/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <svtools/treelistentry.hxx>
#include <svx/checklbx.hxx>
#include <svx/dialmgr.hxx>
#include <svx/dialogs.hrc>
#include <vcl/builderfactory.hxx>

SvxCheckListBox::SvxCheckListBox( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :

    SvTreeListBox( pParent, nWinStyle )


    WinBits nWinStyle = WB_TABSTOP;
    OString sBorder = VclBuilder::extractCustomProperty(rMap);
    if (!sBorder.isEmpty())
        nWinStyle |= WB_BORDER;
    rRet = VclPtr<SvxCheckListBox>::Create(pParent, nWinStyle);

void SvxCheckListBox::SetNormalStaticImage(const Image& rNormalStaticImage)
    pCheckButton->SetImage(SvBmp::STATICIMAGE, rNormalStaticImage);


void SvxCheckListBox::dispose()
    delete pCheckButton;

void SvxCheckListBox::Init_Impl()
    pCheckButton = new SvLBoxButtonData( this );
    EnableCheckButton( pCheckButton );

void SvxCheckListBox::InsertEntry( const OUString& rStr, sal_uLong nPos,
                                   void* pUserData,
                                   SvLBoxButtonKind eButtonKind )
    SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( rStr, nullptr, false, nPos, pUserData,
                                eButtonKind );

void SvxCheckListBox::RemoveEntry( sal_uLong nPos )
    if ( nPos < GetEntryCount() )
        SvTreeListBox::GetModel()->Remove( GetEntry( nPos ) );

void SvxCheckListBox::SelectEntryPos( sal_uLong nPos )
    if ( nPos < GetEntryCount() )
        Select( GetEntry( nPos ) );

sal_uLong SvxCheckListBox::GetSelectEntryPos() const
    SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();

    if ( pEntry )
        return GetModel()->GetAbsPos( pEntry );

OUString SvxCheckListBox::GetText( sal_uLong nPos ) const
    SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( nPos );

    if ( pEntry )
        return GetEntryText( pEntry );
    return OUString();

sal_uLong SvxCheckListBox::GetCheckedEntryCount() const
    sal_uLong nCheckCount = 0;
    sal_uLong nCount = GetEntryCount();

    for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
        if ( IsChecked( i ) )
    return nCheckCount;

void SvxCheckListBox::CheckEntryPos( sal_uLong nPos, bool bCheck )
    if ( nPos < GetEntryCount() )
        SetCheckButtonState( GetEntry( nPos ), bCheck ? SvButtonState::Checked : SvButtonState::Unchecked );

bool SvxCheckListBox::IsChecked( sal_uLong nPos ) const
    if ( nPos < GetEntryCount() )
        return GetCheckButtonState( GetEntry( nPos ) ) == SvButtonState::Checked;
        return false;

void* SvxCheckListBox::SetEntryData ( sal_uLong nPos, void* pNewData )
    void* pOld = nullptr;

    if ( nPos < GetEntryCount() )
        pOld = GetEntry( nPos )->GetUserData();
        GetEntry( nPos )->SetUserData( pNewData );
    return pOld;

void* SvxCheckListBox::GetEntryData( sal_uLong nPos ) const
    if ( nPos < GetEntryCount() )
        return GetEntry( nPos )->GetUserData();
        return nullptr;

void SvxCheckListBox::ToggleCheckButton( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry )
    if ( pEntry )
        if ( !IsSelected( pEntry ) )
            Select( pEntry );
            CheckEntryPos( GetSelectEntryPos(), !IsChecked( GetSelectEntryPos() ) );

void SvxCheckListBox::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() )
        const Point aPnt = rMEvt.GetPosPixel();
        SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aPnt );

        if ( pEntry )
            bool bCheck = GetCheckButtonState( pEntry ) == SvButtonState::Checked;
            SvLBoxItem* pItem = GetItem( pEntry, aPnt.X() );

            if (pItem && pItem->GetType() == SvLBoxItemType::Button)
                SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );
                Select( pEntry );
                ToggleCheckButton( pEntry );
                SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );

                // check if the entry below the mouse changed during the base method call. This is possible if,
                // for instance, a handler invoked by the base class tampers with the list entries.
                const SvTreeListEntry* pNewEntry = GetEntry( aPnt );
                if ( pNewEntry != pEntry )

                if ( bCheck != ( GetCheckButtonState( pEntry ) == SvButtonState::Checked ) )
    SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );

void SvxCheckListBox::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
    const vcl::KeyCode& rKey = rKEvt.GetKeyCode();

    if ( rKey.GetCode() == KEY_RETURN || rKey.GetCode() == KEY_SPACE )
        SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();

        if ( pEntry )
            bool bCheck = GetCheckButtonState( pEntry ) == SvButtonState::Checked;
            ToggleCheckButton( pEntry );
            if ( bCheck != ( GetCheckButtonState( pEntry ) == SvButtonState::Checked ) )
    else if ( GetEntryCount() )
        SvTreeListBox::KeyInput( rKEvt );

SvTreeListEntry* SvxCheckListBox::InsertEntry( const OUString& rText, SvTreeListEntry* pParent, bool bChildrenOnDemand, sal_uIntPtr nPos, void* pUserData, SvLBoxButtonKind eButtonKind )
    return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( rText, pParent, bChildrenOnDemand, nPos, pUserData, eButtonKind );

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