/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: filedlg2.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.8 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 15:12:43 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BUTTON_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_FIXED_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_EDIT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_LSTBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _VOS_SECURITY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_I18N_XCOLLATOR_HPP_ #include #endif #include #if defined (WNT) && defined (MSC) #pragma optimize ("", off) #endif #include using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; DECLARE_LIST( UniStringList, UniString* ); #define STD_BTN_WIDTH 80 #define STD_BTN_HEIGHT 26 #ifndef UNX #define ALLFILES "*.*" #else #define ALLFILES "*" #endif // #define STD_BTN_WIDTH 90 // #define STD_BTN_HEIGHT 35 #define INITCONTROL( p, ControlClass, nBits, aPos, aSize, aTitel, nHelpId ) \ p = new ControlClass( GetPathDialog(), WinBits( nBits ) ); \ p->SetHelpId( nHelpId ); \ p->SetPosSizePixel( aPos, aSize ); \ p->SetText( aTitel ); \ p->Show(); inline BOOL IsPrintable( sal_Unicode c ) { return c >= 32 && c != 127 ? TRUE : FALSE; } long KbdListBox::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) { KeyEvent aKeyEvt = *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); sal_Unicode cCharCode = aKeyEvt.GetCharCode(); if ( IsPrintable ( cCharCode ) ) { USHORT nCurrentPos = GetSelectEntryPos(); USHORT nEntries = GetEntryCount(); for ( USHORT i = 1; i < nEntries; i++ ) { UniString aEntry = GetEntry ( (i + nCurrentPos) % nEntries ); aEntry.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' ); aEntry.ToUpperAscii(); UniString aCompare( cCharCode ); aCompare.ToUpperAscii(); if ( aEntry.CompareTo( aCompare, 1 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { SelectEntryPos ( (i + nCurrentPos) % nEntries ); break; } } } else if ( aKeyEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_RETURN ) { DoubleClick(); } } return ListBox::PreNotify ( rNEvt ); } ImpPathDialog::ImpPathDialog( PathDialog* pDlg, WinBits nWinBits, RESOURCE_TYPE nType, BOOL bCreateDir ) { pSvPathDialog = pDlg; nDirCount = 0; // initialize Controls if not used as a base class if ( nType == WINDOW_PATHDIALOG ) { InitControls(); if( pNewDirBtn ) pNewDirBtn->Enable( bCreateDir ); } pDlg->SetHelpId( HID_FILEDLG_PATHDLG ); lang::Locale aLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetLocale(); xCollator = ::vcl::unohelper::CreateCollator(); if( xCollator.is() ) xCollator->loadDefaultCollator( aLocale, 1 ); DBG_ASSERT( xCollator.is(), "not collator service for path dialog" ); } ImpPathDialog::~ImpPathDialog() { delete pEdit; delete pDirTitel; delete pDirList; delete pDirPath; delete pDriveList; delete pDriveTitle; delete pLoadBtn; delete pOkBtn; delete pCancelBtn; delete pNewDirBtn; # ifdef UNX delete pHomeBtn; # endif } void ImpPathDialog::InitControls() { PathDialog* pDlg = GetPathDialog(); pDlg->SetText( UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_SELECT ) ) ); Size a3Siz = pDlg->LogicToPixel( Size( 3, 3 ), MAP_APPFONT ); Size a6Siz = pDlg->LogicToPixel( Size( 6, 6 ), MAP_APPFONT ); Size aBtnSiz = pDlg->LogicToPixel( Size( 50, 14 ), MAP_APPFONT ); Size aFTSiz = pDlg->LogicToPixel( Size( 142, 10 ), MAP_APPFONT ); Size aEDSiz = pDlg->LogicToPixel( Size( 142, 12 ), MAP_APPFONT ); Point aPnt( a6Siz.Width(), a6Siz.Height() ); long nLbH1 = pDlg->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, 93 ), MAP_APPFONT ).Height(); long nLbH2 = pDlg->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, 60 ), MAP_APPFONT ).Height(); long nH = 0; UniString aEmptyStr; INITCONTROL( pDirTitel, FixedText, 0, aPnt, aFTSiz, UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_DIR ) ), HID_FILEDLG_DIR ); aPnt.Y() += aFTSiz.Height() + a3Siz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pEdit, Edit, WB_BORDER, aPnt, aEDSiz, aPath.GetFull(), HID_FILEDLG_EDIT ); aPnt.Y() += aEDSiz.Height() + a3Siz.Height(); #ifndef UNX INITCONTROL( pDirList, KbdListBox, WB_AUTOHSCROLL | WB_BORDER, aPnt, Size( aEDSiz.Width(), nLbH1 ), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_DIRS ); aPnt.Y() += nLbH1 + a6Siz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pDriveTitle, FixedText, 0, aPnt, aFTSiz, UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_DRIVES ) ), HID_FILEDLG_DRIVE ); aPnt.Y() += aFTSiz.Height() + a3Siz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pDriveList, ListBox, WB_DROPDOWN, aPnt, Size( aEDSiz.Width(), nLbH2 ), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_DRIVES ); nH = aPnt.Y() + aEDSiz.Height() + a6Siz.Height(); #else long nNewH = nLbH1 + 3 * a3Siz.Height() + aFTSiz.Height() + aEDSiz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pDirList, KbdListBox, WB_AUTOHSCROLL | WB_BORDER, aPnt, Size( aEDSiz.Width(), nNewH ), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_DIRS ); nH = aPnt.Y() + nNewH + a6Siz.Height(); pDriveTitle = NULL; pDriveList = NULL; #endif long nExtraWidth = pDlg->GetTextWidth( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "(W)" ) ) )+10; String aOkStr = Button::GetStandardText( BUTTON_OK ); long nTextWidth = pDlg->GetTextWidth( aOkStr )+nExtraWidth; if( nTextWidth > aBtnSiz.Width() ) aBtnSiz.Width() = nTextWidth; String aCancelStr = Button::GetStandardText( BUTTON_CANCEL ); nTextWidth = pDlg->GetTextWidth( aCancelStr )+nExtraWidth; if( nTextWidth > aBtnSiz.Width() ) aBtnSiz.Width() = nTextWidth; String aNewDirStr( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_NEWDIR ) ); nTextWidth = pDlg->GetTextWidth( aNewDirStr )+nExtraWidth; if( nTextWidth > aBtnSiz.Width() ) aBtnSiz.Width() = nTextWidth; #ifdef UNX String aHomeDirStr( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_HOME ) ); nTextWidth = pDlg->GetTextWidth( aHomeDirStr )+nExtraWidth; if( nTextWidth > aBtnSiz.Width() ) aBtnSiz.Width() = nTextWidth; #endif aPnt.X() = 2 * a6Siz.Width() + aEDSiz.Width(); aPnt.Y() = a6Siz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pOkBtn, PushButton, WB_DEFBUTTON, aPnt, aBtnSiz, aOkStr, 0 ); aPnt.Y() += aBtnSiz.Height() + a3Siz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pCancelBtn, CancelButton, 0, aPnt, aBtnSiz, aCancelStr, 0 ); aPnt.Y() += aBtnSiz.Height() + a3Siz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pNewDirBtn, PushButton, WB_DEFBUTTON, aPnt, aBtnSiz, aNewDirStr, HID_FILEDLG_NEWDIR ); #ifdef UNX aPnt.Y() += aBtnSiz.Height() + a3Siz.Height(); INITCONTROL( pHomeBtn, PushButton, WB_DEFBUTTON, aPnt, aBtnSiz, aHomeDirStr, HID_FILEDLG_HOME ); #else pHomeBtn = NULL; #endif pDirPath = 0; pLoadBtn = 0; // Dialogbreite == OKBtn-Position + OKBtn-Breite + Rand long nW = aPnt.X() + aBtnSiz.Width() + a6Siz.Width(); pDlg->SetOutputSizePixel( Size( nW, nH ) ); // Groesse ggf. auch Resource wird geplaettet? if (pDirList) pDirList->SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK( this, ImpPathDialog, DblClickHdl) ); if (pDirList) pDirList->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ImpPathDialog, SelectHdl ) ); if (pDriveList) pDriveList->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ImpPathDialog, SelectHdl ) ); if (pOkBtn) pOkBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ImpPathDialog, ClickHdl) ); if (pCancelBtn) pCancelBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ImpPathDialog, ClickHdl) ); if (pHomeBtn) pHomeBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ImpPathDialog, ClickHdl) ); if (pNewDirBtn) pNewDirBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ImpPathDialog, ClickHdl) ); nOwnChilds = pDlg->GetChildCount(); } IMPL_LINK( ImpPathDialog, SelectHdl, ListBox *, p ) { if( p == pDriveList ) { UniString aDrive( pDriveList->GetSelectEntry(), 0, 2); aDrive += '\\'; SetPath( aDrive ); } else if( p == pDirList ) { // isolate the pure name of the entry // removing trainling stuff and leading spaces UniString aEntry( pDirList->GetSelectEntry() ); aEntry.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' ); USHORT nPos = aEntry.Search( '/' ); aEntry.Erase( nPos ); // build the absolute path to the selected item DirEntry aNewPath; aNewPath.ToAbs(); USHORT nCurPos = pDirList->GetSelectEntryPos(); // Wird nach oben gewechselt if( nCurPos < nDirCount ) aNewPath = aNewPath[nDirCount-nCurPos-1]; else aNewPath += aEntry; pEdit->SetText( aNewPath.GetFull() ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( ImpPathDialog, ClickHdl, Button*, pBtn ) { if ( pBtn == pOkBtn || pBtn == pLoadBtn ) { DirEntry aFile( pEdit->GetText() ); // Existiert File / File ueberschreiben if( IsFileOk( aFile ) ) { // Ja, dann kompletten Pfad mit Filenamen merken und Dialog beenden aPath = aFile; aPath.ToAbs(); GetPathDialog()->EndDialog( TRUE ); } else { DirEntry aCheck( aPath ); aCheck += aFile; if( aCheck.Exists() ) { aCheck.ToAbs(); SetPath( aCheck.GetFull() ); pEdit->SetSelection( Selection( 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF ) ); } } } else if ( pBtn == pCancelBtn ) { GetPathDialog()->EndDialog( FALSE ); } else if ( pBtn == pHomeBtn ) { ::rtl::OUString aHomeDir; NAMESPACE_VOS( OSecurity ) aSecurity; if ( aSecurity.getHomeDir( aHomeDir ) ) { DirEntry aFile ( aHomeDir ); if ( IsFileOk( aFile ) ) { aFile.ToAbs(); SetPath( aFile.GetFull() ); } } } else if ( pBtn == pNewDirBtn ) { DirEntry aFile( pEdit->GetText() ); if( ! aFile.Exists() && ! FileStat( aFile ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_WILD ) ) aFile.MakeDir(); if( IsFileOk ( aFile ) ) { aFile.ToAbs(); SetPath( aFile.GetFull() ); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( ImpPathDialog, DblClickHdl, ListBox*, pBox ) { // isolate the pure name of the entry // removing trainling stuff and leading spaces UniString aEntry( pBox->GetSelectEntry() ); aEntry.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' ); USHORT nPos = aEntry.Search( '/' ); aEntry.Erase( nPos ); // build the absolute path to the selected item DirEntry aNewPath; aNewPath.ToAbs(); if( pBox == pDirList ) { USHORT nCurPos = pDirList->GetSelectEntryPos(); // Wenn es schon das aktuelle ist, dann mache nichts if( nCurPos == nDirCount-1 ) return 0; // Wird nach oben gewechselt if( nCurPos < nDirCount ) aNewPath = aNewPath[nDirCount-nCurPos-1]; else aNewPath += aEntry; } else aNewPath += aEntry; pSvPathDialog->EnterWait(); if( FileStat( aNewPath ).GetKind() & FSYS_KIND_DIR ) { // Neuen Pfad setzen und Listboxen updaten aPath = aNewPath; if( !aPath.SetCWD( TRUE ) ) { ErrorBox aBox( GetPathDialog(), WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_OK, UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_CANTCHDIR ) ) ); if( aBox.Execute() == RET_CANCEL ) GetPathDialog()->EndDialog( FALSE ); } UpdateEntries( TRUE ); } pSvPathDialog->LeaveWait(); return 0; } void ImpPathDialog::UpdateEntries( const BOOL dummy_bWithDirs ) { UniString aTabString; DirEntry aTmpPath; aTmpPath.ToAbs(); nDirCount = aTmpPath.Level(); pDirList->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); pDirList->Clear(); for( USHORT i = nDirCount; i > 0; i-- ) { UniString aName( aTabString ); aName += aTmpPath[i-1].GetName(); pDirList->InsertEntry( aName ); aTabString.AppendAscii( " ", 2 ); } // scan the directory DirEntry aCurrent; aCurrent.ToAbs(); Dir aDir( aCurrent, FSYS_KIND_DIR|FSYS_KIND_FILE ); USHORT nEntries = aDir.Count(); if( nEntries ) { UniStringList aSortDirList; for ( USHORT n = 0; n < nEntries; n++ ) { DirEntry& rEntry = aDir[n]; UniString aName( rEntry.GetName() ); if( aName.Len() && ( aName.GetChar(0) != '.' ) && rEntry.Exists() ) { if( FileStat( rEntry ).GetKind() & FSYS_KIND_DIR ) { ULONG l = 0; if( xCollator.is() ) { for( l = 0; l < aSortDirList.Count(); l++ ) if( xCollator->compareString( *aSortDirList.GetObject(l), aName ) > 0 ) break; } aSortDirList.Insert( new UniString( aName ), l ); } } } for( ULONG l = 0; l < aSortDirList.Count(); l++ ) { UniString aEntryStr( aTabString ); aEntryStr += *aSortDirList.GetObject(l); pDirList->InsertEntry( aEntryStr ); delete aSortDirList.GetObject(l); } } UpdateDirs( aTmpPath ); } void ImpPathDialog::UpdateDirs( const DirEntry& rTmpPath ) { pDirList->SelectEntryPos( nDirCount-1 ); pDirList->SetTopEntry( nDirCount > 1 ? nDirCount - 2 : nDirCount - 1 ); pDirList->SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); pDirList->Invalidate(); pDirList->Update(); UniString aDirName = rTmpPath.GetFull(); if( pDirPath ) pDirPath->SetText( aDirName ); else pEdit->SetText( aDirName ); } BOOL ImpPathDialog::IsFileOk( const DirEntry& rDirEntry ) { if( FileStat( rDirEntry ).GetKind() & (FSYS_KIND_WILD | FSYS_KIND_DEV) ) return FALSE; else { // Datei vorhanden ? if( ! rDirEntry.Exists() ) { UniString aQueryTxt( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_ASKNEWDIR ) ); aQueryTxt.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "%s", rDirEntry.GetFull() ); QueryBox aQuery( GetPathDialog(), WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_YES, aQueryTxt ); if( aQuery.Execute() == RET_YES ) rDirEntry.MakeDir(); else return FALSE; } if( !FileStat( rDirEntry ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) { UniString aBoxText( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_CANTOPENDIR ) ); aBoxText.AppendAscii( "\n[" ); aBoxText += rDirEntry.GetFull(); aBoxText.AppendAscii( "]" ); InfoBox aBox( GetPathDialog(), aBoxText ); aBox.Execute(); return FALSE; } } return GetPathDialog()->OK() != 0; } void ImpPathDialog::PreExecute() { // Neues Verzeichnis setzen und Listboxen updaten aPath.SetCWD( TRUE ); UpdateEntries( TRUE ); // Zusaetzliche Buttons anordnen Point aPos; Size aSize; long nDY; if( pLoadBtn ) { aPos = pLoadBtn->GetPosPixel(); aSize = pLoadBtn->GetSizePixel(); nDY = pLoadBtn->GetSizePixel().Height() * 2; } else { aPos = pCancelBtn->GetPosPixel(); aSize = pCancelBtn->GetSizePixel(); nDY = pCancelBtn->GetPosPixel().Y() - pOkBtn->GetPosPixel().Y(); } // Standard-Controls anpassen long nMaxWidth = 0; // Maximale Breite ermitteln USHORT nChilds = GetPathDialog()->GetChildCount(); USHORT n; for ( n = nOwnChilds; n < nChilds; n++ ) { Window* pChild = GetPathDialog()->GetChild( n ); pChild = pChild->GetWindow( WINDOW_CLIENT ); if( pChild->GetType() != WINDOW_WINDOW ) { long nWidth = pChild->GetTextWidth( pChild->GetText() ) + 12; if( nMaxWidth < nWidth ) nMaxWidth = nWidth; nWidth = pChild->GetSizePixel().Width(); if( nMaxWidth < nWidth ) nMaxWidth = nWidth; } } if( nMaxWidth > aSize.Width() ) { Size aDlgSize = GetPathDialog()->GetOutputSizePixel(); GetPathDialog()->SetOutputSizePixel( Size( aDlgSize.Width()+nMaxWidth-aSize.Width(), aDlgSize.Height() ) ); aSize.Width() = nMaxWidth; if( pOkBtn ) pOkBtn->SetSizePixel( aSize ); if( pCancelBtn ) pCancelBtn->SetSizePixel( aSize ); if( pLoadBtn ) pLoadBtn->SetSizePixel( aSize ); } else nMaxWidth = aSize.Width(); for ( n = nOwnChilds; n < nChilds; n++ ) { Window* pChild = GetPathDialog()->GetChild( n ); pChild = pChild->GetWindow( WINDOW_CLIENT ); if( pChild->GetType() != WINDOW_WINDOW ) { aPos.Y() += nDY; pChild->SetPosSizePixel( aPos, aSize ); } else { Size aDlgSize = GetPathDialog()->GetOutputSizePixel(); long nExtra = Min( aDlgSize.Height(), (long)160); GetPathDialog()->SetOutputSizePixel( Size( aDlgSize.Width()+nExtra, aDlgSize.Height() ) ); Size aSz( nExtra, nExtra ); aSz.Width() -= 8; aSz.Height() -= 8; Point aCtrlPos( aDlgSize.Width() + 2, (aDlgSize.Height()-aSz.Height())/2 ); pChild->SetPosSizePixel( aCtrlPos, aSz ); } } // Laufwerke-LB fuellen if( pDriveList ) { DirEntry aTmpDirEntry; Dir aDir( aTmpDirEntry, FSYS_KIND_BLOCK ); USHORT nCount = aDir.Count(), i; for( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { DirEntry& rEntry = aDir[i]; UniString aStr = rEntry.GetFull( FSYS_STYLE_HOST, FALSE ); UniString aVolume = rEntry.GetVolume() ; aStr.ToUpperAscii(); if ( aVolume.Len() ) { aStr += ' '; aStr += aVolume; } pDriveList->InsertEntry( aStr ); } UniString aPathStr = aPath.GetFull(); for ( i = 0; i < pDriveList->GetEntryCount(); ++i ) { UniString aEntry = pDriveList->GetEntry(i); int nLen = aEntry.Len(); nLen = nLen > 2 ? 2 : nLen; if ( aEntry.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( aPathStr, nLen ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { pDriveList->SelectEntryPos(i); break; } } } } void ImpPathDialog::PostExecute() { } void ImpPathDialog::SetPath( UniString const & rPath ) { aPath = DirEntry( rPath ); pSvPathDialog->EnterWait(); DirEntry aFile( rPath ); // Falls der Pfad eine Wildcard oder einen Filenamen enthaelt // -> abschneiden und merken if( FileStat( aFile ).GetKind() & (FSYS_KIND_FILE | FSYS_KIND_WILD) || !aFile.Exists() ) aFile.CutName(); // Neue Maske und neues Verzeichnis setzen, und Listboxen updaten pEdit->SetText( rPath ); aFile.SetCWD( TRUE ); UpdateEntries( TRUE ); pSvPathDialog->LeaveWait(); } void ImpPathDialog::SetPath( Edit const & rEdit ) { UniString aPresetText = rEdit.GetText(); if( aPresetText.Len() ) SetPath( aPresetText ); } UniString ImpPathDialog::GetPath() const { DirEntry aFile( pEdit->GetText() ); aFile.ToAbs(); return aFile.GetFull(); } ImpFileDialog::ImpFileDialog( PathDialog* pDlg, WinBits nWinBits, RESOURCE_TYPE nType ) : ImpPathDialog( pDlg, nWinBits, nType, FALSE ) { bOpen = (nWinBits & WB_SAVEAS) == 0; SvtResId aSvtResId = bOpen ? STR_FILEDLG_OPEN : STR_FILEDLG_SAVE; // Titel setzen GetFileDialog()->SetText( UniString( aSvtResId ) ); nDirCount = 0; // initialize Controls if not used as a base class if ( nType == WINDOW_FILEDIALOG ) InitControls(); pDlg->SetHelpId( HID_FILEDLG_OPENDLG ); } ImpFileDialog::~ImpFileDialog() { ImpFilterItem* pItem = aFilterList.First(); while( pItem ) { delete pItem; pItem = aFilterList.Next(); } delete pFileTitel; if (pFileList && ( pFileList != pDirList ) ) delete pFileList; delete pTypeTitel; delete pTypeList; } void ImpFileDialog::InitControls() { UniString aEmptyStr; const int nW = 160; const int nH = 48; // Um den Dialog in eine akzeptable Form zu bringen INITCONTROL( pFileTitel, FixedText, 0, Point(10, 12), Size(nW, 18), UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_FILE ) ), HID_FILEDLG_FILE ); INITCONTROL( pEdit, Edit, WB_BORDER, Point(10, 31), Size(nW, 20), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_EDIT ); // aMask() INITCONTROL( pFileList, ListBox, WB_SORT | WB_AUTOHSCROLL | WB_BORDER, Point(10, 58), Size(nW, 180-nH), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_FILES ); INITCONTROL( pDirTitel, FixedText, 0, Point(nW+20, 12), Size(nW, 18), UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_DIR ) ), HID_FILEDLG_DIR ); INITCONTROL( pDirPath, FixedInfo, WB_PATHELLIPSIS, Point(nW+20, 33), Size(nW, 20), aPath.GetFull(), HID_FILEDLG_PATH ); INITCONTROL( pDirList, KbdListBox, WB_AUTOHSCROLL | WB_BORDER, Point(nW+20, 58), Size(nW, 180-nH ), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_DIRS ); INITCONTROL( pTypeTitel, FixedText, 0, Point(10, 246-nH), Size(nW, 18), UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_TYPE ) ), HID_FILEDLG_TYPE ); #ifndef UNX INITCONTROL( pTypeList, ListBox, WB_DROPDOWN, Point(10, 265-nH ), Size(nW, 100 ), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_TYPES ); INITCONTROL( pDriveTitle, FixedText, 0, Point(nW+20, 246-nH), Size(nW, 18), UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_DRIVES ) ), HID_FILEDLG_DRIVE ); INITCONTROL( pDriveList, ListBox, WB_DROPDOWN, Point(nW+20, 265-nH ), Size(nW, 100 ), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_DRIVES ); pNewDirBtn = NULL; pHomeBtn = NULL; #else INITCONTROL( pTypeList, ListBox, WB_DROPDOWN, Point(10, 265-nH ), Size(2*nW+20, 100 ), aEmptyStr, HID_FILEDLG_TYPES ); pDriveTitle = NULL; pDriveList = NULL; pNewDirBtn = NULL; pHomeBtn = NULL; #endif const long nButtonStartX = 2*nW+20+15; INITCONTROL( pOkBtn, PushButton, WB_DEFBUTTON, Point(nButtonStartX, 10), Size(STD_BTN_WIDTH, STD_BTN_HEIGHT), Button::GetStandardText( BUTTON_OK ), 0 ); INITCONTROL( pCancelBtn, CancelButton, 0, Point(nButtonStartX, 45 ), Size(STD_BTN_WIDTH, STD_BTN_HEIGHT), Button::GetStandardText( BUTTON_CANCEL ), 0 ); pLoadBtn = 0; GetFileDialog()->SetOutputSizePixel( Size(nButtonStartX+STD_BTN_WIDTH+10, 298-nH) ); nOwnChilds = GetPathDialog()->GetChildCount(); // Handler setzen if (pDriveList) pDriveList->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ImpFileDialog, SelectHdl ) ); if (pDirList) pDirList->SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK( this, ImpFileDialog, DblClickHdl) ); if (pOkBtn) pOkBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ImpFileDialog, ClickHdl) ); if (pCancelBtn) pCancelBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ImpFileDialog, ClickHdl) ); if( pFileList ) { pFileList->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ImpFileDialog, SelectHdl ) ); pFileList->SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, ImpFileDialog, DblClickHdl ) ); } if( pTypeList ) pTypeList->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ImpFileDialog, DblClickHdl ) ); } IMPL_LINK( ImpFileDialog, SelectHdl, ListBox *, p ) { if( p == pDriveList ) { UniString aDrive ( pDriveList->GetSelectEntry(), 0, 2); aDrive += '\\'; SetPath( aDrive ); } else if (p == pFileList) { // Ausgewaehltes File in das Edit stellen pEdit->SetText( pFileList->GetSelectEntry() ); GetFileDialog()->FileSelect(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( ImpFileDialog, DblClickHdl, ListBox *, pBox ) { // isolate the pure name of the entry // removing trailing stuff and leading spaces UniString aEntry( pBox->GetSelectEntry() ); aEntry.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' ); USHORT nPos = aEntry.Search( '/' ); aEntry.Erase( nPos ); // build the absolute path to the selected item DirEntry aNewPath; aNewPath.ToAbs(); if( ( pDirList != pFileList ) && ( pBox == pDirList ) ) { // SVLOOK USHORT nCurPos = pDirList->GetSelectEntryPos(); // Wenn es schon das aktuelle ist, dann mache nichts if( nCurPos == nDirCount-1 ) return 0; // Wird nach oben gewechselt if( nCurPos < nDirCount ) aNewPath = aNewPath[nDirCount-nCurPos-1]; else aNewPath += aEntry; } else { // non-SVLOOK if( aEntry == UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_GOUP ) ) ) aEntry.AssignAscii( ".." ); aNewPath += aEntry; } if( pBox == pFileList ) { DirEntry aFile( aEntry ); // Abfrage, ob File ueberschrieben werden soll... if( !FileStat(aFile).IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR) && IsFileOk( aFile ) ) { // dann kompletten Pfad mit Filenamen merken und Dialog beenden aPath = aNewPath; GetFileDialog()->EndDialog( TRUE ); } } GetFileDialog()->EnterWait(); UniString aFull = aNewPath.GetFull(); if( ( ( pBox == pDirList ) && ( pDirList != pFileList ) ) || ( ( pDirList == pFileList ) && FileStat( aNewPath ).GetKind() & FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) { // Neuen Pfad setzen und Listboxen updaten aPath = aNewPath; if( !aPath.SetCWD( TRUE ) ) { if( ErrorBox( GetFileDialog(), WB_OK_CANCEL|WB_DEF_OK, UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_CANTCHDIR ) ) ).Execute() == RET_CANCEL ) { GetFileDialog()->EndDialog( FALSE ); } } UpdateEntries( TRUE ); GetFileDialog()->FileSelect(); } if( pBox == pTypeList ) { // Neue Maske setzen, und Listboxen updaten USHORT nCurPos = pTypeList->GetSelectEntryPos(); if( nCurPos+1 > (USHORT)aFilterList.Count() ) aMask = UniString::CreateFromAscii( ALLFILES ); else { UniString aFilterListMask = aFilterList.GetObject( nCurPos )->aMask; // if( aFilterListMask.Search( ';' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) // kein ; in der Maske // aMask = WildCard( aFilterListMask, '\0' ); // else // ; muss beruecksichtigt werden aMask = WildCard( aFilterListMask, ';' ); } pEdit->SetText( aMask() ); UpdateEntries( FALSE ); GetFileDialog()->FilterSelect(); } GetFileDialog()->LeaveWait(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( ImpFileDialog, ClickHdl, Button*, pBtn ) { if( ( pBtn == pOkBtn ) || ( pBtn == pLoadBtn ) ) { DirEntry aFile( pEdit->GetText() ); // Existiert File / File ueberschreiben if( IsFileOk( aFile ) ) { // Ja, dann kompletten Pfad mit Filenamen merken und Dialog beenden aPath = aFile; aPath.ToAbs(); GetFileDialog()->EndDialog( TRUE ); } else { GetFileDialog()->EnterWait(); // Falls der Pfad eine Wildcard oder einen Filenamen enthaelt // -> abschneiden und merken if( FileStat( aFile ).GetKind() & (FSYS_KIND_FILE | FSYS_KIND_WILD) || !aFile.Exists() ) { aMask = aFile.CutName(); } // Neue Maske und neues Verzeichnis setzen, und Listboxen updaten pEdit->SetText( aMask() ); aFile.SetCWD( TRUE ); UpdateEntries( TRUE ); GetFileDialog()->LeaveWait(); } } else if( pBtn == pCancelBtn ) GetFileDialog()->EndDialog( FALSE ); return 0; } void ImpFileDialog::UpdateEntries( const BOOL bWithDirs ) { GetFileDialog()->EnterWait(); UniString aTabString; DirEntry aTmpPath; aTmpPath.ToAbs(); nDirCount = aTmpPath.Level(); if( pFileList ) { pFileList->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); pFileList->Clear(); } if( bWithDirs && (pDirList != pFileList) ) { pDirList->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); pDirList->Clear(); for( USHORT i = nDirCount; i > 0; i-- ) { UniString aEntryStr( aTabString ); aEntryStr += aTmpPath[i-1].GetName(); pDirList->InsertEntry( aEntryStr ); aTabString.AppendAscii( " ", 2 ); } } // for the combined box insert a '..' // (this happens only if WB_3DLOOK is not set) if( pDirList == pFileList && nDirCount != 1 ) pFileList->InsertEntry( UniString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_GOUP ) ) ); // scan the directory DirEntry aCurrent; aCurrent.ToAbs(); Dir aDir( aCurrent, FSYS_KIND_DIR|FSYS_KIND_FILE ); USHORT nEntries = aDir.Count(); // TempMask, weil Vergleich case-sensitiv BOOL bMatchCase = FALSE; //aCurrent.IsCaseSensitive(); UniString aWildCard( aMask.GetWildCard() ); if ( !bMatchCase ) aWildCard.ToLowerAscii(); WildCard aTmpMask( aWildCard, ';' ); if ( nEntries ) { UniStringList aSortDirList; for ( USHORT n = 0; n < nEntries; n++ ) { DirEntry& rEntry = aDir[n]; UniString aName( rEntry.GetName() ); if( aName.Len() && ( ( ( aName.GetChar(0) != '.' ) || ( ( aName.GetChar(0) == '.' ) && ( aMask.GetWildCard() ).GetChar(0) == '.' ) ) && rEntry.Exists() ) ) { FileStat aFileStat( rEntry ); UniString aTmpName( aName ); if ( !bMatchCase ) aTmpName.ToLowerAscii(); if( ( aFileStat.GetKind() & FSYS_KIND_FILE ) && aTmpMask.Matches( aTmpName ) ) { if( pFileList ) pFileList->InsertEntry( aName ); } else if( bWithDirs && ( aFileStat.GetKind() & FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) { if( pDirList == pFileList ) { UniString aEntryStr( aName ); aEntryStr += '/'; pDirList->InsertEntry( aEntryStr ); } else { ULONG l = 0; if( xCollator.is() ) { for( l = 0; l < aSortDirList.Count(); l++ ) if( xCollator->compareString( *aSortDirList.GetObject(l), aName ) > 0 ) break; } aSortDirList.Insert( new UniString( aName ), l ); } } } } for( ULONG l = 0; l < aSortDirList.Count(); l++ ) { UniString aEntryStr( aTabString ); aEntryStr += *aSortDirList.GetObject(l); pDirList->InsertEntry( aEntryStr ); delete aSortDirList.GetObject(l); } } if( bWithDirs ) UpdateDirs( aTmpPath ); if( pFileList ) { if ( pDirList == pFileList && nDirCount > 1 ) pFileList->SelectEntryPos( 1 ); else pFileList->SetNoSelection(); pFileList->SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); pFileList->Invalidate(); pFileList->Update(); } if( pDriveList ) { if( pDirList->GetEntryCount() > 0 ) { UniString aStr( pDirList->GetEntry( 0 ) ); aStr.Erase( 2 ); aStr.ToLowerAscii(); pDriveList->SelectEntry( aStr ); } } GetFileDialog()->LeaveWait(); } BOOL ImpFileDialog::IsFileOk( const DirEntry& rDirEntry ) { if( FileStat( rDirEntry ).GetKind() & (FSYS_KIND_WILD | FSYS_KIND_DEV) ) return FALSE; if( FileStat( rDirEntry ).GetKind() & FSYS_KIND_DIR ) { if( pFileList ) return FALSE; } else if( bOpen ) { // Datei vorhanden ? if( !FileStat( rDirEntry ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_FILE ) ) { UniString aErrorString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_CANTOPENFILE ) ); aErrorString.AppendAscii( "\n[" ); aErrorString += rDirEntry.GetFull(); aErrorString += ']'; InfoBox aBox( GetFileDialog(), aErrorString ); aBox.Execute(); return FALSE; } } else { // Datei vorhanden ? if( FileStat( ExtendFileName( rDirEntry ) ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_FILE ) ) { UniString aQueryString( SvtResId( STR_FILEDLG_OVERWRITE ) ); aQueryString.AppendAscii( "\n[" ); aQueryString += rDirEntry.GetFull(); aQueryString += ']'; QueryBox aBox( GetFileDialog(), WinBits( WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_NO ), aQueryString ); if( aBox.Execute() != RET_YES ) return FALSE; } } return GetFileDialog()->OK() != 0; } void ImpFileDialog::SetPath( UniString const & rPath ) { aPath = DirEntry( rPath ); GetFileDialog()->EnterWait(); DirEntry aFile( rPath ); // Falls der Pfad eine Wildcard oder einen Filenamen enthaelt // -> abschneiden und merken if( FileStat( aFile ).GetKind() & (FSYS_KIND_FILE | FSYS_KIND_WILD) || !aFile.Exists() ) { aMask = aFile.CutName(); // Neue Maske und neues Verzeichnis setzen, und Listboxen updaten if( pDirList ) { UniString aWildCard( aMask.GetWildCard() ); pEdit->SetText( aWildCard ); } else pEdit->SetText( rPath ); } aFile.SetCWD( TRUE ); UpdateEntries( TRUE ); GetFileDialog()->LeaveWait(); } void ImpFileDialog::SetPath( Edit const& rEdit ) { UniString aPresetText = rEdit.GetText(); if( aPresetText.Len() ) SetPath( aPresetText ); } void ImpFileDialog::AddFilter( const UniString& rFilter, const UniString& rMask ) { aFilterList.Insert( new ImpFilterItem( rFilter, rMask ), LIST_APPEND ); if( pTypeList ) pTypeList->InsertEntry( rFilter, LISTBOX_APPEND ); if( !GetCurFilter().Len() ) SetCurFilter( rFilter ); } void ImpFileDialog::RemoveFilter( const UniString& rFilter ) { ImpFilterItem* pItem = aFilterList.First(); while( pItem && pItem->aName != rFilter ) pItem = aFilterList.Next(); if( pItem ) { delete aFilterList.Remove(); if( pTypeList ) pTypeList->RemoveEntry( rFilter ); } } void ImpFileDialog::RemoveAllFilter() { ImpFilterItem* pItem = aFilterList.First(); while( pItem ) { delete pItem; pItem = aFilterList.Next(); } aFilterList.Clear(); if( pTypeList ) pTypeList->Clear(); } void ImpFileDialog::SetCurFilter( const UniString& rFilter ) { if( !pTypeList ) return; ImpFilterItem* pItem = aFilterList.First(); while( pItem && pItem->aName != rFilter ) pItem = aFilterList.Next(); if( pItem ) pTypeList->SelectEntryPos( (USHORT)aFilterList.GetCurPos() ); else pTypeList->SetNoSelection(); } UniString ImpFileDialog::GetCurFilter() const { UniString aFilter; if ( pTypeList ) aFilter = pTypeList->GetSelectEntry(); return aFilter; } void ImpFileDialog::PreExecute() { // ListBoxen erst unmittelbar vor Execute fuellen // (damit vor Execute der Pfad umgesetzt werden kann, ohne das immer die // Listboxen sofort upgedatet werden) GetFileDialog()->EnterWait(); // Wenn kein Filter vorhanden, dann auch keine FilterBox if( pTypeList && !pTypeList->GetEntryCount() ) { // pTypeList->InsertEntry( "* (all files)" ); pTypeTitel->Disable(); pTypeList->Disable(); } if( pTypeList ) { USHORT nCurType = pTypeList->GetSelectEntryPos(); if( nCurType < aFilterList.Count() ) { UniString aFilterListMask = aFilterList.GetObject( nCurType )->aMask; if( aFilterListMask.Search( ';' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) // kein ; in der Maske aMask = WildCard( aFilterListMask, '\0' ); else // ; in der Maske, muss in der Wildcard beruecksichtigt werden aMask = WildCard( aFilterListMask, ';' ); } else aMask = UniString::CreateFromAscii( ALLFILES ); } else aMask = UniString::CreateFromAscii( ALLFILES ); // Neue Maske setzen if( pEdit->GetText().Len() == 0 ) pEdit->SetText( aMask() ); ImpPathDialog::PreExecute(); GetFileDialog()->LeaveWait(); } UniString ImpFileDialog::GetPath() const { DirEntry aFile( pEdit->GetText() ); return ExtendFileName( aFile ); } UniString ImpFileDialog::ExtendFileName( DirEntry aEntry ) const { aEntry.ToAbs(); // das ganze Theater hier ohnehin nur machen, wenn Dateiname // ohne Extension angegeben wurde if( !aEntry.GetExtension().Len() ) { UniString aPostfix; // hier kommt die ausgesuchte Extension herein // ist ein Filter mit Extension gesetzt? USHORT nChosenFilterPos = pTypeList->GetSelectEntryPos(); if( nChosenFilterPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { UniString aExtensionMask = GetFileDialog()->GetFilterType( nChosenFilterPos ); // aExtension ist z.B. *.sdw, alles bis einschliesslich Punkt abschneiden UniString aExtension = aExtensionMask.Copy( aExtensionMask.Search( '.' )+1 ); // hat der Filter ueberhaupt eine Extension if( aExtension.Len() ) { // keine Wildcards enthalten? if( ( aExtension.Search( '*' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) && ( aExtension.Search( '?' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) ) { // OK, Filter hat Extension ohne Wildcards -> verwenden aPostfix = aExtension; } else { // Filter hat Extension mit Wildcards (z.B. *.*) -> nicht verwenden aPostfix.Erase(); } } else { // Filter hatte keine Extension (schwer vorstellbar) -> nichts anhaengen aPostfix.Erase(); } } else { // kein Filter gefunden (merkwÆrdig) -> Default-Extension anhaengen aPostfix = GetFileDialog()->GetDefaultExt(); } // jetzt kann es mit dem Anhaengen losgehen const sal_Unicode* pExt = aPostfix.GetBuffer(); while( *pExt == '*' || *pExt == '?' ) pExt++; if( *pExt ) { UniString aName = aEntry.GetName(); if( *pExt != '.' ) aName += '.'; aName += pExt; aEntry.SetName( aName ); } } return aEntry.GetFull(); } void ImpSvFileDlg::CreateDialog( PathDialog* pSvDlg, WinBits nStyle, RESOURCE_TYPE nType, BOOL bCreate ) { delete pDlg; if ( nType == WINDOW_PATHDIALOG ) pDlg = new ImpPathDialog( pSvDlg, nStyle, nType, bCreate ); else pDlg = new ImpFileDialog( pSvDlg, nStyle, nType ); }