/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: _bmpmask.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:01:06 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_WRKWIN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SHL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_METAACT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VALUESET_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #define BMPMASK_PRIVATE #include #include #include #include #include //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BMP_RESID(nId) ResId(nId, DIALOG_MGR()) #define TRANSP_STRING "Transparent" #define TRANSP_COL (Color( 252, 252, 252 )) #define OWN_CALLMODE SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define TEST_COLS() \ { \ nR = aCol.GetRed(); nG = aCol.GetGreen(); nB = aCol.GetBlue(); \ for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) \ { \ if ( ( pMinR[i] <= nR ) && ( pMaxR[i] >= nR ) && \ ( pMinG[i] <= nG ) && ( pMaxG[i] >= nG ) && \ ( pMinB[i] <= nB ) && ( pMaxB[i] >= nB ) ) \ { \ aCol = pDstCols[i]; bReplace = TRUE; break; \ } \ } \ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFX_IMPL_DOCKINGWINDOW( SvxBmpMaskChildWindow, SID_BMPMASK ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ColorWindow : public Control { Color aColor; public: ColorWindow( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : Control( pParent, nWinStyle ), aColor( COL_WHITE ) {}; ColorWindow( Window* pParent, const ResId& rId ) : Control( pParent, rId ), aColor( COL_WHITE ) {}; void SetColor( const Color& rColor ) { aColor = rColor; Invalidate(); } virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MaskSet : public ValueSet { SvxBmpMask* pSvxBmpMask; public: MaskSet( SvxBmpMask* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ); MaskSet( SvxBmpMask* pParent, const ResId& rId ); virtual void Select(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaskSet::MaskSet( SvxBmpMask* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : ValueSet ( pParent, nWinStyle ), pSvxBmpMask ( pParent ) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaskSet::MaskSet( SvxBmpMask* pParent, const ResId& rId ) : ValueSet ( pParent, rId ), pSvxBmpMask ( pParent ) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MaskSet::Select() { ValueSet::Select(); switch ( GetSelectItemId() ) { case ( 1 ) : pSvxBmpMask->aLbColor1.GrabFocus(); break; case ( 2 ) : pSvxBmpMask->aLbColor2.GrabFocus(); break; case ( 3 ) : pSvxBmpMask->aLbColor3.GrabFocus(); break; case ( 4 ) : pSvxBmpMask->aLbColor4.GrabFocus(); break; default : break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MaskData { SvxBmpMask* pMask; BOOL bIsReady; BOOL bExecState; SfxBindings& rBindings; public: MaskData( SvxBmpMask* pBmpMask, SfxBindings& rBind ); BOOL IsCbxReady() const { return bIsReady; } void SetExecState( BOOL bState ) { bExecState = bState; } BOOL IsExecReady() const { return bExecState; } DECL_LINK( PipetteHdl, ToolBox* pTbx ); DECL_LINK( CbxHdl, CheckBox* pCbx ); DECL_LINK( CbxTransHdl, CheckBox* pCbx ); DECL_LINK( FocusLbHdl, ColorLB* pLb ); DECL_LINK( ExecHdl, PushButton* pBtn ); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaskData::MaskData( SvxBmpMask* pBmpMask, SfxBindings& rBind ) : pMask ( pBmpMask ), bIsReady ( FALSE ), bExecState ( FALSE ), rBindings ( rBind ) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( MaskData, PipetteHdl, ToolBox*, pTbx ) { SfxBoolItem aBItem( SID_BMPMASK_PIPETTE, pTbx->IsItemChecked( TBI_PIPETTE ) ); rBindings.GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_BMPMASK_PIPETTE, OWN_CALLMODE, &aBItem, 0L ); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( MaskData, CbxHdl, CheckBox*, pCbx ) { bIsReady = pMask->aCbx1.IsChecked() || pMask->aCbx2.IsChecked() || pMask->aCbx3.IsChecked() || pMask->aCbx4.IsChecked(); if ( bIsReady && IsExecReady() ) pMask->aBtnExec.Enable(); else pMask->aBtnExec.Disable(); // Wenn eine Checkbox gecheckt wurde, wird die Pipette enabled if ( pCbx->IsChecked() ) { if ( pCbx == &( pMask->aCbx1 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 1 ); else if ( pCbx == &( pMask->aCbx2 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 2 ); else if ( pCbx == &( pMask->aCbx3 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 3 ); else if ( pCbx == &( pMask->aCbx4 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 4 ); pMask->pQSet->Select(); pMask->aTbxPipette.CheckItem( TBI_PIPETTE, TRUE ); PipetteHdl( &( pMask->aTbxPipette ) ); } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( MaskData, CbxTransHdl, CheckBox*, pCbx ) { if ( bIsReady = pCbx->IsChecked() ) { pMask->pQSet->Disable(); pMask->pCtlPipette->Disable(); pMask->aCbx1.Disable(); pMask->aSp1.Disable(); pMask->aCbx2.Disable(); pMask->aSp2.Disable(); pMask->aCbx3.Disable(); pMask->aSp3.Disable(); pMask->aCbx4.Disable(); pMask->aSp4.Disable(); pMask->aTbxPipette.Disable(); pMask->aLbColor1.Disable(); pMask->aLbColor2.Disable(); pMask->aLbColor3.Disable(); pMask->aLbColor4.Disable(); pMask->aLbColorTrans.Enable(); } else { pMask->pQSet->Enable(); pMask->pCtlPipette->Enable(); pMask->aCbx1.Enable(); pMask->aSp1.Enable(); pMask->aCbx2.Enable(); pMask->aSp2.Enable(); pMask->aCbx3.Enable(); pMask->aSp3.Enable(); pMask->aCbx4.Enable(); pMask->aSp4.Enable(); pMask->aTbxPipette.Enable(); pMask->aLbColor1.Enable(); pMask->aLbColor2.Enable(); pMask->aLbColor3.Enable(); pMask->aLbColor4.Enable(); pMask->aLbColorTrans.Disable(); bIsReady = pMask->aCbx1.IsChecked() || pMask->aCbx2.IsChecked() || pMask->aCbx3.IsChecked() || pMask->aCbx4.IsChecked(); } if ( bIsReady && IsExecReady() ) pMask->aBtnExec.Enable(); else pMask->aBtnExec.Disable(); return 0L; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( MaskData, FocusLbHdl, ColorLB*, pLb ) { if ( pLb == &( pMask->aLbColor1 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 1 ); else if ( pLb == &( pMask->aLbColor2 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 2 ); else if ( pLb == &( pMask->aLbColor3 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 3 ); else if ( pLb == &( pMask->aLbColor4 ) ) pMask->pQSet->SelectItem( 4 ); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( MaskData, ExecHdl, PushButton*, pBtn ) { SfxBoolItem aBItem( SID_BMPMASK_EXEC, TRUE ); rBindings.GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_BMPMASK_EXEC, OWN_CALLMODE, &aBItem, 0L ); return 0L; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ColorWindow::Paint( const Rectangle &Rect ) { const Color& rOldLineColor = GetLineColor(); const Color& rOldFillColor = GetFillColor(); SetLineColor( aColor ); SetFillColor( aColor ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point(), GetSizePixel() ) ); SetLineColor( rOldLineColor ); SetFillColor( rOldFillColor ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxBmpMaskSelectItem::SvxBmpMaskSelectItem( USHORT nId, SvxBmpMask& rMask, SfxBindings& rBindings ) : SfxControllerItem ( nId, rBindings ), rBmpMask ( rMask) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxBmpMaskSelectItem::StateChanged( USHORT nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pItem ) { if ( ( nSID == SID_BMPMASK_EXEC ) && pItem ) { const SfxBoolItem* pStateItem = PTR_CAST( SfxBoolItem, pItem ); DBG_ASSERT( pStateItem || pItem == 0, "SfxBoolItem erwartet"); rBmpMask.SetExecState( pStateItem->GetValue() ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxBmpMaskChildWindow::SvxBmpMaskChildWindow( Window* pParent, USHORT nId, SfxBindings* pBindings, SfxChildWinInfo* pInfo ) : SfxChildWindow( pParent, nId ) { pWindow = new SvxBmpMask( pBindings, this, pParent, BMP_RESID( RID_SVXDLG_BMPMASK ) ); SvxBmpMask* pDlg = (SvxBmpMask*) pWindow; eChildAlignment = SFX_ALIGN_NOALIGNMENT; pDlg->Initialize( pInfo ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxBmpMask::SvxBmpMask( SfxBindings *pBindinx, SfxChildWindow *pCW, Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : SfxDockingWindow ( pBindinx, pCW, pParent, rResId ), aTbxPipette ( this, ResId( TBX_PIPETTE ) ), pCtlPipette ( new ColorWindow( this, ResId( WND_PIPETTE ) ) ), aBtnExec ( this, ResId( BTN_EXEC ) ), pQSet ( new MaskSet( this, ResId( QCOL_1 ) ) ), aCbx1 ( this, ResId( CBX_1 ) ), aSp1 ( this, ResId( SP_1 ) ), aCbx2 ( this, ResId( CBX_2 ) ), aSp2 ( this, ResId( SP_2 ) ), aCbx3 ( this, ResId( CBX_3 ) ), aSp3 ( this, ResId( SP_3 ) ), aCbx4 ( this, ResId( CBX_4 ) ), aSp4 ( this, ResId( SP_4 ) ), aCbxTrans ( this, ResId( CBX_TRANS ) ), aGrpQ ( this, ResId( GRP_Q ) ), pColTab ( NULL ), pData ( new MaskData( this, *pBindinx ) ), aPipetteColor ( COL_WHITE ), aSelItem ( SID_BMPMASK_EXEC, *this, *pBindinx ), aLbColor1 ( this, ResId ( LB_1 ) ), aLbColor2 ( this, ResId ( LB_2 ) ), aLbColor3 ( this, ResId ( LB_3 ) ), aLbColor4 ( this, ResId ( LB_4 ) ), aLbColorTrans ( this, ResId ( LB_TRANS ) ), aFt1 ( this, ResId ( FT_1 ) ), aFt2 ( this, ResId ( FT_2 ) ), aFt3 ( this, ResId ( FT_3 ) ) { FreeResource(); aTbxPipette.SetSizePixel( aTbxPipette.CalcWindowSizePixel() ); aTbxPipette.SetSelectHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, PipetteHdl ) ); aBtnExec.SetClickHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, ExecHdl ) ); aCbx1.SetClickHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, CbxHdl ) ); aCbx2.SetClickHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, CbxHdl ) ); aCbx3.SetClickHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, CbxHdl ) ); aCbx4.SetClickHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, CbxHdl ) ); aCbxTrans.SetClickHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, CbxTransHdl ) ); aLbColor1.SetGetFocusHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, FocusLbHdl ) ); aLbColor2.SetGetFocusHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, FocusLbHdl ) ); aLbColor3.SetGetFocusHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, FocusLbHdl ) ); aLbColor4.SetGetFocusHdl( LINK( pData, MaskData, FocusLbHdl ) ); aSp1.SetValue( 10 ); aSp2.SetValue( 10 ); aSp3.SetValue( 10 ); aSp4.SetValue( 10 ); pQSet->SetStyle( pQSet->GetStyle() | WB_DOUBLEBORDER | WB_ITEMBORDER ); pQSet->SetColCount( 1 ); pQSet->SetLineCount( 4 ); pQSet->SetExtraSpacing( 1 ); pQSet->InsertItem( 1, aPipetteColor ); pQSet->InsertItem( 2, aPipetteColor ); pQSet->InsertItem( 3, aPipetteColor ); pQSet->InsertItem( 4, aPipetteColor ); pQSet->SelectItem( 1 ); pQSet->Show(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxBmpMask::~SvxBmpMask() { delete pQSet; delete pCtlPipette; delete pData; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SvxBmpMask::Close() { SfxBoolItem aItem2( SID_BMPMASK_PIPETTE, FALSE ); GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_BMPMASK_PIPETTE, OWN_CALLMODE, &aItem2, 0L ); return SfxDockingWindow::Close(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SvxBmpMask::NeedsColorTable() const { return ( aLbColor1.GetEntryCount() == 0 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxBmpMask::SetColorTable( const XColorTable* pTable ) { if ( pTable && ( pTable != pColTab ) ) { const String aTransp( BMP_RESID( RID_SVXDLG_BMPMASK_STR_TRANSP ) ); pColTab = pTable; aLbColorTrans.Fill( pColTab ); aLbColorTrans.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); aLbColor1.Fill( pColTab ); aLbColor1.InsertEntry( TRANSP_COL, aTransp, 0 ); aLbColor1.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); aLbColor2.Fill( pColTab ); aLbColor2.InsertEntry( TRANSP_COL, aTransp, 0 ); aLbColor2.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); aLbColor3.Fill( pColTab ); aLbColor3.InsertEntry( TRANSP_COL, aTransp, 0 ); aLbColor3.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); aLbColor4.Fill( pColTab ); aLbColor4.InsertEntry( TRANSP_COL, aTransp, 0 ); aLbColor4.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxBmpMask::SetColor( const Color& rColor ) { aPipetteColor = rColor; pCtlPipette->SetColor( aPipetteColor ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxBmpMask::PipetteClicked() { USHORT nId = pQSet->GetSelectItemId(); pQSet->SetItemColor( nId, aPipetteColor ); switch( nId ) { case ( 1 ) : { aCbx1.Check( TRUE ); pData->CbxHdl( &aCbx1 ); } break; case ( 2 ) : { aCbx2.Check( TRUE ); pData->CbxHdl( &aCbx2 ); } break; case ( 3 ) : { aCbx3.Check( TRUE ); pData->CbxHdl( &aCbx3 ); } break; case ( 4 ) : { aCbx4.Check( TRUE ); pData->CbxHdl( &aCbx4 ); } break; default: break; } aTbxPipette.CheckItem( TBI_PIPETTE, FALSE ); pData->PipetteHdl( &aTbxPipette ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxBmpMask::SetExecState( BOOL bEnable ) { pData->SetExecState( bEnable ); if ( pData->IsExecReady() && pData->IsCbxReady() ) aBtnExec.Enable(); else aBtnExec.Disable(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT SvxBmpMask::InitColorArrays( Color* pSrcCols, Color* pDstCols, ULONG* pTols ) { USHORT nCount = 0; if ( aCbx1.IsChecked() ) { pSrcCols[nCount] = pQSet->GetItemColor( 1 ); pDstCols[nCount] = aLbColor1.GetSelectEntryColor(); pTols[nCount++] = aSp1.GetValue(); } if ( aCbx2.IsChecked() ) { pSrcCols[nCount] = pQSet->GetItemColor( 2 ); pDstCols[nCount] = aLbColor2.GetSelectEntryColor(); pTols[nCount++] = aSp2.GetValue(); } if ( aCbx3.IsChecked() ) { pSrcCols[nCount] = pQSet->GetItemColor( 3 ); pDstCols[nCount] = aLbColor3.GetSelectEntryColor(); pTols[nCount++] = aSp3.GetValue(); } if ( aCbx4.IsChecked() ) { pSrcCols[nCount] = pQSet->GetItemColor( 4 ); pDstCols[nCount] = aLbColor4.GetSelectEntryColor(); pTols[nCount++] = aSp4.GetValue(); } return nCount; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap SvxBmpMask::ImpMask( const Bitmap& rBitmap ) { Bitmap aBitmap( rBitmap ); Color pSrcCols[4]; Color pDstCols[4]; ULONG pTols[4]; const USHORT nCount = InitColorArrays( pSrcCols, pDstCols, pTols ); EnterWait(); aBitmap.Replace( pSrcCols, pDstCols, nCount, pTols ); LeaveWait(); return aBitmap; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BitmapEx SvxBmpMask::ImpMask( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx ) { return BitmapEx( ImpMask( rBitmapEx.GetBitmap() ), rBitmapEx.GetMask() ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BitmapEx SvxBmpMask::ImpMaskTransparent( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx, const Color& rColor, const long nTol ) { EnterWait(); BitmapEx aBmpEx; Bitmap aMask( rBitmapEx.GetBitmap().CreateMask( rColor, nTol ) ); if( rBitmapEx.IsTransparent() ) aMask.CombineSimple( rBitmapEx.GetMask(), BMP_COMBINE_OR ); aBmpEx = BitmapEx( rBitmapEx.GetBitmap(), aMask ); LeaveWait(); return aBmpEx; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation SvxBmpMask::ImpMask( const Animation& rAnimation ) { Animation aAnimation( rAnimation ); Color pSrcCols[4]; Color pDstCols[4]; ULONG pTols[4]; USHORT nCount = InitColorArrays( pSrcCols, pDstCols, pTols ); USHORT nAnimationCount = aAnimation.Count(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nAnimationCount; i++ ) { AnimationBitmap aAnimBmp( aAnimation.Get( i ) ); aAnimBmp.aBmpEx = Mask( aAnimBmp.aBmpEx ).GetBitmapEx(); aAnimation.Replace( aAnimBmp, i ); } return aAnimation; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDIMetaFile SvxBmpMask::ImpMask( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) { GDIMetaFile aMtf; Color pSrcCols[4]; Color pDstCols[4]; ULONG pTols[4]; USHORT nCount = InitColorArrays( pSrcCols, pDstCols, pTols ); BOOL pTrans[4]; // Falls keine Farben ausgewaehlt, kopieren wir nur das Mtf if( !nCount ) aMtf = rMtf; else { Color aCol; long nVal; long nTol; long nR; long nG; long nB; long* pMinR = new long[nCount]; long* pMaxR = new long[nCount]; long* pMinG = new long[nCount]; long* pMaxG = new long[nCount]; long* pMinB = new long[nCount]; long* pMaxB = new long[nCount]; USHORT i; BOOL bReplace; aMtf.SetPrefSize( rMtf.GetPrefSize() ); aMtf.SetPrefMapMode( rMtf.GetPrefMapMode() ); // Farbvergleichsarrays vorbereiten for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { nTol = ( pTols[i] * 255L ) / 100L; nVal = ( (long) pSrcCols[i].GetRed() ); pMinR[i] = Max( nVal - nTol, 0L ); pMaxR[i] = Min( nVal + nTol, 255L ); nVal = ( (long) pSrcCols[i].GetGreen() ); pMinG[i] = Max( nVal - nTol, 0L ); pMaxG[i] = Min( nVal + nTol, 255L ); nVal = ( (long) pSrcCols[i].GetBlue() ); pMinB[i] = Max( nVal - nTol, 0L ); pMaxB[i] = Min( nVal + nTol, 255L ); pTrans[ i ] = ( pDstCols[ i ] == TRANSP_COL ); } // Actions untersuchen und Farben ggf. ersetzen for( ULONG nAct = 0UL, nActCount = rMtf.GetActionCount(); nAct < nActCount; nAct++ ) { MetaAction* pAction = rMtf.GetAction( nAct ); bReplace = FALSE; switch( pAction->GetType() ) { case( META_PIXEL_ACTION ): { MetaPixelAction* pAct = (MetaPixelAction*) pAction; aCol = pAct->GetColor(); TEST_COLS(); if( bReplace ) pAct = new MetaPixelAction( pAct->GetPoint(), aCol ); else pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_LINECOLOR_ACTION ): { MetaLineColorAction* pAct = (MetaLineColorAction*) pAction; aCol = pAct->GetColor(); TEST_COLS(); if( bReplace ) pAct = new MetaLineColorAction( aCol, !pTrans[ i ] ); else pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_FILLCOLOR_ACTION ): { MetaFillColorAction* pAct = (MetaFillColorAction*) pAction; aCol = pAct->GetColor(); TEST_COLS(); if( bReplace ) pAct = new MetaFillColorAction( aCol, !pTrans[ i ] ); else pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_TEXTCOLOR_ACTION ): { MetaTextColorAction* pAct = (MetaTextColorAction*) pAction; aCol = pAct->GetColor(); TEST_COLS(); if( bReplace ) pAct = new MetaTextColorAction( aCol ); else pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_TEXTFILLCOLOR_ACTION ): { MetaTextFillColorAction* pAct = (MetaTextFillColorAction*) pAction; aCol = pAct->GetColor(); TEST_COLS(); if( bReplace ) pAct = new MetaTextFillColorAction( aCol, !pTrans[ i ] ); else pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_FONT_ACTION ): { MetaFontAction* pAct = (MetaFontAction*) pAction; Font aFont( pAct->GetFont() ); aCol = aFont.GetColor(); TEST_COLS(); if( bReplace ) { aFont.SetColor( aCol ); pAct = new MetaFontAction( aFont ); } else pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_WALLPAPER_ACTION ): { MetaWallpaperAction* pAct = (MetaWallpaperAction*) pAction; Wallpaper aWall( pAct->GetWallpaper() ); aCol = aWall.GetColor(); TEST_COLS(); if( bReplace ) { aWall.SetColor( aCol ); pAct = new MetaWallpaperAction( pAct->GetRect(), aWall ); } else pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_BMP_ACTION ): { MetaBmpAction* pAct = (MetaBmpAction*) pAction; const Bitmap aBmp( Mask( pAct->GetBitmap() ).GetBitmap() ); pAct = new MetaBmpAction( pAct->GetPoint(), aBmp ); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_BMPSCALE_ACTION ): { MetaBmpScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScaleAction*) pAction; const Bitmap aBmp( Mask( pAct->GetBitmap() ).GetBitmap() ); pAct = new MetaBmpScaleAction( pAct->GetPoint(), pAct->GetSize(), aBmp ); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_BMPSCALEPART_ACTION ): { MetaBmpScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScalePartAction*) pAction; const Bitmap aBmp( Mask( pAct->GetBitmap() ).GetBitmap() ); pAct = new MetaBmpScalePartAction( pAct->GetDestPoint(), pAct->GetDestSize(), pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize(), aBmp ); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_BMPEX_ACTION ): { MetaBmpExAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExAction*) pAction; const BitmapEx aBmpEx( Mask( pAct->GetBitmapEx() ).GetBitmapEx() ); pAct = new MetaBmpExAction( pAct->GetPoint(), aBmpEx ); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_BMPEXSCALE_ACTION ): { MetaBmpExScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScaleAction*) pAction; const BitmapEx aBmpEx( Mask( pAct->GetBitmapEx() ).GetBitmapEx() ); pAct = new MetaBmpExScaleAction( pAct->GetPoint(), pAct->GetSize(), aBmpEx ); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; case( META_BMPEXSCALEPART_ACTION ): { MetaBmpExScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScalePartAction*) pAction; const BitmapEx aBmpEx( Mask( pAct->GetBitmapEx() ).GetBitmapEx() ); pAct = new MetaBmpExScalePartAction( pAct->GetDestPoint(), pAct->GetDestSize(), pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize(), aBmpEx ); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } break; default: { pAction->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAction ); } break; } } delete[] pMinR; delete[] pMaxR; delete[] pMinG; delete[] pMaxG; delete[] pMinB; delete[] pMaxB; } LeaveWait(); return aMtf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BitmapEx SvxBmpMask::ImpReplaceTransparency( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const Color& rColor ) { if( rBmpEx.IsTransparent() ) { Bitmap aBmp( rBmpEx.GetBitmap() ); aBmp.Replace( rBmpEx.GetMask(), rColor ); return aBmp; } else return rBmpEx; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation SvxBmpMask::ImpReplaceTransparency( const Animation& rAnim, const Color& rColor ) { Animation aAnimation( rAnim ); USHORT nAnimationCount = aAnimation.Count(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nAnimationCount; i++ ) { AnimationBitmap aAnimBmp( aAnimation.Get( i ) ); aAnimBmp.aBmpEx = ImpReplaceTransparency( aAnimBmp.aBmpEx, rColor ); aAnimation.Replace( aAnimBmp, i ); } return aAnimation; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDIMetaFile SvxBmpMask::ImpReplaceTransparency( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const Color& rColor ) { VirtualDevice aVDev; GDIMetaFile aMtf; const MapMode& rPrefMap = rMtf.GetPrefMapMode(); const Size& rPrefSize = rMtf.GetPrefSize(); const ULONG nActionCount = rMtf.GetActionCount(); aVDev.EnableOutput( FALSE ); aMtf.Record( &aVDev ); aMtf.SetPrefSize( rPrefSize ); aMtf.SetPrefMapMode( rPrefMap ); aVDev.SetLineColor( rColor ); aVDev.SetFillColor( rColor ); // Actions nacheinander abspielen; zuerst // den gesamten Bereich auf die Ersatzfarbe setzen aVDev.DrawRect( Rectangle( rPrefMap.GetOrigin(), rPrefSize ) ); for ( ULONG i = 0; i < nActionCount; i++ ) { MetaAction* pAct = rMtf.GetAction( i ); pAct->Duplicate(); aMtf.AddAction( pAct ); } aMtf.Stop(); aMtf.WindStart(); return aMtf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphic SvxBmpMask::Mask( const Graphic& rGraphic ) { Graphic aGraphic( rGraphic ); const Color aReplColor( aLbColorTrans.GetSelectEntryColor() ); switch( rGraphic.GetType() ) { case( GRAPHIC_BITMAP ): { if( rGraphic.IsAnimated() ) { // Transparenz ersetzen? if ( aCbxTrans.IsChecked() ) aGraphic = ImpReplaceTransparency( rGraphic.GetAnimation(), aReplColor ); else aGraphic = ImpMask( rGraphic.GetAnimation() ); } else { // Transparenz ersetzen? if( aCbxTrans.IsChecked() ) { if( aGraphic.IsTransparent() ) { BitmapEx aBmpEx( ImpReplaceTransparency( aGraphic.GetBitmapEx(), aReplColor ) ); const Size aSize( aBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); if( aSize.Width() && aSize.Height() ) aGraphic = aBmpEx; } } else { Color pSrcCols[4]; Color pDstCols[4]; ULONG pTols[4]; USHORT nCount = InitColorArrays( pSrcCols, pDstCols, pTols ); if( nCount ) { // erstmal alle Transparent-Farben setzen for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { // Haben wir eine Transparenzfarbe? if( pDstCols[i] == TRANSP_COL ) { BitmapEx aBmpEx( ImpMaskTransparent( aGraphic.GetBitmapEx(), pSrcCols[ i ], pTols[ i ] ) ); const Size aSize( aBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); if( aSize.Width() && aSize.Height() ) aGraphic = aBmpEx; } } // jetzt noch einmal mit den normalen Farben ersetzen Bitmap aBitmap( ImpMask( aGraphic.GetBitmap() ) ); Size aSize( aBitmap.GetSizePixel() ); if ( aSize.Width() && aSize.Height() ) { if ( aGraphic.IsTransparent() ) aGraphic = Graphic( BitmapEx( aBitmap, aGraphic.GetBitmapEx().GetMask() ) ); else aGraphic = aBitmap; } } } } } break; case( GRAPHIC_GDIMETAFILE ): { GDIMetaFile aMtf( aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile() ); // Transparenz ersetzen? if( aCbxTrans.IsChecked() ) aMtf = ImpReplaceTransparency( aMtf, aReplColor ); else aMtf = ImpMask( aMtf ); Size aSize( aMtf.GetPrefSize() ); if ( aSize.Width() && aSize.Height() ) aGraphic = Graphic( aMtf ); else aGraphic = rGraphic; } break; default: aGraphic = rGraphic; break; } if( aGraphic != rGraphic ) { aGraphic.SetPrefSize( rGraphic.GetPrefSize() ); aGraphic.SetPrefMapMode( rGraphic.GetPrefMapMode() ); } return aGraphic; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SvxBmpMask::IsEyedropping() const { return aTbxPipette.IsItemChecked( TBI_PIPETTE ); }