/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: dlgname.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2006-12-19 17:45:38 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #ifdef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif #include #include #ifndef _SHL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX #include #endif #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "dlgname.hxx" #include "defdlgname.hxx" //CHINA001 #include "dlgname.hrc" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #define MAX_DESCRIPTION_LINES ((long)5) /************************************************************************* |* |* Dialog zum Editieren eines Namens |* \************************************************************************/ SvxNameDialog::SvxNameDialog( Window* pWindow, const String& rName, const String& rDesc ) : ModalDialog ( pWindow, ResId( RID_SVXDLG_NAME, DIALOG_MGR() ) ), aFtDescription ( this, ResId( FT_DESCRIPTION ) ), aEdtName ( this, ResId( EDT_STRING ) ), aBtnOK ( this, ResId( BTN_OK ) ), aBtnCancel ( this, ResId( BTN_CANCEL ) ), aBtnHelp ( this, ResId( BTN_HELP ) ) { FreeResource(); aFtDescription.SetText( rDesc ); aEdtName.SetText( rName ); aEdtName.SetSelection(Selection(SELECTION_MIN, SELECTION_MAX)); ModifyHdl(&aEdtName); aEdtName.SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SvxNameDialog, ModifyHdl)); // dynamic height of the description field Size aSize = aFtDescription.GetSizePixel(); long nTxtWidth = aFtDescription.GetCtrlTextWidth( rDesc ); if ( nTxtWidth > aSize.Width() ) { long nLines = Min( ( nTxtWidth / aSize.Width() + 1 ), MAX_DESCRIPTION_LINES ); long nHeight = aSize.Height(); aSize.Height() = nHeight * nLines; aFtDescription.SetSizePixel( aSize ); Point aPnt = aEdtName.GetPosPixel(); aPnt.Y() += ( aSize.Height() - nHeight ); aEdtName.SetPosPixel( aPnt ); } } /* -----------------------------27.02.2002 15:22------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(SvxNameDialog, ModifyHdl, Edit*, EMPTYARG) { if(aCheckNameHdl.IsSet()) aBtnOK.Enable(aCheckNameHdl.Call(this) > 0); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #i68101# // Dialog for editing Object Name // plus uniqueness-callback-linkHandler SvxObjectNameDialog::SvxObjectNameDialog( Window* pWindow, const String& rName) : ModalDialog(pWindow, ResId(RID_SVXDLG_OBJECT_NAME, DIALOG_MGR())), aFtName(this, ResId(NTD_FT_NAME)), aEdtName(this, ResId(NTD_EDT_NAME)), aFlSeparator(this, ResId(FL_SEPARATOR_A)), aBtnHelp(this, ResId(BTN_HELP)), aBtnOK(this, ResId(BTN_OK)), aBtnCancel(this, ResId(BTN_CANCEL)) { FreeResource(); // set name aEdtName.SetText(rName); // activate name aEdtName.SetSelection(Selection(SELECTION_MIN, SELECTION_MAX)); ModifyHdl(&aEdtName); aEdtName.SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SvxObjectNameDialog, ModifyHdl)); } IMPL_LINK(SvxObjectNameDialog, ModifyHdl, Edit*, EMPTYARG) { if(aCheckNameHdl.IsSet()) { aBtnOK.Enable(aCheckNameHdl.Call(this) > 0); } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #i68101# // Dialog for editing Object Title and Description SvxObjectTitleDescDialog::SvxObjectTitleDescDialog( Window* pWindow, const String& rTitle, const String& rDescription) : ModalDialog(pWindow, ResId(RID_SVXDLG_OBJECT_TITLE_DESC, DIALOG_MGR())), aFtTitle(this, ResId(NTD_FT_TITLE)), aEdtTitle(this, ResId(NTD_EDT_TITLE)), aFtDescription(this, ResId(NTD_FT_DESC)), aEdtDescription(this, ResId(NTD_EDT_DESC)), aFlSeparator(this, ResId(FL_SEPARATOR_B)), aBtnHelp(this, ResId(BTN_HELP)), aBtnOK(this, ResId(BTN_OK)), aBtnCancel(this, ResId(BTN_CANCEL)) { FreeResource(); // set title & desc aEdtTitle.SetText(rTitle); aEdtDescription.SetText(rDescription); // activate title aEdtTitle.SetSelection(Selection(SELECTION_MIN, SELECTION_MAX)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /************************************************************************* |* |* Dialog zum Abbrechen, Speichern oder Hinzufuegen |* \************************************************************************/ SvxMessDialog::SvxMessDialog( Window* pWindow, const String& rText, const String& rDesc, Image* pImg ) : ModalDialog ( pWindow, ResId( RID_SVXDLG_MESSBOX, DIALOG_MGR() ) ), aFtDescription ( this, ResId( FT_DESCRIPTION ) ), aBtn1 ( this, ResId( BTN_1 ) ), aBtn2 ( this, ResId( BTN_2 ) ), aBtnCancel ( this, ResId( BTN_CANCEL ) ), aFtImage ( this ) { FreeResource(); if( pImg ) { pImage = new Image( *pImg ); aFtImage.SetImage( *pImage ); aFtImage.SetStyle( ( aFtImage.GetStyle()/* | WB_NOTABSTOP */) & ~WB_3DLOOK ); aFtImage.SetPosSizePixel( LogicToPixel( Point( 3, 6 ), MAP_APPFONT ), aFtImage.GetImage().GetSizePixel() ); aFtImage.Show(); } SetText( rText ); aFtDescription.SetText( rDesc ); aBtn1.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvxMessDialog, Button1Hdl ) ); aBtn2.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvxMessDialog, Button2Hdl ) ); } SvxMessDialog::~SvxMessDialog() { if( pImage ) delete pImage; } /*************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvxMessDialog, Button1Hdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { EndDialog( RET_BTN_1 ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvxMessDialog, Button1Hdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) /*************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvxMessDialog, Button2Hdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { EndDialog( RET_BTN_2 ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvxMessDialog, Button2Hdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) /*************************************************************************/ void SvxMessDialog::SetButtonText( USHORT nBtnId, const String& rNewTxt ) { switch ( nBtnId ) { case MESS_BTN_1: aBtn1.SetText( rNewTxt ); break; case MESS_BTN_2: aBtn2.SetText( rNewTxt ); break; default: DBG_ERROR( "Falsche Button-Nummer!!!" ); } }