/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: chrtitem.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2005-01-21 14:13:24 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVX_CHRTITEM_HXX #define _SVX_CHRTITEM_HXX // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVXDLLAPI_H #include "svx/svxdllapi.h" #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum SvxChartStyle { CHSTYLE_2D_LINE, CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDLINE, CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTLINE, CHSTYLE_2D_COLUMN, CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDCOLUMN, CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTCOLUMN, CHSTYLE_2D_BAR, CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDBAR, CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTBAR, CHSTYLE_2D_AREA, CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDAREA, CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTAREA, CHSTYLE_2D_PIE, CHSTYLE_3D_STRIPE, CHSTYLE_3D_COLUMN, CHSTYLE_3D_FLATCOLUMN, CHSTYLE_3D_STACKEDFLATCOLUMN, CHSTYLE_3D_PERCENTFLATCOLUMN, CHSTYLE_3D_AREA, CHSTYLE_3D_STACKEDAREA, CHSTYLE_3D_PERCENTAREA, CHSTYLE_3D_SURFACE, CHSTYLE_3D_PIE, CHSTYLE_2D_XY, CHSTYLE_3D_XYZ, CHSTYLE_2D_LINESYMBOLS, CHSTYLE_2D_STACKEDLINESYM, CHSTYLE_2D_PERCENTLINESYM, CHSTYLE_2D_XYSYMBOLS, CHSTYLE_3D_XYZSYMBOLS, CHSTYLE_2D_DONUT1, CHSTYLE_2D_DONUT2, CHSTYLE_3D_BAR, CHSTYLE_3D_FLATBAR, CHSTYLE_3D_STACKEDFLATBAR, CHSTYLE_3D_PERCENTFLATBAR, CHSTYLE_2D_PIE_SEGOF1, CHSTYLE_2D_PIE_SEGOFALL, CHSTYLE_2D_NET, CHSTYLE_2D_NET_SYMBOLS, CHSTYLE_2D_NET_STACK, CHSTYLE_2D_NET_SYMBOLS_STACK, CHSTYLE_2D_NET_PERCENT, CHSTYLE_2D_NET_SYMBOLS_PERCENT, CHSTYLE_2D_CUBIC_SPLINE, CHSTYLE_2D_CUBIC_SPLINE_SYMBOL, CHSTYLE_2D_B_SPLINE, CHSTYLE_2D_B_SPLINE_SYMBOL, CHSTYLE_2D_CUBIC_SPLINE_XY, CHSTYLE_2D_CUBIC_SPLINE_SYMBOL_XY, CHSTYLE_2D_B_SPLINE_XY, CHSTYLE_2D_B_SPLINE_SYMBOL_XY, CHSTYLE_2D_XY_LINE, CHSTYLE_2D_LINE_COLUMN, CHSTYLE_2D_LINE_STACKEDCOLUMN, CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_1, CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_2, CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_3, CHSTYLE_2D_STOCK_4, CHSTYLE_ADDIN }; #define CHSTYLE_COUNT (CHSTYLE_ADDIN + 1) enum SvxChartDataDescr { CHDESCR_NONE, CHDESCR_VALUE, CHDESCR_PERCENT, CHDESCR_TEXT, CHDESCR_TEXTANDPERCENT, CHDESCR_NUMFORMAT_PERCENT, CHDESCR_NUMFORMAT_VALUE, CHDESCR_TEXTANDVALUE }; #define CHDESCR_COUNT (CHDESCR_TEXTANDVALUE + 1) enum SvxChartLegendPos { CHLEGEND_NONE, CHLEGEND_LEFT, CHLEGEND_TOP, CHLEGEND_RIGHT, CHLEGEND_BOTTOM, CHLEGEND_NONE_TOP, CHLEGEND_NONE_LEFT, CHLEGEND_NONE_RIGHT, CHLEGEND_NONE_BOTTOM }; #define CHLEGEND_COUNT (CHLEGEND_BOTTOM + 1) enum SvxChartTextOrder { CHTXTORDER_SIDEBYSIDE, CHTXTORDER_UPDOWN, CHTXTORDER_DOWNUP, CHTXTORDER_AUTO }; #define CHTXTORDER_COUNT (CHTXTORDER_AUTO + 1) enum SvxChartTextOrient { CHTXTORIENT_AUTOMATIC, CHTXTORIENT_STANDARD, CHTXTORIENT_BOTTOMTOP, CHTXTORIENT_STACKED, CHTXTORIENT_TOPBOTTOM }; #define CHTXTORIENT_COUNT (CHTXTORIENT_TOPBOTTOM + 1) enum SvxChartKindError { CHERROR_NONE, CHERROR_VARIANT, CHERROR_SIGMA, CHERROR_PERCENT, CHERROR_BIGERROR, CHERROR_CONST }; #define CHERROR_COUNT (CHERROR_CONST + 1) enum SvxChartIndicate { CHINDICATE_NONE, CHINDICATE_BOTH, CHINDICATE_UP, CHINDICATE_DOWN }; #define CHINDICATE_COUNT (CHINDICATE_DOWN + 1) enum SvxChartRegress { CHREGRESS_NONE, CHREGRESS_LINEAR, CHREGRESS_LOG, CHREGRESS_EXP, CHREGRESS_POWER }; #define CHREGRESS_COUNT (CHREGRESS_POWER + 1) //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTSTYLE class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartStyleItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartStyleItem(SvxChartStyle eStyle = CHSTYLE_2D_LINE, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTSTYLE); SvxChartStyleItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTSTYLE); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHSTYLE_COUNT; } SvxChartStyle GetValue() const { return (SvxChartStyle)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTREGRESS class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartRegressItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartRegressItem(SvxChartRegress eRegress = CHREGRESS_LINEAR, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTREGRESS); SvxChartRegressItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTREGRESS); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHREGRESS_COUNT; } SvxChartRegress GetValue() const { return (SvxChartRegress)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } USHORT GetVersion (USHORT nFileFormatVersion) const; }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTDATADESCR class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartDataDescrItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartDataDescrItem(SvxChartDataDescr eDataDescr = CHDESCR_NONE, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTDATADESCR); SvxChartDataDescrItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTDATADESCR); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHDESCR_COUNT; } SvxChartDataDescr GetValue() const { return (SvxChartDataDescr)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTLEGENDPOS class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartLegendPosItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartLegendPosItem(SvxChartLegendPos eLegendPos = CHLEGEND_NONE, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTLEGENDPOS); SvxChartLegendPosItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTLEGENDPOS); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHLEGEND_COUNT; } SvxChartLegendPos GetValue() const { return (SvxChartLegendPos)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORDER class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartTextOrderItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartTextOrderItem(SvxChartTextOrder eOrder = CHTXTORDER_SIDEBYSIDE, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORDER); SvxChartTextOrderItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORDER); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; virtual sal_Bool QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId = 0 ) const; virtual sal_Bool PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId = 0 ); USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHTXTORDER_COUNT; } SvxChartTextOrder GetValue() const { return (SvxChartTextOrder)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORIENT class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartTextOrientItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartTextOrientItem(SvxChartTextOrient eOrient = CHTXTORIENT_STANDARD, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORIENT); SvxChartTextOrientItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORIENT); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHTXTORDER_COUNT; } SvxChartTextOrient GetValue() const { return (SvxChartTextOrient)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTKINDERROR class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartKindErrorItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartKindErrorItem(SvxChartKindError eOrient = CHERROR_NONE, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTKINDERROR); SvxChartKindErrorItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTKINDERROR); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHERROR_COUNT; } SvxChartKindError GetValue() const { return (SvxChartKindError)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } USHORT GetVersion (USHORT nFileFormatVersion) const; }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_CHARTINDICATE class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxChartIndicateItem : public SfxEnumItem { public: TYPEINFO(); SvxChartIndicateItem(SvxChartIndicate eOrient = CHINDICATE_NONE, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTINDICATE); SvxChartIndicateItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_CHARTINDICATE); virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = 0) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVer) const; USHORT GetValueCount() const { return CHINDICATE_COUNT; } SvxChartIndicate GetValue() const { return (SvxChartIndicate)SfxEnumItem::GetValue(); } USHORT GetVersion (USHORT nFileFormatVersion) const; }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ITEMID_DOUBLE class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxDoubleItem : public SfxPoolItem { double fVal; public: TYPEINFO(); SvxDoubleItem(double fValue = 0.0, USHORT nId = ITEMID_DOUBLE); SvxDoubleItem(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nId = ITEMID_DOUBLE); SvxDoubleItem(const SvxDoubleItem& rItem); virtual sal_Bool QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId = 0 ) const; virtual sal_Bool PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId = 0 ); virtual String GetValueText() const; virtual SfxItemPresentation GetPresentation(SfxItemPresentation ePres, SfxMapUnit eCoreMetric, SfxMapUnit ePresMetric, String &rText, const IntlWrapper * = 0) const; virtual int operator == (const SfxPoolItem&) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone(SfxItemPool *pPool = NULL) const; virtual SfxPoolItem* Create(SvStream& rIn, USHORT nVersion) const; virtual SvStream& Store(SvStream& rOut, USHORT nItemVersion ) const; virtual double GetMin() const; virtual double GetMax() const; virtual SfxFieldUnit GetUnit() const; double GetValue() const { return fVal; } void SetValue(double fNewVal) { fVal = fNewVal; } }; #endif #endif // _SVX_CHRTITEM_HXX