/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: galtheme.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.9 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-10-12 11:44:28 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVX_GALTHEME_HXX_ #define _SVX_GALTHEME_HXX_ #ifndef INCLUDED_SVXDLLAPI_H #include "svx/svxdllapi.h" #endif #define ENABLE_BYTESTRING_STREAM_OPERATORS #include <tools/debug.hxx> #include <tools/urlobj.hxx> #include <vcl/salctype.hxx> #include <svtools/brdcst.hxx> #include <svtools/lstner.hxx> #include <svtools/transfer.hxx> #include <sot/storage.hxx> #include "galobj.hxx" #include "galmisc.hxx" #include "gallery1.hxx" // ----------------- // - GalleryObject - // ----------------- struct GalleryObject { INetURLObject aURL; sal_uInt32 nOffset; SgaObjKind eObjKind; BOOL bDummy; }; DECLARE_LIST( GalleryObjectList, GalleryObject* ) // ----------------- // - GalDragParams - // ----------------- struct GalDragParams { Region aDragRegion; ULONG nDragObjPos; String aThemeName; String aFileName; SgaObjKind eObjKind; }; // ---------------- // - GalleryTheme - // ---------------- class Gallery; class GalleryProgress; namespace unogallery { class GalleryTheme; class GalleryItem; } class GalleryTheme : public SfxBroadcaster { friend class Gallery; friend class GalleryThemeCacheEntry; friend class ::unogallery::GalleryTheme; friend class ::unogallery::GalleryItem; private: GalleryObjectList aObjectList; String aImportName; String m_aDestDir; SotStorageRef aSvDrawStorageRef; Gallery* pParent; GalleryThemeEntry* pThm; ULONG mnThemeLockCount; ULONG mnBroadcasterLockCount; ULONG nDragPos; BOOL bDragging; BOOL bAbortActualize; void ImplCreateSvDrawStorage(); SgaObject* ImplReadSgaObject( GalleryObject* pEntry ); BOOL ImplWriteSgaObject( const SgaObject& rObj, ULONG nPos, GalleryObject* pExistentEntry ); void ImplRead(); void ImplWrite(); const GalleryObject* ImplGetGalleryObject( ULONG nPos ) const { return aObjectList.GetObject( nPos ); } const GalleryObject* ImplGetGalleryObject( const INetURLObject& rURL ); ULONG ImplGetGalleryObjectPos( const GalleryObject* pObj ) const { return aObjectList.GetPos( pObj ); } INetURLObject ImplGetURL( const GalleryObject* pObject ) const; INetURLObject ImplCreateUniqueURL( SgaObjKind eObjKind, ULONG nFormat = CVT_UNKNOWN ); void ImplSetModified( BOOL bModified ) { pThm->SetModified( bModified ); } void ImplBroadcast( ULONG nUpdatePos ); GalleryTheme(); GalleryTheme( Gallery* pGallery, GalleryThemeEntry* pThemeEntry ); ~GalleryTheme(); public: static GalleryThemeEntry* CreateThemeEntry( const INetURLObject& rURL, BOOL bReadOnly ); const ULONG GetObjectCount() const { return aObjectList.Count(); } SgaObject* AcquireObject( ULONG nPos ); void ReleaseObject( SgaObject* pObj ); BOOL InsertObject( const SgaObject& rObj, ULONG nPos = LIST_APPEND ); BOOL RemoveObject( ULONG nPos ); BOOL ChangeObjectPos( ULONG nOldPos, ULONG nNewPos ); const String& GetName() const { return IsImported() ? aImportName : pThm->GetThemeName(); } const String& GetRealName() const { return pThm->GetThemeName(); } const String& GetImportName() const { return aImportName; } void SetImportName(const String& rImportName) { aImportName = rImportName; } const String& GetDestDir() const { return m_aDestDir; } void SetDestDir(const String& rDestDir) { m_aDestDir = rDestDir; } const INetURLObject& GetThmURL() const { return pThm->GetThmURL(); } const INetURLObject& GetSdgURL() const { return pThm->GetSdgURL(); } const INetURLObject& GetSdvURL() const { return pThm->GetSdvURL(); } UINT32 GetId() const { return pThm->GetId(); } void SetId( UINT32 nNewId, BOOL bResetThemeName ) { pThm->SetId( nNewId, bResetThemeName ); } void SetDragging( BOOL bSet ) { bDragging = bSet; } BOOL IsDragging() const { return bDragging; } void LockTheme() { ++mnThemeLockCount; } BOOL UnlockTheme(); void LockBroadcaster() { mnBroadcasterLockCount++; } SVX_DLLPUBLIC void UnlockBroadcaster( ULONG nUpdatePos = 0 ); BOOL IsBroadcasterLocked() const { return mnBroadcasterLockCount > 0; } void SetDragPos( ULONG nPos ) { nDragPos = nPos; } ULONG GetDragPos() const { return nDragPos; } BOOL IsThemeNameFromResource() const { return pThm->IsNameFromResource(); } BOOL IsImported() const { return pThm->IsImported(); } BOOL IsReadOnly() const { return pThm->IsReadOnly(); } BOOL IsDefault() const { return pThm->IsDefault(); } BOOL IsModified() const { return pThm->IsModified(); } SVX_DLLPUBLIC void Actualize( const Link& rActualizeLink, GalleryProgress* pProgress = NULL ); void AbortActualize() { bAbortActualize = TRUE; } Gallery* GetParent() const { return pParent; } SotStorageRef GetSvDrawStorage() const { return aSvDrawStorageRef; } public: SgaObjKind GetObjectKind( ULONG nPos ) const { DBG_ASSERT( nPos < GetObjectCount(), "Position out of range" ); return ImplGetGalleryObject( nPos )->eObjKind; } const INetURLObject& GetObjectURL( ULONG nPos ) const { DBG_ASSERT( nPos < GetObjectCount(), "Position out of range" ); return ImplGetGalleryObject( nPos )->aURL; } BOOL GetThumb( ULONG nPos, Bitmap& rBmp, BOOL bProgress = FALSE ); BOOL GetGraphic( ULONG nPos, Graphic& rGraphic, BOOL bProgress = FALSE ); BOOL InsertGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, ULONG nInsertPos = LIST_APPEND ); BOOL GetModel( ULONG nPos, FmFormModel& rModel, BOOL bProgress = FALSE ); BOOL InsertModel( const FmFormModel& rModel, ULONG nInsertPos = LIST_APPEND ); BOOL GetModelStream( ULONG nPos, SotStorageStreamRef& rModelStreamRef, BOOL bProgress = FALSE ); BOOL InsertModelStream( const SotStorageStreamRef& rModelStream, ULONG nInsertPos = LIST_APPEND ); BOOL GetURL( ULONG nPos, INetURLObject& rURL, BOOL bProgress = FALSE ); SVX_DLLPUBLIC BOOL InsertURL( const INetURLObject& rURL, ULONG nInsertPos = LIST_APPEND ); BOOL InsertFileOrDirURL( const INetURLObject& rFileOrDirURL, ULONG nInsertPos = LIST_APPEND ); BOOL InsertTransferable( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable >& rxTransferable, ULONG nInsertPos ); void CopyToClipboard( Window* pWindow, ULONG nPos ); void StartDrag( Window* pWindow, ULONG nPos ); public: SvStream& WriteData( SvStream& rOut ) const; SvStream& ReadData( SvStream& rIn ); }; SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOut, const GalleryTheme& rTheme ); SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIn, GalleryTheme& rTheme ); #endif