/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: editstat.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2006-04-07 13:55:29 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _EDITSTAT_HXX #define _EDITSTAT_HXX #ifndef _STRING_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_I18NPOOL_LANG_H #include #endif #define EE_CNTRL_USECHARATTRIBS 0x00000001 // Verwendung harter ZeichenAttr. #define EE_CNTRL_USEPARAATTRIBS 0x00000002 // Verwendung von AbsatzAttr. #define EE_CNTRL_CRSRLEFTPARA 0x00000004 // Cursor ist in einen anderen Absatz gewandert #define EE_CNTRL_DOIDLEFORMAT 0x00000008 // Idle-Formatierung #define EE_CNTRL_PASTESPECIAL 0x00000010 // Allow PasteSpecial #define EE_CNTRL_AUTOINDENTING 0x00000020 // Automatisches einruecken #define EE_CNTRL_UNDOATTRIBS 0x00000040 // Undo fuer Attribute.... #define EE_CNTRL_ONECHARPERLINE 0x00000080 // Ein Zeichen pro Zeile #define EE_CNTRL_NOCOLORS 0x00000100 // Engine: Keine Farben #define EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER 0x00000200 // Sonderbehandlung Outliner/Gliederungsmodus #define EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER2 0x00000400 // Sonderbehandlung Outliner/Seite #define EE_CNTRL_ALLOWBIGOBJS 0x00000800 // PortionInfo in Textobjekten #define EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING 0x00001000 // Waehrend des editieren Spelling #define EE_CNTRL_STRETCHING 0x00002000 // Stretch-Modus #define EE_CNTRL_MARKFIELDS 0x00004000 // Felder farblich hinterlegen #define EE_CNTRL_URLSFXEXECUTE 0x00008000 // !!!OLD!!!: SFX-URL-Execute. #define EE_CNTRL_RESTOREFONT 0x00010000 // Font im OutDev restaurieren #define EE_CNTRL_RTFSTYLESHEETS 0x00020000 // Stylesheets bei Import verwenden #define EE_CNTRL_NOREDLINES 0x00040000 // Keine RedLines bei OnlineSpellError #define EE_CNTRL_AUTOCORRECT 0x00080000 // AutoKorrektur #define EE_CNTRL_AUTOCOMPLETE 0x00100000 // AutoComplete #define EE_CNTRL_AUTOPAGESIZEX 0x00200000 // Papierbreite an Text anpassen #define EE_CNTRL_AUTOPAGESIZEY 0x00400000 // Papierhoehe an Text anpassen #define EE_CNTRL_AUTOPAGESIZE (EE_CNTRL_AUTOPAGESIZEX|EE_CNTRL_AUTOPAGESIZEY) #define EE_CNTRL_TABINDENTING 0x00800000 // Einruecken mit Tab #define EE_CNTRL_FORMAT100 0x01000000 // Immer nach 100% formatieren #define EE_CNTRL_ULSPACESUMMATION 0x02000000 // MS Compat: SA und SB aufsummieren, nicht maximalwert #define EE_CNTRL_ULSPACEFIRSTPARA 0x04000000 // MS Compat: SB auch beim ersten Absatz auswerten #define EV_CNTRL_AUTOSCROLL 0x00000001 // Autom. Scrollen horiz. #define EV_CNTRL_BIGSCROLL 0x00000002 // Weiter Scrollen, als nur zum Cursor #define EV_CNTRL_ENABLEPASTE 0x00000004 // Paste erlauben #define EV_CNTRL_SINGLELINEPASTE 0x00000008 // View: Paste in Eingabezeile... #define EV_CNTRL_OVERWRITE 0x00000010 // Ueberschreibmodus #define EV_CNTRL_INVONEMORE 0x00000020 // Ein Pixel mehr invalidieren #define EV_CNTRL_AUTOSIZEX 0x00000040 // Automatisch an Textbreite anpassen #define EV_CNTRL_AUTOSIZEY 0x00000080 // Automatisch an Texthoehe anpassen #define EV_CNTRL_AUTOSIZE (EV_CNTRL_AUTOSIZEX|EV_CNTRL_AUTOSIZEY) #define EE_STAT_HSCROLL 0x00000001 #define EE_STAT_VSCROLL 0x00000002 #define EE_STAT_CURSOROUT 0x00000004 #define EE_STAT_CRSRMOVEFAIL 0x00000008 #define EE_STAT_CRSRLEFTPARA 0x00000010 #define EE_STAT_TEXTWIDTHCHANGED 0x00000020 #define EE_STAT_TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED 0x00000040 #define EE_STAT_WRONGWORDCHANGED 0x00000080 // #define EE_STAT_MODIFIED 0x00000100 // Nur fuer Update: #define EE_CNTRL_AUTOCENTER EE_CNTRL_AUTOPAGESIZE #define EE_STAT_GROWY EE_STAT_TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED /* EE_STAT_CRSRLEFTPARA zur Zeit bei Cursorbewegungen und Return. */ inline void SetFlags( ULONG& rBits, const ULONG nMask, FASTBOOL bOn ) { if ( bOn ) rBits |= nMask; else rBits &= ~nMask; } class EditStatus { protected: ULONG nStatusBits; ULONG nControlBits; USHORT nPrevPara; // fuer EE_STAT_CRSRLEFTPARA public: EditStatus() { nStatusBits = 0; nControlBits = 0; nPrevPara = 0xFFFF; } void Clear() { nStatusBits = 0; } void SetControlBits( ULONG nMask, FASTBOOL bOn ) { SetFlags( nControlBits, nMask, bOn ); } ULONG GetStatusWord() const { return nStatusBits; } ULONG& GetStatusWord() { return nStatusBits; } ULONG GetControlWord() const { return nControlBits; } ULONG& GetControlWord() { return nControlBits; } USHORT GetPrevParagraph() const { return nPrevPara; } USHORT& GetPrevParagraph() { return nPrevPara; } }; #define SPELLCMD_IGNOREWORD 0x0001 #define SPELLCMD_STARTSPELLDLG 0x0002 #define SPELLCMD_ADDTODICTIONARY 0x0003 #define SPELLCMD_WORDLANGUAGE 0x0004 #define SPELLCMD_PARALANGUAGE 0x0005 struct SpellCallbackInfo { USHORT nCommand; String aWord; LanguageType eLanguage; SpellCallbackInfo( USHORT nCMD, const String& rWord ) : aWord( rWord ) { nCommand = nCMD; eLanguage = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW; } SpellCallbackInfo( USHORT nCMD, LanguageType eLang ) { nCommand = nCMD; eLanguage = eLang; } }; #endif // _EDITSTAT_HXX