/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "cellvalueconversion.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace svt { namespace table { using ::css::uno::Any; using ::css::uno::Reference; using ::css::uno::UNO_QUERY; using ::css::uno::XInterface; using ::css::uno::TypeClass_INTERFACE; using ::css::graphic::XGraphic; using ::css::style::HorizontalAlignment; using ::css::style::HorizontalAlignment_CENTER; using ::css::style::HorizontalAlignment_RIGHT; using ::css::style::VerticalAlignment; using ::css::style::VerticalAlignment_MIDDLE; using ::css::style::VerticalAlignment_BOTTOM; //= CachedSortIndicator class CachedSortIndicator { public: CachedSortIndicator() : m_lastHeaderHeight( 0 ) , m_lastArrowColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ) { } BitmapEx const & getBitmapFor(OutputDevice const & i_device, long const i_headerHeight, StyleSettings const & i_style, bool const i_sortAscending); private: long m_lastHeaderHeight; Color m_lastArrowColor; BitmapEx m_sortAscending; BitmapEx m_sortDescending; }; BitmapEx const & CachedSortIndicator::getBitmapFor(vcl::RenderContext const& i_device, long const i_headerHeight, StyleSettings const & i_style, bool const i_sortAscending ) { BitmapEx& rBitmap(i_sortAscending ? m_sortAscending : m_sortDescending); if (!rBitmap || (i_headerHeight != m_lastHeaderHeight) || (i_style.GetActiveColor() != m_lastArrowColor)) { long const nSortIndicatorWidth = 2 * i_headerHeight / 3; long const nSortIndicatorHeight = 2 * nSortIndicatorWidth / 3; Point const aBitmapPos( 0, 0 ); Size const aBitmapSize( nSortIndicatorWidth, nSortIndicatorHeight ); ScopedVclPtrInstance< VirtualDevice > aDevice(i_device, DeviceFormat::DEFAULT, DeviceFormat::DEFAULT); aDevice->SetOutputSizePixel( aBitmapSize ); DecorationView aDecoView(aDevice.get()); aDecoView.DrawSymbol(tools::Rectangle(aBitmapPos, aBitmapSize), i_sortAscending ? SymbolType::SPIN_UP : SymbolType::SPIN_DOWN, i_style.GetActiveColor()); rBitmap = aDevice->GetBitmapEx(aBitmapPos, aBitmapSize); m_lastHeaderHeight = i_headerHeight; m_lastArrowColor = i_style.GetActiveColor(); } return rBitmap; } //= GridTableRenderer_Impl struct GridTableRenderer_Impl { ITableModel& rModel; RowPos nCurrentRow; bool bUseGridLines; CachedSortIndicator aSortIndicator; CellValueConversion aStringConverter; explicit GridTableRenderer_Impl( ITableModel& _rModel ) : rModel( _rModel ) , nCurrentRow( ROW_INVALID ) , bUseGridLines( true ) , aSortIndicator( ) , aStringConverter() { } }; //= helper namespace { tools::Rectangle lcl_getContentArea( GridTableRenderer_Impl const & i_impl, tools::Rectangle const & i_cellArea ) { tools::Rectangle aContentArea( i_cellArea ); if ( i_impl.bUseGridLines ) { aContentArea.AdjustRight( -1 ); aContentArea.AdjustBottom( -1 ); } return aContentArea; } tools::Rectangle lcl_getTextRenderingArea( tools::Rectangle const & i_contentArea ) { tools::Rectangle aTextArea( i_contentArea ); aTextArea.AdjustLeft(2 ); aTextArea.AdjustRight( -2 ); aTextArea.AdjustTop( 1 ); aTextArea.AdjustBottom( -1 ); return aTextArea; } DrawTextFlags lcl_getAlignmentTextDrawFlags( GridTableRenderer_Impl const & i_impl, ColPos const i_columnPos ) { DrawTextFlags nVertFlag = DrawTextFlags::Top; VerticalAlignment const eVertAlign = i_impl.rModel.getVerticalAlign(); switch ( eVertAlign ) { case VerticalAlignment_MIDDLE: nVertFlag = DrawTextFlags::VCenter; break; case VerticalAlignment_BOTTOM: nVertFlag = DrawTextFlags::Bottom; break; default: break; } DrawTextFlags nHorzFlag = DrawTextFlags::Left; HorizontalAlignment const eHorzAlign = i_impl.rModel.getColumnCount() > 0 ? i_impl.rModel.getColumnModel( i_columnPos )->getHorizontalAlign() : HorizontalAlignment_CENTER; switch ( eHorzAlign ) { case HorizontalAlignment_CENTER: nHorzFlag = DrawTextFlags::Center; break; case HorizontalAlignment_RIGHT: nHorzFlag = DrawTextFlags::Right; break; default: break; } return nVertFlag | nHorzFlag; } } //= GridTableRenderer GridTableRenderer::GridTableRenderer( ITableModel& _rModel ) :m_pImpl( new GridTableRenderer_Impl( _rModel ) ) { } GridTableRenderer::~GridTableRenderer() { } bool GridTableRenderer::useGridLines() const { return m_pImpl->bUseGridLines; } void GridTableRenderer::useGridLines( bool const i_use ) { m_pImpl->bUseGridLines = i_use; } namespace { Color lcl_getEffectiveColor(boost::optional const& i_modelColor, StyleSettings const& i_styleSettings, Color const& (StyleSettings::*i_getDefaultColor) () const) { if (!!i_modelColor) return *i_modelColor; return (i_styleSettings.*i_getDefaultColor)(); } } void GridTableRenderer::PaintHeaderArea(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& _rArea, bool _bIsColHeaderArea, bool _bIsRowHeaderArea, const StyleSettings& _rStyle) { OSL_PRECOND(_bIsColHeaderArea || _bIsRowHeaderArea, "GridTableRenderer::PaintHeaderArea: invalid area flags!"); rRenderContext.Push(PushFlags::FILLCOLOR | PushFlags::LINECOLOR); Color const background = lcl_getEffectiveColor(m_pImpl->rModel.getHeaderBackgroundColor(), _rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetDialogColor); rRenderContext.SetFillColor(background); rRenderContext.SetLineColor(); rRenderContext.DrawRect(_rArea); // delimiter lines at bottom/right boost::optional aLineColor(m_pImpl->rModel.getLineColor()); Color const lineColor = !aLineColor ? _rStyle.GetSeparatorColor() : *aLineColor; rRenderContext.SetLineColor(lineColor); rRenderContext.DrawLine(_rArea.BottomLeft(), _rArea.BottomRight()); rRenderContext.DrawLine(_rArea.BottomRight(), _rArea.TopRight()); rRenderContext.Pop(); } void GridTableRenderer::PaintColumnHeader( ColPos _nCol, bool, // _bActive: no special painting for the active column at the moment vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& _rArea, const StyleSettings& _rStyle) { rRenderContext.Push(PushFlags::LINECOLOR); OUString sHeaderText; PColumnModel const pColumn = m_pImpl->rModel.getColumnModel( _nCol ); DBG_ASSERT( pColumn, "GridTableRenderer::PaintColumnHeader: invalid column model object!" ); if ( pColumn ) sHeaderText = pColumn->getName(); Color const textColor = lcl_getEffectiveColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getTextColor(), _rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetFieldTextColor ); rRenderContext.SetTextColor(textColor); tools::Rectangle const aTextRect( lcl_getTextRenderingArea( lcl_getContentArea( *m_pImpl, _rArea ) ) ); DrawTextFlags nDrawTextFlags = lcl_getAlignmentTextDrawFlags( *m_pImpl, _nCol ) | DrawTextFlags::Clip; if (!m_pImpl->rModel.isEnabled()) nDrawTextFlags |= DrawTextFlags::Disable; rRenderContext.DrawText( aTextRect, sHeaderText, nDrawTextFlags ); boost::optional const aLineColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getLineColor() ); Color const lineColor = !aLineColor ? _rStyle.GetSeparatorColor() : *aLineColor; rRenderContext.SetLineColor( lineColor ); rRenderContext.DrawLine( _rArea.BottomRight(), _rArea.TopRight()); rRenderContext.DrawLine( _rArea.BottomLeft(), _rArea.BottomRight() ); // draw sort indicator if the model data is sorted by the given column ITableDataSort const * pSortAdapter = m_pImpl->rModel.getSortAdapter(); ColumnSort aCurrentSortOrder; if ( pSortAdapter != nullptr ) aCurrentSortOrder = pSortAdapter->getCurrentSortOrder(); if ( aCurrentSortOrder.nColumnPos == _nCol ) { long const nHeaderHeight( _rArea.GetHeight() ); BitmapEx const aIndicatorBitmap = m_pImpl->aSortIndicator.getBitmapFor(rRenderContext, nHeaderHeight, _rStyle, aCurrentSortOrder.eSortDirection == ColumnSortAscending); Size const aBitmapSize( aIndicatorBitmap.GetSizePixel() ); long const nSortIndicatorPaddingX = 2; long const nSortIndicatorPaddingY = ( nHeaderHeight - aBitmapSize.Height() ) / 2; if ( nDrawTextFlags & DrawTextFlags::Right ) { // text is right aligned => draw the sort indicator at the left hand side rRenderContext.DrawBitmapEx(Point(_rArea.Left() + nSortIndicatorPaddingX, _rArea.Top() + nSortIndicatorPaddingY), aIndicatorBitmap); } else { // text is left-aligned or centered => draw the sort indicator at the right hand side rRenderContext.DrawBitmapEx(Point(_rArea.Right() - nSortIndicatorPaddingX - aBitmapSize.Width(), nSortIndicatorPaddingY), aIndicatorBitmap); } } rRenderContext.Pop(); } void GridTableRenderer::PrepareRow(RowPos _nRow, bool i_hasControlFocus, bool _bSelected, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& _rRowArea, const StyleSettings& _rStyle) { // remember the row for subsequent calls to the other ->ITableRenderer methods m_pImpl->nCurrentRow = _nRow; rRenderContext.Push(PushFlags::FILLCOLOR | PushFlags::LINECOLOR); Color backgroundColor = _rStyle.GetFieldColor(); boost::optional const aLineColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getLineColor() ); Color lineColor = !aLineColor ? _rStyle.GetSeparatorColor() : *aLineColor; Color const activeSelectionBackColor = lcl_getEffectiveColor(m_pImpl->rModel.getActiveSelectionBackColor(), _rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetHighlightColor); if (_bSelected) { // selected rows use the background color from the style backgroundColor = i_hasControlFocus ? activeSelectionBackColor : lcl_getEffectiveColor(m_pImpl->rModel.getInactiveSelectionBackColor(), _rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetDeactiveColor); if (!aLineColor) lineColor = backgroundColor; } else { boost::optional< std::vector > aRowColors = m_pImpl->rModel.getRowBackgroundColors(); if (!aRowColors) { // use alternating default colors Color const fieldColor = _rStyle.GetFieldColor(); if (_rStyle.GetHighContrastMode() || ((m_pImpl->nCurrentRow % 2) == 0)) { backgroundColor = fieldColor; } else { Color hilightColor = activeSelectionBackColor; hilightColor.SetRed( 9 * ( fieldColor.GetRed() - hilightColor.GetRed() ) / 10 + hilightColor.GetRed() ); hilightColor.SetGreen( 9 * ( fieldColor.GetGreen() - hilightColor.GetGreen() ) / 10 + hilightColor.GetGreen() ); hilightColor.SetBlue( 9 * ( fieldColor.GetBlue() - hilightColor.GetBlue() ) / 10 + hilightColor.GetBlue() ); backgroundColor = hilightColor; } } else { if (aRowColors->empty()) { // all colors have the same background color backgroundColor = _rStyle.GetFieldColor(); } else { backgroundColor = aRowColors->at(m_pImpl->nCurrentRow % aRowColors->size()); } } } rRenderContext.SetLineColor(); rRenderContext.SetFillColor(backgroundColor); rRenderContext.DrawRect(_rRowArea); rRenderContext.Pop(); } void GridTableRenderer::PaintRowHeader(bool /*i_hasControlFocus*/, bool /*_bSelected*/, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& _rArea, const StyleSettings& _rStyle) { rRenderContext.Push( PushFlags::LINECOLOR | PushFlags::TEXTCOLOR ); boost::optional const aLineColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getLineColor() ); Color const lineColor = !aLineColor ? _rStyle.GetSeparatorColor() : *aLineColor; rRenderContext.SetLineColor(lineColor); rRenderContext.DrawLine(_rArea.BottomLeft(), _rArea.BottomRight()); Any const rowHeading( m_pImpl->rModel.getRowHeading( m_pImpl->nCurrentRow ) ); OUString const rowTitle( m_pImpl->aStringConverter.convertToString( rowHeading ) ); if (!rowTitle.isEmpty()) { Color const textColor = lcl_getEffectiveColor(m_pImpl->rModel.getHeaderTextColor(), _rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetFieldTextColor); rRenderContext.SetTextColor(textColor); tools::Rectangle const aTextRect(lcl_getTextRenderingArea(lcl_getContentArea(*m_pImpl, _rArea))); DrawTextFlags nDrawTextFlags = lcl_getAlignmentTextDrawFlags(*m_pImpl, 0) | DrawTextFlags::Clip; if (!m_pImpl->rModel.isEnabled()) nDrawTextFlags |= DrawTextFlags::Disable; // TODO: is using the horizontal alignment of the 0'th column a good idea here? This is pretty ... arbitrary .. rRenderContext.DrawText(aTextRect, rowTitle, nDrawTextFlags); } rRenderContext.Pop(); } struct GridTableRenderer::CellRenderContext { OutputDevice& rDevice; tools::Rectangle const aContentArea; StyleSettings const & rStyle; ColPos const nColumn; bool const bSelected; bool const bHasControlFocus; CellRenderContext( OutputDevice& i_device, tools::Rectangle const & i_contentArea, StyleSettings const & i_style, ColPos const i_column, bool const i_selected, bool const i_hasControlFocus ) :rDevice( i_device ) ,aContentArea( i_contentArea ) ,rStyle( i_style ) ,nColumn( i_column ) ,bSelected( i_selected ) ,bHasControlFocus( i_hasControlFocus ) { } }; void GridTableRenderer::PaintCell(ColPos const i_column, bool _bSelected, bool i_hasControlFocus, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& _rArea, const StyleSettings& _rStyle) { rRenderContext.Push(PushFlags::LINECOLOR | PushFlags::FILLCOLOR); tools::Rectangle const aContentArea(lcl_getContentArea(*m_pImpl, _rArea)); CellRenderContext const aCellRenderContext(rRenderContext, aContentArea, _rStyle, i_column, _bSelected, i_hasControlFocus); impl_paintCellContent(aCellRenderContext); if ( m_pImpl->bUseGridLines ) { ::boost::optional< ::Color > aLineColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getLineColor() ); ::Color lineColor = !aLineColor ? _rStyle.GetSeparatorColor() : *aLineColor; if ( _bSelected && !aLineColor ) { // if no line color is specified by the model, use the usual selection color for lines in selected cells lineColor = i_hasControlFocus ? lcl_getEffectiveColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getActiveSelectionBackColor(), _rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetHighlightColor ) : lcl_getEffectiveColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getInactiveSelectionBackColor(), _rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetDeactiveColor ); } rRenderContext.SetLineColor( lineColor ); rRenderContext.DrawLine( _rArea.BottomLeft(), _rArea.BottomRight() ); rRenderContext.DrawLine( _rArea.BottomRight(), _rArea.TopRight() ); } rRenderContext.Pop(); } void GridTableRenderer::impl_paintCellImage( CellRenderContext const & i_context, Image const & i_image ) { Point imagePos( Point( i_context.aContentArea.Left(), i_context.aContentArea.Top() ) ); Size imageSize = i_image.GetSizePixel(); if ( i_context.aContentArea.GetWidth() > imageSize.Width() ) { const HorizontalAlignment eHorzAlign = m_pImpl->rModel.getColumnModel( i_context.nColumn )->getHorizontalAlign(); switch ( eHorzAlign ) { case HorizontalAlignment_CENTER: imagePos.AdjustX(( i_context.aContentArea.GetWidth() - imageSize.Width() ) / 2 ); break; case HorizontalAlignment_RIGHT: imagePos.setX( i_context.aContentArea.Right() - imageSize.Width() ); break; default: break; } } else imageSize.setWidth( i_context.aContentArea.GetWidth() ); if ( i_context.aContentArea.GetHeight() > imageSize.Height() ) { const VerticalAlignment eVertAlign = m_pImpl->rModel.getVerticalAlign(); switch ( eVertAlign ) { case VerticalAlignment_MIDDLE: imagePos.AdjustY(( i_context.aContentArea.GetHeight() - imageSize.Height() ) / 2 ); break; case VerticalAlignment_BOTTOM: imagePos.setY( i_context.aContentArea.Bottom() - imageSize.Height() ); break; default: break; } } else imageSize.setHeight( i_context.aContentArea.GetHeight() - 1 ); DrawImageFlags const nStyle = m_pImpl->rModel.isEnabled() ? DrawImageFlags::NONE : DrawImageFlags::Disable; i_context.rDevice.DrawImage( imagePos, imageSize, i_image, nStyle ); } void GridTableRenderer::impl_paintCellContent( CellRenderContext const & i_context ) { Any aCellContent; m_pImpl->rModel.getCellContent( i_context.nColumn, m_pImpl->nCurrentRow, aCellContent ); if ( aCellContent.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { Reference< XInterface > const xContentInterface( aCellContent, UNO_QUERY ); if ( !xContentInterface.is() ) // allowed. kind of. return; Reference< XGraphic > const xGraphic( aCellContent, UNO_QUERY ); ENSURE_OR_RETURN_VOID( xGraphic.is(), "GridTableRenderer::impl_paintCellContent: only XGraphic interfaces (or NULL) are supported for painting." ); const Image aImage( xGraphic ); impl_paintCellImage( i_context, aImage ); return; } const OUString sText( m_pImpl->aStringConverter.convertToString( aCellContent ) ); impl_paintCellText( i_context, sText ); } void GridTableRenderer::impl_paintCellText( CellRenderContext const & i_context, OUString const & i_text ) { if ( i_context.bSelected ) { ::Color const textColor = i_context.bHasControlFocus ? lcl_getEffectiveColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getActiveSelectionTextColor(), i_context.rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetHighlightTextColor ) : lcl_getEffectiveColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getInactiveSelectionTextColor(), i_context.rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetDeactiveTextColor ); i_context.rDevice.SetTextColor( textColor ); } else { ::Color const textColor = lcl_getEffectiveColor( m_pImpl->rModel.getTextColor(), i_context.rStyle, &StyleSettings::GetFieldTextColor ); i_context.rDevice.SetTextColor( textColor ); } tools::Rectangle const textRect( lcl_getTextRenderingArea( i_context.aContentArea ) ); DrawTextFlags nDrawTextFlags = lcl_getAlignmentTextDrawFlags( *m_pImpl, i_context.nColumn ) | DrawTextFlags::Clip; if ( !m_pImpl->rModel.isEnabled() ) nDrawTextFlags |= DrawTextFlags::Disable; i_context.rDevice.DrawText( textRect, i_text, nDrawTextFlags ); } void GridTableRenderer::ShowCellCursor( vcl::Window& _rView, const tools::Rectangle& _rCursorRect) { _rView.ShowFocus( _rCursorRect ); } void GridTableRenderer::HideCellCursor( vcl::Window& _rView, const tools::Rectangle&) { _rView.HideFocus(); } bool GridTableRenderer::FitsIntoCell( Any const & i_cellContent, OutputDevice& i_targetDevice, tools::Rectangle const & i_targetArea ) const { if ( !i_cellContent.hasValue() ) return true; if ( i_cellContent.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { Reference< XInterface > const xContentInterface( i_cellContent, UNO_QUERY ); if ( !xContentInterface.is() ) return true; Reference< XGraphic > const xGraphic( i_cellContent, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xGraphic.is() ) // for the moment, assume it fits. We can always scale it down during painting ... return true; OSL_ENSURE( false, "GridTableRenderer::FitsIntoCell: only XGraphic interfaces (or NULL) are supported for painting." ); return true; } OUString const sText( m_pImpl->aStringConverter.convertToString( i_cellContent ) ); if ( sText.isEmpty() ) return true; tools::Rectangle const aTargetArea( lcl_getTextRenderingArea( lcl_getContentArea( *m_pImpl, i_targetArea ) ) ); long const nTextHeight = i_targetDevice.GetTextHeight(); if ( nTextHeight > aTargetArea.GetHeight() ) return false; long const nTextWidth = i_targetDevice.GetTextWidth( sText ); return nTextWidth <= aTargetArea.GetWidth(); } bool GridTableRenderer::GetFormattedCellString( Any const & i_cellValue, OUString & o_cellString ) const { o_cellString = m_pImpl->aStringConverter.convertToString( i_cellValue ); return true; } } } // namespace svt::table /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */