/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: framelinkarray.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2004-08-02 17:44:13 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SVX_FRAMELINKARRAY_HXX #include "framelinkarray.hxx" #endif #include #include #include #ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX #include #endif namespace svx { namespace frame { // ============================================================================ namespace { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Cell { Style maLeft; Style maRight; Style maTop; Style maBottom; Style maTLBR; Style maBLTR; long mnAddLeft; long mnAddRight; long mnAddTop; long mnAddBottom; bool mbMergeOrig; bool mbOverlapX; bool mbOverlapY; explicit Cell(); inline bool IsMerged() const { return mbMergeOrig || mbOverlapX || mbOverlapY; } inline bool IsOverlapped() const { return mbOverlapX || mbOverlapY; } void MirrorSelfX( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag ); void MirrorSelfY( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag ); }; Cell::Cell() : mnAddLeft( 0 ), mnAddRight( 0 ), mnAddTop( 0 ), mnAddBottom( 0 ), mbMergeOrig( false ), mbOverlapX( false ), mbOverlapY( false ) { } void Cell::MirrorSelfX( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag ) { std::swap( maLeft, maRight ); std::swap( mnAddLeft, mnAddRight ); if( bMirrorStyles ) { maLeft.MirrorSelf(); maRight.MirrorSelf(); } if( bSwapDiag ) { std::swap( maTLBR, maBLTR ); if( bMirrorStyles ) { maTLBR.MirrorSelf(); maBLTR.MirrorSelf(); } } } void Cell::MirrorSelfY( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag ) { std::swap( maTop, maBottom ); std::swap( mnAddTop, mnAddBottom ); if( bMirrorStyles ) { maTop.MirrorSelf(); maBottom.MirrorSelf(); } if( bSwapDiag ) std::swap( maTLBR, maBLTR ); /* Do not mirror diagonal styles, because they are oriented vertical. Therefore swapping the styles is sufficient for correct behaviour. */ } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::vector< long > LongVec; typedef std::vector< Cell > CellVec; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lclRecalcCoordVec( LongVec& rCoords, const LongVec& rSizes ) { DBG_ASSERT( rCoords.size() == rSizes.size() + 1, "lclRecalcCoordVec - inconsistent vectors" ); LongVec::iterator aCIt = rCoords.begin(); LongVec::const_iterator aSIt = rSizes.begin(), aSEnd = rSizes.end(); for( ; aSIt != aSEnd; ++aCIt, ++aSIt ) *(aCIt + 1) = *aCIt + *aSIt; } void lclSetMergedRange( CellVec& rCells, size_t nWidth, size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow ) { for( size_t nCol = nFirstCol; nCol <= nLastCol; ++nCol ) { for( size_t nRow = nFirstRow; nRow <= nLastRow; ++nRow ) { Cell& rCell = rCells[ nRow * nWidth + nCol ]; rCell.mbMergeOrig = false; rCell.mbOverlapX = nCol > nFirstCol; rCell.mbOverlapY = nRow > nFirstRow; } } rCells[ nFirstRow * nWidth + nFirstCol ].mbMergeOrig = true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const Style OBJ_STYLE_NONE; static const Cell OBJ_CELL_NONE; const bool DIAG_DBL_CLIP_DEFAULT = false; } // namespace // ============================================================================ struct ArrayImpl { CellVec maCells; LongVec maWidths; LongVec maHeights; mutable LongVec maXCoords; mutable LongVec maYCoords; size_t mnWidth; size_t mnHeight; size_t mnFirstClipCol; size_t mnFirstClipRow; size_t mnLastClipCol; size_t mnLastClipRow; mutable bool mbXCoordsDirty; mutable bool mbYCoordsDirty; bool mbDiagDblClip; explicit ArrayImpl( size_t nWidth, size_t nHeight, bool bDiagDblClip ); inline bool IsValidPos( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { return (nCol < mnWidth) && (nRow < mnHeight); } inline size_t GetIndex( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { return nRow * mnWidth + nCol; } const Cell& GetCell( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; Cell& GetCellAcc( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ); size_t GetMergedFirstCol( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; size_t GetMergedFirstRow( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; size_t GetMergedLastCol( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; size_t GetMergedLastRow( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; const Cell& GetMergedOriginCell( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; Cell& GetMergedOriginCellAcc( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ); bool IsMergedOverlappedLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; bool IsMergedOverlappedRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; bool IsMergedOverlappedTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; bool IsMergedOverlappedBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; bool IsInClipRange( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const; bool IsColInClipRange( size_t nCol ) const; bool IsRowInClipRange( size_t nRow ) const; inline size_t GetMirrorCol( size_t nCol ) const { return mnWidth - nCol - 1; } inline size_t GetMirrorRow( size_t nRow ) const { return mnHeight - nRow - 1; } long GetColPosition( size_t nCol ) const; long GetRowPosition( size_t nRow ) const; long GetColWidth( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nLastCol ) const; long GetRowHeight( size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastRow ) const; double GetHorDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple = false ) const; double GetVerDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple = false ) const; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ArrayImpl::ArrayImpl( size_t nWidth, size_t nHeight, bool bDiagDblClip ) : mnWidth( nWidth ), mnHeight( nHeight ), mnFirstClipCol( 0 ), mnFirstClipRow( 0 ), mnLastClipCol( nWidth - 1 ), mnLastClipRow( nHeight - 1 ), mbXCoordsDirty( false ), mbYCoordsDirty( false ), mbDiagDblClip( bDiagDblClip ) { // default-construct all vectors maCells.resize( mnWidth * mnHeight ); maWidths.resize( mnWidth, 0L ); maHeights.resize( mnHeight, 0L ); maXCoords.resize( mnWidth + 1, 0L ); maYCoords.resize( mnHeight + 1, 0L ); } const Cell& ArrayImpl::GetCell( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { return IsValidPos( nCol, nRow ) ? maCells[ GetIndex( nCol, nRow ) ] : OBJ_CELL_NONE; } Cell& ArrayImpl::GetCellAcc( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) { static Cell aDummy; return IsValidPos( nCol, nRow ) ? maCells[ GetIndex( nCol, nRow ) ] : aDummy; } size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedFirstCol( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { size_t nFirstCol = nCol; while( (nFirstCol > 0) && GetCell( nFirstCol, nRow ).mbOverlapX ) --nFirstCol; return nFirstCol; } size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedFirstRow( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { size_t nFirstRow = nRow; while( (nFirstRow > 0) && GetCell( nCol, nFirstRow ).mbOverlapY ) --nFirstRow; return nFirstRow; } size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedLastCol( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { size_t nLastCol = nCol + 1; while( (nLastCol < mnWidth) && GetCell( nLastCol, nRow ).mbOverlapX ) ++nLastCol; return nLastCol - 1; } size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedLastRow( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { size_t nLastRow = nRow + 1; while( (nLastRow < mnHeight) && GetCell( nCol, nLastRow ).mbOverlapY ) ++nLastRow; return nLastRow - 1; } const Cell& ArrayImpl::GetMergedOriginCell( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { return GetCell( GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) ); } Cell& ArrayImpl::GetMergedOriginCellAcc( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) { return GetCellAcc( GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) ); } bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { const Cell& rCell = GetCell( nCol, nRow ); return rCell.mbOverlapX || (rCell.mnAddLeft > 0); } bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { return GetCell( nCol + 1, nRow ).mbOverlapX || (GetCell( nCol, nRow ).mnAddRight > 0); } bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { const Cell& rCell = GetCell( nCol, nRow ); return rCell.mbOverlapY || (rCell.mnAddTop > 0); } bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { return GetCell( nCol, nRow + 1 ).mbOverlapY || (GetCell( nCol, nRow ).mnAddBottom > 0); } bool ArrayImpl::IsColInClipRange( size_t nCol ) const { return (mnFirstClipCol <= nCol) && (nCol <= mnLastClipCol); } bool ArrayImpl::IsRowInClipRange( size_t nRow ) const { return (mnFirstClipRow <= nRow) && (nRow <= mnLastClipRow); } bool ArrayImpl::IsInClipRange( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { return IsColInClipRange( nCol ) && IsRowInClipRange( nRow ); } long ArrayImpl::GetColPosition( size_t nCol ) const { if( mbXCoordsDirty ) { lclRecalcCoordVec( maXCoords, maWidths ); mbXCoordsDirty = false; } return maXCoords[ nCol ]; } long ArrayImpl::GetRowPosition( size_t nRow ) const { if( mbYCoordsDirty ) { lclRecalcCoordVec( maYCoords, maHeights ); mbYCoordsDirty = false; } return maYCoords[ nRow ]; } long ArrayImpl::GetColWidth( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nLastCol ) const { return GetColPosition( nLastCol + 1 ) - GetColPosition( nFirstCol ); } long ArrayImpl::GetRowHeight( size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastRow ) const { return GetRowPosition( nLastRow + 1 ) - GetRowPosition( nFirstRow ); } double ArrayImpl::GetHorDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { double fAngle = 0.0; if( IsValidPos( nCol, nRow ) ) { if( bSimple || !GetCell( nCol, nRow ).IsMerged() ) { fAngle = frame::GetHorDiagAngle( maWidths[ nCol ] + 1, maHeights[ nRow ] + 1 ); } else { // return correct angle for each cell in the merged range size_t nFirstCol = GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nFirstRow = GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ); const Cell& rCell = GetCell( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ); long nWidth = GetColWidth( nFirstCol, GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ) ) + rCell.mnAddLeft + rCell.mnAddRight; long nHeight = GetRowHeight( nFirstRow, GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ) ) + rCell.mnAddTop + rCell.mnAddBottom; fAngle = frame::GetHorDiagAngle( nWidth + 1, nHeight + 1 ); } } return fAngle; } double ArrayImpl::GetVerDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { double fAngle = GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow, bSimple ); return (fAngle > 0.0) ? (F_PI2 - fAngle) : 0.0; } // ============================================================================ class MergedCellIterator { public: explicit MergedCellIterator( const Array& rArray, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ); inline bool Is() const { return (mnCol <= mnLastCol) && (mnRow <= mnLastRow); } inline size_t Col() const { return mnCol; } inline size_t Row() const { return mnRow; } MergedCellIterator& operator++(); private: size_t mnFirstCol; size_t mnFirstRow; size_t mnLastCol; size_t mnLastRow; size_t mnCol; size_t mnRow; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MergedCellIterator::MergedCellIterator( const Array& rArray, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) { DBG_ASSERT( rArray.IsMerged( nCol, nRow ), "svx::frame::MergedCellIterator::MergedCellIterator - not in merged range" ); rArray.GetMergedRange( mnFirstCol, mnFirstRow, mnLastCol, mnLastRow, nCol, nRow ); mnCol = mnFirstCol; mnRow = mnFirstRow; } MergedCellIterator& MergedCellIterator::operator++() { DBG_ASSERT( Is(), "svx::frame::MergedCellIterator::operator++() - already invalid" ); if( ++mnCol > mnLastCol ) { mnCol = mnFirstCol; ++mnRow; } return *this; } // ============================================================================ #define DBG_FRAME_ERROR( funcname, error ) DBG_ERRORFILE( "svx::frame::Array::" funcname " - " error ) #define DBG_FRAME_CHECK( cond, funcname, error ) DBG_ASSERT( cond, "svx::frame::Array::" funcname " - " error ) #define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( col, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (col) < GetColCount(), funcname, "invalid column index" ) #define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( row, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (row) < GetRowCount(), funcname, "invalid row index" ) #define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( col, row, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( ((col) < GetColCount()) && ((row) < GetRowCount()), funcname, "invalid cell index" ) #define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_INDEX( index, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (index) < GetCellCount(), funcname, "invalid cell index" ) #define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL_1( col, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (col) <= GetColCount(), funcname, "invalid column index" ) #define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW_1( row, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (row) <= GetRowCount(), funcname, "invalid row index" ) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CELL( col, row ) mxImpl->GetCell( col, row ) #define CELLACC( col, row ) mxImpl->GetCellAcc( col, row ) #define ORIGCELL( col, row ) mxImpl->GetMergedOriginCell( col, row ) #define ORIGCELLACC( col, row ) mxImpl->GetMergedOriginCellAcc( col, row ) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Array::Array() { Initialize( 0, 0 ); } Array::Array( size_t nWidth, size_t nHeight ) { Initialize( nWidth, nHeight ); } Array::~Array() { } // array size and column/row indexes ------------------------------------------ void Array::Initialize( size_t nWidth, size_t nHeight ) { bool bDiagDblClip = mxImpl.get() ? mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip : DIAG_DBL_CLIP_DEFAULT; mxImpl.reset( new ArrayImpl( nWidth, nHeight, bDiagDblClip ) ); } void Array::Clear() { Initialize( mxImpl->mnWidth, mxImpl->mnHeight ); } size_t Array::GetColCount() const { return mxImpl->mnWidth; } size_t Array::GetRowCount() const { return mxImpl->mnHeight; } size_t Array::GetCellCount() const { return mxImpl->maCells.size(); } size_t Array::GetColFromIndex( size_t nCellIndex ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_INDEX( nCellIndex, "GetColFromIndex" ); return mxImpl->mnWidth ? (nCellIndex % mxImpl->mnWidth) : 0; } size_t Array::GetRowFromIndex( size_t nCellIndex ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_INDEX( nCellIndex, "GetRowFromIndex" ); return mxImpl->mnWidth ? (nCellIndex / mxImpl->mnWidth) : 0; } size_t Array::GetCellIndex( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetCellIndex" ); return mxImpl->GetIndex( nCol, nRow ); } // cell border styles --------------------------------------------------------- void Array::SetCellStyleLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleLeft" ); CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maLeft = rStyle; } void Array::SetCellStyleRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleRight" ); CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maRight = rStyle; } void Array::SetCellStyleTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleTop" ); CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maTop = rStyle; } void Array::SetCellStyleBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleBottom" ); CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maBottom = rStyle; } void Array::SetCellStyleTLBR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleTLBR" ); CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maTLBR = rStyle; } void Array::SetCellStyleBLTR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleBLTR" ); CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maBLTR = rStyle; } void Array::SetCellStyleDiag( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rTLBR, const Style& rBLTR ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleDiag" ); Cell& rCell = CELLACC( nCol, nRow ); rCell.maTLBR = rTLBR; rCell.maBLTR = rBLTR; } void Array::SetColumnStyleLeft( size_t nCol, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "SetColumnStyleLeft" ); for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow ) SetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nRow, rStyle ); } void Array::SetColumnStyleRight( size_t nCol, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "SetColumnStyleRight" ); for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow ) SetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow, rStyle ); } void Array::SetRowStyleTop( size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "SetRowStyleTop" ); for( size_t nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol ) SetCellStyleTop( nCol, nRow, rStyle ); } void Array::SetRowStyleBottom( size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "SetRowStyleBottom" ); for( size_t nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol ) SetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow, rStyle ); } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { // simple: always return own left style if( bSimple ) return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maLeft; // outside clipping rows or overlapped in merged cells: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedLeft( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // left clipping border: always own left style if( nCol == mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol ) return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maLeft; // right clipping border: always right style of left neighbor cell if( nCol == mxImpl->mnLastClipCol + 1 ) return ORIGCELL( nCol - 1, nRow ).maRight; // outside clipping columns: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // inside clipping range: maximum of own left style and right style of left neighbor cell return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maLeft, ORIGCELL( nCol - 1, nRow ).maRight ); } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { // simple: always return own right style if( bSimple ) return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maRight; // outside clipping rows or overlapped in merged cells: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedRight( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // left clipping border: always left style of right neighbor cell if( nCol + 1 == mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol ) return ORIGCELL( nCol + 1, nRow ).maLeft; // right clipping border: always own right style if( nCol == mxImpl->mnLastClipCol ) return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maRight; // outside clipping columns: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // inside clipping range: maximum of own right style and left style of right neighbor cell return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maRight, ORIGCELL( nCol + 1, nRow ).maLeft ); } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { // simple: always return own top style if( bSimple ) return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maTop; // outside clipping columns or overlapped in merged cells: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedTop( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // top clipping border: always own top style if( nRow == mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow ) return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maTop; // bottom clipping border: always bottom style of top neighbor cell if( nRow == mxImpl->mnLastClipRow + 1 ) return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow - 1 ).maBottom; // outside clipping rows: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // inside clipping range: maximum of own top style and bottom style of top neighbor cell return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maTop, ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow - 1 ).maBottom ); } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { // simple: always return own bottom style if( bSimple ) return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maBottom; // outside clipping columns or overlapped in merged cells: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedBottom( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // top clipping border: always top style of bottom neighbor cell if( nRow + 1 == mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow ) return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow + 1 ).maTop; // bottom clipping border: always own bottom style if( nRow == mxImpl->mnLastClipRow ) return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maBottom; // outside clipping rows: invisible if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // inside clipping range: maximum of own bottom style and top style of bottom neighbor cell return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maBottom, ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow + 1 ).maTop ); } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTLBR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { return bSimple ? CELL( nCol, nRow ).maTLBR : (mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ? ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maTLBR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE); } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBLTR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { return bSimple ? CELL( nCol, nRow ).maBLTR : (mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ? ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maBLTR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE); } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTL( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { // not in clipping range: always invisible if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // return style only for top-left cell size_t nFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ); return ((nCol == nFirstCol) && (nRow == nFirstRow)) ? CELL( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ).maTLBR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE; } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { // not in clipping range: always invisible if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // return style only for bottom-right cell size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ); return ((nCol == nLastCol) && (nRow == nLastRow)) ? CELL( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) ).maTLBR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE; } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBL( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { // not in clipping range: always invisible if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // return style only for bottom-left cell size_t nFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ); return ((nCol == nFirstCol) && (nRow == nLastRow)) ? CELL( nFirstCol, mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) ).maBLTR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE; } const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { // not in clipping range: always invisible if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ) return OBJ_STYLE_NONE; // return style only for top-right cell size_t nFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ); return ((nCol == nLastCol) && (nRow == nFirstRow)) ? CELL( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), nFirstRow ).maBLTR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE; } // cell merging --------------------------------------------------------------- void Array::SetMergedRange( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, "SetMergedRange" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nLastCol, nLastRow, "SetMergedRange" ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2 { bool bFound = false; for( size_t nCurrCol = nFirstCol; !bFound && (nCurrCol <= nLastCol); ++nCurrCol ) for( size_t nCurrRow = nFirstRow; !bFound && (nCurrRow <= nLastRow); ++nCurrRow ) bFound = CELL( nCurrCol, nCurrRow ).IsMerged(); DBG_FRAME_CHECK( !bFound, "SetMergedRange", "overlapping merged ranges" ); } #endif if( mxImpl->IsValidPos( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ) && mxImpl->IsValidPos( nLastCol, nLastRow ) ) lclSetMergedRange( mxImpl->maCells, mxImpl->mnWidth, nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nLastCol, nLastRow ); } void Array::RemoveMergedRange( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "RemoveMergedRange" ); for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt ) { Cell& rCell = CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ); rCell.mbMergeOrig = rCell.mbOverlapX = rCell.mbOverlapY = false; rCell.mnAddLeft = rCell.mnAddRight = rCell.mnAddTop = rCell.mnAddBottom = 0; } } void Array::SetAddMergedLeftSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedLeftSize" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ) == 0, "SetAddMergedLeftSize", "additional border inside array" ); for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt ) CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddLeft = nAddSize; } void Array::SetAddMergedRightSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedRightSize" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ) + 1 == mxImpl->mnWidth, "SetAddMergedRightSize", "additional border inside array" ); for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt ) CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddRight = nAddSize; } void Array::SetAddMergedTopSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedTopSize" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) == 0, "SetAddMergedTopSize", "additional border inside array" ); for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt ) CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddTop = nAddSize; } void Array::SetAddMergedBottomSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedBottomSize" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ) + 1 == mxImpl->mnHeight, "SetAddMergedBottomSize", "additional border inside array" ); for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt ) CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddBottom = nAddSize; } bool Array::IsMerged( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMerged" ); return CELL( nCol, nRow ).IsMerged(); } bool Array::IsMergedOrigin( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOrigin" ); return CELL( nCol, nRow ).mbMergeOrig; } bool Array::IsMergedOverlapped( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlapped" ); return CELL( nCol, nRow ).IsOverlapped(); } bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedLeft" ); return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedLeft( nCol, nRow ); } bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedRight" ); return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedRight( nCol, nRow ); } bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedTop" ); return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedTop( nCol, nRow ); } bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedBottom" ); return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedBottom( nCol, nRow ); } void Array::GetMergedOrigin( size_t& rnFirstCol, size_t& rnFirstRow, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetMergedOrigin" ); rnFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ); rnFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ); } void Array::GetMergedSize( size_t& rnWidth, size_t& rnHeight, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { size_t nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nLastCol, nLastRow; GetMergedRange( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nLastCol, nLastRow, nCol, nRow ); rnWidth = nLastCol - nFirstCol + 1; rnHeight = nLastRow - nFirstRow + 1; } void Array::GetMergedRange( size_t& rnFirstCol, size_t& rnFirstRow, size_t& rnLastCol, size_t& rnLastRow, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { GetMergedOrigin( rnFirstCol, rnFirstRow, nCol, nRow ); rnLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ); rnLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ); } // clipping ------------------------------------------------------------------- void Array::SetClipRange( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, "SetClipRange" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nLastCol, nLastRow, "SetClipRange" ); mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol = nFirstCol; mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow = nFirstRow; mxImpl->mnLastClipCol = nLastCol; mxImpl->mnLastClipRow = nLastRow; } void Array::RemoveClipRange() { if( !mxImpl->maCells.empty() ) SetClipRange( 0, 0, mxImpl->mnWidth - 1, mxImpl->mnHeight - 1 ); } bool Array::IsInClipRange( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsInClipRange" ); return mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ); } Rectangle Array::GetClipRangeRectangle() const { return Rectangle( mxImpl->GetColPosition( mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol ), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow ), mxImpl->GetColPosition( mxImpl->mnLastClipCol + 1 ), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( mxImpl->mnLastClipRow + 1 ) ); } // cell coordinates ----------------------------------------------------------- void Array::SetXOffset( long nXOffset ) { mxImpl->maXCoords[ 0 ] = nXOffset; mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true; } void Array::SetYOffset( long nYOffset ) { mxImpl->maYCoords[ 0 ] = nYOffset; mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true; } void Array::SetColWidth( size_t nCol, long nWidth ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "SetColWidth" ); mxImpl->maWidths[ nCol ] = nWidth; mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true; } void Array::SetRowHeight( size_t nRow, long nHeight ) { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "SetRowHeight" ); mxImpl->maHeights[ nRow ] = nHeight; mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true; } void Array::SetAllColWidths( long nWidth ) { std::fill( mxImpl->maWidths.begin(), mxImpl->maWidths.end(), nWidth ); mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true; } void Array::SetAllRowHeights( long nHeight ) { std::fill( mxImpl->maHeights.begin(), mxImpl->maHeights.end(), nHeight ); mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true; } long Array::GetColPosition( size_t nCol ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL_1( nCol, "GetColPosition" ); return mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol ); } long Array::GetRowPosition( size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW_1( nRow, "GetRowPosition" ); return mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow ); } long Array::GetColWidth( size_t nCol ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "GetColWidth" ); return mxImpl->maWidths[ nCol ]; } long Array::GetColWidth( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nLastCol ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nFirstCol, "GetColWidth" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nLastCol, "GetColWidth" ); return GetColPosition( nLastCol + 1 ) - GetColPosition( nFirstCol ); } long Array::GetRowHeight( size_t nRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "GetRowHeight" ); return mxImpl->maHeights[ nRow ]; } long Array::GetRowHeight( size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastRow ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nFirstRow, "GetRowHeight" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nLastRow, "GetRowHeight" ); return GetRowPosition( nLastRow + 1 ) - GetRowPosition( nFirstRow ); } long Array::GetWidth() const { return GetColPosition( mxImpl->mnWidth ) - GetColPosition( 0 ); } long Array::GetHeight() const { return GetRowPosition( mxImpl->mnHeight ) - GetRowPosition( 0 ); } Point Array::GetCellPosition( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { size_t nFirstCol = bSimple ? nCol : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nFirstRow = bSimple ? nRow : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ); return Point( GetColPosition( nFirstCol ), GetRowPosition( nFirstRow ) ); } Size Array::GetCellSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { size_t nFirstCol = bSimple ? nCol : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nFirstRow = bSimple ? nRow : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastCol = bSimple ? nCol : mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastRow = bSimple ? nRow : mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ); return Size( GetColWidth( nFirstCol, nLastCol ) + 1, GetRowHeight( nFirstRow, nLastRow ) + 1 ); } Rectangle Array::GetCellRect( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { Rectangle aRect( GetCellPosition( nCol, nRow, bSimple ), GetCellSize( nCol, nRow, bSimple ) ); // adjust rectangle for partly visible merged cells const Cell& rCell = CELL( nCol, nRow ); if( !bSimple && rCell.IsMerged() ) { aRect.Left() -= rCell.mnAddLeft; aRect.Right() += rCell.mnAddRight; aRect.Top() -= rCell.mnAddTop; aRect.Bottom() += rCell.mnAddBottom; } return aRect; } // diagonal frame borders ----------------------------------------------------- double Array::GetHorDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetHorDiagAngle" ); return mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow, bSimple ); } double Array::GetVerDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetVerDiagAngle" ); return mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol, nRow, bSimple ); } void Array::SetUseDiagDoubleClipping( bool bSet ) { mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip = bSet; } bool Array::GetUseDiagDoubleClipping() const { return mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip; } // mirroring ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Array::MirrorSelfX( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag ) { CellVec aNewCells; aNewCells.reserve( GetCellCount() ); size_t nCol, nRow; for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow ) { for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol ) { aNewCells.push_back( CELL( mxImpl->GetMirrorCol( nCol ), nRow ) ); aNewCells.back().MirrorSelfX( bMirrorStyles, bSwapDiag ); } } for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow ) { for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol ) { if( CELL( nCol, nRow ).mbMergeOrig ) { size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ); lclSetMergedRange( aNewCells, mxImpl->mnWidth, mxImpl->GetMirrorCol( nLastCol ), nRow, mxImpl->GetMirrorCol( nCol ), nLastRow ); } } } mxImpl->maCells.swap( aNewCells ); std::reverse( mxImpl->maWidths.begin(), mxImpl->maWidths.end() ); mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true; } void Array::MirrorSelfY( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag ) { CellVec aNewCells; aNewCells.reserve( GetCellCount() ); size_t nCol, nRow; for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow ) { for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol ) { aNewCells.push_back( CELL( nCol, mxImpl->GetMirrorRow( nRow ) ) ); aNewCells.back().MirrorSelfY( bMirrorStyles, bSwapDiag ); } } for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow ) { for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol ) { if( CELL( nCol, nRow ).mbMergeOrig ) { size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ); lclSetMergedRange( aNewCells, mxImpl->mnWidth, nCol, mxImpl->GetMirrorRow( nLastRow ), nLastCol, mxImpl->GetMirrorRow( nRow ) ); } } } mxImpl->maCells.swap( aNewCells ); std::reverse( mxImpl->maHeights.begin(), mxImpl->maHeights.end() ); mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true; } // drawing -------------------------------------------------------------------- void Array::DrawCell( OutputDevice& rDev, size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Color* pForceColor ) const { DrawRange( rDev, nCol, nRow, nCol, nRow, pForceColor ); } void Array::DrawRange( OutputDevice& rDev, size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow, const Color* pForceColor ) const { DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, "DrawRange" ); DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nLastCol, nLastRow, "DrawRange" ); size_t nCol, nRow; // *** diagonal frame borders *** // set clipping region to clip partly visible merged cells rDev.Push( PUSH_CLIPREGION ); rDev.IntersectClipRegion( GetClipRangeRectangle() ); for( nRow = nFirstRow; nRow <= nLastRow; ++nRow ) { for( nCol = nFirstCol; nCol <= nLastCol; ++nCol ) { const Cell& rCell = CELL( nCol, nRow ); bool bOverlapX = rCell.mbOverlapX; bool bOverlapY = rCell.mbOverlapY; bool bFirstCol = nCol == nFirstCol; bool bFirstRow = nRow == nFirstRow; if( (!bOverlapX && !bOverlapY) || (bFirstCol && bFirstRow) || (!bOverlapY && bFirstCol) || (!bOverlapX && bFirstRow) ) { Rectangle aRect( GetCellRect( nCol, nRow ) ); if( (aRect.GetWidth() > 1) && (aRect.GetHeight() > 1) ) { size_t nFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ); size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ); DrawDiagFrameBorders( rDev, aRect, GetCellStyleTLBR( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, true ), GetCellStyleBLTR( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, true ), GetCellStyleLeft( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ), GetCellStyleTop( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ), GetCellStyleRight( nLastCol, nLastRow ), GetCellStyleBottom( nLastCol, nLastRow ), GetCellStyleLeft( nFirstCol, nLastRow ), GetCellStyleBottom( nFirstCol, nLastRow ), GetCellStyleRight( nLastCol, nFirstRow ), GetCellStyleTop( nLastCol, nFirstRow ), pForceColor, mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip ); } } } } rDev.Pop(); // clip region // *** horizontal frame borders *** for( nRow = nFirstRow; nRow <= nLastRow + 1; ++nRow ) { double fAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nFirstCol, nRow ); double fTAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 ); // *Start*** variables store the data of the left end of the cached frame border Point aStartPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nFirstCol ), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow ) ); const Style* pStart = &GetCellStyleTop( nFirstCol, nRow ); DiagStyle aStartLFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle ); const Style* pStartLFromT = &GetCellStyleLeft( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 ); const Style* pStartLFromL = &GetCellStyleTop( nFirstCol - 1, nRow ); const Style* pStartLFromB = &GetCellStyleLeft( nFirstCol, nRow ); DiagStyle aStartLFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nFirstCol, nRow ), fAngle ); // *End*** variables store the data of the right end of the cached frame border DiagStyle aEndRFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle ); const Style* pEndRFromT = &GetCellStyleRight( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 ); const Style* pEndRFromR = &GetCellStyleTop( nFirstCol + 1, nRow ); const Style* pEndRFromB = &GetCellStyleRight( nFirstCol, nRow ); DiagStyle aEndRFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nFirstCol, nRow ), fAngle ); for( nCol = nFirstCol + 1; nCol <= nLastCol; ++nCol ) { fAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow ); fTAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow - 1 ); const Style& rCurr = *pEndRFromR; DiagStyle aLFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle ); const Style& rLFromT = *pEndRFromT; const Style& rLFromL = *pStart; const Style& rLFromB = *pEndRFromB; DiagStyle aLFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nCol, nRow ), fAngle ); DiagStyle aRFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle ); const Style& rRFromT = GetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow - 1 ); const Style& rRFromR = GetCellStyleTop( nCol + 1, nRow ); const Style& rRFromB = GetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow ); DiagStyle aRFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nCol, nRow ), fAngle ); // check if current frame border can be connected to cached frame border if( !CheckFrameBorderConnectable( *pStart, rCurr, aEndRFromTL, rLFromT, aLFromTR, aEndRFromBL, rLFromB, aLFromBR ) ) { // draw previous frame border Point aEndPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol ), aStartPos.Y() ); if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.X() <= aEndPos.X()) ) DrawHorFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart, aStartLFromTR, *pStartLFromT, *pStartLFromL, *pStartLFromB, aStartLFromBR, aEndRFromTL, *pEndRFromT, *pEndRFromR, *pEndRFromB, aEndRFromBL, pForceColor ); // re-init "*Start***" variables aStartPos = aEndPos; pStart = &rCurr; aStartLFromTR = aLFromTR; pStartLFromT = &rLFromT; pStartLFromL = &rLFromL; pStartLFromB = &rLFromB; aStartLFromBR = aLFromBR; } // store current styles in "*End***" variables aEndRFromTL = aRFromTL; pEndRFromT = &rRFromT; pEndRFromR = &rRFromR; pEndRFromB = &rRFromB; aEndRFromBL = aRFromBL; } // draw last frame border Point aEndPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol ), aStartPos.Y() ); if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.X() <= aEndPos.X()) ) DrawHorFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart, aStartLFromTR, *pStartLFromT, *pStartLFromL, *pStartLFromB, aStartLFromBR, aEndRFromTL, *pEndRFromT, *pEndRFromR, *pEndRFromB, aEndRFromBL, pForceColor ); } // *** vertical frame borders *** for( nCol = nFirstCol; nCol <= nLastCol + 1; ++nCol ) { double fAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol, nFirstRow ); double fLAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol - 1, nFirstRow ); // *Start*** variables store the data of the top end of the cached frame border Point aStartPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol ), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nFirstRow ) ); const Style* pStart = &GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nFirstRow ); DiagStyle aStartTFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nCol - 1, nFirstRow ), fLAngle ); const Style* pStartTFromL = &GetCellStyleTop( nCol - 1, nFirstRow ); const Style* pStartTFromT = &GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nFirstRow - 1 ); const Style* pStartTFromR = &GetCellStyleTop( nCol, nFirstRow ); DiagStyle aStartTFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nCol, nFirstRow ), fAngle ); // *End*** variables store the data of the bottom end of the cached frame border DiagStyle aEndBFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nCol - 1, nFirstRow ), fLAngle ); const Style* pEndBFromL = &GetCellStyleBottom( nCol - 1, nFirstRow ); const Style* pEndBFromB = &GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nFirstRow + 1 ); const Style* pEndBFromR = &GetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nFirstRow ); DiagStyle aEndBFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nCol, nFirstRow ), fAngle ); for( nRow = nFirstRow + 1; nRow <= nLastRow; ++nRow ) { fAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol, nRow ); fLAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol - 1, nRow ); const Style& rCurr = *pEndBFromB; DiagStyle aTFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nCol - 1, nRow ), fLAngle ); const Style& rTFromL = *pEndBFromL; const Style& rTFromT = *pStart; const Style& rTFromR = *pEndBFromR; DiagStyle aTFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nCol, nRow ), fAngle ); DiagStyle aBFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nCol - 1, nRow ), fLAngle ); const Style& rBFromL = GetCellStyleBottom( nCol - 1, nRow ); const Style& rBFromB = GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nRow + 1 ); const Style& rBFromR = GetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow ); DiagStyle aBFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nCol, nRow ), fAngle ); // check if current frame border can be connected to cached frame border if( !CheckFrameBorderConnectable( *pStart, rCurr, aEndBFromTL, rTFromL, aTFromBL, aEndBFromTR, rTFromR, aTFromBR ) ) { // draw previous frame border Point aEndPos( aStartPos.X(), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow ) ); if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.Y() <= aEndPos.Y()) ) DrawVerFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart, aStartTFromBL, *pStartTFromL, *pStartTFromT, *pStartTFromR, aStartTFromBR, aEndBFromTL, *pEndBFromL, *pEndBFromB, *pEndBFromR, aEndBFromTR, pForceColor ); // re-init "*Start***" variables aStartPos = aEndPos; pStart = &rCurr; aStartTFromBL = aTFromBL; pStartTFromL = &rTFromL; pStartTFromT = &rTFromT; pStartTFromR = &rTFromR; aStartTFromBR = aTFromBR; } // store current styles in "*End***" variables aEndBFromTL = aBFromTL; pEndBFromL = &rBFromL; pEndBFromB = &rBFromB; pEndBFromR = &rBFromR; aEndBFromTR = aBFromTR; } // draw last frame border Point aEndPos( aStartPos.X(), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow ) ); if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.Y() <= aEndPos.Y()) ) DrawVerFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart, aStartTFromBL, *pStartTFromL, *pStartTFromT, *pStartTFromR, aStartTFromBR, aEndBFromTL, *pEndBFromL, *pEndBFromB, *pEndBFromR, aEndBFromTR, pForceColor ); } } void Array::DrawArray( OutputDevice& rDev, const Color* pForceColor ) const { if( mxImpl->mnWidth && mxImpl->mnHeight ) DrawRange( rDev, 0, 0, mxImpl->mnWidth - 1, mxImpl->mnHeight - 1, pForceColor ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #undef ORIGCELLACC #undef ORIGCELL #undef CELLACC #undef CELL // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #undef DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW_1 #undef DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL_1 #undef DBG_FRAME_CHECK_INDEX #undef DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW #undef DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW #undef DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL #undef DBG_FRAME_CHECK #undef DBG_FRAME_ERROR // ============================================================================ } // namespace frame } // namespace svx