/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRole.hpp>

#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>

#include <ipwin.hxx>
#include <hatchwindow.hxx>

|*    SvResizeHelper::SvResizeHelper()
|*    Beschreibung
    : aBorder( 5, 5 )
    , nGrab( -1 )
    , bResizeable( sal_True )

|*    SvResizeHelper::FillHandleRects()
|*    Beschreibung: Die acht Handles zum vergroessern
void SvResizeHelper::FillHandleRectsPixel( Rectangle aRects[ 8 ] ) const
    // nur wegen EMPTY_RECT
    Point aBottomRight = aOuter.BottomRight();

    // Links Oben
    aRects[ 0 ] = Rectangle( aOuter.TopLeft(), aBorder );
    // Oben Mitte
    aRects[ 1 ] = Rectangle( Point( aOuter.Center().X() - aBorder.Width() / 2,
                                    aOuter.Top() ),
                            aBorder );
    // Oben Rechts
    aRects[ 2 ] = Rectangle( Point( aBottomRight.X() - aBorder.Width() +1,
                                    aOuter.Top() ),
                            aBorder );
    // Mitte Rechts
    aRects[ 3 ] = Rectangle( Point( aBottomRight.X() - aBorder.Width() +1,
                                    aOuter.Center().Y() - aBorder.Height() / 2 ),
                            aBorder );
    // Unten Rechts
    aRects[ 4 ] = Rectangle( Point( aBottomRight.X() - aBorder.Width() +1,
                                    aBottomRight.Y() - aBorder.Height() +1 ),
                            aBorder );
    // Mitte Unten
    aRects[ 5 ] = Rectangle( Point( aOuter.Center().X() - aBorder.Width() / 2,
                                    aBottomRight.Y() - aBorder.Height() +1),
                            aBorder );
    // Links Unten
    aRects[ 6 ] = Rectangle( Point( aOuter.Left(),
                                    aBottomRight.Y() - aBorder.Height() +1),
                            aBorder );
    // Mitte Links
    aRects[ 7 ] = Rectangle( Point( aOuter.Left(),
                                    aOuter.Center().Y() - aBorder.Height() / 2 ),
                            aBorder );

|*    SvResizeHelper::FillMoveRectsPixel()
|*    Beschreibung: Die vier Kanten werden berechnet
void SvResizeHelper::FillMoveRectsPixel( Rectangle aRects[ 4 ] ) const
    // Oben
    aRects[ 0 ] = aOuter;
    aRects[ 0 ].Bottom() = aRects[ 0 ].Top() + aBorder.Height() -1;
    // Rechts
    aRects[ 1 ] = aOuter;
    aRects[ 1 ].Left() = aRects[ 1 ].Right() - aBorder.Width() -1;
    aRects[ 2 ] = aOuter;
    aRects[ 2 ].Top() = aRects[ 2 ].Bottom() - aBorder.Height() -1;
    aRects[ 3 ] = aOuter;
    aRects[ 3 ].Right() = aRects[ 3 ].Left() + aBorder.Width() -1;

|*    SvResizeHelper::Draw()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeHelper::Draw( OutputDevice * pDev )
    pDev->SetMapMode( MapMode() );
    Color aColBlack;
    Color aFillColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY );

    pDev->SetFillColor( aFillColor );

    Rectangle   aMoveRects[ 4 ];
    FillMoveRectsPixel( aMoveRects );
    sal_uInt16 i;
    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        pDev->DrawRect( aMoveRects[ i ] );
    if( bResizeable )
        // Handles malen
        pDev->SetFillColor( aColBlack );
        Rectangle   aRects[ 8 ];
        FillHandleRectsPixel( aRects );
        for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
            pDev->DrawRect( aRects[ i ] );

|*    SvResizeHelper::InvalidateBorder()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeHelper::InvalidateBorder( Window * pWin )
    Rectangle   aMoveRects[ 4 ];
    FillMoveRectsPixel( aMoveRects );
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        pWin->Invalidate( aMoveRects[ i ] );

|*    SvResizeHelper::SelectBegin()
|*    Beschreibung
sal_Bool SvResizeHelper::SelectBegin( Window * pWin, const Point & rPos )
    if( -1 == nGrab )
        nGrab = SelectMove( pWin, rPos );
        if( -1 != nGrab )
            aSelPos = rPos; // Start-Position merken
            return sal_True;
    return sal_False;

|*    SvResizeHelper::SelectMove()
|*    Beschreibung
short SvResizeHelper::SelectMove( Window * pWin, const Point & rPos )
    if( -1 == nGrab )
        if( bResizeable )
            Rectangle aRects[ 8 ];
            FillHandleRectsPixel( aRects );
            for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
                if( aRects[ i ].IsInside( rPos ) )
                    return i;
        // Move-Rect ueberlappen Handles
        Rectangle aMoveRects[ 4 ];
        FillMoveRectsPixel( aMoveRects );
        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
            if( aMoveRects[ i ].IsInside( rPos ) )
                return 8;
        Rectangle aRect( GetTrackRectPixel( rPos ) );
        aRect.SetSize( pWin->PixelToLogic( aRect.GetSize() ) );
        aRect.SetPos( pWin->PixelToLogic( aRect.TopLeft() ) );
        pWin->ShowTracking( aRect );
    return nGrab;

Point SvResizeHelper::GetTrackPosPixel( const Rectangle & rRect ) const
    // wie das Rechteck zurueckkommt ist egal, es zaehlt welches Handle
    // initial angefasst wurde
    Point aPos;
    Rectangle aRect( rRect );
    // nur wegen EMPTY_RECT
    Point aBR = aOuter.BottomRight();
    Point aTR = aOuter.TopRight();
    Point aBL = aOuter.BottomLeft();
    bool bRTL = Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();
    switch( nGrab )
        case 0:
            // FIXME: disable it for RTL because it's wrong calculations
            if( bRTL )
            aPos = aRect.TopLeft() - aOuter.TopLeft();
        case 1:
            aPos.Y() =  aRect.Top() - aOuter.Top();
        case 2:
            // FIXME: disable it for RTL because it's wrong calculations
            if( bRTL )
            aPos =  aRect.TopRight() - aTR;
        case 3:
            if( bRTL )
                aPos.X() = aRect.Left() - aTR.X();
                aPos.X() = aRect.Right() - aTR.X();
        case 4:
            // FIXME: disable it for RTL because it's wrong calculations
            if( bRTL )
            aPos =  aRect.BottomRight() - aBR;
        case 5:
            aPos.Y() = aRect.Bottom() - aBR.Y();
        case 6:
            // FIXME: disable it for RTL because it's wrong calculations
            if( bRTL )
            aPos =  aRect.BottomLeft() - aBL;
        case 7:
            if( bRTL )
                aPos.X() = aRect.Right() + aOuter.Right() - aOuter.TopRight().X();
                aPos.X() = aRect.Left() - aOuter.Left();
        case 8:
            aPos = aRect.TopLeft() - aOuter.TopLeft();
    return aPos += aSelPos;

|*    SvResizeHelper::GetTrackRectPixel()
|*    Beschreibung
Rectangle SvResizeHelper::GetTrackRectPixel( const Point & rTrackPos ) const
    Rectangle aTrackRect;
    if( -1 != nGrab )
        Point aDiff = rTrackPos - aSelPos;
        aTrackRect = aOuter;
        Point aBR = aOuter.BottomRight();
        bool bRTL = Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();
        switch( nGrab )
            case 0:
                aTrackRect.Top() += aDiff.Y();
                // ugly solution for resizing OLE objects in RTL
                if( bRTL )
                    aTrackRect.Right() = aBR.X() - aDiff.X();
                    aTrackRect.Left() += aDiff.X();
            case 1:
                aTrackRect.Top() += aDiff.Y();
            case 2:
                aTrackRect.Top() += aDiff.Y();
                // ugly solution for resizing OLE objects in RTL
                if( bRTL )
                    aTrackRect.Left() -= aDiff.X();
                    aTrackRect.Right() = aBR.X() + aDiff.X();
            case 3:
                // ugly solution for resizing OLE objects in RTL
                if( bRTL )
                    aTrackRect.Left() -= aDiff.X();
                    aTrackRect.Right() = aBR.X() + aDiff.X();
            case 4:
                aTrackRect.Bottom() = aBR.Y() + aDiff.Y();
                // ugly solution for resizing OLE objects in RTL
                if( bRTL )
                    aTrackRect.Left() -= aDiff.X();
                    aTrackRect.Right() = aBR.X() + aDiff.X();
            case 5:
                aTrackRect.Bottom() = aBR.Y() + aDiff.Y();
            case 6:
                aTrackRect.Bottom() = aBR.Y() + aDiff.Y();
                // ugly solution for resizing OLE objects in RTL
                if( bRTL )
                    aTrackRect.Right() = aBR.X() - aDiff.X();
                    aTrackRect.Left() += aDiff.X();
            case 7:
                // ugly solution for resizing OLE objects in RTL
                if( bRTL )
                    aTrackRect.Right() = aBR.X() - aDiff.X();
                    aTrackRect.Left() += aDiff.X();
            case 8:
                if( bRTL )
                    aDiff.X() = -aDiff.X(); // workaround for move in RTL mode
                aTrackRect.SetPos( aTrackRect.TopLeft() + aDiff );
    return aTrackRect;

void SvResizeHelper::ValidateRect( Rectangle & rValidate ) const
    switch( nGrab )
        case 0:
            if( rValidate.Top() > rValidate.Bottom() )
                rValidate.Top() = rValidate.Bottom();
                rValidate.Bottom() = RECT_EMPTY;
            if( rValidate.Left() > rValidate.Right() )
                rValidate.Left() = rValidate.Right();
                rValidate.Right() = RECT_EMPTY;
        case 1:
            if( rValidate.Top() > rValidate.Bottom() )
                rValidate.Top() = rValidate.Bottom();
                rValidate.Bottom() = RECT_EMPTY;
        case 2:
            if( rValidate.Top() > rValidate.Bottom() )
                rValidate.Top() = rValidate.Bottom();
                rValidate.Bottom() = RECT_EMPTY;
            if( rValidate.Left() > rValidate.Right() )
                rValidate.Right() = RECT_EMPTY;
        case 3:
            if( rValidate.Left() > rValidate.Right() )
                rValidate.Right() = RECT_EMPTY;
        case 4:
            if( rValidate.Top() > rValidate.Bottom() )
                rValidate.Bottom() = RECT_EMPTY;
            if( rValidate.Left() > rValidate.Right() )
                rValidate.Right() = RECT_EMPTY;
        case 5:
            if( rValidate.Top() > rValidate.Bottom() )
                rValidate.Bottom() = RECT_EMPTY;
        case 6:
            if( rValidate.Top() > rValidate.Bottom() )
                rValidate.Bottom() = RECT_EMPTY;
            if( rValidate.Left() > rValidate.Right() )
                rValidate.Left() = rValidate.Right();
                rValidate.Right() = RECT_EMPTY;
        case 7:
            if( rValidate.Left() > rValidate.Right() )
                rValidate.Left() = rValidate.Right();
                rValidate.Right() = RECT_EMPTY;
    if( rValidate.Right() == RECT_EMPTY )
        rValidate.Right() = rValidate.Left();
    if( rValidate.Bottom() == RECT_EMPTY )
        rValidate.Bottom() = rValidate.Top();

    // Mindestgr"osse 5 x 5
    if( rValidate.Left() + 5 > rValidate.Right() )
        rValidate.Right() = rValidate.Left() +5;
    if( rValidate.Top() + 5 > rValidate.Bottom() )
        rValidate.Bottom() = rValidate.Top() +5;

|*    SvResizeHelper::SelectRelease()
|*    Beschreibung
sal_Bool SvResizeHelper::SelectRelease( Window * pWin, const Point & rPos,
                                    Rectangle & rOutPosSize )
    if( -1 != nGrab )
        rOutPosSize = GetTrackRectPixel( rPos );
        nGrab = -1;
        return sal_True;
    return sal_False;

|*    SvResizeHelper::Release()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeHelper::Release( Window * pWin )
    if( nGrab != -1 )
        nGrab = -1;

|*    SvResizeWindow::SvResizeWindow()
|*    Beschreibung
    Window * pParent,
    VCLXHatchWindow* pWrapper
    : Window( pParent, WB_CLIPCHILDREN )
    , m_nMoveGrab( -1 )
    , m_bActive( sal_False )
    , m_pWrapper( pWrapper )
    OSL_ENSURE( pParent != NULL && pWrapper != NULL, "Wrong initialization of hatch window!\n" );
    SetAccessibleRole( ::com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleRole::EMBEDDED_OBJECT );
    m_aResizer.SetOuterRectPixel( Rectangle( Point(), GetOutputSizePixel() ) );

|*    SvResizeWindow::SetHatchBorderPixel()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::SetHatchBorderPixel( const Size & rSize )
     m_aResizer.SetBorderPixel( rSize );

|*    SvResizeWindow::SelectMouse()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::SelectMouse( const Point & rPos )
    short nGrab = m_aResizer.SelectMove( this, rPos );
    if( nGrab >= 4 )
        nGrab -= 4;
    if( m_nMoveGrab != nGrab )
    { // Pointer hat sich geaendert
        if( -1 == nGrab )
            SetPointer( m_aOldPointer );
            PointerStyle aStyle = POINTER_MOVE;
            if( nGrab == 3 )
                aStyle = POINTER_ESIZE;
            else if( nGrab == 2 )
                aStyle = POINTER_NESIZE;
            else if( nGrab == 1 )
                aStyle = POINTER_SSIZE;
            else if( nGrab == 0 )
                aStyle = POINTER_SESIZE;
            if( m_nMoveGrab == -1 ) // das erste mal
                m_aOldPointer = GetPointer();
                SetPointer( Pointer( aStyle ) );
                SetPointer( Pointer( aStyle ) );
        m_nMoveGrab = nGrab;

|*    SvResizeWindow::MouseButtonDown()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent & rEvt )
    if( m_aResizer.SelectBegin( this, rEvt.GetPosPixel() ) )
        SelectMouse( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );

|*    SvResizeWindow::MouseMove()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::MouseMove( const MouseEvent & rEvt )
    if( m_aResizer.GetGrab() == -1 )
        SelectMouse( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );
        Rectangle aRect( m_aResizer.GetTrackRectPixel( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ) );
        Point aDiff = GetPosPixel();
        aRect.SetPos( aRect.TopLeft() + aDiff );
        m_aResizer.ValidateRect( aRect );

        m_pWrapper->QueryObjAreaPixel( aRect );
        aRect.SetPos( aRect.TopLeft() - aDiff );
        Point aPos = m_aResizer.GetTrackPosPixel( aRect );

        SelectMouse( aPos );

|*    SvResizeWindow::MouseButtonUp()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent & rEvt )
    if( m_aResizer.GetGrab() != -1 )
        Rectangle aRect( m_aResizer.GetTrackRectPixel( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ) );
        Point aDiff = GetPosPixel();
        aRect.SetPos( aRect.TopLeft() + aDiff );
        // aRect -= GetAllBorderPixel();
        m_aResizer.ValidateRect( aRect );

        m_pWrapper->QueryObjAreaPixel( aRect );

        Rectangle aOutRect;
        if( m_aResizer.SelectRelease( this, rEvt.GetPosPixel(), aOutRect ) )
            m_nMoveGrab = -1;
            SetPointer( m_aOldPointer );
            m_pWrapper->RequestObjAreaPixel( aRect );

|*    SvResizeWindow::KeyEvent()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::KeyInput( const KeyEvent & rEvt )
    if( rEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_ESCAPE )
        m_aResizer.Release( this );

|*    SvResizeWindow::Resize()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::Resize()
    m_aResizer.InvalidateBorder( this ); // alten Bereich
    m_aResizer.SetOuterRectPixel( Rectangle( Point(), GetOutputSizePixel() ) );
    m_aResizer.InvalidateBorder( this ); // neuen Bereich

|*    SvResizeWindow::Paint()
|*    Beschreibung
void SvResizeWindow::Paint( const Rectangle & /*rRect*/ )
    m_aResizer.Draw( this );

long SvResizeWindow::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rEvt )
    if ( rEvt.GetType() == EVENT_GETFOCUS && !m_bActive )
        m_bActive = sal_True;

    return Window::PreNotify(rEvt);

long SvResizeWindow::Notify( NotifyEvent& rEvt )
    if ( rEvt.GetType() == EVENT_LOSEFOCUS && m_bActive )
        sal_Bool bHasFocus = HasChildPathFocus(sal_True);
        if ( !bHasFocus )
            m_bActive = sal_False;

    return Window::Notify(rEvt);

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