/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: SpellDialog.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 20:30:19 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #include #ifndef _SHL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WRKWIN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MENU_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SCRBAR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SPELL_ATTRIB #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_BINDINGS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UNDO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TEXTDATA_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UNO_LINGU_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SPLWRAP_HXX #include "splwrap.hxx" #endif #ifndef _LINGUISTIC_LNGPROPS_HHX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_XMULTISERVICEFACTORY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LINGUISTIC2_SPELLFAILURE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_FRAME_XSTORABLE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "dialogs.hrc" #include #include "SpellDialog.hrc" #define ITEMID_SPELLCHECK SID_ATTR_SPELL #include "optitems.hxx" #include "svxenum.hxx" #include "SpellDialogChildWindow.hxx" #include "SpellDialog.hxx" //#include "splwrap.hxx" // Der Wrapper #include "dlgutil.hxx" // language #include "optlingu.hxx" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #include "svxerr.hxx" #include "treeopt.hxx" using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2; #define C2U(cChar) OUString::createFromAscii(cChar) // struct SpellDialog_Impl --------------------------------------------- struct SpellDialog_Impl { Sequence< Reference< XDictionary > > aDics; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_LANGUAGE (TEXTUNDO_USER + 1) #define SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_TEXTENGINE (TEXTUNDO_USER + 2) #define SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_NEXTERROR (TEXTUNDO_USER + 3) #define SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY (TEXTUNDO_USER + 4) #define SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP (TEXTUNDO_USER + 5) //undo list #define SPELLUNDO_MOVE_ERROREND (TEXTUNDO_USER + 6) #define SPELLUNDO_UNDO_EDIT_MODE (TEXTUNDO_USER + 7) namespace svx{ class SpellUndoAction_Impl : public SfxUndoAction { USHORT m_nId; const Link& m_rActionLink; //undo of button enabling bool m_bEnableChangePB; bool m_bEnableChangeAllPB; //undo of MarkNextError - used in change and change all, ignore and ignore all long m_nNewErrorStart; long m_nNewErrorEnd; long m_nOldErrorStart; long m_nOldErrorEnd; bool m_bIsErrorLanguageSelected; //undo of AddToDictionary Reference m_xDictionary; OUString m_sAddedWord; //move end of error - ::ChangeMarkedWord() long m_nOffset; public: SpellUndoAction_Impl(USHORT nId, const Link& rActionLink) : m_nId(nId), m_rActionLink( rActionLink), m_bEnableChangePB(false), m_bEnableChangeAllPB(false), m_nNewErrorStart(-1), m_nNewErrorEnd(-1), m_nOldErrorStart(-1), m_nOldErrorEnd(-1), m_bIsErrorLanguageSelected(false), m_nOffset(0) {} ~SpellUndoAction_Impl(); virtual void Undo(); virtual USHORT GetId() const; void SetEnableChangePB(){m_bEnableChangePB = true;} bool IsEnableChangePB(){return m_bEnableChangePB;} void SetEnableChangeAllPB(){m_bEnableChangeAllPB = true;} bool IsEnableChangeAllPB(){return m_bEnableChangeAllPB;} void SetErrorMove(long nNewStart, long nNewEnd, long nOldStart, long nOldEnd) { m_nNewErrorStart = nNewStart; m_nNewErrorEnd = nNewEnd; m_nOldErrorStart = nOldStart; m_nOldErrorEnd = nOldEnd; } long GetNewErrorStart() { return m_nNewErrorStart;} long GetNewErrorEnd() { return m_nNewErrorEnd;} long GetOldErrorStart() { return m_nOldErrorStart;} long GetOldErrorEnd() { return m_nOldErrorEnd;} void SetErrorLanguageSelected(bool bSet){ m_bIsErrorLanguageSelected = bSet;} bool IsErrorLanguageSelected() const {return m_bIsErrorLanguageSelected;} void SetDictionary(Reference xDict) { m_xDictionary = xDict; } Reference GetDictionary() const {return m_xDictionary;} void SetAddedWord(const OUString& rWord) {m_sAddedWord = rWord;} const OUString& GetAddedWord() const { return m_sAddedWord;} void SetOffset(long nSet) {m_nOffset = nSet;} long GetOffset() const {return m_nOffset;} }; }//namespace svx using namespace ::svx; /*-- 06.11.2003 12:16:02--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SpellUndoAction_Impl::~SpellUndoAction_Impl() { } /*-- 06.11.2003 12:16:02--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SpellUndoAction_Impl::Undo() { m_rActionLink.Call(this); } /*-- 06.11.2003 12:16:02--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT SpellUndoAction_Impl::GetId()const { return m_nId; } // class SvxSpellCheckDialog --------------------------------------------- SpellDialog::SpellDialog( SpellDialogChildWindow* pChildWindow, Window * pParent, SfxBindings* pBindings) : SfxModelessDialog (pBindings, pChildWindow, pParent, SVX_RES(RID_SVXDLG_SPELLCHECK)), aSuggestionFT ( this, ResId( FT_SUGGESTION ) ), aSuggestionLB ( this, ResId( LB_SUGGESTION ) ), aNotInDictFT ( this, ResId( FT_NOTINDICT ) ), aSentenceED ( this, ResId( ED_NEWWORD ) ), aLanguageFT ( this, ResId( FT_LANGUAGE ) ), aLanguageLB ( this, ResId( LB_LANGUAGE ) ), aIgnorePB ( this, ResId( PB_IGNORE ) ), aIgnoreAllPB ( this, ResId( PB_IGNOREALL ) ), aAddToDictMB ( this, ResId( MB_ADDTODICT ) ), aChangePB ( this, ResId( PB_CHANGE ) ), aChangeAllPB ( this, ResId( PB_CHANGEALL ) ), aAutoCorrPB ( this, ResId( PB_AUTOCORR ) ), aBackgroundGB ( this, ResId( GB_BACKGROUND ) ), aOptionsPB ( this, ResId( PB_OPTIONS ) ), aHelpPB ( this, ResId( PB_HELP ) ), aUndoPB ( this, ResId( PB_UNDO ) ), aClosePB ( this, ResId( PB_CLOSE ) ), nOldLang ( LANGUAGE_NONE ), aResumeST ( ResId(ST_RESUME )), aNoSuggestionsST( ResId(ST_NOSUGGESTIONS)), aIgnoreOnceST ( aIgnorePB.GetText()), rParent ( *pChildWindow ), aDialogUndoLink( LINK (this, SpellDialog, DialogUndoHdl)), bModified( false ), bFocusLocked( false ) { FreeResource(); xSpell = LinguMgr::GetSpellChecker(); pImpl = new SpellDialog_Impl; //HelpIds aClosePB. SetHelpId(HID_SPLDLG_BUTTON_CLOSE ); aIgnorePB. SetHelpId(HID_SPLDLG_BUTTON_IGNORE ); aIgnoreAllPB. SetHelpId(HID_SPLDLG_BUTTON_IGNOREALL); aChangePB. SetHelpId(HID_SPLDLG_BUTTON_CHANGE ); aChangeAllPB. SetHelpId(HID_SPLDLG_BUTTON_CHANGEALL); Init_Impl(); // disable controls if service is missing if (!xSpell.is()) Enable( sal_False ); Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( this, SpellDialog, InitHdl ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SpellDialog::~SpellDialog() { delete aAddToDictMB.GetPopupMenu(); delete pImpl; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpellDialog::Init_Impl() { // Handler initialisieren aClosePB.SetClickHdl(LINK( this, SpellDialog, CancelHdl ) ); aChangePB.SetClickHdl(LINK( this, SpellDialog, ChangeHdl ) ); aChangeAllPB.SetClickHdl(LINK( this, SpellDialog, ChangeAllHdl ) ); aIgnorePB.SetClickHdl(LINK( this, SpellDialog, IgnoreHdl ) ); aIgnoreAllPB.SetClickHdl(LINK( this, SpellDialog, IgnoreAllHdl ) ); aUndoPB.SetClickHdl(LINK( this, SpellDialog, UndoHdl ) ); aAutoCorrPB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SpellDialog, ExtClickHdl ) ); aOptionsPB .SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SpellDialog, ExtClickHdl ) ); aSuggestionLB.SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, SpellDialog, ChangeHdl ) ); aSentenceED.SetModifyHdl(LINK ( this, SpellDialog, ModifyHdl) ); aAddToDictMB.SetSelectHdl(LINK ( this, SpellDialog, AddToDictionaryHdl ) ); aLanguageLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK( this, SpellDialog, LanguageSelectHdl ) ); // Save heading aTitel = GetText(); // initialize language ListBox aLanguageLB.SetLanguageList( LANG_LIST_SPELL_USED, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ); // get current language UpdateBoxes_Impl(); // fill dictionary PopupMenu InitUserDicts(); aSentenceED.ClearModifyFlag(); SvxGetChangeAllList()->clear(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpellDialog::UpdateBoxes_Impl() { sal_Int32 i; aSuggestionLB.Clear(); Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt( aSentenceED.GetAlternatives(), UNO_QUERY ); LanguageType nAltLanguage = LANGUAGE_NONE; String aAltWord; Sequence< OUString > aNewWords; if (xAlt.is()) { nAltLanguage = SvxLocaleToLanguage( xAlt->getLocale() ); aAltWord = String( xAlt->getWord() ); aNewWords = xAlt->getAlternatives(); } String aStr( aTitel ); aStr.Append( UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( " (" ) ) ); if (xAlt.is()) aStr.Append( ::GetLanguageString( nAltLanguage ) ); aStr.Append( sal_Unicode( ')' ) ); SetText( aStr ); SetSelectedLang_Impl( nAltLanguage ); // Alternativen eintragen const OUString *pNewWords = aNewWords.getConstArray(); const sal_Int32 nSize = aNewWords.getLength(); for ( i = 0; i < nSize; ++i ) { String aTmp( pNewWords[i] ); if ( LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == aSuggestionLB.GetEntryPos( aTmp ) ) aSuggestionLB.InsertEntry( aTmp ); } if(!nSize) aSuggestionLB.InsertEntry( aNoSuggestionsST ); aAutoCorrPB.Enable( nSize > 0 ); //aSentenceED.GrabFocus(); aSuggestionFT.Enable(nSize > 0); aSuggestionLB.Enable(nSize > 0); if( nSize ) { aSuggestionLB.SelectEntryPos(0); } aChangePB.Enable( nSize > 0); aChangeAllPB.Enable(nSize > 0); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpellDialog::SpellContinue_Impl(bool bUseSavedSentence) { //initially or after the last error of a sentence MarkNextError will fail //then GetNextSentence() has to be called followed again by MarkNextError() //MarkNextError is not initally called if the UndoEdit mode is active if((!aSentenceED.IsUndoEditMode() && aSentenceED.MarkNextError()) || GetNextSentence_Impl(bUseSavedSentence) && aSentenceED.MarkNextError()) { Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt = aSentenceED.GetAlternatives(); if(xAlt.is()) { UpdateBoxes_Impl(); Control* aControls[] = { &aNotInDictFT, &aSentenceED, &aLanguageFT, &aLanguageLB, 0 }; sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; do { aControls[nIdx]->Enable(sal_True); } while(aControls[++nIdx]); } } } /* -----------------10.09.2003 14:04----------------- Initialize, asynchronous to prevent virtial calls from a constructor --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SpellDialog, InitHdl, SpellDialog *, EMPTYARG ) { //show or hide AutoCorrect depending on the modules abilities pThis->aAutoCorrPB.Show(pThis->rParent.HasAutoCorrection()); pThis->SpellContinue_Impl(); pThis->aSentenceED.ResetUndo(); pThis->aUndoPB.Enable(FALSE); pThis->LockFocusChanges(true); if( pThis->aChangePB.IsEnabled() ) pThis->aChangePB.GrabFocus(); else if( pThis->aIgnorePB.IsEnabled() ) pThis->aIgnorePB.GrabFocus(); else if( pThis->aClosePB.IsEnabled() ) pThis->aClosePB.GrabFocus(); pThis->LockFocusChanges(false); return 0; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SpellDialog, ExtClickHdl, Button *, pBtn ) { if (&aOptionsPB == pBtn) StartSpellOptDlg_Impl(); else if(&aAutoCorrPB == pBtn) { //get the currently selected wrong word String sCurrentErrorText = aSentenceED.GetErrorText(); //get the wrong word from the XSpellAlternative Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt = aSentenceED.GetAlternatives(); if(xAlt.is()) { String sWrong(xAlt->getWord()); //if the word has not been edited in the MultiLineEdit then //the current suggestion should be used //if it's not the 'no suggestions' entry if(sWrong == sCurrentErrorText && aSuggestionLB.IsEnabled() && aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntryCount() > 0 && aNoSuggestionsST != aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntry()) { sCurrentErrorText = aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntry(); } if(sWrong != sCurrentErrorText) { SvxPrepareAutoCorrect( sWrong, sCurrentErrorText ); LanguageType eLang = GetSelectedLang_Impl(); rParent.AddAutoCorrection( sWrong, sCurrentErrorText, eLang ); } } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpellDialog::StartSpellOptDlg_Impl() { sal_uInt16 aSpellInfos[] = { SID_ATTR_SPELL,SID_ATTR_SPELL, SID_SPELL_MODIFIED, SID_SPELL_MODIFIED, SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK, SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK, SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, 0 }; SfxItemSet aSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool(), aSpellInfos); aSet.Put(SfxSpellCheckItem( xSpell ),SID_ATTR_SPELL ); SfxSingleTabDialog* pDlg = new SfxSingleTabDialog( this, aSet, RID_SFXPAGE_LINGU ); SfxTabPage* pPage = SvxLinguTabPage::Create( pDlg, aSet ); ( (SvxLinguTabPage*)pPage )->HideGroups( GROUP_MODULES ); pDlg->SetTabPage( pPage ); if(RET_OK == pDlg->Execute()) { // Benutzerb"ucher anzeigen InitUserDicts(); const SfxItemSet* pOutSet = pDlg->GetOutputItemSet(); if(pOutSet) OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ApplyLanguageOptions(*pOutSet); } delete pDlg; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SpellDialog, ChangeHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { if(aSentenceED.IsUndoEditMode()) { SpellContinue_Impl(); } else { aSentenceED.UndoActionStart( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); String aString = aSentenceED.GetErrorText(); //dots are sometimes part of the spelled word but they are not necessarily part of the replacement bool bDot = aString.Len() && aString.GetChar(aString.Len() - 1 ) == '.'; if(aSuggestionLB.IsEnabled() && aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntryCount()>0 && aNoSuggestionsST != aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntry()) aString = aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntry(); if(bDot && (!aString.Len() || aString.GetChar(aString.Len() - 1 ) != '.')) aString += '.'; aSentenceED.ChangeMarkedWord(aString, GetSelectedLang_Impl()); SpellContinue_Impl(); bModified = false; aSentenceED.UndoActionEnd( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); } if(!aChangePB.IsEnabled()) aIgnorePB.GrabFocus(); return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SpellDialog, ChangeAllHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { aSentenceED.UndoActionStart( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); // change the current word first String aString = aSentenceED.GetErrorText(); if(aSuggestionLB.IsEnabled() && aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntryCount()>0 && aNoSuggestionsST != aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntry()) aString = aSuggestionLB.GetSelectEntry(); LanguageType eLang = GetSelectedLang_Impl(); // add new word to ChangeAll list String aOldWord( aSentenceED.GetErrorText() ); SvxPrepareAutoCorrect( aOldWord, aString ); Reference aXDictionary( SvxGetChangeAllList(), UNO_QUERY ); sal_uInt8 nAdded = SvxAddEntryToDic( aXDictionary, aOldWord , sal_True, aString, eLang ); if(nAdded == DIC_ERR_NONE) { SpellUndoAction_Impl* pAction = new SpellUndoAction_Impl( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY, aDialogUndoLink); pAction->SetDictionary(aXDictionary); pAction->SetAddedWord(aOldWord); aSentenceED.AddUndoAction(pAction); } aSentenceED.ChangeMarkedWord(aString, eLang); SpellContinue_Impl(); bModified = false; aSentenceED.UndoActionEnd( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SpellDialog, IgnoreAllHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { aSentenceED.UndoActionStart( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); // add word to IgnoreAll list Reference< XDictionary > aXDictionary( SvxGetIgnoreAllList(), UNO_QUERY ); //in case the error has been changed manually it has to be restored aSentenceED.RestoreCurrentError(); String sErrorText(aSentenceED.GetErrorText()); sal_uInt8 nAdded = SvxAddEntryToDic( aXDictionary, sErrorText, sal_False, ::rtl::OUString(), LANGUAGE_NONE ); if(nAdded == DIC_ERR_NONE) { SpellUndoAction_Impl* pAction = new SpellUndoAction_Impl( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY, aDialogUndoLink); pAction->SetDictionary(aXDictionary); pAction->SetAddedWord(sErrorText); aSentenceED.AddUndoAction(pAction); } SpellContinue_Impl(); bModified = false; aSentenceED.UndoActionEnd( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); return 1; } /*-- 06.11.2003 11:24:08--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SpellDialog, UndoHdl, Button*, EMPTYARG ) { aSentenceED.Undo(); if(!aSentenceED.GetUndoActionCount()) aUndoPB.Enable(FALSE); return 0; } /*-- 06.11.2003 12:19:15--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SpellDialog, DialogUndoHdl, SpellUndoAction_Impl*, pAction ) { switch(pAction->GetId()) { case SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_TEXTENGINE: { if(pAction->IsEnableChangePB()) aChangePB.Enable(FALSE); if(pAction->IsEnableChangeAllPB()) aChangeAllPB.Enable(FALSE); } break; case SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_NEXTERROR: { aSentenceED.MoveErrorMarkTo((USHORT)pAction->GetOldErrorStart(), (USHORT)pAction->GetOldErrorEnd()); if(pAction->IsErrorLanguageSelected()) { UpdateBoxes_Impl(); } } break; case SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY: { if(pAction->GetDictionary().is()) pAction->GetDictionary()->remove(pAction->GetAddedWord()); } break; case SPELLUNDO_MOVE_ERROREND : { if(pAction->GetOffset() != 0) aSentenceED.MoveErrorEnd(pAction->GetOffset()); } break; case SPELLUNDO_UNDO_EDIT_MODE : { //refill the dialog with the currently spelled sentence - throw away all changes SpellContinue_Impl(true); } break; } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SpellDialog, IgnoreHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { if(aIgnorePB.GetText() == aResumeST) { //clear the "ChangeAllList" SvxGetChangeAllList()->clear(); //get a new sentence aSentenceED.SetText(rtl::OUString()); aSentenceED.ResetModified(); SpellContinue_Impl(); aIgnorePB.SetText(aIgnoreOnceST); } else { //in case the error has been changed manually it has to be restored aSentenceED.RestoreCurrentError(); // the word is being ignored SpellContinue_Impl(); bModified = false; } return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SpellDialog::Close() { GetBindings().GetDispatcher()-> Execute(SID_SPELL_DIALOG, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON|SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); return sal_True; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpellDialog::SetSelectedLang_Impl( LanguageType nLang ) { aLanguageLB.SelectLanguage( nLang ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LanguageType SpellDialog::GetSelectedLang_Impl() const { INT16 nLang = aLanguageLB.GetSelectLanguage(); return nLang; } /* -----------------28.10.2003 14:27----------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(SpellDialog, LanguageSelectHdl, SvxLanguageBox*, pBox) { //if currently an error is selected then search for alternatives for //this word and fill the alternatives ListBox accordingly String sError = aSentenceED.GetErrorText(); aSuggestionLB.Clear(); if(sError.Len()) { aSentenceED.SetAlternatives(xSpell->spell( sError, pBox->GetSelectLanguage(), Sequence< PropertyValue >() )); aSentenceED.AddUndoAction(new SpellUndoAction_Impl(SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_LANGUAGE, aDialogUndoLink)); } SpellDialog::UpdateBoxes_Impl(); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpellDialog::SetLanguage( sal_uInt16 nLang ) /* [Beschreibung] wenn die Sprache im Thesaurus umgestellt wurde, muss auch hier die Sprache umgestellt werden. */ { String aStr( aTitel ); aStr.Append( UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( " (" ) ) ); aStr.Append( ::GetLanguageString( (LanguageType)nLang ) ); aStr.Append( sal_Unicode( ')' ) );; SetText( aStr ); // den richtigen Eintrag finden, da sortiert aLanguageLB.SelectLanguage( nLang ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SpellDialog::InitUserDicts() { sal_uInt16 nLang = aLanguageLB.GetSelectLanguage(); const Reference< XDictionary > *pDic = 0; // get list of dictionaries Reference< XDictionaryList > xDicList( SvxGetDictionaryList() ); if (xDicList.is()) { // add active, positive dictionary to dic-list (if not already done). // This is to ensure that there is at least on dictionary to which // words could be added. Reference< XDictionary1 > xDic( SvxGetOrCreatePosDic( xDicList ) ); if (xDic.is()) xDic->setActive( sal_True ); pImpl->aDics = xDicList->getDictionaries(); } // Benutzerbuecher anzeigen const sal_Int32 nSize = pImpl->aDics.getLength(); pDic = pImpl->aDics.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 i; delete aAddToDictMB.GetPopupMenu(); PopupMenu* pMenu = new PopupMenu; for (i = 0; i < nSize; ++i ) { Reference< XDictionary1 > xDic( pDic[i], UNO_QUERY ); if (!xDic.is() || SvxGetIgnoreAllList() == xDic) continue; // add only active and not read-only dictionaries to list // from which to choose from Reference< frame::XStorable > xStor( xDic, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xDic->isActive() && (!xStor.is() || !xStor->isReadonly()) ) { sal_Bool bNegativ = xDic->getDictionaryType() == DictionaryType_NEGATIVE; pMenu->InsertItem( (USHORT)i + 1, ::GetDicInfoStr( xDic->getName(), xDic->getLanguage(), bNegativ ) ); } } aAddToDictMB.SetPopupMenu(pMenu); aAddToDictMB.Disable(); sal_uInt16 k; for ( k = 0; k < pMenu->GetItemCount(); ++k ) { sal_uInt16 nId = pMenu->GetItemId(k) - 1; sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; const sal_uInt16 nDicLang = SvxLocaleToLanguage( pDic[nId]->getLocale() ); const sal_Bool bDicNegativ = pDic[nId]->getDictionaryType() == DictionaryType_NEGATIVE; // Stimmt die Sprache "uberein, dann enable if ((nDicLang == nLang || nDicLang == LANGUAGE_NONE) && !bDicNegativ) bFound = sal_True; if (bFound) { aAddToDictMB.Enable(); break; } } } /*-- 20.10.2003 15:31:06--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(SpellDialog, AddToDictionaryHdl, MenuButton*, pButton ) { aSentenceED.UndoActionStart( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); USHORT nItem = pButton->GetCurItemId(); //GetErrorText() returns the current error even if the text is already //manually changed String sNewWord= aSentenceED.GetErrorText(); Reference< XDictionary > xDic( pImpl->aDics.getConstArray()[ nItem - 1 ], UNO_QUERY ); sal_Int16 nAddRes = DIC_ERR_UNKNOWN; if (xDic.is()) { String sTmpTxt( sNewWord ); sal_Bool bNegEntry = xDic->getDictionaryType() == DictionaryType_NEGATIVE; nAddRes = SvxAddEntryToDic( xDic, sTmpTxt, bNegEntry, OUString(), LANGUAGE_NONE ); if(nAddRes == DIC_ERR_NONE) { SpellUndoAction_Impl* pAction = new SpellUndoAction_Impl( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY, aDialogUndoLink); pAction->SetDictionary(xDic); pAction->SetAddedWord(sTmpTxt); aSentenceED.AddUndoAction(pAction); } // failed because there is already an entry? if (DIC_ERR_NONE != nAddRes && xDic->getEntry( sTmpTxt ).is()) nAddRes = DIC_ERR_NONE; } if (DIC_ERR_NONE != nAddRes) { SvxDicError( this, nAddRes ); return 0; // Nicht weitermachen } // nach dem Aufnehmen ggf. '='-Zeichen entfernen sNewWord.EraseAllChars( sal_Unicode( '=' ) ); // go on SpellContinue_Impl(); aSentenceED.UndoActionEnd( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP ); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(SpellDialog, ModifyHdl, SentenceEditWindow_Impl*, pEd) { if (&aSentenceED == pEd) { bModified = true; aSuggestionLB.SetNoSelection(); aSuggestionLB.Disable(); String sNewText( aSentenceED.GetText() ); aAutoCorrPB.Enable( sNewText != aSentenceED.GetText() ); bool bChange = aChangeAllPB.IsEnabled(); SpellUndoAction_Impl* pSpellAction = new SpellUndoAction_Impl(SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_TEXTENGINE, aDialogUndoLink); if(!aChangeAllPB.IsEnabled()) { aChangeAllPB.Enable(); pSpellAction->SetEnableChangeAllPB(); } if(!aChangePB.IsEnabled()) { aChangePB.Enable(); pSpellAction->SetEnableChangePB(); } aSentenceED.AddUndoAction(pSpellAction); } return 0; }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(SpellDialog, CancelHdl, Button *, pButton ) { //apply changes first - if there are any if(aSentenceED.IsModified()) { rParent.ApplyChangedSentence(aSentenceED.CreateSpellPortions()); } Close(); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SpellDialog::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { ModelessDialog::Paint(rRect ); Rectangle aRect(aBackgroundGB.GetPosPixel(), aBackgroundGB.GetSizePixel()); DecorationView aDecoView( this ); aDecoView.DrawButton( aRect, BUTTON_DRAW_NOFILL); } /*-- 28.10.2003 13:26:39--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ long SpellDialog::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { /* #i38338# * FIXME: LoseFocus and GetFocus are signals from vcl that * a window actually got/lost the focus, it never should be * forwarded from another window, that is simply wrong. * FIXME: overloading the virtual methods GetFocus and LoseFocus * in SpellDialogChildWindow by making them pure is at least questionable. * The only sensible thing would be to call the new Method differently, * e.g. DialogGot/LostFocus or so. */ if( IsVisible() && !bFocusLocked ) { if( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_GETFOCUS ) { //notify the child window of the focus change rParent.GetFocus(); } else if( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_LOSEFOCUS ) { //notify the child window of the focus change rParent.LoseFocus(); } } return SfxModelessDialog::Notify(rNEvt); } /* -----------------10.09.2003 08:26----------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SpellDialog::Invalidate() { aIgnorePB.SetText(aResumeST); Window* aDisableArr[] = { &aNotInDictFT, &aSentenceED, &aSuggestionFT, &aSuggestionLB, &aLanguageFT, &aLanguageLB, &aIgnoreAllPB, &aAddToDictMB, &aChangePB, &aChangeAllPB, &aAutoCorrPB, &aUndoPB, 0 }; sal_Int16 i = 0; while(aDisableArr[i]) { aDisableArr[i]->Enable(FALSE); i++; } SfxModelessDialog::Deactivate(); } /*-- 10.09.2003 08:35:56--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool SpellDialog::GetNextSentence_Impl(bool bUseSavedSentence) { bool bRet = false; if(!bUseSavedSentence && aSentenceED.IsModified()) { rParent.ApplyChangedSentence(aSentenceED.CreateSpellPortions()); } aSentenceED.ResetModified(); SpellPortions aSentence = bUseSavedSentence ? m_aSavedSentence : rParent.GetNextWrongSentence(); if(!bUseSavedSentence) m_aSavedSentence = aSentence; bool bHasReplaced = false; while(aSentence.size()) { //apply all changes that are already part of the "ChangeAllList" //returns true if the list still contains errors after the changes have been applied if(!ApplyChangeAllList_Impl(aSentence, bHasReplaced)) { rParent.ApplyChangedSentence(aSentence); aSentence = rParent.GetNextWrongSentence(); } else break; } if(aSentence.size()) { SpellPortions::iterator aStart = aSentence.begin(); rtl::OUString sText; while(aStart != aSentence.end()) { // hidden text has to be ignored if(!aStart->bIsHidden) sText += aStart->sText; aStart++; } aSentenceED.SetText(sText); aStart = aSentence.begin(); sal_Int32 nStartPosition = 0; sal_Int32 nEndPosition = 0; while(aStart != aSentence.end()) { // hidden text has to be ignored if(!aStart->bIsHidden) { nEndPosition += aStart->sText.getLength(); if(aStart->xAlternatives.is()) aSentenceED.SetAttrib( SpellErrorAttrib(aStart->xAlternatives), 0, (USHORT) nStartPosition, (USHORT) nEndPosition ); if(aStart->bIsField) aSentenceED.SetAttrib( SpellBackgroundAttrib(COL_LIGHTGRAY), 0, (USHORT) nStartPosition, (USHORT) nEndPosition ); aSentenceED.SetAttrib( SpellLanguageAttrib(aStart->eLanguage), 0, (USHORT) nStartPosition, (USHORT) nEndPosition ); nStartPosition = nEndPosition; } aStart++; } //the edit field needs to be modified to apply the change from the ApplyChangeAllList if(!bHasReplaced) aSentenceED.ClearModifyFlag(); aSentenceED.ResetUndo(); aUndoPB.Enable(FALSE); bRet = nStartPosition > 0; } return bRet; } /*-- 12.11.2003 15:21:25--------------------------------------------------- replace errrors that have a replacement in the ChangeAllList returns false if the result doesn't contain errors after the replacement -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool SpellDialog::ApplyChangeAllList_Impl(SpellPortions& rSentence, bool &bHasReplaced) { bHasReplaced = false; bool bRet = true; SpellPortions::iterator aStart = rSentence.begin(); Reference xChangeAll( SvxGetChangeAllList(), UNO_QUERY ); if(!xChangeAll->getCount()) return bRet; bRet = false; while(aStart != rSentence.end()) { if(aStart->xAlternatives.is()) { Reference xEntry = xChangeAll->getEntry( aStart->sText ); if(xEntry.is()) { aStart->sText = xEntry->getReplacementText(); bHasReplaced = true; } else bRet = true; } aStart++; } return bRet; } /*-- 10.09.2003 10:40:21--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SentenceEditWindow_Impl::SentenceEditWindow_Impl( SpellDialog* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : MultiLineEdit( pParent, rResId ), m_nErrorStart(0), m_nErrorEnd(0), m_bIsUndoEditMode(false) { DisableSelectionOnFocus(); } /*-- 10.09.2003 10:40:11--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SentenceEditWindow_Impl::~SentenceEditWindow_Impl() { } /*-- 20.10.2003 13:42:34--------------------------------------------------- The selection before inputting a key may have a range or not and it may be inside or outside of field or error attributes. A range may include the attribute partially, completely or together with surrounding text. It may also contain more than one attribute or no attribute at all. Depending on this starting conditions some actions are necessary: Attempts to delete a field are only allowed if the selection is the same as the field's selection. Otherwise the field has to be selected and the key input action has to be skipped. Input of text at the start of the field requires the field attribute to be corrected - it is not allowed to grow. In case of errors the appending of text should grow the error attribute because that is what the user usually wants to do. Backspace at the start of the attribute requires to find out if a field ends directly in front of the cursor position. In case of a field this attribute has to be selected otherwise the key input method is allowed. All changes outside of the error attributes switch the dialog mode to a "Undo edit" state that removes all visible attributes and switches off further attribute checks. Undo in this restarts the dialog with a current sentence newly presented. All changes to the sentence are undone including the ones before the "Undo edit state" has been reached We end up with 9 types of selection 1 (LEFT_NO) - no range, start of attribute - can also be 3 at the same time 2 (INSIDE_NO) - no range, inside of attribute 3 (RIGHT_NO) - no range, end of attribute - can also be 1 at the same time 4 (FULL) - range, same as attribute 5 (INSIDE_YES) - range, inside of the attribute 6 (BRACE)- range, from outside of the attribute to the inside or including the complete attribute and something outside, maybe more than one attribute 7 (OUTSIDE_NO) - no range, not at an attribute 8 (OUTSIDE_YES) - range, completely outside of all attributes What has to be done depending on the attribute type involved possible actions: UE - Undo edit mode CO - Continue, no additional action is required FS - Field has to be completely selected EX - The attribute has to be expanded to include the added text 1 - backspace delete any other UE on field FS on error CO on field FS on error CO 2 - on field FS on error C 3 - backspace delete any other on field FS on error CO UE on field UE on error EX if 1 and 3 happen to apply both then backspace and other handling is 1 delete is 3 4 - on field UE and on error CO 5 - on field FS and on error CO 6 - on field FS and on error UE 7 - UE 8 - UE -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define INVALID 0 #define LEFT_NO 1 #define INSIDE_NO 2 #define RIGHT_NO 3 #define FULL 4 #define INSIDE_YES 5 #define BRACE 6 #define OUTSIDE_NO 7 #define OUTSIDE_YES 8 #define ACTION_UNDOEDIT 0 #define ACTION_CONTINUE 1 #define ACTION_SELECTFIELD 2 #define ACTION_EXPAND 3 long SentenceEditWindow_Impl::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { bool bChange = false; const TextCharAttrib* pErrorAttrib = 0; if(rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT) { const KeyEvent& rKeyEvt = *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); bChange = TextEngine::DoesKeyChangeText( rKeyEvt ); if(bChange && !IsUndoEditMode() && rKeyEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() != KEY_TAB) { TextEngine* pTextEngine = GetTextEngine(); TextView* pTextView = pTextEngine->GetActiveView(); const TextSelection& rCurrentSelection = pTextView->GetSelection(); //determine if the selection contains a field bool bHasField = false; bool bHasError = false; bool bHasFieldLeft = false; bool bHasErrorLeft = false; // bool bInsideAttr = false; bool bHasRange = rCurrentSelection.HasRange(); sal_uInt8 nSelectionType = 0; // invalid type! TextPaM aCursor(rCurrentSelection.GetStart()); const TextCharAttrib* pBackAttr = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_BACKGROUND ); const TextCharAttrib* pErrorAttr = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR ); const TextCharAttrib* pBackAttrLeft = 0; const TextCharAttrib* pErrorAttrLeft = 0; bHasField = pBackAttr != 0 && (bHasRange || pBackAttr->GetEnd() > aCursor.GetIndex()); bHasError = pErrorAttr != 0 && (bHasRange || pErrorAttr->GetEnd() > aCursor.GetIndex()); if(bHasRange) { if(pBackAttr && pBackAttr->GetStart() == rCurrentSelection.GetStart().GetIndex() && pBackAttr->GetEnd() == rCurrentSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex()) { nSelectionType = FULL; } else if(pErrorAttr && pErrorAttr->GetStart() <= rCurrentSelection.GetStart().GetIndex() && pErrorAttr->GetEnd() >= rCurrentSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex()) { nSelectionType = INSIDE_YES; } else { nSelectionType = bHasField||bHasError ? BRACE : OUTSIDE_NO; while(aCursor.GetIndex() < rCurrentSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex()) { ++aCursor.GetIndex(); const TextCharAttrib* pIntBackAttr = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_BACKGROUND ); const TextCharAttrib* pIntErrorAttr = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR ); //if any attr has been found then BRACE if(pIntBackAttr || pIntErrorAttr) nSelectionType = BRACE; //the field has to be selected if(pIntBackAttr && !pBackAttr) pBackAttr = pIntBackAttr; bHasField |= pIntBackAttr != 0; } } } else { //no range selection: then 1 2 3 and 8 are possible const TextCharAttrib* pCurAttr = pBackAttr ? pBackAttr : pErrorAttr; if(pCurAttr) { nSelectionType = pCurAttr->GetStart() == rCurrentSelection.GetStart().GetIndex() ? LEFT_NO : pCurAttr->GetEnd() == rCurrentSelection.GetEnd().GetIndex() ? RIGHT_NO : INSIDE_NO; } else nSelectionType = OUTSIDE_NO; bHasFieldLeft = pBackAttr && pBackAttr->GetEnd() == aCursor.GetIndex(); if(bHasFieldLeft) { pBackAttrLeft = pBackAttr; pBackAttr = 0; } bHasErrorLeft = pErrorAttr && pErrorAttr->GetEnd() == aCursor.GetIndex(); if(bHasErrorLeft) { pErrorAttrLeft = pErrorAttr; pErrorAttr = 0; } //check previous position if this exists //that is a redundant in the case the the attribute found above already is on the left cursor side //but it's o.k. for two errors/fields side by side if(aCursor.GetIndex()) { --aCursor.GetIndex(); pBackAttrLeft = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_BACKGROUND ); pErrorAttrLeft = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR ); bHasFieldLeft = pBackAttrLeft !=0; bHasErrorLeft = pErrorAttrLeft != 0; // bInsideAttr = (bHasField || bHasError) && (bHasFieldLeft || bHasErrorLeft); ++aCursor.GetIndex(); } } //Here we have to determine if the error found is the one currently active bool bIsErrorActive = pErrorAttr && pErrorAttr->GetStart() == m_nErrorStart || pErrorAttrLeft && pErrorAttrLeft->GetStart() == m_nErrorStart; DBG_ASSERT(nSelectionType != INVALID, "selection type not set!") const KeyCode& rKeyCode = rKeyEvt.GetKeyCode(); bool bDelete = rKeyCode.GetCode() == KEY_DELETE; bool bBackspace = rKeyCode.GetCode() == KEY_BACKSPACE; sal_Int8 nAction = ACTION_CONTINUE; // nAction = ACTION_UNDOEDIT // nAction = ACTION_SELECTFIELD // nAction = ACTION_EXPAND switch(nSelectionType) { // 1 - backspace delete any other // UE on field FS on error CO on field FS on error CO case LEFT_NO : if(bBackspace) { nAction = bHasFieldLeft ? ACTION_SELECTFIELD : ACTION_UNDOEDIT; //to force the use of pBackAttrLeft pBackAttr = 0; } else if(bDelete) nAction = bHasField ? ACTION_SELECTFIELD : ACTION_CONTINUE; else nAction = bHasError && !aCursor.GetIndex() ? ACTION_CONTINUE : bHasError ? ACTION_EXPAND : bHasErrorLeft ? ACTION_CONTINUE : ACTION_UNDOEDIT; break; // 2 - on field FS on error C case INSIDE_NO : nAction = bHasField ? ACTION_SELECTFIELD : bIsErrorActive ? ACTION_CONTINUE : ACTION_UNDOEDIT; break; // 3 - backspace delete any other // on field FS on error CO UE on field UE on error EX case RIGHT_NO : if(bBackspace) nAction = bHasFieldLeft ? ACTION_SELECTFIELD : ACTION_CONTINUE; else if(bDelete) nAction = bHasFieldLeft && bHasError ? ACTION_CONTINUE : ACTION_UNDOEDIT; else nAction = bHasFieldLeft && bHasError ? ACTION_EXPAND : bHasError ? ACTION_CONTINUE : bHasErrorLeft ? ACTION_EXPAND :ACTION_UNDOEDIT; break; // 4 - on field UE and on error CO case FULL : nAction = bHasField ? ACTION_UNDOEDIT : ACTION_CONTINUE; break; // 5 - on field FS and on error CO case INSIDE_YES : nAction = bHasField ? ACTION_SELECTFIELD : ACTION_CONTINUE; break; // 6 - on field FS and on error UE case BRACE : nAction = bHasField ? ACTION_SELECTFIELD : ACTION_UNDOEDIT;; break; // 7 - UE // 8 - UE case OUTSIDE_NO : case OUTSIDE_YES: nAction = ACTION_UNDOEDIT; break; } //save the current paragraph USHORT nCurrentLen = GetText().Len(); if(nAction != ACTION_SELECTFIELD) pTextView->GetWindow()->KeyInput(rKeyEvt); else { const TextCharAttrib* pCharAttr = pBackAttr ? pBackAttr : pBackAttrLeft; if(pCharAttr) { TextPaM aStart(0, pCharAttr->GetStart()); TextPaM aEnd(0, pCharAttr->GetEnd()); TextSelection aNewSel(aStart, aEnd); pTextView->SetSelection( aNewSel); } } if(nAction == ACTION_EXPAND) { DBG_ASSERT(pErrorAttrLeft || pErrorAttr, "where is the error") //text has been added on the right and only the 'error attribute has to be corrected if(pErrorAttrLeft) { TextAttrib* pNewError = pErrorAttrLeft->GetAttr().Clone(); USHORT nStart = pErrorAttrLeft->GetStart(); USHORT nEnd = pErrorAttrLeft->GetEnd(); pTextEngine->RemoveAttrib( 0, *pErrorAttrLeft ); SetAttrib( *pNewError, 0, nStart, ++nEnd ); //only active errors move the mark if(bIsErrorActive) MoveErrorMarkTo(nStart, nEnd); delete pNewError; } //text has been added on the left then the error attribute has to be expanded and the //field attribute on the right - if any - has to be contracted else if(pErrorAttr) { //determine the change USHORT nAddedChars = GetText().Len() - nCurrentLen; TextAttrib* pNewError = pErrorAttr->GetAttr().Clone(); USHORT nStart = pErrorAttr->GetStart(); USHORT nEnd = pErrorAttr->GetEnd(); pTextEngine->RemoveAttrib( 0, *pErrorAttr ); nStart -= nAddedChars; SetAttrib( *pNewError, 0, nStart - nAddedChars, nEnd ); //only if the error is active the mark is moved here if(bIsErrorActive) MoveErrorMarkTo(nStart, nEnd); delete pNewError; if(pBackAttrLeft) { TextAttrib* pNewBack = pBackAttrLeft->GetAttr().Clone(); USHORT nStart = pBackAttrLeft->GetStart(); USHORT nEnd = pBackAttrLeft->GetEnd(); pTextEngine->RemoveAttrib( 0, *pBackAttrLeft ); SetAttrib( *pNewBack, 0, nStart, nEnd - nAddedChars); delete pNewBack; } } } else if(nAction == ACTION_UNDOEDIT) { SetUndoEditMode(true); } //make sure the error positions are correct after text changes //the old attribute may have been deleted //all changes inside of the current error leave the error attribute at the current //start position if(!IsUndoEditMode() && bIsErrorActive) { const TextCharAttrib* pFontColor = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_FONTCOLOR ); pErrorAttrib = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( TextPaM(0, m_nErrorStart), TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR ); if(pFontColor && pErrorAttrib ) { m_nErrorStart = pFontColor->GetStart(); m_nErrorEnd = pFontColor->GetEnd(); if(pErrorAttrib->GetStart() != m_nErrorStart || pErrorAttrib->GetEnd() != m_nErrorEnd) { TextAttrib* pNewError = pErrorAttrib->GetAttr().Clone(); pTextEngine->RemoveAttrib( 0, *pErrorAttr ); SetAttrib( *pNewError, 0, m_nErrorStart, m_nErrorEnd ); delete pNewError; } } } //this is not a modification anymore if(nAction != ACTION_SELECTFIELD && !m_bIsUndoEditMode) CallModifyLink(); } else bChange = false; } long nRet = bChange ? 1 : MultiLineEdit::PreNotify(rNEvt); return nRet; } /*-- 10.09.2003 13:38:14--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool SentenceEditWindow_Impl::MarkNextError() { ExtTextEngine* pTextEngine = GetTextEngine(); USHORT nTextLen = pTextEngine->GetTextLen(0); if(m_nErrorEnd >= nTextLen - 1) return false; //if it's not already modified the modified flag has to be reset at the and of the marking bool bModified = IsModified(); bool bRet = false; const USHORT nOldErrorStart = m_nErrorStart; const USHORT nOldErrorEnd = m_nErrorEnd; //create a cursor behind the end of the last error //- or at 0 at the start of the sentence TextPaM aCursor(0, m_nErrorEnd ? m_nErrorEnd + 1 : 0); //search for SpellErrorAttrib const TextCharAttrib* pNextError = 0; //iterate over the text and search for the next error that maybe has //to be replace by a ChangeAllList replacement while(aCursor.GetIndex() < nTextLen) { while(aCursor.GetIndex() < nTextLen && 0 == (pNextError = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR))) { ++aCursor.GetIndex(); } // maybe the error found here is already in the ChangeAllList and has to be replaced Reference xChangeAll( SvxGetChangeAllList(), UNO_QUERY ); Reference xEntry; Reference xAlternatives; if(pNextError) xAlternatives = static_cast(pNextError->GetAttr()).GetAlternatives(); if(xChangeAll->getCount() && xAlternatives.is() && (xEntry = xChangeAll->getEntry( xAlternatives->getWord() )).is()) { m_nErrorStart = pNextError->GetStart(); m_nErrorEnd = pNextError->GetEnd(); ChangeMarkedWord(xEntry->getReplacementText(), SvxLocaleToLanguage( xAlternatives->getLocale() )); aCursor.GetIndex() += (USHORT)xEntry->getReplacementText().getLength(); } else break; } //if an attrib has been found search for the end of the error string if(aCursor.GetIndex() < nTextLen) { m_nErrorStart = aCursor.GetIndex(); m_nErrorEnd = pNextError->GetEnd(); MoveErrorMarkTo(m_nErrorStart, m_nErrorEnd); bRet = true; //add an undo action SpellUndoAction_Impl* pAction = new SpellUndoAction_Impl( SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_NEXTERROR, GetSpellDialog()->aDialogUndoLink); pAction->SetErrorMove(m_nErrorStart, m_nErrorEnd, nOldErrorStart, nOldErrorEnd); const SpellErrorAttrib* pOldAttrib = static_cast( pTextEngine->FindAttrib( TextPaM(0, nOldErrorStart), TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR )); //if the window has been modified then an error should have been found DBG_ASSERT(!bModified || pOldAttrib, "old error could not be found") pAction->SetErrorLanguageSelected(pOldAttrib && pOldAttrib->GetAlternatives().is() && SvxLocaleToLanguage( pOldAttrib->GetAlternatives()->getLocale()) == GetSpellDialog()->aLanguageLB.GetSelectLanguage()); AddUndoAction(pAction); } else m_nErrorStart = m_nErrorEnd = nTextLen; if( !bModified ) ClearModifyFlag(); SpellDialog* pSpellDialog = GetSpellDialog(); pSpellDialog->aIgnorePB.Enable(bRet); pSpellDialog->aIgnoreAllPB.Enable(bRet); pSpellDialog->aAutoCorrPB.Enable(bRet); pSpellDialog->aAddToDictMB.Enable(bRet); return bRet; } /*-- 06.11.2003 13:30:26--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::MoveErrorMarkTo(USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd) { TextEngine* pTextEngine = GetTextEngine(); pTextEngine->RemoveAttribs( 0, (USHORT)TEXTATTR_FONTCOLOR, TRUE ); pTextEngine->RemoveAttribs( 0, (USHORT)TEXTATTR_FONTWEIGHT, TRUE ); pTextEngine->SetAttrib( TextAttribFontWeight(WEIGHT_BOLD), 0, nStart, nEnd ); pTextEngine->SetAttrib( TextAttribFontColor(COL_LIGHTRED), 0, nStart, nEnd ); m_nErrorStart = nStart; m_nErrorEnd = nEnd; } /*-- 17.09.2003 10:13:08--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::ChangeMarkedWord(const String& rNewWord, LanguageType eLanguage) { //calculate length changes long nOldStart = m_nErrorStart; long nOldEnd = m_nErrorEnd; long nDiffLen = rNewWord.Len() - m_nErrorEnd + m_nErrorStart; TextSelection aSel(TextPaM(0, m_nErrorStart), TextPaM(0, m_nErrorEnd)); //Remove spell errror attribute ExtTextEngine* pTextEngine = GetTextEngine(); pTextEngine->UndoActionStart( TEXTUNDO_INSERT ); const TextCharAttrib* pErrorAttrib = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( TextPaM(0, m_nErrorStart), TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR ); DBG_ASSERT(pErrorAttrib, "no error attribute found") Reference xAlternatives; if(pErrorAttrib) { pTextEngine->RemoveAttrib(0, *pErrorAttrib); xAlternatives = static_cast(pErrorAttrib->GetAttr()).GetAlternatives(); } const TextCharAttrib* pBackAttrib = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( TextPaM(0, m_nErrorStart), TEXTATTR_SPELL_BACKGROUND ); pTextEngine->ReplaceText( aSel, rNewWord ); // if(!m_nErrorStart) { //attributes following an error at the start of the text are not moved but expanded from the //text engine - this is done to keep full-paragraph-attributes //in the current case that handling is not desired const TextCharAttrib* pLangAttrib = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( TextPaM(0, m_nErrorEnd), TEXTATTR_SPELL_LANGUAGE ); USHORT nTextLen = pTextEngine->GetTextLen( 0 ); if(pLangAttrib && !pLangAttrib->GetStart() && pLangAttrib->GetEnd() == nTextLen) { SpellLanguageAttrib aNewLangAttrib( static_cast(pLangAttrib->GetAttr()).GetLanguage()); pTextEngine->RemoveAttrib(0, *pLangAttrib); pTextEngine->SetAttrib( aNewLangAttrib, 0, m_nErrorEnd + nDiffLen , nTextLen ); } } // undo expanded attributes! if( pBackAttrib && pBackAttrib->GetStart() < m_nErrorStart && pBackAttrib->GetEnd() == m_nErrorEnd + nDiffLen) { TextAttrib* pNewBackground = pBackAttrib->GetAttr().Clone(); USHORT nStart = pBackAttrib->GetStart(); pTextEngine->RemoveAttrib(0, *pBackAttrib); pTextEngine->SetAttrib(*pNewBackground, 0, nStart, m_nErrorStart); delete pNewBackground; } pTextEngine->SetModified(TRUE); //adjust end position long nEndTemp = m_nErrorEnd; nEndTemp += nDiffLen; m_nErrorEnd = (USHORT)nEndTemp; SpellUndoAction_Impl* pAction = new SpellUndoAction_Impl( SPELLUNDO_MOVE_ERROREND, GetSpellDialog()->aDialogUndoLink); pAction->SetOffset(nDiffLen); AddUndoAction(pAction); SetAttrib( SpellErrorAttrib(xAlternatives), 0, m_nErrorStart, m_nErrorEnd ); SetAttrib( SpellLanguageAttrib(eLanguage), 0, m_nErrorStart, m_nErrorEnd ); pTextEngine->UndoActionEnd( TEXTUNDO_INSERT ); } /* -----------------08.10.2003 13:18----------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ String SentenceEditWindow_Impl::GetErrorText() const { return GetTextEngine()->GetText(TextSelection(TextPaM(0, m_nErrorStart), TextPaM(0, m_nErrorEnd) )); } /*-- 10.09.2003 13:38:14--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Reference SentenceEditWindow_Impl::GetAlternatives() { TextPaM aCursor(0, m_nErrorStart); const SpellErrorAttrib* pAttrib = static_cast( GetTextEngine()->FindAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR)); Reference xRet; if(pAttrib) xRet = pAttrib->GetAlternatives(); return xRet; } /*-- 06.09.2004 10:50:32--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::RestoreCurrentError() { TextPaM aCursor(0, m_nErrorStart); const SpellErrorAttrib* pAttrib = static_cast( GetTextEngine()->FindAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR)); Reference xRet; Reference xAlt = pAttrib ? pAttrib->GetAlternatives() : 0; if(xAlt.is()) { String sError = xAlt->getWord(); if( GetErrorText() != sError ) ChangeMarkedWord(sError, SvxLocaleToLanguage( xAlt->getLocale() )); } } /*-- 28.10.2003 14:44:10--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::SetAlternatives( Reference< XSpellAlternatives> xAlt ) { TextPaM aCursor(0, m_nErrorStart); DBG_ASSERT(static_cast( GetTextEngine()->FindAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR)), "no error set?") GetTextEngine()->SetAttrib( SpellErrorAttrib(xAlt), 0, m_nErrorStart, m_nErrorEnd ); } /*-- 10.09.2003 14:43:02--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::SetAttrib( const TextAttrib& rAttr, ULONG nPara, USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd ) { GetTextEngine()->SetAttrib(rAttr, nPara, nStart, nEnd); } /*-- 10.09.2003 14:43:02--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::SetText( const String& rStr ) { m_nErrorStart = m_nErrorEnd = 0; GetTextEngine()->SetText(rStr); // InitScrollBars(); } /*-- 08.10.2003 14:35:52--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct LanguagePosition_Impl { USHORT nPosition; LanguageType eLanguage; LanguagePosition_Impl(USHORT nPos, LanguageType eLang) : nPosition(nPos), eLanguage(eLang) {} }; typedef std::vector LanguagePositions_Impl; void lcl_InsertBreakPosition_Impl( LanguagePositions_Impl& rBreakPositions, USHORT nInsert, LanguageType eLanguage) { LanguagePositions_Impl::iterator aStart = rBreakPositions.begin(); while(aStart != rBreakPositions.end()) { if(aStart->nPosition == nInsert) { //the language of following starts has to overwrite //the one of previous ends aStart->eLanguage = eLanguage; return; } else if(aStart->nPosition > nInsert) { rBreakPositions.insert(aStart, LanguagePosition_Impl(nInsert, eLanguage)); return; } else ++aStart; } rBreakPositions.push_back(LanguagePosition_Impl(nInsert, eLanguage)); } /*-- 17.09.2003 14:26:59--------------------------------------------------- Returns the text in spell portions. Each portion contains text with an equal language and attribute. The spell alternatives are empty. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ svx::SpellPortions SentenceEditWindow_Impl::CreateSpellPortions() const { svx::SpellPortions aRet; ExtTextEngine* pTextEngine = GetTextEngine(); const USHORT nTextLen = pTextEngine->GetTextLen(0); if(nTextLen) { TextPaM aCursor(0, 0); LanguagePositions_Impl aBreakPositions; const TextCharAttrib* pLastLang = 0; const TextCharAttrib* pLastError = 0; LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW; while(aCursor.GetIndex() < nTextLen) { const TextCharAttrib* pLang = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_LANGUAGE); if(pLang && pLang != pLastLang) { eLang = static_cast(pLang->GetAttr()).GetLanguage(); lcl_InsertBreakPosition_Impl(aBreakPositions, pLang->GetStart(), eLang); lcl_InsertBreakPosition_Impl(aBreakPositions, pLang->GetEnd(), eLang); pLastLang = pLang; } const TextCharAttrib* pError = pTextEngine->FindCharAttrib( aCursor, TEXTATTR_SPELL_ERROR); if(pError && pLastError != pError) { lcl_InsertBreakPosition_Impl(aBreakPositions, pError->GetStart(), eLang); lcl_InsertBreakPosition_Impl(aBreakPositions, pError->GetEnd(), eLang); pLastError = pError; } aCursor.GetIndex()++; } // if(nTextLen && aBreakPositions.empty()) { //if all content has been overwritten the attributes may have been removed, too svx::SpellPortion aPortion1; aPortion1.eLanguage = GetSpellDialog()->GetSelectedLang_Impl(); aPortion1.sText = pTextEngine->GetText( TextSelection(TextPaM(0, 0), TextPaM(0, nTextLen))); aRet.push_back(aPortion1); } else if(!aBreakPositions.empty()) { LanguagePositions_Impl::iterator aStart = aBreakPositions.begin(); //start should always be Null eLang = aStart->eLanguage; USHORT nStart = aStart->nPosition; DBG_ASSERT(!nStart, "invalid start position - language attribute missing?") ++aStart; while(aStart != aBreakPositions.end()) { svx::SpellPortion aPortion1; aPortion1.eLanguage = eLang; aPortion1.sText = pTextEngine->GetText( TextSelection(TextPaM(0, nStart), TextPaM(0, aStart->nPosition))); aRet.push_back(aPortion1); nStart = aStart->nPosition; eLang = aStart->eLanguage; ++aStart; } } } return aRet; } /*-- 06.11.2003 11:30:10--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::Undo() { SfxUndoManager& rUndoMgr = GetTextEngine()->GetUndoManager(); DBG_ASSERT(GetUndoActionCount(), "no undo actions available" ) if(!GetUndoActionCount()) return; bool bSaveUndoEdit = IsUndoEditMode(); USHORT nId; //if the undo edit mode is active then undo all changes until the UNDO_EDIT_MODE action has been found do { nId = rUndoMgr.GetUndoActionId(); rUndoMgr.Undo(); }while(bSaveUndoEdit && SPELLUNDO_UNDO_EDIT_MODE != nId && GetUndoActionCount()); if(bSaveUndoEdit || SPELLUNDO_CHANGE_GROUP == nId) GetSpellDialog()->UpdateBoxes_Impl(); } /*-- 06.11.2003 11:30:10--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::ResetUndo() { GetTextEngine()->ResetUndo(); } /*-- 06.11.2003 12:30:41--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::AddUndoAction( SfxUndoAction *pAction, BOOL bTryMerg ) { SfxUndoManager& rUndoMgr = GetTextEngine()->GetUndoManager(); rUndoMgr.AddUndoAction(pAction, bTryMerg); GetSpellDialog()->aUndoPB.Enable(); } /*-- 06.11.2003 12:38:44--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT SentenceEditWindow_Impl::GetUndoActionCount() { return GetTextEngine()->GetUndoManager().GetUndoActionCount(); } /*-- 12.11.2003 12:12:38--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::UndoActionStart( USHORT nId ) { GetTextEngine()->UndoActionStart(nId); } /*-- 12.11.2003 12:12:38--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::UndoActionEnd( USHORT nId ) { GetTextEngine()->UndoActionEnd(nId); } /*-- 12.11.2003 12:12:38--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::MoveErrorEnd(long nOffset) { if(nOffset > 0) m_nErrorEnd -= (USHORT)nOffset; else m_nErrorEnd += (USHORT)- nOffset; } /*-- 13.11.2003 15:15:19--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SentenceEditWindow_Impl::SetUndoEditMode(bool bSet) { DBG_ASSERT(!bSet || m_bIsUndoEditMode != bSet, "SetUndoEditMode with equal values?") m_bIsUndoEditMode = bSet; //disable all buttons except the Change SpellDialog* pSpellDialog = GetSpellDialog(); Control* aControls[] = { &pSpellDialog->aChangeAllPB, &pSpellDialog->aIgnoreAllPB, &pSpellDialog->aIgnorePB, &pSpellDialog->aSuggestionLB, &pSpellDialog->aSuggestionFT, &pSpellDialog->aLanguageFT, &pSpellDialog->aLanguageLB, &pSpellDialog->aAddToDictMB, &pSpellDialog->aAutoCorrPB, 0 }; sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; do { aControls[nIdx]->Enable(sal_False); } while(aControls[++nIdx]); //remove error marks TextEngine* pTextEngine = GetTextEngine(); pTextEngine->RemoveAttribs( 0, (USHORT)TEXTATTR_FONTCOLOR, TRUE ); pTextEngine->RemoveAttribs( 0, (USHORT)TEXTATTR_FONTWEIGHT, TRUE ); //put the appropriate action on the Undo-stack SpellUndoAction_Impl* pAction = new SpellUndoAction_Impl( SPELLUNDO_UNDO_EDIT_MODE, GetSpellDialog()->aDialogUndoLink); AddUndoAction(pAction); pSpellDialog->aChangePB.Enable(); }