/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: iconcdlg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * last change: $Author: pb $ $Date: 2000-11-28 11:25:02 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_RC_H #include #endif #ifndef _SHL_HXX #include #endif #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTS #include #ifndef _SVX_DIALMGR_HXX #include "dialmgr.hxx" #endif #include "iconcdlg.hxx" #ifndef _SVX_HELPID_HRC #include "helpid.hrc" #endif #ifndef _SVX_DIALOGS_HRC #include "dialogs.hrc" #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_VIEWOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifdef WNT int __cdecl IconcDlgCmpUS_Impl( const void* p1, const void* p2 ) #else #if defined(OS2) && defined(ICC) int _Optlink IconcDlgCmpUS_Impl( const void* p1, const void* p2 ) #else int IconcDlgCmpUS_Impl( const void* p1, const void* p2 ) #endif #endif { return *(USHORT*)p1 - *(USHORT*)p2; } //##################################################################### // // Class IconChoicePage // //##################################################################### /********************************************************************** | | Ctor / Dtor | \**********************************************************************/ IconChoicePage::IconChoicePage( Window *pParent, const ResId &rResId, const SfxItemSet &rAttrSet ) : TabPage ( pParent, rResId ), pSet ( &rAttrSet ), bHasExchangeSupport ( FALSE ), pDialog ( NULL ), bStandard ( FALSE ) { SetStyle ( GetStyle() | WB_DIALOGCONTROL | WB_HIDE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IconChoicePage::~IconChoicePage() { } /********************************************************************** | | Activate / Deaktivate | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoicePage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- int IconChoicePage::DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* ) { return LEAVE_PAGE; } /********************************************************************** | | ... | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoicePage::FillUserData() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IconChoicePage::IsReadOnly() const { return FALSE; } /********************************************************************** | | handling itemsets | \**********************************************************************/ const SfxPoolItem* IconChoicePage::GetItem( const SfxItemSet& rSet, USHORT nSlot ) { const SfxItemPool* pPool = rSet.GetPool(); USHORT nWh = pPool->GetWhich( nSlot ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; SfxItemState eState = rSet.GetItemState( nWh, TRUE, &pItem ); if ( !pItem && nWh != nSlot ) pItem = &pPool->GetDefaultItem( nWh ); return pItem; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const SfxPoolItem* IconChoicePage::GetOldItem( const SfxItemSet& rSet, USHORT nSlot ) { const SfxItemSet& rOldSet = GetItemSet(); USHORT nWh = GetWhich( nSlot ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; if ( bStandard && rOldSet.GetParent() ) pItem = GetItem( *rOldSet.GetParent(), nSlot ); else if ( rSet.GetParent() && SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE == rSet.GetItemState( nWh ) ) pItem = GetItem( *rSet.GetParent(), nSlot ); else pItem = GetItem( rOldSet, nSlot ); return pItem; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const SfxPoolItem* IconChoicePage::GetExchangeItem( const SfxItemSet& rSet, USHORT nSlot ) { if ( pDialog && !pDialog->IsInOK() && pDialog->GetExampleSet() ) return GetItem( *pDialog->GetExampleSet(), nSlot ); else return GetOldItem( rSet, nSlot ); } /********************************************************************** | | window-methods | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoicePage::ImplInitSettings() { Window* pParent = GetParent(); if ( pParent->IsChildTransparentModeEnabled() && !IsControlBackground() ) { EnableChildTransparentMode( TRUE ); SetParentClipMode( PARENTCLIPMODE_NOCLIP ); SetPaintTransparent( TRUE ); SetBackground(); } else { EnableChildTransparentMode( FALSE ); SetParentClipMode( 0 ); SetPaintTransparent( FALSE ); if ( IsControlBackground() ) SetBackground( GetControlBackground() ); else SetBackground( pParent->GetBackground() ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoicePage::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { Window::StateChanged( nType ); if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) { ImplInitSettings(); Invalidate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoicePage::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) { ImplInitSettings(); Invalidate(); } } /********************************************************************** | | D & D | \**********************************************************************/ BOOL IconChoicePage::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rDEvt ) { if( pDialog ) return pDialog->QueryDrop( rDEvt ); else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IconChoicePage::Drop( const DropEvent& rDEvt ) { if( pDialog ) return pDialog->Drop( rDEvt ); else return Window::Drop( rDEvt ); } //##################################################################### // // Class IconChoiceDialog // //##################################################################### /********************************************************************** | | Ctor / Dtor | \**********************************************************************/ IconChoiceDialog::IconChoiceDialog ( Window* pParent, const ResId &rResId, const EIconChoicePos ePos, const SfxItemSet *pItemSet )//, BOOL bEditFmt, const String *pUserButtonText = 0 ) : ModalDialog ( pParent, rResId ), aOKBtn ( this, WB_DEFBUTTON ), aCancelBtn ( this, WB_DEFBUTTON ), aHelpBtn ( this ), aResetBtn ( this ), //pUserBtn ( pUserButtonText? new PushButton(this): 0 ), //aBaseFmtBtn ( this ), maIconCtrl ( this, WB_3DLOOK | WB_ICON | WB_BORDER | WB_NOCOLUMNHEADER | WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME | WB_NOSELECTION | WB_NODRAGSELECTION | WB_TABSTOP ), meChoicePos ( ePos ), mnCurrentPageId ( USHRT_MAX ), pSet ( pItemSet ), pExampleSet ( NULL ), pOutSet ( NULL ), pRanges ( NULL ), bHideResetBtn ( FALSE ), bModal ( FALSE ), bInOK ( FALSE ), bModified ( FALSE ), bItemsReset ( FALSE ), nResId ( rResId.GetId() ) { // IconChoiceCtrl-Settings //maIconCtrl.SetBackground ( Wallpaper( Color (146, 146, 186) ) ); maIconCtrl.SetStyle (WB_3DLOOK | WB_ICON | WB_BORDER | WB_NOCOLUMNHEADER | WB_HIGHLIGHTFRAME | WB_NOSELECTION | WB_NODRAGSELECTION | WB_TABSTOP | WB_CLIPCHILDREN ); SetCtrlPos ( meChoicePos ); maIconCtrl.SetClickHdl ( LINK ( this, IconChoiceDialog , ChosePageHdl_Impl ) ); maIconCtrl.Show(); maIconCtrl.SetChoiceWithCursor ( TRUE ); maIconCtrl.SetHelpId( HID_ICCDIALOG_CHOICECTRL ); // ItemSet if ( pSet ) { pExampleSet = new SfxItemSet( *pSet ); pOutSet = new SfxItemSet( *pSet->GetPool(), pSet->GetRanges() ); } // Buttons aOKBtn.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, IconChoiceDialog, OkHdl ) ); aOKBtn.SetHelpId( HID_ICCDIALOG_OK_BTN ); aCancelBtn.SetHelpId( HID_ICCDIALOG_CANCEL_BTN ); aResetBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, IconChoiceDialog, ResetHdl ) ); aResetBtn.SetText( SVX_RESSTR(RID_SVXSTR_ICONCHOICEDLG_RESETBUT) ); aResetBtn.SetHelpId( HID_ICCDIALOG_RESET_BTN ); aOKBtn.Show(); aCancelBtn.Show(); aHelpBtn.Show(); aResetBtn.Show(); SetPosSizeCtrls ( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* IconChoiceDialog ::IconChoiceDialog ( SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame, Window* pParent, const ResId &rResId, const SfxItemSet * = 0, BOOL bEditFmt = FALSE, const String *pUserButtonText = 0 ) : meChoicePos ( PosLeft ), // Default erst ma Links maIconCtrl ( this, Die_Winbits ), aOKBtn ( this ), pUserBtn ( pUserButtonText? new PushButton(this): 0 ), aCancelBtn ( this ), aHelpBtn ( this ), aResetBtn ( this ), aBaseFmtBtn ( this ), mnCurrentPageId ( 0 ) { FreeResource(); } */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IconChoiceDialog ::~IconChoiceDialog () { ULONG i; // save configuration at INI-Manager // and remove pages SvtViewOptions aTabDlgOpt( E_TABDIALOG, String::CreateFromInt32( nResId ) ); aTabDlgOpt.SetPosition( GetPosPixel().X(), GetPosPixel().Y() ); aTabDlgOpt.SetPageID( mnCurrentPageId ); const ULONG nCount = maPageList.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { IconChoicePageData* pData = maPageList.GetObject(i); if ( pData->pPage ) { pData->pPage->FillUserData(); String aPageData(pData->pPage->GetUserData()); if ( aPageData.Len() ) { SvtViewOptions aTabPageOpt( E_TABPAGE, String::CreateFromInt32( pData->nId ) ); aTabPageOpt.SetUserData( aPageData ); } if ( pData->bOnDemand ) delete (SfxItemSet*)&pData->pPage->GetItemSet(); delete pData->pPage; } delete pData; } // remove Pagelist /* for ( i=0; ibOnDemand ) delete ( SfxItemSet * )&( pData->pPage->GetItemSet() ); delete pData->pPage; delete pData; }*/ // remove Userdata from Icons for ( i=0; iGetUserData(); delete pUserData; } // if ( pRanges ) delete pRanges; if ( pOutSet ) delete pOutSet; } /********************************************************************** | | add new page | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoiceDialog::AddTabPage( USHORT nId, const String& rIconText, const Image& rChoiceIcon, CreatePage pCreateFunc /* != 0 */, GetPageRanges pRangesFunc /* darf 0 sein */, BOOL bItemsOnDemand, ULONG nPos ) { IconChoicePageData* pData = new IconChoicePageData ( nId, pCreateFunc, pRangesFunc, bItemsOnDemand ); maPageList.Insert ( pData, LIST_APPEND ); pData->fnGetRanges = pRangesFunc; pData->bOnDemand = bItemsOnDemand; USHORT *pId = new USHORT ( nId ); SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry* pEntry = maIconCtrl.InsertEntry( rIconText, rChoiceIcon ); pEntry->SetUserData ( (void*) pId ); } /********************************************************************** | | remove page | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoiceDialog::RemoveTabPage( USHORT nId ) { IconChoicePageData* pData = GetPageData ( nId ); // remove page from list if ( pData ) { maPageList.Remove ( pData ); // save settings if ( pData->pPage ) { pData->pPage->FillUserData(); String aPageData(pData->pPage->GetUserData()); if ( aPageData.Len() ) { SvtViewOptions aTabPageOpt( E_TABPAGE, String::CreateFromInt32( pData->nId ) ); aTabPageOpt.SetUserData( aPageData ); } } if ( pData->bOnDemand ) delete ( SfxItemSet * )&( pData->pPage->GetItemSet() ); delete pData->pPage; delete pData; } // remove Icon BOOL bFound=FALSE; for ( ULONG i=0; iGetUserData(); if ( *pUserData == nId ) { delete pUserData; maIconCtrl.RemoveEntry ( pEntry ); bFound = TRUE; } } // was it the current page ? if ( nId = mnCurrentPageId ) { mnCurrentPageId = maPageList.First()->nId; } Invalidate (); } /********************************************************************** | | Paint-method | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoiceDialog::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { Dialog::Paint ( rRect ); for ( ULONG i=0; inId == mnCurrentPageId ) { ShowPageImpl ( pData ); pData->pPage->Invalidate(); } else { HidePageImpl ( pData ); } } } EIconChoicePos IconChoiceDialog::SetCtrlPos( const EIconChoicePos& rPos ) { WinBits aWinBits = maIconCtrl.GetStyle (); switch ( meChoicePos ) { case PosLeft : aWinBits &= ~WB_ALIGN_TOP & ~WB_NOVSCROLL; aWinBits |= WB_ALIGN_LEFT | WB_NOHSCROLL; break; case PosRight : aWinBits &= ~WB_ALIGN_TOP & ~WB_NOVSCROLL; aWinBits |= WB_ALIGN_LEFT | WB_NOHSCROLL; break; case PosTop : aWinBits &= ~WB_ALIGN_LEFT & ~WB_NOHSCROLL; aWinBits |= WB_ALIGN_TOP | WB_NOVSCROLL; break; case PosBottom : aWinBits &= ~WB_ALIGN_LEFT & ~WB_NOHSCROLL; aWinBits |= WB_ALIGN_TOP | WB_NOVSCROLL; break; }; maIconCtrl.SetStyle ( aWinBits ); SetPosSizeCtrls(); Invalidate (); EIconChoicePos eOldPos = meChoicePos; meChoicePos = rPos; return eOldPos; } void IconChoiceDialog::SetCtrlColor ( const Color& rColor ) { Wallpaper aWallpaper ( rColor ); maIconCtrl.SetBackground( aWallpaper ); maIconCtrl.SetFontColorToBackground (); } /********************************************************************** | | Show / Hide page or button | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoiceDialog::ShowPageImpl ( IconChoicePageData* pData ) { if ( pData->pPage ) pData->pPage->Show(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::HidePageImpl ( IconChoicePageData* pData ) { if ( pData->pPage ) pData->pPage->Hide(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::RemoveResetButton() { aResetBtn.Hide(); bHideResetBtn = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::ShowPage( USHORT nId ) { SetCurPageId( nId ); ActivatePageImpl( ); } /********************************************************************** | | Resize Dialog | \**********************************************************************/ #define ICONCTRL_WIDTH_PIXEL 110 #define ICONCTRL_HEIGHT_PIXEL 75 #define MINSIZE_BUTTON_WIDTH 70 #define MINSIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT 22 void IconChoiceDialog::Resize() { Dialog::Resize (); if ( IsReallyVisible() ) { SetPosSizeCtrls (); } } void IconChoiceDialog::SetPosSizeCtrls ( BOOL bInit ) { const Point aCtrlOffset ( LogicToPixel( Point( CTRLS_OFFSET, CTRLS_OFFSET ), MAP_APPFONT ) ); Size aOutSize ( GetOutputSizePixel() ); //////////////////////////////////////// // Button-Defaults // Size aDefaultButtonSize = LogicToPixel( Size( 50, 14 ), MAP_APPFONT ); // Reset-Button Size aResetButtonSize ( bInit ? aDefaultButtonSize : aResetBtn.GetSizePixel () ); //////////////////////////////////////// // IconChoiceCtrl resizen & positionieren // Size aNewIconCtrlSize ( ICONCTRL_WIDTH_PIXEL, aOutSize.Height()-(2*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); Point aIconCtrlPos; switch ( meChoicePos ) { case PosLeft : aIconCtrlPos = aCtrlOffset; aNewIconCtrlSize = Size ( ICONCTRL_WIDTH_PIXEL, aOutSize.Height()-(2*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); break; case PosRight : aIconCtrlPos = Point ( aOutSize.Width() - ICONCTRL_WIDTH_PIXEL - aCtrlOffset.X(), aCtrlOffset.X() ); aNewIconCtrlSize = Size ( ICONCTRL_WIDTH_PIXEL, aOutSize.Height()-(2*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); break; case PosTop : aIconCtrlPos = aCtrlOffset; aNewIconCtrlSize = Size ( aOutSize.Width()-(2*aCtrlOffset.X()), ICONCTRL_HEIGHT_PIXEL ); break; case PosBottom : aIconCtrlPos = Point ( aCtrlOffset.X(), aOutSize.Height() - aResetButtonSize.Height() - (2*aCtrlOffset.X()) - ICONCTRL_HEIGHT_PIXEL ); aNewIconCtrlSize = Size ( aOutSize.Width()-(2*aCtrlOffset.X()), ICONCTRL_HEIGHT_PIXEL ); break; }; maIconCtrl.SetPosSizePixel ( aIconCtrlPos, aNewIconCtrlSize ); maIconCtrl.ArrangeIcons(); //////////////////////////////////////// // Pages resizen & positionieren // for ( ULONG i=0; ipPage ) pData->pPage->SetPosSizePixel ( aNewPagePos, aNewPageSize ); } //////////////////////////////////////// // Buttons positionieren // ULONG nXOffset=0; if ( meChoicePos == PosRight ) nXOffset = aNewIconCtrlSize.Width()+(2*aCtrlOffset.X()); aResetBtn.SetPosSizePixel ( Point( aOutSize.Width() - nXOffset - aResetButtonSize.Width()-aCtrlOffset.X(), aOutSize.Height()-aResetButtonSize.Height()- aCtrlOffset.X() ), aResetButtonSize ); // Help-Button Size aHelpButtonSize ( bInit ? aDefaultButtonSize : aHelpBtn.GetSizePixel () ); aHelpBtn.SetPosSizePixel ( Point( aOutSize.Width()-aResetButtonSize.Width()- aHelpButtonSize.Width()- nXOffset - (2*aCtrlOffset.X()), aOutSize.Height()-aHelpButtonSize.Height()- aCtrlOffset.X() ), aHelpButtonSize ); // Cancel-Button Size aCancelButtonSize ( bInit ? aDefaultButtonSize : aCancelBtn.GetSizePixel () ); aCancelBtn.SetPosSizePixel ( Point( aOutSize.Width()-aCancelButtonSize.Width()- aResetButtonSize.Width()-aHelpButtonSize.Width()- (3*aCtrlOffset.X()) - nXOffset, aOutSize.Height()-aCancelButtonSize.Height()- aCtrlOffset.X() ), aCancelButtonSize ); // OK-Button Size aOKButtonSize ( bInit ? aDefaultButtonSize : aOKBtn.GetSizePixel () ); aOKBtn.SetPosSizePixel ( Point( aOutSize.Width()-aOKButtonSize.Width()- aCancelButtonSize.Width()-aResetButtonSize.Width()- aHelpButtonSize.Width()-(4*aCtrlOffset.X())- nXOffset, aOutSize.Height()-aOKButtonSize.Height()-aCtrlOffset.X() ), aOKButtonSize ); Invalidate(); } void IconChoiceDialog::SetPosSizePages ( USHORT nId ) { const Point aCtrlOffset ( LogicToPixel( Point( CTRLS_OFFSET, CTRLS_OFFSET ), MAP_APPFONT ) ); IconChoicePageData* pData = GetPageData ( nId ); if ( pData->pPage ) { Size aOutSize ( GetOutputSizePixel() ); Size aIconCtrlSize ( maIconCtrl.GetSizePixel() ); Point aNewPagePos; Size aNewPageSize; switch ( meChoicePos ) { case PosLeft : aNewPagePos = Point ( aIconCtrlSize.Width() + (2*aCtrlOffset.X()), aCtrlOffset.X() ); aNewPageSize = Size ( aOutSize.Width() - maIconCtrl.GetSizePixel().Width() - (3*aCtrlOffset.X()), aOutSize.Height() - aOKBtn.GetSizePixel().Height() - (3*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); break; case PosRight : aNewPagePos = aCtrlOffset; aNewPageSize = Size ( aOutSize.Width() - maIconCtrl.GetSizePixel().Width() - (3*aCtrlOffset.X()), aOutSize.Height() - aOKBtn.GetSizePixel().Height() - (3*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); break; case PosTop : aNewPagePos = Point ( aCtrlOffset.X(), aIconCtrlSize.Height() + (2*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); aNewPageSize = Size ( aOutSize.Width() - (2*aCtrlOffset.X()), aOutSize.Height() - aOKBtn.GetSizePixel().Height() - maIconCtrl.GetSizePixel().Height() - (4*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); break; case PosBottom : aNewPagePos = aCtrlOffset; aNewPageSize = Size ( aOutSize.Width() - (2*aCtrlOffset.X()), aOutSize.Height() - aOKBtn.GetSizePixel().Height() - maIconCtrl.GetSizePixel().Height() - (4*aCtrlOffset.X()) ); break; }; pData->pPage->SetPosSizePixel ( aNewPagePos, aNewPageSize ); } } /********************************************************************** | | select a page | \**********************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK ( IconChoiceDialog , ChosePageHdl_Impl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { ULONG nPos; SvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry *pEntry = maIconCtrl.GetSelectedEntry ( nPos ); USHORT *pId = (USHORT*)pEntry->GetUserData (); if( *pId != mnCurrentPageId ) { IconChoicePageData* pData = GetPageData ( mnCurrentPageId ); if ( pData->pPage ) DeActivatePageImpl(); SetCurPageId ( *pId ); ActivatePageImpl(); } return 0L; } /********************************************************************** | | Button-handler | \**********************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( IconChoiceDialog, OkHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { bInOK = TRUE; if ( OK_Impl() ) { if ( bModal ) EndDialog( Ok() ); else { Ok(); Close(); } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( IconChoiceDialog, ResetHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { ResetPageImpl (); IconChoicePageData* pData = GetPageData ( mnCurrentPageId ); DBG_ASSERT( pData, "Id nicht bekannt" ); if ( pData->bOnDemand ) { // CSet auf AIS hat hier Probleme, daher getrennt const SfxItemSet* pSet = &( pData->pPage->GetItemSet() ); pData->pPage->Reset( *(SfxItemSet*)pSet ); } else pData->pPage->Reset( *pSet ); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( IconChoiceDialog, CancelHdl, Button*, pButton ) { Close(); return 0; } /********************************************************************** | | call page | \**********************************************************************/ void IconChoiceDialog::ActivatePageImpl () { DBG_ASSERT( maPageList.Count(), "keine Pages angemeldet" ); IconChoicePageData* pData = GetPageData ( mnCurrentPageId ); DBG_ASSERT( pData, "Id nicht bekannt" ); if ( pData ) { if ( !pData->pPage ) { const SfxItemSet* pTmpSet = 0; if ( pSet ) { if ( bItemsReset && pSet->GetParent() ) pTmpSet = pSet->GetParent(); else pTmpSet = pSet; } if ( pTmpSet && !pData->bOnDemand ) pData->pPage = (pData->fnCreatePage)( this, *pTmpSet ); else pData->pPage = (pData->fnCreatePage)( this, *CreateInputItemSet( mnCurrentPageId ) ); SvtViewOptions aTabPageOpt( E_TABPAGE, String::CreateFromInt32( pData->nId ) ); pData->pPage->SetUserData( aTabPageOpt.GetUserData() ); SetPosSizePages ( pData->nId ); PageCreated( mnCurrentPageId, *(pData->pPage) ); if ( pData->bOnDemand ) pData->pPage->Reset( (SfxItemSet &)pData->pPage->GetItemSet() ); else pData->pPage->Reset( *pSet ); } else if ( pData->bRefresh ) { pData->pPage->Reset( *pSet ); } pData->bRefresh = FALSE; if ( pExampleSet ) pData->pPage->ActivatePage( *pExampleSet ); } SetHelpId( pData->pPage->GetHelpId() ); BOOL bReadOnly = pData->pPage->IsReadOnly(); if ( bReadOnly || bHideResetBtn ) aResetBtn.Hide(); else aResetBtn.Show(); Invalidate (); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IconChoiceDialog::DeActivatePageImpl () { IconChoicePageData *pData = GetPageData ( mnCurrentPageId ); int nRet = IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE; if ( pData ) { IconChoicePage * pPage = pData->pPage; if ( !pExampleSet && pPage->HasExchangeSupport() && pSet ) pExampleSet = new SfxItemSet( *pSet->GetPool(), pSet->GetRanges() ); if ( pSet ) { SfxItemSet aTmp( *pSet->GetPool(), pSet->GetRanges() ); if ( pPage->HasExchangeSupport() ) nRet = pPage->DeactivatePage( &aTmp ); if ( ( IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE & nRet ) == IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE && aTmp.Count() ) { pExampleSet->Put( aTmp ); pOutSet->Put( aTmp ); } } else { if ( pPage->HasExchangeSupport() ) //!!! { if ( !pExampleSet ) { SfxItemPool* pPool = pPage->GetItemSet().GetPool(); pExampleSet = new SfxItemSet( *pPool, GetInputRanges( *pPool ) ); } nRet = pPage->DeactivatePage( pExampleSet ); } else nRet = pPage->DeactivatePage( NULL ); } if ( nRet & IconChoicePage::REFRESH_SET ) { pSet = GetRefreshedSet(); DBG_ASSERT( pSet, "GetRefreshedSet() liefert NULL" ); // alle Pages als neu zu initialsieren flaggen const ULONG nCount = maPageList.Count(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { IconChoicePageData* pObj = (IconChoicePageData*)maPageList.GetObject(i); if ( pObj->pPage != pPage ) // eigene Page nicht mehr refreshen pObj->bRefresh = TRUE; else pObj->bRefresh = FALSE; } } } if ( nRet & IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::ResetPageImpl () { IconChoicePageData *pData = GetPageData ( mnCurrentPageId ); DBG_ASSERT( pData, "Id nicht bekannt" ); if ( pData->bOnDemand ) { // CSet auf AIS hat hier Probleme, daher getrennt const SfxItemSet* pSet = &pData->pPage->GetItemSet(); pData->pPage->Reset( *(SfxItemSet*)pSet ); } else pData->pPage->Reset( *pSet ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::PageCreated( USHORT nId, IconChoicePage &rPage ) { } /********************************************************************** | | handling itemsets | \**********************************************************************/ const USHORT* IconChoiceDialog::GetInputRanges( const SfxItemPool& rPool ) { if ( pSet ) { DBG_ERRORFILE( "Set bereits vorhanden!" ); return pSet->GetRanges(); } if ( pRanges ) return pRanges; SvUShorts aUS( 16, 16 ); ULONG nCount = maPageList.Count(); USHORT i; for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { IconChoicePageData* pData = maPageList.GetObject (i); if ( pData->fnGetRanges ) { const USHORT* pTmpRanges = (pData->fnGetRanges)(); const USHORT* pIter = pTmpRanges; USHORT nLen; for( nLen = 0; *pIter; ++nLen, ++pIter ) ; aUS.Insert( pTmpRanges, nLen, aUS.Count() ); } } // remove double Id's #ifndef TF_POOLABLE if ( rPool.HasMap() ) #endif { nCount = aUS.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) aUS[i] = rPool.GetWhich( aUS[i] ); } // sortieren if ( aUS.Count() > 1 ) qsort( (void*)aUS.GetData(), aUS.Count(), sizeof(USHORT), IconcDlgCmpUS_Impl ); pRanges = new USHORT[aUS.Count() + 1]; memcpy(pRanges, aUS.GetData(), sizeof(USHORT) * aUS.Count()); pRanges[aUS.Count()] = 0; return pRanges; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::SetInputSet( const SfxItemSet* pInSet ) { FASTBOOL bSet = ( pSet != NULL ); pSet = pInSet; if ( !bSet && !pExampleSet && !pOutSet ) { pExampleSet = new SfxItemSet( *pSet ); pOutSet = new SfxItemSet( *pSet->GetPool(), pSet->GetRanges() ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Liefert die Pages, die ihre Sets onDemand liefern, das OutputItemSet. const SfxItemSet* IconChoiceDialog::GetOutputItemSet ( USHORT nId ) { IconChoicePageData * pData = GetPageData ( nId ); DBG_ASSERT( pData, "TabPage nicht gefunden" ); if ( pData ) { if ( !pData->pPage ) return NULL; if ( pData->bOnDemand ) return &pData->pPage->GetItemSet(); return pOutSet; } return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- int IconChoiceDialog::FillOutputItemSet() { int nRet = IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE; if ( OK_Impl() ) Ok(); else nRet = IconChoicePage::KEEP_PAGE; return nRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxItemSet* IconChoiceDialog::CreateInputItemSet( USHORT ) { DBG_WARNINGFILE( "CreateInputItemSet nicht implementiert" ); return 0; } /********************************************************************** | | start dialog | \**********************************************************************/ short IconChoiceDialog::Execute() { if ( !maPageList.Count() ) return RET_CANCEL; Start_Impl(); return Dialog::Execute(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::Start( BOOL bShow ) { aCancelBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, IconChoiceDialog, CancelHdl ) ); bModal = FALSE; Start_Impl(); if ( bShow ) Window::Show(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::Start_Impl() { Point aPos; USHORT nActPage; if ( mnCurrentPageId == 0 || mnCurrentPageId == USHRT_MAX ) nActPage = maPageList.GetObject(0)->nId;//First()->nId; else nActPage = mnCurrentPageId; // Konfiguration vorhanden? SvtViewOptions aTabDlgOpt( E_TABDIALOG, String::CreateFromInt32( nResId ) ); if ( aTabDlgOpt.Exists() ) { // ggf. Position aus Konfig aTabDlgOpt.GetPosition( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() ); SetPosPixel( aPos ); // initiale TabPage aus Programm/Hilfe/Konfig nActPage = (USHORT)aTabDlgOpt.GetPageID(); if ( USHRT_MAX != mnCurrentPageId ) nActPage = mnCurrentPageId; if ( GetPageData ( nActPage ) == NULL ) nActPage = ( (IconChoicePageData*)maPageList.GetObject(0) )->nId; } else if ( USHRT_MAX != mnCurrentPageId && GetPageData ( mnCurrentPageId ) != NULL ) nActPage = mnCurrentPageId; mnCurrentPageId = nActPage; FocusOnIcon( mnCurrentPageId ); ActivatePageImpl(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const SfxItemSet* IconChoiceDialog::GetRefreshedSet() { DBG_ERRORFILE( "GetRefreshedSet nicht implementiert" ); return 0; } /********************************************************************** | | tool-methods | \**********************************************************************/ IconChoicePageData* IconChoiceDialog::GetPageData ( USHORT nId ) { IconChoicePageData *pRet = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; for ( ULONG i=0; inId == nId ) { pRet = pData; } } return pRet; } /********************************************************************** | | OK-Status | \**********************************************************************/ BOOL IconChoiceDialog::OK_Impl() { IconChoicePage* pPage = GetPageData ( mnCurrentPageId )->pPage; BOOL bEnd = !pPage; if ( pPage ) { int nRet = IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE; if ( pSet ) { SfxItemSet aTmp( *pSet->GetPool(), pSet->GetRanges() ); BOOL bRet = FALSE; if ( pPage->HasExchangeSupport() ) nRet = pPage->DeactivatePage( &aTmp ); if ( ( IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE & nRet ) == IconChoicePage::LEAVE_PAGE && aTmp.Count() ) { pExampleSet->Put( aTmp ); pOutSet->Put( aTmp ); } else if ( bRet ) bModified |= TRUE; } else nRet = pPage->DeactivatePage( NULL ); bEnd = nRet; } return bEnd; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- short IconChoiceDialog::Ok() { bInOK = TRUE; if ( !pOutSet ) { if ( !pExampleSet && pSet ) pOutSet = pSet->Clone( FALSE ); // ohne Items else if ( pExampleSet ) pOutSet = new SfxItemSet( *pExampleSet ); } BOOL bModified = FALSE; const ULONG nCount = maPageList.Count(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { IconChoicePageData* pData = GetPageData ( i ); IconChoicePage* pPage = pData->pPage; if ( pPage ) { if ( pData->bOnDemand ) { SfxItemSet& rSet = (SfxItemSet&)pPage->GetItemSet(); rSet.ClearItem(); bModified |= pPage->FillItemSet( rSet ); } else if ( pSet && !pPage->HasExchangeSupport() ) { SfxItemSet aTmp( *pSet->GetPool(), pSet->GetRanges() ); if ( pPage->FillItemSet( aTmp ) ) { bModified |= TRUE; pExampleSet->Put( aTmp ); pOutSet->Put( aTmp ); } } } } if ( bModified || ( pOutSet && pOutSet->Count() > 0 ) ) bModified |= TRUE; return bModified ? RET_OK : RET_CANCEL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IconChoiceDialog::IsInOK() const { return bInOK; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IconChoiceDialog::FocusOnIcon( USHORT nId ) { // set focus to icon for the current visible page for ( USHORT i=0; iGetUserData(); if ( pUserData && *pUserData == nId ) pEntry->SetFocus( TRUE ); else pEntry->SetFocus( FALSE ); } } /********************************************************************** | | D & D | \**********************************************************************/ BOOL IconChoiceDialog::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rDEvt ) { return ModalDialog::QueryDrop( rDEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IconChoiceDialog::Drop( const DropEvent& rDEvt ) { return ModalDialog::Drop( rDEvt ); }