/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: numfmt.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.21 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2005-03-18 17:09:08 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_OBJSH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_LOCALEDATAWRAPPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ISOLANG_HXX #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #define _SVSTDARR_STRINGS #define _SVSTDARR_STRINGSDTOR #include #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_COLORCFG_HXX #include #endif #define _SVX_NUMFMT_CXX #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "numfmt.hrc" #define ITEMID_NUMBERINFO 0 #include "numinf.hxx" #include "numfmt.hxx" #include "numfmtsh.hxx" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #ifndef _SFXREQUEST_HXX //CHINA001 #include //CHINA001 #endif //CHINA001 #include //CHINA001 #include "flagsdef.hxx" //CHINA001 #define NUMKEY_UNDEFINED ULONG_MAX // static ---------------------------------------------------------------- static USHORT pRanges[] = { SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_INFO, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_NOLANGUAGE, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_NOLANGUAGE, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_ONE_AREA, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_ONE_AREA, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_SOURCE, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_SOURCE, 0 }; /************************************************************************* #* Methode: SvxNumberPreviewImpl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberPreview #* #* Funktion: Konstruktor der Klasse SvxNumberPreviewImpl #* #* Input: Fenster, Resource-ID #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ SvxNumberPreviewImpl::SvxNumberPreviewImpl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : Window( pParent, rResId ) { Font aFont( GetFont() ); aFont.SetTransparent( TRUE ); aFont.SetColor( Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldColor() ); SetFont( aFont ); InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); SetBorderStyle( WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ); } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: SvxNumberPreviewImpl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberPreview #* #* Funktion: Destruktor der Klasse SvxNumberPreviewImpl #* #* Input: --- #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ SvxNumberPreviewImpl::~SvxNumberPreviewImpl() { } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: NotifyChange Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberPreviewImpl #* #* Funktion: Funktion fuer das Aendern des Preview- Strings #* #* Input: String, Farbe #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberPreviewImpl::NotifyChange( const String& rPrevStr, const Color* pColor ) { aPrevStr = rPrevStr; svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; Color aWindowTextColor( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor ); aPrevCol = pColor ? *pColor : aWindowTextColor; Invalidate(); Update(); } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: Paint Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberPreviewImpl #* #* Funktion: Funktion fuer das neu zeichnen des Fensters. #* #* Input: --- #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberPreviewImpl::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { Font aDrawFont = GetFont(); Size aSzWnd = GetOutputSizePixel(); Point aPosText = Point( (aSzWnd.Width() - GetTextWidth( aPrevStr )) /2, (aSzWnd.Height() - GetTextHeight())/2 ); aDrawFont.SetColor( aPrevCol ); SetFont( aDrawFont ); DrawText( aPosText, aPrevStr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxNumberPreviewImpl::InitSettings( BOOL bForeground, BOOL bBackground ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( bForeground ) { svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; Color aTextColor( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor ); if ( IsControlForeground() ) aTextColor = GetControlForeground(); SetTextColor( aTextColor ); } if ( bBackground ) { if ( IsControlBackground() ) SetBackground( GetControlBackground() ); else SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ); } Invalidate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxNumberPreviewImpl::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) InitSettings( TRUE, FALSE ); else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) InitSettings( FALSE, TRUE ); Window::StateChanged( nType ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxNumberPreviewImpl::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) ) InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE ); } // class SvxNumberFormatTabPage ------------------------------------------ #define REMOVE_DONTKNOW() \ if ( !aFtLanguage.IsEnabled() ) \ { \ aFtLanguage .Enable(); \ aLbLanguage .Enable(); \ aLbLanguage .SelectLanguage( pNumFmtShell->GetCurLanguage() ); \ } #define HDL(hdl) LINK( this, SvxNumberFormatTabPage, hdl ) /************************************************************************* #* Methode: SvxNumberFormatTabPage Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Konstruktor der Klasse SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Input: Fenster, SfxItemSet #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ SvxNumberFormatTabPage::SvxNumberFormatTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreAttrs ) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SVX_RES( RID_SVXPAGE_NUMBERFORMAT ), rCoreAttrs ), aWndPreview ( this, ResId( WND_NUMBER_PREVIEW ) ), aFtCategory ( this, ResId( FT_CATEGORY ) ), aLbCategory ( this, ResId( LB_CATEGORY ) ), aFtFormat ( this, ResId( FT_FORMAT ) ), aLbCurrency ( this, ResId( LB_CURRENCY) ), aLbFormat ( this, ResId( LB_FORMAT ) ), aFtEdFormat ( this, ResId( FT_EDFORMAT ) ), aEdFormat ( this, ResId( ED_FORMAT ) ), aEdComment ( this, ResId( ED_COMMENT ) ), aIbAdd ( this, ResId( IB_ADD ) ), aIbRemove ( this, ResId( IB_REMOVE ) ), aIbInfo ( this, ResId( IB_INFO ) ), aBtnNegRed ( this, ResId( BTN_NEGRED ) ), aBtnThousand ( this, ResId( BTN_THOUSAND ) ), aFtLeadZeroes ( this, ResId( FT_LEADZEROES ) ), aFtDecimals ( this, ResId( FT_DECIMALS ) ), aEdLeadZeroes ( this, ResId( ED_LEADZEROES ) ), aEdDecimals ( this, ResId( ED_DECIMALS ) ), aFtLanguage ( this, ResId( FT_LANGUAGE ) ), aLbLanguage ( this, ResId( LB_LANGUAGE ), FALSE ), aCbSourceFormat ( this, ResId( CB_SOURCEFORMAT ) ), aFlOptions ( this, ResId( FL_OPTIONS ) ), aFtComment ( this, ResId( FT_COMMENT ) ), aStrEurope ( ResId( STR_EUROPE) ), sAutomaticEntry ( ResId( STR_AUTO_ENTRY)), // aIconList ( ResId( IL_ICON ) ), -> done Init_Impl nInitFormat ( ULONG_MAX ), pNumItem ( NULL ), pNumFmtShell ( NULL ), pLastActivWindow( NULL ) { Init_Impl(); SetExchangeSupport(); // diese Page braucht ExchangeSupport FreeResource(); nFixedCategory=-1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /************************************************************************* #* Methode: ~SvxNumberFormatTabPage Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Destruktor der Klasse gibt den Speicher der #* fuer die Kopien von num. Shell und Item frei. #* #* Input: --- #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ SvxNumberFormatTabPage::~SvxNumberFormatTabPage() { delete pNumFmtShell; delete pNumItem; } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: Init_Impl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Initialisierung der Klassen- Member und Handler #* #* Input: --- #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::Init_Impl() { ImageList aIconList( ResId( IL_ICON ) ); ImageList aIconListHC( ResId( IL_ICON_HC ) ); bNumItemFlag=TRUE; bOneAreaFlag=FALSE; nCatHeight=aLbCategory.GetSizePixel().Height(); nCurFormatY =aLbFormat.GetPosPixel().Y(); nCurFormatHeight=aLbFormat.GetSizePixel().Height(); nStdFormatY =aLbCurrency.GetPosPixel().Y(); nStdFormatHeight=nCurFormatY-nStdFormatY+nCurFormatHeight; aIbAdd. SetModeImage( aIconList.GetImage( IID_ADD ) ); aIbAdd. SetModeImage( aIconListHC.GetImage( IID_ADD ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); aIbRemove. SetModeImage( aIconList.GetImage( IID_REMOVE ) ); aIbRemove. SetModeImage( aIconListHC.GetImage( IID_REMOVE ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); aIbInfo. SetModeImage( aIconList.GetImage( IID_INFO ) ); aIbInfo. SetModeImage( aIconListHC.GetImage( IID_INFO ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); aIbAdd.Enable(FALSE ); aIbRemove.Enable(FALSE ); aIbInfo.Enable(FALSE ); aEdComment.SetText(aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)); //String fuer Benutzerdefiniert //holen aEdComment.Hide(); aCbSourceFormat.Check( FALSE ); aCbSourceFormat.Disable(); aCbSourceFormat.Hide(); // Handler verbinden Link aLink = LINK( this, SvxNumberFormatTabPage, SelFormatHdl_Impl ); aLbCategory .SetSelectHdl( aLink ); aLbFormat .SetSelectHdl( aLink ); aLbLanguage .SetSelectHdl( aLink ); aLbCurrency .SetSelectHdl( aLink ); aCbSourceFormat .SetClickHdl( aLink ); aLink = LINK( this, SvxNumberFormatTabPage, OptHdl_Impl ); aEdDecimals .SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aEdLeadZeroes .SetModifyHdl( aLink ); aBtnNegRed .SetClickHdl( aLink ); aBtnThousand .SetClickHdl( aLink ); aLbFormat .SetDoubleClickHdl( HDL( DoubleClickHdl_Impl ) ); aEdFormat .SetModifyHdl( HDL( EditHdl_Impl ) ); aIbAdd.SetClickHdl( HDL( ClickHdl_Impl ) ); aIbRemove.SetClickHdl( HDL( ClickHdl_Impl ) ); aIbInfo.SetClickHdl( HDL( ClickHdl_Impl ) ); aLink = LINK( this, SvxNumberFormatTabPage, LostFocusHdl_Impl); aEdComment .SetLoseFocusHdl( aLink); aResetWinTimer .SetTimeoutHdl(LINK( this, SvxNumberFormatTabPage, TimeHdl_Impl)); aResetWinTimer .SetTimeout( 10); // Sprachen-ListBox initialisieren aLbLanguage.InsertLanguage( LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ); // Don't list ambiguous locales where we won't be able to convert the // LanguageType back to an identical Language_Country name and therefore // couldn't load the i18n LocaleData. Show DebugMsg in non-PRODUCT version. ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_uInt16 > xLang = LocaleDataWrapper::getInstalledLanguageTypes(); sal_Int32 nCount = xLang.getLength(); for ( sal_Int32 i=0; iGetValue()) { HideLanguage(); } else { HideLanguage(FALSE); } } eState = rSet.GetItemState( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_INFO ),TRUE,&pItem); if(eState==SFX_ITEM_SET) { if(pNumItem==NULL) { bNumItemFlag=TRUE; pNumItem= (SvxNumberInfoItem *) pItem->Clone(); } else { bNumItemFlag=FALSE; } } else { bNumItemFlag=FALSE; } eState = rSet.GetItemState( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_ONE_AREA )); if(eState==SFX_ITEM_SET) { const SfxBoolItem* pBoolItem = (const SfxBoolItem*) GetItem( rSet, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_ONE_AREA); if(pBoolItem!=NULL) { bOneAreaFlag= pBoolItem->GetValue(); } } //bOneAreaFlag=TRUE; //@@ Debug-Test eState = rSet.GetItemState( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_SOURCE ) ); if ( eState == SFX_ITEM_SET ) { const SfxBoolItem* pBoolItem = (const SfxBoolItem*) GetItem( rSet, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_SOURCE ); if ( pBoolItem ) aCbSourceFormat.Check( pBoolItem->GetValue() ); else aCbSourceFormat.Check( FALSE ); aCbSourceFormat.Enable(); aCbSourceFormat.Show(); } else { BOOL bInit = FALSE; // set to TRUE for debug test aCbSourceFormat.Check( bInit ); aCbSourceFormat.Enable( bInit ); aCbSourceFormat.Show( bInit ); } // pNumItem muss von aussen gesetzt worden sein! DBG_ASSERT( pNumItem, "No NumberInfo, no NumberFormatter, good bye.CRASH. :-(" ); // aktuellen Zahlenformat-Tabellenindex holen eState = rSet.GetItemState( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE ) ); if ( SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE != eState ) pValFmtAttr = (const SfxUInt32Item*) GetItem( rSet, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE ); eValType = pNumItem->GetValueType(); switch ( eValType ) { case SVX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING: aValString = pNumItem->GetValueString(); break; case SVX_VALUE_TYPE_NUMBER: // #50441# string may be set in addition to the value aValString = pNumItem->GetValueString(); nValDouble = pNumItem->GetValueDouble(); break; case SVX_VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED: default: break; } // nun sind alle Informationen fuer die Formatierer-Shell beisammen: if ( pNumFmtShell ) delete pNumFmtShell; // ggF. alte Shell loeschen (==Reset) nInitFormat = ( pValFmtAttr ) // Init-Key merken ? pValFmtAttr->GetValue() // (fuer FillItemSet()) : ULONG_MAX; // == DONT_KNOW if ( eValType == SVX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) pNumFmtShell =SvxNumberFormatShell::Create( pNumItem->GetNumberFormatter(), (pValFmtAttr) ? nInitFormat : 0L, eValType, aValString ); else pNumFmtShell =SvxNumberFormatShell::Create( pNumItem->GetNumberFormatter(), (pValFmtAttr) ? nInitFormat : 0L, eValType, nValDouble, &aValString ); FillCurrencyBox(); String aPrevString; Color* pDummy = NULL; pNumFmtShell->GetInitSettings( nCatLbSelPos, eLangType, nFmtLbSelPos, aFmtEntryList, aPrevString, pDummy ); aLbCurrency.SelectEntryPos((USHORT)pNumFmtShell->GetCurrencySymbol()); nFixedCategory=nCatLbSelPos; String sFixedCategory=aLbCategory.GetEntry(nFixedCategory); if(bOneAreaFlag) { String sFixedCategory=aLbCategory.GetEntry(nFixedCategory); aLbCategory.Clear(); aLbCategory.InsertEntry(sFixedCategory); SetCategory(0); } else { SetCategory(nCatLbSelPos ); } eState = rSet.GetItemState( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_ADD_AUTO ) ); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == eState) pAutoEntryAttr = (const SfxBoolItem*) GetItem( rSet, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_ADD_AUTO ); // no_NO is an alias for nb_NO and normally isn't listed, we need it for // backwards compatibility, but only if the format passed is of // LanguageType no_NO. if ( eLangType == LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN ) { aLbLanguage.RemoveLanguage( eLangType ); // in case we're already called aLbLanguage.InsertLanguage( eLangType ); } aLbLanguage.SelectLanguage( eLangType ); if(pAutoEntryAttr) AddAutomaticLanguage_Impl(eLangType, pAutoEntryAttr->GetValue()); UpdateFormatListBox_Impl(FALSE,TRUE); //! erAck 26.01.01 //! This spoils everything because it rematches currency formats based on //! the selected aLbCurrency entry instead of the current format. //! Besides that everything seems to be initialized by now, so why call it? // SelFormatHdl_Impl( &aLbCategory ); if ( pValFmtAttr ) { EditHdl_Impl( &aEdFormat ); // UpdateOptions_Impl() als Seiteneffekt } else // DONT_KNOW { // Kategoriewechsel und direkte Eingabe sind moeglich, sonst nix: Obstructing(); } if ( aCbSourceFormat.IsChecked() ) { // everything disabled except SourceFormat checkbox EnableBySourceFormat_Impl(); } DeleteEntryList_Impl(aFmtEntryList); } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: Obstructing Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Sperren der Controls mit Ausnahme von Kategoriewechsel #* und direkter Eingabe. #* #* Input: --- #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::Obstructing() { aLbFormat .SetNoSelection(); aLbLanguage .SetNoSelection(); aFtLanguage .Disable(); aLbLanguage .Disable(); aIbAdd.Enable(FALSE ); aIbRemove.Enable(FALSE ); aIbInfo.Enable(FALSE ); aBtnNegRed .Disable(); aBtnThousand .Disable(); aFtLeadZeroes .Disable(); aFtDecimals .Disable(); aEdLeadZeroes .Disable(); aEdDecimals .Disable(); aFlOptions .Disable(); aEdDecimals .SetText( String() ); aEdLeadZeroes .SetText( String() ); aBtnNegRed .Check( FALSE ); aBtnThousand .Check( FALSE ); aWndPreview .NotifyChange( String() ); aLbCategory .SelectEntryPos( 0 ); aEdFormat .SetText( String() ); aFtComment .SetText( String() ); aEdComment .SetText(aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)); //String fuer Benutzerdefiniert //holen aEdFormat .GrabFocus(); } /************************************************************************* #* Enable/Disable dialog parts depending on the value of the SourceFormat #* checkbox. #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::EnableBySourceFormat_Impl() { BOOL bEnable = !aCbSourceFormat.IsChecked(); if ( !bEnable ) aCbSourceFormat.GrabFocus(); aFtCategory .Enable( bEnable ); aLbCategory .Enable( bEnable ); aFtFormat .Enable( bEnable ); aLbCurrency .Enable( bEnable ); aLbFormat .Enable( bEnable ); aFtLanguage .Enable( bEnable ); aLbLanguage .Enable( bEnable ); aFtDecimals .Enable( bEnable ); aEdDecimals .Enable( bEnable ); aFtLeadZeroes .Enable( bEnable ); aEdLeadZeroes .Enable( bEnable ); aBtnNegRed .Enable( bEnable ); aBtnThousand .Enable( bEnable ); aFlOptions .Enable( bEnable ); aFtEdFormat .Enable( bEnable ); aEdFormat .Enable( bEnable ); aIbAdd .Enable( bEnable ); aIbRemove .Enable( bEnable ); aIbInfo .Enable( bEnable ); aFtComment .Enable( bEnable ); aEdComment .Enable( bEnable ); aLbFormat.Invalidate(); // #i43322# } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: HideLanguage Datum:14.05.98 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Versteckt die Spracheinstellung: #* #* Input: BOOL nFlag #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::HideLanguage(BOOL nFlag) { Size aSize=aLbCategory.GetSizePixel(); if(nFlag) { aSize.Height()=aLbFormat.GetSizePixel().Height(); } else { aSize.Height()=nCatHeight; } aLbCategory.SetSizePixel(aSize); aFtLanguage.Show(!nFlag); aLbLanguage.Show(!nFlag); } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: FillItemSet Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Stellt die Attribute im ItemSet ein, #* sowie in der DocShell den numItem, wenn #* bNumItemFlag nicht gesetzt ist. #* #* Input: SfxItemSet #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ BOOL SvxNumberFormatTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rCoreAttrs ) { BOOL bDataChanged = aFtLanguage.IsEnabled() || aCbSourceFormat.IsEnabled(); if ( bDataChanged ) { const SfxItemSet& rMyItemSet = GetItemSet(); USHORT nWhich = GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE ); SfxItemState eItemState = rMyItemSet.GetItemState( nWhich, FALSE ); // OK chosen - Is format code input entered already taken over? // If not, simulate Add. Upon syntax error ignore input and prevent Put. String aFormat = aEdFormat.GetText(); ULONG nCurKey = pNumFmtShell->GetCurNumFmtKey(); if ( aIbAdd.IsEnabled() || pNumFmtShell->IsTmpCurrencyFormat(aFormat) ) { // #79599# It is not sufficient to just add the format code (or // delete it in case of bOneAreaFlag and resulting category change). // Upon switching tab pages we need all settings to be consistent // in case this page will be redisplayed later. bDataChanged = (ClickHdl_Impl( &aIbAdd ) != 0); nCurKey = pNumFmtShell->GetCurNumFmtKey(); } else if(nCurKey == NUMKEY_UNDEFINED) { // something went wrong, e.g. in Writer #70281# pNumFmtShell->FindEntry(aFormat, &nCurKey); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Chosen format: // -------------- if ( bDataChanged ) { bDataChanged = ( nInitFormat != nCurKey ); if (bDataChanged) { rCoreAttrs.Put( SfxUInt32Item( nWhich, nCurKey ) ); } else if(SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == eItemState) { rCoreAttrs.ClearItem( nWhich ); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // List of changed user defined formats: // ------------------------------------- const ULONG nDelCount = pNumFmtShell->GetUpdateDataCount(); if ( nDelCount > 0 ) { ULONG* pDelArr = new ULONG[nDelCount]; pNumFmtShell->GetUpdateData( pDelArr, nDelCount ); pNumItem->SetDelFormatArray( pDelArr, nDelCount ); if(bNumItemFlag==TRUE) { rCoreAttrs.Put( *pNumItem ); } else { SfxObjectShell* pDocSh = SfxObjectShell::Current(); DBG_ASSERT( pDocSh, "DocShell not found!" ); if ( pDocSh ) pDocSh->PutItem( *pNumItem ); } delete [] pDelArr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Whether source format is to be taken or not: // -------------------------------------------- if ( aCbSourceFormat.IsEnabled() ) { USHORT nWhich = GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_SOURCE ); SfxItemState eItemState = rMyItemSet.GetItemState( nWhich, FALSE ); const SfxBoolItem* pBoolItem = (const SfxBoolItem*) GetItem( rMyItemSet, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_SOURCE ); BOOL bOld = (pBoolItem ? pBoolItem->GetValue() : FALSE); rCoreAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, aCbSourceFormat.IsChecked() ) ); if ( !bDataChanged ) bDataChanged = (bOld != aCbSourceFormat.IsChecked() || eItemState != SFX_ITEM_SET); } // FillItemSet is only called on OK, here we can notify the // NumberFormatShell that all new user defined formats are valid. pNumFmtShell->ValidateNewEntries(); if(aLbLanguage.IsVisible() && LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != aLbLanguage.GetEntryPos(sAutomaticEntry)) rCoreAttrs.Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_ADD_AUTO, aLbLanguage.GetSelectEntry() == sAutomaticEntry)); } return bDataChanged; } int SvxNumberFormatTabPage::DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* pSet ) { /* if ( (ULONG_MAX != nInitFormat) && pSet ) { const ULONG nCurKey = pNumFmtShell->GetCurNumFmtKey(); const USHORT nWhich = GetWhich( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE ); SfxItemState eItemState = GetItemSet().GetItemState( nWhich, FALSE ); if ( (nInitFormat == nCurKey) && (SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == eItemState) ) pSet->ClearItem( nWhich ); else pSet->Put( SfxUInt32Item( nWhich, nCurKey ) ); } */ if ( pSet ) FillItemSet( *pSet ); return LEAVE_PAGE; } void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::SetInfoItem( const SvxNumberInfoItem& rItem ) { if(pNumItem==NULL) { pNumItem = (SvxNumberInfoItem*)rItem.Clone(); } } void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::FillFormatListBox_Impl( SvxDelStrgs& rEntries ) { String* pEntry; String aTmpString; String aTmpCatString; Font aFont=aLbCategory.GetFont(); double nVal=0; BOOL bFLAG=FALSE; USHORT i = 0; short nTmpCatPos; short aPrivCat; aLbFormat.Clear(); aLbFormat.SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); USHORT nCount = rEntries.Count(); if(nCount<1) return; if(bOneAreaFlag) { nTmpCatPos=nFixedCategory; } else { nTmpCatPos=aLbCategory.GetSelectEntryPos(); } USHORT nSelPos=LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; switch (nTmpCatPos) { case CAT_ALL: case CAT_TEXT: case CAT_NUMBER: i=1; pEntry=rEntries[0]; if(pEntry!=NULL) { aTmpString=*pEntry; aPrivCat=pNumFmtShell->GetCategory4Entry(0); aLbFormat.InsertFontEntry( aTmpString, aFont ); } break; default: break; } if(pNumFmtShell!=NULL) { for ( ; i < nCount; ++i ) { pEntry = rEntries[i]; aPrivCat=pNumFmtShell->GetCategory4Entry(i); if(aPrivCat!=CAT_TEXT) { Color* pPreviewColor = NULL; String aPreviewString( GetExpColorString( pPreviewColor, *pEntry, aPrivCat ) ); Font aEntryFont( aLbFormat.GetFont() ); aLbFormat.InsertFontEntry( aPreviewString, aEntryFont, pPreviewColor ); } else { aLbFormat.InsertFontEntry(*pEntry,aFont); } } } aLbFormat.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); DeleteEntryList_Impl(rEntries); } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: DeleteEntryList_Impl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Loescht eine SvStrings- Liste #* #* Input: String-liste #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::DeleteEntryList_Impl( SvxDelStrgs& rEntries ) { USHORT nCount = rEntries.Count(); rEntries.DeleteAndDestroy(0,nCount); } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: UpdateOptions_Impl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Stellt je nach eingestelltem Format die Options- #* attribute neu ein. #* #* Input: Flag, ob sich die Kategorie geaendert hat. #* #* Output: --- #* #***?********************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::UpdateOptions_Impl( BOOL bCheckCatChange /*= FALSE*/ ) { SvxDelStrgs aEntryList; String theFormat = aEdFormat.GetText(); USHORT nCurCategory = aLbCategory.GetSelectEntryPos(); USHORT nCategory = nCurCategory; USHORT nDecimals = 0; USHORT nZeroes = 0; BOOL bNegRed = FALSE; BOOL bThousand = FALSE; short nTmpCatPos; USHORT nCurrencyPos =aLbCurrency.GetSelectEntryPos(); if(bOneAreaFlag) { nTmpCatPos=nFixedCategory; nCurCategory=nFixedCategory; } else { nTmpCatPos=nCurCategory; } pNumFmtShell->GetOptions( theFormat, bThousand, bNegRed, nDecimals, nZeroes, nCategory ); BOOL bDoIt=FALSE; if(nCategory==CAT_CURRENCY) { USHORT nTstPos=pNumFmtShell->FindCurrencyFormat(theFormat); if(nCurrencyPos!=nTstPos && nTstPos!=(USHORT)-1) { aLbCurrency.SelectEntryPos(nTstPos); pNumFmtShell->SetCurrencySymbol(nTstPos); bDoIt=TRUE; } } if ( nCategory != nCurCategory || bDoIt) { if ( bCheckCatChange ) { if(bOneAreaFlag) SetCategory(0); else SetCategory(nCategory ); UpdateFormatListBox_Impl( TRUE, FALSE ); } } else if ( aLbFormat.GetEntryCount() > 0 ) { ULONG nCurEntryKey=NUMKEY_UNDEFINED; if(!pNumFmtShell->FindEntry( aEdFormat.GetText(),&nCurEntryKey)) { aLbFormat.SetNoSelection(); } } if(bOneAreaFlag) { nCategory=nFixedCategory; } switch ( nCategory ) { case CAT_NUMBER: case CAT_PERCENT: case CAT_CURRENCY: aFlOptions.Enable(); aFtDecimals.Enable(); aEdDecimals.Enable(); aFtLeadZeroes.Enable(); aEdLeadZeroes.Enable(); aBtnNegRed.Enable(); aBtnThousand.Enable(); /* aEdDecimals .SetValue( nDecimals ); aEdLeadZeroes.SetValue( nZeroes ); */ aEdDecimals .SetText( UniString::CreateFromInt32( nDecimals ) ); aEdLeadZeroes.SetText( UniString::CreateFromInt32( nZeroes ) ); aBtnNegRed .Check( bNegRed ); aBtnThousand .Check( bThousand ); break; case CAT_ALL: case CAT_USERDEFINED: case CAT_TEXT: case CAT_DATE: case CAT_TIME: case CAT_BOOLEAN: case CAT_SCIENTIFIC: case CAT_FRACTION: default: aFlOptions .Disable(); aFtDecimals .Disable(); aEdDecimals .Disable(); aFtLeadZeroes .Disable(); aEdLeadZeroes .Disable(); aBtnNegRed .Disable(); aBtnThousand .Disable(); aEdDecimals .SetText( UniString::CreateFromInt32( 0 ) ); aEdLeadZeroes .SetText( UniString::CreateFromInt32( 0 ) ); aBtnNegRed .Check( FALSE ); aBtnThousand .Check( FALSE ); } } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: UpdateFormatListBox_Impl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Aktualisiert die Format- Listbox und zusaetzlich #* wird abhaengig vom bUpdateEdit- Flag der String #* in der Editbox geaendert. #* #* Input: Flags fuer Kategorie und Editbox #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::UpdateFormatListBox_Impl ( USHORT bCat, // Category oder Land/Sprache ListBox? BOOL bUpdateEdit // Format-Edit aktualisieren? ) { SvxDelStrgs aEntryList; short nFmtLbSelPos = 0; short nTmpCatPos; if(bOneAreaFlag) { nTmpCatPos=nFixedCategory; } else { nTmpCatPos=aLbCategory.GetSelectEntryPos(); } if ( bCat ) { Point aPos=aLbFormat.GetPosPixel(); Size aSize=aLbFormat.GetSizePixel(); if(nTmpCatPos!=CAT_CURRENCY) { aPos.Y()=nStdFormatY; aSize.Height()=nStdFormatHeight; aLbFormat.SetPosSizePixel(aPos,aSize); aLbCurrency.Hide(); } else { aPos.Y()=nCurFormatY; aSize.Height()=nCurFormatHeight; aLbFormat.SetPosSizePixel(aPos,aSize); aLbCurrency.Show(); } pNumFmtShell->CategoryChanged( nTmpCatPos,nFmtLbSelPos, aEntryList ); } else pNumFmtShell->LanguageChanged( aLbLanguage.GetSelectLanguage(), nFmtLbSelPos,aEntryList ); REMOVE_DONTKNOW() // ggF. UI-Enable if ( (aEntryList.Count() > 0) && (nFmtLbSelPos != SELPOS_NONE) ) { if(bUpdateEdit) { String aFormat=*aEntryList[nFmtLbSelPos]; aEdFormat.SetText(aFormat); aFtComment.SetText(pNumFmtShell->GetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos)); //@23.09.97 aEdFormat.SetText( aLbFormat.GetSelectEntry() ); } if(!bOneAreaFlag || !bCat) { FillFormatListBox_Impl( aEntryList ); aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( nFmtLbSelPos ); aFtComment.SetText(pNumFmtShell->GetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos)); if(pNumFmtShell->GetUserDefined4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos)) { if(pNumFmtShell->GetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos).Len()==0) { aFtComment.SetText(aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)); } } ChangePreviewText( (USHORT)nFmtLbSelPos ); } } else { FillFormatListBox_Impl( aEntryList ); if(nFmtLbSelPos != SELPOS_NONE) { aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( (USHORT)nFmtLbSelPos ); aFtComment.SetText(pNumFmtShell->GetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos)); if(pNumFmtShell->GetUserDefined4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos)) { if(pNumFmtShell->GetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos).Len()==0) { aFtComment.SetText(aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)); } } } else { aLbFormat.SetNoSelection(); } if ( bUpdateEdit ) { aEdFormat.SetText( String() ); aWndPreview.NotifyChange( String() ); } } } /************************************************************************* #* Handle: DoubleClickHdl_Impl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Bei einem Doppelklick in die Format- Listbox #* wird der Wert uebernommen und der OK-Button #* ausgeloest #* #* Input: Pointer auf Listbox #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SvxNumberFormatTabPage, DoubleClickHdl_Impl, SvxFontListBox*, pLb ) { if ( pLb == &aLbFormat ) { SelFormatHdl_Impl( pLb ); // Uebergangsloesung, sollte von SfxTabPage angeboten werden fnOkHdl.Call( NULL ); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: SelFormatHdl_Impl Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Wird aufgerufen, wenn sich die Sprache, die Kategorie #* oder das Format aendert. Dem entsprechend werden die #* Einstellungen geaendert. #* #* Input: Pointer auf Listbox #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SvxNumberFormatTabPage, SelFormatHdl_Impl, void *, pLb ) { if ( (CheckBox*)pLb == &aCbSourceFormat ) { EnableBySourceFormat_Impl(); // enable/disable everything else if ( aCbSourceFormat.IsChecked() ) return 0; // just disabled everything else // Reinit options enable/disable for current selection. // Current category may be UserDefined with no format entries defined. // And yes, aLbFormat is a SvxFontListBox with ULONG list positions, // implementation returns a LIST_APPEND if empty, comparison with // USHORT LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND wouldn't match. if ( aLbFormat.GetSelectEntryPos() == LIST_APPEND ) pLb = &aLbCategory; // continue with the current category selected else pLb = &aLbFormat; // continue with the current format selected } short nTmpCatPos; if(bOneAreaFlag) { nTmpCatPos=nFixedCategory; } else { nTmpCatPos=aLbCategory.GetSelectEntryPos(); } USHORT nCurrencyPos=LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ; if(nTmpCatPos==CAT_CURRENCY && (ListBox *)pLb == &aLbCurrency ) { nCurrencyPos=aLbCurrency.GetSelectEntryPos(); pNumFmtShell->SetCurrencySymbol(nCurrencyPos); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Format-ListBox ---------------------------------------------------- if ( (SvxFontListBox *)pLb == &aLbFormat ) { USHORT nSelPos = (USHORT) aLbFormat.GetSelectEntryPos(); String aFormat = aLbFormat.GetSelectEntry(); String aComment; SvxDelStrgs aEntryList; short nFmtLbSelPos = nSelPos; aFormat=pNumFmtShell->GetFormat4Entry(nSelPos); aComment=pNumFmtShell->GetComment4Entry(nSelPos); if(pNumFmtShell->GetUserDefined4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos)) { if(pNumFmtShell->GetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos).Len()==0) { aComment=aLbCategory.GetEntry(1); } } if ( aFormat.Len() > 0 ) { if(!aEdFormat.HasFocus()) aEdFormat.SetText( aFormat ); aFtComment.SetText(aComment); ChangePreviewText( nSelPos ); } REMOVE_DONTKNOW() // ggF. UI-Enable if ( pNumFmtShell->FindEntry( aFormat) ) { aIbAdd.Enable(FALSE ); BOOL bIsUserDef=pNumFmtShell->IsUserDefined( aFormat ); aIbRemove.Enable(bIsUserDef); aIbInfo.Enable(bIsUserDef); } else { aIbAdd.Enable(TRUE ); aIbInfo.Enable(TRUE ); aIbRemove.Enable(FALSE ); aFtComment.SetText(aEdComment.GetText()); } UpdateOptions_Impl( FALSE ); //------- return 0; //------- } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Kategorie-ListBox ------------------------------------------------- if ( pLb == &aLbCategory || pLb == &aLbCurrency) { UpdateFormatListBox_Impl( TRUE, TRUE ); EditHdl_Impl( NULL ); UpdateOptions_Impl( FALSE ); //------- return 0; //------- } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprache/Land-ListBox ---------------------------------------------- if ( pLb == &aLbLanguage ) { UpdateFormatListBox_Impl( FALSE, TRUE ); EditHdl_Impl( &aEdFormat ); //------- return 0; //------- } return 0; } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: ClickHdl_Impl, ImageButton* pIB Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Wenn, der Hinzufuegen- oder Entfernen- Button #* wird diese Funktion aufgerufen und die Zahlenformat- #* Liste den entsprechend geaendert. #* #* Input: Toolbox- Button #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SvxNumberFormatTabPage, ClickHdl_Impl, ImageButton*, pIB) { BOOL bAdded = FALSE; BOOL bDeleted = FALSE; ULONG nReturn = 0; const ULONG nReturnChanged = 0x1; // THE boolean return value const ULONG nReturnAdded = 0x2; // temp: format added const ULONG nReturnOneArea = 0x4; // temp: one area but category changed => ignored if(pIB==&aIbAdd) { // Also called from FillItemSet() if a temporary currency format has // to be added, not only if the Add button is enabled. String aFormat = aEdFormat.GetText(); SvxDelStrgs aEntryList; SvxDelStrgs a2EntryList; USHORT nCatLbSelPos = 0; short nFmtLbSelPos = SELPOS_NONE; ULONG nErrPos=0; pNumFmtShell->SetCurCurrencyEntry(NULL); bAdded = pNumFmtShell->AddFormat( aFormat, nErrPos, nCatLbSelPos, nFmtLbSelPos, aEntryList); if ( bAdded ) nReturn |= nReturnChanged | nReturnAdded; if(pLastActivWindow== (Window *) &aEdComment) { aEdFormat.GrabFocus(); aEdComment.Hide(); aFtComment.Show(); aFtComment.SetText(aEdComment.GetText()); } if ( !nErrPos ) // Syntax ok? { if(nCatLbSelPos==CAT_CURRENCY) { aLbCurrency.SelectEntryPos((USHORT)pNumFmtShell->GetCurrencySymbol()); } if(bOneAreaFlag && (nFixedCategory!=nCatLbSelPos)) { if(bAdded) DeleteEntryList_Impl(aEntryList); bDeleted = pNumFmtShell->RemoveFormat( aFormat, nCatLbSelPos, nFmtLbSelPos, a2EntryList); if(bDeleted) DeleteEntryList_Impl(a2EntryList); aEdFormat.GrabFocus(); aEdFormat.SetSelection( Selection( (short)nErrPos, SELECTION_MAX ) ); nReturn |= nReturnOneArea; } else { if ( bAdded && (nFmtLbSelPos != SELPOS_NONE) ) { // Alles klar if(bOneAreaFlag) //@@ ??? SetCategory(0); else SetCategory(nCatLbSelPos ); FillFormatListBox_Impl( aEntryList ); if(aEdComment.GetText()!=aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)) { pNumFmtShell->SetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos, aEdComment.GetText()); } else { pNumFmtShell->SetComment4Entry(nFmtLbSelPos, String()); } aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( (USHORT)nFmtLbSelPos ); aEdFormat.SetText( aFormat ); //aEdComment.SetText(String()); //@@ ??? aEdComment.SetText(aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)); //String fuer Benutzerdefiniert //holen ChangePreviewText( (USHORT)nFmtLbSelPos ); } } } else // Syntaxfehler { aEdFormat.GrabFocus(); aEdFormat.SetSelection( Selection( (short)nErrPos, SELECTION_MAX ) ); } EditHdl_Impl( &aEdFormat ); nReturn = ((nReturn & nReturnOneArea) ? 0 : (nReturn & nReturnChanged)); } else if(pIB==&aIbRemove) { String aFormat = aEdFormat.GetText(); SvxDelStrgs aEntryList; USHORT nCatLbSelPos = 0; short nFmtLbSelPos = SELPOS_NONE; bDeleted = pNumFmtShell->RemoveFormat( aFormat, nCatLbSelPos, nFmtLbSelPos, aEntryList ); aEdComment.SetText(aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)); if ( bDeleted ) { if(nFmtLbSelPos>=0 && nFmtLbSelPosFindEntry( aFormat, &nCurKey ) ) { aIbAdd.Enable(FALSE ); BOOL bUserDef=pNumFmtShell->IsUserDefined( aFormat ); aIbRemove.Enable(bUserDef); aIbInfo.Enable(bUserDef); if(bUserDef) { USHORT nTmpCurPos=pNumFmtShell->FindCurrencyFormat(aFormat ); if(nTmpCurPos!=(USHORT)-1) aLbCurrency.SelectEntryPos(nTmpCurPos); } short nPosi=pNumFmtShell->GetListPos4Entry(aFormat); if(nPosi>=0) aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( (USHORT)nPosi); } else { aIbAdd.Enable(TRUE ); aIbInfo.Enable(TRUE); aIbRemove.Enable(FALSE ); aFtComment.SetText(aEdComment.GetText()); } } if ( pEdFormat ) { pNumFmtShell->SetCurNumFmtKey( nCurKey ); UpdateOptions_Impl( TRUE ); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: NotifyChange Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Fuehrt Aenderungen in den Zahlen- Attributen durch. #* #* Input: Options- Controls #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SvxNumberFormatTabPage, OptHdl_Impl, void *, pOptCtrl ) { if ( ((NumericField*)pOptCtrl == &aEdLeadZeroes) || ((NumericField*)pOptCtrl == &aEdDecimals) || ((CheckBox*) pOptCtrl == &aBtnNegRed) || ((CheckBox*) pOptCtrl == &aBtnThousand) ) { String aFormat; BOOL bThousand = aBtnThousand.IsEnabled() && aBtnThousand.IsChecked(); BOOL bNegRed = aBtnNegRed.IsEnabled() && aBtnNegRed.IsChecked(); USHORT nPrecision = (aEdDecimals.IsEnabled()) ? (USHORT)aEdDecimals.GetValue() : (USHORT)0; USHORT nLeadZeroes = (aEdLeadZeroes.IsEnabled()) ? (USHORT)aEdLeadZeroes.GetValue() : (USHORT)0; pNumFmtShell->MakeFormat( aFormat, bThousand, bNegRed, nPrecision, nLeadZeroes, (USHORT)aLbFormat.GetSelectEntryPos() ); aEdFormat.SetText( aFormat ); //aFtComment.SetText(String()); MakePreviewText( aFormat ); if ( pNumFmtShell->FindEntry( aFormat ) ) { aIbAdd.Enable(FALSE ); BOOL bUserDef=pNumFmtShell->IsUserDefined( aFormat ); aIbRemove.Enable(bUserDef); aIbInfo.Enable(bUserDef); EditHdl_Impl( &aEdFormat); } else { EditHdl_Impl( NULL ); aLbFormat.SetNoSelection(); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SvxNumberFormatTabPage, TimeHdl_Impl, Timer*, pT) { pLastActivWindow=NULL; return 0; } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: LostFocusHdl_Impl Datum:30.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Fuehrt Aenderungen in den Zahlen- Attributen durch. #* #* Input: Options- Controls #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SvxNumberFormatTabPage, LostFocusHdl_Impl, Edit *, pEd) { if (pEd==&aEdComment) { aResetWinTimer.Start(); aFtComment.SetText(aEdComment.GetText()); aEdComment.Hide(); aFtComment.Show(); if(!aIbAdd.IsEnabled()) { USHORT nSelPos = (USHORT) aLbFormat.GetSelectEntryPos(); pNumFmtShell->SetComment4Entry(nSelPos, aEdComment.GetText()); aEdComment.SetText(aLbCategory.GetEntry(1)); //String fuer Benutzerdefiniert //holen } } return 0; } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: NotifyChange Datum:02.10.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Fuehrt Aenderungen in den Zahlen- Attributen durch. #* #* Input: Options- Controls #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ String SvxNumberFormatTabPage::GetExpColorString( Color*& rpPreviewColor, const String& rFormatStr, short nTmpCatPos) { double nVal = 0; switch (nTmpCatPos) { case CAT_CURRENCY: nVal=SVX_NUMVAL_CURRENCY; break; case CAT_SCIENTIFIC: case CAT_FRACTION: case CAT_NUMBER: nVal=SVX_NUMVAL_STANDARD; break; case CAT_PERCENT: nVal=SVX_NUMVAL_PERCENT; break; case CAT_ALL: nVal=SVX_NUMVAL_STANDARD; break; case CAT_TIME: nVal=SVX_NUMVAL_TIME; break; case CAT_DATE: nVal=SVX_NUMVAL_DATE; break; case CAT_BOOLEAN: nVal=SVX_NUMVAL_BOOLEAN; break; case CAT_USERDEFINED: case CAT_TEXT: default: nVal=0;break; } String aPreviewString; pNumFmtShell->MakePrevStringFromVal( rFormatStr, aPreviewString, rpPreviewColor, nVal ); return aPreviewString; } void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::MakePreviewText( const String& rFormat ) { String aPreviewString; Color* pPreviewColor = NULL; pNumFmtShell->MakePreviewString( rFormat, aPreviewString, pPreviewColor ); aWndPreview.NotifyChange( aPreviewString, pPreviewColor ); } void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::ChangePreviewText( USHORT nPos ) { String aPreviewString; Color* pPreviewColor = NULL; pNumFmtShell->FormatChanged( nPos, aPreviewString, pPreviewColor ); aWndPreview.NotifyChange( aPreviewString, pPreviewColor ); } long SvxNumberFormatTabPage::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if(rNEvt.GetType()==EVENT_LOSEFOCUS) { pLastActivWindow=rNEvt.GetWindow(); } return SfxTabPage::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } /************************************************************************* #* Methode: SetOkHdl Datum:01.11.97 #*------------------------------------------------------------------------ #* #* Klasse: SvxNumberFormatTabPage #* #* Funktion: Setzt den OkHandler neu. #* #* Input: Neuer OkHandler #* #* Output: --- #* #************************************************************************/ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::SetOkHdl( const Link& rOkHandler ) { fnOkHdl = rOkHandler; } void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::FillCurrencyBox() { SvStringsDtor aList; NfShCurrencyEntries rEntries; XubString* pEntry = NULL; USHORT nPos=0; USHORT nSelPos=0; pNumFmtShell->GetCurrencySymbols(aList,aStrEurope,&nSelPos); for(USHORT i=1;iGetValue()); }