMenu;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& xFrame,
    ToolbarMenu& rToolbarMenu )
: svt::FrameStatusListener( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), xFrame )
, mpMenu( &rToolbarMenu )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void SAL_CALL ToolbarMenuStatusListener::dispose() throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
    mpMenu = 0;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void SAL_CALL ToolbarMenuStatusListener::statusChanged( const ::com::sun::star::frame::FeatureStateEvent& Event ) throw ( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
    if( mpMenu )
        mpMenu->statusChanged( Event );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::initStatusListener()
    if( !mpImpl->mxStatusListener.is() )
        mpImpl->mxStatusListener.set( new ToolbarMenuStatusListener( mpImpl->mxFrame, *this ) );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

bool ToolbarMenu::IsInPopupMode()
    return GetDockingManager()->IsInPopupMode(this);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::EndPopupMode()

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

const Size& ToolbarMenu::getMenuSize() const
    return mpImpl->maSize;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void ToolbarMenu::SetSelectHdl( const Link& rLink )
    mpImpl->maSelectHdl = rLink;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------


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