/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: chardlg.hrc,v $ * * $Revision: 1.14 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 20:40:22 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVX_CHARDLG_HRC #define _SVX_CHARDLG_HRC // defines ------------------------------------------------------------------ // NamePage ----------------------------------------------------------------- #define FL_WEST 100 #define FT_WEST_NAME 101 #define LB_WEST_NAME 102 #define FT_WEST_STYLE 103 #define LB_WEST_STYLE 104 #define FT_WEST_SIZE 105 #define LB_WEST_SIZE 106 #define FT_WEST_LANG 107 #define LB_WEST_LANG 108 #define FL_EAST 110 #define FT_EAST_NAME 111 #define LB_EAST_NAME 112 #define FT_EAST_STYLE 113 #define LB_EAST_STYLE 114 #define FT_EAST_SIZE 115 #define LB_EAST_SIZE 116 #define FT_EAST_LANG 117 #define LB_EAST_LANG 118 #define FL_CTL 120 #define FT_CTL_NAME 121 #define LB_CTL_NAME 122 #define FT_CTL_STYLE 123 #define LB_CTL_STYLE 124 #define FT_CTL_SIZE 125 #define LB_CTL_SIZE 126 #define FT_CTL_LANG 127 #define LB_CTL_LANG 128 #define WIN_CHAR_PREVIEW 131 #define FT_CHAR_FONTTYPE 132 #define FL_COLOR2 140 #define FT_COLOR2 141 #define LB_COLOR2 142 #define STR_CHARNAME_NOSTYLE 150 #define STR_CHARNAME_TRANSPARENT 151 // EffectsPage -------------------------------------------------------------- #define FT_UNDERLINE 200 #define LB_UNDERLINE 201 #define FT_UNDERLINE_COLOR 202 #define LB_UNDERLINE_COLOR 203 #define FT_STRIKEOUT 204 #define LB_STRIKEOUT 205 #define CB_INDIVIDUALWORDS 206 #define FT_EMPHASIS 207 #define LB_EMPHASIS 208 #define FT_POSITION 209 #define LB_POSITION 210 #define FT_FONTCOLOR 211 #define LB_FONTCOLOR 212 #define FT_EFFECTS 220 #define LB_EFFECTS 221 #define LB_EFFECTS2 222 #define CB_OUTLINE 223 #define CB_SHADOW 224 #define CB_BLINKING 225 #define FT_RELIEF 226 #define LB_RELIEF 227 #define CB_CHARHIDDEN 228 #define WIN_EFFECTS_PREVIEW 231 #define FT_EFFECTS_FONTTYPE 232 #define STR_EFFECTS_TRANSPARENT 240 #define STR_EFFECTS_CAPITALS 241 #define STR_EFFECTS_LOWERCASE 242 #define STR_EFFECTS_TITLE 243 #define STR_EFFECTS_SMALL 244 #define STR_EFFECTS_OUTLINE 245 #define STR_EFFECTS_SHADOW 246 #define STR_EFFECTS_BLINKING 247 // PositionPage ------------------------------------------------------------- #define FL_POSITION 300 #define RB_HIGHPOS 301 #define RB_NORMALPOS 302 #define RB_LOWPOS 303 #define FT_HIGHLOW 304 #define ED_HIGHLOW 305 #define CB_HIGHLOW 306 #define FT_FONTSIZE 307 #define ED_FONTSIZE 308 #define FL_ROTATION_SCALING 309 #define FL_SCALING 310 #define RB_0_DEG 311 #define RB_90_DEG 312 #define RB_270_DEG 313 #define CB_FIT_TO_LINE 314 #define FT_SCALE_WIDTH 315 #define MF_SCALE_WIDTH 316 #define FL_KERNING2 320 #define LB_KERNING2 321 #define FT_KERNING2 322 #define ED_KERNING2 323 #define CB_PAIRKERNING 324 #define WIN_POS_PREVIEW 331 #define FT_POS_FONTTYPE 332 // TwoLinesPage ------------------------------------------------------------- #define FL_SWITCHON 400 #define CB_TWOLINES 401 #define FL_ENCLOSE 410 #define FT_STARTBRACKET 411 #define ED_STARTBRACKET 412 #define FT_ENDBRACKET 413 #define ED_ENDBRACKET 414 #define FL_TWOLINES_PREVIEW 420 #define WIN_TWOLINES_PREVIEW 421 #define FT_TWOLINES_FONTTYPE 422 #define FT_WEST_NAME_NOCJK 423 #define LB_WEST_NAME_NOCJK 424 #define FT_WEST_STYLE_NOCJK 425 #define LB_WEST_STYLE_NOCJK 426 #define FT_WEST_SIZE_NOCJK 427 #define LB_WEST_SIZE_NOCJK 428 #define FT_WEST_LANG_NOCJK 429 #define LB_WEST_LANG_NOCJK 430 #endif