/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: prnsetup.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 15:17:49 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VCL_PRINT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef GCC #pragma hdrstop #endif #include #include "prnsetup.hrc" #include // ======================================================================= void ImplFillPrnDlgListBox( const Printer* pPrinter, ListBox* pBox, PushButton* pPropBtn ) { ImplFreePrnDlgListBox( pBox ); USHORT nCount = Printer::GetQueueCount(); if ( nCount ) { for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const QueueInfo& rInfo = Printer::GetQueueInfo( i, FALSE ); USHORT nPos = pBox->InsertEntry( rInfo.GetPrinterName() ); if ( nPos != LISTBOX_ERROR ) pBox->SetEntryData( nPos, new QueueInfo( rInfo ) ); } pBox->SelectEntry( pPrinter->GetName() ); } pBox->Enable( nCount != 0 ); pPropBtn->Enable( pPrinter->HasSupport( SUPPORT_SETUPDIALOG ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplFreePrnDlgListBox( ListBox* pBox, BOOL bClear ) { USHORT nEntryCount = pBox->GetEntryCount(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nEntryCount; i++ ) delete (QueueInfo*)pBox->GetEntryData( i ); if ( bClear ) pBox->Clear(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Printer* ImplPrnDlgListBoxSelect( ListBox* pBox, PushButton* pPropBtn, Printer* pPrinter, Printer* pTempPrinter ) { if ( pBox->GetSelectEntryPos() != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { const QueueInfo& rInfo = *((QueueInfo*)(pBox->GetEntryData( pBox->GetSelectEntryPos() ))); if ( !pTempPrinter ) { if ( (pPrinter->GetName() == rInfo.GetPrinterName()) && (pPrinter->GetDriverName() == rInfo.GetDriver()) ) pTempPrinter = new Printer( pPrinter->GetJobSetup() ); else pTempPrinter = new Printer( rInfo ); } else { if ( (pTempPrinter->GetName() != rInfo.GetPrinterName()) || (pTempPrinter->GetDriverName() != rInfo.GetDriver()) ) { delete pTempPrinter; pTempPrinter = new Printer( rInfo ); } } pPropBtn->Enable( pTempPrinter->HasSupport( SUPPORT_SETUPDIALOG ) ); } else pPropBtn->Disable(); return pTempPrinter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Printer* ImplPrnDlgUpdatePrinter( Printer* pPrinter, Printer* pTempPrinter ) { XubString aPrnName; if ( pTempPrinter ) aPrnName = pTempPrinter->GetName(); else aPrnName = pPrinter->GetName(); BOOL bFound = FALSE; USHORT nCount = Printer::GetQueueCount(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { if ( aPrnName == Printer::GetQueueInfo( i, FALSE ).GetPrinterName() ) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if ( !bFound ) { if ( pTempPrinter ) delete pTempPrinter; pTempPrinter = new Printer; } return pTempPrinter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplPrnDlgUpdateQueueInfo( ListBox* pBox, QueueInfo& rInfo ) { if ( pBox->GetSelectEntryPos() != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { rInfo = *((QueueInfo*)(pBox->GetEntryData( pBox->GetSelectEntryPos() ))); USHORT nCount = Printer::GetQueueCount(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const QueueInfo& rTempInfo = Printer::GetQueueInfo( i, FALSE ); if ( (rInfo.GetPrinterName() == rTempInfo.GetPrinterName()) && (rInfo.GetDriver() == rTempInfo.GetDriver()) ) { rInfo = Printer::GetQueueInfo( i ); break; } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ImplPrnDlgAddString( XubString& rStr, const XubString& rAddStr ) { if ( rStr.Len() ) rStr.AppendAscii( "; " ); rStr += rAddStr; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ImplPrnDlgAddResString( XubString& rStr, USHORT nResId ) { SvtResId aResId( nResId ); XubString aAddStr( aResId ); ImplPrnDlgAddString( rStr, aAddStr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString ImplPrnDlgGetStatusText( const QueueInfo& rInfo ) { XubString aStr; ULONG nStatus = rInfo.GetStatus(); // Default-Printer if ( rInfo.GetPrinterName().Len() && (rInfo.GetPrinterName() == Printer::GetDefaultPrinterName()) ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_DEFPRINTER ); // Status if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_READY ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_READY ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PAUSED ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PAUSED ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PENDING_DELETION ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PENDING ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_BUSY ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_BUSY ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_INITIALIZING ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_INITIALIZING ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_WAITING ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_WAITING ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_WARMING_UP ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_WARMING_UP ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PROCESSING ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PROCESSING ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PRINTING ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PRINTING ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_OFFLINE ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_OFFLINE ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_ERROR ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_ERROR ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_SERVER_UNKNOWN ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_SERVER_UNKNOWN ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PAPER_JAM ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PAPER_JAM ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PAPER_OUT ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PAPER_OUT ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_MANUAL_FEED ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_MANUAL_FEED ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PAPER_PROBLEM ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PAPER_PROBLEM ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_IO_ACTIVE ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_IO_ACTIVE ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_OUTPUT_BIN_FULL ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_OUTPUT_BIN_FULL ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_TONER_LOW ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_TONER_LOW ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_NO_TONER ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_NO_TONER ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_PAGE_PUNT ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_PAGE_PUNT ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_USER_INTERVENTION ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_USER_INTERVENTION ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_DOOR_OPEN ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_DOOR_OPEN ); if ( nStatus & QUEUE_STATUS_POWER_SAVE ) ImplPrnDlgAddResString( aStr, STR_SVT_PRNDLG_POWER_SAVE ); // Anzahl Jobs ULONG nJobs = rInfo.GetJobs(); if ( nJobs && (nJobs != QUEUE_JOBS_DONTKNOW) ) { XubString aJobStr( SvtResId( STR_SVT_PRNDLG_JOBCOUNT ) ); XubString aJobs( XubString::CreateFromInt32( nJobs ) ); aJobStr.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "%d", aJobs ); ImplPrnDlgAddString( aStr, aJobStr ); } return aStr; } // ======================================================================= PrinterSetupDialog::PrinterSetupDialog( Window* pWindow ) : ModalDialog ( pWindow, SvtResId( DLG_SVT_PRNDLG_PRNSETUPDLG ) ), maFlPrinter ( this, SvtResId( FL_PRINTER ) ), maFtName ( this, SvtResId( FT_NAME ) ), maLbName ( this, SvtResId( LB_NAMES ) ), maBtnProperties ( this, SvtResId( BTN_PROPERTIES ) ), maFtStatus ( this, SvtResId( FT_STATUS ) ), maFiStatus ( this, SvtResId( FI_STATUS ) ), maFtType ( this, SvtResId( FT_TYPE ) ), maFiType ( this, SvtResId( FI_TYPE ) ), maFtLocation ( this, SvtResId( FT_LOCATION ) ), maFiLocation ( this, SvtResId( FI_LOCATION ) ), maFtComment ( this, SvtResId( FT_COMMENT ) ), maFiComment ( this, SvtResId( FI_COMMENT ) ), maFlSepButton ( this, SvtResId( FL_SEPBUTTON ) ), maBtnOK ( this, SvtResId( BTN_OK ) ), maBtnCancel ( this, SvtResId( BTN_CANCEL ) ), maBtnHelp ( this, SvtResId( BTN_HELP ) ) { FreeResource(); mpPrinter = NULL; mpTempPrinter = NULL; maStatusTimer.SetTimeout( IMPL_PRINTDLG_STATUS_UPDATE ); maStatusTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, PrinterSetupDialog, ImplStatusHdl ) ); maBtnProperties.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, PrinterSetupDialog, ImplPropertiesHdl ) ); maLbName.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, PrinterSetupDialog, ImplChangePrinterHdl ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PrinterSetupDialog::~PrinterSetupDialog() { ImplFreePrnDlgListBox( &maLbName, FALSE ); delete mpTempPrinter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrinterSetupDialog::ImplSetInfo() { const QueueInfo* pInfo = (QueueInfo*)(maLbName.GetEntryData( maLbName.GetSelectEntryPos() )); if ( pInfo ) { maFiType.SetText( pInfo->GetDriver() ); maFiLocation.SetText( pInfo->GetLocation() ); maFiComment.SetText( pInfo->GetComment() ); maFiStatus.SetText( ImplPrnDlgGetStatusText( *pInfo ) ); } else { XubString aTempStr; maFiType.SetText( aTempStr ); maFiLocation.SetText( aTempStr ); maFiComment.SetText( aTempStr ); maFiStatus.SetText( aTempStr ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( PrinterSetupDialog, ImplStatusHdl, Timer*, EMPTYARG ) { QueueInfo aInfo; ImplPrnDlgUpdateQueueInfo( &maLbName, aInfo ); maFiStatus.SetText( ImplPrnDlgGetStatusText( aInfo ) ); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( PrinterSetupDialog, ImplPropertiesHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { if ( !mpTempPrinter ) mpTempPrinter = new Printer( mpPrinter->GetJobSetup() ); mpTempPrinter->Setup( this ); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( PrinterSetupDialog, ImplChangePrinterHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { mpTempPrinter = ImplPrnDlgListBoxSelect( &maLbName, &maBtnProperties, mpPrinter, mpTempPrinter ); ImplSetInfo(); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long PrinterSetupDialog::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( (rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_GETFOCUS) && IsReallyVisible() ) ImplStatusHdl( &maStatusTimer ); return ModalDialog::Notify( rNEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrinterSetupDialog::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_PRINTER ) { mpTempPrinter = ImplPrnDlgUpdatePrinter( mpPrinter, mpTempPrinter ); Printer* pPrn; if ( mpTempPrinter ) pPrn = mpTempPrinter; else pPrn = mpPrinter; ImplFillPrnDlgListBox( pPrn, &maLbName, &maBtnProperties ); ImplSetInfo(); } ModalDialog::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- short PrinterSetupDialog::Execute() { if ( !mpPrinter || mpPrinter->IsPrinting() || mpPrinter->IsJobActive() ) { DBG_ERRORFILE( "PrinterSetupDialog::Execute() - No Printer or printer is printing" ); return FALSE; } ImplFillPrnDlgListBox( mpPrinter, &maLbName, &maBtnProperties ); ImplSetInfo(); maStatusTimer.Start(); // Dialog starten short nRet = ModalDialog::Execute(); // Wenn Dialog mit OK beendet wurde, dann die Daten updaten if ( nRet == TRUE ) { if ( mpTempPrinter ) mpPrinter->SetPrinterProps( mpTempPrinter ); } maStatusTimer.Stop(); return nRet; }