 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svx.hxx"

// Global header
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
#include <editeng/editdata.hxx>
#include <editeng/outliner.hxx>
#include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpool.hxx>

// Project-local header

#include "AccessibleEmptyEditSource.hxx"
#include <svx/unoshtxt.hxx>

namespace accessibility

    /** This class simply wraps a SvxTextEditSource, forwarding all
        methods except the GetBroadcaster() call
    class AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl : public SvxEditSource
        /** Construct AccessibleEmptyEditSource_Impl

            @param rBrdCast

            Proxy broadcaster to allow seamless flipping of edit source implementations. ProxyEditSource and EmptyEditSource
        AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl( SdrObject&      rObj,
                                        SdrView&        rView,
                                        const Window&   rViewWindow );

        // from the SvxEditSource interface
        SvxTextForwarder*       GetTextForwarder();
        SvxViewForwarder*       GetViewForwarder();
        SvxEditViewForwarder*   GetEditViewForwarder( sal_Bool bCreate = sal_False );

        SvxEditSource*          Clone() const;

        void                    UpdateData();

        SfxBroadcaster&         GetBroadcaster() const;

        SvxTextEditSource       maEditSource;


    /** Dummy class, faking exactly one empty paragraph for EditEngine accessibility
    class AccessibleEmptyEditSource_Impl : public SvxEditSource, public SvxViewForwarder, public SvxTextForwarder, public SfxBroadcaster

        AccessibleEmptyEditSource_Impl() {}
        ~AccessibleEmptyEditSource_Impl() {}

        // from the SfxListener interface
        void                    Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint );

        // SvxEditSource
        SvxTextForwarder*       GetTextForwarder() { return this; }
        SvxViewForwarder*       GetViewForwarder() { return this; }
        SvxEditSource*          Clone() const { return NULL; }
        void                    UpdateData() {}
        SfxBroadcaster&         GetBroadcaster() const { return *(const_cast<AccessibleEmptyEditSource_Impl*>(this)); }

        // SvxTextForwarder
        USHORT          GetParagraphCount() const { return 1; }
        USHORT          GetTextLen( USHORT /*nParagraph*/ ) const { return 0; }
        String          GetText( const ESelection& /*rSel*/ ) const { return String(); }
        SfxItemSet      GetAttribs( const ESelection& /*rSel*/, BOOL /*bOnlyHardAttrib*/ = 0 ) const
            // AW: Very dangerous: The former implementation used a SfxItemPool created on the
            // fly which of course was deleted again ASAP. Thus, the returned SfxItemSet was using
            // a deleted Pool by design.
            return SfxItemSet(SdrObject::GetGlobalDrawObjectItemPool());
        SfxItemSet      GetParaAttribs( USHORT /*nPara*/ ) const { return GetAttribs(ESelection()); }
        void            SetParaAttribs( USHORT /*nPara*/, const SfxItemSet& /*rSet*/ ) {}
        void            RemoveAttribs( const ESelection& /*rSelection*/, sal_Bool /*bRemoveParaAttribs*/, sal_uInt16 /*nWhich*/ ){}
        void            GetPortions( USHORT /*nPara*/, SvUShorts& /*rList*/ ) const {}

        USHORT          GetItemState( const ESelection& /*rSel*/, USHORT /*nWhich*/ ) const { return 0; }
        USHORT          GetItemState( USHORT /*nPara*/, USHORT /*nWhich*/ ) const { return 0; }

        SfxItemPool*    GetPool() const { return NULL; }

        void            QuickInsertText( const String& /*rText*/, const ESelection& /*rSel*/ ) {}
        void            QuickInsertField( const SvxFieldItem& /*rFld*/, const ESelection& /*rSel*/ ) {}
        void            QuickSetAttribs( const SfxItemSet& /*rSet*/, const ESelection& /*rSel*/ ) {}
        void            QuickInsertLineBreak( const ESelection& /*rSel*/ ) {}

        const SfxItemSet * GetEmptyItemSetPtr() { return 0; }

        void        AppendParagraph() {}
        xub_StrLen  AppendTextPortion( USHORT /*nPara*/, const String & /*rText*/, const SfxItemSet & /*rSet*/ ) { return 0; }

        void        CopyText(const SvxTextForwarder& ){}

        XubString       CalcFieldValue( const SvxFieldItem& /*rField*/, USHORT /*nPara*/, USHORT /*nPos*/, Color*& /*rpTxtColor*/, Color*& /*rpFldColor*/ )
            return  XubString();
        void            FieldClicked( const SvxFieldItem&, USHORT, xub_StrLen ) {;}

        BOOL            IsValid() const { return sal_True; }

        void            SetNotifyHdl( const Link& ) {}
        LanguageType    GetLanguage( USHORT, USHORT ) const { return LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW; }
        USHORT          GetFieldCount( USHORT ) const { return 0; }
        EFieldInfo      GetFieldInfo( USHORT, USHORT ) const { return EFieldInfo(); }
        EBulletInfo     GetBulletInfo( USHORT ) const { return EBulletInfo(); }
        Rectangle       GetCharBounds( USHORT, USHORT ) const { return Rectangle(); }
        Rectangle       GetParaBounds( USHORT ) const { return Rectangle(); }
        MapMode         GetMapMode() const { return MapMode(); }
        OutputDevice*   GetRefDevice() const { return NULL; }
        sal_Bool        GetIndexAtPoint( const Point&, USHORT&, USHORT& ) const { return sal_False; }
        sal_Bool        GetWordIndices( USHORT, USHORT, USHORT&, USHORT& ) const { return sal_False; }
        sal_Bool        GetAttributeRun( USHORT&, USHORT&, USHORT, USHORT ) const { return sal_False; }
        USHORT          GetLineCount( USHORT nPara ) const { return nPara == 0 ? 1 : 0; }
        USHORT          GetLineLen( USHORT, USHORT ) const { return 0; }
        void            GetLineBoundaries( /*out*/USHORT & rStart, /*out*/USHORT & rEnd, USHORT /*nParagraph*/, USHORT /*nLine*/ ) const  { rStart = rEnd = 0; }
        USHORT          GetLineNumberAtIndex( USHORT /*nPara*/, USHORT /*nIndex*/ ) const   { return 0; }

        // the following two methods would, strictly speaking, require
        // a switch to a real EditSource, too. Fortunately, the
        // AccessibleEditableTextPara implementation currently always
        // calls GetEditViewForwarder(true) before doing
        // changes. Thus, we rely on this behabviour here (problem
        // when that changes: via accessibility API, it would no
        // longer be possible to enter text in previously empty
        // shapes).
        sal_Bool        Delete( const ESelection& ) { return sal_False; }
        sal_Bool        InsertText( const String&, const ESelection& ) { return sal_False; }
        sal_Bool        QuickFormatDoc( BOOL ) { return sal_True; }
        sal_Int16       GetDepth( USHORT ) const { return -1; }
        sal_Bool        SetDepth( USHORT, sal_Int16 ) { return sal_True; }

        Rectangle       GetVisArea() const { return Rectangle(); }
        Point           LogicToPixel( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& /*rMapMode*/ ) const { return rPoint; }
        Point           PixelToLogic( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& /*rMapMode*/ ) const { return rPoint; }


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Implementing AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl::AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl( SdrObject&      rObj,
                                                                    SdrView&        rView,
                                                                    const Window&   rViewWindow ) :
        maEditSource( rObj, 0, rView, rViewWindow )


    SvxTextForwarder* AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl::GetTextForwarder()
        return maEditSource.GetTextForwarder();

    SvxViewForwarder* AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl::GetViewForwarder()
        return maEditSource.GetViewForwarder();

    SvxEditViewForwarder* AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl::GetEditViewForwarder( sal_Bool bCreate )
        return maEditSource.GetEditViewForwarder( bCreate );

    SvxEditSource* AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl::Clone() const
        return maEditSource.Clone();

    void AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl::UpdateData()

    SfxBroadcaster& AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl::GetBroadcaster() const
        return maEditSource.GetBroadcaster();

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Implementing AccessibleEmptyEditSource
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    AccessibleEmptyEditSource::AccessibleEmptyEditSource( SdrObject&    rObj,
                                                          SdrView&      rView,
                                                          const Window& rViewWindow ) :
        mpEditSource( new AccessibleEmptyEditSource_Impl() ),
        mbEditSourceEmpty( true )
        if( mrObj.GetModel() )
            StartListening( *mrObj.GetModel() );

        if( !mbEditSourceEmpty )
            // deregister as listener
            if( mpEditSource.get() )
                EndListening( mpEditSource->GetBroadcaster() );
            if( mrObj.GetModel() )
                EndListening( *mrObj.GetModel() );

    SvxTextForwarder* AccessibleEmptyEditSource::GetTextForwarder()
        if( !mpEditSource.get() )
            return NULL;

        return mpEditSource->GetTextForwarder();

    SvxViewForwarder* AccessibleEmptyEditSource::GetViewForwarder()
        if( !mpEditSource.get() )
            return NULL;

        return mpEditSource->GetViewForwarder();

    void AccessibleEmptyEditSource::Switch2ProxyEditSource()
        // deregister EmptyEditSource model listener
        if( mrObj.GetModel() )
            EndListening( *mrObj.GetModel() );

        ::std::auto_ptr< SvxEditSource > pProxySource( new AccessibleProxyEditSource_Impl(mrObj, mrView, mrViewWindow) );
        ::std::auto_ptr< SvxEditSource > tmp = mpEditSource;
        mpEditSource = pProxySource;
        pProxySource = tmp;

        // register as listener
        StartListening( mpEditSource->GetBroadcaster() );

        // we've irrevocably a full EditSource now.
        mbEditSourceEmpty = false;

    SvxEditViewForwarder* AccessibleEmptyEditSource::GetEditViewForwarder( sal_Bool bCreate )
        if( !mpEditSource.get() )
            return NULL;

        // switch edit source, if not yet done
        if( mbEditSourceEmpty && bCreate )

        return mpEditSource->GetEditViewForwarder( bCreate );

    SvxEditSource* AccessibleEmptyEditSource::Clone() const
        if( !mpEditSource.get() )
            return NULL;

        return mpEditSource->Clone();

    void AccessibleEmptyEditSource::UpdateData()
        if( mpEditSource.get() )

    SfxBroadcaster& AccessibleEmptyEditSource::GetBroadcaster() const
        return *(const_cast<AccessibleEmptyEditSource*>(this));

    void AccessibleEmptyEditSource::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& /*rBC*/, const SfxHint& rHint )
        const SdrHint* pSdrHint = PTR_CAST( SdrHint, &rHint );

        if( pSdrHint && pSdrHint->GetKind() == HINT_BEGEDIT &&
            &mrObj == pSdrHint->GetObject() && mpEditSource.get() )
            // switch edit source, if not yet done. This is necessary
            // to become a full-fledged EditSource the first time a
            // user start entering text in a previously empty object.
            if( mbEditSourceEmpty )
        else if (pSdrHint && pSdrHint->GetObject()!=NULL)
            // When the SdrObject just got a para outliner object then
            // switch the edit source.
            if (pSdrHint->GetObject()->GetOutlinerParaObject() != NULL)

        // forward messages
        Broadcast( rHint );

} // end of namespace accessibility
