/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: connect.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 20:43:57 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXMODULE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SHL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "ofaitem.hxx" // add CHINA001 #include // add CHINA001 #define _SVX_CONNECT_CXX #include "svdoedge.hxx" #include "svdattr.hxx" #include "svdattrx.hxx" #include "svdview.hxx" #include "connctrl.hxx" #include "connect.hxx" #include "connect.hrc" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #include "dlgutil.hxx" #include "dialogs.hrc" static USHORT pRanges[] = { SDRATTR_EDGE_FIRST, SDRATTR_EDGE_LAST, 0 }; /************************************************************************* |* |* Dialog zum Aendern von Konnektoren (Connectors) |* \************************************************************************/ SvxConnectionDialog::SvxConnectionDialog( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rInAttrs, const SdrView* pSdrView ) : SfxSingleTabDialog( pParent, rInAttrs, RID_SVXPAGE_CONNECTION ) { SvxConnectionPage* pPage = new SvxConnectionPage( this, rInAttrs ); pPage->SetView( pSdrView ); pPage->Construct(); SetTabPage( pPage ); SetText( pPage->GetText() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Dtor |* \************************************************************************/ SvxConnectionDialog::~SvxConnectionDialog() { } /************************************************************************* |* |* Seite zum Aendern von Konnektoren (Connectors) |* \************************************************************************/ SvxConnectionPage::SvxConnectionPage( Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rInAttrs ) : SfxTabPage ( pWindow, ResId( RID_SVXPAGE_CONNECTION, DIALOG_MGR() ), rInAttrs ), rOutAttrs ( rInAttrs ), aAttrSet ( *rInAttrs.GetPool() ), aFtType ( this, ResId( FT_TYPE ) ), aLbType ( this, ResId( LB_TYPE ) ), aFlDistance ( this, ResId( FL_DISTANCE ) ), aFtHorz1 ( this, ResId( FT_HORZ_1 ) ), aMtrFldHorz1 ( this, ResId( MTR_FLD_HORZ_1 ) ), aFtHorz2 ( this, ResId( FT_HORZ_2 ) ), aMtrFldHorz2 ( this, ResId( MTR_FLD_HORZ_2 ) ), aFtVert1 ( this, ResId( FT_VERT_1 ) ), aMtrFldVert1 ( this, ResId( MTR_FLD_VERT_1 ) ), aFtVert2 ( this, ResId( FT_VERT_2 ) ), aMtrFldVert2 ( this, ResId( MTR_FLD_VERT_2 ) ), aFlDelta ( this, ResId( FL_DELTA ) ), aFtLine1 ( this, ResId( FT_LINE_1 ) ), aMtrFldLine1 ( this, ResId( MTR_FLD_LINE_1 ) ), aFtLine2 ( this, ResId( FT_LINE_2 ) ), aMtrFldLine2 ( this, ResId( MTR_FLD_LINE_2 ) ), aFtLine3 ( this, ResId( FT_LINE_3 ) ), aMtrFldLine3 ( this, ResId( MTR_FLD_LINE_3 ) ), aCtlPreview ( this, ResId( CTL_PREVIEW ), rInAttrs ) { FreeResource(); SfxItemPool* pPool = rOutAttrs.GetPool(); DBG_ASSERT( pPool, "Wo ist der Pool" ); eUnit = pPool->GetMetric( SDRATTR_EDGENODE1HORZDIST ); FillTypeLB(); const FieldUnit eFUnit = GetModuleFieldUnit( &rInAttrs ); SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldHorz1, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldHorz2, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldVert1, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldVert2, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldLine1, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldLine2, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldLine3, eFUnit ); if( eFUnit == FUNIT_MM ) { aMtrFldHorz1.SetSpinSize( 50 ); aMtrFldHorz2.SetSpinSize( 50 ); aMtrFldVert1.SetSpinSize( 50 ); aMtrFldVert2.SetSpinSize( 50 ); aMtrFldLine1.SetSpinSize( 50 ); aMtrFldLine2.SetSpinSize( 50 ); aMtrFldLine3.SetSpinSize( 50 ); } // disable 3D border aCtlPreview.SetBorderStyle(WINDOW_BORDER_MONO); Link aLink( LINK( this, SvxConnectionPage, ChangeAttrHdl_Impl ) ); aMtrFldHorz1.SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aMtrFldVert1.SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aMtrFldHorz2.SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aMtrFldVert2.SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aMtrFldLine1.SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aMtrFldLine2.SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aMtrFldLine3.SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aLbType.SetSelectHdl( aLink ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Dtor |* \************************************************************************/ SvxConnectionPage::~SvxConnectionPage() { } /************************************************************************* |* |* Liest uebergebenen Item-Set |* \************************************************************************/ void __EXPORT SvxConnectionPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rAttrs ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGENODE1HORZDIST ); const SfxItemPool* pPool = rAttrs.GetPool(); // SdrEdgeNode1HorzDistItem if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGENODE1HORZDIST ); if( pItem ) { long nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeNode1HorzDistItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); SetMetricValue( aMtrFldHorz1, nValue, eUnit ); } else aMtrFldHorz1.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aMtrFldHorz1.SaveValue(); // SdrEdgeNode2HorzDistItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGENODE2HORZDIST ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGENODE2HORZDIST ); if( pItem ) { long nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeNode2HorzDistItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); SetMetricValue( aMtrFldHorz2, nValue, eUnit ); } else aMtrFldHorz2.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aMtrFldHorz2.SaveValue(); // SdrEdgeNode1VertDistItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGENODE1VERTDIST ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGENODE1VERTDIST ); if( pItem ) { long nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeNode1VertDistItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); SetMetricValue( aMtrFldVert1, nValue, eUnit ); } else aMtrFldVert1.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aMtrFldVert1.SaveValue(); // SdrEdgeNode2VertDistItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGENODE2VERTDIST ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGENODE2VERTDIST ); if( pItem ) { long nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeNode2VertDistItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); SetMetricValue( aMtrFldVert2, nValue, eUnit ); } else aMtrFldVert2.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aMtrFldVert2.SaveValue(); // SdrEdgeLine1DeltaItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGELINE1DELTA ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGELINE1DELTA ); if( pItem ) { long nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeLine1DeltaItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); SetMetricValue( aMtrFldLine1, nValue, eUnit ); } else aMtrFldLine1.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aMtrFldLine1.SaveValue(); // SdrEdgeLine2DeltaItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGELINE2DELTA ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGELINE2DELTA ); if( pItem ) { long nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeLine2DeltaItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); SetMetricValue( aMtrFldLine2, nValue, eUnit ); } else aMtrFldLine2.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aMtrFldLine2.SaveValue(); // SdrEdgeLine3DeltaItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGELINE3DELTA ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGELINE3DELTA ); if( pItem ) { long nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeLine3DeltaItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); SetMetricValue( aMtrFldLine3, nValue, eUnit ); } else aMtrFldLine3.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aMtrFldLine3.SaveValue(); // SdrEdgeLineDeltaAnzItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGELINEDELTAANZ ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGELINEDELTAANZ ); if( pItem ) { UINT16 nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeLineDeltaAnzItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); if( nValue <= 2 ) { aFtLine3.Enable( FALSE ); aMtrFldLine3.Enable( FALSE ); aMtrFldLine3.SetEmptyFieldValue(); } if( nValue <= 1 ) { aFtLine2.Enable( FALSE ); aMtrFldLine2.Enable( FALSE ); aMtrFldLine2.SetEmptyFieldValue(); } if( nValue == 0 ) { aFtLine1.Enable( FALSE ); aMtrFldLine1.Enable( FALSE ); aMtrFldLine1.SetEmptyFieldValue(); } } // SdrEdgeKindItem pItem = GetItem( rAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGEKIND ); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGEKIND ); if( pItem ) { USHORT nValue = ( ( const SdrEdgeKindItem* )pItem )->GetValue(); aLbType.SelectEntryPos( nValue ); } else aLbType.SetNoSelection(); aLbType.SaveValue(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt uebergebenen Item-Set mit Dialogbox-Attributen |* \************************************************************************/ BOOL SvxConnectionPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rAttrs) { BOOL bModified = FALSE; INT32 nValue; if( aMtrFldHorz1.GetText() != aMtrFldHorz1.GetSavedValue() ) { nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldHorz1, eUnit ); rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeNode1HorzDistItem( nValue ) ); bModified = TRUE; } if( aMtrFldHorz2.GetText() != aMtrFldHorz2.GetSavedValue() ) { nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldHorz2, eUnit ); rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeNode2HorzDistItem( nValue ) ); bModified = TRUE; } if( aMtrFldVert1.GetText() != aMtrFldVert1.GetSavedValue() ) { nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldVert1, eUnit ); rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeNode1VertDistItem( nValue ) ); bModified = TRUE; } if( aMtrFldVert2.GetText() != aMtrFldVert2.GetSavedValue() ) { nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldVert2, eUnit ); rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeNode2VertDistItem( nValue ) ); bModified = TRUE; } if( aMtrFldLine1.GetText() != aMtrFldLine1.GetSavedValue() ) { nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldLine1, eUnit ); rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeLine1DeltaItem( nValue ) ); bModified = TRUE; } if( aMtrFldLine2.GetText() != aMtrFldLine2.GetSavedValue() ) { nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldLine2, eUnit ); rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeLine2DeltaItem( nValue ) ); bModified = TRUE; } if( aMtrFldLine3.GetText() != aMtrFldLine3.GetSavedValue() ) { nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldLine3, eUnit ); rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeLine3DeltaItem( nValue ) ); bModified = TRUE; } USHORT nPos = aLbType.GetSelectEntryPos(); if( nPos != aLbType.GetSavedValue() ) { if( nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { rAttrs.Put( SdrEdgeKindItem( (SdrEdgeKind) nPos ) ); bModified = TRUE; } } return( bModified ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxConnectionPage::Construct() { DBG_ASSERT( pView, "Keine gueltige View Uebergeben!" ); aCtlPreview.SetView( pView ); aCtlPreview.Construct(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Erzeugt die Seite |* \************************************************************************/ SfxTabPage* SvxConnectionPage::Create( Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rAttrs ) { return( new SvxConnectionPage( pWindow, rAttrs ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ USHORT* SvxConnectionPage::GetRanges() { return( pRanges ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SvxConnectionPage, ChangeAttrHdl_Impl, void *, p ) { if( p == &aMtrFldHorz1 ) { INT32 nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldHorz1, eUnit ); aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeNode1HorzDistItem( nValue ) ); } if( p == &aMtrFldHorz2 ) { INT32 nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldHorz2, eUnit ); aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeNode2HorzDistItem( nValue ) ); } if( p == &aMtrFldVert1 ) { INT32 nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldVert1, eUnit ); aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeNode1VertDistItem( nValue ) ); } if( p == &aMtrFldVert2 ) { INT32 nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldVert2, eUnit ); aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeNode2VertDistItem( nValue ) ); } if( p == &aMtrFldLine1 ) { INT32 nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldLine1, eUnit ); aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeLine1DeltaItem( nValue ) ); } if( p == &aMtrFldLine2 ) { INT32 nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldLine2, eUnit ); aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeLine2DeltaItem( nValue ) ); } if( p == &aMtrFldLine3 ) { INT32 nValue = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldLine3, eUnit ); aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeLine3DeltaItem( nValue ) ); } if( p == &aLbType ) { USHORT nPos = aLbType.GetSelectEntryPos(); if( nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { aAttrSet.Put( SdrEdgeKindItem( (SdrEdgeKind) nPos ) ); } } aCtlPreview.SetAttributes( aAttrSet ); if( p == &aLbType ) { // Anzahl der Linienversaetze ermitteln USHORT nCount = aCtlPreview.GetLineDeltaAnz(); aFtLine3.Enable( nCount > 2 ); aMtrFldLine3.Enable( nCount > 2 ); if( nCount > 2 ) aMtrFldLine3.SetValue( aMtrFldLine3.GetValue() ); else aMtrFldLine3.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aFtLine2.Enable( nCount > 1 ); aMtrFldLine2.Enable( nCount > 1 ); if( nCount > 1 ) aMtrFldLine2.SetValue( aMtrFldLine2.GetValue() ); else aMtrFldLine2.SetEmptyFieldValue(); aFtLine1.Enable( nCount > 0 ); aMtrFldLine1.Enable( nCount > 0 ); if( nCount > 0 ) aMtrFldLine1.SetValue( aMtrFldLine1.GetValue() ); else aMtrFldLine1.SetEmptyFieldValue(); } return( 0L ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxConnectionPage::FillTypeLB() { // ListBox mit Verbindernamen fuellen const SfxPoolItem* pItem = GetItem( rOutAttrs, SDRATTR_EDGEKIND ); const SfxItemPool* pPool = rOutAttrs.GetPool(); if( !pItem ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( SDRATTR_EDGEKIND ); if( pItem ) { const SdrEdgeKindItem* pEdgeKindItem = (const SdrEdgeKindItem*) pItem; USHORT nCount = pEdgeKindItem->GetValueCount(); String aStr; for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { aStr = pEdgeKindItem->GetValueTextByPos( i ); aLbType.InsertEntry( aStr ); } } } void SvxConnectionPage::PageCreated (SfxAllItemSet aSet) //add CHINA001 { SFX_ITEMSET_ARG(&aSet,pOfaPtrItem,OfaPtrItem,SID_OBJECT_LIST,sal_False); if (pOfaPtrItem) SetView( static_cast(pOfaPtrItem->GetValue()) ); Construct(); }