/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: globlac.hrc,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: os $ $Date: 2002-09-02 13:37:44 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _GLOBALACC_SRC #define _GLOBALACC_SRC #define ACC_CODE( Id, c, bSh, bM1, bM2 ) \ AcceleratorItem { Identifier = Id; \ Key = KeyCode { Code = c ; \ Shift = bSh ; Modifier1 = bM1 ; Modifier2 = bM2 ; }; }; #define ACC_FUNC( Id, f ) \ AcceleratorItem { Identifier = Id; \ Key = KeyCode { Function = f ; }; }; #define ACC_KEY( language, c, bSh, bM1, bM2 ) \ Key[ language ] = KeyCode { Code = c ; \ Shift = bSh ; Modifier1 = bM1 ; Modifier2 = bM2 ; }; #define ACC_DEF_KEY( c, bSh, bM1, bM2 ) \ Key = KeyCode { Code = c ; \ Shift = bSh ; Modifier1 = bM1 ; Modifier2 = bM2 ; }; #define AI_HELPINDEX ACC_CODE( SID_HELPINDEX, KEY_F1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_ATTR_CHAR ACC_CODE( SID_ATTR_CHAR, KEY_F2, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_PRESENTATION ACC_CODE( SID_PRESENTATION, KEY_F2, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_ENTER_GROUP ACC_CODE( SID_ENTER_GROUP, KEY_F3, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_COPYOBJECTS ACC_CODE( SID_COPYOBJECTS, KEY_F3, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_LEAVE_GROUP ACC_CODE( SID_LEAVE_GROUP, KEY_F3, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_ATTR_TRANSFORM ACC_CODE( SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM, KEY_F4, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_NAVIGATOR ACC_CODE( SID_NAVIGATOR, KEY_F5, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_SPELLING ACC_CODE( SID_SPELLING, KEY_F7, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_THESAURUS ACC_CODE( SID_THESAURUS, KEY_F7, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_BEZIER_EDIT ACC_CODE( SID_BEZIER_EDIT, KEY_F8, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_ATTR_TEXT_FITTOSIZE ACC_CODE( SID_ATTR_TEXT_FITTOSIZE, KEY_F8, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_STYLE_DESIGNER ACC_CODE( SID_STYLE_DESIGNER, KEY_F11, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_OUTLINEMODE ACC_CODE( SID_OUTLINEMODE, KEY_F12, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_DRAWINGMODE ACC_CODE( SID_DRAWINGMODE, KEY_F12, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE_10 ACC_CODE( SID_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE_10, KEY_1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE_20 ACC_CODE( SID_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE_20, KEY_2, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE_15 ACC_CODE( SID_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE_15, KEY_5, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_SHOW_ITEMBROWSER ACC_CODE( SID_SHOW_ITEMBROWSER, KEY_9, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) #define AI_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_BLOCK AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_BLOCK;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_B, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_J, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_F, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_J, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_J, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_J, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( polish, KEY_J, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( russian, KEY_J, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_CENTER AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_CENTER;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_E, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_E, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_E, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_E, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_C, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_J, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_ATTR_CHAR_WEIGHT AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_ATTR_CHAR_WEIGHT;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_F, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_B, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_G, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_N, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_G, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_B, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( danish, KEY_F, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( polish, KEY_B, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( russian, KEY_B, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_SEARCH_DLG AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_SEARCH_DLG;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_G, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_F, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_B, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_G, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_F, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_F, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_GROUP ACC_CODE( SID_GROUP, KEY_G, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_UNGROUP ACC_CODE( SID_UNGROUP, KEY_G, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) // Weitersuchen ... #define AI_SET_SUPER_SCRIPT AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_SET_SUPER_SCRIPT;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_H, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_P, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_H, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_H, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_H, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_H, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_ATTR_CHAR_POSTURE AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_ATTR_CHAR_POSTURE;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_K, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_I, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_I, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_K, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_I, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_I, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( danish, KEY_K, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( polish, KEY_I, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( russian, KEY_I, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_COMBINE ACC_CODE( SID_COMBINE, KEY_K, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_DISMANTLE ACC_CODE( SID_DISMANTLE, KEY_K, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) #define AI_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_LEFT AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_LEFT;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_L, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_L, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_T, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_I, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_G, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_L, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_RIGHT AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_ATTR_PARA_ADJUST_RIGHT;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_R, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_R, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_R, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_D, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_D, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_R, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_SET_SUB_SCRIPT AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_SET_SUB_SCRIPT;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_T, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_B, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_B, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_T, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_T, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_P, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE AcceleratorItem { Identifier = SID_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE;\ ACC_DEF_KEY( KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( English_us, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Italian, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Spanish, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( French, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( Dutch, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( danish, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( polish, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_KEY( russian, KEY_U, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) }; #define AI_STYLE_CATALOG ACC_CODE( SID_STYLE_CATALOG, KEY_F11, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_WIN_FULLSCREEN ACC_CODE( SID_WIN_FULLSCREEN, KEY_J, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_DESKTOPMODE ACC_CODE( SID_DESKTOPMODE, KEY_I, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_FOCUSURLBOX ACC_CODE( SID_FOCUSURLBOX, KEY_O, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_SELECTALL ACC_CODE( SID_SELECTALL, KEY_A, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) // Anordnung #define AI_FRAME_TO_TOP ACC_CODE( SID_FRAME_TO_TOP, KEY_ADD, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_MOREFRONT ACC_CODE( SID_MOREFRONT, KEY_ADD, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_FRAME_TO_BOTTOM ACC_CODE( SID_FRAME_TO_BOTTOM, KEY_SUBTRACT, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_MOREBACK ACC_CODE( SID_MOREBACK, KEY_SUBTRACT, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) // Explorer / Beamer #define AI_FOCUS_EXPLORER ACC_CODE( SID_FOCUS_EXPLORER, KEY_E, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_FOCUS_BEAMER ACC_CODE( SID_FOCUS_BEAMER, KEY_B, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) // sonstige Acceleratoren #define AI_NEWDOC ACC_CODE( SID_NEWDOC, KEY_N, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_NEWDOCDIRECT ACC_CODE( SID_NEWDOCDIRECT, KEY_N, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_OPENDOC ACC_CODE( SID_OPENDOC, KEY_O, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_OPENDOC, KEY_OPEN, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_CLOSEWIN ACC_CODE( SID_CLOSEWIN, KEY_F4, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_CLOSEWIN, KEY_W, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_SAVEDOC ACC_CODE( SID_SAVEDOC, KEY_S, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_PRINTDOC ACC_CODE( SID_PRINTDOC, KEY_P, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_QUITAPP ACC_CODE( SID_QUITAPP, KEY_Q, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) #define AI_CUT ACC_CODE( SID_CUT, KEY_X, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_CUT, KEY_DELETE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_CUT, KEY_CUT, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_COPY ACC_CODE( SID_COPY, KEY_C, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_COPY, KEY_INSERT, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_COPY, KEY_COPY, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_PASTE ACC_CODE( SID_PASTE, KEY_V, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_PASTE, KEY_INSERT, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_PASTE, KEY_PASTE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_UNDO ACC_CODE( SID_UNDO, KEY_Z, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_UNDO, KEY_BACKSPACE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ) \ ACC_CODE( SID_UNDO, KEY_UNDO, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_REDO #define AI_REPEAT ACC_CODE( SID_REPEAT, KEY_Y, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE )\ ACC_CODE( SID_REPEAT, KEY_REPEAT, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) #define AI_DELETE ACC_CODE( SID_DELETE, KEY_DELETE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) // Non Product #define AI_PIXELMODE ACC_CODE( SID_PIXELMODE, KEY_P, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) #define AI_ANIMATIONMODE ACC_CODE( SID_ANIMATIONMODE, KEY_A, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) #endif // _GLOBLACC_SRC