/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include <svtools/unitconv.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <vcl/field.hxx>
#include <vcl/weld.hxx>

void SetFieldUnit(weld::MetricSpinButton& rField, FieldUnit eUnit, bool bAll)
    int nMin, nMax;
    rField.get_range(nMin, nMax, FieldUnit::TWIP);
    nMin = rField.denormalize(nMin);
    nMax = rField.denormalize(nMax);

    if (!bAll)
        switch (eUnit)
            case FieldUnit::M:
            case FieldUnit::KM:
                eUnit = FieldUnit::CM;
            case FieldUnit::FOOT:
            case FieldUnit::MILE:
                eUnit = FieldUnit::INCH;
            default: //prevent warning


    if (FieldUnit::POINT == eUnit)
        if (rField.get_digits() > 1)

    switch (eUnit)
        // _CHAR and _LINE sets the step of "char" and "line" unit, they are same as FieldUnit::MM
        case FieldUnit::CHAR:
        case FieldUnit::LINE:
        case FieldUnit::MM:
            rField.set_increments(50, 500, eUnit);
        case FieldUnit::INCH:
            rField.set_increments(2, 20, eUnit);
            rField.set_increments(10, 100, eUnit);

    if (!bAll)
        nMin = rField.normalize(nMin);
        nMax = rField.normalize(nMax);
        rField.set_range(nMin, nMax, FieldUnit::TWIP);

void SetFieldUnit( MetricField& rField, FieldUnit eUnit, bool bAll )
    sal_Int64 nFirst    = rField.Denormalize( rField.GetFirst( FieldUnit::TWIP ) );
    sal_Int64 nLast = rField.Denormalize( rField.GetLast( FieldUnit::TWIP ) );
    sal_Int64 nMin = rField.Denormalize( rField.GetMin( FieldUnit::TWIP ) );
    sal_Int64 nMax = rField.Denormalize( rField.GetMax( FieldUnit::TWIP ) );

    if ( !bAll )
        switch ( eUnit )
            case FieldUnit::M:
            case FieldUnit::KM:
                eUnit = FieldUnit::CM;

            case FieldUnit::FOOT:
            case FieldUnit::MILE:
                eUnit = FieldUnit::INCH;
            default: ;//prevent warning
    rField.SetUnit( eUnit );
    switch( eUnit )
        // _CHAR and _LINE sets the step of "char" and "line" unit, they are same as FieldUnit::MM
        case FieldUnit::CHAR:
        case FieldUnit::LINE:
        case FieldUnit::MM:
            rField.SetSpinSize( 50 );

        case FieldUnit::INCH:
            rField.SetSpinSize( 2 );

            rField.SetSpinSize( 10 );

    if ( FieldUnit::POINT == eUnit )
        if( rField.GetDecimalDigits() > 1 )
            rField.SetDecimalDigits( 1 );
        rField.SetDecimalDigits( 2 );

    if ( !bAll )
        rField.SetFirst( rField.Normalize( nFirst ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
        rField.SetLast( rField.Normalize( nLast ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
        rField.SetMin( rField.Normalize( nMin ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
        rField.SetMax( rField.Normalize( nMax ), FieldUnit::TWIP );

void SetMetricValue(weld::MetricSpinButton& rField, int nCoreValue, MapUnit eUnit)
    auto nVal = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(nCoreValue, eUnit, MapUnit::Map100thMM);
    nVal = rField.normalize(nVal);
    rField.set_value(nVal, FieldUnit::MM_100TH);

void SetMetricValue( MetricField& rField, long nCoreValue, MapUnit eUnit )
    sal_Int64 nVal = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( nCoreValue, eUnit, MapUnit::Map100thMM );
    nVal = rField.Normalize( nVal );
    rField.SetValue(nVal, FieldUnit::MM_100TH);


int GetCoreValue(const weld::MetricSpinButton& rField, MapUnit eUnit)
    int nVal = rField.get_value(FieldUnit::MM_100TH);
    // avoid rounding issues
    const int nSizeMask = 0xff000000;
    bool bRoundBefore = true;
    if( nVal >= 0 )
        if( (nVal & nSizeMask) == 0 )
            bRoundBefore = false;
        if( ((-nVal) & nSizeMask ) == 0 )
            bRoundBefore = false;
    if( bRoundBefore )
        nVal = rField.denormalize( nVal );
    auto nUnitVal = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(nVal, MapUnit::Map100thMM, eUnit);
    if (!bRoundBefore)
        nUnitVal = rField.denormalize(nUnitVal);
    return nUnitVal;

long GetCoreValue( const MetricField& rField, MapUnit eUnit )
    sal_Int64 nVal = rField.GetValue(FieldUnit::MM_100TH);
    // avoid rounding issues
    const sal_Int64 nSizeMask = 0xffffffffff000000LL;
    bool bRoundBefore = true;
    if( nVal >= 0 )
        if( (nVal & nSizeMask) == 0 )
            bRoundBefore = false;
        if( ((-nVal) & nSizeMask ) == 0 )
            bRoundBefore = false;
    if( bRoundBefore )
        nVal = rField.Denormalize( nVal );
    sal_Int64 nUnitVal = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( static_cast<long>(nVal), MapUnit::Map100thMM, eUnit );
    if( ! bRoundBefore )
        nUnitVal = rField.Denormalize( nUnitVal );
    return static_cast<long>(nUnitVal);

long CalcToUnit( float nIn, MapUnit eUnit )
    // nIn is in Points

    DBG_ASSERT( eUnit == MapUnit::MapTwip       ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::Map100thMM   ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::Map10thMM    ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::MapMM         ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::MapCM, "this unit is not implemented" );

    float nTmp = nIn;

    if ( MapUnit::MapTwip != eUnit )
        nTmp = nIn * 10 / 567;

    switch ( eUnit )
        case MapUnit::Map100thMM:  nTmp *= 100; break;
        case MapUnit::Map10thMM:   nTmp *= 10;  break;
        case MapUnit::MapMM:                     break;
        case MapUnit::MapCM:        nTmp /= 10;  break;
        default: ;//prevent warning

    nTmp *= 20;
    long nRet = static_cast<long>(nTmp);
    return nRet;
//! return (long)(nTmp * 20);

long ItemToControl( long nIn, MapUnit eItem, FieldUnit eCtrl )
    long nOut = 0;

    switch ( eItem )
        case MapUnit::Map100thMM:
        case MapUnit::Map10thMM:
        case MapUnit::MapMM:
            if ( eItem == MapUnit::Map10thMM )
                nIn /= 10;
            else if ( eItem == MapUnit::Map100thMM )
                nIn /= 100;
            nOut = TransformMetric( nIn, FieldUnit::MM, eCtrl );

        case MapUnit::MapCM:
            nOut = TransformMetric( nIn, FieldUnit::CM, eCtrl );

        case MapUnit::Map1000thInch:
        case MapUnit::Map100thInch:
        case MapUnit::Map10thInch:
        case MapUnit::MapInch:
            if ( eItem == MapUnit::Map10thInch )
                nIn /= 10;
            else if ( eItem == MapUnit::Map100thInch )
                nIn /= 100;
            else if ( eItem == MapUnit::Map1000thInch )
                nIn /= 1000;
            nOut = TransformMetric( nIn, FieldUnit::INCH, eCtrl );

        case MapUnit::MapPoint:
            nOut = TransformMetric( nIn, FieldUnit::POINT, eCtrl );

        case MapUnit::MapTwip:
            nOut = TransformMetric( nIn, FieldUnit::TWIP, eCtrl );
        default: ;//prevent warning
    return nOut;

long ControlToItem( long nIn, FieldUnit eCtrl, MapUnit eItem )
    return ItemToControl( nIn, eItem, eCtrl );

FieldUnit MapToFieldUnit( const MapUnit eUnit )
    switch ( eUnit )
        case MapUnit::Map100thMM:
        case MapUnit::Map10thMM:
        case MapUnit::MapMM:
            return FieldUnit::MM;

        case MapUnit::MapCM:
            return FieldUnit::CM;

        case MapUnit::Map1000thInch:
        case MapUnit::Map100thInch:
        case MapUnit::Map10thInch:
        case MapUnit::MapInch:
            return FieldUnit::INCH;

        case MapUnit::MapPoint:
            return FieldUnit::POINT;

        case MapUnit::MapTwip:
            return FieldUnit::TWIP;
        default: ;//prevent warning
    return FieldUnit::NONE;

long CalcToPoint( long nIn, MapUnit eUnit, sal_uInt16 nFactor )
    DBG_ASSERT( eUnit == MapUnit::MapTwip       ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::Map100thMM   ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::Map10thMM    ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::MapMM         ||
                eUnit == MapUnit::MapCM, "this unit is not implemented" );

    long nRet = 0;

    if ( MapUnit::MapTwip == eUnit )
        nRet = nIn;
        nRet = nIn * 567;

    switch ( eUnit )
        case MapUnit::Map100thMM:  nRet /= 100; break;
        case MapUnit::Map10thMM:   nRet /= 10;  break;
        case MapUnit::MapMM:                     break;
        case MapUnit::MapCM:        nRet *= 10;  break;
        default: ;//prevent warning

    // round up if necessary
    if ( MapUnit::MapTwip != eUnit )
        long nTmp = nRet % 10;

        if ( nTmp >= 4 )
            nRet += 10 - nTmp;
        nRet /= 10;
    return nRet * nFactor / 20;

static long CMToTwips( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 567 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 567 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 567;
    return nRet;

static long MMToTwips( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 567 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 567 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 567 / 10;
    return nRet;

static long InchToTwips( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 1440 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 1440 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 1440;
    return nRet;

long PointToTwips( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 20 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 20 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 20;
    return nRet;

static long PicaToTwips( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 240 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 240 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 240;
    return nRet;

static long TwipsToCM( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 567;
    return nRet;

static long InchToCM( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 254 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 254 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 254 / 100;
    return nRet;

static long MMToCM( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 10;
    return nRet;

static long PointToCM( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 20 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 20 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 20 / 567;
    return nRet;

static long PicaToCM( long nIn)
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 12 / 20 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 12 / 20 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 12 * 20 / 567;
    return nRet;

static long TwipsToMM( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 10 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 10 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 10 / 566;
    return nRet;

static long CMToMM( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 10 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 10 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 10;
    return nRet;

static long InchToMM( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 254 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 254 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 254 / 10;
    return nRet;

static long PointToMM( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 200 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 200 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 200 / 567;
    return nRet;

static long PicaToMM( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 12 / 200 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 12 / 200 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 12 * 200 / 567;
    return nRet;

static long TwipsToInch( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 1440;
    return nRet;

static long CMToInch( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 100 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 100 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 100 / 254;
    return nRet;

static long MMToInch( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 10 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 10 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 10 / 254;
    return nRet;

static long PointToInch( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 72;
    return nRet;

static long PicaToInch( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 6;
    return nRet;

static long TwipsToPoint( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 20;
    return nRet;

static long InchToPoint( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 72 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 72 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 72;
    return nRet;

static long CMToPoint( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 567 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 567 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 567 / 20;
    return nRet;

static long MMToPoint( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 567 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 567 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 567 / 200;
    return nRet;

static long PicaToPoint( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 12;
    return nRet;

static long TwipsToPica( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn / 240;
    return nRet;

static long InchToPica( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 6 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 6 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 6;
    return nRet;

static long PointToPica( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 12 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 12 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 12;
    return nRet;

static long CMToPica( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 567 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 567 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 567 / 20 / 12;
    return nRet;

static long MMToPica( long nIn )
    long nRet = 0;

    if ( nIn <= ( LONG_MAX / 567 ) && nIn >= ( LONG_MIN / 567 ) )
        nRet = nIn * 567 / 200 / 12;
    return nRet;

static long Nothing( long nIn )
    long nRet = nIn;
    return nRet;

FUNC_CONVERT const ConvertTable[6][6] =
//  CM,         MM          INCH         POINT        PICAS=32     TWIPS
    { Nothing,  CMToMM,     CMToInch,    CMToPoint,   CMToPica,    CMToTwips },
    { MMToCM,       Nothing,    MMToInch,    MMToPoint,   MMToPica,    MMToTwips },
    { InchToCM, InchToMM,   Nothing,     InchToPoint, InchToPica,  InchToTwips },
    { PointToCM,    PointToMM,  PointToInch, Nothing,     PointToPica, PointToTwips },
    { PicaToCM, PicaToMM,   PicaToInch,  PicaToPoint, Nothing,     PicaToTwips },
    { TwipsToCM,    TwipsToMM,  TwipsToInch, TwipsToPoint,TwipsToPica, Nothing }

long TransformMetric( long nVal, FieldUnit aOld, FieldUnit aNew )
    if ( aOld == FieldUnit::NONE   || aNew == FieldUnit::NONE ||
         aOld == FieldUnit::CUSTOM || aNew == FieldUnit::CUSTOM )
        return nVal;

    sal_uInt16 nOld = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nNew = 0;

    switch ( aOld )
        case FieldUnit::CM:
            nOld = 0; break;
        case FieldUnit::MM:
            nOld = 1; break;
        case FieldUnit::INCH:
            nOld = 2; break;
        case FieldUnit::POINT:
            nOld = 3; break;
        case FieldUnit::PICA:
            nOld = 4; break;
        case FieldUnit::TWIP:
            nOld = 5; break;
        default: ;//prevent warning

    switch ( aNew )
        case FieldUnit::CM:
            nNew = 0; break;
        case FieldUnit::MM:
            nNew = 1; break;
        case FieldUnit::INCH:
            nNew = 2; break;
        case FieldUnit::POINT:
            nNew = 3; break;
        case FieldUnit::PICA:
            nNew = 4; break;
        case FieldUnit::TWIP:
            nNew = 5; break;
        default: ;//prevent warning
    return ConvertTable[nOld][nNew]( nVal );

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