/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: numhead.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-17 15:20:40 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svtools.hxx" #ifndef GCC #endif #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "numhead.hxx" // ID's fuer Dateien: #define SV_NUMID_SIZES 0x4200 // STATIC DATA ----------------------------------------------------------- //SEG_EOFGLOBALS() // ======================================================================= /* wird fuer SvNumberformatter nicht gebraucht //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_01) SvNumReadHeader::SvNumReadHeader(SvStream& rNewStream) : rStream( rNewStream ) { ULONG nDataSize; rStream >> nDataSize; nDataEnd = rStream.Tell() + nDataSize; } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_02) SvNumReadHeader::~SvNumReadHeader() { ULONG nReadEnd = rStream.Tell(); DBG_ASSERT( nReadEnd <= nDataEnd, "zuviele Bytes gelesen" ); if ( nReadEnd != nDataEnd ) rStream.Seek(nDataEnd); // Rest ueberspringen } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_03) ULONG SvNumReadHeader::BytesLeft() const { ULONG nReadEnd = rStream.Tell(); if (nReadEnd <= nDataEnd) return nDataEnd-nReadEnd; DBG_ERROR("Fehler bei SvNumReadHeader::BytesLeft"); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_04) SvNumWriteHeader::SvNumWriteHeader(SvStream& rNewStream, ULONG nDefault) : rStream( rNewStream ) { nDataSize = nDefault; rStream << nDataSize; nDataPos = rStream.Tell(); } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_05) SvNumWriteHeader::~SvNumWriteHeader() { ULONG nPos = rStream.Tell(); if ( nPos - nDataPos != nDataSize ) // Default getroffen? { nDataSize = nPos - nDataPos; rStream.Seek(nDataPos - sizeof(ULONG)); rStream << nDataSize; // Groesse am Anfang eintragen rStream.Seek(nPos); } } */ // ======================================================================= //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_06) //! mit Skip() synchron ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader::ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader(SvStream& rNewStream) : rStream( rNewStream ) { sal_uInt32 nDataSize; rStream >> nDataSize; ULONG nDataPos = rStream.Tell(); nEntryEnd = nDataPos; rStream.SeekRel(nDataSize); USHORT nID; rStream >> nID; if (nID != SV_NUMID_SIZES) { DBG_ERROR("SV_NUMID_SIZES nicht gefunden"); } sal_uInt32 nSizeTableLen; rStream >> nSizeTableLen; pBuf = new char[nSizeTableLen]; rStream.Read( pBuf, nSizeTableLen ); pMemStream = new SvMemoryStream( pBuf, nSizeTableLen, STREAM_READ ); nEndPos = rStream.Tell(); rStream.Seek( nDataPos ); } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_07) ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader::~ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader() { DBG_ASSERT( pMemStream->Tell() == pMemStream->GetSize(), "Sizes nicht vollstaendig gelesen" ); delete pMemStream; delete [] pBuf; rStream.Seek(nEndPos); } //! mit ctor synchron // static void ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader::Skip( SvStream& rStream ) { sal_uInt32 nDataSize; rStream >> nDataSize; rStream.SeekRel( nDataSize ); USHORT nID; rStream >> nID; if ( nID != SV_NUMID_SIZES ) { DBG_ERROR("SV_NUMID_SIZES nicht gefunden"); } sal_uInt32 nSizeTableLen; rStream >> nSizeTableLen; rStream.SeekRel( nSizeTableLen ); } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_08) void ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader::EndEntry() { ULONG nPos = rStream.Tell(); DBG_ASSERT( nPos <= nEntryEnd, "zuviel gelesen" ); if ( nPos != nEntryEnd ) rStream.Seek( nEntryEnd ); // Rest ueberspringen } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_0d) void ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader::StartEntry() { ULONG nPos = rStream.Tell(); sal_uInt32 nEntrySize; (*pMemStream) >> nEntrySize; nEntryEnd = nPos + nEntrySize; } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_09) ULONG ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader::BytesLeft() const { ULONG nReadEnd = rStream.Tell(); if (nReadEnd <= nEntryEnd) return nEntryEnd-nReadEnd; DBG_ERROR("Fehler bei ImpSvNumMultipleReadHeader::BytesLeft"); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_0a) ImpSvNumMultipleWriteHeader::ImpSvNumMultipleWriteHeader(SvStream& rNewStream, ULONG nDefault) : rStream( rNewStream ), aMemStream( 4096, 4096 ) { nDataSize = nDefault; rStream << nDataSize; nDataPos = rStream.Tell(); nEntryStart = nDataPos; } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_0b) ImpSvNumMultipleWriteHeader::~ImpSvNumMultipleWriteHeader() { ULONG nDataEnd = rStream.Tell(); rStream << (USHORT) SV_NUMID_SIZES; rStream << static_cast(aMemStream.Tell()); rStream.Write( aMemStream.GetData(), aMemStream.Tell() ); if ( nDataEnd - nDataPos != nDataSize ) // Default getroffen? { nDataSize = nDataEnd - nDataPos; ULONG nPos = rStream.Tell(); rStream.Seek(nDataPos-sizeof(ULONG)); rStream << nDataSize; // Groesse am Anfang eintragen rStream.Seek(nPos); } } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_0c) void ImpSvNumMultipleWriteHeader::EndEntry() { ULONG nPos = rStream.Tell(); aMemStream << static_cast(nPos - nEntryStart); } //#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(numhead_0e) void ImpSvNumMultipleWriteHeader::StartEntry() { ULONG nPos = rStream.Tell(); nEntryStart = nPos; }