/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: dlgctrl.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.22 $ * * last change: $Author: svesik $ $Date: 2004-04-21 14:14:06 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _SHL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "xoutx.hxx" #include "xtable.hxx" #include "xpool.hxx" #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "accessibility.hrc" #include "dlgctrl.hxx" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #ifndef _TL_POLY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_REGION_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_GRADIENT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_HATCH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_COLORCFG_HXX #include #endif #include "svxrectctaccessiblecontext.hxx" #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_XUNOTUNNEL_HPP_ #include #endif #define OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR (DRAWMODE_DEFAULT) #define OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST (DRAWMODE_SETTINGSLINE | DRAWMODE_SETTINGSFILL | DRAWMODE_SETTINGSTEXT | DRAWMODE_SETTINGSGRADIENT) using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility; /************************************************************************* |* |* Control zur Darstellung und Auswahl der Eckpunkte (und Mittelpunkt) |* eines Objekts |* \************************************************************************/ inline Bitmap* SvxRectCtl::GetBitmap( void ) { if( !pBitmap ) InitBitmap(); return pBitmap; } SvxRectCtl::SvxRectCtl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, RECT_POINT eRpt, USHORT nBorder, USHORT nCircle, CTL_STYLE eStyle ) : Control( pParent, rResId ), pAccContext ( NULL ), eDefRP ( eRpt ), nBorderWidth( nBorder ), nRadius ( nCircle), m_nState ( 0 ), eCS ( eStyle ), pBitmap ( NULL ), mbCompleteDisable(sal_False) { SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); Resize_Impl(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxRectCtl::~SvxRectCtl() { delete pBitmap; if( pAccContext ) pAccContext->release(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxRectCtl::Resize() { Resize_Impl(); Control::Resize(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxRectCtl::Resize_Impl() { aSize = GetOutputSize(); switch( eCS ) { case CS_RECT: case CS_ANGLE: case CS_SHADOW: aPtLT = Point( 0 + nBorderWidth, 0 + nBorderWidth ); aPtMT = Point( aSize.Width() / 2, 0 + nBorderWidth ); aPtRT = Point( aSize.Width() - nBorderWidth, 0 + nBorderWidth ); aPtLM = Point( 0 + nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() / 2 ); aPtMM = Point( aSize.Width() / 2, aSize.Height() / 2 ); aPtRM = Point( aSize.Width() - nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() / 2 ); aPtLB = Point( 0 + nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() - nBorderWidth ); aPtMB = Point( aSize.Width() / 2, aSize.Height() - nBorderWidth ); aPtRB = Point( aSize.Width() - nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() - nBorderWidth ); break; case CS_LINE: aPtLT = Point( 0 + 3 * nBorderWidth, 0 + nBorderWidth ); aPtMT = Point( aSize.Width() / 2, 0 + nBorderWidth ); aPtRT = Point( aSize.Width() - 3 * nBorderWidth, 0 + nBorderWidth ); aPtLM = Point( 0 + 3 * nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() / 2 ); aPtMM = Point( aSize.Width() / 2, aSize.Height() / 2 ); aPtRM = Point( aSize.Width() - 3 * nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() / 2 ); aPtLB = Point( 0 + 3 * nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() - nBorderWidth ); aPtMB = Point( aSize.Width() / 2, aSize.Height() - nBorderWidth ); aPtRB = Point( aSize.Width() - 3 * nBorderWidth, aSize.Height() - nBorderWidth ); break; } Reset(); InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxRectCtl::InitBitmap( void ) { if( pBitmap ) delete pBitmap; const StyleSettings& rStyles = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; pBitmap = new Bitmap( SVX_RES( RID_SVXCTRL_RECTBTNS ) ); // set bitmap-colors long aTempAry1[(7*sizeof(Color))/sizeof(long)]; long aTempAry2[(7*sizeof(Color))/sizeof(long)]; Color* pColorAry1 = (Color*)aTempAry1; Color* pColorAry2 = (Color*)aTempAry2; pColorAry1[0] = Color( 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0 ); // light-gray pColorAry1[1] = Color( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 ); // yellow pColorAry1[2] = Color( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ); // white pColorAry1[3] = Color( 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ); // dark-gray pColorAry1[4] = Color( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ); // black pColorAry1[5] = Color( 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 ); // green pColorAry1[6] = Color( 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF ); // blue pColorAry2[0] = rStyles.GetDialogColor(); // background pColorAry2[1] = rStyles.GetWindowColor(); pColorAry2[2] = rStyles.GetLightColor(); pColorAry2[3] = rStyles.GetShadowColor(); pColorAry2[4] = rStyles.GetDarkShadowColor(); pColorAry2[5] = Color( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor ); pColorAry2[6] = rStyles.GetDialogColor(); #ifdef DBG_UTIL static BOOL bModify = FALSE; BOOL& rModify = bModify; if( rModify ) { static int n = 0; static UINT8 r = 0xFF; static UINT8 g = 0x00; static UINT8 b = 0xFF; int& rn = n; UINT8& rr = r; UINT8& rg = g; UINT8& rb = b; pColorAry2[ rn ] = Color( rr, rg, rb ); } #endif pBitmap->Replace( pColorAry1, pColorAry2, 7, NULL ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxRectCtl::InitSettings( BOOL bForeground, BOOL bBackground ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if( bForeground ) { svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; Color aTextColor( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor ); if ( IsControlForeground() ) aTextColor = GetControlForeground(); SetTextColor( aTextColor ); } if( bBackground ) { if ( IsControlBackground() ) SetBackground( GetControlBackground() ); else SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ); } delete pBitmap; pBitmap = NULL; // forces new creating of bitmap Invalidate(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Das angeklickte Rechteck (3 x 3) wird ermittelt und der Parent (Dialog) |* wird benachrichtigt, dass der Punkt geaendert wurde |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxRectCtl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { // #103516# CompletelyDisabled() added to have a disabled state for SvxRectCtl if(!IsCompletelyDisabled()) { Point aPtLast = aPtNew; aPtNew = GetApproxLogPtFromPixPt( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); if( aPtNew == aPtMM && ( eCS == CS_SHADOW || eCS == CS_ANGLE ) ) { aPtNew = aPtLast; } else { Invalidate( Rectangle( aPtLast - Point( nRadius, nRadius ), aPtLast + Point( nRadius, nRadius ) ) ); Invalidate( Rectangle( aPtNew - Point( nRadius, nRadius ), aPtNew + Point( nRadius, nRadius ) ) ); eRP = GetRPFromPoint( aPtNew ); SetActualRP( eRP ); if( WINDOW_TABPAGE == GetParent()->GetType() ) ( (SvxTabPage*) GetParent() )->PointChanged( this, eRP ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxRectCtl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvt ) { // #103516# CompletelyDisabled() added to have a disabled state for SvxRectCtl if(!IsCompletelyDisabled()) { RECT_POINT eNewRP = eRP; BOOL bUseMM = (eCS != CS_SHADOW) && (eCS != CS_ANGLE); switch( rKeyEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_DOWN: { if( !(m_nState & CS_NOVERT) ) switch( eNewRP ) { case RP_LT: eNewRP = RP_LM; break; case RP_MT: eNewRP = bUseMM ? RP_MM : RP_MB; break; case RP_RT: eNewRP = RP_RM; break; case RP_LM: eNewRP = RP_LB; break; case RP_MM: eNewRP = RP_MB; break; case RP_RM: eNewRP = RP_RB; break; } } break; case KEY_UP: { if( !(m_nState & CS_NOVERT) ) switch( eNewRP ) { case RP_LM: eNewRP = RP_LT; break; case RP_MM: eNewRP = RP_MT; break; case RP_RM: eNewRP = RP_RT; break; case RP_LB: eNewRP = RP_LM; break; case RP_MB: eNewRP = bUseMM ? RP_MM : RP_MT; break; case RP_RB: eNewRP = RP_RM; break; } } break; case KEY_LEFT: { if( !(m_nState & CS_NOHORZ) ) switch( eNewRP ) { case RP_MT: eNewRP = RP_LT; break; case RP_RT: eNewRP = RP_MT; break; case RP_MM: eNewRP = RP_LM; break; case RP_RM: eNewRP = bUseMM ? RP_MM : RP_LM; break; case RP_MB: eNewRP = RP_LB; break; case RP_RB: eNewRP = RP_MB; break; } } break; case KEY_RIGHT: { if( !(m_nState & CS_NOHORZ) ) switch( eNewRP ) { case RP_LT: eNewRP = RP_MT; break; case RP_MT: eNewRP = RP_RT; break; case RP_LM: eNewRP = bUseMM ? RP_MM : RP_RM; break; case RP_MM: eNewRP = RP_RM; break; case RP_LB: eNewRP = RP_MB; break; case RP_MB: eNewRP = RP_RB; break; } } break; default: Control::KeyInput( rKeyEvt ); return; } if( eNewRP != eRP ) { SetActualRP( eNewRP ); if( WINDOW_TABPAGE == GetParent()->GetType() ) ( (SvxTabPage*) GetParent() )->PointChanged( this, eRP ); SetFocusRect(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxRectCtl::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) InitSettings( TRUE, FALSE ); else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) InitSettings( FALSE, TRUE ); Window::StateChanged( nType ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxRectCtl::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) ) InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); else Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Zeichnet das Control (Rechteck mit 9 Kreisen) |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxRectCtl::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { Point aPtDiff( PixelToLogic( Point( 1, 1 ) ) ); const StyleSettings& rStyles = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); SetLineColor( rStyles.GetDialogColor() ); SetFillColor( rStyles.GetDialogColor() ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point(0,0), GetOutputSize() ) ); if( IsEnabled() ) SetLineColor( rStyles.GetLabelTextColor() ); else SetLineColor( rStyles.GetShadowColor() ); SetFillColor(); switch( eCS ) { case CS_RECT: case CS_SHADOW: if( !IsEnabled() ) { Color aOldCol = GetLineColor(); SetLineColor( rStyles.GetLightColor() ); DrawRect( Rectangle( aPtLT + aPtDiff, aPtRB + aPtDiff ) ); SetLineColor( aOldCol ); } DrawRect( Rectangle( aPtLT, aPtRB ) ); break; case CS_LINE: if( !IsEnabled() ) { Color aOldCol = GetLineColor(); SetLineColor( rStyles.GetLightColor() ); DrawLine( aPtLM - Point( 2 * nBorderWidth, 0) + aPtDiff, aPtRM + Point( 2 * nBorderWidth, 0 ) + aPtDiff ); SetLineColor( aOldCol ); } DrawLine( aPtLM - Point( 2 * nBorderWidth, 0), aPtRM + Point( 2 * nBorderWidth, 0 ) ); break; case CS_ANGLE: if( !IsEnabled() ) { Color aOldCol = GetLineColor(); SetLineColor( rStyles.GetLightColor() ); DrawLine( aPtLT + aPtDiff, aPtRB + aPtDiff ); DrawLine( aPtLB + aPtDiff, aPtRT + aPtDiff ); DrawLine( aPtLM + aPtDiff, aPtRM + aPtDiff ); DrawLine( aPtMT + aPtDiff, aPtMB + aPtDiff ); SetLineColor( aOldCol ); } DrawLine( aPtLT, aPtRB ); DrawLine( aPtLB, aPtRT ); DrawLine( aPtLM, aPtRM ); DrawLine( aPtMT, aPtMB ); break; default: break; } SetFillColor( GetBackground().GetColor() ); Size aBtnSize( 11, 11 ); Size aDstBtnSize( PixelToLogic( aBtnSize ) ); Point aToCenter( aDstBtnSize.Width() >> 1, aDstBtnSize.Height() >> 1); Point aBtnPnt1( IsEnabled()?0:22,0 ); Point aBtnPnt2( 11,0 ); Point aBtnPnt3( 22,0 ); BOOL bNoHorz = (m_nState & CS_NOHORZ) != 0; BOOL bNoVert = (m_nState & CS_NOVERT) != 0; Bitmap& rBitmap = *GetBitmap(); // #103516# CompletelyDisabled() added to have a disabled state for SvxRectCtl if(IsCompletelyDisabled()) { DrawBitmap( aPtLT - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtMT - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtRT - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtLM - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); if( eCS == CS_RECT || eCS == CS_LINE ) DrawBitmap( aPtMM - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtRM - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtLB - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtMB - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtRB - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt3, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); } else { DrawBitmap( aPtLT - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, (bNoHorz | bNoVert)?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtMT - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, bNoVert?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtRT - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, (bNoHorz | bNoVert)?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtLM - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, bNoHorz?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); // Mittelpunkt bei Rechteck und Linie if( eCS == CS_RECT || eCS == CS_LINE ) DrawBitmap( aPtMM - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtRM - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, bNoHorz?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtLB - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, (bNoHorz | bNoVert)?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtMB - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, bNoVert?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); DrawBitmap( aPtRB - aToCenter, aDstBtnSize, (bNoHorz | bNoVert)?aBtnPnt3:aBtnPnt1, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); } // draw active button, avoid center pos for angle // #103516# CompletelyDisabled() added to have a disabled state for SvxRectCtl if(!IsCompletelyDisabled()) { if( IsEnabled() && (eCS != CS_ANGLE || aPtNew != aPtMM) ) { Point aCenterPt( aPtNew ); aCenterPt -= aToCenter; DrawBitmap( aCenterPt, aDstBtnSize, aBtnPnt2, aBtnSize, rBitmap ); } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Konvertiert RECT_POINT in Point |* \************************************************************************/ Point SvxRectCtl::GetPointFromRP( RECT_POINT eRP) const { switch( eRP ) { case RP_LT: return aPtLT; case RP_MT: return aPtMT; case RP_RT: return aPtRT; case RP_LM: return aPtLM; case RP_MM: return aPtMM; case RP_RM: return aPtRM; case RP_LB: return aPtLB; case RP_MB: return aPtMB; case RP_RB: return aPtRB; } return( aPtMM ); // default } void SvxRectCtl::SetFocusRect( const Rectangle* pRect ) { HideFocus(); if( pRect ) ShowFocus( *pRect ); else ShowFocus( CalculateFocusRectangle() ); } Point SvxRectCtl::SetActualRPWithoutInvalidate( RECT_POINT eNewRP ) { Point aPtLast = aPtNew; aPtNew = GetPointFromRP( eNewRP ); if( (m_nState & CS_NOHORZ) != 0 ) aPtNew.X() = aPtMM.X(); if( (m_nState & CS_NOVERT) != 0 ) aPtNew.Y() = aPtMM.Y(); eNewRP = GetRPFromPoint( aPtNew ); eDefRP = eNewRP; eRP = eNewRP; return aPtLast; } void SvxRectCtl::GetFocus() { SetFocusRect(); } void SvxRectCtl::LoseFocus() { HideFocus(); } Point SvxRectCtl::GetApproxLogPtFromPixPt( const Point& rPt ) const { Point aPt = PixelToLogic( rPt ); long x; long y; if( ( m_nState & CS_NOHORZ ) == 0 ) { if( aPt.X() < aSize.Width() / 3 ) x = aPtLT.X(); else if( aPt.X() < aSize.Width() * 2 / 3 ) x = aPtMM.X(); else x = aPtRB.X(); } else x = aPtMM.X(); if( ( m_nState & CS_NOVERT ) == 0 ) { if( aPt.Y() < aSize.Height() / 3 ) y = aPtLT.Y(); else if( aPt.Y() < aSize.Height() * 2 / 3 ) y = aPtMM.Y(); else y = aPtRB.Y(); } else y = aPtMM.Y(); return Point( x, y ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Konvertiert Point in RECT_POINT |* \************************************************************************/ RECT_POINT SvxRectCtl::GetRPFromPoint( Point aPt ) const { if ( aPt == aPtLT) return RP_LT; else if( aPt == aPtMT) return RP_MT; else if( aPt == aPtRT) return RP_RT; else if( aPt == aPtLM) return RP_LM; else if( aPt == aPtRM) return RP_RM; else if( aPt == aPtLB) return RP_LB; else if( aPt == aPtMB) return RP_MB; else if( aPt == aPtRB) return RP_RB; else return RP_MM; // default } /************************************************************************* |* |* Bewirkt den Ursprungszustand des Controls |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxRectCtl::Reset() { aPtNew = GetPointFromRP( eDefRP ); eRP = eDefRP; Invalidate(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Gibt den aktuell ausgewaehlten RECT_POINT zurück |* \************************************************************************/ RECT_POINT SvxRectCtl::GetActualRP() const { return( eRP ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Gibt den aktuell ausgewaehlten RECT_POINT zurück |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxRectCtl::SetActualRP( RECT_POINT eNewRP ) { Point aPtLast( SetActualRPWithoutInvalidate( eNewRP ) ); Invalidate( Rectangle( aPtLast - Point( nRadius, nRadius ), aPtLast + Point( nRadius, nRadius ) ) ); Invalidate( Rectangle( aPtNew - Point( nRadius, nRadius ), aPtNew + Point( nRadius, nRadius ) ) ); // notify accessibility object about change if( pAccContext ) pAccContext->selectChild( eNewRP ); } void SvxRectCtl::SetState( CTL_STATE nState ) { m_nState = nState; Point aPtLast( GetPointFromRP( eRP ) ); Point aPtNew( aPtLast ); if( (m_nState & CS_NOHORZ) != 0 ) aPtNew.X() = aPtMM.X(); if( (m_nState & CS_NOVERT) != 0 ) aPtNew.Y() = aPtMM.Y(); eRP = GetRPFromPoint( aPtNew ); Invalidate(); if( WINDOW_TABPAGE == GetParent()->GetType() ) ( (SvxTabPage*) GetParent() )->PointChanged( this, eRP ); } UINT8 SvxRectCtl::GetNumOfChilds( void ) const { return ( eCS == CS_ANGLE )? 8 : 9; } Rectangle SvxRectCtl::CalculateFocusRectangle( void ) const { Size aDstBtnSize( PixelToLogic( Size( 15, 15 ) ) ); return Rectangle( aPtNew - Point( aDstBtnSize.Width() >> 1, aDstBtnSize.Height() >> 1 ), aDstBtnSize ); } Rectangle SvxRectCtl::CalculateFocusRectangle( RECT_POINT eRectPoint ) const { Rectangle aRet; RECT_POINT eOldRectPoint = GetActualRP(); if( eOldRectPoint == eRectPoint ) aRet = CalculateFocusRectangle(); else { SvxRectCtl* pThis = const_cast< SvxRectCtl* >( this ); pThis->SetActualRPWithoutInvalidate( eRectPoint ); // no invalidation because it's only temporary! aRet = CalculateFocusRectangle(); pThis->SetActualRPWithoutInvalidate( eOldRectPoint ); // no invalidation because nothing has changed! } return aRet; } Reference< XAccessible > SvxRectCtl::CreateAccessible() { Window* pParent = GetAccessibleParentWindow(); DBG_ASSERT( pParent, "-SvxRectCtl::CreateAccessible(): No Parent!" ); Reference< XAccessible > xAccParent = pParent->GetAccessible(); if( xAccParent.is() ) { pAccContext = new SvxRectCtlAccessibleContext( xAccParent, *this ); pAccContext->acquire(); SetActualRP( GetActualRP() ); return pAccContext; } else return Reference< XAccessible >(); } RECT_POINT SvxRectCtl::GetApproxRPFromPixPt( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& r ) const { return GetRPFromPoint( GetApproxLogPtFromPixPt( Point( r.X, r.Y ) ) ); } // #103516# CompletelyDisabled() added to have a disabled state for SvxRectCtl void SvxRectCtl::DoCompletelyDisable(sal_Bool bNew) { mbCompleteDisable = bNew; Invalidate(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Konstruktor ohne Size-Parameter |* \************************************************************************/ SvxAngleCtl::SvxAngleCtl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : SvxRectCtl( pParent, rResId ), aFont( Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetAppFont() ) { aFontSize = Size( 250, 400 ); Initialize(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Konstruktor mit Size-Parameter |* \************************************************************************/ SvxAngleCtl::SvxAngleCtl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, Size aSize ) : SvxRectCtl( pParent, rResId ), aFont( Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetAppFont() ) { aFontSize = aSize; Initialize(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Initialisierung |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxAngleCtl::Initialize() { bPositive = TRUE; // aFont.SetName( "Helvetica" ); aFont.SetSize( aFontSize ); aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL ); aFont.SetTransparent( FALSE ); SetFont( aFont ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Zeichnet das (Mini-)Koordinatensystem |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxAngleCtl::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); // PEN_DOT ??? DrawLine( aPtLT - Point( 0, 0), aPtRB + Point( 0, 0 ) ); DrawLine( aPtLB - Point( 0, 0), aPtRT + Point( 0, 0 ) ); SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); DrawLine( aPtLM - Point( 0, 0), aPtRM + Point( 0, 0 ) ); DrawLine( aPtMT - Point( 0, 0), aPtMB + Point( 0, 0 ) ); Point aDiff(aFontSize.Width() / 2, aFontSize.Height() / 2); DrawText( aPtLT - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "135" ) ) ); DrawText( aPtLM - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "180" ) ) ); if ( bPositive ) DrawText( aPtLB - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "225" ) ) ); else DrawText( aPtLB - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "-135" ) ) ); aDiff.X() = aFontSize.Width(); DrawText( aPtMT - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "90" ) ) ); DrawText( aPtRT - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "45" ) ) ); aDiff.X() = aDiff .X() * 3 / 2; if ( bPositive ) DrawText( aPtMB - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "270" ) ) ); else DrawText( aPtMB - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "-90" ) ) ); DrawText( aPtRM - Point( 0, aDiff.Y() ), UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "0" ) ) ); aDiff.X() = aFontSize.Width() * 2; if ( bPositive ) DrawText( aPtRB - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "315" ) ) ); else DrawText( aPtRB - aDiff, UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "-45" ) ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Control zum Editieren von Bitmaps |* \************************************************************************/ SvxPixelCtl::SvxPixelCtl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, USHORT nNumber ) : Control ( pParent, rResId ), nLines ( nNumber ), bPaintable ( TRUE ) { // SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); aRectSize = GetOutputSize(); SetPixelColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); SetBackgroundColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ); SetLineColor( Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetShadowColor() ); nSquares = nLines * nLines; pPixel = new USHORT[ nSquares ]; // Reset(); <-- wird vom Dialog aufgerufen } /************************************************************************* |* |* Destruktor dealociert dyn. Array |* \************************************************************************/ SvxPixelCtl::~SvxPixelCtl( ) { delete []pPixel; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Wechselt die Vordergrund- ,bzw. Hintergrundfarbe |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxPixelCtl::ChangePixel( USHORT nPixel ) { if( *( pPixel + nPixel) == 0 ) *( pPixel + nPixel) = 1; // koennte erweitert werden auf mehrere Farben else *( pPixel + nPixel) = 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Das angeklickte Rechteck wird ermittelt um die Farbe zu wechseln |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxPixelCtl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { Point aPt = PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); Point aPtTl, aPtBr; USHORT nX, nY; nX = (USHORT) ( aPt.X() * nLines / aRectSize.Width() ); nY = (USHORT) ( aPt.Y() * nLines / aRectSize.Height() ); ChangePixel( nX + nY * nLines ); aPtTl.X() = aRectSize.Width() * nX / nLines + 1; aPtBr.X() = aRectSize.Width() * (nX + 1) / nLines - 1; aPtTl.Y() = aRectSize.Height() * nY / nLines + 1; aPtBr.Y() = aRectSize.Height() * (nY + 1) / nLines - 1; Invalidate( Rectangle( aPtTl, aPtBr ) ); if( WINDOW_TABPAGE == GetParent()->GetType() ) ( (SvxTabPage*) GetParent() )->PointChanged( this, RP_MM ); // RectPoint ist dummy } /************************************************************************* |* |* Zeichnet das Control (Rechteck mit 9 Kreisen) |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxPixelCtl::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { USHORT i, j, nTmp; Point aPtTl, aPtBr; if( bPaintable ) { // Linien Zeichnen Control::SetLineColor( aLineColor ); for( i = 1; i < nLines; i++) { // horizontal nTmp = (USHORT) ( aRectSize.Height() * i / nLines ); DrawLine( Point( 0, nTmp ), Point( aRectSize.Width(), nTmp ) ); // vertikal nTmp = (USHORT) ( aRectSize.Width() * i / nLines ); DrawLine( Point( nTmp, 0 ), Point( nTmp, aRectSize.Height() ) ); } // Rechtecke (Quadrate) zeichnen Control::SetLineColor(); USHORT nLastPixel = *pPixel ? 0 : 1; for( i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { aPtTl.Y() = aRectSize.Height() * i / nLines + 1; aPtBr.Y() = aRectSize.Height() * (i + 1) / nLines - 1; for( j = 0; j < nLines; j++) { aPtTl.X() = aRectSize.Width() * j / nLines + 1; aPtBr.X() = aRectSize.Width() * (j + 1) / nLines - 1; if ( *( pPixel + i * nLines + j ) != nLastPixel ) { nLastPixel = *( pPixel + i * nLines + j ); // Farbe wechseln: 0 -> Hintergrundfarbe SetFillColor( nLastPixel ? aPixelColor : aBackgroundColor ); } DrawRect( Rectangle( aPtTl, aPtBr ) ); } } } // bPaintable else { SetBackground( Wallpaper( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) ) ); Control::SetLineColor( Color( COL_LIGHTRED ) ); DrawLine( Point( 0, 0 ), Point( aRectSize.Width(), aRectSize.Height() ) ); DrawLine( Point( 0, aRectSize.Height() ), Point( aRectSize.Width(), 0 ) ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxPixelCtl::SetXBitmap( const XOBitmap& rXBmp ) { if( rXBmp.GetBitmapType() == XBITMAP_8X8 ) { aPixelColor = rXBmp.GetPixelColor(); aBackgroundColor = rXBmp.GetBackgroundColor(); USHORT* pArray = rXBmp.GetPixelArray(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nSquares; i++ ) *( pPixel + i ) = *( pArray + i ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Gibt ein bestimmtes Pixel zurueck |* \************************************************************************/ USHORT SvxPixelCtl::GetPixel( const USHORT nPixel ) { return( *( pPixel + nPixel ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Bewirkt den Ursprungszustand des Controls |* \************************************************************************/ void SvxPixelCtl::Reset() { // Initialisierung des Arrays for( USHORT i = 0; i < nSquares; i++) *(pPixel + i) = 0; Invalidate(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Ctor: BitmapCtl fuer SvxPixelCtl |* \************************************************************************/ SvxBitmapCtl::SvxBitmapCtl( Window* pParent, const Size& rSize ) { aSize = rSize; // aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Dtor |* \************************************************************************/ SvxBitmapCtl::~SvxBitmapCtl() { } /************************************************************************* |* |* BitmapCtl: Gibt die Bitmap zurueck |* \************************************************************************/ XOBitmap SvxBitmapCtl::GetXBitmap() { XOBitmap aXOBitmap( pBmpArray, aPixelColor, aBackgroundColor ); return( aXOBitmap ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox mit Farben und Strings |* \************************************************************************/ void ColorLB::Fill( const XColorTable* pColorTab ) { long nCount = pColorTab->Count(); XColorEntry* pEntry; SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pColorTab->Get( i ); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetColor(), pEntry->GetName() ); } SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************/ void ColorLB::Append( XColorEntry* pEntry, Bitmap* pBmp ) { InsertEntry( pEntry->GetColor(), pEntry->GetName() ); } /************************************************************************/ void ColorLB::Modify( XColorEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPos, Bitmap* pBmp ) { RemoveEntry( nPos ); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetColor(), pEntry->GetName(), nPos ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox mit Farben und Strings |* \************************************************************************/ void FillAttrLB::Fill( const XColorTable* pColorTab ) { long nCount = pColorTab->Count(); XColorEntry* pEntry; SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pColorTab->Get( i ); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetColor(), pEntry->GetName() ); } SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox (vorlaeufig) mit Strings |* \************************************************************************/ HatchingLB::HatchingLB( Window* pParent, ResId Id, BOOL bUserDraw /*= TRUE*/ ) : ListBox( pParent, Id ), mpList ( NULL ), mbUserDraw( bUserDraw ) { EnableUserDraw( mbUserDraw ); } HatchingLB::HatchingLB( Window* pParent, WinBits aWB, BOOL bUserDraw /*= TRUE*/ ) : ListBox( pParent, aWB ), mpList ( NULL ), mbUserDraw( bUserDraw ) { EnableUserDraw( mbUserDraw ); } void HatchingLB::Fill( const XHatchList* pList ) { mpList = (XHatchList*)pList; XHatchEntry* pEntry; long nCount = pList->Count(); SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); if( mbUserDraw ) { for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) InsertEntry( pList->Get( i )->GetName() ); } else { for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); Bitmap* pBitmap = pList->GetBitmap( i ); if( pBitmap ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBitmap ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } } SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } void HatchingLB::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { if( mpList != NULL ) { // Draw gradient with borderrectangle const Rectangle& rDrawRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); Rectangle aRect( rDrawRect.nLeft+1, rDrawRect.nTop+1, rDrawRect.nLeft+33, rDrawRect.nBottom-1 ); USHORT nId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); if( nId >= 0 && nId <= mpList->Count() ) { OutputDevice* pDevice = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); ULONG nOldDrawMode = pDevice->GetDrawMode(); pDevice->SetDrawMode( GetDisplayBackground().GetColor().IsDark() ? OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST : OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR ); XHatch& rXHatch = mpList->Get( rUDEvt.GetItemId() )->GetHatch(); MapMode aMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); Hatch aHatch( (HatchStyle) rXHatch.GetHatchStyle(), rXHatch.GetColor(), rUDEvt.GetDevice()->LogicToPixel( Point( rXHatch.GetDistance(), 0 ), aMode ).X(), rXHatch.GetAngle() ); const Polygon aPolygon( aRect ); const PolyPolygon aPolypoly( aPolygon ); pDevice->DrawHatch( aPolypoly, aHatch ); pDevice->SetLineColor( COL_BLACK ); pDevice->SetFillColor(); pDevice->DrawRect( aRect ); pDevice->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode ); // Draw name pDevice->DrawText( Point( aRect.nRight+7, aRect.nTop-1 ), mpList->Get( rUDEvt.GetItemId() )->GetName() ); } } } /************************************************************************/ void HatchingLB::Append( XHatchEntry* pEntry, Bitmap* pBmp ) { if( pBmp ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBmp ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } /************************************************************************/ void HatchingLB::Modify( XHatchEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPos, Bitmap* pBmp ) { RemoveEntry( nPos ); if( pBmp ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBmp, nPos ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), nPos ); } /************************************************************************/ void HatchingLB::SelectEntryByList( const XHatchList* pList, const String& rStr, const XHatch& rHatch, USHORT nDist ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XHatchEntry* pEntry; BOOL bFound = FALSE; String aStr; long i; for( i = 0; i < nCount && !bFound; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); aStr = pEntry->GetName(); if( rStr == aStr && rHatch == pEntry->GetHatch() ) bFound = TRUE; } if( bFound ) SelectEntryPos( (USHORT) ( i - 1 + nDist ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox (vorlaeufig) mit Strings |* \************************************************************************/ void FillAttrLB::Fill( const XHatchList* pList ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XHatchEntry* pEntry; ListBox::SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); Bitmap* pBitmap = pList->GetBitmap( i ); if( pBitmap ) ListBox::InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBitmap ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } ListBox::SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox (vorlaeufig) mit Strings |* \************************************************************************/ GradientLB::GradientLB( Window* pParent, ResId Id, BOOL bUserDraw /*= TRUE*/ ) : ListBox( pParent, Id ), mpList(NULL), mbUserDraw( bUserDraw ) { EnableUserDraw( mbUserDraw); } GradientLB::GradientLB( Window* pParent, WinBits aWB, BOOL bUserDraw /*= TRUE*/ ) : ListBox( pParent, aWB ), mpList(NULL), mbUserDraw( bUserDraw ) { EnableUserDraw( mbUserDraw ); } void GradientLB::Fill( const XGradientList* pList ) { mpList = (XGradientList*)pList; XGradientEntry* pEntry; long nCount = pList->Count(); SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); if( mbUserDraw ) { for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) InsertEntry( pList->Get( i )->GetName() ); } else { for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); Bitmap* pBitmap = pList->GetBitmap( i ); if( pBitmap ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBitmap ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } } SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } void GradientLB::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { if( mpList != NULL ) { // Draw gradient with borderrectangle const Rectangle& rDrawRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); Rectangle aRect( rDrawRect.nLeft+1, rDrawRect.nTop+1, rDrawRect.nLeft+33, rDrawRect.nBottom-1 ); USHORT nId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); if( nId >= 0 && nId <= mpList->Count() ) { OutputDevice* pDevice = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); XGradient& rXGrad = mpList->Get( rUDEvt.GetItemId() )->GetGradient(); Gradient aGradient( (GradientStyle) rXGrad.GetGradientStyle(), rXGrad.GetStartColor(), rXGrad.GetEndColor() ); aGradient.SetAngle( (USHORT)rXGrad.GetAngle() ); aGradient.SetBorder( rXGrad.GetBorder() ); aGradient.SetOfsX( rXGrad.GetXOffset() ); aGradient.SetOfsY( rXGrad.GetYOffset() ); aGradient.SetStartIntensity( rXGrad.GetStartIntens() ); aGradient.SetEndIntensity( rXGrad.GetEndIntens() ); aGradient.SetSteps( 255 ); pDevice->DrawGradient( aRect, aGradient ); pDevice->SetLineColor( COL_BLACK ); pDevice->SetFillColor(); pDevice->DrawRect( aRect ); // Draw name pDevice->DrawText( Point( aRect.nRight+7, aRect.nTop-1 ), mpList->Get( rUDEvt.GetItemId() )->GetName() ); } } } /************************************************************************/ void GradientLB::Append( XGradientEntry* pEntry, Bitmap* pBmp ) { if( pBmp ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBmp ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } /************************************************************************/ void GradientLB::Modify( XGradientEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPos, Bitmap* pBmp ) { RemoveEntry( nPos ); if( pBmp ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBmp, nPos ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), nPos ); } /************************************************************************/ void GradientLB::SelectEntryByList( const XGradientList* pList, const String& rStr, const XGradient& rGradient, USHORT nDist ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XGradientEntry* pEntry; BOOL bFound = FALSE; String aStr; long i; for( i = 0; i < nCount && !bFound; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); aStr = pEntry->GetName(); if( rStr == aStr && rGradient == pEntry->GetGradient() ) bFound = TRUE; } if( bFound ) SelectEntryPos( (USHORT) ( i - 1 + nDist ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox (vorlaeufig) mit Strings |* \************************************************************************/ void FillAttrLB::Fill( const XGradientList* pList ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XGradientEntry* pEntry; ListBox::SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); Bitmap* pBitmap = pList->GetBitmap( i ); if( pBitmap ) ListBox::InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBitmap ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } ListBox::SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Konstruktor von BitmapLB |* \************************************************************************/ BitmapLB::BitmapLB( Window* pParent, ResId Id, BOOL bUserDraw /*= TRUE*/ ) : ListBox( pParent, Id ), mpList( NULL ), mbUserDraw( bUserDraw ) { aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( Size( 32, 16 ) ); EnableUserDraw( mbUserDraw ); } /************************************************************************/ void BitmapLB::SetVirtualDevice() { if( aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() > 8 || aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height() > 8 ) { aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( 32, 16 ), aBitmap ); } else { aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 0, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 8, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 16, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 24, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 0, 8 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 8, 8 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 16, 8 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 24, 8 ), aBitmap ); } } /************************************************************************/ void BitmapLB::Fill( const XBitmapList* pList ) { mpList = (XBitmapList*)pList; XBitmapEntry* pEntry; long nCount = pList->Count(); SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); if( mbUserDraw ) { for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) InsertEntry( pList->Get( i )->GetName() ); } else { for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); aBitmap = pEntry->GetXBitmap().GetBitmap(); SetVirtualDevice(); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), aVD.GetBitmap( Point( 0, 2 ), Size( 32, 12 ) ) ); } } SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } void BitmapLB::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { if( mpList != NULL ) { // Draw bitmap const Rectangle& rDrawRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); Rectangle aRect( rDrawRect.nLeft+1, rDrawRect.nTop+1, rDrawRect.nLeft+33, rDrawRect.nBottom-1 ); USHORT nId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); if( nId >= 0 && nId <= mpList->Count() ) { Rectangle aClipRect( rDrawRect.nLeft+1, rDrawRect.nTop+1, rDrawRect.nRight-1, rDrawRect.nBottom-1 ); OutputDevice* pDevice = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); pDevice->SetClipRegion( Region( aClipRect ) ); aBitmap = mpList->Get( nId )->GetXBitmap().GetBitmap(); long nPosBaseX = aRect.nLeft; long nPosBaseY = aRect.nTop; if( aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() > 8 || aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height() > 8 ) { pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX, nPosBaseY ), Size( 32, 16 ), aBitmap ); } else { pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+ 0, nPosBaseY+0 ), aBitmap ); pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+ 8, nPosBaseY+0 ), aBitmap ); pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+16, nPosBaseY+0 ), aBitmap ); pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+24, nPosBaseY+0 ), aBitmap ); pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+ 0, nPosBaseY+8 ), aBitmap ); pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+ 8, nPosBaseY+8 ), aBitmap ); pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+16, nPosBaseY+8 ), aBitmap ); pDevice->DrawBitmap( Point( nPosBaseX+24, nPosBaseY+8 ), aBitmap ); } pDevice->SetClipRegion(); // Draw name pDevice->DrawText( Point( aRect.nRight+7, aRect.nTop-1 ), mpList->Get( nId )->GetName() ); } } } /************************************************************************/ void BitmapLB::Append( XBitmapEntry* pEntry, Bitmap* pBmp ) { if( pBmp ) { aBitmap = pEntry->GetXBitmap().GetBitmap(); SetVirtualDevice(); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), aVD.GetBitmap( Point( 0, 2 ), Size( 32, 12 ) ) ); } else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } /************************************************************************/ void BitmapLB::Modify( XBitmapEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPos, Bitmap* pBmp ) { RemoveEntry( nPos ); if( pBmp ) { aBitmap = pEntry->GetXBitmap().GetBitmap(); SetVirtualDevice(); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), aVD.GetBitmap( Point( 0, 2 ), Size( 32, 12 ) ), nPos ); } else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } /************************************************************************/ void BitmapLB::SelectEntryByList( const XBitmapList* pList, const String& rStr, const Bitmap& rBmp) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XBitmapEntry* pEntry; BOOL bFound = FALSE; long i; for( i = 0; i < nCount && !bFound; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); String aStr = pEntry->GetName(); // Bitmap aBmp = pEntry->GetBitmap(); if( rStr == aStr ) { bFound = TRUE; } } if( bFound ) SelectEntryPos( (USHORT) ( i - 1 ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Konstruktor von FillAttrLB |* \************************************************************************/ FillAttrLB::FillAttrLB( Window* pParent, ResId Id ) : ColorListBox( pParent, Id ) { aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( Size( 32, 16 ) ); } /************************************************************************/ FillAttrLB::FillAttrLB( Window* pParent, WinBits aWB ) : ColorListBox( pParent, aWB ) { aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( Size( 32, 16 ) ); } /************************************************************************/ void FillAttrLB::SetVirtualDevice() { if( aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() > 8 || aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height() > 8 ) { aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( 32, 16 ), aBitmap ); } else { aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 0, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 8, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 16, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 24, 0 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 0, 8 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 8, 8 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 16, 8 ), aBitmap ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point( 24, 8 ), aBitmap ); } } /************************************************************************/ void FillAttrLB::Fill( const XBitmapList* pList ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XBitmapEntry* pEntry; ListBox::SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); aBitmap = pEntry->GetXBitmap().GetBitmap(); SetVirtualDevice(); ListBox::InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), aVD.GetBitmap( Point( 0, 2 ), Size( 32, 12 ) ) ); } ListBox::SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************/ void FillAttrLB::SelectEntryByList( const XBitmapList* pList, const String& rStr, const Bitmap& rBmp) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XBitmapEntry* pEntry; BOOL bFound = FALSE; long i; for( i = 0; i < nCount && !bFound; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); String aStr = pEntry->GetName(); // Bitmap aBmp = pEntry->GetBitmap(); if( rStr == aStr ) { bFound = TRUE; } /* if( rStr == aStr && rBmp == aBmp ) bFound = TRUE; */ } if( bFound ) SelectEntryPos( (USHORT) ( i - 1 ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox (vorlaeufig) mit Strings |* \************************************************************************/ void FillTypeLB::Fill() { ResMgr* pMgr = DIALOG_MGR(); SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); InsertEntry( String( ResId( RID_SVXSTR_INVISIBLE, pMgr ) ) ); InsertEntry( String( ResId( RID_SVXSTR_COLOR, pMgr ) ) ); InsertEntry( String( ResId( RID_SVXSTR_GRADIENT, pMgr ) ) ); InsertEntry( String( ResId( RID_SVXSTR_HATCH, pMgr ) ) ); InsertEntry( String( ResId( RID_SVXSTR_BITMAP, pMgr ) ) ); SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox (vorlaeufig) mit Strings |* \************************************************************************/ void LineLB::Fill( const XDashList* pList ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XDashEntry* pEntry; SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); Bitmap* pBitmap = const_cast(pList)->CreateBitmapForUI( i ); if( pBitmap ) { InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBitmap ); delete pBitmap; } else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************/ void LineLB::Append( XDashEntry* pEntry, Bitmap* pBmp ) { if( pBmp ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBmp ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } /************************************************************************/ void LineLB::Modify( XDashEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPos, Bitmap* pBmp ) { RemoveEntry( nPos ); if( pBmp ) InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), *pBmp, nPos ); else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), nPos ); } /************************************************************************/ void LineLB::SelectEntryByList( const XDashList* pList, const String& rStr, const XDash& rDash, USHORT nDist ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XDashEntry* pEntry; BOOL bFound = FALSE; String aStr; XDash aDash; long i; for( i = 0; i < nCount && !bFound; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); aStr = pEntry->GetName(); aDash = pEntry->GetDash(); if( rStr == aStr && rDash == aDash ) bFound = TRUE; } if( bFound ) SelectEntryPos( (USHORT) ( i - 1 + nDist ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Fuellt die Listbox (vorlaeufig) mit Strings |* \************************************************************************/ void LineEndLB::Fill( const XLineEndList* pList, BOOL bStart ) { long nCount = pList->Count(); XLineEndEntry* pEntry; VirtualDevice aVD; SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); for( long i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pEntry = pList->Get( i ); Bitmap* pBitmap = const_cast(pList)->CreateBitmapForUI( i ); if( pBitmap ) { Size aBmpSize( pBitmap->GetSizePixel() ); aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( aBmpSize, FALSE ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point(), *pBitmap ); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), aVD.GetBitmap( bStart ? Point() : Point( aBmpSize.Width() / 2, 0 ), Size( aBmpSize.Width() / 2, aBmpSize.Height() ) ) ); delete pBitmap; } else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************/ void LineEndLB::Append( XLineEndEntry* pEntry, Bitmap* pBmp, BOOL bStart ) { if( pBmp ) { VirtualDevice aVD; Size aBmpSize( pBmp->GetSizePixel() ); aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( aBmpSize, FALSE ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point(), *pBmp ); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), aVD.GetBitmap( bStart ? Point() : Point( aBmpSize.Width() / 2, 0 ), Size( aBmpSize.Width() / 2, aBmpSize.Height() ) ) ); } else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName() ); } /************************************************************************/ void LineEndLB::Modify( XLineEndEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPos, Bitmap* pBmp, BOOL bStart ) { RemoveEntry( nPos ); if( pBmp ) { VirtualDevice aVD; Size aBmpSize( pBmp->GetSizePixel() ); aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( aBmpSize, FALSE ); aVD.DrawBitmap( Point(), *pBmp ); InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), aVD.GetBitmap( bStart ? Point() : Point( aBmpSize.Width() / 2, 0 ), Size( aBmpSize.Width() / 2, aBmpSize.Height() ) ), nPos ); } else InsertEntry( pEntry->GetName(), nPos ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SvxXLinePreview::SvxXLinePreview() |* *************************************************************************/ SvxXLinePreview::SvxXLinePreview( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, XOutputDevice* pXOut ) : Control ( pParent, rResId ), pXOutDev ( pXOut ), bWithSymbol ( FALSE ), pGraphic ( NULL ) { SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); Size aSize = GetOutputSize(); aPtA = Point( 500, aSize.Height() / 2 ); aPtB = Point( aSize.Width() - 500, aSize.Height() / 2 ); InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); // Draw the control's border as a flat thin black line. SetBorderStyle (WINDOW_BORDER_MONO); SetDrawMode( GetDisplayBackground().GetColor().IsDark() ? OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST : OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXLinePreview::InitSettings( BOOL bForeground, BOOL bBackground ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( bForeground ) { svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; Color aTextColor( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor ); if ( IsControlForeground() ) aTextColor = GetControlForeground(); SetTextColor( aTextColor ); } if ( bBackground ) { if ( IsControlBackground() ) SetBackground( GetControlBackground() ); else SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ); } Invalidate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXLinePreview::SetSymbol(Graphic* p,const Size& s) { pGraphic = p; aSymbolSize = s; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXLinePreview::ResizeSymbol(const Size& s) { if ( s != aSymbolSize ) { aSymbolSize = s; Invalidate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXLinePreview::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { pXOutDev->DrawLine( aPtA, aPtB ); if ( bWithSymbol && pGraphic ) { Point aPos = Point( GetOutputSize().Width() / 2, GetOutputSize().Height() / 2 ); aPos.X() -= aSymbolSize.Width() / 2; aPos.Y() -= aSymbolSize.Height() / 2; pGraphic->Draw( this, aPos, aSymbolSize ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXLinePreview::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) InitSettings( TRUE, FALSE ); else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) InitSettings( FALSE, TRUE ); Control::StateChanged( nType ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXLinePreview::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) ) InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); else Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); SetDrawMode( GetDisplayBackground().GetColor().IsDark() ? OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST : OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SvxXRectPreview::SvxXRectPreview() |* *************************************************************************/ SvxXRectPreview::SvxXRectPreview( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, XOutputDevice* pXOut ) : Control ( pParent, rResId ), pXOutDev( pXOut ) { SetBorderStyle( WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ); SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); aRect = Rectangle( Point(), GetOutputSize() ); InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXRectPreview::InitSettings( BOOL bForeground, BOOL bBackground ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( bForeground ) { svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; Color aTextColor( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor ); if ( IsControlForeground() ) aTextColor = GetControlForeground(); SetTextColor( aTextColor ); } if ( bBackground ) { if ( IsControlBackground() ) SetBackground( GetControlBackground() ); else SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ); } Invalidate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXRectPreview::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { pXOutDev->SetLineColor( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ); pXOutDev->DrawRect( aRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXRectPreview::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) InitSettings( TRUE, FALSE ); else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) InitSettings( FALSE, TRUE ); Control::StateChanged( nType ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXRectPreview::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) ) InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); else Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SvxXShadowPreview::SvxXShadowPreview() |* *************************************************************************/ SvxXShadowPreview::SvxXShadowPreview( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, XOutputDevice* pXOut, XOutdevItemPool* pXInPool ) : Control ( pParent, rResId ), pXOutDev ( pXOut ), pXPool ( pXInPool ), pRectItem ( NULL ), pShadowItem ( NULL ) { SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); Size aSize = GetOutputSize(); aSize.Width() = aSize.Width() / 3; aSize.Height() = aSize.Height() / 3; aRect = Rectangle( Point( aSize.Width(), aSize.Height() ), aSize ); aShadow = Rectangle( Point( aSize.Width(), aSize.Height() ), aSize ); InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); // Draw the control's border as a flat thin black line. SetBorderStyle (WINDOW_BORDER_MONO); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxXShadowPreview::~SvxXShadowPreview() { delete pRectItem; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXShadowPreview::InitSettings( BOOL bForeground, BOOL bBackground ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( bForeground ) { svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; Color aTextColor( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor ); if ( IsControlForeground() ) aTextColor = GetControlForeground(); SetTextColor( aTextColor ); } if ( bBackground ) { if ( IsControlBackground() ) SetBackground( GetControlBackground() ); else SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ); } Invalidate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXShadowPreview::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { aShadow.SetPos( aShadowPos + Point( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() ) ); if ( pShadowItem ) pXOutDev->SetFillAttr( pShadowItem->GetItemSet() ); pXOutDev->DrawRect( aShadow ); if ( pRectItem ) pXOutDev->SetFillAttr( pRectItem->GetItemSet() ); pXOutDev->DrawRect( aRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXShadowPreview::SetRectAttr( XFillAttrSetItem* pSetItem ) { if( pRectItem ) delete pRectItem; pRectItem = (XFillAttrSetItem*) pSetItem->Clone( pXPool ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXShadowPreview::SetShadowAttr( XFillAttrSetItem* pSetItem ) { pShadowItem = pSetItem; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXShadowPreview::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) InitSettings( TRUE, FALSE ); else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) InitSettings( FALSE, TRUE ); Control::StateChanged( nType ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxXShadowPreview::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) ) InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); else Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); }