/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: ddeml2.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: pl $ $Date: 2001-09-04 17:05:08 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define INCL_DOS #include #include "ddemlimp.hxx" #define LOGFILE #define STATUSFILE #define DDEDATAFILE #include "ddemldeb.hxx" #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include // fuer IsRemoteServer #endif #if defined (OS2) && defined (__BORLANDC__) #pragma option -w-par #endif // ************************************************************************ // Hilfsfunktionen Speicherverwaltung // ************************************************************************ // // AllocAtomName // PSZ ImpDdeMgr::AllocAtomName( ATOM hString, ULONG& rBufLen ) { HATOMTBL hAtomTable = WinQuerySystemAtomTable(); ULONG nLen = WinQueryAtomLength( hAtomTable, hString ); nLen++; PSZ pBuf = 0; if ( !MyDosAllocMem( (PPVOID)&pBuf, nLen, PAG_READ|PAG_WRITE|PAG_COMMIT,"Atom" ) ) { WinQueryAtomName( hAtomTable, hString, pBuf, nLen ); rBufLen = nLen; } return pBuf; } // // MakeDDEObject // PDDESTRUCT ImpDdeMgr::MakeDDEObject( HWND hwnd, ATOM hItemName, USHORT fsStatus, USHORT usFormat, PVOID pabData, ULONG usDataLen ) { PDDESTRUCT pddes = 0; ULONG usItemLen; PULONG pulSharedObj; //WRITELOG("MakeDDEObject: Start") PSZ pItemName = 0; if( hItemName != NULL ) pItemName = AllocAtomName( hItemName, usItemLen ); else usItemLen = 1; ULONG nTotalSize = sizeof(DDESTRUCT) + usItemLen + usDataLen; if( !(MyDosAllocSharedMem((PPVOID)&pulSharedObj, NULL, nTotalSize, PAG_COMMIT | PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | OBJ_GETTABLE | OBJ_GIVEABLE, "MakeDDEObject"))) { pddes = (PDDESTRUCT) pulSharedObj; // siehe "Glenn Puchtel, DDE for OS/2" p.60 pddes->cbData = (ULONG)usDataLen; pddes->fsStatus = fsStatus; pddes->usFormat = usFormat; pddes->offszItemName = sizeof( DDESTRUCT ); if( (usDataLen) && (pabData != NULL ) ) pddes->offabData = sizeof(DDESTRUCT) + usItemLen; else pddes->offabData = 0; if( pItemName != NULL ) memcpy(DDES_PSZITEMNAME(pddes), pItemName, usItemLen ); else *(DDES_PSZITEMNAME(pddes)) = '\0'; if( pabData != NULL ) memcpy( DDES_PABDATA(pddes), pabData, usDataLen ); } if ( pItemName ) { MyDosFreeMem( pItemName,"MakeDDEObject" ); } return pddes; } // // AllocNamedSharedMem // APIRET ImpDdeMgr::AllocNamedSharedMem( PPVOID ppBaseAddress, PSZ pName, ULONG nElementSize, ULONG nElementCount ) { ULONG nObjSize = (ULONG)(nElementSize * nElementCount ); nObjSize += sizeof( ULONG ); // fuer ElementCount am Anfang des Blocks *ppBaseAddress = 0; APIRET nRet = MyDosAllocSharedMem( ppBaseAddress, pName, nObjSize, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT, "AllocNamedSharedMem" ); if ( !nRet ) { memset( *ppBaseAddress, 0, nObjSize ); ULONG* pULONG = (ULONG*)*ppBaseAddress; *pULONG = nObjSize; } return nRet; } void ImpDdeMgr::CreateServerWnd() { hWndServer = WinCreateWindow( HWND_DESKTOP, WC_FRAME, "DDEServer", 0, 0,0,0,0, HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0 ); WinSetWindowULong( hWndServer, 0, (ULONG)this ); WinSubclassWindow( hWndServer, ::ServerWndProc ); TID tidDummy; WinQueryWindowProcess( hWndServer, &pidThis, &tidDummy ); } void ImpDdeMgr::DestroyServerWnd() { WinDestroyWindow( hWndServer ); hWndServer = NULLHANDLE; } HWND ImpDdeMgr::CreateConversationWnd() { HWND hWnd = WinCreateWindow( HWND_OBJECT, WC_FRAME, "DDEConvWnd", 0, 0,0,0,0, HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( hWnd ) { ImpConvWndData* pWndData = new ImpConvWndData; pWndData->pThis = this; pWndData->nRefCount = 0; WinSetWindowULong( hWnd, 0, (ULONG)pWndData ); WinSubclassWindow( hWnd, ::ConvWndProc ); #if 0 && defined( OV_DEBUG ) String aStr("ConvWnd created:"); aStr += (ULONG)hWnd; WRITELOG((char*)aStr.GetStr()) #endif } else nLastErrInstance = DMLERR_SYS_ERROR; return hWnd; } // static void ImpDdeMgr::DestroyConversationWnd( HWND hWnd ) { ImpConvWndData* pObj = (ImpConvWndData*)WinQueryWindowULong( hWnd, 0 ); if( pObj ) { pObj->nRefCount--; if( pObj->nRefCount == 0 // auch Windows mit Refcount vonm loeschen, da dieser in initial // auf 0 gesetzt wird || pObj->nRefCount == (USHORT)-1 ) { delete pObj; WinDestroyWindow( hWnd ); #if 0 && defined( OV_DEBUG ) String aStr("ConvWnd destroyed:"); aStr += (ULONG)hWnd; WRITELOG((char*)aStr.GetStr()) #endif } else { #if 0 && defined( OV_DEBUG ) String aStr("ConvWnd not destroyed (Refcount="); aStr += pObj->nRefCount; aStr += ") "; aStr += (ULONG)hWnd; WRITELOG((char*)aStr.GetStr()) #endif } } #if defined( OV_DEBUG ) else { WRITELOG("DestroyCnvWnd:Already destroyed/No win data/Partner died") } #endif } // static USHORT ImpDdeMgr::GetConversationWndRefCount( HWND hWnd ) { ImpConvWndData* pObj = (ImpConvWndData*)WinQueryWindowULong( hWnd, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT(pObj,"Dde:ConvWnd has no data"); if( pObj ) return pObj->nRefCount; return 0; } // static USHORT ImpDdeMgr::IncConversationWndRefCount( HWND hWnd ) { #if 0 && defined( OV_DEBUG ) String aStr("IncConversationWndRefCount "); aStr += (ULONG)hWnd; WRITELOG((char*)aStr.GetStr()) #endif ImpConvWndData* pObj = (ImpConvWndData*)WinQueryWindowULong( hWnd, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT(pObj,"Dde:ConvWnd has no data"); if( pObj ) { pObj->nRefCount++; return pObj->nRefCount; } return 0; } ImpDdeMgrData* ImpDdeMgr::InitAll() { ImpDdeMgrData* pBase = 0; // nur dann neu anlegen, wenn die Tabelle nicht existiert APIRET nRet=DosGetNamedSharedMem((PPVOID)&pBase,DDEMLDATA,PAG_READ| PAG_WRITE); if ( nRet ) { if ( nRet == 2 ) // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { // DDECONVERSATIONCOUNT=4096 USHORT nConvTransCount = 128; PSZ pResult; nRet = DosScanEnv( "SOMAXDDECONN", (const char**)&pResult ); if( !nRet ) { int nTemp = 0; nTemp = atoi( pResult ); nTemp++; // der nullte Eintrag wird nicht benutzt if( nTemp > 128 ) nConvTransCount = (USHORT)nTemp; } ULONG nSize = sizeof(ImpDdeMgrData); nSize += sizeof(ImpHCONV) * nConvTransCount; nSize += sizeof(Transaction) * nConvTransCount; nSize += sizeof(HWND) * DDEMLAPPCOUNT; nRet = ImpDdeMgr::AllocNamedSharedMem( (PPVOID)&pBase, DDEMLDATA, nSize, 1 ); if ( !nRet ) { pBase->nTotalSize = nSize; ULONG nAppTable = (ULONG)&(pBase->aAppTable); ULONG nCharBase = (ULONG)pBase; pBase->nOffsAppTable = nAppTable - nCharBase; pBase->nOffsConvTable = pBase->nOffsAppTable; pBase->nOffsConvTable += sizeof(HWND) * DDEMLAPPCOUNT; pBase->nOffsTransTable = pBase->nOffsConvTable; pBase->nOffsTransTable += sizeof(ImpHCONV) * nConvTransCount; pBase->nMaxAppCount = DDEMLAPPCOUNT; pBase->nMaxConvCount = nConvTransCount; pBase->nMaxTransCount = nConvTransCount; } } } if( pBase ) { pConvTable = ImpDdeMgr::GetConvTable( pBase ); pTransTable = ImpDdeMgr::GetTransTable( pBase ); pAppTable = ImpDdeMgr::GetAppTable( pBase ); } memset( &aDefaultContext, 0, sizeof(CONVCONTEXT) ); aDefaultContext.cb = sizeof(CONVCONTEXT); aDefaultContext.idCountry = 49; // ?? aDefaultContext.usCodepage = 850; // ?? return pBase; } // static HCONV ImpDdeMgr::CreateConvHandle( ImpDdeMgrData* pData, PID pidOwner, HWND hWndMe, HWND hWndPartner, HSZ hszPartner, HSZ hszServiceReq, HSZ hszTopic, HCONV hPrevHCONV ) { DBG_ASSERT(pData,"DDE:Invalid data"); if( !pData ) return (HCONV)0; ImpHCONV* pPtr = ImpDdeMgr::GetConvTable( pData ); USHORT nCount = pData->nMaxConvCount; pPtr++; nCount--; // ersten Handle (NULLHANDLE) ueberspringen USHORT nIdx = 1; DBG_ASSERT(pPtr,"No ConvTable"); if( !pPtr ) return (HCONV)0; while( nCount && pPtr->hWndThis != (HWND)NULL ) { nCount--; pPtr++; nIdx++; } if( !nCount ) return (HCONV)0; DdeKeepStringHandle( hszPartner ); DdeKeepStringHandle( hszServiceReq ); DdeKeepStringHandle( hszTopic ); pPtr->hszPartner = hszPartner; pPtr->hszServiceReq = hszServiceReq; pPtr->hszTopic = hszTopic; pPtr->hWndThis = hWndMe; pPtr->hWndPartner = hWndPartner; pPtr->pidOwner = pidOwner; pPtr->hConvPartner = (HCONV)0; pPtr->nPrevHCONV = (USHORT)hPrevHCONV; pPtr->nNextHCONV = 0; pPtr->nStatus = ST_CONNECTED; pData->nCurConvCount++; return (HCONV)nIdx; } // static void ImpDdeMgr::FreeConvHandle( ImpDdeMgrData* pBase, HCONV hConv, BOOL bDestroyHWndThis ) { DBG_ASSERT(pBase,"DDE:No data"); #if 0 && defined( OV_DEBUG ) String aStr("FreeConvHandle: Start "); aStr += (ULONG)hConv; aStr += " Destroy: "; aStr += (USHORT)bDestroyHWndThis; WRITELOG((char*)aStr.GetStr()); WRITESTATUS("FreeConvHandle: Start"); #endif if( !pBase ) { WRITELOG("FreeConvHandle: FAIL"); return; } DBG_ASSERT(hConv&&hConvnMaxConvCount,"DDE:Invalid Conv-Handle"); if( hConv && hConv < pBase->nMaxConvCount ) { ImpHCONV* pTable = ImpDdeMgr::GetConvTable( pBase ); ImpHCONV* pPtr = pTable + (USHORT)hConv; if( pPtr->nStatus & ST_INLIST ) { // Verkettung umsetzen USHORT nPrev = pPtr->nPrevHCONV; USHORT nNext = pPtr->nNextHCONV; if( nPrev ) { pPtr = pTable + nPrev; pPtr->nNextHCONV = nNext; } if( nNext ) { pPtr = pTable + nNext; pPtr->nPrevHCONV = nPrev; } pPtr = pTable + (USHORT)hConv; } DdeFreeStringHandle( pPtr->hszPartner ); DdeFreeStringHandle( pPtr->hszServiceReq ); DdeFreeStringHandle( pPtr->hszTopic ); if( bDestroyHWndThis ) DestroyConversationWnd( pPtr->hWndThis ); memset( pPtr, 0, sizeof(ImpHCONV) ); DBG_ASSERT(pBase->nCurConvCount,"Dde:Invalid Trans. count"); pBase->nCurConvCount--; } #if defined(OV_DEBUG) else { WRITELOG("FreeConvHandle: FAIL"); } #endif //WRITELOG("FreeConvHandle: END"); //WRITESTATUS("FreeConvHandle: End"); } // static HCONV ImpDdeMgr::IsConvHandleAvailable( ImpDdeMgrData* pBase ) { DBG_ASSERT(pBase,"DDE:No data"); if( !pBase ) return 0; ImpHCONV* pPtr = ImpDdeMgr::GetConvTable( pBase ); USHORT nCurPos = pBase->nMaxConvCount - 1; pPtr += nCurPos; // von hinten aufrollen while( nCurPos >= 1 ) { if( pPtr->hWndThis == 0 ) return TRUE; pPtr--; nCurPos--; } return FALSE; } // static HCONV ImpDdeMgr::GetConvHandle( ImpDdeMgrData* pBase, HWND hWndThis, HWND hWndPartner ) { DBG_ASSERT(pBase,"DDE:No data"); if( !pBase ) return 0; ImpHCONV* pPtr = ImpDdeMgr::GetConvTable( pBase ); USHORT nCurPos = 1; pPtr++; // ersten Handle ueberspringen USHORT nCurConvCount = pBase->nCurConvCount; while( nCurConvCount && nCurPos < pBase->nMaxConvCount ) { if( pPtr->hWndThis ) { if(pPtr->hWndThis == hWndThis && pPtr->hWndPartner == hWndPartner) return (HCONV)nCurPos; nCurConvCount--; if( !nCurConvCount ) return (HCONV)0; } nCurPos++; pPtr++; } return (HCONV)0; } // static ULONG ImpDdeMgr::CreateTransaction( ImpDdeMgrData* pBase, HCONV hOwner, HSZ hszItem, USHORT nFormat, USHORT nTransactionType ) { DBG_ASSERT(pBase,"DDE:No Data"); DBG_ASSERT(hOwner!=0,"DDE:No Owner"); if( pBase && hOwner ) { Transaction* pPtr = ImpDdeMgr::GetTransTable( pBase ); DBG_ASSERT(pPtr->hConvOwner==0,"DDE:Data corrupted"); USHORT nId = 1; pPtr++; while( nId < pBase->nMaxTransCount ) { if( pPtr->hConvOwner == (HCONV)0 ) { pPtr->hConvOwner = hOwner; DdeKeepStringHandle( hszItem ); pPtr->hszItem = hszItem; pPtr->nType = nTransactionType; pPtr->nConvst = XST_CONNECTED; pPtr->nFormat = nFormat; pBase->nCurTransCount++; return (ULONG)nId; } nId++; pPtr++; } } return 0; } // static void ImpDdeMgr::FreeTransaction( ImpDdeMgrData* pBase, ULONG nTransId ) { DBG_ASSERT(pBase,"DDE:No Data"); if( !pBase ) return; DBG_ASSERT(nTransIdnMaxTransCount,"DDE:Invalid TransactionId"); if( nTransId >= pBase->nMaxTransCount ) return; Transaction* pPtr = ImpDdeMgr::GetTransTable( pBase ); pPtr += nTransId; DBG_ASSERT(pPtr->hConvOwner!=0,"DDE:TransId has no owner"); if( pPtr->hConvOwner ) { //WRITELOG("Freeing transaction"); DdeFreeStringHandle( pPtr->hszItem ); memset( pPtr, 0, sizeof(Transaction) ); DBG_ASSERT(pBase->nCurTransCount,"Dde:Invalid Trans. count"); pBase->nCurTransCount--; } } // static ULONG ImpDdeMgr::GetTransaction( ImpDdeMgrData* pBase, HCONV hOwner, HSZ hszItem, USHORT nFormat ) { DBG_ASSERT(pBase,"DDE:No Data"); if( !pBase || !hOwner ) return 0; Transaction* pTrans = ImpDdeMgr::GetTransTable( pBase ); DBG_ASSERT(pTrans,"DDE:No TransactionTable"); if( !pTrans ) return 0; pTrans++; // NULLHANDLE ueberspringen ImpHCONV* pConv = ImpDdeMgr::GetConvTable( pBase ); pConv += (USHORT)hOwner; HCONV hConvPartner = pConv->hConvPartner; USHORT nCurTransCount = pBase->nCurTransCount; for( USHORT nTrans=1; nTrans< pBase->nMaxTransCount; nTrans++, pTrans++ ) { if( pTrans->hConvOwner ) { if(( pTrans->hConvOwner == hOwner || pTrans->hConvOwner == hConvPartner) && pTrans->nFormat == nFormat && pTrans->hszItem == hszItem ) { // gefunden! return (ULONG)nTrans; } nCurTransCount--; if( !nCurTransCount ) return 0; } } return 0; // narda } // static HSZ ImpDdeMgr::DdeCreateStringHandle( PSZ pszString, int iCodePage) { if( !pszString || *pszString == '\0' ) return (HSZ)0; // Atom-Table beachtet Gross/Kleinschreibung, DDEML aber nicht // OV 12.4.96: Services,Topics,Items case-sensitiv!!! // (Grosskundenanforderung (Reuter-DDE)) //strlwr( pszString ); //*pszString = (char)toupper(*pszString); HATOMTBL hAtomTable = WinQuerySystemAtomTable(); ATOM aAtom = WinAddAtom( hAtomTable, pszString ); return (HSZ)aAtom; } // static ULONG ImpDdeMgr::DdeQueryString( HSZ hszStr, PSZ pszStr, ULONG cchMax, int iCodePage) { HATOMTBL hAtomTable = WinQuerySystemAtomTable(); if ( !pszStr ) return WinQueryAtomLength( hAtomTable, (ATOM)hszStr); else { *pszStr = 0; return WinQueryAtomName( hAtomTable, (ATOM)hszStr, pszStr, cchMax ); } } // static BOOL ImpDdeMgr::DdeFreeStringHandle( HSZ hsz ) { if( !hsz ) return FALSE; ATOM aResult = WinDeleteAtom( WinQuerySystemAtomTable(),(ATOM)hsz ); return (BOOL)(aResult==0); } // static BOOL ImpDdeMgr::DdeKeepStringHandle( HSZ hsz ) { if( !hsz ) return TRUE; HATOMTBL hAtomTable = WinQuerySystemAtomTable(); #ifdef DBG_UTIL ULONG nUsageCount=WinQueryAtomUsage(hAtomTable,(ATOM)hsz); #endif ULONG nAtom = 0xFFFF0000; ULONG nPar = (ULONG)hsz; nAtom |= nPar; ATOM aAtom = WinAddAtom( hAtomTable, (PSZ)nAtom ); #ifdef DBG_UTIL if ( aAtom ) DBG_ASSERT(WinQueryAtomUsage(hAtomTable,(ATOM)hsz)==nUsageCount+1,"Keep failed"); #endif return (BOOL)(aAtom!=0); } // static int ImpDdeMgr::DdeCmpStringHandles(HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2) { if ( hsz1 == hsz2 ) return 0; if ( hsz1 < hsz2 ) return -1; return 1; } HDDEDATA ImpDdeMgr::DdeCreateDataHandle( void* pSrc, ULONG cb, ULONG cbOff, HSZ hszItem, USHORT wFmt, USHORT afCmd) { char* pData = (char*)pSrc; pData += cbOff; USHORT nStatus; if( afCmd & HDATA_APPOWNED ) nStatus = IMP_HDATAAPPOWNED; else nStatus = 0; PDDESTRUCT hData=MakeDDEObject(0,(ATOM)hszItem,nStatus,wFmt,pData,cb); // WRITEDATA(hData) if ( !hData ) ImpDdeMgr::nLastErrInstance = DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER; return (HDDEDATA)hData; } // static BYTE* ImpDdeMgr::DdeAccessData(HDDEDATA hData, ULONG* pcbDataSize) { BYTE* pRet = 0; *pcbDataSize = 0; if ( hData ) { pRet = (BYTE*)hData; pRet += hData->offabData; ULONG nLen = hData->cbData; // nLen -= hData->offabData; *pcbDataSize = nLen; } else ImpDdeMgr::nLastErrInstance = DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER; return pRet; } // static BOOL ImpDdeMgr::DdeUnaccessData(HDDEDATA hData) { return TRUE; // nothing to do for us } // static BOOL ImpDdeMgr::DdeFreeDataHandle(HDDEDATA hData) { DdeUnaccessData( hData ); MyDosFreeMem( (PSZ)hData, "DdeFreeDataHandle" ); return TRUE; } // static HDDEDATA ImpDdeMgr::DdeAddData(HDDEDATA hData,void* pSrc,ULONG cb,ULONG cbOff) { return (HDDEDATA)0; } // static ULONG ImpDdeMgr::DdeGetData(HDDEDATA hData,void* pDst,ULONG cbMax,ULONG cbOff) { return 0; } BOOL ImpDdeMgr::DisconnectAll() { //WRITESTATUS("Before DisconnectAll()") USHORT nCurConvCount = pData->nCurConvCount; if( !nCurConvCount ) return TRUE; BOOL bRet = TRUE; ImpHCONV* pPtr = pConvTable; pPtr++; for( USHORT nPos=1; nPos < pData->nMaxConvCount; nPos++, pPtr++ ) { if( pPtr->hWndThis ) { if( !DdeDisconnect( (HCONV)nPos ) ) bRet = FALSE; nCurConvCount--; if( !nCurConvCount ) break; } } //WRITESTATUS("After DisconnectAll()") return bRet; } // static void ImpDdeMgr::FreeTransactions( ImpDdeMgrData* pData,HWND hWndThis, HWND hWndPartner ) { USHORT nCurTransCount = pData->nCurTransCount; if( !nCurTransCount ) return; Transaction* pTrans = GetTransTable( pData ); ImpHCONV* pConvTable = GetConvTable( pData ); pTrans++; for( USHORT nPos=1; nPos < pData->nMaxTransCount; nPos++, pTrans++ ) { if( pTrans->hConvOwner ) { ImpHCONV* pConv = pConvTable + (USHORT)(pTrans->hConvOwner); if((pConv->hWndThis==hWndThis&& pConv->hWndPartner==hWndPartner)|| (pConv->hWndThis==hWndPartner && pConv->hWndPartner==hWndThis)) { FreeTransaction( pData, (ULONG)nPos ); } nCurTransCount--; if( !nCurTransCount ) return; } } } // static void ImpDdeMgr::FreeTransactions( ImpDdeMgrData* pData, HCONV hConvOwner ) { USHORT nCurTransCount = pData->nCurTransCount; if( !nCurTransCount ) return; Transaction* pTrans = GetTransTable( pData ); // ImpHCONV* pConvTable = GetConvTable( pData ); pTrans++; for( USHORT nPos=1; nPos < pData->nMaxTransCount; nPos++, pTrans++ ) { if( pTrans->hConvOwner == hConvOwner ) { FreeTransaction( pData, (ULONG)nPos ); nCurTransCount--; if( !nCurTransCount ) return; } } } // static void ImpDdeMgr::FreeConversations( ImpDdeMgrData* pData, HWND hWndThis, HWND hWndPartner ) { USHORT nCurCount = pData->nCurConvCount; if( !nCurCount ) return; ImpHCONV* pPtr = GetConvTable( pData ); pPtr++; for( USHORT nPos=1; nPos < pData->nMaxConvCount; nPos++, pPtr++ ) { if( pPtr->hWndThis ) { if( hWndThis && pPtr->hWndPartner==hWndPartner ) FreeConvHandle( pData, (HCONV)nPos ); nCurCount--; if( !nCurCount ) return; } } } BOOL ImpDdeMgr::OwnsConversationHandles() { //WRITESTATUS("OwnsConversationHandles()"); #if 0 && defined( OV_DEBUG ) String aStr("OwnsConversationHandles Server:"); aStr += (ULONG)hWndServer; WRITELOG((char*)aStr.GetStr()) #endif ImpHCONV* pPtr = GetConvTable( pData ); for( USHORT nCur = 1; nCur < pData->nMaxConvCount; nCur++, pPtr++ ) { if( pPtr->hWndThis && pPtr->pidOwner == pidThis ) { //WRITELOG("OwnsConversationHandles: TRUE"); return TRUE; } } // WRITELOG("OwnsConversationHandles: FALSE"); return FALSE; } // ********************************************************************* // ********************************************************************* // ********************************************************************* USHORT DdeInitialize(ULONG* pidInst, PFNCALLBACK pfnCallback, ULONG afCmd, ULONG ulRes) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return DMLERR_UNFOUND_QUEUE_ID; if( (*pidInst)!=0 ) { // Reinitialize wird noch nicht unterstuetzt DBG_ASSERT(0,"DDEML:Reinitialize not supported"); return DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER; } ImpDdeMgr* pMgr = new ImpDdeMgr; *pidInst = (ULONG)pMgr; return pMgr->DdeInitialize( pfnCallback, afCmd ); } BOOL DdeUninitialize(ULONG idInst) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return TRUE; if( !idInst ) return FALSE; ImpDdeMgr* pMgr = (ImpDdeMgr*)idInst; // nur loeschen, wenn wir nicht mehr benutzt werden! if( !pMgr->OwnsConversationHandles() ) { WRITELOG("DdeUninitialize: TRUE"); delete pMgr; return TRUE; } WRITELOG("DdeUninitialize: FALSE"); return FALSE; } HCONVLIST DdeConnectList(ULONG idInst, HSZ hszService, HSZ hszTopic, HCONVLIST hConvList, CONVCONTEXT* pCC) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; if( !idInst ) return 0; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeConnectList(hszService,hszTopic, hConvList, pCC ); } HCONV DdeQueryNextServer(HCONVLIST hConvList, HCONV hConvPrev) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeQueryNextServer( hConvList, hConvPrev ); } BOOL DdeDisconnectList(HCONVLIST hConvList) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeDisconnectList( hConvList ); } HCONV DdeConnect(ULONG idInst, HSZ hszService, HSZ hszTopic, CONVCONTEXT* pCC) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; if( !idInst ) return 0; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeConnect( hszService, hszTopic, pCC ); } BOOL DdeDisconnect(HCONV hConv) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeDisconnect( hConv ); } HCONV DdeReconnect(HCONV hConv) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeReconnect( hConv ); } USHORT DdeQueryConvInfo(HCONV hConv, ULONG idTransact, CONVINFO* pCI ) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return DMLERR_DLL_NOT_INITIALIZED; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeQueryConvInfo( hConv, idTransact, pCI ); } BOOL DdeSetUserHandle(HCONV hConv, ULONG id, ULONG hUser) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return DMLERR_DLL_NOT_INITIALIZED; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeSetUserHandle( hConv, id, hUser ); } BOOL DdeAbandonTransaction(ULONG idInst, HCONV hConv, ULONG idTransaction) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; if( !idInst ) return FALSE; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeAbandonTransaction(hConv,idTransaction); } BOOL DdePostAdvise(ULONG idInst, HSZ hszTopic, HSZ hszItem) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; if( !idInst ) return FALSE; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdePostAdvise( hszTopic, hszItem ); } BOOL DdeEnableCallback(ULONG idInst, HCONV hConv, USHORT wCmd) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; if( !idInst ) return FALSE; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeEnableCallback( hConv, wCmd ); } HDDEDATA DdeClientTransaction(void* pData, ULONG cbData, HCONV hConv, HSZ hszItem, USHORT wFmt, USHORT wType, ULONG dwTimeout, ULONG* pdwResult) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeClientTransaction( pData, cbData, hConv, hszItem, wFmt, wType, dwTimeout, pdwResult ); } HDDEDATA DdeCreateDataHandle(ULONG idInst, void* pSrc, ULONG cb, ULONG cbOff, HSZ hszItem, USHORT wFmt, USHORT afCmd) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; if( !idInst ) return 0; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeCreateDataHandle( pSrc, cb, cbOff, hszItem, wFmt, afCmd ); } HDDEDATA DdeAddData(HDDEDATA hData, void* pSrc, ULONG cb, ULONG cbOff) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeAddData( hData, pSrc, cb, cbOff ); } ULONG DdeGetData(HDDEDATA hData, void* pDst, ULONG cbMax, ULONG cbOff) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeGetData( hData, pDst, cbMax, cbOff ); } BYTE* DdeAccessData(HDDEDATA hData, ULONG* pcbDataSize) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeAccessData( hData, pcbDataSize ); } BOOL DdeUnaccessData(HDDEDATA hData) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeUnaccessData( hData ); } BOOL DdeFreeDataHandle(HDDEDATA hData) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeFreeDataHandle( hData ); } USHORT DdeGetLastError(ULONG idInst) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return DMLERR_DLL_NOT_INITIALIZED; if( !idInst ) return DMLERR_DLL_NOT_INITIALIZED; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeGetLastError(); } HSZ DdeCreateStringHandle(ULONG idInst, PSZ pszString,int iCodePage ) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; if( !idInst ) return 0; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeCreateStringHandle(pszString,iCodePage); } ULONG DdeQueryString( ULONG idInst, HSZ hsz, PSZ pBuf, ULONG cchMax, int iCodePage ) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; if( !idInst ) return 0; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeQueryString( hsz,pBuf,cchMax,iCodePage); } BOOL DdeFreeStringHandle( ULONG idInst, HSZ hsz) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; if( !idInst ) return FALSE; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeFreeStringHandle( hsz ); } BOOL DdeKeepStringHandle( ULONG idInst, HSZ hsz ) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return FALSE; if( !idInst ) return FALSE; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeKeepStringHandle( hsz ); } int DdeCmpStringHandles(HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return -1; return ImpDdeMgr::DdeCmpStringHandles( hsz1, hsz2 ); } HDDEDATA DdeNameService( ULONG idInst, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hszRes, USHORT afCmd ) { if( Application::IsRemoteServer() ) return 0; if( !idInst ) return 0; return ((ImpDdeMgr*)idInst)->DdeNameService( hsz1, afCmd ); }