* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: nranges.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-10-12 15:22:24 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svtools.hxx"
// compiled via include from itemset.cxx only!
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
for ( const NUMTYPE *pRange = pArr; *pRange; pRange += 2 ) \
{ \
DBG_ASSERT( pRange[0] <= pRange[1], "ranges must be sorted" ); \
DBG_ASSERT( !pRange[2] || ( pRange[2] - pRange[1] ) > 1, \
"ranges must be sorted and discrete" ); \
inline void Swap_Impl(const NUMTYPE *& rp1, const NUMTYPE *& rp2)
const NUMTYPE * pTemp = rp1;
rp1 = rp2;
rp2 = pTemp;
NUMTYPE InitializeRanges_Impl( NUMTYPE *&rpRanges, va_list pArgs,
Creates an USHORT-ranges-array in 'rpRanges' using 'nWh1' and 'nWh2' as
first range, 'nNull' as terminator or start of 2nd range and 'pArgs' as
It returns the number of NUMTYPEs which are contained in the described
set of NUMTYPEs.
NUMTYPE nSize = 0, nIns = 0;
USHORT nCnt = 0;
SvNums aNumArr( 11, 8 );
aNumArr.Insert( nWh1, nCnt++ );
aNumArr.Insert( nWh2, nCnt++ );
DBG_ASSERT( nWh1 <= nWh2, "Ungueltiger Bereich" );
nSize += nWh2 - nWh1 + 1;
aNumArr.Insert( nNull, nCnt++ );
while ( 0 !=
( nIns =
sal::static_int_cast< NUMTYPE >(
va_arg( pArgs, NUMTYPE_ARG ) ) ) )
aNumArr.Insert( nIns, nCnt++ );
if ( 0 == (nCnt & 1) ) // 4,6,8, usw.
DBG_ASSERT( aNumArr[ nCnt-2 ] <= nIns, "Ungueltiger Bereich" );
nSize += nIns - aNumArr[ nCnt-2 ] + 1;
va_end( pArgs );
DBG_ASSERT( 0 == (nCnt & 1), "ungerade Anzahl von Which-Paaren!" );
// so, jetzt sind alle Bereiche vorhanden und
rpRanges = new NUMTYPE[ nCnt+1 ];
memcpy( rpRanges, aNumArr.GetData(), sizeof(NUMTYPE) * nCnt );
*(rpRanges+nCnt) = 0;
return nSize;
NUMTYPE Count_Impl( const NUMTYPE *pRanges )
/** Description
Determines the number of NUMTYPEs in an 0-terminated array of pairs of
NUMTYPEs. The terminating 0 is not included in the count.
NUMTYPE nCount = 0;
while ( *pRanges )
nCount += 2;
pRanges += 2;
return nCount;
NUMTYPE Capacity_Impl( const NUMTYPE *pRanges )
/** Description
Determines the total number of NUMTYPEs described in an 0-terminated
array of pairs of NUMTYPEs, each representing an range of NUMTYPEs.
NUMTYPE nCount = 0;
if ( pRanges )
while ( *pRanges )
nCount += pRanges[1] - pRanges[0] + 1;
pRanges += 2;
return nCount;
SfxNumRanges::SfxNumRanges( const SfxNumRanges &rOrig )
/** Description
if ( rOrig._pRanges )
NUMTYPE nCount = Count_Impl( rOrig._pRanges ) + 1;
_pRanges = new NUMTYPE[nCount];
memcpy( _pRanges, rOrig._pRanges, sizeof(NUMTYPE) * nCount );
_pRanges = 0;
SfxNumRanges::SfxNumRanges( NUMTYPE nWhich1, NUMTYPE nWhich2 )
/** Description
Constructs an SfxNumRanges-instance from one range of NUMTYPEs.
nWhich1 <= nWhich2
: _pRanges( new NUMTYPE[3] )
_pRanges[0] = nWhich1;
_pRanges[1] = nWhich2;
_pRanges[2] = 0;
SfxNumRanges::SfxNumRanges( NUMTYPE_ARG nWh0, NUMTYPE_ARG nWh1, NUMTYPE_ARG nNull, ... )
/** Description
Constructs an SfxNumRanges-instance from more than one sorted ranges of
NUMTYPEs terminated with one 0.
precondition: for each n >= 0 && n < nArgs
nWh(2n) <= nWh(2n+1) && ( nWh(2n+2)-nWh(2n+1) ) > 1
va_list pArgs;
va_start( pArgs, nNull );
_pRanges, pArgs, sal::static_int_cast< NUMTYPE >(nWh0),
sal::static_int_cast< NUMTYPE >(nWh1),
sal::static_int_cast< NUMTYPE >(nNull));
SfxNumRanges::SfxNumRanges( const NUMTYPE* pArr )
/** Description
Constcurts an SfxNumRanges-instance from an sorted ranges of NUMTYPEs,
terminates with on 0.
precondition: for each n >= 0 && n < (sizeof(pArr)-1)
pArr[2n] <= pArr[2n+1] && ( pArr[2n+2]-pArr[2n+1] ) > 1
NUMTYPE nCount = Count_Impl(pArr) + 1;
_pRanges = new NUMTYPE[ nCount ];
memcpy( _pRanges, pArr, sizeof(NUMTYPE) * nCount );
BOOL SfxNumRanges::operator==( const SfxNumRanges &rOther ) const
// Object pointers equal?
if ( this == &rOther )
return TRUE;
// Ranges pointers equal?
if ( _pRanges == rOther._pRanges )
return TRUE;
// Counts equal?
NUMTYPE nCount = Count();
if ( nCount != rOther.Count() )
return FALSE;
// Check arrays.
NUMTYPE n = 0;
while( _pRanges[ n ] != 0 )
// Elements at current position equal?
if ( _pRanges[ n ] != rOther._pRanges[ n ] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
SfxNumRanges& SfxNumRanges::operator =
const SfxNumRanges &rRanges
/** Description
Assigns ranges from 'rRanges' to '*this'.
// special case: assign itself
if ( &rRanges == this )
return *this;
delete[] _pRanges;
// special case: 'rRanges' is empty
if ( rRanges.IsEmpty() )
_pRanges = 0;
// copy ranges
NUMTYPE nCount = Count_Impl( rRanges._pRanges ) + 1;
_pRanges = new NUMTYPE[ nCount ];
memcpy( _pRanges, rRanges._pRanges, sizeof(NUMTYPE) * nCount );
return *this;
SfxNumRanges& SfxNumRanges::operator +=
const SfxNumRanges &rRanges
/** Description
Merges *this with 'rRanges'.
for each NUMTYPE n:
this->Contains( n ) || rRanges.Contains( n ) => this'->Contains( n )
!this->Contains( n ) && !rRanges.Contains( n ) => !this'->Contains( n )
// special cases: one is empty
if ( rRanges.IsEmpty() )
return *this;
if ( IsEmpty() )
return *this = rRanges;
// First, run thru _pRanges and rRanges._pRanges and determine the size of
// the new, merged ranges:
NUMTYPE nCount = 0;
const NUMTYPE * pRA = _pRanges;
const NUMTYPE * pRB = rRanges._pRanges;
for (;;)
// The first pair of pRA has a lower lower bound than the first pair
// of pRB:
if (pRA[0] > pRB[0])
Swap_Impl(pRA, pRB);
// We are done with the merging if at least pRA is exhausted:
if (!pRA[0])
for (;;)
// Skip those pairs in pRB that completely lie in the first pair
// of pRA:
while (pRB[1] <= pRA[1])
pRB += 2;
// Watch out for exhaustion of pRB:
if (!pRB[0])
Swap_Impl(pRA, pRB);
goto count_rest;
// If the next pair of pRA does not at least touch the current new
// pair, we are done with the current new pair:
if (pRB[0] > pRA[1] + 1)
// The next pair of pRB extends the current new pair; first,
// extend the current new pair (we are done if pRB is then
// exhausted); second, switch the roles of pRA and pRB in order to
// merge in those following pairs of the original pRA that will
// lie in the (now larger) current new pair or will even extend it
// further:
pRA += 2;
if (!pRA[0])
goto count_rest;
Swap_Impl(pRA, pRB);
// Done with the current new pair:
pRA += 2;
nCount += 2;
// Only pRB has more pairs available, pRA is already exhausted:
for (; pRB[0]; pRB += 2)
nCount += 2;
// Now, create new ranges of the correct size and, on a second run thru
// _pRanges and rRanges._pRanges, copy the merged pairs into the new
// ranges:
NUMTYPE * pNew = new NUMTYPE[nCount + 1];
pRA = _pRanges;
pRB = rRanges._pRanges;
NUMTYPE * pRN = pNew;
for (;;)
// The first pair of pRA has a lower lower bound than the first pair
// of pRB:
if (pRA[0] > pRB[0])
Swap_Impl(pRA, pRB);
// We are done with the merging if at least pRA is exhausted:
if (!pRA[0])
// Lower bound of current new pair is already known:
*pRN++ = pRA[0];
for (;;)
// Skip those pairs in pRB that completely lie in the first pair
// of pRA:
while (pRB[1] <= pRA[1])
pRB += 2;
// Watch out for exhaustion of pRB:
if (!pRB[0])
Swap_Impl(pRA, pRB);
goto copy_rest;
// If the next pair of pRA does not at least touch the current new
// pair, we are done with the current new pair:
if (pRB[0] > pRA[1] + 1)
// The next pair of pRB extends the current new pair; first,
// extend the current new pair (we are done if pRB is then
// exhausted); second, switch the roles of pRA and pRB in order to
// merge in those following pairs of the original pRA that will
// lie in the (now larger) current new pair or will even extend it
// further:
pRA += 2;
if (!pRA[0])
goto copy_rest;
Swap_Impl(pRA, pRB);
// Done with the current new pair, now upper bound is also known:
*pRN++ = pRA[1];
pRA += 2;
// Only pRB has more pairs available (which are copied to the new ranges
// unchanged), pRA is already exhausted:
for (; *pRB;)
*pRN++ = *pRB++;
*pRN = 0;
delete[] _pRanges;
_pRanges = pNew;
return *this;
SfxNumRanges& SfxNumRanges::operator -=
const SfxNumRanges &rRanges
/** Description
Removes 'rRanges' from '*this'.
for each NUMTYPE n:
this->Contains( n ) && rRanges.Contains( n ) => !this'->Contains( n )
this->Contains( n ) && !rRanges.Contains( n ) => this'->Contains( n )
!this->Contains( n ) => !this'->Contains( n )
// special cases: one is empty
if ( rRanges.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty() )
return *this;
// differentiate 'rRanges' in a temporary copy of '*this'
// (size is computed for maximal possibly split-count plus terminating 0)
NUMTYPE nThisSize = Count_Impl(_pRanges);
NUMTYPE nTargetSize = 1 + ( nThisSize + Count_Impl(rRanges._pRanges) );
NUMTYPE *pTarget = new NUMTYPE[ nTargetSize ];
memset( pTarget, sizeof(NUMTYPE)*nTargetSize, 0 );
memcpy( pTarget, _pRanges, sizeof(NUMTYPE)*nThisSize );
NUMTYPE nPos1 = 0, nPos2 = 0, nTargetPos = 0;
while( _pRanges[ nPos1 ] )
NUMTYPE l1 = _pRanges[ nPos1 ]; // lower bound of interval 1
NUMTYPE u1 = _pRanges[ nPos1+1 ]; // upper bound of interval 1
NUMTYPE l2 = rRanges._pRanges[ nPos2 ]; // lower bound of interval 2
NUMTYPE u2 = rRanges._pRanges[ nPos2+1 ]; // upper bound of interval 2
// boundary cases
// * subtrahend is empty -> copy the minuend
if( !l2 )
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l1;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = u1;
nTargetPos += 2;
nPos1 += 2;
// * next subtrahend interval is completely higher -> copy the minuend
if( u1 < l2 )
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l1;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = u1;
nTargetPos += 2;
nPos1 += 2;
// * next subtrahend interval is completely lower -> try next
if( u2 < l1 )
nPos2 += 2;
// intersecting cases
// * subtrahend cuts out from the beginning of the minuend
if( l2 <= l1 && u2 <= u1 )
// reduce minuend interval, try again (minuend might be affected by other subtrahend intervals)
_pRanges[ nPos1 ] = u2 + 1;
nPos2 += 2; // this cannot hurt any longer
// * subtrahend cuts out from the end of the minuend
if( l1 <= l2 && u1 <= u2 )
// copy remaining part of minuend (cannot be affected by other intervals)
if( l1 < l2 ) // anything left at all?
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l1;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = l2 - 1;
nTargetPos += 2;
// do not increment nPos2, might affect next minuend interval, too
nPos1 += 2; // nothing left at all
// * subtrahend completely deletes minuend (larger or same at both ends)
if( l1 >= l2 && u1 <= u2 )
nPos1 += 2; // minuend deleted
// do not increment nPos2, might affect next minuend interval, too
// * subtrahend divides minuend into two pieces
if( l1 <= l2 && u1 >= u2 ) // >= and <= since they may be something left only at one side
// left side
if( l1 < l2 ) // anything left at all
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l1;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = l2 - 1;
nTargetPos += 2;
// right side
if( u1 > u2 ) // anything left at all
// reduce minuend interval, try again (minuend might be affected by other subtrahend itnervals )
_pRanges[ nPos1 ] = u2 + 1;
// subtrahend is completely used
nPos2 += 2;
// we should never be here
DBG_ERROR( "SfxNumRanges::operator-=: internal error" );
} // while
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = 0;
// assign the differentiated ranges
delete[] _pRanges;
NUMTYPE nUShorts = Count_Impl(pTarget) + 1;
if ( 1 != nUShorts )
_pRanges = new NUMTYPE[ nUShorts ];
memcpy( _pRanges, pTarget, nUShorts * sizeof(NUMTYPE) );
_pRanges = 0;
delete [] pTarget;
return *this;
/* untested code from MI commented out (MDA, 28.01.97)
// 1st range is smaller than 2nd range?
if ( pRange1[1] < pRange2[0] )
// => keep 1st range
pRange1 += 2;
// 2nd range is smaller than 1st range?
else if ( pRange2[1] < pRange1[0] )
// => skip 2nd range
pRange2 += 2;
// 2nd range totally overlaps the 1st range?
else if ( pRange2[0] <= pRange1[0] && pRange2[1] >= pRange1[1] )
// => remove 1st range
memmove( pRange1, pRange1+2, sizeof(NUMTYPE) * (pEndOfTarget-pRange1+2) );
// 2nd range overlaps only the beginning of 1st range?
else if ( pRange2[0] <= pRange1[0] && pRange2[1] < pRange1[1] )
// => cut the beginning of 1st range and goto next 2nd range
pRange1[0] = pRange2[1] + 1;
pRange2 += 2;
// 2nd range overlaps only the end of 1st range?
else if ( pRange2[0] > pRange1[0] && pRange2[1] >= pRange1[0] )
// => cut the beginning of 1st range
pRange1[0] = pRange2[1]+1;
// 2nd range is a real subset of 1st range
// => split 1st range and goto next 2nd range
memmove( pRange1+3, pRange1+1, sizeof(NUMTYPE) * (pEndOfTarget-pRange1-1) );
pRange1[1] = pRange2[0] - 1;
pRange1[2] = pRange2[1] + 1;
pRange1 += 2;
pRange2 += 2;
while ( *pRange1 && *pRange2 );
// assign the differentiated ranges
delete[] _pRanges;
NUMTYPE nUShorts = Count_Impl(pTarget) + 1;
if ( 1 != nUShorts )
_pRanges = new NUMTYPE[ nUShorts ];
memcpy( _pRanges, pTarget, nUShorts * sizeof(NUMTYPE) );
_pRanges[ nUShorts-1 ] = 0;
_pRanges = 0;
return *this;
SfxNumRanges& SfxNumRanges::operator /=
const SfxNumRanges &rRanges
/** Description
Determines intersection of '*this' with 'rRanges'.
for each NUMTYPE n:
this->Contains( n ) && rRanges.Contains( n ) => this'->Contains( n )
!this->Contains( n ) => !this'->Contains( n )
!rRanges.Contains( n ) => !this'->Contains( n )
// boundary cases
// * first set is empty -> nothing to be done
// * second set is empty -> delete first set
if( rRanges.IsEmpty() )
delete[] _pRanges;
_pRanges = new NUMTYPE[1];
_pRanges[0] = 0;
return *this;
// intersect 'rRanges' in a temporary copy of '*this'
// (size is computed for maximal possibly split-count plus terminating 0)
NUMTYPE nThisSize = Count_Impl(_pRanges);
NUMTYPE nTargetSize = 1 + ( nThisSize + Count_Impl(rRanges._pRanges) );
NUMTYPE *pTarget = new NUMTYPE[ nTargetSize ];
memset( pTarget, sizeof(NUMTYPE)*nTargetSize, 0 );
memcpy( pTarget, _pRanges, sizeof(NUMTYPE)*nThisSize );
NUMTYPE nPos1 = 0, nPos2 = 0, nTargetPos = 0;
while( _pRanges[ nPos1 ] != 0 && rRanges._pRanges[ nPos2 ] != 0 )
NUMTYPE l1 = _pRanges[ nPos1 ]; // lower bound of interval 1
NUMTYPE u1 = _pRanges[ nPos1+1 ]; // upper bound of interval 1
NUMTYPE l2 = rRanges._pRanges[ nPos2 ]; // lower bound of interval 2
NUMTYPE u2 = rRanges._pRanges[ nPos2+1 ]; // upper bound of interval 2
if( u1 < l2 )
// current interval in s1 is completely before ci in s2
nPos1 += 2;
if( u2 < l1 )
// ci in s2 is completely before ci in s1
nPos2 += 2;
// assert: there exists an intersection between ci1 and ci2
if( l1 <= l2 )
// c1 "is more to the left" than c2
if( u1 <= u2 )
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l2;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = u1;
nTargetPos += 2;
nPos1 += 2;
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l2;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = u2;
nTargetPos += 2;
nPos2 += 2;
// c2 "is more to the left" than c1"
if( u1 > u2 )
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l1;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = u2;
nTargetPos += 2;
nPos2 += 2;
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = l1;
pTarget[ nTargetPos+1 ] = u1;
nTargetPos += 2;
nPos1 += 2;
}; // while
pTarget[ nTargetPos ] = 0;
// assign the intersected ranges
delete[] _pRanges;
NUMTYPE nUShorts = Count_Impl(pTarget) + 1;
if ( 1 != nUShorts )
_pRanges = new NUMTYPE[ nUShorts ];
memcpy( _pRanges, pTarget, nUShorts * sizeof(NUMTYPE) );
_pRanges = 0;
delete [] pTarget;
return *this;
BOOL SfxNumRanges::Intersects( const SfxNumRanges &rRanges ) const
/** Description
Determines if at least one range in 'rRanges' intersects with one
range in '*this'.
TRUE, if there is at least one with:
this->Contains( n ) && rRanges.Contains( n )
// special cases: one is empty
if ( rRanges.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty() )
return FALSE;
// find at least one intersecting range
const NUMTYPE *pRange1 = _pRanges;
const NUMTYPE *pRange2 = rRanges._pRanges;
// 1st range is smaller than 2nd range?
if ( pRange1[1] < pRange2[0] )
// => keep 1st range
pRange1 += 2;
// 2nd range is smaller than 1st range?
else if ( pRange2[1] < pRange1[0] )
// => skip 2nd range
pRange2 += 2;
// the ranges are overlappung
return TRUE;
while ( *pRange2 );
// no intersection found
return FALSE;
NUMTYPE SfxNumRanges::Count() const
/** Description
Determines the number of USHORTs in the set described by the ranges
of USHORTs in '*this'.
return Capacity_Impl( _pRanges );
BOOL SfxNumRanges::Contains( NUMTYPE n ) const
/** Description
Determines if '*this' contains 'n'.
for ( NUMTYPE *pRange = _pRanges; *pRange && *pRange <= n; pRange += 2 )
if ( pRange[0] <= n && n <= pRange[1] )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;