/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: svdibrow.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-06-19 14:43:34 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVDIBROW_HXX #define _SVDIBROW_HXX #ifndef _SVX_BRWBOX_HXX //autogen #include <svtools/brwbox.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SV_EDIT_HXX //autogen #include <vcl/edit.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SV_FLOATWIN_HXX //autogen #include <vcl/floatwin.hxx> #endif class SfxItemSet; class ImpItemListRow; class BrowserMouseEvent; class _SdrItemBrowserControl: public BrowseBox { friend class ImpItemEdit; Container aList; long nAktPaintRow; Edit* pEditControl; XubString aWNamMerk; Link aEntryChangedHdl; Link aSetDirtyHdl; ImpItemListRow* pAktChangeEntry; long nLastWhichOfs; USHORT nLastWhich; USHORT nLastWhichOben; USHORT nLastWhichUnten; FASTBOOL bWhichesButNames; FASTBOOL bDontHideIneffectiveItems; FASTBOOL bDontSortItems; FASTBOOL bShowWhichIds; FASTBOOL bShowRealValues; private: #if _SOLAR__PRIVATE void ImpCtor(); void ImpSetEntry(const ImpItemListRow& rEntry, ULONG nEntryNum); ImpItemListRow* ImpGetEntry(ULONG nPos) const { return (ImpItemListRow*)aList.GetObject(nPos); } void ImpSaveWhich(); void ImpRestoreWhich(); #endif // __PRIVATE protected: virtual long GetRowCount() const; virtual BOOL SeekRow(long nRow); virtual void PaintField(OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, USHORT nColumnId) const; #if SUPD >= 345 virtual void DoubleClick(const BrowserMouseEvent&); #else virtual void DoubleClick(); #endif virtual void KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rEvt); virtual void Select(); virtual void SetDirty(); // wird z.B. bei Modusumschaltungen gerufen virtual Rectangle GetFieldCharacterBounds(sal_Int32 _nRow,sal_Int32 _nColumnPos,sal_Int32 nIndex); virtual sal_Int32 GetFieldIndexAtPoint(sal_Int32 _nRow,sal_Int32 _nColumnPos,const Point& _rPoint); public: _SdrItemBrowserControl(Window* pParent, WinBits nBits=WB_3DLOOK|WB_BORDER|WB_TABSTOP); virtual ~_SdrItemBrowserControl(); void Clear(); void SetAttributes(const SfxItemSet* pAttr, const SfxItemSet* p2ndSet=NULL); ULONG GetCurrentPos() const; USHORT GetCurrentWhich() const; virtual FASTBOOL BegChangeEntry(ULONG nPos); virtual FASTBOOL EndChangeEntry(); virtual void BrkChangeEntry(); /** GetCellText returns the text at the given position @param _nRow the number of the row @param _nColId the ID of the column @return the text out of the cell */ virtual String GetCellText(long _nRow, USHORT _nColId) const; const ImpItemListRow* GetAktChangeEntry() const { return pAktChangeEntry; } XubString GetNewEntryValue() const { return pEditControl->GetText(); } void SetEntryChangedHdl(const Link& rLink) { aEntryChangedHdl=rLink; } const Link& GetEntryChangedHdl() const { return aEntryChangedHdl; } void SetSetDirtyHdl(const Link& rLink) { aSetDirtyHdl=rLink; } const Link& GetSetDirtyHdl() const { return aSetDirtyHdl; } }; #define WB_STDSIZEABLEDOCKWIN (WB_STDDOCKWIN|WB_3DLOOK|WB_CLOSEABLE|WB_SIZEMOVE) #define WB_STDSIZEABLEFLOATWIN (WB_STDFLOATWIN|WB_3DLOOK|WB_CLOSEABLE|WB_SIZEMOVE) class _SdrItemBrowserWindow: public FloatingWindow { _SdrItemBrowserControl aBrowse; public: _SdrItemBrowserWindow(Window* pParent, WinBits nBits=WB_STDSIZEABLEDOCKWIN); virtual ~_SdrItemBrowserWindow(); virtual void Resize(); virtual void GetFocus(); void Clear() { aBrowse.Clear(); } void SetAttributes(const SfxItemSet* pAttr, const SfxItemSet* p2ndSet=NULL) { aBrowse.SetAttributes(pAttr,p2ndSet); } void SetFloatingMode(FASTBOOL /*bOn*/) {} const _SdrItemBrowserControl& GetBrowserControl() const { return aBrowse; } _SdrItemBrowserControl& GetBrowserControl() { return aBrowse; } }; class SdrView; class SdrItemBrowser: public _SdrItemBrowserWindow { Timer aIdleTimer; SdrView* pView; FASTBOOL bDirty; private: static Window* ImpGetViewWin(SdrView& rView); DECL_LINK(IdleHdl,Timer*); DECL_LINK(ChangedHdl,_SdrItemBrowserControl*); DECL_LINK(SetDirtyHdl,_SdrItemBrowserControl*); public: SdrItemBrowser(SdrView& rView); void ForceParent(); void SetView(SdrView& rView) { pView=&rView; ForceParent(); SetDirty(); } void SetDirty(); void Undirty(); void ForceUndirty() { if (bDirty) Undirty(); } }; #endif //_SVDIBROW_HXX