/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: autocdlg.hrc,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 20:33:10 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVX_AUTOCDLG_HRC #define _SVX_AUTOCDLG_HRC #include "dialogs.hrc" // defines ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define CLB_SETTINGS 1 /* #define STR_DOUBLECAPS 3 #define STR_STARTCAPS 4 #define STR_FIRST 5 #define STR_HALF 6 #define STR_DASH 7 #define STR_BOLDUNDERLINE 8 #define STR_URL 9 */ #define CB_TYPO 11 #define FT_STARTQUOTE 12 #define PB_STARTQUOTE 13 #define FT_ENDQUOTE 14 #define PB_ENDQUOTE 15 #define FL_ABBREV 16 #define ED_ABBREV 17 #define LB_ABBREV 18 #define PB_NEWABBREV 19 #define PB_DELABBREV 20 #define FL_DOUBLECAPS 21 #define ED_DOUBLE_CAPS 22 #define LB_DOUBLE_CAPS 23 #define PB_NEWDOUBLECAPS 24 #define PB_DELDOUBLECAPS 25 #define ED_SHORT 31 #define ED_REPLACE 32 #define TLB_REPLACE 33 #define CB_TEXT_ONLY 34 #define PB_NEW_REPLACE 35 #define PB_DELETE_REPLACE 36 #define STR_MODIFY 37 #define STR_CLOSE_AUTOCORR 38 #define FT_SHORT 39 #define FT_REPLACE 40 #define STR_CHANGE_START 41 #define STR_CHANGE_END 42 #define CB_AUTOABBREV 43 #define CB_AUTOCAPS 44 #define FT_SGL_STARTQUOTE 45 #define PB_SGL_STARTQUOTE 46 #define FT_SGL_ENDQUOTE 47 #define PB_SGL_ENDQUOTE 48 #define PB_SGL_STD 49 #define PB_DBL_STD 50 #define FL_SINGLE 51 #define FL_DOUBLE 52 #define FT_SGSTEX 53 #define FT_SGENEX 54 #define FT_DBSTEX 55 #define FT_DBECEX 56 #define CB_SGL_TYPO 57 #define ST_STANDARD 58 #define PB_EDIT 61 #define ST_DEL_EMPTY_PARA 62 #define ST_TYPO 66 #define ST_USER_STYLE 67 #define ST_BULLET 68 #define STR_DEL_SPACES_AT_STT_END 69 #define STR_DEL_SPACES_BETWEEN_LINES 70 #define ST_RIGHT_MARGIN 74 #define STR_NUM 75 #define STR_BORDER 76 #define STR_TABLE 77 #define STR_REPLACE_TEMPLATES 78 #define FL_PRCNT 79 #define CHKBUT_UNCHECKED 80 #define CHKBUT_CHECKED 81 #define CHKBUT_HICHECKED 82 #define CHKBUT_HIUNCHECKED 83 #define CHKBUT_TRISTATE 84 #define CHKBUT_HITRISTATE 85 #define STR_HEADER 90 #define FT_HEADER_EXPLANATION 91 #define STR_HEADER1 92 #define STR_HEADER2 93 #define FT_HEADER1_EXPLANATION 94 #define FT_HEADER2_EXPLANATION 95 #define ED_RIGHT_MARGIN 100 #define BT_OK 101 #define BT_CANCEL 102 #define BT_AWCP_OK 110 #define BT_AWCP_CANCEL 111 #define GB_AWCP_VALUE 112 #define ED_AWCP_WORD_LEN 113 #define ED_AWCP_LIST_LEN 114 #define FT_AWCP_WORD_LEN 115 #define FT_AWCP_LIST_LEN 116 #define CB_ACTIV 121 #define CB_COLLECT 122 #define CB_APPEND_SPACE 123 #define CB_KEEP_LIST 124 #define CB_AS_TIP 125 #define FT_MIN_WORDLEN 126 #define FT_MAX_ENTRIES 127 #define NF_MIN_WORDLEN 128 #define NF_MAX_ENTRIES 129 #define FT_EXPAND_KEY 130 #define DCB_EXPAND_KEY 131 #define LB_ENTRIES 132 #define PB_ENTRIES 133 #define ST_USE_REPLACE 200 #define ST_CPTL_STT_WORD 201 #define ST_CPTL_STT_SENT 202 #define ST_BOLD_UNDER 203 #define STR_NO_DBL_SPACES 204 #define ST_DETECT_URL 205 #define ST_ORDINAL 206 #define ST_FRACTION 207 #define ST_DASH 208 #define FT_LANG 209 #define LB_LANG 210 #endif